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RESUME OF GENERA THIRTY-SEVEN CASES HERE DISPOSED OF DURING 5 DAYS SESSION 13 CONVICTIONS; ACQUITTALS ll Four Case? Were Continued and Nine Nolle Prossed-Record of Cases. The. spring term of the court of general'sessions for Anderson county probably hojds the record in this cir cuit for the number of cases dis posed of in the time court was in ses sion. Convened last Monday morning at 10 o'clock for a two weeks:'? ses sion, the court adjourned ut th?' end cf five days' sitting. Ere the week was half spent the solicitor suv tl.ut there would be nothing left on the docket for trial during tho second week of court, so instructed the sheriff to notify all jurors dru WM for the sec ond week that they need not report for duty. 37 Cases Disposed Of. Upon the convening of the term of court there were 37 cases on the dock et, of which tho following disposi tion has been made: Continued, 4; hollo prossed 9; acquitted ll; con victed, 13. , Of tho ll instances in which ac quittals reunited, verdicts of not guilty were directed In four instances by tho presiding judge. The re maining 7 verdicts of not guilty were returned by juries. Of tho 13 cases in which thero were convictions, verdicts of guilty were returned by Juries in four cuses. In thc remaining nine cases the defen dant entered please of guilty. Only One Long Term. The longe?t term imposed In sen tence upon any defendant tried at this term of the court was G years. Classified Want Advert ^^T^ty-rivewordr or lesa, One T Ali advertisement OTer twenty-ftv word. Rates on 1,000 words to taca. Nb advertisement taken for lesa It year nene appears In tba tale your want ad to 321 and a bill will prompt payment. WANTS .. ? WAlHrM*-Clean cotton rags. The In isr*igeec?r -Job Foisting Dcp-rL **t . WANTED-To correspond, confi dentially,, with anyone deslrlous ot ' becoming permanently cured ot the morphlno or whiskey habit The KEELEY INSTITUTE, COLUM BIA? 8. C. BOX 7f?. WANTED-The privilege to cure tobacco users at home. $5.00 buys tho cure. Information lt desired. TH? KEELEY INSTITUTE, CO LUMBIA, S. C.. Box 75. WANTED-You to buy your "Sunday Goodies" from the Anderson Pure Food J Co.-Cakes, Pies, Cream Puffs, Buns, Bolls, and "Aunt Mary's Cream Bread. Store at Anderson, Bakery's old stand on Benson St. WANTED-To sell cotton seed hulls and meal. Prices right. B. N. Wyatt, the 35 Coal Man. Phono 182.-dif. FOR SALE -o FOB SALE-Two brood sows, one young pig; now registered, Berk shire Bore, Price $45.00. T. B. Mar tin, Ldwadesville, 8. G.. R. F. D. No. 2. FOB SALE OR RENT-Drink stand located near Blue Ridge Station. See W. M. Stevens at Stnnd. Mkfttgs FOR SALE-Barred Plymouth Bocks, i Altonnm layers from record yarde of ?A Mi' -_AU- - IO ?--_ .WW %*? ?..*, VQ^B / vm, U.O .VH1 - yetta, quickest growers, largest chtokens. Eggs from Altoona lay ers $>. for 15. Eggs from 18 Kar ron ya i $1.50 for 15. Pulletts $1.00 nab, tine cockerels $1.50 to ?8.00 each. J. C. Scribbling Pendle ton, a&-2-8-6tp. . ? PIEDMONT INSUI See IV Any i iNSUH C. E. TRIBE Brown COURT iL SESSIONS The shortest sentence received hy any ono wau 20 days. Record of ( uso?. Following ls a record of tho canes dlHiiosod of at tho terni of tho general bcssiona just adjourned. Lawrence Hammond, assault and buttery with intent to kill, pleaded gul!'.y and received sentence of 2 months. Albert Thompson and Joe Hates, housebreaking and btrceny, pleaded E.ui)ty and received sentence of ono year each. J. T. Harks, larceny of live ?tock, pleaded guilty and received seuteucj cf is montra. Maud Scales, larceny, pleaded guilty and received sentence of 2 months. Letlur Lnrk and fc'rod Prlnglelcn, houHobroakiug and larceny, pleaded guilty and received sentence of io R'.cithS ouch. and larceny, pleaded guilty and re i'luinmer Turner, housebreaking, pleaded guilty and received sentence of 9 months. Verge Hunter, housebreaking and larceny, pleaded guilty and received sentence of io months. t.'eorgo Keller, disposing of proper ty under lion, pleaded guilty and re ceived sentence of lfi months. Steve Hoblnson, burglary and lar ceny, convicted hy Jury and seulenced to Ive years imprisonment. J. F. Kennedy, assault and battery with intent to kill, convicted by jury and sentenced to snrvo r> months or pny a fine of $100. D. T. Smith, murder, verdict of not pullty directed hy the . .?nrt. Eugene Shaw, assault and battery with intent to kill, acquitted hy jury. Albert Lewis, violation of thc dis pensary law, acquitted by jury. Albert Lewis, violation of tho dis pensary law, convicted by Jury^ and sealed sentence left. Henry Sims, housebreaking, plead ed guilty and received sentence of 7 months. John H. Jenkins, assault und cat tery with Intent to kill, convicted by jury ot simple assault and battery and sentenced to 110 days. E. Truman Wolborne, murder, ver dict of not guilty directed by court. ! Columns ising Rales tm? 26 cents, Three'Tunea BO cents. e wordi prorata for each additional be used In a month made on appll than 26 cents, cash In advance. phocs directory you can telephone be malled after Its Insertion for MISC0JLANEOUS POLE TOKES Neds or Pole Yoke*, willi strong center pieces-Fifty Cents. . PAUL E. STEPHENS. WHEN UNEXPECTLY detained dows town for luncheon, you cannot d# better than drop In here. A light lunch or a substantial meal. Culatas and service O. IC and prices Just st attractive as our food. The Lunch eonette.-dtf. FINE FRUITS-We carry the largest abd most complete assortment tn the city-keep 'em moving. Fresh Florida oranges, grape fruit, ap plet, bananas, wholesale and re tail. J. K. Manoa. Phone 323.-dtf. .J-;-j WE BUY PEAS and pay the ?asa. Farm aa Smith-Seodmaa, Phone 464. Dtf --i TOMATO SEED-Wood's Brimmer Bulst's 'Monarch and Burpee's Dwarf Giant should 'command re spect, . We have bulk -tock. Early Early Anna-Stone-Beauty-A> aie Ponderosa end Globe. If Its sea; sonable wo have it. - Furman Smith', Seedsman. Phone 464. -i-:-;_, SPECIALLY SELECTED Buff Rook eggs for sale. $1.60 per 16. W. H. Milford. R. No. 8, Anderson, & C. NOTICE lg hereby given- not to hire . or harbor Pearl Scott, wife of G. Tt Scott, colored, who la under con tract with me for 1916. Anyone so doing will be fully y prosecuted. T. N. Cromer, Iva., s. C.-2-4-:Up. "FOUND 7 _ YOU WEA? Rosenberg's Clothes, or Just clothes? . Spring styles have . arrived. Rosenberg, Tailor and tANCE AGENCY ! i l le FOP wad All LANCE. ILE, .Manage Appetite Follows Good Digestion Nearly everyone Indulges their appetite and the digestive organs are abuscl, resulting in a conges* tlon of poisonous waste that clogs the bowels anti causes much mis ery und distress. Tho most effective remedy to correct tills condition is tho com binat ion of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, known as Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. This ls a natural, pleasant-tasting remedy, gentle yet positive in ucl lon. ami quickly relieves Indigestion, con stipation, sick headache, belching, et?:. Drug store? sell Dr. Cold well's Syrup Pepsin ut fifty cents and ono dollar a bottle, and in thousands of homes it fa the indis pensable family remedy. For a fn-e trial bottle, write Dr. \V. Ti. Caldwell. 452 Washington St.. Mon ticello, Ills. Oscar Sargent, househunting, ver ile! of not guilty directed by -..oort. Roosevelt dobinson, assault willi Intent to ravish, verdict of not guilty directed hy court. Pleas Agnew and Jim Davis, house breaking and larceny, acquitted hy jury. S. II. Whitlock, murder, acquitted hy jury. c. W. Roi in, disposing of properly under lien, acqulttedVtiy jury. C. A. Shaw, disposing of property under lien, acquitted by jury. ooooooooooooooooooe a ?s o ANDERSON VILLE NEWS ? o . ooooooooooooooooooo Thc health of this community ia very good at this writing. The Sun day school at thia place is In a nour ishing condition, nine being present 1 a M Sunday. Ile*/, li. T. Weldon tilled his regular appointment -lust third Sunday after noon. The furmers of titi? community are not getting much work done on ac count of the rainy weather. Mr. Elbert Shaw has put up nomo new buildings on his farm near here. Mr. H. M. Shaw of Lowndesvllle viBiled Mr. Klbert Shaw and family Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Alice Wright and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Wright. Mr. L. H. Wright visited in Georgia last week. Mrs. Jim Landers is on the sick list this week. Messrs. Thornwcll and Eugene Madden of Hart County, Ga., called on Misses Hertha and Grace Shaw Sun day afternoon. Mr. Henry Shaw called on Mrs. Sanders lust Sunday. ' Mrs. Smith has returned home af ter a week'? visit to Anderson. Mrs. Nannie Maxwell spent last Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Atrs. Harry Shaw. Messrs. Henry and Mack Shaw vis ited in Georgia Friday and Saturday. Miss Flora Ulckard of Georgia visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wright recently. The people of this community are making, preparations towards the new flat that ls to be erected near Hutton's ford. Miss Nettle Keys of this section and Mr. McAbee of Hart County. Ga., were happily married last Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wright visited In Andorson Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. George Landers and Char ley Bridges went fishing Tuesday and caught some nice Ash. Messrs. Olin and M. L. Wright and Mr. Winiam Feltman and Mr. Berry Caines went bird thrashing the other night and renorted a nice time. Mr. andTOrs. I.. H. Wright and chil dren visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lander last week. ------- Kt. Joseph's Catholic Church. ' January 7th Secageslma . Sunday. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. No other ser vice. Public always welcome. DRINK MORE WATER IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat less meat and take Salts for Backache or Bladder - trouble. Uric acid In moat excites the kid neys, they become overworked: get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of load. Tho urine becomes cioudy, the bladder is irritated, and you may be 1 obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urlnous waste or j yr.u'>i be. a real sick nerson shortly. Jkt Qrst yon feel a dull misery In the kidney region, you suffer from ache, sick headache, dirtiness, stom ach gets sour, tongue coated'and you feel rheumatic twinges when tho -weather ls bad. Eat less meat, drink lota of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salta; take a' table spoonful in a glaas ot water before breakfast for a few days and. your kidneys will then act fine. This fam ous salts is made from the acid of grape* and lemon juice, combined with ll thia and has been used for genera* tiona to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, al so to neutralise the P-ids in urine, so it no longer lb a f.urce of Irritation, thus onditig bladder weakness. .Tad Sa'ts is inexpensive, cannot in jure; mikes a' delightful effervescent ll th la-water drink- which everyone should lake now and then to keep .the kidneys clean and active. Druggists i bare say they- sell lota .ot Jad Balls, to folk?, who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while li is only trou ble. o SIX AND TWENTY o o ooooooooooooo WILLIAMSTON. R. F. 1>. 1. Feb.. -On account of the pretty weather we have been having for the last three or lour days many of our people are believing that the backbone of winter has been broken and that we can soon begin our preparations for another crop. There has hardly been a day In the last three months In which farmers could do any farm work of any kind, many yet have a consid erable amov.ot ef colton in the fields, and witt) this to pick and hauling fer tilizer H.nd preparing for another crop, will certainly have all that we can do for several weeks to come. Many had a good amount of fall plowing Jone and this is going tl bo a big Ixdp on both mau and work animal. B. F. Whittaker recently killed the : hampton hog for this section. It netted him 602 pounds and was of the Duroc strain. Mr. Whittaker makes a specialty of this breed of hogs and they are certainly beauties. We would like to see at least a half dozen boys from this section enter the corn club contest this year and think the proper steps are taken several ii be induced to enter. We would to have Demonstrator Garrison this section at his earliest con nlehce and see what cun be done. H. L. Elrod of Princetown was a sitor to the Melton section Saturday Igt?L A. M. Martin was a business visitor Prizer recently. Owing to the large amount of wheat d oats sown in this section there ia going to be a tremendous demand for peas -of all kinds the coming spring and any one having them to sell ould make money by advertising them in the columns of The Intel ligencer. J. W. Fowler and Jeff Kay have each lost a cow recently. Mr. Fowler's from eating some poison vegetation in hlB pasture and Mr. Kay's from being | Bored to death by another CMW'. Ed. Wilson of Hopewell spent Mon day night with his brother, T. C. Wil son. J. A. Martin and C. N. Murphy were visitors to the Five Forks section last Tuesday. Wo hope that the senate and house of representatives during the present session will see fit to give us a com pulsory education law that will be State wide, without the local option feature. We are of the opinion that if tim local option feature was passed with tho law that lt would fail to benefit the communities that need the aw most. Some oppos? the law be cause they claim that it will force the negro to send 'his children to school. We need vhave nb fear from that- for the negro ls not one halt as earless about schooling his children os the white people. You don't have to com pel him to send his children to school, he is doing that anyway. ' We think the present legislature has done the wrong thing in repealing the acreage redaction law passed at the extra session of the last legisla ture. If the law was not constitu tional, and nearly every one claims that lt was not, instead of repealing j lt they should have went about some plan to make R so, and placed some kind of niiiu guards around it that would have made it as binding as any law nov? cn tue statute beek?. By repealing this law they have repealed the only law that has ever been pas sed that would directly benefit the tenant class of farmers for conditions do exist just as V. B. Cheshire said they did in his article in The Daily Intelligencer a few days ago, and no man dare deny that such conditions do not exist. . We venturo the assertion thafhlne tenths of the land owners in Anderson County would not rant an ?ere of land to a tenant unless he would agree' to plant at' least three-fourths of his crop in cotton and in uinty-nino out of a hundred cases the landlord would want the tenant to plant corn on some old red hillside with gullies knee deep and so poor thafrrpu could not even raise a fusapn it. OJ .course, there are a few exceptions to the rule but they are scarce' and far between. We have been asked hy some of our citizen.? to request the m?nagement of j The Intelligencer to publish the law as to the cleaning out of obstructions in running streams if there be such a j law In thia Slate. We think it would bo a good Idea and a great help for the j papers of tristate to publish from time to time such laws as they would be a benefit to rural communities. W. C. BARN ETI'. CATTLE IN GREENWOOD Prof. L. 0. Williams of Clemson Ju at Werk.-' ? GREENWOOD, Feb., 4.-Prof. L. 0.1 Williams of Clemson College, who Is l at work in this county in behalf of thc recently organised live stock associa tion, reports that about ,100 beads of cattle are now rc-gintoixtl for ino co operative fewilnsp sud thai, there w'ill bo othcrV'^Thfe services of the bureau of marketing at Washington, D. C.. have been enlisted by W. W. Long of Clemson' and thc results of the plan will be watched with much Interest Heretofore .? beet feeders have had no real market and have I had to take just tho ^prlce xibtaluable locally and probably* have to face a condition .of little Gr no demand. It ls believed that real profit will re sult from the combined efforts of the j association' and the burea?. -->? mar keting. ?. 8 Af BE A BALDWIN * . _ . j ARCHITECTS . . Bleekley Bldg. Anderson, S. C. . ! . CltUens Kaifoaal Baak BMg. * Bal'egb, N, C? PART OF CREW EVADED CAPTURE Forty Members Escaped When Spectacular Career of the Emden Ended. (Dy Awoclatied Pren.) BERLIN, Feb. r>.-(by Wireless to Say ville?.-According to a statement made today by the Overseas N.ews Agency, part af the crew of the fam ous German cruiser Emden evaded capture, escaping on the schooner Aysha. on which they left Cocos Is land last November at the time the Emden was destroyed. The'statement follows: "H. M. S. Aysha reports that Lieu tenant Commander von Muecke, with the landing force of H. M. S. Emden arrived near Hodelda on the south west coast of Arabia. During the passage of Perlm Channel they were not detected by English and French forces. Their landing was not mo-? tested hy ;.. French armored cruiser which was nearby." The foregoing statement ls at va riance with official Paris and Tokio announcements In December to the effect that cscancd members of the Emden's crew had been captured. When the spectacular career of tho Emden was ended In November by the Australian cruiser Sydney, which ran her down November 10 in the Indian Ocean and destroyod her, 40 mem bers of the crow, under Lieutenant von Muccko escaped. They were members of a landing party which was on Cocos Island at thc lime of the battle. Th??y commandeered a schooner, the Aysha, loaded her with provisions and sailed away. A dis patch from Manila subsequently said these men had captured a collier, on which they mounted two Maxim guns, and had begun raiding commerce in the Pacific. On December 18 the French minis try of marino announced that the British auxiliary cruiser Empress of Japan had captured the collier. A similar announcement was made in Tokio. NEW A1B BIRDS Great Britain Construct inc Zeppelin Destroyers for Protection Against Air Raids. (Dy Associated Pms.) NEW YORK, Feb. S.-Five Zeppelin destroyers - airships constructed along new lines-are under construc tion near Loudon for protection against threatened air raids along the British coast, according to Thomas Rutherford 'MaoMochen, president of the Aeronautical Society of America, here today from Liverpool. He said the destroyers would he faster than Zeppelins, smaller, eaaier to navigato and would fire aerial tor pedoes. Do Yon Find Fault With Everybody 1 An irritable, faultfinding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permanently benefited by Chamberlain's Tablets after years ot suffering. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable lt fi perform its functions naturally. T btalnable err" . here. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against tho estate of J. N. Smith decease J. are hereby notified to present them pro perly proven to the undersigned with in the time prescribed,^by" law, -and those Indebted to make settlement. B. J. SMITH, 3lp. '$5 E.w. -i-\ NOTICE , * -x pl., Time For Making Returns Out Feb < mary 20th, Please take notice only.' 16 more days time for returns for personal property will be out. Respectively ask all cities and towna and tho country to please make effort to make returns, otherwise you are lia ble to 50 per cent penajty. Board of City of Anderson asks'that, returns be made to Auditor at once. WINSTON SMITH, ? Auditor. February 5, 1915. . . . -_ Could You Use a little extra money lo good advantage just now? Haven't you something 16 sell ? Do you own something you no toogee law? but which if offered at a bargain prk? would ap* peal at once to some one wno does need kV v An INTELLIGENCER Want Ad w??l tum the trick. PHONS i?? ORPHANAGE HERE REV. SAMT. CREECH WRITES - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR INFORMATION LIKES CLIMATE States Institution Would Have to Be Established in the Upper Part of State. Plans tor the establishment some where lu th" State of South Carolina of a "pay ot mge," are being consid ered by the i . '. Sam T. Creech, of the South Carolina Conference, and it is not unlikely that the institution will he located here. The chamber of commerce ls in re ceipt of a communication from Mr. Creech in which he Plates that he bau [ decided to establish a "pay orphan age," where orphan children might be sent and taken earn of at a small cost to those interested in them. Mr. Creech states that he thinks it best to establish the orphanage somewhere north of Columbia on account of cli matic conditions, and that from whut he knows of ?Anderson thi3 ls one of the best spots in the Piedmont sec tion for anyone to live. Mr. Creech asks in his to the chamber of commerce if some sort of proposition can't be made him to es tablish his Institution here. It is likely that the matter will be taken up by the proper authorities and some action taken in regard to thu matter. I Personal T +1 ..... .^...^...? ...... ........ ?... ? a ? T . I . T T H "J ? ?. ?* 1 I I '? s , * Thomas Cooley .of Lowndes ville was among the visitors in the city yester day. J. H. Opt of Wllliamston was a visi tor in the city yesterday. ( J. C. Nally of High Shoals spent yesterday in the city. Magistrate Sam Whitten of Pen dleton was tn the city yesterday. Miss Corrie Pinson of Hones Path was among tho shoppers in the city] yesterday. Thomas Webb of the country was j in the city yesterday. John Horton of Belton was among j the visitors in the city yesterday. Dr. J. M. Hobson ot TownvH?e wah tu the city yesterday for a short while. D. H. Smith of Alcolu ls among the visitors in the city. - H. D. Lambert of Columbia was in tho city yesterday. C. A. Chapman of Spartanburg WOB | a visitor in the City yesterday. Thomas H. Pope of Greenville ls am DH g the business visitors In the city. Convention of Nation's Business Men Ends I R. G. Rhett, ol Charleston, Elect ed Chairman of the Executive Committee. CH* AModatrd Tn-1 WASHINGTON. Feb.. 5.-Election of officers by tho new board of direc tors brought to a close tonight the an nual convention ot the chamber ot commerce of the United States. Ses sions during the past three days had been marked by notable speeches and debates on the country's g?nerai bust ness situation, with particular refer ence to the effect ot the European war on foreign trade. John H. Fahoy of Boston was ro dded president and other officers were chosen, as follows: Honorary vice presidents, Henry A. nrh?.iM m. A Tj TX. _-,_ York, Pa. Vice presidents. Hebert F. Maddox, Atlanta; Henry L. Corbett, Portland, Oregon, (both re-elected). Treasurer, John Joy Edson, Wash ington, D. C. CwSuS??? of executive committee, R. G. Rhett, Charleston. FIFTY-TWO INDICTMENTS Twenty-six Deputies Charged With Murder td Connection With Shooting of Strikers. (Br Arjodatod VIM.) NEW BFAJN8W?CK. N. J- Feb. fi. Fifty-two indictments charging mur der were returned today by a grand jury against 2? deputier In connection with the shooting of 19 striker? at Roosevelt, N. J.. January 19. One of the men ls at large. Of 27 in .'ail, two' John H. Nolan and Frank Coy le, were discharged from custody. Two of the 19 men shot died of their injuries and each of Ute deputies -waa Indicted in connection with the death of each striker. Constipation. Wh?n costive or troubled with cou sUpatlon take Chamberlain's Telnets. They are easy to take and moat agree able tn effect. Obtainable everywhere. CHARLESTON-CHICAGO 8LEEPE Tb/oug h Pullman Sleeping Car Servit ?la SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Effective Sunday. November 22 1914. Sleeper bandied on CAROLINA SPECIAL Nos. 27 and 28. / Schedule g a. m. LT. Charleston Ar. 9:40 p. 12:65 p. m. Lv Columbia Ar 4:45 p. 4:30 p. m. Lv Spartanburg Ar 1:45 7 :30 p. m. Lv Asheville Ar 9:20 a i2:05 a. m. Lv Knoxville Lv 5:10 a. 10:65 a. m. Ar Cinelnnati Lv 6:35 a 9:00 p. m. Ar Chicago Lv 8:55 a. Passengers from Anderson a Greenville territory will make conn? tions by leaving on trains Nos. to Greenville and 12 to Spartanbu and connecting there with the Chic* go sleeper. > In addit'on to the through sleeper ti Chicago, Drawing Room Sleeper, Standar'! Pullman Sleeper, Dining car an'? through coach. t For full and complete lnformattor tickets and pullman reservation ca' on any ticket agent, or write W. E. Taber, T. P. A., Greenville, S C., or W. E. McGee, A. G. P. A., Col umbia, S. C. TRIP TICKETS via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South In Cen? nectlon with Hine Ridge. From Anderson. S. C $3.90 Columbia, 8. C. And return account ot inauguration of Governor-Elect Richard I. Man ning. Tickets on sale January lSthj. with return limit January 20th, 1915. $18.8? Tampn, Fla. And return account of Gasparilla Carnival. Tickets on sale February ll to 15th, with return limit Febr ary 26th. By payment of $1.00 ex tension will be granted until March 15th. $15.00 Mobile, Ala. And return account of Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets on sale Febru ary 9th to 15th with return limit February 26th. . By pnyment of ???.00 extension will be granted until March 16th. 1916. $19.20 New Orleans. La. And return account of Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets on salo Febru ary 9th to 16th, with return limn Febr-jrry 26th. By payment of $ extension will be granted on Ucl. [until March 15th. $14.55 Pensacola, Fla. And return- account of Mardi G Celebration. Tickets on sale Feb ary 9th to 16th, with return li February 26th. By payment of i) extension will be granted ni March 15th. For complete inforn. lion, tickets and pullman reservat! call on ticket agent, or write. W. R. Taber, T. P. A. Greenville, s. C. - W. E. McGee, AG PA, Columbia, S. C Condensed Passenger Schedule PIEDMONT ft NORTHERN RAIL WA I COMPANY. Effective January 17th, 1915. ANDERSON Arrivals. No, 81. 8:25 a. m. No. 83.. 10:00 a. ra. No, 85. . 11x40 a, m. No, 87. .. .. 1:15 p. ui. No, 89...8:40 p. m. No. 41.COO p. ni. No. 48.. .9:20 p. m. Depurares. No. 80. . .7.15 a. m.] Nc, M. 9:00 a. m.? No. 84.10:80 a. m. No, 86.l&QS p. m. No. 88. . .. 2:80 p.m. Nc 40. 4:45 p. m. No. 42. ... ... 8:10 p. BU .CS. ALLEN, _ Tratte Maneger. Charleston & Western Carolina^ailway To and From the NORTH, SQ?TH^ l=?Si? WfcST.I Leaves.: No. 22 .... 6:00 A. M. I No| ?. 3:35 P.M. Arrives: No. 5 ..10:50 A. M. No. 21_4:55 P.M. Information, .Schedules, rates, etc, promptly given. E. WILLIAMS, G. P. A., Augusta, Ga. T. B. CURTIS, C A., Anderson, S. C. Read "Fabllc May Forgot YohYM? Business,- ?by 'Hag* Chalmers On teat Automobile Manufacturer-1? lindsy's Intelligencer.