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Today no better gif Whitmi which gives ses. Have Y ? w ORF Kiss Your Coal Stove! Goodbye! Jhe gas. stove has the coal stove beaten a mil lion ways. No wood to chop, no coal to car ry, no ashes to take up, carry j out, and <4it, Reaving a trail of dirt and dust" from the stove all MUWout to the ash pjf:i No fire to coax arid c??-? ute. No excess heat. No i .' '.' sBr*aste. s is a g??rant&^of^ right of in^nily for "any Jose whatever; and it's more iodi?cat^ta -V i " "*; ' erson ii E McCewo's Grocery j GOOD THINGS TO EAT Jp^iigei.. .15c. 20 and 25c ^plee. per peck.40o Raisins. 2 lbs... ,25c -Noto. Tt?t!?A'?iT-'Ji^^f.'.%i.. ''..25c Bananas. ?, -'.. ." '..15 and 20c Cranberries \ ..." "'... ".' .10b qt. Prunes, 2 lbs....ssc "CSWbn/ per "lb. ...20e National Biscuit Co.'s Fruit..Ok? at per pound... ... ... ..BOc J. M. McCOWN Pfcoae Ho. 23. CLEAR ?light la necessary to your health and success. DIM vision can generally be roll ed by correctly focused and ? glasse*. DONT be blind to yow own io ?st. Sxerdse sound wisdom and in teliigaace by baviug US examine you r cyen. It will be a thorough, poll - ?taking, expert examination that wi 1 put yon on tba r.fctftt track ot sigh . YOU can count on u* for truths 1 information end right glasses. Prices $2.50 to $9,00. We duplicate broken glasses ma?-B*iud them to THE SH?R-ri? OP?iGIL CO. ?IM. M. ISttAttUHHT, f i-' 'frpfa?uiir?nt * ED.] PARFUM1 XDwffa?a?i is the last day in which vo your Xmas Shopping. We t than a box of ms stands ior Qualitv? -: from the very best it the excellent flavor whi OUR package reserved 1 e'll deliver it any time ye .oolt for the Whitman Sig] L GRAY & Druggists, On the. Square. I--*--*- * . ? * m ? a m ? m m ?M?.M\.M*.m9 m mm 1 "TTTTTTT^TT ^TTTTTTTTy Personal Mrs. H. I*. Sitton and Misses Caro 'and Louise Aull of Pendleton were j shopping in the city yesterday. W. Prank Cox, Jr.. a student of : Furman University, is here to spend ? ?the holidays with his parents. Judge and Mrs. \V. F. Cox. Rufus Fant. Jr., who has. been at tending the law school of the Uni versity of South Carolina, ls here for the holidays. ?Miss Bessie McWhorter of Havan- j th. Ga., and J. C. McWhorter of At-', ma. are spending the holidays with.I ielr father. Mr. W. G. McWhorter. at. j enyer. , > I - >' ?. ' . - . Lee W. Milford, who is attending ie AtlantM Medical College, ia at ame for the holidays. Cl'yd? Shirley, who is attending the nlversity of South Carolina, is lat ame;fer the holidays. . - ' Zeke Major, who is attending the nlversity of South Caroona, ls herc >r the holidays. Mrs. Humphreys and daugher. Miss .lice, returned yesterday to Due West fter r. shore visit in the eily. O, P. Werner of Pendleton was in lt? elly yesterday. . Joe Blackman ot Pendleton was mong the visitors in the city yester a>- _ Frank Murphey, who has been on he road fer some years, <s in Ander on for the holidays. Manly Hutchinson, who han been Lttendlng Furman ? University, is at |ome. for the holidays. Miss Rosamund Burdine. who is peaching at Chester, arrived yesterday > spend the holidays with relatives. D. 8. Taylor has gone to Atlanta Jr-hero he will spend the holidsys. Misses Marthe. Richardson. Lalla ?Ursball. Tabitha McFall, Kate La Boon and Lucllen Ligen are among ?tose who arrived yesterday from .Vinthrop College to spend the boll lays with relative? lure. Clifton Martin- of Pendleton was {Hmong the business visitors in the; I|ity ye?*<urdayv i i* John Simpson of Pendleton was in \Jpn city yesterday for a short while. Mint Francis Tribble, who baa been Attending college in Richmond is here i spend the holidays with her mother. Vernor Kay, who is attending; a edical college in Richmond? la at onie for tho holidays. Mrs. R. J. Campbell returned yes? inlay to Belton after a short *1elt tra no city. Mrs. M. ?. Bowen, who baa '. been n a brief visit to Anderson, returned Yesterday to Pelton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pepper of Belton {re in the city yesterday for a short Ile. Miss Una Shaw of Belton waa eng the shoppers in the etty yes rday. . Miss Vermeil Crowther of Antre Mile waa among the shoppers In the [Hy yesterday. ' *cM you FREE PERFUME tte today ter a testing bolds nf PINAUD'S LILAC ERK m PfNAUD, Depsetsssstt JUL 9SUSAKS wcwYomc ?HCl u have to do can suggest being made fri materials ich it posses 7ODAY and m say. nu co. Miss Mllwec Wilson of Easley wnB In the city yesterday for n short while. I!. H. sherard of Wllllamston ?ns In the city yesterday for a short while. Miss Lillie Busbee, who has heen attending the Womat. R College in Due West, Is at homo for tho holidays. Miss Effie Landen;, of Queen's Col lege, Charlotte, is visiting Miss Char lotte Parks, In North .Anderson. J. L. Freeman or Greenville was in the city yesterday on business. Ernest McCown of Mountain Creel: was- in tho city yesterday. Sam Whitten of Pendleton was in the city yesterday for a short while. Louie Anderson is at home from col lege to-spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Alrn. Jule Anderson. W. K. denn '.Vf Centorvill? was in the city yesterday. ' Mrs. Charlea English of Belton waa shopping tn the .city yesterday. Hamp Godfrey of. the county wpa In the city.yesterday .for a. auorttwhUe.* W. H. Glenn of the county was in iL? city yesterday, for a ?hort : while. G. W. Smith of Townvllle wus in the. city yesterday for a short while.. Paul Alkeu of Town viii?, was among the visitors in the city yesterday. AC. Adams of Greenville was in the city yesterday for a ahort while. J. L. Fletcher of Abbeville was in [the city yesterday on business. Miss Florida Green of Belton was j shopping in the city yesterday. W. W. Collier of the Southern Bci: ? Telephone and Telegraph company, of I Greenville was in th,e city yestei/iy. S. E. Moore, who has been spending some timo on his farm In Georgia, is [here for the holidays. Miss Saidee Clark ls at home from ?Winthrop College for the Holidays. Harry Shackleton! of Charleston ia j in the city for a. ahort stay. Mrs. W. A. Hoi lan ri and Mrs.- Lil lian Sitto'n of Seneca were shopping ?In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. c. K. Bower were among th*> shoppers In the city yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Bowers were among the shoppers In the city yes ?terday Grady Milford, who fa attending the j high school at Tlgervlilo. ls at borne for the holidays. Prof.- C. O. Milford, superintendent of the Slmpsonvllle school, has re turned to his herne at Long Branch for tho holidays. Mina Fannie Morrow, who teaches near Donalds, waa In the etty yes terday en route home ot spend the holi days with her" parents. Mr. and Mrs. IL M. Morrow, near Iva. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayes and Mas ter'Durant Mayes ot Graffta. Oa., are hereto spend the holidays with Mr. andrMrS. J. jj. trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Neely and Martfft Neely will, go to YorkVQle to day to visit relatives. Miss Katherine Winch of Piedmont a student at Ch I cora College, la here the anest of Mrs. T. L. Only. Mr.. and Mrs. R. K. McDonald of Huntsville, N; C., are expected today to spend Christmas with Mrs, Mc Donald'? parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Glonn. Mr Aich I? McConnell of Toccoa, Ga., is hera visiting hts narents, M;\ ?nd I Mrs. R A. McConnell, oa Manning IstreeL Mr. and Mrs. fi?.m Glister of Salis I bury,'' N. C.. are expected today to ! spend Christmas wl?h Ute former's ?mother, Mrs. J. J. Ollmer. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Watton have ?goce to Atlanta co npend the holidays. Joy Comes Tc Homes Oi GENEROUS RESPONSE TO CALL FOR ASSISTANCE MADE MONEY AND FOOD1 - i Familie* Reported in Distress' Were Visited Yesterday. $22.10 Received. Mills of State. - s I ''Hcwe'cr it be. it seoras to me Tis only noble to be good. Kind hearts are more than coronets,. And simple faith, than Norman blood." j If Tennysou spoke what ' ls true when he wrote the above, then there are indeed many in the city of An derson who aro noble, and kind hearts that are worth more to the communi ty than alt the coronets of royalty. For out of tho tenderness of their hearts nnd through love for their fel lowman, who has accumulated less, o' thia world's transient wares In tho unequal struggle, .severn! ?oula .this morning look upon Christmas Eve with more joy and less of dumb do wan-, which ? hilled (heir souls but a few hou-,-OK<). The widow's heavily laden shoulders do not droop sn low. sud in the hearts of the fatherless children a ray of happiness comos to dispel shadows that would have ??ched upon their tender i-.ouis mem ories of a Joyless Christmas that the flight of time might not have erased. With them Christina:; Pay IK ubout to break over their narrow horizon as fair and cherry as on that first dawn when the morning stars sang togeth er and the sonB of Ood shouted for loy. They Brought illili. Of their money tho good people of Anderson yesterday brought no mean share. aOf their provisions they brought more. And out of fae depths of flielr hearts came expressions of tenderness and. roercy which ure a fi sumners that there shall nor be suf fering'amouR ihe worthy, poor of An derson, if .they hot know abdul If, lt was the pleasure oi The iiitelli'.-.ojicr to he able lo1 .direct there good Sainar linns Ul"'tho lowly homes niea|tonod t:; y sTo?da'y p'jornlphV p:?!..*..' a* plac?s ..where &e(P Was needed. ,rY> Sfcwown,ter brunt'tacks! thc ar ticle Iii je:;terdsiv'3 paper twliln'? of Ar>.'?niU?fl?s'jtS'''th|> 'elly und cour.jy ?>r .Anderson, who'.'^ere' lo ' destil ut ?" cir cumstances brought.'results in boun tiful meagre. For a greeter part c-f the morning one person wai kept busy tn the front office of this paper un ; wcring inquiries by people us to where., they could lind the famine-* in question.' Mady ot those who inquir ed went to a?? tho families ana, car ried them Provision? and necessities i or thc sick rooiUj. Others who. made inquiries left cash contributions at thlB office, which will oe properly distributed, in addition to the calls made in person, many inquiries came by telephone. Hate W?.1?. Cash contributions totaling $22.10 were received from good people of 1 Anderdon yesterday. The firm of Pruitt .& Burriss; of this city, sent a quantity of teed stuffs for the cow which the widow, who has two chil dren abed with typhoid feyer and a third who ls endeavoring to support the family by working in the mill, bas been given. With some of the money received by ' The Intelligencer fuel was purchased at?d sent to one family where there lg a child ill with pneu monia. Today it ts planned to send a pair of shoes to the barefoot little fellow who is working in the mill In an effort to support himself, his wid owed mother and the two little chll It's Nunnallys "She" wants, and if you are wise that's what you'll send her. We have it fresh from Atlanta. The Owl Drag Co. '^lillllliiilillliillillilKHISISii f Unfortunate AUTOMOBILE BORNEO EARLY LAST EVENING DR. W. S. PEARCE LOST HIS FIRESTONE TOURING CAR BY FIRE WAS INSURED Exact Manner in Which Machine Was Ignited is Not Known. i Taking Siro In some inexplicable manner, the large Firestone touring car of Dr. W. S. Pearce was complete ly destroyed early, yast evening in tho j ly destroyed carly last evening in Hie East River street. The lire depart ment answered an alarm turned in about 6:30 o clock and making a quick run* to the scene of the blair fought the flames until all the gaso line and oil had burned out of the machine. Tho automobile burned for about ur hour and was cousumed oven down to the tires. What the exact loss amounts to has not been determined, but the cost of the car was about $2,200 when new and was In first class condition at thc time it was destroy ed. Dr Pearce carried Insurance on the machine. The exact manner in which tho car caught fire is not known. Dr. Pearce stated that he hod gone into the yard for the purpose of taking tho car up town without the lights turning, and was standing on the running board and in tho act of turning on the switch when the ear flamed up. As quickly as he could get to a tele phone Dr. Pierce called the fire de partment. Owing to the muddy streets ibe automobile bru truck did not nta-ke as quick a run to the scene of the tire as could have. ";eeu uiude bau tue street? been dry ann in good condition. Nevertheless, the run was made in good time, but owing to the rapidity with whit li gasoline and nil burn Ibu fire bad gained consid?rable b?sdwny before the department arrived. AB generally known, water tuib bul lillie effect on gasoline or oil fire, ami in .this instance true' fire department wuu able, to,do but Hi tie toward queuing the flames, dren who ?re Irl with fever. Provisions Cheap. The well: known firm of {.igen and Ledbettur yesterday . volunteered to ?ell groceries, nt. wholesale prlci s for the fumllles lu distress. A well irnown physician of tho city, who is attend ing a destitute, family living 51-2 milos from the city and another fem ily just west of the - city, lest night volunteered to take them groceries, money or other necessities which might be left st The Intelligencer of fice. Seventh Case of Distress. Reports were received yesterday of a seventh family Which ls in bad cir cumstances. This family resides in one of the mill villages. Tho father and two of the children in the family are Ul of typhoid fever. The baby has only recently died, and the moth er, who is herself ill, is endeavoring to provide for the other members of the family. Committee Wanted. The Intelligencer would be pleased to have a committee of ladles or gen tlemen, or a committee composed of beth, to take charge of the funds ' which are being turned Into this office ?g? tfcnt th*>v are oronerfy dis tributed among thes'o families. Those Contributing! Those who have subscribed to the "Belgian* In Anderson'' fund are as follows, the name being given In the order In whlclir contributions were re . calved: i Intelligencer .$1.00 i Mrs. C. Osborne. .?0 ?Rev. and Mrs. T. C. O'Dell .... 1.00 In. M. Russell and friends _ 1.10 J. 3. Sergeant. ... .. 4.00 T. A. Graham. 1.00 D. N Mayfeld.",0 .Contributed. ".00 ?M. n. UM-ncr.. ... 1.00 ID. O. Evans .. .. j. 5.00 Mrs. A. F". Smothers.SO Mrs. A. L. Smothers. .".<". Cash. 1.00 Total...$22.10 ,naoOoeoeeeeeoeoooeo 0 SOUTH WILL! A MST O'S* e " 4 * a o o o o nooooooooooooe SO? TH WILLIAMSTON. Dec. 21. Rev. Don's M. SnMt h. pastor of the First Street Baptist church, tendered ri? resignation Sunday morning tl take effect at the end of tue year which is very much regretted by tho church and the entire community. He will move to Anderson where he has two or three churches In ensure : While we regret to glvo him up our loss In Anderson^ rai?t. Mr. Trowmnn Kelley and Miss Ger trude GeddingH were happily married last Saturday nicht at 0 o'clock by 1 he Kev. Louis M. Smith. ,Tho oon jt ranting couple have the boat WjsbCfl ^'Jthel.- many triends fnr a happy life. The Sunday school of the First (Street Baptist church will have a nice Christmas tree next Thursday nicht . and on Friday and Saturosy night? j the Wttianist^n mills thealro will put on eight of tho best reels they havi ever shown. Th? First regiment hand will furnish mutdc for same. 1 Mr. John Gargett of Piedmont spent Sunday with his daughter, hire. Mose Ellis. The Orchid of Sweets The rarity o nd cost! to their fascination, bm mon as carnations thei ty would still make the flowers. Bonbons and are the most prized of rarest, or costliest, but fection of flavor. If c were made a day they Make her "HEART this deii?ht?iti'confect Evans' Pl Three S <0 O 4> o o o o o o o ? o p <? o o o ? 1^ Fin?: CHIEF'S WAHMM; O) ?? OoOonooooi)o?ort<u??o(>l Cb lal Henry Hunker, of (tlu\ Clnrln ?U, OMlp..?lre Uenartuiunt, ,obe of the r?atcst tire ?gatera Iii the, conn ti y. i a., sent but. the folmwlnK warning in ? sgard to Christmas- treo?i. .( tir ist mn:: trees are . Hated .among fie must dangerous things , in the forld.. Every year thousands of Amt* re started by thc candle? on thc trees, lany of these lire:- result in the death r terrible injury to some one: Among nose who are most likely to lie burn d aro little children. "Here are some 'don't?' in regard to s Christina* tree: "Don't spread cotton around to rep osent snow. It is almost as deadly as unpo-wder when touched by fire. ? "Don't put too much flimsy decora lona on the tree it candles are to be [ghtod. "Don't bang tbe gifts on .a tree. (any Ares have been started by San a's costume catching fire from a een ie who he reached for a gift. "Don't trim Sama'* costume with ottos. > "Don't make Santa's whiskers out f cotton. "Don't place candles where the lame will como directly underneath .e?.'orations or part of the tree. "Dob't let thc children ' gd nebr a Ighted tree. "Dont fatl to have a reliable fire xtlngulsher handy. "Don't open a door so that tm? will e struck by Budden gust of air. "DOn^t bc afraid to call the Are de artment. Some of the worst fires in lie world have been started because copie who discovered them thought :iey could handle them gnd neglected > call thc firemen." Mrs. 1Mnra Guy and H. K. Guy. Jr.. t Columbus, Ga., are here to spend hrisUnus with ?lr. and Mrs. to. K. ny on Rose HUI. _ Christmas signifies t better spirit in* our liv? hence we* feel that the Christmas is a piano. We sell Standard mi prices are RIGHT^ For CASH or orri ER The Paterson W. N. Patterson,.'Mgr., liness of orchids add t if they were as com r perfection of heau m the most prized of . . . ._?,:;> Chocolates. " sweets, not because because pf their per wiiv a hundred boxees would be priceless. glad with a box of ion. liarmacy tores. i In a Bottle --Through a Strawistiieway to enjoy the deli ciousness of Chero Coia, This way it is always uniform, pure and wholesome. .hero-Col Mr. and Mrs. Porter Whalcy have sotie to Charleston to visit relatives sf Mr. Whatey's he birth of a new and es-music typifies it, gift most worthy of ikes ONLY-and our MS to SUIT Music House No. 130 W. Benson.