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. ?y... Intelligencef NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. ?. W??kly. l?tobU??e* 18?; Dal?* Jan. 18, !'./.<. _'_ ?_._ _ ANDERSON, S. C., MORNING, MA\32, 1914. PRICE $1.50 THE YEAR, SIZE OF GAI EXCEEDS NEARLY ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND SUR RENDERED TO RUSSIANS NOTHING TO EAT FOR SEVEN DAYS British Military Critic Says Cra cow Will Fall Within a Month PETROL lt A I). March 23.-The RUB sian nar office announced today that one hundred und Heventeeu thousand men. nine generals, ninety three ol lie? rs mid general staff ol twenty Ave hundred officers and officials surrend ered ul Pra-mysl. LONDON. March 23.-The elzo of tho Przemysl Garrison and the num ber of men who surrendered to the Russians has greatly exceeded all eB timatee. According to Petrograd dispatches the garrison originally consisted of on? hundred and seventy thousand men of whoir forty thousand were killed^ Nearly one hundred anti, twen ty thousand surrendered. A blizzard which has interferred w'tb telegraphic service prevents re ceipt of the details of the capitula tion. Lembergcr reports that for seven days prior to the fall of the for tress the people had nothing to eat, and Russians, who oarried large sup plies of provlsions>were welcomed as liberators. Everywhere in Europe, both belli gerent 'and neutral countries, great est credit is given the Austrians for long and stubborn resistance. One British military vritic slakes his rep ut? tien ph the prophesy that Cracow will fall within, a mouth, and then, or before, Arstrln will endeavor to con clude separate neace. In the w^st, there ha^ been but fc-w attacks and counter attacks, bat no ImotfrtsaJuops inginna, TJnfornb?e. -whutty?r continues to cai?-?? n lull In the-Dardanelles. Allies are Asking advantage of this to repair vessel* which suffered in tb*- ins* hnnibardme il. The Turks again have attacked the Hues Canal, forts-??d flred Monday on a ?niall force o'" Turks, numbering ono tbo'^ani'.- r?tt**cd abet eight miles. The British c'nlro that r?n ornt Younghusband" 'opee^ attacked pud rented them todav. Insists on Peace. AMSTERDAM. Mardi 23.-A stormy session of the Reichstag was held yesterday, according to <X Berlin dispatch received here today. It ia reported from an official Bource the. Socialist leader, Scheidemann, in n fiery speech urged the government to take stcos at ou co to make reason* able pe?ce terms.. Lenenbour, an other Socialist leader, bitterly at tacked the government's war policy: These two addresses are said to have created a great sensation in the German capital. ? Unofficial re-, ports today aro to the effect that thc speeches 'Vere decided upon aftor^ news of tho fall of Prsemysl had* beeh received. Others Inimical to the German cause', declared the ten th ne UH expressed by the two social ist leaders, ls proof that Germany's jm'.ty, often veferred to in official, dispatches, ls not as strong as has been represented. 17 BELGIANS ARE EXECUTED Convicted! By German Courtmar tial of Espionage uePinterest of Allies LONDON, - March 23.-^-Seventeen Belgians, most , of whom are young peasants, were shot at daybreak toH day in the Ghcntharracks after be ing convicted. fl| fcpftnnan cenrt mariial ofJtatjjlH Bl fte Interest of the allles^BsBUfWan Amsterdam dispatch. ' : BEERS AND WINES h ?NOT INCLUDED Only Whiskey Advertising Bar red by Posta! Advertising Association CHICAGO, March 23.-The. Poster Advertising Association of the United j States and Canada, which bas planed j a han on whiskey advertising. . sn- t neoned today that boers and wines 11 ara not Included. Action wss taken i i st i meeting of the Ivoncd of direc-ji iorf at Palm Brach, stated that adver- j < th-enu nts r.oold ho barred in four j ? thousand cit lox after ih,s yesr. The ' -ssoclatlon will not reiew whiskey i rtlsipg contracts utter June flrat.jt IRISON ESTIMATES INSTITUTE LIBEL PROCEEDING AGAINST GERMAN STEAMSHIP VESSEL ATTEMPTS TO LEAVE HARBOR WITHOUT CLEAR. ANCE PAPERS SHIP MAY BE HELD IN CUSTODY Situation Brings General Subject of Neutrality Enforcement to the Front WASHINGTON. .March 23.-Attor ney General Gregory today Instructed United States district attorney at Porto Rico to iii.ii?tute libel proceed ings against the German steamship Odenwald, which attempted last Sun day to leave San .Tuan harbor without clearance papers. I'nder these pro ceedings the vessel may bc held in custody of the marshal pending a set tlement of tho question as to whether 3he will be forfeited to the United States under a recent joint resolution by congress prescribing penalties for such ca.-es. While the department of justice .wns cotiHidei-lng legal phases in the Oden wald case, treasury officials had a re port from San Jua? saying that fear was felt for the Odenwald. Secretary Daniels waa informed of the situation mid after a conference with President Wilson. Admiral Fletcher at Guantanamo was in structed to d!Spatch two destroyers to Sau Juan. Coast Guard Service di rected the cutter Algonquin to t.. earn immediately for that . port. Greg ry'.-i ??tlotr. imtfeatlrig DYegWS?h- " wont'3 purpose to undertake the con fiscation of thp Odenwald by due pro seas f law itsB attracted much atten tion in official and diplomatic circles. The Porto 1/co situatiqp brings tho ;encral subject of neutrality enforce ment prominently to the front. WIFE DENIES KILLING HUSBAND Prominent St. Lou? Man Killed By Bullet Fired Through . Skylight ST. LOUIS. March 23.-Richard Randolph, president of Lace and mer chandise companies and recent can lldate for congress was mysteriously nurdcred in bia. office here today. His wife, Mrs. Defra Randolph, who re cently sued for a divorce was arrested onlght. She denied any knowledge , of the mooting. The police Issued ardil* for irrest of a man -jamed in the divorce petition. Raadolph w-:s killed hy a riffle fired through a plute glass .sky light. President Pardons Dying Prisoner ? '? WASHINGTON. March 23.-Touch id by.the report.that George Savage, federal prisoner fn the Minnesota penitentiary waa dying President WU ;on tonight signed a pardon. Orders were immediately telegraphed to the warden to r? tease him. Savage was ?erring a sentence for violatloa of the white slave law. Will Pay Indempl'y. WASHINGTON. March 23.-Secre tary Bryan announced today that re gret fur the killing of John B. Mc manus, an American In Mexico City by the Zapata forces, has been express ed on behalf of General Zapata by General Paiafox, In charge ot Mexico 21ty, and that negotatlons for paying in indemnity to the dead man's tam ly Is progrerslng satisfactorily. Preparing For ?he Worst. ROME. March 23.--Daly is pre miring rapidly for whatever may re mit from negotiations with Austria, which arc now on in-important stage. K royal decree, soon to be signed, viii ostabli'sh rules designed to sup press spies. Women are to bo put o work in place of men in ca JC of mobilianuon. Killed Three Wives. LONDON. March 23 -George Jo ieph Smith W8H arraigned in court ?ero today charged with murdering hrec of bia wives. Each of the wo uen were found dead here in bath .uh? "abortiv after.their* marriage to 5'iiit)' rho case is known at the 'brides in baths" e?me. Smith Was used forty-fiv>3 and ls said'to be of in icpendeot means. . ? How W. P. Frye a APPLICATION FOR - " RE6RISTRATI0N IN A DOG'S NAME WAS PLACED ON THE ROLL AND VOTED BY A NEGRO SHERIFF AND CITY JUDGE ARRESTED Court Asterts That Other Defend ants in Terre Haute Electfoi Case Might be Jailed INDIANAPOLIS. March 23. Sheriff Shea, City Judge Smith and Street Inspector Accel, defendants in the Terre Haute election case xv ec 3 ordered into th,, custody of United States Marshal today by Federal Judge Anderson for alleged tamper ing with government witnesses. The court asserted that all ru the twenty eight defendants will be jailed If be heard of any further attempts to In fluence or bribe witnesses. 'TU tFy to teach you gentlemen that there la some law in this cn<intry." Ad Rogers, who pleaded guilty, testifide that he made application In Terre Haute for. registration In a'B name and that lt was placed on the roll and voted by a negro. Kansas City Retains Franchise and Team - . , KANSAS CITY, March 23 -By ah agreement. between officiais nf the Federal League, and the Kansas City Federal Leag^A'iluh the Kansas City organization retains the franchise and ? team In thc league. Thc agreement ?vas(announced tonight ut a jubilee unoker given to. celebrate '<*"is teams -etention. t rap Killed Fer First. Time. MACON, Ol... March 2.1,- Serious lamage U beHorcd to have'been done o tho Central jQeorgis peach crop by law temperatures for the lust io rt y >'ght hours. Some/ fruit growers cs iniaL- crop will be decreased fifty sur cent or more *s a result of frees ng weather. nd Two Other Prinz Eitel M {SUGGESTION OF IR'S EARLY TERMINATION CAUSES HEAVY TRADING DEALINGS IN SECURITIES ON STOCK EXCHANGE VERY ACTIVE PRICES HIGHEST FOR CURRENT Y? AR Signs of Greater Improvement in Country'et Commerce An* other Factor NEW YORK. .March 23.-Dealings in securities cn the stock exchange i tottan were laiger and broader in . scope than at nov tinto since the re suption nf buslnesi lau December. Tho total transactions approximated 'six hundred and twenty thousnud shares. The average of prices was tl:? j highest for the current year, lie ne wal o? active trading was followed I by European advices which suggested Ute' war'j early termination. Signs j of greater Improvement In tho coun try's domestic and'foroign Commerce 1 was another factorable trading fac tor. Denies Cities and * Towns Were Burned NEW VORK. March 23.-The As sociated Press tonight received the. ! following telegram from the secre tary ot thc chamber of commerce at i Yucatnnf Mexico: "lt is false that the cities of Meri da and Progreso and towns in other [ parts of the State of Yucatan have ( beau burned hy forces of ^General Al vardo. ''Perfect peace prevails. Alvarado* haa given .every -kind t.f guarantee to th's chamber of'agriculture at Yuca ;ta?." Suffrage Kilt Killed. Ai'OrsTA. Maine. March 23.-The j womans suffrage hill failed io get a 1 two'thirda vote in the house today, ?although the result was 88 to f?9 tn its , favor. The senate passed the bili last J week. Victims Were Sunk. These arv actual photographs ot the sinking of three victima of the Prinz Eitel Friedrich. They we;c obtained from one of '.he prisoners on the Ger man warshiu, now held at Newport News. They are: Thc French ship Jacobson, sunk oft . Chill Jan. 28 (shown in top photo.) -^ithe- British ship Mary Ada Scott, sunk off Chill Feb. ls (shown in mid dle picture. ) The American ?hin William P. Frye sunk off Chili Feb. 27 (in lower pao lo.) The Prinz Bite) snnk In all eleven ships, and from them she obtained coal enough to continue on her career UM her machinery gave way and she had to put Into Newport News. Thc value of thu larg?os., und ships was very high. In.addition some $2,000. 000 in gold was taken from her victims. PREDICTS EARLY END OF THE WAR Sir John French Believes the Ger mans. Are Feeling the Lack of Ammunition PARIS, March J-i -Field Marshal Sir John French Of ihe British army ls ' quoted today in n llavas Agency dis-.' . patch us predictl-ig that tho war will' . not bo of lon? du-atlon. He suys the |spiiiig prom'*'.'* well for the Allies .and that, he believes the Germans nre . teejlng the lack t f ammunition. . i Chief of Police and Detective Are Killed I ELMIRA. N. Y., March 23.-Chief of , I Police Jno. Finnell and Detective Ser- , j ci ant Charles Gradwell were killed ' this afternoon tn a boarding house j where they wont to question Edward - : W< pterverl und Jack Cramer concern-1 ! lng the recent series of burglaries, j 1 Cramer escsped. Weateivcrl tfoke his j ! leg and was captured. Crtuner is ; ? blamed for the shooting. Because ot j fear that Cramer would be in danger j If arrested the Elmira militia was called out to meet any emergency. Prohibition Bills Reported Favorable ALBANY, March 23.r-The bill intro duced at the request of the Anti-Sa loon League providtng for local option in political subdivisions and another I dcslg ?t i to irovldo for referendum on the question of State wide prohibition were rcportedi favorably by the as sembly excise committee. Jt'lMJF. L. HOA?I BEAD Le? Frank Wan Tried and Convicted Before Him. -. NEW YORK, March M.-J-Former 'suprior Judge L. 8. Roan, of Atlanta, who tried and sentenced,Leo M. Frank to death for the murder of Mary Phagan. died here today at the Poly clinic hospital, where bo had. been a patient since February 20. It waa reported his death Was duo to cancer, but the hospital authorities refused to confirm or deny the statement, I CADETS PAl TAKE PLJ 1. LAUGHLIN HAS BEEN COMMISSIONED -t, AS POSTMASTER AT ANDER SON BY AUTHORITY.OF PRESIDENT WILSON TRANSFER SOON Commission Will Be Received in Next Fe?v Days-Transfer Will Be Immediate onooonoooooooonnnooe o o o WASHINGTON. March 23.- O o Prc 'lent Wilson today named o o William Laughlin IIB postmaster o o at Ander3on. Mr. laughlin was o o recommended hy Representative o o Aiken several weeks ago. He o o will begin his term as soon as o o 3worn in and will probably be o o promptly confirmed when the o o Rennt? convenes. No appoint* o o ment of postmaster at Greenville o o has been made aB yet. represen- o o tat Ive Johnson recommended o o W. D. Mette.sevoral weeks ago. o o o OOCOOOOOnOOOOOOOOOOO The above dispatch received last night by Tho Intelligencer from its Washington correspondent, will be of j interest throughout thia community and esoaclallv to the scores of friends of Mr. William Laughlen. Confima tion of Mr. Laughlin for the post mas tership at Anderson had beep ex pected for some time. The term of office of PcftttnaBter John H. Cochran was to have expired December 13, last. The-name cf Mr. i Laughlin was presented for appoint ment to the position, but ?vat held upon account of som e . ob Joe ti om j ! thal were made to thc confirmation .if Mr. Laughlin. The matter "hung fire" for several weeks, and n few dava ago Pcstofflcc 'isnector A. J. Knight WSB sen? Anderson to msko an investigation of the charges which had been--" filed against Mr. Laughlin. The inspector interviewed a number of citizens . Anderson with reference to the charges that had been made against the nominee for thc itostmastership. Thc report of the inspect?e must have refuted these Accusations, since tho appointment of Mr. Laughlin to thc position follows immediately up on the return of the inspector .to Washi*i.-jton. U i? presumed that Mr. Laughlin will receive his commission in thc next few days. He will then take up his new office JuBt as soon as the ttam-fcr of the affa'rs of thc offlco can b0 made. WARSHIP TO CARRY FUNDS TO MEXICO Six Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars Advanced to Move Hemp Crop WASHINGTON. March 23.-An American warship will take to Vu-i t atan money to finance thc movement j ? }f the Mexico's sisal hemp crop, need-1 fl td to mn ice twine for binding the American wheat crop. Six hundred and twenty five thous and dollars in currency which manu facturers propose to advance to hemp fr rc wera, is at Galveston. Secretary Daniels today agreed to permit tho use of a warship after hearing tho Sisal purchaser's outline thc difficul ties the?' have encountered. Dlr-cussing the Mexican situation cen oral ly. Secretary Bryan declared that v cognition of any faction had not been considered by the United States. Women and Children Can Leave Belgium LONDON. March 23.-Through the good office of American Minister Whitlock at Brussels the British for eign office announced tonight that permita had been obtained from the German authorities for British women and children to leave Belgium. A r-pecift! train will convey them from Brussels to the Dutch frontier. Withdraws Requisition Papers. COLUMBIA, March 23.-Gov. Man ning sent n letter to Gov. Slaton of Georgia withdrt- -?lng the requisition tapers for J. P. McCi-ackJa and Quinn Galloway who are wat ned la Richland county for obtaining gooda indcr false pretenses. The two men' ire at a point in South Georgi*. The vithdra /al of th? requisitions follow sd a beartng before the governor on Saturday when the d?fendants con ended that the retinal ions wero for the purpose cf collecting debts. ?ADE TO ICE TODAY CHANGE IN PLANS FOR THURSDAY DECIDED UP ON BY THE OFFICERS BAND CONCERT AFTER PARADE Corps Will Pass sn Review at 4:30 O'clock-Battalion to Give Musical Drill Fearing that a change for the worse might occur in thft weather, the pa rade of Clemson College cadets ami thc band concert scheduled for Thurs day afternoon will be held this after noon instead.' Originally the plan was to have the parade of cadets at ? : :t0 o'clock and the band concert at 8 o'clock In the evening ot Thursday. The parade will take place this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock ?nd the band concert will fol low Immediately. The change In plans for the parade and band concert was announced yesterday morning by Col. J. M. Cummins, commandant of ca dets, following a conference with President W. M. Fdggs of Clemson College, who arrived here1 from the college tc remain throughout the en campment. Line of March. The published orders of the camp call for maneuvers of the cadets . In North Anderson from 8 o'clock this morning until 11:45. General leave pt absence will be granted* thereafter, but all cadets must resort back to Camp Riggs tn time to form for the parade. As the parade is sche duled to take pisco on the sanare promptly at 4:30, formation at Camp Rigga will be at least 30 minutes prior to thia hour. Tho line of march will be down North Malu street to the square, around the plasa by the west side, across the square and np North Mah? street again to Camp Riggs. Tao parade pass in review before Col. Cummins shd his staff at the elly hall. The mayor and members of city council, have been Invited to review the corps with Col. Cummins and hts U aft'. Exhibition Drill As the corps is marching back across the square the battalion will drop out of ranks and give an exhi bition musical rifle drill, using the Butte manual. At the conclusion of this drill, which ls sold to be one of the prettiest of ,all, the cadet band, >f sonic 40 pieces, will- give a con cert on tbe square. The parade and band concert is, of -.ourse, free to the public and every >ne is invited to come out and enjoy he program. .?AYN MAGISTRATEN WILL ENFORCE LAW Hamey of Saluda Writes of Canter euee HeM OB Call of Gover nor, Gov. Manning has received the fop owing letter from R. I*. Hamey, mag-* strate in Saluda County: "Acting upon your request to Sher ri Sample and the magistrates of the county, a meeting was held last Satur lay in the sheriff's office. . All ot the nagiatrates were present except Dom*, nick, who was not able to come, but tent his deputy, and I am glad to ro >ort to you that each one prom hf ed o do his best to put down the sale of, vhiskey in our county, together with di kinds of lawlessness-and while ve. know how hard it ls to get the help leedcd to catch the whlskev sellers, ve expect to do our best In the mat-, cr. In justice fo myself and . the ither magistrates I must say that lt u Impossible for them to get ont and lo much work when their sala-y is mly $75 a year; however, I believe' hey will devote all the time they can o this end. "The newly appointed deputy sher-, rr. who is to do my riding, was with s and promised to do his best and to .ork for conviction for any violation f the act. Assuring you of our best fforts snd cooperation.' NEW POSTMASTER NAMED ir*. Delma H. Tacker Is Named Far Lowndcsvlle Office. WASHINGTON, March 23.-Mrs. elma B. Tucker has been appointed Dstmaster at Lowndesvllle, Abbe-; Hie?county to succeed Dr. J. D.' os riey. rte Moss and Gnawed Straps of Equipment LONDON. March 23.-A Reuters lev Russia dispatch' says four thous-' id prisoners recently from Prscta il have arrived there. They ?Ivo a Gable description ot the garrison ?fore thc fall. Numbers of men, they lid. were dropping fvcm exhaustion, hilo others Iscked strength to leave saches. The dlsnatch declares tait iey at?? moss, gnawed tho straps of olr equipment to keey themselves iva*