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GEr Your appearan index of your pr? see to it that eve act financial and dressed it is on ? clothes are sure t Smai Our Easter Su are the styles ah manship are sud looks. We will s stylish military el erdine, French se of taffeta, faille most approved st ship gray, sheph All are fairly prie $30 and up. EASTER ( Your East will be irrcon out harmoniz We are shov newest shadi sand, putty a tans, as well white with sel stitching. We the best make warranted to tion. Excelle sl.oo and $\ PP ^ Pp pp Pp ip Pp ?p ip Pp ip ?p Pp Pp* ELECTRIC err Item? of Interest und Person? Wireless on the Si ********** *'* * City lo Build New Brick Stables. City council, in speciar session j Monday afternoon, authorized a'spec-j lal committee consisting ot Aldermen Barton, Tatfi and Carter to proceed with the erection of a two-story brick stubble building on East Market street, in the rear of the city hall. Tho barn is to take the place of the old wooden -shack that stood on this site and served' for a barn, which was ?old at auction spmo time ago and torn down hy the purchaser. The committee will advertise for sealed bids in the next few days for tho erection of the building. Bankrupt Stock I? to Be H did. The bankrupt stock of A. W. Bailey, who Conducted here two of a chain ot Ti and 10 cents stores : throughout this section r.f tho coun ty, will be sold at H o'clot1); on the] morning or April 8. will be cseu to inspection on Avril 5, 6 and 7. Sealed bids will be received for; the property in lots or as a whole. At least 25 per cent of the highest j bid or bids must bo put up as a de posit . " -o Several Going to Teachers' Meeting., County Superintendent of Education J; B. Felton, Surcrlhfendent'of City Schools E. C. McCants. County Su pervisor of Rural Schools Miss Maggie M. Carlington and Misses " Cleo Bailey, and Annie Erskine are among those going from Anderson to Florence for the annual meeting of thc? f,tato Teacher Association, which is to bc held Ince the last half of this week. Smst?l Fire Early -Tuesday. Fire slightly.'damag-?d a. negro calila on what is kn&*- tx as "Barton's 'Row" yesterday morning about 8:30 o'dook. Tho house is one of several situated on a lot in th? rear ot the First Baptist, church. Tho blaze ori ginated In a closet In the boose. Names Bclegat*? to X. C. C. at Xuftkogre. At tn,, request of tae managing,di rector of the. Southern Commercial Congress, tho local chamber of com *ner?e has appoluteg delegates to *he sixth annual convention ot thia or ganization, which Kill bo held Rt Mus r ce on Easter Sunday will be taken asperity. How much it behooves y< ry detail of your apparel represent social status. If one ever wants raster Sunday when those who li 0 put them on. *t Easter St its are models of smart tailoring, solutely authentic, but the fabrics 1 that service goes hand in hand how you the jaunty new coals, full fects skillfully wrought in such fabr rge, covert and English tweed to s and Beng??ne. All are trimmed ;yle ideas. Colors include sand, pu ere1 checks, and attractive novelt} ed at $15, $17.50, $20, $22.50, $2 CLOVES V er costume rip?ete with ing gloves, ring all the ?S such as nd the new as black or f or contrast handle only :s which are gve satisfac nt values at .50. EASTER An East?, without hosii would be We are sellii lent quality c all the mos shades at ?1 lisle and cotl run much loi iery is choser ' ing qualities style and ye to be satistl .choice. s # #. * * * ? * f SPARKLETS ri Mention Caught Over the reeta ol Ander?' .a Cadets should See Biggest Hard?ure Store. In the Hat of "things to ae?" in An derson which waa published In yes terday's Issue of The Intelligencer for the benefit of t'ne visiting Clemson College cadets tho name of the Sulli van Hardware company was inadver tantly pmjlted. This ls the largest hardware concern in the Carolluas, and the. Inspection ct interesting plants about Anderson by the cadets would not be complete were this place oMirlooked. It will be a pleasure for the proprietors, and employees of. ? this big establishment to ?how the I cadets ovar the place. Interstate Secretary Y. M. C. A. ?Ieee Today. Mr. E. G. Wilson. Interstate Se cretary r.t the Young Men's Christian Association, will bo in Anderson today for the purpose of conferriu representatives of the local Organiza tion with reference to the work here. -o yudge McCullough Here Yesterday. Judge Joseph A. McCullough, of the Greenville bar and one cf the mose prom iii cn t attorney.? of the State, waa a visitor in the o'.ty yesterday. Judge McCullough came over on bittiness, and returned to Greenville after spending a few hours here. He bas dolivered addresses In Anderson at various times, and is u charming and interesting speaker. Clcmsi.?i Coll ego Shop Window.. ? great Tinny leading merchants have rleco?ated their stores and show win ?o WP in honor of the Clemson "Tigers," and som? of tho windows arr ,-try prfetly indeed. Noticeable among th? show windows of the city are those' ot B. O. Evan* A Co., T. L. Ce'y. Columbia Tailors, Gefsberg's ,0rna. Shoe Co., Carrlngton'a, and "Billy" l.yn'i, which ls DV. far the prettiest one in the city. His show wtndows are always pretty, but this week, with' the addition of the Clemson colors to his attractive display, he has onions himself. His window ls attract!'.g a great deal of favorable comnrant. Flaat tn Stnie7~?~~ Ono of the places of interest.- ahd one of the noteworthy enterprises in I ?nderaon, which was overlooked ir? j thc Hat ot placo i in Anderson -a here ?the Clemson c?dete might Spend a j whilo Interestingly and ? profitat>!y. i.woa th? optical parlf.ra of i?r. M. ll. I'Csmplell. on West Whltner utrea*. This if. rhe only optical manufactur ing plant as well equipped as this- is ? 1 as a sure DU then to s your ex to be well lave good lits Not only and work with good skirts and ?cs as gab ay nothing after the tty, battle ' mixtures. 15, $27.50, MEYE GREENVIL Ch There are no pr And this is no emf exclusive models < Jardine, Mme. Ch represent the last tinctiveness and cl found at other sto shepherdess hats a are hats with tram laid with applique we have some uni tonish you with th hats. Prices begii <s7.5o and sio.on HOSIERY :r costume cry to match unthinkable, rife an excel >f silk hose in t fashionable .00, while in :on the ."rices ver. Our lios i for its wear ; as well as )u are bound ??d with your EASTER A pretty E necessity witl ter suit. Oi beautiful lace waists trimm vet and fa would be 1 But there arc more tailore Georgette cn Chine, wash gerie. Prices as 98c and stunning jno( ll iu the State. There are two Oilier optical manufacturing plasta in South Carolina; one at Greenville and one at Ckdumblu. but this ia the only i>ne which has so modern equipment. Dr. Campbell stated yesterday that he would be pleased tc have uny cadet er as many of them as will come to his place at? 112 West Whituur?Slreett and seo. where the "blind are made . to s?e." Heady to Start New Sewer Work. City Engineer Wade A. Sanders has about completed all arrangements for beginning the oewer extention work in the southeastern part of thu city. Street Oveneer Gllmer will employ about 20 laborers in doing tlu exca vating for the sewer truck line. Tho tbwer line. will empty, into Rocky River. ?? - ? o Rural LHe Topics To Be Discussed. The chamber of commerce is in re ceipt of a letter from President D. B. Johnson of Winthrop College stating that a week of the summer school, June 21-25, ii to be decoted to tbe study of rural life questions, land asking that the chamber.) of commerce ot the State be represented at the con ference. . AT~ONCE! STOPS STOMACH MISERY AND INDIGESTION "PapeV Diapepsin" makes sick, soar, gassy Stomachs . feel rene. Do some foods you eat hit back taste good, but work badly; torment imo stubborn lumps And cause a sick, sour, ?assy stomach? Now,. Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down : Pape'? Dlapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never waa anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach Is disordered yon widget happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you moat is that it strengthen? and regulates your stom ach so yost can cat youl* u.vorito foods without fear. ?Most, remedies give you relief some times-they are slow, but not sure*. "Rape's Dlapepsin" 'ia quick, positive tieft put? your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't come back. You feil different as s'??n'as "Pope's Dlapepsin" cornea ia cont::.:: with th?, stomach-distress Just vanishes--your stomach get sweet, no gase, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food, k your hoad clears and you feet fine. Go now, make the best investment yon ever made, by getting a largo aty cent case of Pepe's " Diapepe uv from any drug ?toro. You realize in flvo minutes how needless it is to suffer, from indigestion, dyspepsia or aajt ' stomach disorder. ;RS-ARNOLE LE, - SOUTH CA ic Easter Ha eltier hats than ours in the State of ? >ty boast for we-bought for your che if such master designers as Kaw ak. risty and scores of others. Not on word in i 915 Spring fashion but tl lie far removed from the commonpl; res. There arc turbans, toques and nd new-fashioned poke bonents wit ?parent crowns and brims and hats w flowers. Black-and-white hats are isually modish creations in this style e moderate prices we shall ask you I i at S3.95 wth handsome models al WAISTS House is a i your Eas ne of those : and chiffon ed with vel ncy buttons very dr:c:;y. i sin*r>!?r arid d models in :pe, crepe de silk and lin begin as low there are leis at 56.5o EASTER NI A piece of < wear gives t touch to a \ costume. W< you to see ( line of Medici ed with vety flowers; our and our ass neck plaiting ings. Prices as 25c for fashionable p TH? STORY OF "STOP THIEF George Kleine Presents the Fun niest Story Ever Staged at "The. Anderson" Today Th? Cant. Nell Jones (a light-fingered maid) -r-Mary Ryan. Jack Uoogan (her fiance, also a thief)-Marry Mestayer. Mr. Cluney (a self-confessed klep tomaniac)-Albert Tavernicr. Dr.. Willoupghby (who thinks he knows a kleptomaniac when he secs one)-William Boyd. Mrs. Carr (mother)-'-Auguste Bur me3ter. Joan Carr .(Dr. Willoughby's fian cee)-Della Connor. Madge Carr (Mr. Cluney's fiancee) -Marguerite Boyd. The Detective-Dan Moyles., The. Clergymen-Soldlne. Po wei. Mr. Carr is a kleptomaniac.and has two daughters. Madge and Joan, are to be man-led to Mr. Cluney and Dr. Willoughby, respectively. Pretty Nell Jones, a Hghtfingered maid, is' en jag?d'thBt afternoon by Mra. Carr af ter promising her sweetheart. Jack Doogan. a crook, that she will assist him to do one last job. Jecullar and mysterious things begin to happen in the Carr home.with tho arrival of tho happy brldegrooms-to-be. A ruby suddenly disappears f?oi" the library table-into Nail's shoe but the empty box is discovered by Cluney in his overcoat pocket a- few minutes later* The family promptly suspect Nell and Cluney telephones for o> detective. While he is In th" uct of 'phoning. Nell slip} the towel back into the box .where it is ?<s?ov?red by Tur. Carr ust as Cluney lay? down th0 'phone. Cluney ls stunned'by inc dis covery and confides in Dr. .Willough by, who unsympathetically informs Cluney that 'he evidently suffers from unconscious kleptomania. The situation ia further complicat ed'by the ar ri "ixl ci rieh s sweetheart, Jack,, whom she tells of the expected detective. This dignity. Is met by Neil who, after deftly stripping him Of star and watch, introduces h'm to Jack aa Mr. Cluney. Jack sends him away on a mysterious mission and Nell thes introduce? Jack to the family ks the dotcctlv? from central bead'j nar tere. Ciuuoy confides to him that he sus pects himself of being a kleptomania . and asks that Jack keep ? close eye on him. Complications set In thick end fast. With two kleptomaniacs and two real whoo lu? rc*urn* with cash to ret? ecu his collateral both stick and moho; I disappear-into Jack Doogan'4 pock ut : This lead, to the uisit ot ? wages > co. iROLlNA .ts itouth Carolina, losing the most .Moorehead St ly do our hats ley have a dis ;ice styles to be sailors galore; h strings; there ith brims over very smart and . We shall as for these pretty t $5.98, $6.98, There is you will ne Spring stoc irreproacha you buy hei also buv wi Styl Easter F And here > tied effects you model: transparent ular suspen you may o in worsted prices run f the populai beat. Dre promenade tions. .XKWEAR dainty Neck h? finishing \ell chosen ; should like mr splendid ruffs, finish et and tiny new vestees ortment of and ruch start-'as^ low some very ieces. EASTER I A smart pjetes your tume. We 1 Palm Beac and Newpor black and emerald, cer favorite shae plain and s< but all are i height of mode. The are both uni, some. Thc exceptional!' much parase ond of police, but b'eiorp the captain zan road hil seirch-warraut, even :hat vand?lica through Doogan's ni nv SlefingerB into Mr. Carr's side pock et! Even cocksure Dr. Willoughby diaroE the general hysteria and finds ilntatlf po3aeased of thc stock aecuri-' .les but unable to replace thom with out openly branding himself a thief. Thc return of the detective adda a , :ouch of drama to the evening. WiUt an automobile liberally filled with novable Valuable? of all'kinda ready Tor departure, Jack drawn his gun iud under Its cover makes bia, escape, nirrying to the upper rooms of the building with faithful Nell at hts lieela. B clleving him to have jumped through on open window, the police scatter out-of-doors abd a second later Dr. Willoughby stopa Jack and Mell In a hallway at the point Ot his revolvor. This Jack deftly wrenches [rom tho dector'u hand and again has tho company at his mercy. But Nell longs for peace and the good-will of ber erstwhile employers and so pre vails upon Jack to throw away his gun. Then follow explanations and forgiveness. Jack shows his marrlago License and the minister ends an ey citlng evening with a triple wedding. At the Anderson Wednesday. CHILD'S TONGUE BECOMES COATED IF CONSTIPATED When cross, feverish and sick give ''California Syrup of Fig?.9' V Children love this "fruK laxative." and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop playing to empty the bowels and tho result is, they becomo tightly clogged with waste,, liver gets sluggish, stomach Boura, then your Httio 'ono becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat. sleep or uct naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhea. Listen. Mother! K:*o if tongue ia coated, then give a teaspoonful ot "California Sy rup of Figs," and in a few hours all ibo constipated waste,- sour hilo awi undigested food passes out of the sys tem, and you have a well, playful child again. Militant* of mothers give "Califor nia Syrup rt Pig*" .because it is per fectly harmless; children love it, and lt never falls to act on the stomach, liver aud bowels, - Ask your druggist for a 50-cent lot tie of "California Syrup of Figs," wbU..-. has full directions for babies, children of all ages' and for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfclta sold here. Get th? gemino, made toy "California Fig Syrup Company." W-ifuee any other kind with contempt. LEY mmu tW plenty of time to buy the stylish si ed if you come at once to the Hi ks and styles aie at their very best bte. Prices have been placed unusi e you not only get the best that can th economy. 'ish Easter G rocks will divide favor with the mo ou have an opportunity to exploit that the 19 15 spring styles permit. 5 with flaring skirts; with shirred or contrasting sleeves; and last of ; iders. In silks such as taffeta, fail btain a very handsome gown as Io such as serve, gaberdine or nove is low as s 10.9.8. Among the nove r suit-dress which for general utility sses will be much worn both at ch . and you will be delighted when y< PARASOLS Parasol com Easter cos have the new h, Chapeau t shapes in white, sand, ?se and other les. Some are mie flowered n the very the season's handles too lue and hand prices, are y low for so il style. EASTE The pracl Easter gifts each succ You will fin ful suggesti( rious depafi are gloves, bags, bead i allicres, ha bracelets, 1 kerchiefs, ; other artich most acce] gifts. Let t make a sel MBS. W. A. BUDGEN8, Editor Phone 87. . Mrs. J. ,Irving Brownlee Is spend ing today with friends in Due West. Mrs. Lawrenco Orr of California, ls thc guest of Mrs. Marshall Orr in North-Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Marahnll Jones ?nd Mrs. Ernest Leverett of Iva were- here this week on their way to Atlanta. MT3. ty. A.. Hudson of Waxhaw. N. C.; ls the guost of her daughter. Mrs. R.B. King, at Hotel Chlquola. CHAUME? DASCE FOB CLEMSON BOYS j The young men of Clemson Collego were entertained nt a delightful dance last evening by Mr. C. H. Bleich and Mr. T. C. Carrington, in the largo ball in tho. Anderson thea tre. The Anderson Orchestra furnish ed the splendid music, and the whole affair was thoroughly charming and informal and fully enjoyed by tho young men who are such welcome visitors to Anderson this week. Delightful Spend the Day Party. Mrs. R.B. Burriss entertained at a pleasant and very delightful dinner party yesterday gt her attractive home on North MfcDuffle street in hon-; or of Mrs. B. 8. Hawkins and Mrs. H. M. was just aa old fashion sptnd the day party, thor oughly delightful and informal. Each guest came with ?''?ir knitting and the time was hurlly and busily spent The gracious nosteis served an elegant course dinner, ara waa ably assisted in her duties as hostess by I.Mrs. I. M. Sullivan. Mrs. Ban Allen, and Mrs. E. P. Vandlver. The other guests for the day vere Mrs. Carrie. Watson, Mrs. Alice O'Neal, Mrs. Henrg Oienn, Mrs. Lawrence Olenn, I Mrs. William Burriss, Mrs. Theo Rurr*-;s. Mr?.' LY. F\ Ouerry, Mrs. j John Eskew. Miss Cunningham Belter. The many friends of Miss Anna! F.03B Cunningham, who has been quite sick for several. weeks, will be de lighted to hear that she ls much bet ter and able to sit up a Uttl0 each ?;iy. Her friends hope that she trill soon bo out again. . Mr?. R. E. Lee. and Mias louise' Lee of Clemson College aro thc ; guests of Mis? Vina Patrick for the encampment. * Wildflower*' Today. Tho young ladies of the Palmetto Chapter will have charge of the Para ? mount theatre today and "-111 act as iueh?rs. Marguerite. Clarke In thc beautiful Ut! lo play, '"^-Idflower" will Urac'.inn. am. several lim? thoatrtt parties have beau planned for jit, gown or hat )use of Quality. . Qualities are lally low. When be had, but you lowns re tailored suits, the dainty rut We shalt show hip yokes; with all with the pop lie or messaline, w as $15, while Ity weaves the hies will be seen ' will be hard to urch and on the iu see our selee R GIFTS tice of making grows with eeding year, id many help )ns in our va tments. There fans, vanity ?eck?accs, lav ndbags, rings ockets, hand and countless ?S that make ptable Easter' is help you to eciion. tho afternoon and ?vening. Margue - rito Clarke always draws a largs crowd and the young ladies expect u splendid attendance. PLEASANT MEETING WiXIE CIIAPTEE '.Mrs. O. D. Anderson was the hos tess for the Dixie Chapter yesterday afternoon at her handsome homo on Calhoun' street. Besides a good at tendance of members'there wer o also quite u number of visitors aud thc . afternoon was a particularly pleasant one. Jonquils were used In quuutitlee overywhero making the parlor.1 bright and attractif e. The election of dolo gatas to tits district convention ut Easley was the most important bus iness for tho afternoon. Mrs. J. E. Barton was elected, and Mrs. .Carrie Patrick also goes as s Wate ?"taer. The program for the afternoon was a ivery fluo paper by the Historian, Mrs. J. R. Anderoon. The cnaptor ia studying South Carolina histor/ and Mrs. Anderson's subject r as "chris tian Priver and Chris- .-..her Gads den. " Mrs. J. E. barton read a splendid paper on "Fort Moultrie." There were two very pretty songs on program, one by Mrs. T. L. Cely, and tbe other by Mrs. Jaj. Craig, also an attractive instrumental duet by Mi*s. A. M. Sharpe and Miss Alber ta Farmer. After the program WSB concluded the gracious hostess in vited her guests Into the prettily de corated dtmiing where a delightful salad course was daintily served sad on'* d s very pleasant afternoon. T ?r3. Lou Osborne, cf Spartanburg, visiting relatives herc. NOT AN ISOLATED CASE Many Similar Cas*s In Andmon nu Vicinity. This Anderson man's ?tory given nero fa not au isolsted case by any merna; week after week, year after year, our "blghbors are telling simi lar good news. r W. H. Smith, farmer.. 540 E. Orr St.. Anderson, soys: "I W?B . air' frantic with pains across the small of my back.. When I waa picking cot - ton, a sharp pain would often catch me in the small Of my back and* I would hav? to brace myself ip order to straighten up again. Thc kidney secretions passed .too freely and they wore scanty and bumed in passage. The secretions were highly colored, too and looked like brick dutt. I- hkd. suffered for a couple of months when I r- rid of Donn's Kidney Pills and some at E\>ns* Pharmacy. Th? ?rn faw doses relieved me. and na? hos fixed me up In fine shape." Price. r.Oe, at all dealers, pon'l simply ask for a kidney . remedy-get Dean's Kidney Pills-th?, santo ?nat Mr. Smith had. Featcr-Mllburu Props* Buffalo, N, Vi