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The Correct Corset, properly fitted, is a great pleasure. An Ill-Fitting Corset is exquisite torture! In our Warners Rust Proof and ?*"^^^^^Tnk Redfern lines, we sincerely be- ^j^-^ lieve that we have the very best jft?'<**?~ JSBL -m^iV- -f^Pli corsets made. Of course there are "ft 9 W kw? ?L> a^ great deal more money, but the ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ffl confiders the ^er^ice ^Corset "^^^^l^^^^ corsets made of brocade, coutil il fmB ?ira f?% JJ and 'b?^ste? ^ constructed ^ with | jfflt ^^^^^^ We have models for every figure; low bust with free hip and high bust with iong skirt, they lace down the back, allowing ease in every posture. They are trimmed with handsome em broidery and hce in a very attractive manner. ^jjBSffiiWU. I. Prices from $1.00 to $12.50 "Quick Clean bp Sale" Continues with New "Specials'; added Ti-.\\ Your Dollar does bou ble Duty Here. ^ Cornel ^^^^^^ j ?(J ?-. 's Your Coal Stove Jhe gas stove has the. coal stove beaten a mit lion ways. 3 No chop, no coal to car ry, no ashes to take up, carry put, and silt, leaving a trail of dirt and dust from, the stove all tile way out to the ash pit. No fire to coax and cod dle. No excess heat. No Waste. Gai. is a guarantee ot the right kind of a lire instantly for any purpose whatever; and it's more economical? too. i ANS* ALL THE FAMILY Two and a half m??lkm readers t?ad it o? absorbing interest Eveiytlang in H ai rEi3ynz!.AwrrTir? DOLLS DOl WE HAVE THE BEST UNE O BROUGH n* rt FANTS BO fflswHUHI ton af the New i Telephone ?teikttng For Pab?c _ Apropos of the reception to be giv en this afternoon by the Southern Bell ' Telephone end Telegraph Com-; pan y to celebrate the opening of ita elegant new home on Weet Whitner street, the. beautiful structure .'has been decorated on the interior with, all manner of pot plants, flowers,and colors. Those gazing tnt" the build ing last night, after the lights had been turned OD, looked upon a bower of loveliness. From 3 to' 6- and from 7 to 10 ate the hours the guests ave invited to I visit the new home of th? t?l?phone ! company. The building will be open to Inspection from floor lo top ' end officers of the company will be 'on hand to explain the workings of the plant ' A number of tho higher officers of j the comp.'.-y, from Charlotte and Greenville, will attend the reception this afternoon and evening. Three Fights \ Sunday Between Negroes ts Canso of Two Being m Bad . Foe. Y As a result of three fights on Sun day, three negroes are nursing serious W????UB nuu iw? oto^r i?cBiO?i? ar? las ing held prisoners by city authorities pending the outcome of these several m groes' several injuries. . . . About ll o'clock Sunday morning loo Green ?nd Hamp Sanders became] involved In a fracas, with the result ?that Green got swatted on the head with a whole brick by Sanders. The hither made good his escape only af-1 ter a long winded chase across sev- | oral miles of adjacent country. < 1 Th? second battle occurred between Horace Mcintyre and Will McKnight The latter was stabbed tn the side with a knife and ia in a precarious condition. The third scrap occurred late Sun day night ' Carl Gray .and Andrew (Allen became Involved ht a difficulty at the corner of McCully and Towera, streets, with foylyiaw nat Gray rak ed Allen across the throat with a razor. - - - ? - i . ? ? *- in" -' S LLS ^ F CHARACTER DOLLS EVER ) ANDERSON ~. !QK STORE LADIES! LOOK YOUNO DARKEN GRAY ?B Use th? Old-time gage and Tea and Sulphur aad Nobody will .. ii now. Cray hair, however, handsome, de notes advancing age. We al! know th? advantages ot a youthful appearance, j Your hair ls your charm. It makes ' or mars the face. When lt fades, tarns gray and looks dry, .wispy sad scraggly, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Ita appearance a hundred-fold. .Don't stay' gray! Look young 1 Either, prepare the toute at home or get fron\ any drug store a 50 cent' bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Cuunjuuud.r: Thousands of folks rec ommend this ready-fo-use preparation, because it darkens the hair beautiful ly and removes dandruff, stops scalp itching and falling hair; besides, no one can possibly tell, as Jt darkens a sponge or soft brush , with it. drawing this through tho hair, taking ono smhll strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, its natural color is restored and lt becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear yean younger. Gymnasium Class for Young Man and Boys | WH1 Be Formed This Ewer**. A gymnasium class for young men and boys will be organised tonight at the Young Men's Christian Associa-1 lion, the meeting for this purpose to j be called at 7:SO.o'clock. All young men and boys members of the asso elation or desiring to become affili?t- j ed with the organization, are request ed to be on hand at that hour. As stated some time ago, Dr. A. L. Smothers will have charge to the class. Before he took up the pi*?' tice of medicine Dr. Smothers was a physlcai director tn several of the largest" Y, M C. A. As- In his native mate of Pennsylvanian. It is probable that meetings of the claas wilt be held twice a week The only requisite for joining the class is J membership in the association. MB, JVC HOrsTIllS DEAD Welt Known Cftbea Passed Away! Yesterday Afternoon. Mr. J. C. Hopkins, of 112 Monroe street, died yesterday efl ern on at 6 o'clock of paralysis, after an illness of several months duration. He la survived by a wife and three children, J. P. Hopkins. Miss Boss Hopkins and Mri?. Mamie Hunter, of Starr. The fun- I eral services will bo held this after-'j noon at 3.30- o'clock et the home, af ter which interment will be In SU- ' ver Brook cemetery. ACTIVITY OF REAL ESTATE LAST MONTH FORTY-FOk RANSACTIGNS IN DIRT Kw ,<DED DUR ING NOVEMBER NONE VERY LARGE Trading in Farm Lands Was Not So Brisk As It Has Been in Past. Forty-four transfers of real cstaU in Anderson county were recorded during tbe month of November in th? office ct County Auditor Winston Smith.' The transactions were scattered pretty well over the county, eleven townships and the city of Anderson being reported. No very large amount I of money was represented by any one transfer, nor was there a very trish movement in farm lands. The activity of real estste during the month end ing yesterday was somewhat below the normal; but at the- same time the recorda show that there is consider able trading yet going on despite the general financial depression. A record of the real estate tra.iBac tiona recorded during the past month is aa follows: ! The Sayre Realty Co., to M. T. Gadsden, one lot, $330. N. P. Nicholson, probate judge, to J. H. EVans, one lot, 9360. Vi. S. Wah to Frank and DeCampt Realty Co., one lot. $2,946. Mrs. E. Jv Wilson to R. A. Jackson, one lot, $60. C. J.,Sayre,,ex., to Sayre Realty Co. two lots, $700. C. G. Sayre, Ex., to Sayre Realty Co. one lot, $4,000. G. H. Bailes to Anderson Real Es tate & Investment Co. one lot, $600. J. M. Evans to Mrs. L. M. Hombree, one lot. $460. C. J. DeCanip to Sadie Morrom, one let, $126. W. F. Marshall to N. H. James, one lot $6.600 W. L. Brissey to J. A. Daycue, one '.ot. $1,260. W. P. Nicholson, probate Judge, to city of Anderson, one lot. $8. Belton Township. C. M. Tollison to R. L. Thackton, one lot, $1.260. Aire. Alice Latlmer et al. trustees, i\> C. C. Nicely, two lots. $308. D. H. McAlister to G. W. Dran. one lot. $240. > H. F.. Hanks to O. B. and Orange Gambier,, onq lot. $560. CUnkflcaleSj'and R. N- Han wa, three ?{ota. J23L ^ .... i. <C. T. Urcazoalo to Belton Mills, one lot, $60. , Anderson Real Estate . and Invest ment Co., to ('. ,C. Ellis and Ruth P. Ellis, one lot, $1,300. Broadway Township. Mary E. Cc?y to J. Guy Co!y 7? tueras $2,000. Boshy Creek Township. Samuel Sherman, Hr.. to J. D. Sher- i man 27 1-4 acres, $1.498.76. oimuel Sherman to C. R. Sherman, '?T-S'?crci. ?2L2?2-58. ?Cent^rrllle Township. Thds. F. Cartwright to W. F. Mar shall, One lot, $600. North Anderson Development Co. to H. J. McGee one lot, $860. >,;>C. C. Dargan and Mrs. M. B. Smith lo Mrs. J. D. Leaford, one lot $600 Corner. Township, i A. J. Young to Reese McMahan one lot. $eii). Fork Township. G. N. C. Boleman to P. C. McAdams 32-100 acres, $379.80. W. P. Nicholson, probate Judge, to j N. C. Boleman, IBS acres, $6,235. R. R, Cheek to R. H. Price one lot,J Hall TowoBhlp. | a Horton to C. W. Simpson, 16 100 acres, $802. ' Henea Path. J. W. Abercrombie to L. M. Hender- | th 3 29-100 acres, $550.' * J. W. Brock, Ex. to J. A. Pinson, three lots. $480. T. L. Clinkseales to Mrs. L. Selms Inkscalcs 86 1-8 acres. $5, Pendleton Township. W. M. Winton to Jos. E. Williams. lot, $600." - Robert R. Melton to C. Paul Sears 2 8-4 acres. $660. Trustees Hopewell Presbyterian church to H. G. Seabrlght, 1 1-10 acres $400. W. E. Green to Nelson R. Green, trustee, 40 acres, 6?. Yarrana** Township. J. A. Hall to P. B. Brooks. 6 actes, $600. Anderson Real Estate and Invest ment Co. to"M. L. Mashbum one lot $800. Willlsmston Towns kip. A. G. PlnCkney to Julia P. Clement, one lot, $876. Sallie Wilson to Samuel L. Price, trasteo, one lot; $1. W. F. Coson to C. R. Sherman 24 1-2 acres. $1.600. ' ? James L. McGill, et al., to Charles H.,McGill. 60 acres, $8.800. junes Ola rd? *o ?St?e, Jordon and Ruthie Bags veli. 67 acres. $5. Chamberlain* Coagh Remedy-The Metters' Favorite, "I give Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy to my children when they have colds or coughs." writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer. Vandergrlft, Pa. It always helps them and Is far superior to any other cough medicine I have used. I advise anyone in heed of such a med icine to give it a trial." For sale by all dealers. LOWS PROVE FATAL BELTON COTTON MILL MAN EXPIRED SUNDAY NIGHT AT 9 O'CLOCK SLAYER RELEASED D. T. Smith Surrendered And Wat Admitted to Bail sn Sum of $1,000. Ed Lollies, the Belton Cotton milln card-room second hand who was sur prised and shot before daylight lost Saturday morning tn the bed room ol Mrs. D. T. Smith, having succumbed to his wounds Sunday night, the cor oner's Jury yesterday morning inves tigated the affair and returned a ver dict charging D. T. Smith, with "jus tifiable" homicide, after which the de fendant surrendered to Sheriff Joe Ashley and shortly appeared in cham bers before Judge George E. Prince, who admitted him to bail in the sum of 11,000, slrned by W. H. Cobb, Jr.. of Belton and Mayor Ross Mitchell of the same town. The young mah re turned yesterday afternoon to Belton and will, lt ia stated, return td his customary duties In the mill, where he worked under tho direction or tho man be stayed. Insisted on Action. In order that he may ba protected from future' molestation In the courts as a result of tho homicide, Smith, it is stated, insisted that, charges of murder be preferred against htm and the case allowed take " ? usual course. The matter w?" ?rought to the attention of the coi c ! gener al sessions at the term for Anderson County, which will be convened here in February. Inqaest Yesterday. From the first no hopa was held out for the recovery ot Lol 11B, and Sunday night he breathed his last. Among those gathered about the bed side of the dying man was his father, the Hov., E. W. LolltB, a Baptist min ister residing at Hones Path. Yesterday morning Coroner J. G. Harden empaneled'a jury, consisting of E. R. Brock, foreman; Henry Rus sell. E. D. Hand, J. L. Holcombe, E. E. Brown and Sam Wilson, and con ducted the usual Inquiry, the Inquest being held lu the W. O. W. hall at Belton. . Wife TefcjUned. But two witnesses were put on the stand at the inquest, these being Mrs. D. T. Smith-and A. Y; Shirley, a neigh bor of the Straths. The first testi mony introduced was the report of tho examining physicians, who stated that the deceased hsd sufferod three wound). They found a bullet hole In the right side, three inches above the nipple, which ranged Inward sud up ward. The bullet making'this wound lodged ld the solnal column at the base of the brain and waa sufficient to have caused death; according to the report. A second wound was five inches above the right knee, while the third was on the little (finger on tbe rieht hand, at tbe first Joint. Mrs. Smith stated that she was asleep when swakened by some one knocking at tho doo-. She answered the knock, she stated, and discovered Lol Ila there ?nd admitted him tc her room. She stated that Lol lie Inquired particularly if any one was at home. She went on to state how her husband came Into the room and discovered Lbllis there, saying that he demanded twice of Lolita to know what he was. doing there; that, falling to receive a satisfactory reply from LolUs her husband remarked that he would And out what Lollis was doing there, and reached for a pistol; that Lollis sprang upon Smith and the tao fell to the floor, turning over the table and extinguishing tho light. Tho witness continued that while Lollis had her husband down on the floor the latter fired several shots; that Lollis asked Smith to quit shooting sud Smith said he would if be waa allowed to.cst up; j that Lollis got up. and moved a step or two and fell. Was Kind to Him. Mrs. Smith testified that her hus band went for a doctor to render medical assistance to the wounded man; that Lollis called several times fur water, which ?as given him by Smith; that Lollis asked for his col lar and tie to be removed, which was done by Sui tb; that Smith placed a pillow under Lollis' bead. She fur ther stated that Lollis had been to her house a number of times, but that that waa the first time he had come there "that way" (evidently meaning for an improper pu'.pose). She stat ed that the pistol which-was here be longed to A. Y. Shirley and had. been there for some time. Shirley Testifo*. A. Y. Shirley testified that Smith ca?? iu >i? house and requested him to go for a doctor, stating that he had caught LolUs with his wife and had shot him. The witness stated that when he arrived at Smith's house he saw LolUs' hat, coat-and pants lying across a chair. With tho assistance of others, the witness steted ho car ried Loliis to his home. According to baa witness. Lollis ssked to be taken home sud stated that ho reallied ha was going to dis. " Husband at Inquest.. P. T. Smith was present at the In quest His presence waa not discov ered nnUl after Mrs. Smith had testi fied and left the court room. The coroner asked the husband U he de sired to make a statement, and stat ed that if he desired to question Mrs. Smith.tie would have her come hack. Smith declined to maka any state ment ru tko stand, merely remarking ||^H8ewHH9flHi^eW9BnBBa Special Prie We have just recer Pri?e & Co., reducing ber of patterns. This means a savin with the sanie High G Order NOW for Cl that he believed that his wife had told the truth. ' Both Hore Children. Mrs. Smith is the mot/.er of two children; the eldest being three years old and the other an infant She is said to be about 26, years of age and comely. The family did not live In the mill village but resided within the corporate limits ot thy town. The following facts-regarding Smith and Loll!? were furnished ,by Claude A. Graves, editor ot the Belton. Jour nal. Mr. Smith Is an operative of thc Belton mtllB and has beeu here for elghb years'. He bears a good 'repu tation. He is a sober roan and ls very quiet. He ls noted for his hon esty-paying his debts promptly; Ho has many friends in town. Mr. Lollls, the deceased, was second hand in the mill here and was n sob er and thrifty man, was liked hy those who knew him and bore a good reputation. He leaves a wife and three small children. Mr. Lollls was about 33 years old. He was the eld est son of ROT. E. W. Lollls. ,a Baptist preacher, who resides at Hones Path. His father arrived in town Saturday and remained at his bedside till the end esme. Smith and Lollls were members of the W. O. W. order, being members of the same lodge. They. worked togeth er, Smith working under Lollls. ? ' . ' ' ' ' , News Letter From Belton .?j-_-_c?_mi_sa1 ? --iJ (JueHslng Contest, BELTON, Nov, 30.-Tho guessing lng contest, nt Frlcrso? e < Pharma?*,, which closed Saturday night st . 8.) o'ciock was one of the most po .ni iar and Interesting things of Its kind ever known in Belton. . ?, ,r ? The .proposition was. as follows: The person guessing nearest Ure num ber of seed in the melon that won the first prise last August in the water melon contest conducted by Frierson's Pharmacy would receive $1. A great1, deal .of interest was shown and 568 persons guessed during the contest Hie melon weighed 64 pounds and contained by actual count 877 seed. Jim Prank Willingham, a little boy of Belton, won tho yrizo, 81. His guess, 676, missing the mark by one. Nine others guessed- within ten seed of the correct number. Frierson's Pharmacy will save the seed from this mammoth ..melon and will give them away next spring to their customers, six to the farmer. Melons grown from the,.seed of this J melon can be entered in the contest next summer at Frierson's Pharmacy. Thu free guessing contest was ad vertised in the Belton Journal and, many out-of-town people sent in their, guess, tassy by mall. Soma g?:?8ses came in from as far aa Spartannuvg* | The ladies ot the Civic teague will ' give a bazaar next Thurs?y, Decem ber 8. Fancy articles, tprons, dolls? ' candy flowers and many useful things i will be on sale. , j Dinner will be served, a regular old < time turkey dinner. The cltlsens of Belton end community are cordially ? invited to take dinner at the bazaar. Price 50 cents. Mrs. H. M Geer will j have charge of the dinner. Femember the date, place and be t on band.- Place, the old Baptist church; date, December 8. The many or J. C. Wi ito will learn with /egret tho' ne ls still confined to his room. Mr. White is one of the policemen ot Belton sad ls liked by sli who know him. Mayor Mitchell. W. H. Cobb. Jr.. and Chief of police J. ?. Martin, were among those who had business in An derson tod|ky; Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Kay* and chil dren, spent Sunday in Hohea Path' with relatives. They were accompan ied by Mrs. Bettie Richardson. Sheriff Joe Ashley of Anderson was among those in Belton oo business today. CHECKS CBOUP l?tgTAT?TLY Yon know crop ls dangerous. And rou should also know the sense of security that comes from always hav ing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound In the bouse. It cuts tbs thick mucus sud clears Away the phlegm, atone the. strangling rough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep. Take lt for coughs, colds, tlckllne throat hoarseness end for bronchial and ta Krippe cough?. - Contains on opiates. Every user la a friend. e Reductions /ed a letter from E? V. prices on qiute anum I... ?j? fa?.'?k '?' -..??.;... ? g of &3.5Q to $5 a suit ?rade Tailoring. To become a uni versal favorite/ Chero-Cola had to bV the perfect drink that' it is. Take yours from1 the original bottle1 through a straw. You wfti enjoy its uniform ^flavor and the certainty1 of its ctaanliness? JA'-UU-L-'J-BlLuL, p;:':':Mudriy: Complexions I Most poor complexions are doo to sluggish, torpid livers, constipation .and other liver ills. A dose ot I R. L. T, aten Just before retiring wilt tone Inp the liver, carry off the'excess pf bile and cause an easy and natural move ment of the bevela.' ? It Will not only make Its good-work, lott;. in better health-make yea livOOK well and il? ,,*oi*i . ?p> cents sn?;d.eft,iwper ..bottlo at your druggists. ' MabufaCtured and guaranteed by Evan's Pharmacy. __ i nree jtore^_ oi winkt C4I17 Electric Device? From Nov. 23 to Dec. S At ONE HALF Price Electric C^rUag Irons, Regular valses rt S t.(KL S ww ni^ Electric Stove, Regular vaines : 4 inch Dise Electric. Steve, Bc gular vaines, $5^0 at $1.7*. These Sieves are tee meet U8E fal Electric Heating Devices; Bell wster, heats Baby's Milk, aad eooks most earthing. Costs leds than Ce per hear. Southern Public j Utilities Go, j ?HISHH^H^BMHB^HI