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'ii The Vital Question About Clothes HWBHMMB aSBMMBfHBBOHEB BHSISflBHHBiaSHii^HI^B^Biall^Hfl HnSB^H^^BS^SABSSaasJS oMmssssasKiMta^B^i^H^^k^a T^HE true test of a suit is measured by its "staying qualities." Many Suits will make a good "first impression/' but in ac tual service they wither like the autumn vine. What you want is clothes that may be depended upon to give lasting satisfaction, clothes that will hold their shape, retain their freshness-that will "stand up and deliver" real service. COLUMBIA CLOTHES Are the kind of clothes referred to above. They are the clothes we are talking about. y Have you been to 'his store to see the new woolens? A big line at very small prices is being displayed, and there are many others cost ing more, but all worth the money. Now, remember that you come here and we take your measurements, you select the and we make the suit, guaranteeing fit and satisfaction in every particular, and you pay us no more than ready-to-wear and inferior clothes colt. We have a wide range of patterns as low as $12.75. We can surely supply what you wr.nt. , Isr<*t it to Your Interest to Come Here? THE COLUMBIA TAILORING CO. 122 W. Whittier St., Anderson, S. C. The Palm Beach Season Has A rriv?d At last, and you will want one of these attractive and serviceable suits. We give you a durable Palm ?each suit made to your measure, with any suit at $15.75 and up. The Anderson -Today "The Lost Chord" A sensational 3 reel feature in which MARIA CARMI has the leading part. . "Prospector's Warning" One thousand feet of fun. Children don't forset the flies-kill 25 and get a free ticket. ADMISSION 5c and 10c : ? Paramount Theatre X O D A. "V PATHE DAY "The New Exploits of Elaine" Path? "Pathe News Pictures" Pathe "Col. Heeza Liar" Pathe Cartoon Comedy ?_;-:-.-'.- . This . Is an unusually good day's program) ea ?ll Pathe. programa are. Prices Aa Always Sc and 10c Paramount Motto: "The tram m small things, fee same j ns in larga/* < V' ^ M'. 'II in'' ? i--- itisi'i.-1 ' "' ii i ?? i Centennial V< Church Y<& Interest GREAT THRONG OF PEOPLE WERE ON HAND FOR SEC OND DAY'S SESSION Aty IMPORTANT MATTER TODAY Chicora College Question Will Be Brought Before the Presbytery. The second day of the spring meet lng ot Piedmont Presbytery, ia session ! ut Varenaes church, was given over yeoCerday largely to the celebration cf the centennial ot this historic church. Several hundred people from all sectionue of tho county, iu eluding the city ot Anderson, were present and a most enjoyable day was spent. The address of the day was deliv ered by the Rev. W. ll. Mills, of Clemson College, who spoke ou "The Country Church the Center of the Social Life of the Community." The address was a masterful one and was thoroughly enjoyed by the largo con gregation present. Next of Interest and importance on the program was the reading nf the history of Varennea church by lluling Elder M. A. Thompson. This was followed by a paper entitled "Remin iscences of 20 Years Pus tora to at Varennea Church," by the Rev. H. C. Fernlee, of Lowndes ville. So lelightful wero all three ad dresses the Presbytery by unanimous vote decided to have them put In per manent form. The greater part of the morning session waa taken up with the con atdlug ot reporta from the' various churches aud the referring of various natters to the proper committees. Davidson Kilter Cp. An Interesting matter which carno up during the day was the discussion of .tho advisability of the iou th Car olina Presbyteries giving up their pri vilege of electing trait?es ot Davidson College, North Carolina, and devoting til of their Interests to the State Presbyterian College. Tho question arose when tho matter nf electing a successor to the late Dr. F>. F. Sm.itn. of Easley. on thc board of trustees of Davidson. After c very spirited debate cn the matter. Piedmont Presbytery decided to retain thia privilege, add elected Mr. W. C. 8mlth, brother of Dr. R. ?. Smith, to the vacancy. Address Called Off. Owing to threatening weather ooh* dltiona. it waa decided to postpone the sermon? ot the occasion, which was to have been delivered laat night at 8 o'cclock. by the Rev. J. W. Vin son. 01 Sherman, Texas. The sermon will be delivered this morning. A pleasant feature ot tho day's aea sion was the bountiful picnic dinner served by tho good housewives ot the community. Today's Busln?s.i. One of the most important natters to be brought before the Presbytery v.jdoy will be that of tho Chicora Col lege proposition, lt ?s uu.!ora'4>od that a proposition "will be presented from the town of Clinton recommend ing that both ute Greenville property and the property recently acquired, in Columbia be sold and th? college mov avenues sterday An ling Occasion ed to Clinton. As generally known, Chicora College was- recently tender ed th? property of the Colio?e rcr Wo men in C otumbia, valOed at -tome ?-00, 000. on condition the Oreen ville insti tution assume the tndob*-:dn?s.; of the Institution, amounting to HOMO $-00, 000. It ls reliably reported that the town of Clinton wm offer n site end I $50,000 for tho removal of Ch'cnra to that town. It fs understood Cia*, there is a vfery strong sentiment In Piedmont Presbytery lor live moving ot the college to Clinton, for the rea ooa that the 'Presbyterian, college for young men ls already there and it Is believed there are certain advantages .to be had from concentrating the edu cational institutions of. tije denomina tion In one place, insofar J s ls prac ticable. 22,000 DEAD FLIES 8LAYE0J A DAY This Number of Pesie Were De livered to The Anderson Theatre. Polly 20.000 files met their death yesterday as a result of the announce ment by the management of The An derson theatre that each cchlld da lyering at the box off?co ?ar many as 35. dead flies would be given a free tick et to the picture show. lt ia estimated by the management ,of the theatre that between 400 and 500 children were admitted to the show as a result ot the fly crussde. It will be seen that If each 26 o( the 20.000 files brought to the box office bad. admitted a child, there would have been 800 admissions. Bat some ot the youngsters. brought more than 35 of the pests. In tact, one little .fellow brought 201 flies, while anoth er came In with 109. . Just what the killing of 20,000 tiles at this time ; jeans in tho way of cutting down tht number .ot flics that wonld have beeb ?xl?tui* Ifttf* in the season it impossible of crVtilatlon, but it ls saff to say tbat "JUM y mil lions oi ;Ud pesta have thus bt-en braded off. Ft:?ERAL MRS. HUTCHINSON Large Cuhcuarse o' Sorrowing Friends Faid Their Respect to Noble Wemwc .The funeral servies? ot Mrs. An nie Elizabeth Hutchinson, who died early yesterday morning, at her home on North Mata street, wera beld yes terday afternoon at t o'clock at the residence, conducted by the Rev. John P. Vines, pastor of tba First Baptist church, of which sba was a devoted member, and the Rev. O. I* Martin. Interment was at 8?lver Brook ceme tery. Mrs. Hutchinson ,was ene of the most highly esteemed women abd on? ot the most consecrated Christisns ia tho county, and her death la ? great loss to the community. A large num ber of sorrowing friend? were present to nay their respecta to this nobie woman. The floral offerings were numerous ?nd exquisite, attesting tko love- and esterna Ha wntets she wa? neta, . ?J~_ PINKSION ANNOUNUES SOMETHING GREA! Has Something Up His Sleeve That WU1 Make Publia Sit Up and Take Notice. Manager A. M. Pinkston of the Pa! rnetto Theatre returned last night from a two-days' trip to Atlanta und other points, where he went in thc interest of his show. Asked Inst night for a statement. Mr. Pinkston said, "You may say that I have just returned from a trip to Atlanta, where I went in the inter ests of my amusement house, and that I have got something on tho string that v iii make the theatre-going pub lic of Anderson sit up and take no tice. Tell the public just to watch the newspapers for my advertise ments. " Mr. Pinkston has been putting, in especially creditable sboWu ut his playhouse lately, and each week there is an Improvement In Ute' class of the show presented. That he has some thing coming to bis playhouse that will make the theatre-going public "sit up and take notice" will be ' of keenest interest to his hundred? Of regular patrons and the general pub lic aa well throughout the city. Ask Receivership for. Read. TOPEKA. Kan., April 28.-Petitions for receivership and an accounting of the affaira of the Kansas City. Mex-' ico & Orient Railway were flied, here today by William Volker, of Kansas City, against the I'nited States & Mexican'Trust Company of Alabama. CASCARETS FOR YOUR BOWELS IF HEADACHY, SICK Tonight! Clean your bowels and end Headaches, Golda, Sour Stomach. " Oet a 10-cent box. T*ut aside-Just o*.ee-the Salts, Pills. Castor Oil or Purgative Water:, which mer ly force a- pas sageway through the bowels, but do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage organs, and have no effect whatever upon the liver' and stomach. Keep your "Insides" pure and fresh with Casca rets, whl-h thoroughly cleanse ute Stomach, remove the un digested, sour food and foul gaaes, take the excess bile from the liver aaa carry out of the system ?.!? the constipated waste metter and poisons In the bowels. A Ca?caret tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you bleep-never gripe, sicken, and cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist Millions of men and women take a Cas ca ret now and then and never have Headache, Biliousness, Severe Colds, Indigestion, Sour Stom ach or Constipated Bowels. Cascareis belong in every household. Children Just love t? take thom. ' Today's Program . Al Williams Musical Comedy Company "At The Junction" Movies for Today "In The Sunlight" A Two Reel Drama , ** "Settled at the Sea Shore" One of those Screamingly Funny Keystone Comodies. 'We run the cream' of the Mutual Service when it comes to Comedies.'' 7; . McCormick Improved Binders The world's standard for lightness of draught,; ease 6? operation and perfect^ of--workhianship. tf you wartt the BEST buy ' >\\ * ?\i THE MCCORMICK, I V * Suman Mardie Co. Anderson, Greenville, Belton*