The people. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 1877-1884, January 24, 1884, Image 3

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■JS kOM, all TtaaBherlfjrtU^#,^ rwl | WMf ty iMtt«al«day^'|f *1)]', , ; Th« (pNwo* Hr *»K»ao* <Jear will #Xf>lr« February tlw ^t. J ' „• I ivMbio tMiva^aaitlKr*. ifflalr’*. Capt a & Fatjlto* niid^anstty Mt for Orlaudo, rtt«ifc.j>fe11yp«dyf , j., (J«i. r. M. IWttrtXnr *«w »l«bw^» har- mta and muleiM Saturday. The DarnRPdNNiiairS. ^(talfHa Pascal *«*r' KarnwHt and lit okvillehaab(*en IMMi’dtetieeQU. ” L«t «reryi?tpinfr !u th<»>Hintr try to make hi* "hoc aftd ho«ulrvy H at bom* tht* year. / Tho man who atol% onr owr^hoea will J, MIKE VOX turn t^llUiBCK^QAitOEM.-J - aepti HaTrifc, ttoelHwtor. M. Y-. uff «a u> ayud *«-«d* to tbaohiMiVtn at 16 p*.r cent, lea* than (ataloKue rate*. Hie seeds are Hi* v»*ry beat. We lm»«< used Uieut and c <11 reooniiuitud theiu. CaUiojfue fur 1W4 free. Send for tu Appointments of Wllliston Circuit for Itoi: _1 l m lYUll-dxw, 1st Kuuday, 11 a. m. aul ly, p *i. Wi liet<<ii, S i Bunday, 1 l / t p. m. Blloain, Snd t'Uiiday, 11 a. m. New Hope, and buuday 3 p. m. Pierue’e C impel, S 1 Bpiida), 11 a. m. Weeley Chapel, Saturday L> foie ith Sun day, 11 d- m. bpii"^. 4<h Sunday, 11 «r pciV Ch pel. llh .sundry, 8 m. XI. li. I’oOrKB, Pabtor. On and «ft< r 4th Februnry, 1334, the euh- scrltier aid traiie ct, his taw bubin<‘W> dur* l«Uf Hond.-.y.i I victjJ ■ \ » and Wedneadaya of mich wc k at the « fllco of U. Duiicjiii Belli urer, Lsq., Maator 1h Equity, ami on the ivmalnlm d»< a. pf me.w«,ea at hia if- . wfi* pleaee aeeept^ur thanh-r for epartor tw- WillUton. L-tlyre addreseed to l 4 |ur umbrella. Cheapest pr»* Hi tKh'HtWlr »t Mr-. Uolalr’s. aj. It is no loiur»r eonal ered en r^sle to l^ls® the bride alt weddiny. T she H out on th» -bti'lcsin -He The kitchen carton must not be f<>r«ot- ten—rain *r shine—Froparo your hot beds for lender plants, ,-f . Handkerchiefs, mournlnc and In colors, at Mia MolaliV „ It U eertoln that the *U on* crop which will not be a failure this year. Tn« U» w op la certainly sate. ^ Mr. William Dicks has been appeintod postiuaHter at O eenla ai, vice (i-iorce II- Bates, Esq .reehrted. Ftschussnd Etrbroideileu at Jura. Mo- lull ’s." •Tease Dunn 1<*ft for Kentucky la*t Thor'- day, but ‘‘ti e cirl he 1< ft la Ultid” suys slie is not y« tdi>n« with hiiu. This la let .ip Ts ir. c rl*. Mate the old baciielors marry or'*lea.e (he World and climb a Aupllni;." Cadies and clilldrsti’* collars and collar- ctteejit.Mr*, M4d.*iJ.'j» Dr. J. Byers»n Smith will heat Mre. A- W.ilker’', lo-<lay u-d to-morrow, pre- ^.i^i*<i U> moet Ida Bumwe>l eiic»K'*ment|t. ^t is undcr-tieet tlitt the clrla lmv« adopted th - foikiwlnc es th< lr motto f<<r leap ye!»r: ’If you s« , c what you want, a k for it." Ilia Jury romrri<uiiiicrftnd hU as ist- nnt* commeuc’*! on Mondayaud compli t- c>l on vestei'd.- y the tireparation of the ju ry lists lor tiila year. Mr. J. U Jidta. an «terrfetjtc you ic ffen- tk'maii fr».r IbeLaiw.-r Buna. Ins ivim v<.*ii to Atlanta, win r#li« wi.l co.'iulo l>m-i.>et-s. We le^rii th * t T. U It 1 .IiIiisom inis exe cuted his tioud for the Hamberc poalniat-t- eis'op. Dr. Webster ol CTuiijp-b'.rg la ore of Ida Miri. tioa. Mr J. It t i*t«Tll>’C, so well sn<l popu- lu ly known, is now travel.Inc f r the-old and lelUbk* h use of Hem y liiach fT A ( »p ; ‘•Wh Yo wouM we i*i without womenf''’ lists u writer. u’» hstd to determinw wulch way ti»e majotlty w«rtil<l drlfi, but » me iiion Would .»<< utof iV*htami out of iro- bie, and anowd tuany others wouhl be out at i heir elbows. Tb* younc todies are havluc It all their own wu/mow; but just wait Mil th«y “pop the iTi-wtHni'* and ate safely lauded on the iiiaii iiuontol snore—tli-n they wd. loaru a new ionsoii and blue <t l ew sonc- Married, on the J«t lust, a* the resi dence u f the biile’s pureiiie, in B«d t)ak 'J owuah^. by the Ib e. F. J. Suiulera. Mr. D. O Mil Hi <ii, of Sumter, and Miss llosa. daiiKht-r <>f Mr. Ja es Lmt — MVe VV. J llixaeii wi 1 roiiiovc tTv* p<<8t oRlce |i> the bttii'lloj' on the south -i ‘e of the .q i re o|<ta>*lte J U3 PtOPLE < dice. C'uiiill<li^> a i«d cai<b <cn should com:ne<aaMto«a. rhcfotiuar »h<mid p’.ivnl oai'itsatHl ihe litter prepare h<»c tied.H.— Five do lats cash wul secure Ciudulalea frui.t seats in <<ur picture callery. At the mtinlci’al t»l ctl >ni i Allendale on the llih Inst, the f.di.iwi g ticket was o.ecloa wdliput up(>*Ei I» : I*toa-auM L. lobln.{ Vfjinieua. M<m«r* i.cli <> iV|is< f. M. Crovcti and tJ&ti" yui a. colored. wi I fl'id hi in at cither place on the days appointed. H. M. Thompaoti, j in21-lf Altorm y at LatW; OU r < p pibith.—' tu the Slat ult. a younc e-f-tidi place -proTtdwd- fitrriyptf- wlth a q<i irt of th < |>o| u ar antidote for snake bit-'S. Uilhnlst instant tie turned or. r a new leaf and swornoit. On the ■!) Ii iobtint ho concludeil that he uilciit be aanke bttieu next summer, and a« an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure, concluded to take time by Lha forelock and praveut. a lejfal fi lend was Inviu d P< | him In so doinc and they ataite.1 off to ‘ amiie” P>c<‘tlier, buk aUa! a tnuMcai titoldbi:! mist had mprured the pliyaicaud the la w remained a dry study. Asakl/s YlSiX*—Four of the loreTrst and the i- st. the sweetest and the preAti- •»t yeuug ladies tlwt ever Kr.rted an edi tor’s sanci um, or made clud the hei rt of a lonelv hadielor, visited the PoasasuMl I an- iht office last week-but our al’senmt at ihv time Wl 1 bn a Source ol iifc-luiic lerflet.— Abbeville 1'rubs ami Banner. Can't f<k.l us. You saw < m and bllpj e ! out at the : ack door Oorht to bc aehan.sdof yourscB, so yMti h vd.—Eilce- HkB MoaUor. , Und< r the circu*r stances w<> don't blame Hrer Wils n. Ao*or<il<ic to o^ir experumce the pictth'bt girls n, the cougheguti .ii arc Mi wj*ys appoint**!! ou churvii couiiiiillt'tfB. W«*re been there. ' T ' . • ' r -VU *A ili-So—* FOR HA lxE. ;u 1 ZO Bnslieto Bed Bust ^roo! Oats IOU »t iB cents per ImahH. J. R. HAIR, Etoo.M a OTTO TiEOEHiN & SOUS. ’WHOIaiCto A.L<1C < 8*. And Provision D^nlciv, 102 and IC4 Es«t Bay Ft. Chsrisslon, S. 0. TroviSioiii a specialty. We hars U>r»ys an hand a large stock of rrim: Mert*. also cheap cut* aad grades of every d acriptlon of memi and a fud sssortiuent of Gr«ccries, Tobacco, (ligtvni. Ao- eeUld Iy THOLSaND-SOFCOUiAKS ere wasted on I’hysicians' fee* hy the <lya- peptic, the rheumatic, the biHou* ami the ne.'vbils, when a dollar expemlcd oa that un approachable veyoiabieTenic asi Alterative Dr. Simmuns’s Hepatic (' \ OB LIVER AND KIDNFYCURE, Cabbaga.—There is ntopoy in cabbage.— A few J eats ago laige q'mutitiew wer« Im- ported from Ot-riuauy to New York. Ai d nu.v good O'bb.ive ant Very scarce sml lilgli. si lling in our in .rket at 20 ecu s per lioud. It, ii an easy matter to grow otnO good wi'iter c.tboa'*oun an acru with litile labor than it r. quires to grow an » re of potito. k. Tile gro..t | olnt is to get g yd seril of v:itlcli«*s sum to hmd. Jo- seilh Harris. BvChester. N, Y, a largo fut- iq ir ami so--dgrow r, in his catalogue for 1k«K ic) s <11 tbotil c >bo*go and < ffers ti e b*tei of sued at vet y low mtes. Dr.<p lnni •i card a<.u ho will sc. d you his caiulogLe friu Brother Ifoimos, of tho Darn«oil I'eo* Pue i» so aw inly bush ul that it Woulii be a.i act of c .arily on the part. ^if some young lady, who proposes to live up to her leap year privileges, to co i t l.iai. If ^s <u.eti i g Itko ll.i« ain’t <i iui wv ar« v. t > much i.fraid that lie is d<sii<.e<l to go i<> h:s gi avu an I toot , igiblo old Omchelor.- Xlmasaml D. al You ate light, Urol her Aims; you al ways are. We thank you f »r ybtlrViflf rcd at<l and hope t<i see ttis-"p.»wvr of tlte press" . xsainl fl/ i in the fu fldma.,t of your wish. As <u.egood turn des rvo- an- «»th*r wi» pr <y that a widow an y c nal you beiole the k’ait >’<•«!• itlee. No remedy in tlie world ever so fally won the coi.ti'lciice ofmanki.'.J as HEPATIC COMPOUND, OR i.ivrr a yin uiayivv crHfr For (lie cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Constipniioi! and all (roubles arisiug from the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder Taken two or three titii-s » day it prevents Fever and Ague. Malarial Fever, Dipiiivria, Scarlet Fever and Cholera.* RT 011 WOMAN hW why wilhyou allow yoursell to be prostrated 1 , your system enervated, your hea’ih com plet'dy de<<trnye<l hy the gnuut strides of those insidious ami oft tLnea l«!al ilisens's calle<l "Female tt’eakiieascs ’’ when you can he entirely cured hy using SUMMONS'IIK- BATItMXtMfODS Jr Ir^wltl retnove ITnf pies aii'l Blotches.' pnri f y y«ur blood and make your s'.ia clear and healthy. For site everywhere, and in Darnwe 1 ! by Dr. A. li l*aftcrs«n and ( buries Peehnmnn. l.liu kville b_r Drs. L. C* Hlepben* and J. II. I’rioe. \* i liston by Drs. L. Rrooker, and W. C. Sinitii still VV. II Kenaedy. mclil-ly Alva Gage & Go. raopiUKTOKs of the ChRrJcston Ice House, Market,Cot CKurcW St, (Jltailcstrn, S. C -ft! juU ■‘111- ■AS. 0. BART & CO. r CHAWlelCM’rON. to. C. Tlie luirpcst Importeik 6f FRUIT in the Seutb, oiler tut sale a well selected stick of Apples, Otanpes, Bananas, Umrunntla. lotuiims, Nuts, 1>> led Fiji*, Raisin**. Pvh WoffcT'alib-igei 1 , Ouious l'e nuts, and everything: else that a fint class whole sale Fiuit Home simuld have. Country orders filled wi'h dispatch. ^neiYo Wauted. COTTON SKFD! COTTON SEKD \ I will p»tv (1AF) firteen cents cash per IJusIiH for lO.tMHI llttslicls Sound Dry Cotton Seed, dclivetcd to mo at this place ts foro tlu lir>t of next November. W ill p<mW..o U44WS MaaF Me Cotton Neetb -—- J. N. WCMID, octl F lam’s Turnout, S. C. ■aft' Jtoefffle, !>■■■*■ BiR.v WELL BMLMU. On a ml after Mu’day, Jan. 3 at 1S3I, will rnn as rottwra UH fnrt'.sr nnliee: ■ llhitty—K**iep» SnnJ»y».| VV ICHTWATTI a. HTATiONS. I I ItaU | 7 Xce'iH. !• tvaia I.v Bla< kville " Astih i|[h “ iV «l»antV Ar ■ sruwi tl A. M t !S 7- ra 11 no 1 is w. T.'S l«* » n i:s IC <A W'l'VV A It I>. ST \TIONS. | 4 Mail ! 4 Arc’ia A. M !T"»T !.* narnw. ll I *• Wmslwanra I " Asiilvigii Ar Kla> AviUn 7?!< t.V. a no MS fi.’S t.ts (Ml t^amrUgailiva4i>iuii» <».Bim »Iiua Ihiilwav Twins a. fuliuna: L a Oil BuulB Car- Sir [) pi rig, Steamboat, and Ci:y TrsJc Suppli< d. lee Pttckctl for tlie Country n Spe- ciultv. fchl-Vly. TF7w The b*<cklMiu.< of ytintor ia b'oEan Wn have this oppit the tliu au'h iLy nf sev- eyai well k«wW«t liars tksr efora it ciu bo d [n-n'l<s4upon Now is the time to lay in a t.ew siocauf Rre waxlatid overoonto. A subsci-IUwaakt us tor aifrlee. W« re- spectfuiiy refer him to lilsbutter half, who is better acqifrstutod with him aud far III IV g and eo«p*U’UtU» n-cturH him than wo art*, ttaim I.lto to twtUfy theu we will try our baud He waa sentimental and she was sensi ble, and both were on tb« v rutida g-t ug at Ilia co mot, Up aighed like a furnace and Said: “To me this world ie eo deaolate; no <gie iovee me.” Ami she, like au anirm of ineicy, replied In lute-like U>o««; "Y u are mistaken; Ood love* you—AelofcEnll bUfeatures." Me went home befvC* ten. Uov. Bagood'e balud-t stock farm baa- been conducted ou bualneM prtnclpteesnd Isa pronounced suce**ss. Five huudnsl liea<l of st« ck eve kept all Um year round i nd In a< Veu years only two have been kill- ed oy dogfe aod hone hare been stolen. K shepherd atni kla w, il iralnon dog bring up all the a<Uwai»*t aud pen tbeiu lu recur* khd oomfortoble quartet*. It'v •' X-J ■ » 1 Bet tot to eourt a girl for her money “ Thau to tuatry aapuliOtig qUq; Bettor to eel yoursCrAa wltlinM heoey 11 iwed^qmia iht»*b Mmv ,, Better to live a life of A Tu.iu to be cabled ’iH iTid tu % hadk, • . Bettor to keep your wife out of ►bdotjr 'i ban to owe for Iwr eealaktu seek. For thd^thformhUon of any of our reed- pr* wfaomiito|Hpl|tej;aisl|ig oqfpwe will a late that lh« hext dfslribhUori of German carp in eur Ktate will be tpode next Me- veniorr end Deevoiber. AU epblkatiens must be made In Ike name WLite t‘“ r W"t wishing the eerp. Iu no e se will More than twenty flea beae'tt foe >>ito pund,- tpuUcetldoa atdr’be N I V I j. .VUiVst. Columbia Las 41 barrooun*. The State is uuw payli.g the R«riJ- ronii Counniar-ionvrs to do nothing but h »ld their oflkve. — Abbeville M< dluir. The railroad agent at Foit Mo • injsterinuelj- «Mtwp|>«-ardil from LN p<i- eKion about a w«H<k ago, since which time 1 O Inrg hue been heard of him. ‘Bmvwu.i, SD*,’ Jouu Qiaos is aclii g lo bis stesd —Mrr Ctoorfto D *w|e t 0 f uj e Huu « f SCNPTOR PRtCE LIST. M’-ESiREE S^% ^.vyEWELRV ^'- ^ALACh 'CH A R L rs TON, S. C. WROEST STOCKc - LOWEST PRICES IN tf THE n .S O U T H. Repairing a Spficialty. N!5 ME .Yoy R tfAT-' H F <?,' ’ Money to Lend, In stuns from $500.00 to $500,000.00, ON FIVE YKAK3 TIM it). Pon't write fir particulars but'call in persou on w. n. mjNCAN, Atiorncy- at Law, Barnwell C. H.,S. C. Olfice hours from 0 A. M. to 2 1*. Jl. in rear of J. W. Blanton's store. oci25-3m A Mu bit ILu e 10 Dtal Wiih. W. u. \\ tmr. LANIER E A SOX'. Welch & Eason, Dealers iu tT.oLc F ’milj ind IMan’atioo GROCERIES. 127,1-9 Mee'in^nn<l Southwest ootacr Market Sts. ClinrSehtou. S. C. Send for Brice List. Drayage or I’acking. No charge for [«Kt25 tll<:NHV STEITZ, Ii.tpoiter and Whotvaule l<c.ilfv iii F0itlC\ AND DOIIJCTIC FUTIT. . Apples, OrsefM. Btiianaa. f ’casawta, Lvm • on*. I’intapfiM. Foiatof*, Oi.i.:hn, (Va«ui», I'ahlc.igrv, Ac.. 8 L,'.'oriier Aieciiog A Mar ket Sir,•etM. Charh slon. 6. C. [oclll PATENTS MCXN A CO., of th* Sciairrmc Akiuuca*. co«- Unae to art ».« Solldior* fur loo-.tii, < .ivo*t». Tm<1a Mark*. C«»pyrai>u, f nr it BO Dulled KUtc*. Canada. Enslaml. Pranc,,. Qomyiny, eto. Hnn<l Book about Faivuu Miit frt^< Thirlv-aorott jear*’exuorlanro. P*l.-iiin<iht<il'i»,t thmuch ML NN A CO. arenoUcnd Imho St’iRXTim’ Americjim. the kirrat. heat,and 100*1 wldelv dmiUied aclentlflc uapt-r. S^SOayscr. Weokly. Splonrild enaravlnn aud Inlnivatlna In- 1 fonuatlnn. 8i>ecimen ropy of l'in Keinui loan <«*nt fr-e. A<l<1r<^» JSt.’NN A CO . _ - AwmiCAM omen. *1 Ornudway, N-w York. No. 3 luw vuiianUun tmm noult, CaiuUna Hallway from Anguvta amt lairal Sialmns Wont «f Narkvl la. No. 4 l oiinit iH wllli Smilli Uarolinn Hallway for Cliarlrrion ai«l lax-al >1 a I ion, la. I of UlackvUfw awl C'olnmtiia IMrl-ioii. No & Itaa roiiHnlloii frnu ^milh Carol’a* Hallway from CharlrUon. Cxluuiliia, l<i«Uluii and all L-.-al STaltnn. foal ot HLekvilh-. - No. 4 coahvrt--wtrtr-Meotkr-rirattTi* TEUtWaf TOf Auzuda aud l.<c*l Slallunt \V<-»t of lilatkvllle. No. 7 lira i-onnecfIon from Smth Carollui Hallway from A«VI»U awl alt lan-ul Stalioua. No. I cmiK-rla with South I arollua RaUway for Charloatoa, Cvlumlitu awt all |a<lnta Laal. On Coin tlar of <-acli lunulh a Hfwnifal Train will laava L’lar-vtiie at 1 A. K.. aad arrlvw at U« ID well at t.l» A. M. D. C. Al.LKN.O TAT. Agent. JOHN a PKCK, tirm-ral Maaar r. mhiHi OiroHiin HtiH^ay. Commencin'; Jan. 2(Mi r834. trains will run as lullows: AL'taUiTA DIVISION wiisr (tufty < lullv, except Uiada) VERTI'ALFEEDkElfIK' II la the moat perfect werktaf i eat Runyitof 6«*tog Msski** t 8- simple ehlldcsa mail. qsalso r*H tbs Now DOMlw. rrtvwi * HiTE Jtowtnc Msabisas A I’Md iUtd A us ib oars i fmnMtod fern wiAt escli machiLe. _ • . ,k < •>* •’ 60 go,*! aecand-band msebihr* *4 fidPW swi -*>4 $10 00 rock. Ne-tbes Ulb last* MMl Ato : im bmenta t<>r all ItariuMast wbatomfeMf toil foi Dr>« tatic Taper Fwt«r*«, THOMAS ,fc 1CEY. 926 Broad St. Aagtttfk, Ok. A. A. T::0\i \Asi.d H. A*. KKr. Mr J. W. Itl.AN'l t»N i* A^ei 1 si Ban. well for (he sale of th* NKkV lilt. II.ABM i> WTS MACH INKS. ' - . jnly Hi fan ’ r- : ——-— 1 * m novlu-lr -( DILJV H. E. MlUiOUS DENTAL SURGEON. 14L./VC Iv V^1L.L.K. N. <J. Regular appointaicnis ssfoTowa: B.tri a from lliir<i Monday in each nionili to Fridliy ereriug. Utfice al tlie l'sit>rao< House. Willieiun S. C. from first Mouj’ay iif e eL m mil to Friday.evening Oih'ce over Cnpl. Keimedy’i* store. Will be at hia home office lo fttoekvilla every Fstunlay and will make appointmeuts with patients to mee* A hem at either of his offices at si-y time. N^rc'alla iu (coded in Baruwed and adja cent counties. ... , [nev2d iiiISc Amer- <. f>-iiicrma l.rav* ni-.rle*ioa 7 t'0 a ra , 4 .HO p m Arrive ut Itniuciiville i* * 6 a nY ti.Htp in Leave linuichviiie H.'JO t m <> SO p m Leave IMi-to 1* itv 1 a hi 0.41 p iu Deare M irt way 1.68 p B Leave It tuhtrg V 48 a m 7 (X p ui Leave (■ihIihius - a III 7 18 p ni Leave Lera 10 1*J a m 7 '.’7 p ji Leave Itiaukvi'le ]ft,tha ia 7.U| p la Leave Kiko lu :’Ja i.i 7.4b p in 1.4 < vc VVilliv| n lo Lf* a in i" 64 p ut Arrive ut AljusI* 12.06 a ui tt.Utap'Sv ’ EAST. Il^.ilv' Itsllv ev r*ti Leave Augusta 8 08 a m 6.i Hi p m Leave't illistoo 7.40 a m (J.oo j» m Leave lilko 7 47 a ni rt. i‘2 p ui fceart lliaekvtlb h 0*.* a ai tLi 7 p ui Leave Lees .‘ ; .03 a ui 7.04 p in Leave Orulinmt h If.a in 7 !0 p mi Leave Du mix' rg 8 L’J a m 7 -7 p w 1 ewe Miilway 9 !,’ft a m 7 •’!8 p u- Leave E'iis'o A.60a in 7.4'J p m Ar. at Itiatirhviile •J.oOn.m 9.(Kip Hi Lravo Itrauchviile tl.k‘6 a in 9.16 pm Ar at Cbar.etuxu 11 'J'! a m 10.10 p ii NOTICE. OoMHIXSIONtKS. T C, II., A. C.. J»n. JN81 , S''I<c j it hereby given thst on and after -i— the dOiU tlajr of tliis montbTro ratiess «ill bs ttu « ( atljwcd or turnifhixi panpers ou'eide of tlie D 'Vhe & Yloton, dltol ut-hU imidvtie*, Toorliouas. uuUaahy special order of the Board, and ah merchants throughout the N“. 14* Bjiledgc sirect, CtiHrleutou, Thuisdgy moruiug, ut the ugu u( sixty year*. ^ There is an Neaucia'l<in of bachelor*) Oi Marlon. Tttt^ mat Uie^oCfier day and p^tuued rcaoiutiona censuring the flon. T. 0. Moody, who was rrccutJy tuanied, (or breaking uway Irom the baud. ^ i Blanks for Waklag •pbHcaUdm rndfr^be secured by a^dtwtp.uf Lqi. ^ yBtrier, Columbl <,Ji. 0. ^Builioatt Oompany which will require the WttobihtomcutfHii««lft9ft |fD« NMbei thk child Then It Atlanta, Ga. i lw Company offer him a 1 „>.i.a u... guarantee of •?* thousand dol tors a •year «le- Bev. A. P. N 'fria, wh« has been re- aldtng for several yearn at KiJge Spring bna left that town and U now located at Mfioe, ou the Augusta and Knox ville R <ad. He la one of the land marks of the Baptist denomiaatioo in South Cdrwiina. A slightly absent-minded but highly respectable gentleman living near the suburbs of Columbia started out for a stroll yesterday, and after getting a abort dlstkcee from home he discover ed that be was attracting great atten tion. Somewhat surprised he took an i iveutory of hb personal appearance, wtiekimftm bus*Ubd to behold dhat be bad tiq his best coat add hat but bad furgdtten to put on bis pants, sod it was bis red fliomt darwer* which atfFected so much attention. The geo- tlvmno hnstl'y escaped to cover, nod kept Sh the house all the mxt, day.— Register. t / Abbeville Me<ilum: List Thursday week a nkoft luAumao crime was at tempted, juat beioq McCormick, on the Augusta and Knoxvlila railroad. As the aogioeer of oowwf the down trains etd about' ff ho dls- Ah is his poWer to atop lbs train, ‘hit succeeded lo doing so just as the eo- cminty arr hereby nnfitied to furnish no ra- Upiix i<> p:ui|icr<< alter dial Jnle unlwes by vp*. q|Hl wrifeti order of tli*> UosrJ, All paupera who are unable to earn llieir living and not odcnviac provided for, and who hare ne rcluHona ab e to aiU towards ibi ir eupport nitist appear in perwin heforw the Board on T.ieaduy, .be 6ih of F-Lruary sell. It they dr.irelo have coinjty aid. Sulyect to exception when circnmvtance* call tor it in the opinion if the Board, no applicution niF lie received unless nucompa- nied i<y die wrhten recointneud.vdon of twelve rwapeotoole siiizeua sf ihs county, who live in die neighborhood uf die appli cant, letting foi’Mxlhe facts in relalian tmhe camiiiion and nece.^udn of (ha appliesnt, and also the cerdficaia nfapracdciHg physi cian of the county ss to lbs pbjxical. incapac ity of the applicant to worx tor bis or her Jiving In whole or in part. By order ot th#Board. Waurk 8. Eaves. Clerk. as counsel for UMU^gapaay, ha# tie* eliaad tits offsc unless ibsy wilt make H a suarmutoe for As* years at lea t. if ike that Utof will Ir mast pndLwi;lor. to great mentoi ahtthy Mi*. WilUto discovered tiiat the obiid, a white boy BeWtBj By Ibsi m »r d* eel red iqtoa Mm. bard and feat to the Icon udla. so that a bonlUe death fas aura. The fall- road mea tmbousd the UiUeleiiowaod U»ok him of to Auguata. Thar* Is some suepidoo as to fb« paftles who attempt ad this diabolical crime. If dia- , covered they should be barked. janU ni MiimiTS CO. Charleston. 9. C. Robertson, Taylor ft Co. GENERAL agents. r . - • r’ •• ^ Six Thouwtod Tons of Kainit for Sale. . A Consult your lotorest by seeing us. • •«m BOTTOM FIGURES GIVEN, Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilisers * sod Acid Phosphates. - '* 4 FOB SALE BY P. W. Farrell, BUckvillr, S. C. W. J. Martin, Bladtville, 8. C. II. J. Brabham Bro., Bamberg, S.C. ■ . t J. D. Copeland, Bamberg, S. C Rice k Copeland W. H. Kennedy^ VT^ut^o, fLC! J. E. Steadman ADOPTED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AID,15,25,30 — CENTS, BEST 4hD CHE^' Spellers IB CentS. ^^Book$ g c 00D&&'^ FOR SALE EVfEYWHERE Wanted^— COTTON SEED, COTTON SEED. T will p:y (16 l-2e.) vixteen and cnc- haff cents cash per bushel for 10,0t)0 Bushels Sound liry Cotton Seed, dsliv- e<vd to me nt this poire before the hot of next November. \Y ill exekaugs Got* tou Send Meal for Cotton Seed. C. K. GYLES, Black ville, S. C. octl l-iim J.H. E.Stelliag WHOLESALE PAPER DEALER, Piper Bajrs, Flour Sacks, Twine, Etc. Blank Books,. Stitknnry and Printing. Lsrtesl aud roost complete stock, eo- alliug low prices and prompt shipment. Prders solicited. 151 East Bat, Charliston. S. C. scp27-29 OldenbutteTs EAST BAT RESTAUEANT, Not. 103, 87 and 89, Charleston, 8. C. Boartl and LodginGr* JL’l^JkJjZj MOl’KM. Breakfast from 8 te 9 A. M. . Lunch, Free fiptaJ 1 A. M. to 2 P. M. D nner from l2 M. to 8.30 P. M. Supper Irom 6 to 0 P. M. OV-TERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ales, Wines, Liquors, Scgars, Tobac- ‘ oo, Etc., of Best Quality. r -JOHN W. OLDENBUTTEL. • oet25-6m Robt D. White, —ANP— GRANITE WORKS, MEETING STREET, bv. rnsrjllorlbrck’s Alky) CRAI4L1CI6T02«. a. C Ja**«-l/ COLIMBIA DTVlSWS-IYKST. .(Daily, KxcvptSunday.) Leavo Branehvills (•'-’Oain 9.15 p n> Arrivt at ('arndm 8 36 am 1.66 pm Ariiv« st Calntiibts 11.40 s m 10 36 p s< l.fars Tolu uhia ti 40 a id 6.84 pm Leatm <'*ni<ien 7iCsm S.lopir Ar. st Brsiichviiis 0 00 a m S.t Dpm ” KX1T.ES8 (DAILY) VTESr.) Leave (‘imrlrston 10 1 '< p in Leave I’.rsnclivills 1 fxi s m Leave Biaokvills 8 41 am Ar. at Atiguxta 7 16am LXl’KKSS (DAILY) FAN1 ) Leave Anyusls 0.3C p m Ar. st Blsckville 1.216 pta Ar. at Ilrai<i.livil1e 1.46s si Arrive at FbsHrrtna 5.16 s m LKX1U8 HKTSTHOK i«> r«r«»iu.Wdl Kmw*8* ioonsod Rcstnurstit to No. (. 27 Bro td Street. n« tt dm r sbovs the store of Mr John B-n«'S Mocra. w here he has «j'let<di<l roohi* for the areoinsiodstiok of bis pH* r< us. The Bar, Oyster Stand and Cigar Coun'ets ais all on tbs first floor. Tbs uppcijpurlcrs’itrc fi >e<l up for Ldies snd icentlemsu. Ta« W-t sttSotiok aod poKts wsitn*. All art’u I.** wr»e«l will Ik* First ( arpld-t? STOP STR A1VGElfly _ 'AntT lolt nil yotii' fiTnuls iuttl the icnf of mankind that J. W. LEVY A CO. tin.* Bnmd Stmt Groccm, oppoote the Augmita Hotel, l.iivo in attiint ami lor mtlo n full nlock of Staple and FoBcy GrtH’orTuj of t e U-nI Iji uihU tuitl nt prieen to nuit tlie timea Tha nimLv |*eiiiiy is bt’*lt*r than tho s'ow shilling. Ltvc aud let lire is tlmjivHintto. A of the lies* Liquorn alwajraln atore. attontiiJiu to.aU orders. *1. H. I oY\ ir Avitli the hotiso ami will be pleased to see serve his ninny frit-mis in Carolina., COMo>U^NMI>.N1l« OK t OTXOX S«<>1-.UjmCl>. ssp‘27 Itemoial NollceT T.1E ZUEAY SUmSWB. 5 t ALASE 9F AGCCTSTS Wc take ph-usurc in uuuoutKtKg t st r e have muved our elegant stoek of Fnr- uituro to 840 BROAD RTRKKT. Old .sUirTof >1 vent dc Mucus. We luve this larKestoru filkd to overflowing with the most Elegant and best A»*uiied block ever offered. Wo compete wuh kkf market or any dcs'er in ^ - v «-* < ST \ lu:* Q IT ABIT Y OR PRICE. The steady ior-rcaae in no bu*>ine-s is wlnr ha« cuneed ns to move so ofleo. Wo now hive THE KINK'T bTOBEsod FINE T8TOCK IN GEORGU. WHio ior cHtiilxguc vr.utll and sec us. seplS 27 J. L. Bowles & CO. 840 Broad Street, Augusta, Qa. r~r PLEASCJRK AND PROFIT TO ADD W fell and Js 's’iy Repairinr sad full Hna «f Goods. Specialty, maaufsetsriss GOLff MKDALKst , JOHN II. KKAIIV’H. Dealer in DIsmAfltfs, tVntehev, Clocks tud Jewelry, 7i» Broad Ototot, Oppsetts II >tel, AtigttHiH, Gs. seplt-27 :-.T -v rjjvxr•y-t^TTrSa^-i -www'w*-— WaadOy Connection* made at Augusta with Georgi R R. to sn<l from nil p inis West and South- wsst, with through Sleeper between Charts, (os’aud Atlauta <>n Exprer* train. — Conrrortons mads at CbaHerton with !4«ill Ka<<tern II. K. {pr points North aud with K*» I Yot k Steamer* ou SalU'-'laf*. Connect lone mad. at Calmnlti* with C< iumbm-awd Grrenvitis R. It. aud Charlotte Colautbia ami tugu-ta It. R. to and from al points on both Hoads, r (Tonnectiona made at Biaekville with Bam well R. R. D C. Al.LFN, G. P. k T Agl Jonx B. I'Et K. Gensrni Manage*. CHAKLK8 0. LESLIE, TVholMalo and Retsil Dealer is Fish, Oanf, 1 ob>lHS. Tflrths, Tff- r^piiis, Oy file’s. Etc. Stull* No*. 1 sod 2 Fish Market, Char- ——It— hate a,'S. C. ■ Hsriup made large additions lo nr.y buaiuess I am prepared to furnish Fish, Game, Ac., at shori notice. AII orders promptly attended to. Ternu Cssh or City Acceptance. tepliMfikw»l cakpets- Carpets and. Honae Furnl-hlnx Goods, The L rgo t Stock South «.f Jtoltimorv.' M.qunt HruuseN, 3-Ply and Ingrain Cwts* pet-. Kuks, Ma's and Crumb Cloths, Win dow Shades, Wall Papers. Mordent, Lace Curtains, Cornices snd Potes, (heoA and f'ant n M.ttl'irs, Dpholatory, Fntrrav, lugs, Chrontos. Picture Frames. Writs (or Snuipler* ani Prices. EULIK A CU K.EEY, ACousts. Oa: am 3-i tm G. E. STEADMAN. (Opposite (be Strobel Hotel) 19L.ACKVIL.L.K, C. C\ Offers for rsl* Me second-hand engine — Five Hers# lN>w.r, Abm, me secoad.hssd engiss—Tnn Henc Power. - Abo, two second-hand saw mHi. Abo, one seeoad.hand grist mill. A eo. a lot of sew and aeeond-kaad shaft ing and pulkeys. .i Abo. Getaer Engines snd Saw MilU, Threshers asd Separators. Abo, ThsOeor^b Centenaial Cotton Ola, Feeder Md Condenser. Also, any mackiucrv not is stock supplied st short notice and oa most reasonable terms Abe, one 16-hone power teeond»hand en fba Abe. s seeead-hsad segiM Md grist mUL nsvS Gteixnan Eainlfe AND OTHER Fertilizers ■ -*2-r- —— T^ns Genoin# Oetoiaa Kaiait, direct importotirn, aad all olkar Farlihsen, fee aale by, HERMANN BULWINKLS, Kerr's Wbkrf, CbsrbeUtk, S. 0 de«27-<to Wanrto, Waudo, WANDO. WANDO. WANDO. AMMONIA TED FERTID1ZER (KepettiMy adapted for) KilCDlJ (. JM>A*kl*«>ir AI^L* ICIMDH, also Aciie riiOAPii %’t k aa >» mwiMii.f ee moab. G EN UIN K G.EJQIAA. K AIN IT.-* 7 . rilO^WIATK FLOATS, ASH ELEMENT, AND ALL FKUTIU^EU SUPPLIER COTTON SEKD MEAL, Address Street, reju I k txcfa B. llAfKkR, Prseidont and General Agent, 7 Exebskst of Fustoffics,, S. C. . xrzsrzpca Edisto Phosphate Company, Charleston, S. C. - - ■ *» MANTFACTL’RERS OF HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS AND IMPORT* E1LS OP GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT. Orders promptly filled for the fallowing goods : EDISTO ACID PHOSPHATE, EDISfO ACIDULATED ROCK, " fcDL'TO AMM0NIATED FERTILIZER, EIMSTO ASH ELEMENT,. EDIBTO KA.IN IT. 5<j1u Manufacfursrs of lb# Celebrated DUNCAN’S PHOSPHATR v FAJVC’V lilt .AX D>M M AXU K A.C’TX’HHJI4 TO ORUHTFC. Tit* gfwMa we offer are utMurpahsed in the (rude, aad ss wa niff teaks favegubh terms wc h po yoa will writs us bsfuie elmiog your pun.bases. Ifi^Fur prices, terms, lastimo.rials, Ac., address ■ ' J. B. K. SLO AN". Trcssuitr and Geasili itrisiAV JAcOBY,^ * At ES. 31 dr(6 4m vuui&niM. Wltelts h Gfifirs aa I ihaten ii tmm\ rnicw, wm t nc. WATCHMAKER Dealer ia Wstshee, Cbefcs, sad a Fine Use of Sewolry- AH kisdsef Krpalrisg aoatly 167 and 168 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. dose. Old Gold aad , 208 kiag Street, tl Mil to CL <7. deed (he mTOX» A T XHK WAVERLY HOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Situated e* KIH0 8TEK4.T. the Prisripal Prosseesde, sad ■ early apposite Ike dead*. my of Music. The “WAVEILT’* b s toveril* Family Beseri, with ThUi, gjtt it j sm4 CRiifafiiWt . BATSto $AQS AMD 62.60 PBA DAf. G T. ALFORB. NBXBV I'UMKa. S-C. tttkkVl|| HENRY DtoHEB A OO- BlicknUks aad Wkcehrxlskts, ; (CartSr’s oM sued Berth el tbs Bspet) . UDA<JU.V1L.UJC.».C, Are sew aad at«41 thess or repair Buggba, Pb«s,ff«., Ao^at ■ terms. Only lb* teas m reuety sees ** 4b* ffteft Moad’y la *atil fbribsr aetbeb give*. JB0. R. BOlMCa, tbperrbor. 4r«-tf