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. y - . . -J-1. , Il -f Here's Something to Think Over Quality in clothes is like nature in man. lt is the element that governs future actions. Careful selection in each case insures best results. ED V. PRICE & CO, produce a degree of tailoring from your individual measure that is better than the price would indi cate. , Our new styles and woolens ? for spring await your call. Price's range from jM$.oo to $40.00 eeeT.LCelyCo.m ?__________ MBS. W, AM BUDGEKB, Phone 87. Mrs. Mary Parker of Abbeville ls the guest of Mr.-.. M. L. Bonham for several days. Mrs. Valentine Entertains. Mrs. W. B. Valentine entertained two tables of bridge ln^e delightful informal manner yesterday afternoon. It was a very pleasant occasion and fully enjoyed by those present. .Misa Bonnie Orr has returned from a visit of several days in Due West, and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Irving Brownlee. v Anniversary Celebration. Tho Woman's Missionary Society . of the First Baptist Church Request the honor of your present at their Anniversary Celebration In ' an all day meeting, beginning at ten-thirty in the morning. April Twentieth, .Nineteen Fifteen. South Manning Street, Anderson, S. C A spiendld program has been pre pared for your enjoyment and. lunch In the basement. Will you bo so kind as to inform the leader of your divi sion of,your intention. The following automobile part) were here yesterday from Pendleton: Mps. ,H. P. Sitton, Jr..' Mrs. 3. M. Aull, Miss Caro Aull and Miss Emma Sitton. ?* Miss,Mary Wllhite ts at home again after la; stay.'.pf Ht wo months in Atlan* $X V v; v ' . ^ f? * Shirtwaist Sade. The/Ladies' Working Society of the Central Presbyterian church will hold a shirttWaUtjsaie on Monday morning 10 o'clock, and Monday afternoon at 3:30. Besides a beautiful lino of shirt waist, which will be sold cheap, there will be plenty of dainty underwear and children's garments, ali handmade'.. The sale will be held in the Anderson Pure Food Co.'s neu store room. MrB. Ed. Frierson of Belton is vis iting friends here. Friday Afternoon at Elks Home. Friday will be card afternoon at the Elk Home, and thc members are plan ning to make it an especially pleasant occasion and they hope there will be a large attendance of ladies. oooooooooooooooooo o'o ? BASKBALL RESULTS. o oooooooooooooooooooo NATIONAL LE AG UK At New York 16; Brooklyn 8. At Boston 0; Philadelphia 3. At Cincinnati 2; Pittsburgh 9. At Chicago 7; St. Louis 2. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE At Albany 2; Columbus 6. - At Savannah 2 ;? Charleston 3. At Columbia 19; Augusta 0. At Jacksonville 6; Macon 7. FEDERAL LEAGUE ' At Kansas City 3; St. Louis 2; 12 innings. At Baltimore 5; Buffalo 1 ? At Brooklyn 8; Newark 7. Chicago-Pittsburgh, not scheduled. SOUTHERN LEAGUE At Atlanta 1; New Orleans .">. At Chattanooga 3; Memphis 2. At Birmingham 4; Mobile 6. At Utile Rock 0; Nashville 4. AMFMCAN LEAGUE At Detro.'r. ,'3; Clev?laad 6. At Washington 7; New York 0. At Philadelphia 2; Boston 0. At St. Louis 6; Chicago 7. , ' Mother-Are you quite sure that you have ceased to love him? Daughter-Absolutely! I don't even care if he has a pretty stenographer [in his office!-Indianapolis Star, jj" 1 -.-' MttttHHHSHMfe flWHHHHHHHHHHHfrflRHRHHHHjHHHji' HHH9HR1 OH IB. : . , M K'lll'D. Untrimmed shapes, stylish street P^?HPw ' ' nna dr6S8 hats, 'flowers, feathery and ?jH| SM? *W3SI 3 velvet ribbons of every hue and shade BWt?M^fSIMM W| coming in daily. K/^^avfi. Wc ,iavc Just received ?orne striking I IH^^nHH new* B"1*8 thiB week- Be sure you QB' S1W?> fffltisM S see them before you buy. The pricos HR wwi Pl are very reasonable. SHH i'^HJ^VV l\l fi A nice assortment of beautiful . fi?' ! ^V ? ' W?- ' Voiles, Batistes, Organdies, and New Hffl; .j^^ ^^^^H E ? d VOlleB JU8t rCCeIV6d" "M ^^^^^ ^*^'^*^ ^ ^^^''^^^^^^^^^^^^ BHll*: BBfiHeBB^ -^^t/x ^___slMs8smML^^^2*flBt . ? .... - '; : .'' ]*Jp IV ?**'." ; .... : ... HHw&H^BHj|Hj9gB \CnVE MANAGEMENT TO BE ASSUMED BY HENRY FRIERSON FINE PE ATURES! Of This Well Known Motion Picture House Will Be Continued. The announcement that upon the retirement ot F. M. Burnett as ac tive manager of the Paramount Theatre, Henry Frierson is to assume the position of active mm "er comes with a great deal cf interest at thia time. Mr. Frierson is an Anderson boy and has had several years ex perience in the motion picture busi ness. He is considered one of the best operators in this section of the cov.itry, and his friended cf whom he has a great number predict for him great success. The Paramount has already secured a permanent patronage, and, since Mr. Frierson haj been with the Para mount from the beginning he has of course kept in very close touch with the policies of the directors. It is announced that instead of a feature a day that only two or three Paramount features will be shown each week and that a high grade of varied programs of not less than four reels will he shown the other days. Of course the highly popular "Exploits'of Elaine" will be continued as the usual Thurs day attraction. -??. As announced in today's Intelligen cer, F. M. Burnett bas accepted a position with the trustees of Ander-* sou College* Mr. Burnett expresses himself as highly pleased with the prospects of the Paramount under the management of Mr. Frierson and 1B delighted that the directors have been able to secure an Anderson boy for this responsible position. PAID IS F CLL Title of interesting Play Well Done at The Anderson Last Sight. The Fountain Stock Company again inst night played to a good sized house at The Anderson. Tre subject of tbe play was "Paid In Full," and as a story full of Interesting ?cli maxes it was good. A little more life in the acting would help some in keep* ing up the interest, but there was real good acting. It was an interest ing storf with a moral and the at tention of the audience was held till Ute close. The following are the cast of char acters and the synopsis: > Cast of Character. Joseph Brooks.George Rolande Captain Williams.D, F. Marion James Smith."Bot" Schafer Sato.Will Sutherland Mr?. Harris.Edith Kurt Ruth Harris.Maxine Farr Emma Bro ks.Nanua Leigh Synopsis. Act I.-Joe Brooks' fist in Harlem. Time, July 15th, 7:30 p. to. Art (I.-Joe Brooks' Apartment In a si-fashionabl Hotel, September 17th. Act III.-Captain Williams' Apart ment. Same night. Act IV.-Same at. Act H.-One Hour Later. Today there will be presented by the same company "The Sweetest Ghi in Dixie," ana the announcement was made that they will remain fOr all of nert week. A large audience 13 expected to see the performance toi day, and for. the balance of tbs time thia company Is here. If Back Hurt* Use Salts For Kidneys Eat Uss Meat If Kidneys Feel Likti Lead or Bladder Bothers. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and bogged and need a flushing occasion-* illy, else we bare backache and dull nlscry In tile kidney region, severe leadaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid Iver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and ill sr-?? of bladder disorders. Yo"iimply must keep your kidneys ictive and clean, and the moment you leal an ache or .pain in the kidney ?eg!on, get about fodr ounces of lad Salts from any good drag store hf re. ake a tablespoonful in a glass of vet?r before brenkf/ st for a few days md yonr kidneys will then act fine, mis famous salts is made from the icid of grapes and lemon Juice, com ilned with 11thlo. and is harmless to lush clogged kidneys and stimulate hem to normal activity, lt also nev rallies the acids in the urine so lt io longer irritates; thus etedlng pl?d ier disorders, Jad Salts ls harmless; inexpensive; oakes a delightful effervescent lithhv< water drink which everybody should ake now and then to keep their kld teys clean, thus ?voiding serious otnpl (cations. A well-known local druggist says he ells Iota, of jtA Salts to folks who iclleve In ovA.comtng kidney trouble tillie it is only trouble. . spicaufd fer Itfceaatatism. "1. think Chamberlain's Liniment 1s uet splendid for rheumatism." writes ?ra. Dunbsrgh. Eldridge, N. Y?. ;*jr ian been used by myself and other aembcra of my family time end time ga'.n during the past six rears a#d ?aa always -given the beat of aatlsfac lon.1 The quick relict Croat sain vhlch Chamberlain's Liniment af? oue worth many times the oat. QoUinable everywhere. JOIN the "Paint the House" movement. This is the ideal season. Everybody's doing it. IS early all Do it with "Town and Country" paint. SK DUG AN W H VJ Phone 647 -;- -:- No 132 N. Main St. Get your Wall-Paper of us, too. ************** ELECTRIC COT ?term of Interest end Ferrons Wireless on the St t****j?*??****4 :*7. Sullivan Is Up ?nd Abos1.. Friends of a. Cullen Sullivan, Esq., were delighted to see him up town yesterday morning and looking much improved in health. Thia is the first time Mr. Sullivan has been up town since he wss seised with a severe attack} ot la grippe aeusral, weeks ago. He contemplates resting tor Beveral months before returning to work. --Of J. B. Glenn Salters Serions Fire LOBS. News baa reached the city of the loss by fire of a large barn and three other farmhouses by J: li-. Glenn, a 'substantial farmer ot the Hollands Store section of the coun ty. The fire occured last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Glenn estimates bis loss at about $2,000, with no. insur ance. -0 Bankrupt Sale Is Confirmed. The sale of the bankrupt stock of the two stores of A. W. Bailey ft Co., which was bid ld at auction last week by Joe Trowbridge, was con firmed, yesterday by United States Judge II. A. M. Smith, of Charleston. Mr. Trowbridge took charge of the stock at once. He has a large force helping him get the stock in shape for sale, and will open up {Friday after noon at 3 o'clock at the store on thc east aide of the square which was cc* cupied by Balley ft Co. ^-v^-r--o--' Phosphate and Oil Company Directors. . A special meeting of the board of directors of the Anderson Phosphate and Oil company directors waa held yesterday at noon in the- offices ot the company here. Capt. E. A. Smyth, of Greenville, waa the only out ot town director present A num ber of matters of a routine nature w?re before the board. W*. 8. Farmer ?ras elected secretary-of the company. ??? ? o Goodly Kamber Saw Bidry Car. The dairy instruction car, with a poultry exhibit Included, which the Southern Railway -ha's loaned to Clemson College, 'v*.s in Anderson yesterday fore, a?d afternoon. The sar is in charge of W. W. Flts patrjck, H. C. Converse. J. P. Kuinerly. D. W. Watkins and T. C. ?arc. ail professors of Clemson Col lege, in either the dalry or poultry branches, and G. W. Humphreys of the Southern Raliway. The oar was jpen from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 4 Km and a number of lectures and lempj&tration* were given. Only a Ssw people viewed the car. -o Charged With Swiping Cow. - Charged with theft of live stock, o vit, a cow. one Philander Sanders, colored, was arrested yesterday at Pendleton, at the request of local au thorities, and brought back to An derson by Deputy James Williams. The negro is charged with stealing a ;ow belonging to J. E. Cox, of Bregon Mill village, it teing alleged that he ttole the cow Tuesday night. He had he cow with him wheo ' arrested st Pendleton yesterday. Charged WMW~"~"? lV?III? SM fl it ?I? xi inna/ tm waan, Jd? Clark, one of the negroes wsnt td by the police, ?havged with be ug in the gambling game last Sun lay, which eas raided by officers. Shan Health Officer Tom Campbell rsa. shoe by Hobt. Bowie, has been irresred and lodged tb tb? etty guard muse. {SPARKLETS * , * 1 Mention Caught Over th? * raab of Anderson * ?*>?*>?**>???aa?>*? Hard Row Ahead For This Negro. Following a conference yesterday morning between Solicitor * K. P. Smith, Acting City Attorney Ernest F. Cochran and Police Chief 8am mons lt-was announced that two war rants would be lodged against the ne gro Robert Bowie, who is held In the county jail chai ged with shooting Health Officer T. A. Campbell when he and Private Clamp raided a gang of negro gamblers in the southeastern section of the city last Sunday after noon. One cf the warrant will charge the negro with assault and battery with Intent to kill Officer Campbell and tho other will charge him with u like offense against J. B. Wall. It is not improbable that a third warrant will be lodged against the negro, charging him with committing a simi lar offense against Private Clamp. The negro will be given a prelimi nary hearing before Magistrate G. H. Geiger next Monday. Is Building Kew Country Home. Mr. W. P. McClellan of this city, haj built a nice house for Mr' John Martin near Pelzer, and the work was dene In record time. Some of the interior finishing luis been deferred until after the busy season on the farm ls over. -o Here to Gather Paving Information. ' E. R. Horton, Jr., son of F. Rt. Horton, chairman of the paving com mission, who ls connected with the engineering department of the?South ern 'Public Utilities company, with headquarters in Charlotte, was in An derson yesterday gathering data apropos of the pavting of the com pany's tracks in this city. Mr. Hor ton will have charge of the paving of the company's lines. -o Two Fires Early Yesterday Koro lng. Between 7 and 10 o'clock yesterday morning the fire, department receiv ed two caBs, one coming about 7:45 the Ccnneross Yarn Mill and the other from the residence cii A. Horen, corner Benson and Fr.nt streets. At the! Cdnneross Yarn Mill a blaze started In the picker room, evidently caused by- a natl or some foreign object getting mixed up in the machinery- The fre had been practically extinguished by the time the fire department arrived, tho dam age uuiuuniiiiK tu only about $50. rho other fire did slightly more damage than the former. A Horen, oc cupant ot the house, had $300 worth .f insurance on his household effects, while the owner of the house, L. P. Smith, had 11,000 Insurance, both be-: Lng listed with tba Citizens In surance Agency. Batter be aire than sorry-Willett P. Sloan, Insurance. i >e0oeeeoceeeaeee??* FLAT ROCK I ?e?eeoeooc?eeeooo*o e Last Snnday Hhree deacons wet? irdained fn the Baptist ctmrch. Tho Presbytery waa Rev. Elexsndcr of tVUllamston; Rev. J. H. Herron and he pastor. W. D'.* Hammett. Kev. Alexander preached the ordalnatlon leemon; Rev. Herren - gave' the charges, and Rev. Hammett offered ?rayer. After the service, dinner waa served >n the ground to a Urge crowd. Mt. 'reek. Sthrr". Boeky r/.v.v. Long Sranth, and other churches were re presented. Some ot tfc? prominent oomberg were kept at hobie cn ac jount of ?lcknct.9. Mr. Agustus Hall and faintly ol i 3torr visited Mr. and MrB. I)ea El- I rod last Saturday and Sunday. Mi BS May Smith ot Townvlllo is vis iting Miss Winnie Howard. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hall and little Bon, Hubbert, ot'Starr, visited their aunt, Mfrs. Janie Webb recently. Field Day has come and gone. Most all the children of thia school went, taning part in the different exercises. Everyone that exhibited, carried away a blue ribbon. Among these were: Misses Lessie Klrod, . Annie Wehb, Annie Ollnkscales, Lily Smith, Modena Watt; Etruiia Watt, Freddie Klrod. The Flat Rock school was third in the parade contest. I think we should give the children three cheers and & big smile. Miss Pet Tate knows what thc Flat Rock children cab dr., and oho con-, tenis for them not to give np when*, they undertake tx? do anything. This is the first time that Flat Rock school aver oniored any contest and it fe nice to know they are third in the narada/, uontest. Our "Jitney* Offer- Thlg and 6c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111 , writing your naroo and address' clearly. You will receive In return a trial puckage containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds andVroup; Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidneys and bladder; Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cir ans io <* cathartic. Evans Pharmacy. Shirt Waists Just the prettiest assortment you've seen in many a day. A shirt waist for any occasion from the "Knock abouts" at $1.00 to the very fine dain ty lace affairs at $10.00 You ought to see these right away while your size and kind is in: stock. Yesterday we got in two more shipments of Un-Trimmed Shapes, pretty as can be and priced lowly. Have you paid a visit to our Ready-to Wear Department? If not you are mis sing lots of good bargains in suits and dresses. There's a number of pretty White' Dresses that you can buy right now at special prices, they'll come in line for Commencement ami other like affairs later on. i Remember it's just like we've told you, it's a bargain every day over to this good store. Moore- ^Wilson Co. "The Daylight Store.