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We haven't ?old enough cod this season to fill a tooth. How ever a you feel the unod of some; , fuel in Ja*: awry remember mat wo are still agent for the ramona PALMETTO BLOCK SLOAN oooooooooooooooooool o ITA NEWS o I oooooOooooooooocooofl IVA. Jan. Si.-Dr. Dare Levorett ot ? Birmingham, Ala., was he*c a short ? while this week on a vosit to his ? brother, Bar. 8. C. LOT?reit. Miss Bertha McAllister Las return-! ? ed home from a stay with relatives in ? Anderson." barnes F. Simpson, and child-? ren ot Anderson are visiting at thc home of her tether, R. S. Sherard. Mr. Earl Smith left this week for a I visit ta relatives in Hodges. - Misses Annie ?and Una Pettigrew were the guests Thursday of Mn?. Henry Wakefield. ? Dr. J. D. Wilson waa in Abbeville ?a few hours Thursday on business. 4 I Mr. J. A. McAHster wrs a business visitor . In Anderson yesterday. Mies Margaret deck, who has been the guest this week of Miss Essie Cook left yesterday for her home In I Mt. Carmel. . ? ' ' Misse* M. B. Jackson, of Storevillc, and L. E. Jackson, of Greenville, were visiting relatives here a short while this week. Messrs. Claude Masters and Ernest McCowan ot the Mountain Creek sec tion were. in town for a few hours Thursday. Miss Julia Kennedy, who has been the guest th 1B week of' Miss Vera Spoon, returned to her home in Due W^njsday e^Sg^ilk^^rw^ ^1 Rai?'^r'e^^''l^fewa^rpfe' ^?ag^^P^^^ Another Pleasanb eveat ot the '/eettfl have been Spending the holidays with I his matoerv Mrs. V. C. Sherard, letti I ^??VL?** ln^llajttstoa.) I Mist Thelma- Smith roost pleasantly! *n^erWn*d a number ot her school mates fer. arr hour or so om Thursday evening st the home ot her parents.' Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Smith. : "f.T. M. ?amnfeell and iamily have mr #ed h?re from Anderson and aro occupying Mr. Jarnos F. McDonalds I hw?*, recently vacated by Mr. J. F. GiUiiand. ' ? %&T: ^WP**rfmrjm^ud from a visit to relatives in Ellenton. S Mi? HeWe^??raan of Storevii^l is the guest of tier a War, Mrs. O. AJ: Burnes. - .iTf I Mrs, Wayinan Seigle? has returned! from a riait to relatives ht Starr. !( HEEPNG W GOOD CONDITION Many people suffer rrota tsdtg<etk*a and constipation and do not knoTif, A feeUUg of dulinesfs and languid, ness, hitter taste in the mont?, head achy bilious fever--nra^ of those oondKloaa. When yon "are not sick, but don't foel right"-~ean be traced to olaggiab bowelajand torpid liver.! Foi?y v*?b?ruo^uMi?i*?eht^g?e^'?B1ft system,, arouse the User, banish In digestion and make you *feel good all' over"-light, energetic and ?mbit?onsi! Sold by Evans Pharmacy. 1' - ' Mil y jj ^Was.tfes^toiUttis?t kev <d Ht? &t*mm*k-. ' J . Wterwrt tm. Nw C^-?? suStr^? ?sil ?tfbv WH8b***%**. wt?ted-M?~ .-.;) Vbrd 5fc?84&ii ?OTo^ iaftdicb^ sbdl ' pflsa?afioe, tofi waa' tsswc?ly- SM? tn aat? aloes and when one of those weak, Hiting ^sptfg wouV rome oa gsa, ll would bar* lo glyn np and Hs down, j enffl tt wore off. 1 WM cerCabily hi g ?rtadhn attie ot toatft, whop 1 fin*?!/ decided to by Cftrd??? tba woman's tonic, tsd ? ffrrrly INQUIRING ABOUT TOBACCO RAISING Inquiries Being Received From Many Sections Where "Aoastry Hu Not Been Folk wed. SpecUl to The IntcUlsencw. COLUMBIA, Jan. 4.- Inquiries on the Introduction ot tob?ceo planting are reaching the offices of Commis sioner Watson from Tarions sections ot the State ?here.this industry baal lot been followed. These inquir? ea are answered as promptly and folly ea I possible and ere also referred to "?'rof. j. N. Harper ot Clemson Col-! lege, who is sn authority on tobac co. Colonel Watton says that'- even some sections ol the up-country are Inquiring about the tobacco indus try with the Tlew of planting in the coming seaton. - A great msny people in all parts ot the State are also writing for in formation os to the planting and cul tivation of trunk, Indicating a. strong desire tn diversify and break- away from cotton, which hag "been such a universal disappointment, the . .past! year. The "Crow at Home" Idea ls taking root and lt ls be'ie ved there will be more food staffs raised In South Carolina the coming year than even before. A laborer- working on the State House grounds found a rabbit en scon-1 ced in a bed near the Hampton monu ment. The negro promptly killed the rabbit and exhibited the trophy in the State House. He says he intended to cut off' the left hind foot of the rab bit ' and mail > lt to Governor-elect Manning at Sumter. Governor Blesse has begun work en his annual message th the General Assembly, which will be his valedic tory as chtei executive. The Governor baa given no intimation of what nts message will contain but there , ls a very general belief that it will be largely made up ot political views. oeeoeeooooee lo PENDLETON NEWS c le . . e oooooooooooee All friends of Mr. Jasper Stewart I are sorry to learn that he ls very ill (with pneumonia. Many of tho college boya and girls who have been home to spend tbs [Christmas holidays have returned to I college. Among them were .Misses ila Evans, Ellen. , Newton. Eunice ) "Ne a i,. Nettie Terrie,; Annie.. Lee >ggs, hiewiou and Messrs. : James lunter, Ben and Joseph,iSitfcon and lohn Ellie Evans, j . Mr.. Louie, p Bitten - and> > Mr. : Pr ul {loan, who have been spending tb olldays with home folks have re. to Richmond, Va. h. Littl J Miss Rose i Knox of > William? \ton is in town visiting hor aun'., Irs. B. Harris. Mrs. W. J. Burke'and little1 son, lill un. ot Charleston, ?re tn . town spend a tew weeks with -Mr, and P. H. E- Sloan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Mounce pave ?OVSS into . HRS. "Alice Ke#B% noase. Hr. Mounce is novr depot agent Vre. Mr. Jimmie Hay of Clemson spent Bast week with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sitton of Tamas lee are spending a while, with Mr. Ind Mrs. H. P. Sitton. Mrs. Alice Newton and daughter, filen, of Greenville have been vtsit ig relatives and friends. here. Mri. Banks and sop. Who have been oardlng with Mrs. B. Harris for tuite a while have gene to Charles Mi. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell 3pent a few days In Anderson re ently. We are sorry to know tl it Miss {te Foster ls on the sick list at rids writing. I Mr. Winiam Aull of Clemson bas keen visiting home folks here! Miss Aneska Hunter of Anderson hospital visited mend* here last r^U^Wklvtend daughter ol! fitzgerald. Ga., are visiting Mrs. & E. | ?rThtttep. Mise Sallie Hay one o? -he teachers Ninety Six spent the holidays with jr ? mother herc. -xv' Miss Adams of Honca Path t?ach lers. Bpmt tho holidays here with her barents, Ttr. and Mrs. Adams. asa '.> ?RCELY After I begin taking Cat?n!, S wat ?gseaUy helped? end aU three bottle* re pteved rae entirety. I ftffcaed ap. end grew *o much drot?r. in three raen?he, I lett Bk? an other person altogether." Cardin'e purely afctslt* ?eilfflnHe aefctg. lt? ingredients have e mud, teeto tffact, ott the woaaalycoajUtHtion. Ca?do! wafikfg for increased ehefigtbj improve* the appel**, toe?? vp fae &e fOttg system, and. heine to make pale, ibkftv cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui hst? helped more thin a m&tfo? weak womes, during the past SO year?. It win enrety db for you, what lt aaa ?me for tte?. Try CAfdul today. Commen?ait Stocks and Bonds. NEW YORK Jan. 6.-The local stock market again proved its Independence itoday by making farther, though un even, progress towards betterment, regardless of the London market where the American list evinced great er heaviness. Canadian Pacific, South ern Pacific and St. Paul were tue most backward features of the future mar ket, but Pennsylvania and New' York Central also manifested selling pres sure. Initial dealings here had all of their recent irregularity, with an abrupt d? cime In the first hour, early reports of the subway accident causing an all around break In lnterborough issues. Gould stocks later exhibited renewed Weakness, Missouri Pacific, Denver db Rio Grande preferred and ? St. Lou 1 s Southwestern falling to Tow records. Among the specialties, Virginia-Caro lina Chemical preferred declined 16 ?points to its minimum price of 80, with ?a 3-polnt gain for the common stock. 'Bethlehem Steel led in the indus trial division, the stock for the first time in many years passing the cur rent quotation for United States steel The latter was again offered for Eu ropean Interests, according to report, but held steady throughout. A majority of the day's gwins were in securities of secondary importance, the Hst clos lng with mod?rete firmness siter a further decline. Light was thrown on the recent transfer of $2,000,000 gold from the assay office by the announcement that the metal bad been deposited st ?ne of the leading national banks to the credit o fthe Bank ot Prance. The tran saction, which was said to be without precendent, probably Implies the building up at this center of a moder gold reserve by the French govern ment. Other news bearing upon the'] loreign situation including reduced, ? discounts by the national banks of Den- | ? mark sud Sweden London markets were steady wl'.n some broadener of operations. j ; Bonds were irretpilar with wide de clines in ?orno vulnerable issues. To- | ] tal sales, par value, amounted to $1,825.000, etc. United States government bonds i were unchanged on call. New York Cotton NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-There was an active selling movement In the cotton market here today and prices broke sharply with the close barely steady at a net decline of 9 to 16 points. Part of selling seemed to comb from local ?pdt peopl? or southern shippers. " The market openfed Steady at a de c ?ne ot 1 to 8 points'' . in sympathy * Ha . disappointing carV*. Near rr uths were relatively ear/ and seem or to ne Influenced by tbs circulation ot a few new style Jr.nuury nonces, but the strong showing, of the ?ou'h ?r.i spot markets reposed late yes terday encourage a renewal of yes t?rdajo l?te buying movement, and the market soon ? turned firmer with the active months selling. 3 to 7 pointe hst higher during the late forenoon. Bose r-?.ih? *=ter delivei?es'made new nigh ground for the movement on thia advance, with December contra?is selling ..through the .nine cent level, but offerings became very heavy later in the day, and the appearance of southern selling orders in great vol ume seemed to be taken as an indica tion of Increased offerings tn tho in terior. ? Wall street houses who bought on tbs ?ariy rally seemed to be liquidat ing.cotton on the afternoon break and there siso waa some rather aggressive selling by local traders who were pre dicting a further reaction.. The first cargo of American cotton for the sea son is reported to have arrived safe ly in Bremen with a second cargo ex pected io be reported from there tn the near future. Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands 8.05; Gulf 8.30. No pales. Cotton, futures closed barely steady. open high low close January . 8.01 7.95 7.87 March . . 8.10 8.23 8.05 8.05 Way ' . . . : 8.30 8.43 8.25 8.25 Jttiy . . . .8.68 8.6t 8.48 8.43 October . . . 8.78 833 8.67 8.67 New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 6.- Cotton felt selling pressure from both balls ead bears today sad Suffered a net loss of 12 to 17 points, closing at the bottom. Early in the session fresh bay ing wai sufficiently heavy to cause a rally from the initial break in sym pathy with poor cables. Thu brought bbout a set advance of 8 to 6 points on the strongest months, but after the noon hoar th* market bad little buy ing po tr cr Sears were mo? aagftie- { rfrs,"asst A???*r? th?n ic? a mag ttm* i ?and some little long cotton was sold. I I The sabrt selling was based on thc I i theory that a reaction was overdue, j Bulls still ra iled on the large export movement *ed the good spot demand aa the foundation for their position. Locally apota were quoted at an ad vance of one-eighth on Sales bf 6-4O0 bales, lt waa an active session tn which ?disido traders took a promtn - firm. Sales on the spot i; to arrive 8,800. . futures closed: Jscuery 7.46; March 7.74; May 7Ji; July 8.14; October 8.48. Cotton Seed Oil NSW YORK, Jan. C.-Cottonseed oil. advanced 8 to 16 pointe early today p on the {screening strength of erode " ?ti.; broadening of outside trade,. Utter prices reacted somewhat |< er realising and with the decline la cotton and lard. Final prices were generally 3 to 8 points net higher. Sales 88,300 barrels. Tenders 2,006 barrels. Tba market closed . irregular. Spot M0?6.25; January $6.1806.18; Feb fs.870t.8f; lferch lg.**** H.4606J?; May ?-69?6 <gs^rt#6.7l; July I6.S0O6J?; md Financial ? Liverpool Cottee LIVERPOOL, Jan. 6.-Cotton, spot, julet; food middling 5.04; middling, 1.70; low middling 4.31. Sales 7,000; Tor speculation and ej > ort 1,000. Re ceipts 43,000. Futures firm. May-June 4.48; July August 4.64; October-November 4.74; January-February 4.78 1-2. -o Dry Goods NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-Cotton goods were steadier and more active. Wor ried yarns were strong. The partiel lifting ot the embargo on shipment of wool from Australia was welcomed. Laces and embroideries were dull. -o-i Chicago Grain CHICAGO, Jan. ?.-A majority of wheat traders today held to the senti ment that at least a temporary re action waa due after the sudden big idvance during the last few days and the msrket averaged decidedly lower ?nd although unsettled at the finish closed 1 1-8 to 1 1-801 1-4 under last night Other leading staples also show ad a setback, corn l-2R>5-8, oats 3-4 and provisions 7 j-2 to 16017 1-2. 1 3raiu and provision:, closing: Wheat,'Moy $1.88; July 1.22 6-8. Corn, May 76 1-8; July 76 1-8. Oats. May 64 7-8; July 62 1-2. Cash grain: Wheat, No. 2 red. $1.3301.36 1-8; No. 2 hard, $1.3801.85 1-8. Corn, No. 2 yellow 70 1-403-4. Oats, standard, 52 1-401-2. Live Stock CHICAGO. Jan. 6.-Hogs unsettled. Bulk 87.1507.30; light 16.9007.30; nixed $707.35; heavy 707.86; rough (707.10; pigs $5.6007.26. Cattle Biow.Native steers $5.5006.60; western $4.8007.60; cows and heifers 12.8607.90; calves $7.76010.50. Sheep firm. Sheep $5.8006.76; year lings $6.9007.85; lambs $6.7608.85. oooooooooooooooc o ' .' ' . o o ATLANTA LETTER ? o o . ATLANTA, Jan. 6.-Atlanta ls soon to have the greatest evangelistic cam palgn and revival she has known since the noted Torrey-Al exander meetings of nine years ago. It will begin about February 14, when J. Wilbur Chap man, the world-famous evangelist re turns from England-to lead the in eft Inge' here. , The revival will be under the dirac-, .lon of the local Evangelical Minis tera \seociaton, and practically every de nomination will Join in it. Dr. Chap man has been in England and Scotland conducting a se' crest meeting* Lhere, directs oy the v. M. C. A. Dr. Chapman will remain in A Lian ta imtll the opening on Ju>;oh isth ot s great ;*n-<^y Atl?t*. Bible confer ence. In which oe will take a promi nent part. Dr. Len G. Broughton, for mer pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle but tor several years head of the noted, Baptist church in London, will be one t>f the principal figures at the'bible conference. The usual thousands ot risltora from all over the south are expected. Reports from Camden, Tenn., say the Inhabitants ot that town havel caught an animal wk Ich they can't | locate In the dictronaiy or the zool ogies. "He looks like a croea between a lion and a tiger and h*> roamed the | woods for two weeks eati jg sheep and boga and sven dogs," said the dis patch. "He scared everybody so the country. schools were closed. But they've caught him alive and ahnt him np tn an empty house near town, j Yon can i ear him howl for half s tnlle. But nobody knows what he 4s.' Locks like the Capital City Club,! Atlanta's most fashionable organisa tion. Just can't keep a telephone oper ator. Of course the club Insists on having j a pretty girl to handle the calls. And squally ot course every girl gets mar- ! ried after a while. But not until this j time has she carried oft a member of the club. This one was Mles Ella Hall, and up to late New Year's eve she plugged In the club calles faithfully. But the thistles had hardly ceased their mid night screams before E. E Patton, who had been potting over more calls than anybody else-to Judge from the way he hung over the telephone station ?Was by with a hat and coat on add remarked: ' Come on, we're going to get mar ried." And so Miss Hall ptu on h*r coat and hat too and' bade tho telephone station farewell. Bot the news ot the wedding didn't leak out until today. The grave question of whether .a newsboy makes too much noise came before Recorder Johnson tn; the po lice court yesterday,, upon complaint Bf people passing Five Points; Now In lear old London the newspaper ven Sora may not cry ont at all, this be* lng considered bad form, so they car-j ry great placards with six-Inch head lines on them announcing their gooda. But Recorder Johnson tant English, | Kt he looked at Ed 'Kemp, the offend lng newsboy, and remarked: "There ere too blamed many kick am around Atlanta. A let of folks seem IO exist merely to protest about some thing. Thia boy wa? doing what every live newsboy ought to do-yelling, ind yelling loud. ."That's a good thing for the town, lt wakes folks np and Keeps them re minded they're irv a reel etty. Yest mat heep a city quiet, You'? have to mt maker tires on the trolley eera, fd rather fine a boy tor gem shoeing tround with his papera than for try ng tu sell them by long-power. Case lismlssed." . . ' That the United .Botes government shipped two hundred tons or gold by parcel post from Philadelphia with out paying a cent for transportation ls brought out in a statement by lead ing railroads today. The government insists that the newly created parcel post business shall be carried by the railway mail service without any compensation more than that fixed several years ago, st so much per year, when the enor mous parcel post business was not contemplated. So when the war made this big gold shipment necessary the railroad bad to carry nineteen thous and decks of gold coin. One shipment was fifty million dollars in twenty dollar gold pieces, weighing 100 tons. The railroad furnished four special cars, carried them by special engines, end transported more than 100 guards all for nothing. The parcel post rate would have been $4,654, but the roads didn't get a thank you. This ls merely one of the Instances being brought before Congress in tbs railroad's efforts to secure aa adjust ment of pay for carrying the malls, the roads claiming an underpayment of millions of dollars a year. An Atlanta deputy sheriff who went to serve divorce napers on a promin ent young real estate man yesterday afternoon bad bia troubl?e for bis pains, for be found the husband end wife billing and cooing and was greet ed with the announcement that they bad ''made up," The man in the case is one of be largest landowners In Geers'.?, having been left large tracts by his fsther some years ?go. His vite, in ber suit, charged drunkenness sad other faults, for the wealthy young man baa a repu tation aa a "rounder." The next legislature may enact law providing that convicts be paid for all work done above that required to pay for their up'.eep, the money to go to tho suppo't of their wires and children, if they have any. Tull C. Waters, '.stiring commission er of Fulton cou.ity, urged this in ala final report. It fs shown that the sys tem has worked well in several states. "We really punish the Innocent wife and babies mo;*e than we punish the prisoner," said one noted sociologist on the subject. 'Tb* convict is fed and clothed, but there is nobody to care for the folks at home. The state bas . .>n right to deprive tbese of their tnp- j ?D' vt and profit by the prisoner's woik." \ i, --- Nathan Straus, the coted New Yorn philanthropist, ia In Atlanta for a few days, and thinks he will spend the re maining years ot bis life lu Georgia, the state of his boyhood. .He is one nt the famous brothers who spent their youth la Talbotton and Columbus, and who afterward be came great figures in the world of .fi nance and Philanthrop ??ador Straus, th* eldest, went down with tba Titanic. Oscar was Minister to Turkey an? a member of Roosevelt's cabinet Na than, tb d middle brother, ia that igan v/hu provided pure milk for thousands of New York poor babies, and who. is now devoting himself to relieving dis tress in Palestine. . MPH| . "But I am coming back to Georgia io stay," he said. "Perhaps I cab teach my neighbors to raise Something be sides cotton. That IS What the South must learn above all things." Mr. Straus leaves In a feW deys for California, Dut'eays he intends io come back, find a comfortable home some where in Georgia ead st*y here unUi the ead comes. TO BE POSTMASTER I Meit? Will Win Greenvale Appoint ment. GREENVILLE, Jan, W. D. Mette will be the next postmaster of Green ville sccordlng to word received from Washington. It ls steted that both senators are willing to confirm the ap pointment of Mr. Mette against whose candidacy a determined fight has been mads by J. W. Norwood snd others'. Por some time it has been known that Mr., Mette was the first choice of Con gressman Johnson. CASCARETE FOR YOUR BOWELS IF HEADACHY, SICK ? Tonight! CSOM yow bowels end Headaches, Colds, Get: a 10-cent box. Put aside-Just once-the Salts, Pills, Castor Oil or- Purgative Waters which merely force a passageway through the bowels, but do not thor oughly cleanser -freshen snd purify these ;draiaag? erg?nz ?nd bars nc effect whatever upon the liver and stomach. Keep your "Insides" pure and fresh with Cascarete, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach, remove the undi gested, sour food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and' carry out ot the system all the eba-' stlpated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep-never gripe, sleken, snd cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions ot men and women take a Cascaret aow and then and never hare Headache. Bilious ness. Severe Colds. Indigestion. Soar Stomscb or Constipated Bowels. Cas carete belong in every household. Children just love to tcko them. FIVE CENTS PBOYE8 TT A toners** Offer. Cut oat this ed.. enclose with 6 cents to Foley ? Co.. Chicago, m., writing year name and sddrese plainly end recetvs a ?f*e trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compontfd. for coughs, colds and croup: roley Kidney Pills, for kidney ead bladder complaints, backache, pains in joiote, rheuma tksav,: and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome ead thoroughly cleans ing cathartic-try alt three (for S neats,, the cost ot malling. Sold by Evans Pharmacy. Personal fl W. A. McKinney ?J Lincolnton, Ga., ia in Anderson visiting relatives. E. H. Welbon? of WiUlamaton was among* the visitors In the city yester day. C. C. Jones of Starr was In the city yesterday, on business. J. L. Putmao of Greenville was 1 among those here yesterday. Elbert Cobb ot Pendleton was among the visitors tn the city yester day. TB. M. Ivy of Atlante waa among the ! business visitors in the city yesterday. J*. Hamilton of New York was In the city yesterdsy on business. Charles Kehn ot New Orleans was smong the visitors in the city yester dsy. J. E. Wofford of Starr was among the business visitors in th* city yes terday. * Duh Wardlaw of Troy was in the ' etty yesterday, for a short while. ? ? 1 ? '?j J. L. Owens ot Seneca has returned, after visiting hts daughter in this city < Mrs. J. P. Massey. mmmtmmammmmm ' Misses Laurie Smothers and Helen Little have returned from a visit to relatives in Georgia. M. L. Sullivan formerly' of this city, but how a resident of Greenville was here yesterdsy. J. C. Milford, formerly a resident ot Hon ea Path, but tor the past several yeera a resident of Greenville, waa a visitor in the city yesterday. Dr. Floyd McDaniel ot Troy has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Van. diver enroute to. New York, where he will take a special course. FIRE DESTROYS DILLON CHURCH . w . . Methodists Lese Splendid New Sdi flee- Erected nt Gest of 940,000 cad Only $7,000 Insurance. $ DILLON, Jan. ?.-The Dillon Meth odist church, erected at a cost of $40.000, Was totally destroyed hy fire early this morning. The fire was dis covered at 1:15 a. m. and rapidly con sumed the Urge building, lt originated la the, reaten of the pastor's .study, although its exact origin can hot ba ascertained. The building is Insured In the sum of $7.000. Ah applies tion was forwarded . yesterday for | $14,000 additlonsl Insurance. The Rev. A. J. Cauthen ls pastor of the church.. The personage on a lot next to the church was saved. iue church wes very targe and was modern in every particular, lt was completed last spring after. three ya*?? ?trd -?ii. br the members. It represents, eh outlay of approximately $40,000, all of which baa not been paid. Much money was borrowed .? build lt and not?s are maturing over a period of years. The ed flee con tained a pipe organ valued at $3,000. : oe flro. department, although at once on the scene, waa practically hoi pie ?a as only two streams Could be directed on the flames. Unclaimed Letters. Following ls tho Hst of letters re* j matntng uncalled for Ut the postomce at Andereon, S. C., for the week end ing January 6, 1915. Persons calling] for these will please eay that they ] were advertised. On? cent due on ell advertised matter. A--Mrs. Minnie Adama. J. I. Arial, A. C. austin, Dr. R. A. Allgood, Wil lie Adams. B- Will Broom, Willie Brown. Mrs. Ballia May Banka, Mrs. R. M. Bur. dc?. Mrs. Mattie Bewley,. Mire, Ida Bertam, Irvin Butler, H. S. A. Brooks, H. M. Bonds. Miss Hattie Bester, Mrs. Alice Bert, N. O. Bur nes. C-A. R. Craig, Maggie Cowans, Tom Cooke. D-w. a DeVace, Mrs. Mary Dan duele. E-Mrs. Maw Erwin. F-Miss Jinnie Fortner, Bill Fish er. H-Mrs. Rosie HOI, Martha Hunt sr. Miss Lucinda Hawkins, Mra; Jan nie Be?L *C!s? Irene. Koroick. ' J-Jchbisie Jackson, Mr?. Jennie Jennings. W. C. Jennings^ Kees Jen kins, C. B. Johnson. ,K-Mario? Keys. M-Willie Medloek. Tom. Marshall. John Maynell. Jattes McCue, Eller M. Mose, Mles Audry Martin, Mrs. Rassis P-Sylvester Patterson. J. H. Powell. R-Mrs. Lara Budison, Mise Pet Sisadle Satteroeld, Percy Smith, Mrs. M. a Sanders, Mrs. Mary A. Sheppard, Lila Strickland. Mrs. L. E. Smith. Mies Inner Smite, Jack Smith, Ira gemmons, lev. A. J. Sherard. T-Memle Thompson, M. A. Trot ter, Mrs. Marj* Thompson. T. W. Thompson. W-Ben West. Mrs. E. Mortimer Wilson. . ? THIS IS A BAD MONTH. The Indoor life ot winter, with leek of outdoor exercise, peta a heavy load on kidneys. Nearly everybody suffers front Ttttirff*ftlft*ir. backache, pain In alden and back, kidney end bladder ailments. A backache may not mean anything sertows, but ti certain ry " ant mean anything good. H's r U> be on the sale side and take Kidney Pills to strengthen and ^^twor?W?^ ?oed of eeles and poisons. Sold by lorens Pharmacy. Thc Greatest Improvement i In Any Range Rta -jir. Look at tfaU Feature. On Tho Majestic Ren HO The lita af th* body of a range marka ?? - -~ " - "'?.'" Ul Ul A PUYO IBS balow th? oyen nt fluo of rani?. Thara ta .otWo? th?? but a thta |Saea of ataal ??Bm..TbjjMmhiiie sea inat IMble Iron ow tb? front of (Ina at both top and bottom 01 ov?n. InnurinV. loss wear, where other ransoa ara weakest. T? Grear MAJESTIC MeO??bhsn? Charcoal/ron g*t fiHr?*M 'row ?wn V ra.t Jfc A#t?MWa /ronTon'iiraaA-.nit w??? 8 ordlDaryranjroa. fUcttdjoint, r**"*2?*r ?lr Uafat, neither ?oki nor beat affecta|tnetn. RANGE Alto wu h Wattr Front for Prut mrc Wattr ' Heating Sullivan Hardware Co. DU GRAY HI, LOOK Y0UN6; PRE??? .--- . tw)u.t> Sage Te? ead Sulphur. Darken* Hoe . Almost eyerypne 7 shows Jt^mtojM Tea and Sulphur, .property ?^??w??d ed. erhyw bukVth*; natural lustre to the hair >ho? teded, ntiMK-. ed pr gre--; also end? dandruff, JtckwUg.! scalp and stops falling hair; Year*: ago the only way to got.thia joixture was to maka lt at borne.? sWti?W>Us;t<* attiser ?na froubie?emc. ;NGir*u?jav. by .asking at any drug store ?g*?. ."ivfi?i?' Sago an? Sutpua* ."isioai*" pound" you will get a large bottle bf i . this famous old recipe for 'about-"bb cents. Don't atay gray! ' Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, SB lt does it so naturally and evenly. You dim pen ia sponge er 1 sort brush arith it apd draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at & time ; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two. your hair becomes beautifully durk, thick sud gldssy. Bobbery Takes Place at r?odmou?. PIEDMONT. Jan. G.^n Saturday night the storo of the Subcr Drug Co.. of this place, WBB-broken into and a lot of Jewelry was iftolen, Among tho. missing' articles is a diamond ring.', a number of cameo rings, and lava liere. Suspicion p?iuts strongly to a man ot this plsce, who has, however, left fot'parts unknown. On rjaturday one ot tbs operators ofithe stc/e open--' ed it to seil a pack of cigarettes to a customer. While In the. store, he went behind the counter end' there ron WV . to ?umher Piedmont citizen, who waa crouching. The secreted man .laughed, and said be bad come In-with the other two, and bad slipped behind, the counter in order to frighten .the clerk. Nothing more was thought \,i the Inci dent until the next morning when . the articles were found missing. f?B?csis teAmasnlA I I Nf?? INTERNAIIOK/Q. I 1 TsEfflnJi a^ millik ? g fwrr ?sr lo rowm?* is^rsa**?,rt ? I btisHserlaWsm ??$?8*1 gt OB thia, CSHKMBS, sSrsse. MlTiMfifY ttlmmlm