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_,-,-r-- ? -. rr-,-Bsasm \ i i i i i I f . - Turning a Dull Day into A Busy One In order to get a more equal distribution of our business we propose to start a "WEDNESDAY SPECIALS" sales. To that end, we are naming Very Special prices on a number of 'articles, which can be ordered at any time between Mon? day morning and 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, and your orders will be filled at some time on Wednesday. These prices are NOT good for delivery at any other time than on Wedne&day of the week in which the articles are advertised. Buc all goods ordered from this "Wednesday Specials" list wir surely be delivered on next Wednesday. These prices are for CASH ONLY; they are NOT good for de livery on any other day however. We are giving YOU these Very Close prices to induce you to place your orders with us for DELIVERY on Wednesday, as we have less busi ness on that day, and can take care of the added business without any increased expense, FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY'S DELIVERY Regular Wednes ' Price day Stuffed Olives..... .... . .25c . 23c Stuffed Olives.10c 9c Wesson Cooking Oil .. .. ... . ..25c 23c Wesson Cooking Oil .... ,.30c 27c Wesson CookingOil. . . 50c 45c Del Monte White Asparagus (Col losal 2 lb cans .. . .. ......35c 30c - I . Kingan's Sliced Dried Beef, per jar.25c 23c Heinz Cherry Preserves.30c 27c Heinz ??c?r?d Figs. . .Voe . 70c BeechNut Preserved Figs.20c 17c Beech Nut Oscar Sauce.. .30c 26c Beech Nut Spiced Plum Jam .. ..15c . 13c IBeech Nut Spitzenburg Apple Jelly.25c 23c Snlders Chili Sauce.fSc 23c Jone's Bros. Apple Butter ...... 10c Sc Campbell's Soups.10c Se 1 lb cans Rumford's Baking Powder.25c 23c Arbuckles Coffee ..25c 23c Arbuckles Breakfast Coffee.30c 25c 7 cans Red Devil Lye.35c 25c 7 bars Proctor & Gamble's White Naptha Soap.35c 25c Country Meal per peck . . . . . :30c 25c Blue' Ridge Early June Peas, per can 15c 10c .- . Fancy Pink Salmon..lSc 10c 3 cans 3 lb Hand Packed Tomatoes.30c 25c Templ? Garden Tea t>S lb) . . . 10c Sc Beech Nut Sliced Breakfast Bacon in jars.20c 18c 1 5 pounds best granulated Sugar $1.15 $1.00 Kerosene Oil, per'gallon..15c 10c 10 pounds Good Compound Lard. .. . .$1.10 $1.00 CHECK OFF YOUR WANTS NOW AND PHONE US EARLY MONDAY Remember please, that we Are Out of The High Rent District and Can Save You Money on Your Croceries. The Telephone and our Quick Delivery Make Near Neighbors. FREE Wilh er ch order a Sample of our Extra P^feerry Coffee, and a Sample bag of Paul Jones Hom . 1 . ?s- . ? . <- . - - - - . = ? . ?-r Pr?vost''s Store I South Side Grocery Co. j ' 5 Salesmen 4 Deliveries 2 Phones 74 and 98 We Are Surprised fand very musk -gratified with the libera! patronage especially thi* this week. We believe that we . have, given entire. satisfaction to ;osar cratomejrs old end new- Ye* glbr -we ?re getting new( cnatorner* f Today vre have Rod Stumpers, Spanish Mackerel. Seimon Trout, Wfmf**1* Red Fine, Shad and ;fo?e tarse Sta-hnp. We Still Drear Them. . Phone us early and often Phone 1?7. DO jto>i hive Thte? Armt Made m CAM-Of Ste Negroes Who Escaped Of Tho third arrest In connection,with thc escapo, ot six alleged negro gamb lers from Hesita Officer TJ A. Camp ben &nd Private Clamp, who arrested the negroes last: Sunda* afternoon ?nd let Uje.mtoese witen on* of the ne groes snatched Privat? Clamb'a pis tol and fired apon arSeer Campbell' ijwwsde ye?ierdey by the police at Seneca. ?>oy Wfli.ams ie.i&e name ol the third party arrested, ?nd ne ts aot confined tn a cell at the police station, haViag been* brought. back frew sen*?? mst night by Private DrlBkell. Since the escape rf tb? negroes last Sunday police offit ;h of sfcrnroading towna have bebo notified to be Oh tho watchout for them. Yesterday thc . \ -arrested a a*bgrfr st Seneca whc d to description of th? ne bo ?'Bcap?^^?SLthe two ot lost Sttnday afternoon, Private ll ??flt ' to Sea*?? -J**,' <h? ? o'clock train last evening., identified the n*>?i? as U^^^^geurtag fterr: and brought him back fi? the city or th? train arriving here at 8 o'clock NEW DEHOiSTRIllN ?JERE TODAY S. ML BYAR5 WILL TAKE UP HIS NEW DUTIES ON .MONDAY IS A GOOD MAN Ie Recommended Highly By Pre*-' .dent Harrison Of Southern Railway. Anderson county's .new agricultural demonstrator. 8. M. By a rs. will ar rive here tonight and Monday mora ine will take up his new duties. For the past few days Mr. Byers haa been at Clemson College In confer ence with Prof. W. W. Long, Btate agent of the farmers "cooperative de monstration and extension work, fami liarizing himself with certain features of the work that he will do in this county. Mr. Byers ls a native ot Mississippi and comes tn Anderson from that State. He was recommended to Prof. Long as a splendid man for Anderson county by President Fairfax Harrison of the Southern Railway, Mr. Byers having been associated with the agri cultural work of the Southern for some years. Interviewed yesterday by a reporter for The Intelligencer, Prof. Long spoke very highly of Mr. Byers, both personally and ai to bis ability. "H? Is a young man and exceptionally In dustrlous man," Bald Prof. Long," has but little to say an ' believes in mak ing his work speak for Itself, am sure he is going to make Ander son county a splendid demonstration agent. I talked with bim about thc new position he is going to take and gave him to understand it was no easy Job he was taking up, and his reply to me was: 'Well, Prof. Long, I will succeed or I will kill myself trying.' " Prof. Long stated that the new agent had been recommended to him by President Harrison of the South ern aa one cf ilie best men that bad ever been in> the employ of his com pany, and be is confident that he will please the people of Anderson coun ty. Mr. Byora will bring hie family to Anderson with him. He intends going about the agricultural work in a thorough business like manner, and one of the first things ho intends do ing after reaching here ls getting an automobile to ase In 'his rounds through the county. ? BASEBALL RESULTS. _ o j o . o oooooooooooooooooooo National League. At Now York 1; Philadelphia 7. At Cincinnati 2; Pittsburgh 3. At Boston 6; Brooklyn 1. At Chicago 4; St. Louis 7. American League. .. At Philadelphia 1; New York 9. At Detroit 5; Cleveland 0. At Washington 5; Boston 7. At St. Louis 4; Chicago 3. federal League. At St. Louis 1; Chicago 4. At Pittsburgh 4; Kansas City 1. At Newark 5; Baltimore 1. At Buffalo 4; Brooklyn 8. Southern League. At Atlanta 4; New Orleans 7. At Chattanooga 1; Memphsi 4. Jt Birmingham 3; Motile 4. leLlltte Rock 3; Nashville 7. South Atlantic League. At Albany 9; Jacksonville 5. At Augusta 6; Savannah 5, eleven ^t'charleBton 7; Columbia t. . At Macon 6; Columbus 5. Cnlterslty Gaines. At Philadelphia. Yale 8; Pennsyl vania^.. At Providence, Brown 8; Prince ton 3. , At Ithica, Cornell 9; Rochester 0. At New York, Dartmouth 7; Cotunv 1 bia 2. , At Athens. Georgia 4; Mississippi j Agates 4. At Annapolis, Tufts ?; Navy 4. At Wakeforest, N. C., Wskeforest 7; Trinity e. _ Clemson Detested * Citadel. CLt&tSON COLLAGE, April 17. In a very slow gaine featured hy batting.of both teams and 2 home runs for Citadel. Clemson won today. Cureton, for Clemson, got 4 hits. Following ls the seor-- by innings: denison.20? OOO 14*-J8 Citadel.001 010 010- ?. Batterien: Schachte and Harrte; Gibson and Jame*. The Bgat Piece. ? "Realty, Kate," said ^he country cousin, in considerable agitation, "1 am Very sorry I lost my head and j kissed you. I dida't think what I wu" j doiog. It ls a sort bf temporary in sanity in our family." "Welt, Hov," replied the young wo f you ever feel any wore saca coming on, you hw?l?H?M! ?here where your ?nfbnutty and we will bike care, of Ttoa^Wtel Mr Corncob. ore you sprinkling the mea 1th sawdust for. Mr. Cotn . summer boarders frotn b* watt UV to ree a irrak ?14 tho fast thing, an' I *t goln' to disappoint 'em, hy ."-Jacksonville Tlmes-Unto*. Clairvoyant Palmist Trance Medium Why are yoe so unsuccessful 'n business? Why ere you so melancholy and discouraged? Wby are yon drawn through life so unhappy? Why is some one sharing the loro that is rightfully yours! Theta and, kindred questions csu be answered, advised upon, and the cause explained. I will impart to you { a force so strong, so subtle that life! becomes Wright Happy and Prosper If you care to know what business you shall follow to bc successful, I where yon shall go, and who to avoid, If you intend to make any changos, or to start a business, buy or sell property, or, in fact, take any import ant steps, you should call on me at once. Those who are In sorrow, doubt and distress ahould. I have helped thous sods, why not you? No matter bow had your conditions or of how long .standing; I can bring the BUCCOHH and OappinesH that ls rightfully yours. Evil habits and Influences that] bear you dawn, causing bad ?uck and emiting you despondent aud unnblej to gain your desires, I can, ?brough j my fully developed psychic forces, ? remove. My long and successful practice In I adjusting business affaire makes lt I impossible to foll in being of benefit tn affairs ot love, marriage, divorce, ] changes, wills, deeds, mortgages, pat ents, sickness, and, In fact, every-1 thing. If you have trouble or difficulties of any kind come to me and have a quiet chat, confidentially. I will tell you what can be done. I can assist! you in all walks of life. Don't be des pondent, worry or feel bad when you ?only have to call. Now, as a business adviser, I stand i preeminent I will tell you more [ about your own business than you I know yourself. If you are not doing well, and want to do fetter, call on I mc. Have you domestic difficulties? Isl ?our wife, husband or sweetheart un true? Do others share the love that I rightfully belongs to you? If so, don't] ncsitate. Call quick before too late. I aa besieged every d&y with the I very best .people of Anderson and surrounding country, seeking advice | and information on all matters of In terest stich as business transactions, lawsuits, contested will, life insur ance, damage suits, deeds, mortgages, ?collections, speculations, stocks and! financlat affairs, love, courtship, mar- j rlage and divorces. Reunite the separated, settle lover's quarrels, locates lost relatives or friends. You will also be told how to bave your every want and wlBh satis/led, how to live happily and con tented the remainder of your life. Does everything seem to go wrong?] Has fortune never smiled .on yon! Has your lite been full of rps and downe? If so, why not call'a^d lei ms advise rou how to overcome \ho\ stumbling blocks that seem to-stand ! tn your way. I teach palmistry . and personal 'magnetism. Develop weak medium'*, and will instruct you in the occult, imparting to you the wonderful secret j -"Success." 1 $H> practice and professional repu tation is built upon honor, reason able charges, faithful service and I speedy succ?s?. Call today for to morrow may be too late. ZORADAIZMAR 468 N MoDuffle St.. ope block posto.fflco, near the standpipe. Hours: 9:So a. m. until 8 p. ni of The ?renter Vanity. authors about tl irtte? Highbrow-Thcrf I: effort* to *. :'. r, Kr. High ig vateer than things you madam; our -oudon Opta Man ?ni Tressa*. He-Dahl What. ls woman? A rag, a bone, and a hank of hair . She-And man? A jag, a drone, and a tank- of air. PIAN? FOR CA??Lt FEEDING DISCUSSED PROF. LONG WOULD DIVIDE STATE INTO FOUR DIS TRICTS MARKET CENTERS Would Be Established In Each District-Sale At Green wood Success. Plans for dividing South Carolina into some four districts, with a mar keting center for each district, aid carrying on csttle feeding work on a large scale, such as that which has been done already on a small scale and Greenwood and other counties of the State, were discussed Informally yesterday by Prof. W. W. Long, state agent of the farmers' coopera tive and demonstration and extension work, when interviewed by a reporter for The Intelligencer. Prof. Long mentioned this matter In the course of conversation relating to the recent .' 10 of heef cattle at Creen wood wh< a had ieen fattened under thc direction of Prof. L. O. Williams, In charge ot the animal hus bandry work at clemson College. He was greatly pleased with the sale of cattle at Greenwood. Ninety-eight bend of specially fattened animals were'disposed of for splendid prices. In discussing the matter yesterday. Prof. Williams stated that thc cattle had been fed for. 90 days, but that hereafter in carrying on tills work he was going to arrange tor the cat tle tr. bo fed 120 days instead, ll waa then that Prof. Long mentioned hie plan of dividing the State Into four districts for this cattle fattening work and have marketing centers in each bf these districts. As yet he has not laid out the districts cr de termined upon what towps or cities will be the marketing centers. Prof. Long believes that there l i a great future for this work in South ('aro Una, and ls anxious to see it tried out cn a larger scale. FOUND MARKET TO RE IN SANITARY SHAPE W. J. Maneas States That State Health Officer Finds No Faut. "Dr. J. Adam Hayne, cute health officer; Dr. W. H. Nardin, secretary of the local board of health; and Dr. John Major, meat and milk Inspector ot the city, visited my meat market this morning, and, after a thorough examination ot the premises, Dr. Hayne pronounced Its sanitary condi tion perfectly satisfactory, and stated that it was a credit to most meat markets in the State," declared W. J. Maneas Inst night, proprietor of a market on the west aldo of North Main street, between Marchbsnks ft Babb, Jewelers, and the Eagle Barncr shop. Mr. Maneas' remarks were made in the nature of a repl> to what trans pired in fi. special meeting of city council held rxiday afternoon, when sta alderman repelled that several persona had come to him with com plaints as to obnoxious odors coming from Maness' market and asked for relief, resulting in Pr. Major being instructed to Investigate the place, and, if anything wrong was db cov ered, have the same remedied. "Dr. Major stated to rae that be would substantiate what was said by Dr. Hayne," declared Mr. Maness,'" and my place Is open at all times to all persons for inspection, and ^cor dially Invite them to come around at any time add make an inspection of the place from top to bottom. The doctor's went down into thc taBement of my place this morning anu thc on ly objectionable thing they found waa' a sour smell that carno from the cel lar. I am going to try and eliminate thia sour smell, although I have not used the basement for any purpose whatever for more than a year. Mr. Maness stated that the condi tion of the basement was due to a situation he found there wbon he purchased the market. He described the condition of the basement at 'hat tlm? as -being fearfully bad. "But I pnt men to work in lt," he declared," and gad gave the basement a thorough cleaning. It is now as dry ss can be, Qt course, when 1 took told of the market I trlwl to put it in perfect sanitary condition, but odors and de cayed matter bad soaked Into tho ground in the basement before that. When a damp spell comes now these odors, of course, rise-again snd when the east wind blows it creates a suc tion through the ventilators of my place and this draws the odors from the. basement." Mr. Manes? reiterated the state ment that ho doe? not use this base ment, and haa not ased lt for mot? than a year. He declared thst he ifi going to do his best to obliterate the odors or the sour smell when Dr. Hoyne mentioned after this Investiga* tion of the place 2? Trouble Either Way. "Yes," said the Fairy Prince, "you may have whatever yo? want for a Christmas present." "I will choose," eatd the Fortunate Person, "either a wife or an automo bile." "How foolish !" exclaimed the Fairy Prince. "Why do you not select some thing that you cati manage?"-Ex. We have gathered together for Mon day's selling, Extra Special Bargains from all over the house that will pay anybody [to buy at the prices named. There are hundreds of big bargains not advertised that will be on sale Monday. Be here! Lawns, value 75c, Monday.50c Beautiful line Children's Wash Hats, the newest styles, Monday . . . . 45c White Quilts, Marseilles patterns, reg ularly sold for $1,50, Monday . . . .98c 1 lot 40 inch White Voiles values up to 25c, special for Monday. . . 12c 40 inch Crepe ?le Chine all colors, regular pnce $1.50, Monday.$1.19 36 inch Silk Poplin, all the new shades, $1.00 value, Monday . . . .75c Yard wide Bleached Muslin, worth 10c, special* for Monday . . . . . . 6 l-2c 1 lot Salome Novelty Muslins, value 8c, special for Monday.. . . 5 l-2c Ladies' Muslin Gowns trimmed in lace and Embroidery, value 50c, Mon day . . .. . ... 25c Ladies' Corset Covers, value 25c, Monday sale. ., 18c 1 lot Ladies' Waists slight soiled (carried from last season) special for Mon day.10c 1 lot Ratine Stripes Crepes, beautiful pat terns, value 12 l-2c, special for Mon day. . .81-3c 1,000 yards extra fine quality Pajama Checks, value 15c, Monday . . . . .10c Good quatity Seamless Shoots, full size without starch, value 75c, Monday. 94c day.9c4 Fine Quality' Black and White Stripe Voile 40 inches, special for Mon day. .20c i? mmm Val Lace and Insertions round thread and diamond meshes, values up to 8c Mon day .4c Boys Wash Suits, beautifully made, values up to $1.25, Monday . . ; .75c Children's Dresses in Ginghams, Percales, and White 1 lot Ladies' Oxford Ties in Patent Leath er and Vici Kid, value $1.75, Monday sale . . ... .$1,25 1 lot Ladies' Oxfords in Patent, Kid and Gun Metal, values up to $2.00, Monday sale.$1.48 1 lot Ladies' Oxfords in all leathers and Iall styles, values up to $3.00, Monday sale .. .. .. .... $1.98 THE LESSER CO Where You Pay Less.1 Let us Screenyorat AndProtect Your Health Screen Doors-Screen Windows Screen Wire Cloth AH Sizes and Grades Prices are Right Tate Hardware Company