University of South Carolina Libraries
Want Advertising Rates Tw?nty-flve words or less. Ons Tims 25 cents, Three Times CO cents, 81s Times $L00. A|H advertisement over twenty-five words prorate tor esch additional .word. Ratee on 1,000 words to be used in a month made on applJ No advertisement tehan for less than 26 cents, cash in cd vance. li yeer name appears in the telephone directory you can telephone your want ad to 821 and a bill will be mailed after tts insertion for prompt payment. pfQR SAL*E oooooeeeeeooeoo .-ZI . BARN EM NE WH o FBEE-500 copies Farmer's Bulletin 0 0 No. 683.' Seed Irish Potatoes and o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o how to grow them. Also 600 copies Farmer's Bulletin "Eradication of , wild onions." Farmers are request v. ed to call and get a free copy of Mr. J. L. Morgan of Town vi ile was $ each. Furmsn Smith, Seedsman, here a few days recently at the home Phone 46?. of S. A. Morgan and other relatives. .-Mr. Herman Shearman from Mld WANTS dinton. Ga., iii here with his uncle J. H. Tucker. . "T~T"" _ MtBa ***m'e Tucker left hero yes WANY?D-Tfct fgblfg tt feaew that . terday for Anderson, where she has . we have Just received a large ship- accepted a position with Lesser tc ascot of box files, and can supply1 Co. your wants in this line. Anderson Mrs. W. A. Pettigrew, wita her Intelligencer. Job Department tf Bon. T' B- w?* at Hester recently ??tn,,-, *"w visiting relatives. TrA?T*2l>-Ton to .read .our .two Mr- J- H. Tucker shipped two niore weeks' bargain sals on pegs five ?days to Mulberry, Fla, recently, of thia issue. Southern Public Util- Hev. H. W. Stone filled his appoint {ties Ob. dtf anent here last Saturday and Sunday ?. ? ? ? j preached two good sermons. NOTICE-We are how prepared to do A man does not talk to tell what : your grinding ot all kinds of feed he knows, he talks to find out what ' stuff-cotton stalks, corn stalks, ho knows. A clesr mental vision of shucks, straw, grain, eta Price 20c i any subject ls not obtained by brood-' per cwt. Strictly cash. Anderson lng over lt, but by trying to express Mattress and Spring Bed Co. it You may not know what you be --~?rtrrTr^ ".--- Hoya when you begin but you will WREN ?NEXFECTLT detained down know when you end. town for luncheon, you cannot do It ls a mistake to suppose nay one better than drop in here. A light knows before he speaks, what he Is lunch or a substantial meal. Cuisine going to say. He surprises himself and service O, KL and prices Just as quite as much ns his hearers, attractive aa gar (cod. The Lunch- The Anderson Phosphate and OH . eonette.-dti. -J " Co., in a recent ISBUO says. "The ex -,--~- ? ?-. pense of making the crop should be AUTO 8PBIN0?-We make Auto paid out of the crop. Fertilizer la an Springs, also extra piles on short absolutely necessary expense In crop notice. Paul E. Stephens. i making. A farmer will not try to .'?-rr---??- ? 1 make a crop without fertiliser and the THE LADIES AX? SOCIETY of tho | fertilizer debt should be among the First Presbyterian Church will have first debts paid, a cake and fancy work eels in I wish to say to the publie, that 1 John Lindseys office Saturday at have made two crops, 1918 and 1014, 10 o'clock. without any fertiliser of any kind and 'TTT-- : "-'- I am well pleased with the result each FINS FRUITS-We carry the largest year. I do not hesitate to say that and most .completo assortment in fertiliser is aa unnecessary expense the etty-keep 'em moving. Fresh because there are several farms in. :'ff Florida orang?e, grape fruit, ap- this vicinity which have not made as P'?B, hanknss. wholesale ead re- much with guano as I have made with U>,\ J. Ki Manoa. Phone 828.-dtf. cut it, and my cotton opens as well :-r-*--r-~- as my neighbors, and Unta ss well as a o o o o o o o b o o o o o o o o'o o any, and I will not use any next o o year. It you wish to know more about o Why don't your Clock run. o it see or write o Keese can make R run. $10 re- o W. R. Evans, o ward tf not.-dtf. o Barnes S. C. o. o- . OOOO?OO?OOOOO??UOG T??iii Is??ff?i hi ?oi??2 Fs?^U I- WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-So much interest hs? been shown in the $135, 000,000 cotton fund that W. P. G. Harding, chairman ot the cotton loan committee, declared tonight applica tions for loans probably would be far more than officials previously had es \v :_ _. . ._J timated. In 'one minute "your clogged nostrils I_ wllt;i<poen the air passage ot your | _,_ hoad wUl clear and you can breaths : g ?4* g* A B V Vrr?f?fi No /?Or? u?wk?uK. uuuiung-, ! 9*4 BL? %Jf jr?& ML? ? blowing, headache dryness. No ,n ,,,... ? - straggling for breath at night; your I\BS ? ss colador catarrh win be gone. *eVf*.*VEAJ i^t i small bottle ot Sly's Cream-:-: Balta- from your druggist now. Ap- Del I? quent Road Tax Notice. 9lrW Uttle. ot thies fraffrantv an- AU dinienquent road tax collectors ??I^C4 *^M>? fT1?? in ??ur no*" Prodded with an official receipt trtls. It penetrates through every book with numbes, and stub numbes ?^tMiwrc<-gie.-.naa4. soothes the attached.' Pay no money to collectors inflamed or swollen mucous membrane unless you get th? offlcisl receipt as ^JL^** ?o??? ^m" ' above provided or. It's just fine. Don't sUy stuffed up J. MACK KING vita ? cold or nasty catarrh-relief tf County Supervisor. cornea so quickly. ^ ?- ? ^ _^ ^ ^ i iV ./Z" S C^^Tlor^P' i \MF& PRESCOTT had just heard of lYJ the illness of a dear friend. She was -, about to leave town that morning for a extended ttip. There was no time to call, Turning to the telephone, she got he florist and ordered a choice selection of roses sent with her card io the address J Ao?t the telephone she would have beets W'\ gS> ??able to db thia little act of kindness. yo? teHepH&tie-smile ^Pj?rm. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE [?] AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY *$jpf ************** * ELECTRIC CIT * _ * Items of Interest cod Person * Wireless on the S .y ?y ?y? ?y* ?y ?y *y ?jC ?y 9fi College Olee Club To (?he Performance. The Ande/son College Oleo Club, which has been in training under Miss st ra h i a than, the head of the voice de partment, will give their first public performance on next Mondar alien ing. The program will conaist of so los, double (i uar tc ts, trlop, etc. and the numbera will be selected from popular operas, current muaic and humorous aelectlona. Tickets will sell for 25 cents and can bo bought at Kv tin ? Pharmacy. -? Anderxon Water Perfectly Pure.' Sampleti of water sent to the Slate bacterologlst, Dr. F. L. Parker, at Charleston, by the Southern Public Utilities Company, are declared to be free from contamination. The follow ing report on the analysis of the sam plea has been received: Charleaton, 8. C., Dec. 9, 1914. Sanitary water analysla No. 1287 of water received December 3, 1914, from Southern Public Utilities Company, Anderson, S. C.: Resnlta in Parts per Million Color . . 0.00 Chlorine. ;.... 5.00 Free ammonia. 0.03 Albuminoid ammonia ..'. 0.04 , Nitrogen in nitrates. 0.00 Total solido ... ... ... .155.00 Bacterial analysla-Bacterial indi cations of contamination, negative. Remarks: Free from contamination. Respectfully submitted, F. Li. PARKER", M D. Winner In Watch ' . (incasing Contest.* It WS8 announced last night by Walter H. Reese and Company that Mrs. J*. C. Marshall had won first honors in the contest which involved the gueasing of the correct number ot watches placed in the window of this .tore some days ago. There were u number of genuine watches and a number of dummies, all of the Inger soll make, and the object was to gr.t**-- the\ correct number of real r/a.cuse. Mrs. Marshall's guess was 75. The correct number of real wtches was 74. The winner of the contest was awarded |5. o ? ? Sale of Faaey Work Friday. The health committee of the Civic Association will hold a sale of fancy work at the Anderson Furniture store beginning at ll o'clock Friday morn lng. -o Native of County s Dies In !*. C. John D. Walker, a native of An derson County, died November 24 in Charlotte. N. C. Hie friends in this county will be grieved to learn of his death. Mr; Walker was born neai Belton ano was the third son of Qu late C. M. Walker of the Lebanoc section. He ia aurviied by the follow ing brothers and alstera: W. W. Walk er ot Plercetown; Mra. R. W. (Tifies pie of Central, H. C. and W. E. Walk er and Mrs. John Wilson of Seneca He was married to Misa Fannie Rob ertson of Spartanburg aome 25 yean ago. She preceded him to the gravr some two years ago. j Mr. Walker wai in his 47th year and' leave eight chil dren to. mourn his death, besides i wide circle of relatives and friends. j.ri_ wnw liicniji Meeting Saturday. Secretary Porter A. Whaley of thi Chamber of Commerce announced yesterday that the meeting of the bus Iness men's and farmers grain eleva tor committee which- was scheduler for this morning, kt the Chamber ol Commerce, woufOfe? jbp'&tpoued ut?fi ll o'clock Saturday morning. Mr Whaley yesterday addressed a num ber ot letters, to various farmers it the county in an effort to inter?s them in the grain elattator matter. Ai the meeting Saturday, the committee will decide whether lt ls worth while to go fc-ward with ther campaign fd) the grain elevator. Fire Less as *~ Tot Unwilled. T. B. Earle aa returned from Co lumbla, where he wont to meet witt the other arbitrators appointed tc agree upon the amenai of Joss suffer ed In the burning of tbe Fowler Car age on Weah Market street,, severa months ago- lt Is understood that i settlem~at of the matter waa no reached at the Columbia conference, O' ?'???. Taree BiaaUseesr < By Xsgistrate* in the court vi Magistrate Broad well three negroes, Arch New, Maggie Thompson acd Grant Thompson, wen liberated siter charges of sellini whiskey, upon which tkey were held ?tta?e^t?r?d ttat^ac7""?t "eVid??w forced bim to dismiss the charge: against the parties. -o Men, A. W. Tedd Ia tee City. Hon. Albert W. Todd of Charleston but a native of Anderson, ia spendJni severs! days in the city. Kr;, Todd h hare for th J purpose of appearing ai e. witness ts a case to be ***??d lt tba court ot common pleas. For tb? past several' years Mr. Todd fat made his home in the etty of Char.ea ton. where he ia senior partner in tl? firm of Todd A Benson, leading ar chitects ot that city, lie bas re pre seated Charleston }u the Stats legis tature, and last ?nmmer was the un eueceasfui opponent of the Hon. Hug ?r Shakier roi' the senatoria) toga ot Charleston County. K . Tedd ts wei! known and popular with thc- oldei HHHit Pf the city and ls being cor ??Pr greeted on all alden by friend! and ac^uelntancee of tbs long aga >?y? 9ft 9fi 3? 9ft"9ft *f* ?? 9f? 9ft 9f? *^ Y SPARKLETS ? _ * ?I Mention Caught Over tho * treats of Anderson * ?Tfae Pnlronlxlug ? Of Home Industrie?. ? The Intelligencer in In receipt ot I the following from a Pendleton sub scriber: "The South Carolina farmer gets up by a Connecticut clock, but tons up his pant with Boston sus penders, washes bis face with soap made In Cincinnati, and in a pan made In Philadelphia, ?its down to a Qrand R?pida table, eata Chicago meat and Indiana hominy fried in Kanau* City lard, puts n New York bridle on a Missouri mule fed with Iowa corn, gets out lila Illinois plow and works himself nearly to death trying to make ends meet." Pleaded Guilty To Stealing Corn. In Magistrate Broadwcll's court yesterday three negroes. Bud Boater, Henry Maxwell and June Maxwell, pleaded guilty to chargea of larceny of corn from the field of A. D. EIrod, In the lower section of the county. The negroes Invaded the corn field last Friday night and helped them sclve8 to some 10 bushels of the grain, which they afterwards sold. Magistrate Broadwelt aentenced each to pay a fine oft $25 or serve 30 days on the gang. Hoister war. able to pay ont, or rather his.employer furnished the means of his escaping the gang sentence. -0 PSy Licenses January 1-10. The time fixed for/ the payment of city licenses ls January 1-10. The office of the city clerk will be open for the receiving of tax returns be tween January 1 and 20. The books for the payment of taxes will be open < on and after February IS. Hog Killed by Electric Train. The interurban car leaving the city at 8:05 o'clock p. m. ran over and killed a hog near Gentry's crossing on Wednesday night The porker is said ta have been sleeping on the track when struck hy th ecar. A passenger stated that tho hog would weigh about 150 pounds. The train waa in charge of Motorman Ed San-* ders and Conductor J?: W. Bowen. -o ' ?Ind to Feel Cool'Weather. People generally yeaterday were immensely pleased to feel the cooler weather, which waa accompanied by bright sunshine. Attar the murky, sloppy and exceedingly disagreeable spell ot last week the cool, clear weather came as a welcome change. New- Ufo was put into everyone's veins and living became more of a pleasure. -o-?? Whitlock Will Seek Ball Soon. It was stated yesterday by a county u31"er that 3. H. Whj?.!s?r, tb* Pen dleton policeman who la hetd at the county jail on charges of killing For mer State Detective Chas;. W. Rob* ertson, bad engaged. counsel and would apply for ball : before Judge Memn inger, who at present Is pre siding over the court ot common pleas. -o Advisory Board Far Mr. Hammett. At a call meeting ot the local di rectors of -the Orr Mills yesterday at noon President James D. Hammett runutu tbs appoint rn cut cf an ad visory board with whom he could con fer when necessity required. The di rectors compiled With the suggestion and named Mesara J. R. Vandlver and Pt 8. Ligon on the advisory board. -o-~ Schools WIfl Open Later. It was announced that . beginning with yesterday morning ' the opening hour for the city schools had been t l changed to 9 o'clock, Instead of 8:45. j This schedule will be* followed i i through the winter months, and Is in f I force evevy year at this season. The 15 minutes additional time given the children to report for idu^r a doomed necessary at thia season. Snail Tire Ia i1 - South Section. ) I The ?re department was called out yesterday afternoon at" 2 o'clock to extinguish a blaze on the roof ot a house occupied by Dan -Kay situated uat the corner of Nardin avenue and t J Brlssey street. The roof had caught near the stove flue and a small hole was burned' through tba shingles. It was stated that the damage amounts to not morie than ino. The h ou so is . I owned by Eugene T. Anderson. Streets .Begun. , City street forces yesterday began rAr*jMrin<r tho streets with ?***! drags. 'West O?r street.'between North Main and Murray avenue, was given the treatment with the reswii that the roadway was smoothed down \ to a nicety. Street Overseen GHmer plans to drag all of the city streets within the next few days. -st- N gfeffi Jerone B. Courtney Visits Andersen. Jerome H, Courtney af aatgefletg is spending ? few ?lay? ta tbs city. Mr. Courtney waa formerly a nw?ber ot the leatala tars fran Edgeeete County but did not offer for reelection last fail. He now has an important po sition with the government as aa in come tax inspector. *or several months fer baa been in iWaenlftJttori, .?bat UK new travelling ever tain dis fitrlct. Mr. Courtney ls ? - nu ?dansa I j froth tbs Citadel, class ot I960, and Hhls classmates In Amterson wore de . I Beaned to see bias, nam ts tn? elasa lifo which John Haley. -Spcwt" Coeh ?rene, sud Ed?sor Swesk belonged, and they ure of the opinion that Court- ! ney in the tame true? bim* man Ile was at tim Citadel. -1 ??**??????+?<Ili?+??????*| j Personal^ J. R. Chamdler of Clinton, formerly mief of police at Greenwood, was a rtsltor in Anderson yesterday. J. M. I lesron of Bishop vi Ile was in the city yesterday for a short while. J. M. Griffith of Greenwood was among tho business visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Horton returned yester day to Belton after spending a short while in Anderson. L. E. Martin of the Hopewell sec tion was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Frank McGee of Iva is spending some time in the city on business. Dr. A. A. Odom of Greenville was In the ci'.y yesterday calling on local dealers in optlcnl goods. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCown of the Mountain Creek section were in the I city yesterday. E. G. Hitchcock, representing the Big Ben alarm clock company, was in the city yesterday calling on local dealers. He stated that the firm of W. H. Keeso and company ?old moro of these clocks than any two dealers in the State comtXned. Ed Sadler of Starr was among the I business visitors in the city yester day. E. G. Evans, Jr., of Pendleton was In the city yesterday for a short while. J. H. Cary and daughter. Miss Flor ida, of Senca were visitors in the city I yesterday. K E. Cochran ot the? firm of Vf. H. Reese and Company has returned from Hartwell, where he went Beveral days ago with a line of Christmas goods: Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cllnkfecales of [Starr were among those spending yes terday in the city. Pat Pouche, formerly of this city and at one time a member of city council, was a visitor in the city yes terday. Mrs'. F. M. Cary of Seneca was [shopping in thc city yesterday. J. A. BuBbee of Greenville spent [yesterday in the city on business. Miss Helen Cary of Seneca was shopping in the city yesterday. ?iiss Routh Stanch of Greenville [was in the city yesterday. Miss Maud "?< kins of Seneca was I shopping in tt s .ly yesterday. H. Durant Barker of Atlanta was [among the business vlnltors in the city yesterday. G. H. Heyward of Columbia spent I yesterday In the city on business. R'S. Pl eas ant a of Greenville was [ among those'spending yesterday in ?the city. ) : Miss Leda Poors ot Belton was [ shopping lu the city yesterday. Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank. Clinkscales ot I Clemson College were In the etty yes I terday. . --- Mrs, C. M. Peeler of Pendleton was [shopping in the elby: yesterday. Mrs. W .O. Herron of V?rennos waa j among the shoppers in- the city yes terday. ORIG ACID IN MEAT ,np f*p% ;.y.y. 4*$?r%*-;iijj$ j Take a^gleWof ' Satis if *eur Bach hans or Bladder be ?hers. - If you must nasa year meat every day. eat itt but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, anya a noted authority who tells ne thnt meet forms uric acid wbtcn airest paralyzes Che kidneys in their1 efforts to ewejT.fl frap the blood. They: hetttm/ejta gish arid weaken, theft you suffer with ? dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pains in tho back or sick head ache, dizziness, your stomach sour?, tongue ta coated and when Gie weath er ls bad you .pave rheumatic twinges The urine gets cloudy; full of sedi ment,, the channels often get gore and i cr Ita ted, ohUgir.g you te ?eek twv. sr t*n? times during ?he To neutralise these Irritating |to cleanse the kidneys and flash- ?ff th? body's urinoee weeta ?et fbur ounces cf Jed Salts from any phar macy here ; take a tablespoonful in s glass of water before Breakfast mr 'a tew days abd your kidneys will then [act fine. This famous salts ls made ?from the acid bf grapes and lemon juice, combin?e with 31 thia, and bas been nsed for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise the acide tn urine, ?0 lt ad longer Irritates, thus eadine bRe?sr weakness ?ad an is ts i?expenslv*; oaafrA ta* ?lure . and makes a deHsptfet ?BsVw?s ccnt Hthls-w.icr drink * Children's Handkerchiefs.-"Jack and jill", "Bo Peep", and "Kew. ple" made of sheer lawn, plain or embroidered, two in a box, per box. ....'** Ladles' Sheer Lawn and Pore Linen Handkerchiefs, embroidered and with lace edges at 6. 1?. 16. and 25c each. Packed In a pretty box. Sanity Cases, German Silver, with long chains.10* 25 ?ad Me Collar and Cuff Sets. "Peg O' My Heart" Sets; tl-ese sets come in linen, lace and hemstitched lawns at...25 and We Children'a Pur Seta of Ermine and Astrachan at .. 98c, $1.25 and $L50 Leather Purse, i.25c to $2.00 Hair Pins, Combs, and fancy hair ornaments at moderate prices. Toilet Sets of Combs, Brushes and Mirrors at .. .. ..50c and $1.00 Fancy Ties of Roman Slrlpcs and Plaids at 25c. Also Cords in all Blradea at.tOc TADLE LINENS Mercerized Linen Table Linens at... .25c, 89c and 50r All Linen Table Linen with Napkins to match at 50c, 75c, 98c and $1.50 All Linen Towel, Plain or with Fringed Border at.*.25e BRESS GOODS 3G-inch All-Wool Serge, in all the wanted shad?i, regular 60c value at.. ..$9e 68-inch All-Wool Serge, In all shades, regular 75c slue at .. ..48c Regular $1.60 grade of the celebrated "Duchcas" Satin, 36-incbea wide at only.98c The Lesser Co. AND THE END IS NOT YET! ll- I Cel. Robert's Heart Troubles Come Npt Single Ffle, Bot in Battalions "Got any mor? love letters, Col. great coat about hts ears and made Roberts?" asked a reporter of the now a move toward the door, far-famed chaser of sly Reynards and "But how about the motion picture lodestone for female hearts, as he of the fox chase, colonel?" called the blew by The InteUigencer offle? in the reE?te* tBerf,eeUnKJ0Tm _ _ , - ", ' . ?? . ' Oh, that's ao, I was about to for wee sma' hours of last night bound get to tell you," quoth he. "I am hay from he-wouldn't-tell to nobody- lng some parts of it made over. Ii: knew-where. ono of the scenes my picture shows "Lawsy bless my bachelor buttons, up mighty black and rough; In fact, yon b^nch of crimson clover," csys 1* looks like there ere scate*~.?-a tey he, "love letters is my middle name." face as .big as those on a trout; and "How's that, oh mighty hunter?" I won't stand for anything In that pic queried the weary wielder ot the sty- ture that looks fishy, especially if lt lus, hopeful that the colonel had up ahowa me up anything like a auck his sleeve dope for the second chap- er." ter of "The Fox> Love Letters of a Foxy Fox Hur.cer." You can get the news while Its nsw "Got 37 letters in my mall fhTs In The Morning Dally Intelligencer, morning, and T had received 183 up ?^WMM,W>MW,,,,AW,,?M to that time, making a grand total of ! r 220 mlaaivea from as many-lOve-amlt- fr Afi/lil rir%l*"A I/A ten old maida uud maidens, scattered ll* \HII\1 KW I*fl KV all the way from Hebersham County, ll BJIIIII DllLnlUI Joe Brown's Stats, to the purling ? T" a? aw ss iv ste that aeparatea Gen. Villa's HUT A lin ITsllirfs stamping ground from the land of the I fl tl lt EU IO 111 Hr\ brave and the home of the free- Ulli filsU 11 Ul 8 LO catch that word free-that means " . ii viihv free from matrimonial alliances?" Afiflt Af OHS Sil ll IR "Some of them are rather foxy Arri V Viii MnllH letters, I presume, colonel?" ventur- M| ll sjllL I Illili ed the reporter. " ,#v*?f "Foxy? why some of them are so "' foxy I am going to save them to train Usg it like a Cold bream arti my young fox hounda with," rejoined QW Enaearta emotions the veteran ot the field and pack. 9 *tm*AT?tM trwnmy "Haven't fallen for any of that stuff x*gn? np. yet, eh, Colonel?" inquired thc acribe. 1 . "Young man, Hatea to me. In the "be moment you apply bold-sulphur words ot great Caesar, ere he fell in *? *? itching br broken out akin, tba Rome's capitol, I say unt? theo; i tching stops and healing begins, says a renowned ? dersaatotogjurt. " T could be well moved If I were as Siau!1T*rk?ff?J '^pfo' made fate a von? thk* cream oftest* auch prompt relief, If I could prey to mot*.' prayers V^JtiSE^J**^ T*L? 3? would move me: 5bv?S? f nmsrsmeut te But r<am constant aa the northam ?? ^ tollHm,nhar _ _ B r eppied a secure position in the treat Of whose true-flx'd and resting quail- of cumueoua^ruptiOM .bf "Sin There is no fellow in the firmament." erika and1 '??thln^^a? evw^bwa FJund to take its place in relieving irritable "Ah. can. the Shakespeare, colo- sad Inflammatory affections of the skin. nel,*and let's get down to the djmo Whiio not alwaya establishing a perma novel stratum," suggested the report- s'at cure, yet ls every instates, 19 I er to bim at whose heels Cupid has immediately subdues the itching irrita dogged foi a fortnight tion and heals the Eczema right up sad "Honest to goodness, thonghi,.. says * ?. often years later before say esva ra "I ?ot $? more letters m my man t3? ?gala instas*? Itself, tats'morning. Havant bad time to J^,.drW,(,t w'" .uJ5Prf. ?n read 'era yet. Got to get borne to- t^J^*^!^1 V*T' ,wh,c!i 8^ou'd 06 . bight and see wbt the ladles have ?ffl^^yV*^^^^ ?*e the i icTte offer. Stock on the matrtmon- TTZ iLMaESt?PL t?^ ^U^^^i,^^^ wltk that tbs colonel wrapped bia .. .. j ? "".T^ . , T~TT . . ; .'? *" ? ~-- .. . Make Her Next Gift a Ring T?ertJ ar^^roes when you art in doubt as to what to free. There gre tunes when you hardly know what will please the most. When gWing rings you give a certainty. A ring wilt please because w? are sure it is just exactly what she wants.. We will be glad to make suggestions, and we are sure we 1 can give you just the ring you want at the price yon want to pay. Wmher H. Reese fi? Co. Ask. to sec our special Solid Gold Birthstone Ring y 3.00