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Classified Columns .Want Advertising Rates Twenty-fire words or less, One Time 25 cents, Three Times 60 cents, feta Times $L0O. All advertisement over twenty-five words prorata for each additional word. Bates on 1,000 words to be used in a month made on appli tion. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents, cash in cd vance, It roar name appears in the telephone directory yon can telephone ye ar want ad to 821 and a bill will be malled after Ita Insertion for prompt payment. FOR SALE FOB SALE-Extra recleancd Moun tain Buckwheat for trade that ap preciates quality-that means pure BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-you can have lt ground to your liking. Fur man Smith. Seedsman. Phone 4 4. FOB SALE- Three trios Bourbon Bed turkeys, $9.00 trio; three trios Toulolse Geese $0.00 trio; thirty floe S. C. R. I. Red cockrens, 7fic each. Ail the above fowls are pure bred and country raised. Write or come to see me. Can furnish twenty homes in Anderson twice a week With the best creamery butter, 30c a pound. One pound of my butter ?rlll go farther than two pounds of the ordinary. Try one pound or lt and see if I am not correct. -D. A. Taylor, Sandy Springs, 8. C. SALE-At my farm north of An 2 horse carriage, 1 horse drill, 5 Disc Mower and rake. Sae cypress water tank. Apply to W. R. Hembree, Anderson, S. C. ?#. E. Lee-12-16-lt. FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE-600 aero farm tn good section of Geor gi*. Within walking lstance of good town and good school. In a section ct particularly good roads. See Jno. Linley, ' 'HV.CL WANTS WANTED-The foftile la BMW Ital ?a have Jost received a large ship meat af bas files, and can supply yow wants ta thia Una. Anderson Intelligencer, .^b Department tf ooooooooooooooooooo u .. DOUBLE SPRINGS. WANTED-You ta .read .our .twa weeks' bargain sale on page five r of tala laina. Southern Public util ities Co. dtf NOTICE-We are now prepared to do your grinding of all kinds of feed stuff-cotton stalks, corn stalks, shucks, straw, grain, ?tc Price 20e per cwt. Strictly cash. Anderson Mattress and Spring Bed Co. WHEN UNEXPECTLY detained down - town for luncheon, you cannot do better than drop in here. A light lunch or a substantial meal. Cuisine and service O. K. and prices just as attractive as our food. The Lunch ^saette.--Jtt _ 3&0 SPRINGS-We make Auto Springs, also extra plies on short notice. Paul E. Stephens. FUTE FBfJITS-We carry the largest attd roost complete assortment In k the city-keep 'em moving. Fresh Florida orange?, grape trait, ap ples, h?nan??. wholesale and re tail, 1. K. Mann?. Phon? B93_A*J_ OALSCMSAH An ar I;0?LKCT?K wanted-Good contract to the right uarty. Apply Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., Anderson and Greenville, fl. c.-ij-is-atp. ooooooooooooooooooo o o o Why dont' your Clock run. o o Keese can make it run. $10 re- o o ward lt not-di 2. b o o oooooooooooooooooo i" ***** yoursel! some saudi luxury jest for today and give the cash ---. eoooooonoooooooooooo Tile school at this place has been in session for about two months, ana is progressing nicely so ffr. The pu pil? are deeply interested In their work. Mrs. M. E. Cromer and son, Jack, Bpent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Marett near Anderson. Mesdames Lutbor and Authur Sulli van Bpent Wednesday with Mrs. J. W. Sullivan. Miss Christine Cromer has been quite sick for the past week, but ls improving rapidly to the delight of ber many friends. Mrs. W. A. Gambrell spent Wednes day with Mrs. Melinda Sullivan. Messrs. Auston and John Sullivan were business visitors to Anderson last Tuesday. Mr. .Toe Dobbins visited in Rock Hill section last Sunday. Mr. E. Cromer was a business visi tor to Anderson Tuesday. Mr. A. C. Cromer was In Anderson on business last Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Cromer spent last Sunday with Mr. R. A. Sullivan. Mr. Bill Dobbins was a visitor In this section last Sunday. Mrs. Claude 'Sanders spent a few hours with Mrs. Charlie McAdams last Tuesday. Mr. Clarence Dobbins spent last Tuesday with his father, Mr. H. F. Dobbins. * Miss Vera Crawford was the guest of Miss Lelia Sullivan on last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Milford visited Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cromer Tuesday. Mr. J. L. Bradberry visited Mr. and Mrs. Furman Boleman Sunday. Mrs. Bub Cole and children visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mil ford, Tuesday. The school opened last Monday with a few new pupils. Miss Mattio Robbins and Miss Bran yon spent Saturday bight with the Misses Sullivan. * Deny yourself that "dope" ted?7 .nd gire the nickel to charity. GRAY K?IG?ES DARK, THICK, GLOSSY Try Grandmother's Old* Favorite Recipe of hage Tea and Sulphur. s \ Almost everyone knows teat Sage and Sulphur, properly compounded, brines back the r?2?turn' ?AIA. ?nd lus tre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff. Itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ugo the only way to get this mixture was to make lt nt home, which Is mus sy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound." You wit get a large bottle for about 60 cents. Everybody uses this old, famous recipe, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as lt does lt so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with lt and draw thU through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, and af ter another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark,, thick and glossy and you look years young er. Lower Prices on Ford Car? Buyer? to Share in Profits Effective August 1st, 1914 to August 1st 1915 arid guaranteed against any reductions during that time. Ali cars fully equipped f, o. A. De troit. Runabout . .... .$440 Touring Car. 490Town Car. 690 Ali retail buyers of new Ford cars from August 1st, 1914 to August 1st, 19IS wiii share in the profits of the company to the extent of $40 to $?v per car, on each car they buy, Pft?Vlb ?D; we sell and deliver ? new Ford cars during that period. ..(Ask for Particulars.) -, TODD AUTO SHOP ************* *? * ELECTRIC CIT * _ * Items of Interest and Persona * Wireless on the St Survey Boat on Savannah Uiver ! The war department some time aso j purchased a aecond-hand boat on Sa- . vannab river, near Petersburg, oppo site Mt. Carmel, for the purpoae of making a aurrcy of that stream be tween Augusta and Andersonvllle. The boat has reached Gregg Shoals on HB upward vqyagc/ and has been tied up \t this point for the nast 10 davs or two weeks. Some time ago tho war JepartfOent had an engineer on Savan nah river for thc purpose of making sauge readings and other observa tions, and it is thought that the sur vey now being made ia the result of lils recommendations. The work on Savannah river is being done under the direction of the United States en gineer In charge of the Savannah Di vision, who has officeg at Savannah. Interest in Hokey Meeting at Hparisnburg Local membera of tba K. of P.a who !iaw? reached the atp lion of Dokey, Hherwlao known as the Dramatic Gr ier Knights of KoraBsan, were much ntereated in a gathering of the clan ?K'ld at Spartanburg last night, when soveral "Tyros" were offered up In lacrlflce to resale tho tiger. Snow Predicted For Nest Saturday "Prof." Hicks, Anderson county's veli known weather prophet, was in he city yesterday and when asked what waa in store for thia section.?n : he Une of weather predicted n fall , >f anow by next Saturday. "All in- | licatlona point to rain by Friday, but he chances arc it will be anow in itead." declared he. He stated that here would be no moderation of tho iresent cold weather until either ain or anow had fallen. o iVeather -Making For New Beeord United States weather observer H. EL Ruaael ventured tbe nssertkm yes erday, without consulting the records, hat a new temperature record for this ?arly in December waa established yesterday. At 5 o'clock in the morn ng the mercury registered 16 degree*-. 3y 8:20 o'clock the thermometer had -laen four degrees. Though the veather moderated during the day, here .waa no time when one did not eel the bite of the wind and atlck to tis overcoat. lodge Me m m in ger's Brother Promoted Associated Presa dispatches sont ?ut -yesterday from Washington ai lounced the appointment of Lucien .temminger of Charleston aa United itates consul at Madras, India. For be past several years he has been osul at Rouen. France. Mr. Mem ninger ls a brother o? Judge R. With ins Memmingcr, now presiding over he court of common pleas in Ander en. Mr. Memmlnger visited in, Char eston last winter. Judge Memmlnger tad the pleasure of viaitin?- ' ?s broth er while consul at Roue.- -a years igo. -o-1 Mstol Toter Fiaed $60 In the recorder's court yeaterday norning Kniest Htenson, colored, was onvicted of carrying an unlawful ?/capon, a pistol, and aentenced to pay t fine of $50 or servo 30 days on the dty chaingang. lt seems that Stenson ' vas caught tarrying a pistol which . tad been stolen by one Dick Frasier - nd turned over to him. The Pra ter negro was hauled up on charges 1 f petit larceny, to wit, stealing the : rtstol, sad was sentenced to pay a ? Ine of $25 or aerve 30 days on tho lty chaingang. Erectors Chamber Of Commerce Meet The regular monthly meeting of th .(rectors of the Chamber of Commerce rill be held thia afternoon at 5:30 .'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. Inls meeting was originally schedul d for Thursday night at 8 o'clock, mt when tt was seen dat se vcr si el ectors would be out of the dty to aorrow night lt was decided to change ne date of the meeting and hold lt big afternoon at 5:80 o'clock Instead. it the meeting this afternoon the egular monthly report of Secretary ?orter A. Wasley will be preened, nd tho matter of arranging the date or the annual meeting ot the ?".ham er of Commerce be taken up. .--o leateaeod For Noa* payment of Poll Tax In the court of Magistrate W. C. iroadw?ll yeaterday morning one Joe 'lice, colored, was convicted of non payment of poll tax and sentenced to | tay a flue of $10 and coats of the sc ion or serve 20 days on the chain ing. Not having the cash with whlrh o pay bia'fine, Joe was Torced to go o the gang. Price ls a resident of keysland avenue, and pleaded Ignor ance aa the excuse for his having ailed to pay "tribute to Caesar." But is Ignorance bf the law ?e. the mag'-'rate was forced to visit punishment npufl Joiwyh. -o ['utting Down Trees Oa Brich Rance City street forces yesterday felled tome four tresa which stood at the sdge of the sidewalk on Brick Range, the clearing away of the trees wrought quite a change tn the appear ance ot things la that quarter, abd though lt le to be regretted that trees an public streets roust ever be cht, there probably IS no one ut the city ?Tho will not ?groe that tho appearance af things on that side of the square arete improved. The four trees which were felled had become diseased. The tope -were dead and many of the branche* aa?t become ..ecayed. ? SPARKLETS * _, # J Mention Caught Over the * reeta of Anderson * Penny Party At Welcome Kebool Tomorrow (Thursday) night a "pen ny party" will he held at Welcome school house, Beaverdam district. Miss Maggie M. Carlington, county super visor of rural schools, will be present and will make a talk. A cake con test has also been planned as one of the attractions. The general public is invited to attend the function and the patrons of thc school are particu larly urged to be present. -o Box Supper At Mountain View With the advance of winter box suppers are becoming popular throughout the county, and many are the entertainments of this nature whicli are being held at the varlouB school bouses and private homes. It ls announced that a box supper will be held at Mountain View school house on the evening of Tuesday, De cember 22, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. Tho public is cordially Invited to at tend the entertainment. -o Error Made ia (?inning Figures According to information givon out yesterday by I* A. Bolt, special agent for the collecting of ginning statis tics In Anderson county, the govern has made an error of 5,465 bales of cotton In computing the number gin ned in Anderson county up to De cember 1. The figures furnished Mr. Bolt showed that up to December l there had been ginned in this county 60,807. A few days later when the re port covering the whole State was published Anderson county was given 66,452 bales, a difference of 5,465. Mr. Bolt says that the attention of the de partment will be called to the error. -o Change fa Grade Sidewalk Considered The street committee of city council ls considering the raising of the level of the sidewalk in front of the Cox store rooms, on North Main street, which Is occupied by Crayton's drug store and the United States Woolen mills and the sidewalk In front of the C. A. Reed building. Both sidewalks are several Inches below the curbing and in addition to being unsightly thig condition of affairs prevents the flowing off of surface water after heavy raina. Especially is this true or the sidewalk In front of the Cox stores, as the underground draina were cut off when the retaining wall for tho Main street bridge of the Blue Ridge Railroad was constructed. Clerk nf Court Penman Better Friends ot Clerk of Court James N. Pearman throughout the county will be relieved to learn that he has recov ered from his illness to the extent where he will probably be removed to his home today. Monday morning, shortly after the convening of court. Mr. Pearman suffered an attack of ill ness, which was afterwards diagnosed as a slight attack of appendicitis. He waa removed to ? the home of Sheriff Ashley, where he was given medical attention. This makes thc third or fourth attack of this description which Mr. Pearman has suffered*. Charged Wit* enroling i'ioih Charged with stealing somo 50 yards Df cloth from the Brogon Milks, Will Pitts, colored, rr is arrested in Abbe ville iwt Saturoay and brought here yesterday. The negro formerly work ed at the Brogon Mill and it is sup posed that he stole the cloth and went to Abbeville for tba purpose of sell ing it. Abbeville officers saw the ne gro lugging two suit cases and sus pected him of having whiskey in them. Upon examination they discovered the grips full of cloth. Slr. James Moore Dies at Barnwell Mrs. 8. E. Carter of Greenville street, received a telegram yesterday morning announcing the sudden death at Barnwell of ber son-in-law, Mr. James Moore. Mrs. Cater left yester day afternoon to be with her daugh ter, who was Misa Sallie Cater, in her affliction and to attend the funeral services of Mr. Moore, which will be held today. Mr. Moore married MTL. eater's daughter about 15 years ago, and they have som* ai* ehildren. -o Mr. Newton Dead In Baltimore Friends tn Anderson of Miss Berta Newton, teacher In the high school on Weat Market street, will sympathise with her in the death of her father, which occurred tu a Baltimore hospi tal last Monday. . She was advised ot her father's serious illness some days ap and left for Baltimore Saturday, r. Newton lived at Beanettcrl?e. --o Executive Beard Bald Meeting The executive board of the Saluda Baptist Association met Monday af ternoon at the 'First Baptist church and considered applications tor aid from various churches, appointed committees "to investigate certain ex isting conditions, approved applies, tiona-directly and provisionally amounting to same #1,200. Other mat* ten of little interest to the general pablie were also considered. O" ? Regular Xeetla* Farmers' Union The regular monthly meeting ot thi Anderson County Farmer** Union wa? tte!? yesterday porting in the court room cf the city nail. Although noth ing w?? given cut fur publication con cern lng the matta*; th? secretary steted that a number of mattera ol Importance and Interest to farmer* were discussed, lt was* announced thai at the January meeting of the union [officers will be elected for the year of 1915. A full attendance of members ia urged on thia occasion. <-o- . Fir? Laddie? Culled Out The fire department waa called out late yesterday afternoon by an alarm Bent In from the vicinity of the rxo I pie's Oil Mill. Upon arriving lt waa discovered that ? pile of old clothing lu a negro house had become ignited, but that these . had been thrown out of the house and the flamea extinguished. News From Seneca Knights of Pythian* Elect Officers. Rjwial to The Intelligencer. SENECA, Dec. 15.-At their regular Iaemi-monthly meeting, on Monday night, the Knights of Pythiaa, of this place elected the following officers to serve for the ensuing year: Chan cellor Commander. B. It. Ramaey; Vice chancellor, M. A. Wood; Prelate, H. Hoi lem an; Keeper, of Records and Seale, G. W. Shelor; Master of Finance, P.. D. Neill; Maater of Ex chequer, P. D. Iabell; Master of ! Work, R. K. Nimmons; Master of Arms, Harry K. Sleigh; Outer Guard, T. S. Moore; Inner Guard. G. W. Shlr I ipy. The second number of the lyceum course will be given Tuesday night in the school auditorium. The attraction IB a lecture by Hon. Jos. G. Camp of Atlanta. Miss N-dl Kellet. T. B. Jone?, and Frank Hawkins of Townville spent I Sunday in Seneca with friends. Dr. E. A. Hin?s went to Columbia Monday afternoon to attend the regu lar annual meeting of ?ne executive committee of the state board of health. ' Mr. J. H. "Aryan has returned from I a trip to Birmingham. Dr. D. P. Thompson has been con fined to hie bett for several daya with [grip. Mr. J. S. ?lobins?n haa . returned from Easley from a trip in the in terest of the Sunday school work.of Piedmont Presbytery. Miss Cora Wiley, who is teaching the Old Pickena school, spent the week-end with Axer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiley, in the Richland sec tion. Mro. Lilly Sitton has returned from Anderson, where she spent a few days I visiting Mrs. Sue Holland. LEGAL NOTICES Delinquent Road Tax Notice. All dlnlenquent road tax collectors are provided with an official receipt book with numbes, and stub nura bes attached. Pay no money to collectors unless you get the official receipt as above provided or. J. MACK KING, tf County Supervisor. STATE OF SOUTH AROLINA, County of Anderson. Ex Parte Mrs. Jane. Kelley In Re Petition for Homestead in the Estate of Joe Kelley. Notice la hereby given that Mrs. Jane Kelley has petitioned tor a homestead exemption in the person al property of the late Joe Kelley to Si? co? t\ft *n h.. #/%.. .V.- 1-_J ILM self and children, as provided by the law of South Carolina, and that on January 7th, 1916, appraisers duly ap pointed by me will appraise and set off auch homestead exemption to her in the manner provided by law. JAS. N. PBARMAN, Clerk of Court for Anderson County. Anderson, S. C., Deo. 6, 1914. NOTICE Tbs annual meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for Ander son County will be held in the Sup ervisors office In the Court House on Thursday after the first Monday In January, 1915. All persons having claims against the County not prev iously presented to the Board are hereby required to file tho same with the Clerk of the Board on or hy the 1st day ot January 1916. J. a ACKER, Clerk of the Board. December 7, isl*. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The undersigned administratrix of the estate of A C. Townsend, deceas ed, hereby gives notice that aha will on December 18th, at ll o'clock a. m., apply to the Judge ot. Probate tor An d orson County for a final settlement of said estate and a discharge from his office of administrator. MRS. ELIZA A TOWN8END, Administratrix, A8FBSMENT NOTICE Auditors Office, Anderson South Caro lina. Thia office will be open to receive returns of personal property for taxa tion tor the nascal year from the first dav of January, 1015, to the 20th ot February following Inclusive. Alt personal property must be itemised. Real estate not returned this year but all transfers of real estate made since last returns should be noted upon the return blank when listing say on return to whom sold or from whom bought . The township beard ot assessors gre required by mw to list for alt papa that tall to make their own returns within the time prescribed, hence the difficulty of delinquen to escaping the CO per cent penalty, aa well as the J frequency ot errors resulting from this i J practice by all means make your own return and thereby save expense and iooble. Ex-Confederate soldiers are exempt from poll tax, all other malea between the agaa of ?and ?0 years, except those Incapable of earning a support from, bel?g main ed or other causes shall he deemed taxable poll. All trustees must get up polls ead dogs Come to the House of Practical, Useful and Inexpensive Christmas presents; they.are here in an endless assortment, and at the right prices. Children's Handkerchief*.-"Jack and Jill". "Bo Peep", and "Kel pie" made ot sheer lawn, plain or embroidered, two in a box, per box.*wc Ladies' Sheer Lewa sind Pare Linen Handkerchiefs, embroidered and with lace edges at 6, 10, 16. and 26c each. Packed In a pretty box. faulty Cases, German Silver, with long chains.10, 26 and 60c Collar and Cuff Sets, "Peg O' My Heart" Sets? these set? come in linen, lace and hemstitched lawns at.26 and 60c Children's Fur Sets of Ermine and Astrachan at .. 08c, $155 and 1flM Leather Purses at.25c to $2,00 Hair Pins, Combs, and fancy -hair ornaments at moderate prices. Toilet Sets of Combs, Brushes and Mirrors at'.. '.. ..50e ano $1.00 Fancy Tics of Roman Stripes and Plaids at 25c Also Cords in all shades at.10c Table Linens Mercerized Linen Table Linens at.25f. 39c and 60e All Linen Table Linen with Napkins to match at 50c, 75c, 98c and $1.50 All Linen Towel, Plain or with Fringed Border at. ... ....26c Dress Goods 36-inch All-Wool Serge, in all the wanted shades, regular 60c value at.89e 52-inch All-Wool Serge, in all shades, regular 75c aluc at .. . .48c Regular $1.50 grade of the celebrated "Duchess" Satin, 36-inchbs wide at only.98c The Lesser Co. nd turn Into board ot assesor on or afore the 20th of February. For the convenience ot taxpayers re will have deputies to take returns t the following places: Hollands Store on Friday, January st. 1916. Barnes on Saturday, Jan. 2nd, 1915. Iva on Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 1916. Iva Cotton Mill on Wednesday a. m., an. 6th, 1916. Starr on Wednesday, p. m., Jan, 6, 916. 1-2 day. Cromers store on Thursday, Jan. 7th, 915. Town ville on Friday, Jan. S 1915. Autumn on Saturday, Jan. 9,1916, Denver on Monday,-u. m., Jan. ll, 016, 1-2 day. Sandy Springs on Monday p. m., an. 11th. 1916, 1-2 a day. Pendleton City, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 915. Pendleton Mill, Wednesday, p. m. an. 13th, 1-2 day. Bishop Branch on Thursday, Jan. 4th. 1915. Five Forks on Friday, Jan. 15, 1916. Piercetowa on Monday, Jan. 18,1915 Airy Springs on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 916. Slabtown on Wednesday, Jan. HO. 916 Cely Store on Thursday, Jan. ?1st, 915. Wyatt Store on Friday, January 22, 916 Wiglngham Store on Saturday, Jan. 3rd, 1916. Piedmont on Monday, Jan. 25, 1915. Pelser Old Mill on Tuesday, Jan. ?tb. 1916. Pelzer No. 4 Mill on Wednesday, a a... Jan. 27, 1915. 1-2 day. Frankvilfe on Wednesday, P. M., 'ak 27. 1915, 1-2 day. Willlamston City on Thursday, Jan. :8th. 1915. WOllamBton Mil! on Friday, a. m., ran. 29th, 1915. Belton City on Tuesday, Feby. 2nd, 915. Belton Mill on Wednesday,? Feby. rrd, 1916. ? L. M. Martin Store on Thursday, ruby. 4th, 1916. Hone? Path Mill on Friday, ?. m. feby 6th, 1915. 1-2 day. H on ea Path City on Friday, p. m., "eby. 6th, 1916. 1-2 day. H on sa Path City on Saturday, A. d.. Feby. 6th, 1916. 1-2 day. Ail new schcol lutes for new school listricts munt be in the .band of tue luditor on or before the 1st of April ;o they can be listed in the proper daces. If they fail to get in by that ima lt won't be pat on the books m til tho nest year. Please see thal rour property Ia Usted In the right ichool district. AU tax levies for tchool districts must be lo hand of be auditor ?on or by the 1st of June. WINSTON SMITH, Auditor of Anderson County. December, 1914. Bevy yeurvett soeae sntall^luxury ?ubateat^?? ft"* teethe Salvation tra- fer tba Christmas dinner fund. I versai favori te, y* I Chero-Cola ha J to be\ I the perfect drink that Y I it is. Take yours irom\ 1 the original bottle! 1 through a straw. Youl % will enjoy its uniform ] 1 flavor and the certainty] \ of its cleanliness. hero-Cola sr Bea/ yourself that ?dope" and, gire the nickel to charity. today Nansetta's Prescription, Try a bottle of Nanxetla'a Pre scription for impure blood, kidney, lt*BT and stomach. It baa pleas ed hundreds and thousands, why shouldn't tl please you.. Doctora and druggists claim it can not be ! improved upen, for what it is re commended. Sold and guaranteed by all lead ing drug stores ana the Nanxet ta Medicine Company, 114 Coffee St, Greenville, a C. Pone isl?. DOi YOtJR OWN A SHOPPING *cOnyx** jp Hosiery jj Chree tho BBST^VAIJ^ for Your Money 3 E^yfc/ l?r^?-tt.tosa, F?rl^W? aWCaa?na 1 Any Color and Style From 25c to $5M per pair 1 l^kflee tir. Tris Markt ?^twAJt^ttL^ * VfbrtaaaTe Lord & Taylor KSEW vosiK J