■JS kOM, all TtaaBherlfjrtU^#,^ rwl | WMf ty iMtt«al«day^'|f *1)]', , ; Th« (pNwo* Hr *»K»ao* lr« February tlw ^t. J ' „• I ivMbio tMiva^aaitlKr*. ifflalr’*. Capt a & Fatjlto* niid^anstty Mt for Orlaudo, rtt«ifc.j>fe11yp«dyf , j., (J«i. r. M. IWttrtXnr *«w »l«bw^» har- mta and muleiM Saturday. The DarnRPdNNiiairS. ^(talfHa Pascal *«*r' KarnwHt and lit okvillehaab(*en IMMi’dtetieeQU. ” L«t «reryi?tpinfr !u th<»>Hintr try to make hi* "hoc aftd ho«ulrvy H at bom* tht* year. / Tho man who atol% onr owr^hoea will J, MIKE VOX turn t^llUiBCK^QAitOEM.-J - aepti HaTrifc, ttoelHwtor. M. Y-. uff «a u> ayud *«-«d* to tbaohiMiVtn at 16 p*.r cent, lea* than (ataloKue rate*. Hie seeds are Hi* v»*ry beat. We lm»«< used Uieut and c <11 reooniiuitud theiu. CaUiojfue fur 1W4 free. Send for tu Appointments of Wllliston Circuit for Itoi: _1 l m lYUll-dxw, 1st Kuuday, 11 a. m. aul ly, p *i. Wi liet< foie ith Sun day, 11 d- m. bpii"^. 4 dur* l«Uf Hond.-.y.i I victjJ ■ \ » and Wedneadaya of mich wc k at the « fllco of U. Duiicjiii Belli urer, Lsq., Maator 1h Equity, ami on the ivmalnlm d»< a. pf me.w«,ea at hia if- . wfi* pleaee aeeept^ur thanh-r for epartor tw- WillUton. L-tlyre addreseed to l 4 |ur umbrella. Cheapest pr»* Hi tKh'HtWlr »t Mr-. Uolalr’s. aj. It is no loiur»r eonal ered en r^sle to l^ls® the bride alt weddiny. T she H out on th» -bti'lcsin -He The kitchen carton must not be f<>r«ot- ten—rain *r shine—Froparo your hot beds for lender plants, ,-f . Handkerchiefs, mournlnc and In colors, at Mia MolaliV „ It U eertoln that the *U on* crop which will not be a failure this year. Tn« U» w op la certainly sate. ^ Mr. William Dicks has been appeintod postiuaHter at O eenla ai, vice (i-iorce II- Bates, Esq .reehrted. Ftschussnd Etrbroideileu at Jura. Mo- lull ’s." •Tease Dunn 1<*ft for Kentucky la*t Thor'- day, but ‘‘ti e cirl he 1< ft la Ultid” suys slie is not y« tdi>n« with hiiu. This la let .ip Ts ir. c rl*. Mate the old baciielors marry or'*lea.e (he World and climb a Aupllni;." Cadies and clilldrsti’* collars and collar- ctteejit.Mr*, M4d.*iJ.'j» Dr. J. Byers»n Smith will heat Mre. A- W.ilker’', lo- moet Ida Bumwe>l eiic»K'*ment|t. ^t is undcr-tieet tlitt the clrla lmv« adopted th - foikiwlnc es th< lr motto f<l on vestei'd.- y the tireparation of the ju ry lists lor tiila year. Mr. J. U Jidta. an «terrfetjtc you ic ffen- tk'maii fr».r IbeLaiw.-r Buna. Ins ivim v<.*ii to Atlanta, win r#li« wi.l co.'iulo l>m-i.>et-s. We le^rii th * t T. U It 1 .IiIiisom inis exe cuted his tioud for the Hamberc poalniat-t- eis'op. Dr. Webster ol CTuiijp-b'.rg la ore of Ida Miri. tioa. Mr J. It t i*t«Tll>’C, so well snf Mr. Ja es Lmt — MVe VV. J llixaeii wi 1 roiiiovc tTv* p<<8t oRlce |i> the bttii'lloj' on the south -i ‘e of the .q i re o|*lte J U3 PtOPLE < dice. C'uiiill a i«d caini i Allendale on the llih Inst, the f.di.iwi g ticket was o.ecloa wdliput up(>*Ei I» : I*toa-auM L. lobln.{ Vfjinieua. M iV|is< f. M. Crovcti and tJ&ti" yui a. colored. wi I fl'id hi in at cither place on the days appointed. H. M. Thompaoti, j in21-lf Altorm y at LatW; OU r < p pibith.—' tu the Slat ult. a younc e-f-tidi place -proTtdwd- fitrriyptf- wlth a qo| u ar antidote for snake bit-'S. Uilhnlst instant tie turned or. r a new leaf and swornoit. On the ■!) Ii iobtint ho concludeil that he uilciit be aanke bttieu next summer, and a« an ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure, concluded to take time by Lha forelock and praveut. a lejfal fi lend was Inviu d P< |..in him In so doinc and they ataite.1 off to ‘ amiie” P>c<‘tlier, buk aUa! a tnuMcai titoldbi:! mist had mprured the pliyaicaud the la w remained a dry study. Asakl/s YlSiX*—Four of the loreTrst and the i- st. the sweetest and the preAti- •»t yeuug ladies tlwt ever Kr.rted an edi tor’s sanci um, or made clud the hei rt of a lonelv hadielor, visited the PoasasuMl I an- iht office last week-but our al’senmt at ihv time Wl 1 bn a Source ol iifc-luiic lerflet.— Abbeville 1'rubs ami Banner. Can't f don't blame Hrer Wils n. Ao*orr»ys an hand a large stock of rrim: Mert*. also cheap cut* aad grades of every d acriptlon of memi and a fud sssortiuent of Gr«ccries, Tobacco, (ligtvni. Ao- eeUld Iy THOLSaND-SOFCOUiAKS ere wasted on I’hysicians' fee* hy the bo*go and < ffers ti e b*tei of sued at vet y low mtes. Dr.

much i.fraid that lie is d h:s gi avu an I toot , igiblo old Omchelor.- Xlmasaml D. au.ci al You ate light, Urol her Aims; you al ways are. We thank you f »r ybtlrViflf rcd at’<•«!• itlee. No remedy in tlie world ever so fally won the coi.ti'lciice ofmanki.'.J as HEPATIC COMPOUND, OR i.ivrr a yin uiayivv crHfr For (lie cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Constipniioi! and all (roubles arisiug from the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder Taken two or three titii-s » day it prevents Fever and Ague. Malarial Fever, Dipiiivria, Scarlet Fever and Cholera.* RT 011 WOMAN hW why wilhyou allow yoursell to be prostrated 1 , your system enervated, your hea’ih com plet'dy de<> led Fiji*, Raisin**. Pvh WoffcT'alib-igei 1 , Ouious l'e nuts, and everything: else that a fint class whole sale Fiuit Home simuld have. Country orders filled wi'h dispatch. ^neiYo Wauted. COTTON SKFD! COTTON SEKD \ I will p»tv (1AF) firteen cents cash per IJusIiH for lO.tMHI llttslicls Sound Dry Cotton Seed, dclivetcd to mo at this place ts foro tlu lir>t of next November. W ill p■■■*■ BiR.v WELL BMLMU. On a ml after Mu’day, Jan. 3 at 1S3I, will rnn as rottwra UH fnrt'.sr nnliee: ■ llhitty—K**iep» SnnJ»y».| VV ICHTWATTI a. HTATiONS. I I ItaU | 7 Xce'iH. !• tvaia I.v Bla< kville " Astih i|[h “ iV «l»antV Ar ■ sruwi tl A. M t !S 7- ra 11 no 1 is w. T.'S l«* » n i:s IC . ST \TIONS. | 4 Mail ! 4 Arc’ia A. M !T"»T !.* narnw. ll I *• Wmslwanra I " Asiilvigii Ar Kla> AviUn S.li 7?!< t.V. a no MS fi.’S t.ts (Ml t^amrUgailiva4i>iuii» <».Bim »Iiua Ihiilwav Twins a. fuliuna: L a Oil BuulB Car- Sir [) pi rig, Steamboat, and Ci:y TrsJc Suppli< d. lee Pttckctl for tlie Country n Spe- ciultv. fchl-Vly. TF7w The b*o««; "Y u are mistaken; Ood love* you—AelofcEnll bUfeatures." Me went home befvC* ten. Uov. Bagood'e balud-t stock farm baa- been conducted ou bualneM prtnclpteesnd Isa pronounced suce**ss. Five huudnsl liea>ito pund,- tpuUcetldoa atdr’be N I V I j. .VUiVst. Columbia Las 41 barrooun*. The State is uuw payli.g the R«riJ- ronii Counniar-ionvrs to do nothing but h »ld their oflkve. — Abbeville M< dluir. The railroad agent at Foit Mo • injsterinuelj- «Mtwp|>«-ardil from LN pu, f nr it BO Dulled KUtc*. Canada. Enslaml. Pranc,,. Qomyiny, eto. Hnnecimen ropy of l'in Keinui loan <«*nt fr-e. A1 a I ion, la. I of UlackvUfw awl C'olnmtiia IMrl-ioii. No & Itaa roiiHnlloii frnu ^milh Carol’a* Hallway from CharlrUon. Cxluuiliia, l* •’ 60 go,*! aecand-band msebihr* *4 fidPW swi -*>4 $10 00 rock. Ne-tbes Ulb last* MMl Ato : im bmenta t<>r all ItariuMast wbatomfeMf toil foi Dr>« tatic Taper Fwt«r*«, THOMAS ,fc 1CEY. 926 Broad St. Aagtttfk, Ok. A. A. T::0\i \Asi.d H. A*. KKr. Mr J. W. Itl.AN'l t»N i* j.nr A^ei 1 si Ban. well for (he sale of th* NKkV lilt. II.ABM i> WTS MACH INKS. ' - . jnly Hi fan ’ r- : ——-— 1 * m novlu-lr -( DILJV H. E. MlUiOUS DENTAL SURGEON. 14L./VC Iv V^1L.L.K. N. rao< House. Willieiun S. C. from first Mouj’ay iif e eL m mil to Friday.evening Oih'ce over Cnpl. Keimedy’i* store. Will be at hia home office lo fttoekvilla every Fstunlay and will make appointmeuts with patients to mee* A hem at either of his offices at si-y time. N^rc'alla iu (coded in Baruwed and adja cent counties. ... , [nev2d iiiISc Amer- <. f>-iiicrma l.rav* ni-.rle*ioa 7 t'0 a ra , 4 .HO p m Arrive ut Itniuciiville i* * 6 a nY ti.Htp in Leave linuichviiie H.'JO t m <> SO p m Leave IMi-to 1* itv 1 a hi 0.41 p iu Deare M irt way 1.68 p B Leave It tuhtrg V 48 a m 7 (X p ui Leave (■ihIihius - Ttv.ro a III 7 18 p ni Leave Lera 10 1*J a m 7 '.’7 p ji Leave Itiaukvi'le ]ft,tha ia 7.U| p la Leave Kiko lu :’Ja i.i 7.4b p in 1.4 < vc VVilliv| n lo Lf* a in i" 64 p ut Arrive ut AljusI* 12.06 a ui tt.Utap'Sv ’ EAST. Il^.ilv' Itsllv ev r*ti nuixi.it Leave Augusta 8 08 a m 6.i Hi p m Leave't illistoo 7.40 a m (J.oo j» m Leave lilko 7 47 a ni rt. i‘2 p ui fceart lliaekvtlb h 0*.* a ai tLi 7 p ui Leave Lees .‘ ; .03 a ui 7.04 p in Leave Orulinmt h If.a in 7 !0 p mi Leave Du mix' rg 8 L’J a m 7 -7 p w 1 ewe Miilway 9 !,’ft a m 7 •’!8 p u- Leave E'iis'o A.60a in 7.4'J p m Ar. at Itiatirhviile •J.oOn.m 9.(Kip Hi Lravo Itrauchviile tl.k‘6 a in 9.16 pm Ar at Cbar.etuxu 11 'J'! a m 10.10 p ii NOTICE. OoMHIXSIONtKS. T C, II., A. C.. J»n. JN81 , S''I.i.a u... guarantee of •?* thousand dol tors a •year «le- Bev. A. P. N 'fria, wh« has been re- aldtng for several yearn at KiJge Spring bna left that town and U now located at Mfioe, ou the Augusta and Knox ville R p:ui|icr<< alter dial Jnle unlwes by vp*. q|Hl wrifeti order of tli*> UosrJ, All paupera who are unable to earn llieir living and not odcnviac provided for, and who hare ne rcluHona ab e to aiU towards ibi ir eupport nitist appear in perwin heforw the Board on T.ieaduy, .be 6ih of F-Lruary sell. It they dr.irelo have coinjty aid. Sulyect to exception when circnmvtance* call tor it in the opinion if the Board, no applicution niF lie received unless nucompa- nied i Arrivt at ('arndm 8 36 am 1.66 pm Ariiv« st Calntiibts 11.40 s m 10 36 p s< l.fars Tolu uhia ti 40 a id 6.84 pm Leatm <'*ni r«r«»iu.Wdl Kmw*8* ioonsod Rcstnurstit to No. (. 27 Bro td Street. n« tt dm r sbovs the store of Mr John B-n«'S Mocra. w here he has «j'leteU^NMI>.N1l« OK t OTXOX S«<>1-.UjmCl>. ssp‘27 Itemoial NollceT T.1E ZUEAY SUmSWB. 5 t ALASE 9F AGCCTSTS Wc take ph-usurc in uuuoutKtKg t st r e have muved our elegant stoek of Fnr- uituro to 840 BROAD RTRKKT. Old .sUirTof >1 vent dc Mucus. We luve this larKestoru filkd to overflowing with the most Elegant and best A»*uiied block ever offered. Wo compete wuh kkf market or any dcs'er in ^ - v «-* < ST \ lu:* Q IT ABIT Y OR PRICE. The steady ior-rcaae in no bu*>ine-s is wlnr ha« cuneed ns to move so ofleo. Wo now hive THE KINK'T bTOBEsod FINE T8TOCK IN GEORGU. WHio ior cHtiilxguc vr.utll and sec us. seplS 27 J. L. Bowles & CO. 840 Broad Street, Augusta, Qa. r~r PLEASCJRK AND PROFIT TO ADD W fell and Js 's’iy Repairinr sad full Hna «f Goods. Specialty, maaufsetsriss GOLff MKDALKst , JOHN II. KKAIIV’H. Dealer in DIsmAfltfs, tVntehev, Clocks tud Jewelry, 7i» Broad Ototot, Oppsetts II >tel, AtigttHiH, Gs. seplt-27 :-.T -v rjjvxr•y-t^TTrSa^-i -www'w*-— WaadOy Connection* made at Augusta with Georgi R R. to snn Exprer* train. — Conrrortons mads at CbaHerton with !4«ill Ka<lHS. Tflrths, Tff- r^piiis, Oy file’s. Etc. Stull* No*. 1 sod 2 Fish Market, Char- ——It— hate a,'S. C. ■ Hsriup made large additions lo nr.y buaiuess I am prepared to furnish Fish, Game, Ac., at shori notice. AII orders promptly attended to. Ternu Cssh or City Acceptance. tepliMfikw»l cakpets- Carpets and. Honae Furnl-hlnx Goods, The L rgo t Stock South «.f Jtoltimorv.' M.qunt HruuseN, 3-Ply and Ingrain Cwts* pet-. Kuks, Ma's and Crumb Cloths, Win dow Shades, Wall Papers. Mordent, Lace Curtains, Cornices snd Potes, (heoA and f'ant n M.ttl'irs, Dpholatory, Fntrrav, lugs, Chrontos. Picture Frames. Writs (or Snuipler* ani Prices. EULIK A CU K.EEY, ACousts. Oa: am 3-i tm G. E. STEADMAN. (Opposite (be Strobel Hotel) 19L.ACKVIL.L.K, C. C\ Offers for rsl* Me second-hand engine — Five Hers# lN>w.r, Abm, me secoad.hssd engiss—Tnn Henc Power. - Abo, two second-hand saw mHi. Abo, one seeoad.hand grist mill. A eo. a lot of sew and aeeond-kaad shaft ing and pulkeys. .i Abo. Getaer Engines snd Saw MilU, Threshers asd Separators. Abo, ThsOeor^b Centenaial Cotton Ola, Feeder Md Condenser. Also, any mackiucrv not is stock supplied st short notice and oa most reasonable terms Abe, one 16-hone power teeond»hand en fba Abe. s seeead-hsad segiM Md grist mUL nsvS Gteixnan Eainlfe AND OTHER Fertilizers ■ -*2-r- —— T^ns Genoin# Oetoiaa Kaiait, direct importotirn, aad all olkar Farlihsen, fee aale by, HERMANN BULWINKLS, Kerr's Wbkrf, CbsrbeUtk, S. 0 de«27-A*kl*«>ir AI^L* ICIMDH, also Aciie riiOAPii %’t k aa >» mwiMii.f ee moab. G EN UIN K G.EJQIAA. K AIN IT.-* 7 . rilO^WIATK FLOATS, ASH ELEMENT, AND ALL FKUTIU^EU SUPPLIER COTTON SEKD MEAL, Address Street, reju I k txcfa B. llAfKkR, Prseidont and General Agent, 7 Exebskst of Fustoffics, Cbarlmt.ni, S. C. . dedT.fm xrzsrzpca Edisto Phosphate Company, Charleston, S. C. - - ■ *» MANTFACTL’RERS OF HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS AND IMPORT* E1LS OP GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT. Orders promptly filled for the fallowing goods : EDISTO ACID PHOSPHATE, EDISfO ACIDULATED ROCK, " fcDL'TO AMM0NIATED FERTILIZER, EIMSTO ASH ELEMENT,. EDIBTO KA.IN IT. 5M M AXU K A.C’TX’HHJI4 TO ORUHTFC. Tit* gfwMa we offer are utMurpahsed in the (rude, aad ss wa niff teaks favegubh terms wc h po yoa will writs us bsfuie elmiog your pun.bases. Ifi^Fur prices, terms, lastimo.rials, Ac., address ■ ' J. B. K. SLO AN". Trcssuitr and Geasili itrisiAV JAcOBY,^ * At ES. 31 dr(6 4m vuui&niM. Wltelts h Gfifirs aa I ihaten ii tmm\ rnicw, wm t nc. WATCHMAKER Dealer ia Wstshee, Cbefcs, sad a Fine Use of Sewolry- AH kisdsef Krpalrisg aoatly 167 and 168 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. dose. Old Gold aad , 208 kiag Street, tl Mil to CL <7. deed (he mTOX» A T XHK WAVERLY HOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Situated e* KIH0 8TEK4.T. the Prisripal Prosseesde, sad ■ early apposite Ike dead*. my of Music. The “WAVEILT’* b s toveril* Family Beseri, with ThUi, gjtt it j sm4 CRiifafiiWt . BATSto $AQS AMD 62.60 PBA DAf. G T. ALFORB. NBXBV I'UMKa. S-C. tttkkVl|| HENRY DtoHEB A OO- BlicknUks aad Wkcehrxlskts, ; (CartSr’s oM sued Berth el tbs Bspet) . UDA