University of South Carolina Libraries
m . Classified Columns Want Advertising Rates Twenty-five words or leis, One Time 26 cent?, Three Times BO cents. Six Times fl 00. All advertisement over twenty-five words promts for es ch sddltlonsl word. Estes on 1,000 words to be u?ed in s month made on spp? No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents, cash in udvance. fi your name sppears in tho telephone directory yon eau telephone your want ad to 821 and a bili will bs malled after lu ????rtlon for prompt payment. FOR SALE oooooooooooooooooooo o TOWN VILLE NEWS o FOB SALE-One Milk Cow. First check for 838.00 sets the Cow. 0 ? wortn the money. Forman Smith! oooooooooooooooooooo n*so?xt. I TOWNVILLE, Nov. 25.-Tomorrow FOB SALE OB RENT-My house and ^^a8 *t tho school house an inter im on car line on River Heights. efit?ng feature is to be held that of <p TI nn,HM Anrtppsnn R v i the Fiddler's Convention of Anderson ? a?l?_4-3to Aa?erBOn' P* I and OConeo counties. The school will ? '^ .rT" v' i _ close for Thanksgiving holiday, ro FOB SALE-English peas. Alaska, S-gW TrkJ*T***- , t. , . Dwarf Telephone, Morning Star, MISB N?5-1 K1?ct. one of the teach Pattt PoiBiand Sutton's Excelsior. *p>- ** to spend Thanksgiving holl This is an ideal sowing season. You day at her home, have'a week to sow in thc MOON. I Miss Fannie Broyles is temporarily Furman Smith, Seedsman, Phone, j teaching the seventh and eighth 464. grades until another teacher ls se I i ' 'if') ii -. cured. WANTS Rev- W. S. Meyers left last Sunday _____ for Sumter, where he ls In attendance Wi irafeB-JlBa pahlle to anew that on the South Carolina Conference, i a have just received a large ship- M?HRCS Sunders ami brother of ! Mt Pl bp* files, and can supply Hartwell, Ga., visited relatives fast ? i sur wanta tn thia lina. Anderson *eek. fiataRtgenoar, Job Department. tit Mr- Alex stevenson and daughter, _ ' Miss Lydia, have returned from a VlS IS lat'lim. TA* tn rom? nur t-A 11 to near Piedmont. waak?^bargain ?le on p"e five MIBB Vida LaGrono of Johnston is ot this issue. Southern Public Util- visiting Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Meyers. l2|as Co. dtf hftss Desalo Martin bas returned . i from a visit to Sandy Spring. NOTIUE-W? ar? now prepared to do Mrs. Ball is visiting her parents, your firftldlnt ot all kinda of feed Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carson, nesr An stuff-cotton stalks, corn stalks, derson. .*?0k?L ?ii^\?rAln' ^ PJ1^ 20t Mr- Mrs. C. F. Adorns and fam l&^I? S**^nik?i_s Anderson IIjr? Mrf H Y Smlth Mr H w Mattress and Spring Bed Co. Moore rad famlly E'(i HopklnB> 0fl. SBtW. A. Todd, the Monument Mau, g?jpg* Arthur Ve?. Dr. J. R for anything in the monumental ?"TerU^y__H"ler- _YHI Verner ftnd lita. Tombstones of oil Wads. W. J* Cromer fr<">? Seneca were vie ?^OddilS? South Mein Street, ?ors here Sunday and attended the |a^t,s;c^^ , ayg^?(L 0 0 . .. . 21?T6?St? . . EUBEKA NEWS ' I '^^^n.f^.^m^^^^.M oooaoooooooo orteS. Co.. . ?2S West ^toer ?troet __ Gteti?teU called for and delivered. Ttanksgiving day with ita cheer ?ae__j-, .?-?. fulness and gratitude is here. If our WONDER ? aWfeWM ^W-o^wsroipr'O/itive, forefathers met ca thia ?.-< serving Oysters, stewed or fried: ???I festive day with hearts over Whole S6e, Hali l&C-**Iidway Cafe, flowing with thanksgiving and praise ,-i7rt ? ? t-bSZx- to the Olver of all good things, what TO M11T-FIW Ip?Jwnsj? en Mc- ou*ht we ?ot to do? Cully St A 1 mofort&onveniences. ..FrJea> Ie*'8 lay-down our plans at . Anolv to N. < ?sHKS-?12-25-2tD. 0,6 ??t ot the Great Planner, sr.bmlt mu ? .-?7^ 0,?r to His will. Uko new heart FOB fcUTJ?-Stet Wah Potatoes, Cut an.a co??"age as we remember the Potitoea^^ ?TBfor?he0^aTe0r8of ?vS? ' pUmi deep aha use cotton seed g^?* Sa-SUff^ ?f MUs1on* ?.^^ ^ ^eVurop??n'war, hard tlmea Brawn, oe eu s tn an. ii ?o H. low price of cotton will all work out _ for our aood If we will only have pa Im '..' " i tience and do our part, PROFESSIONAL SSJST^SSSr ST ?3 _I Thanksgiving holiday with the home S ?M.n m ?^i . ?ndths school is dismissed us I Vji\l\lJ& I Ul Monday. I - : ? i, , II,,"5-" - - , - . * Mr. and Mr*. W. L. Anderson apent ? . . . ? ' ? Tuesdsy at C. B. McCowen's In Mt. ' Creek section. .??.?**?.?.....*.*. Ltttls Walter Oambrell had the . - I misfortune to get his thumb nail torn . DB. F0BE8T D. SUGGS . off in a pump. Kc ia doinir nicely. . Dentist 4 Mr. and Mrs. u. x> Altaian and . brother. Blond?" if Anderson spent . Ofefitt ?1M1? Bleek?ey Bldg. * Sunday with K. Vu i'-mpbell and fam . ily. . Associated With . P. R. Gantry's children. grand . Db W. Wk Chlsolm . children. aon-ln-|aw and school folks . will be homo for Thanksgiving. ., Fno??88dJ Anderson, 8. C .' <* ftmpbeUMs^invited by the . * Masonic Lodge of Relton to meet with thom there Thursday night mtm?i?&?B!< u, ?Hjj-t;_."i_i ^Misa^Sug Kay ls spending the week ?H^SEL. T????_._??i?^ Mr- Rohort Gentry ot Clemson Col, ??4. KS&DS OF MACHINERY lego will ba home for a few days. AND SUPPLIES. REPAIRS-- Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Griffin hsvs FB% GALVANIZED ROOFING gone to Orteaui. H. c. LOMBARD IRON WORKS ) You can get the news while Its new i'YijfiV^fr^^ _^>n The Morn|ag Pellr Intelliaenoer. ??Utt? &AJIOLY~ WALK ABOUT ??? l^ Tk^ SlIlaWfirtHr^Tfe- **ieve 1 ?opal have died ff I tt?nt ??di Wag ?aald? to Attend Co t*kCn " ^ W Attar I fjegsa taking Ctrdui, I wag M$ 9?M?? WlsWtWalL greatiy helped, ard gQ three bottles re ^_ lUivearaeeattnay. .-uaSdW^ " I ?tened op, gad grew go much ff^'ffir^ Wtettd fox stronger Sn three months, ! felt like an ^kfm^^f^ Mn. Walter cdlierrjetf^?lOgeu^^ y^^.^^r^^mii,bA9aA C*m* purely vftp^andgentJc. ^^7^?.^?^ , . r . ?ting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic J^?S^ano ^A^^JLL on the womanly coastfcdtoo. 2. Cm* iel te ??? 1 C^"1 ?*ea ^ gtretigth. ^g^TW WWf / improvet the aapettte, tones up tba nar. l adtn aed ?Veas^ndxs?_tB bs mv kt* V?W* ajateo?, and helps to make pal9f nbtn-w soafla eaold come ca ne 1 ; ?"-..J-l ttM Mlpae .agaag nara fi mMne iSSEti^ ^v ** U sW **rtag the pest 50 vex,?. ?JgJJ* ^ ^ . U wffl surely do for you, vhfri a hxa J^^J FT .'-^e4W ate? o? ^ Try Cardai today, ?^ >?w I Sng?y enoM to try ^^?S_5S?is^ O??niftg wman'g tonie,and l nrmr/1?SSZZtS$Z^^**?l??%. ^ ; ************** * ELECTRIC CIT * _ * Item? of Interest and Person * Wirelese on the Si ************** John A. Austin Won Cheese. John A. Austin, well known iner rant of the city, won first honors, and incidentally, 10 pounds of cheese, In the guessing contest conducted by the Ideal Oroccry Co. Several days ago this grocery concern received a hugo cheese which was put on display in ono of th eshow windows. It was an^ nounced that the one guessing the weight of big cheese would bc award ed a prize of 10 pounds of the pro duce. Orders were taken from thc pub lic for various amounts of the cheese, and yesterday the weight of the mon ster was announced, it tipping the scales at 317 pounds and the guess registered by Mr. Austin being 310 pounds. As Mr. Austin had previous ly given his order for ten pounds of the product, he is today not only the possessor of that amount of cheese but the 10 pounds awarded as a prize to the winner of the contest. All of which indicates that for the next .:?jveral days cheese will occupy a prominent position on the menu ser ved in this estimable gentleman's house. ; / ff. ' -o Goes to Bring His Family Here. H. B. Fitzgerald, tho new manager of the Anderson Fertilizer Company, returned to Atlanta yesterday for the purpose of bringing his family to this city. They will occupy the Mar shall Orr house on Maxwell avenue. Mr. Fitzgerald and his family will be a welcome addition to the life of the city. Since coming to Anderson Mr. Fitzgerald has been stopping at the Y. M. C. A. home. During his college days Mr. Fitzgerald was a star in the athletic world of Georgia Tech, and bis prowess ls readily recalled by those who -keep In touch with collego athletics. -o j Has Attractive Window Display. I Two of t!ie most attractively decor ated windows in the city are those ot W. A. Power, and they have elicit ed no little comment from passesby. One of the windows ls dressed to represent the fresh meats of this well known store, while the other window shows fine assortment of holi day goods. In the former windows there is to be found celery, lettuce, grapefruit, dressed turkeys and chick ens, beef, pork, apples, oranges, on ions, pumpkins, etc. This window was dressed by B. L. Bouda, manager of the fresh meats department The other window contains an assortiment of raisins, apples, rigs, grape fruit, pump kins, fruit cake, canned goods etc. The Thanksgiving Idea ls carried out tn detail and makes a oeautiiul dis play. -o Time? Inproving I In New England. E. S. Newhall, representing the Draper Loom works of Hopedale, Mass., who has been here for the pur pose of closing a contract for the In stallation ot several new looms In the Anderson county mill, stated yester day that since the beginning of the European war the manufacturing in dustry in Nsw England had been cur tailed at least 60 per cent Conditions are Improving lately, however, said he, and lt ls believed that they will again be normal ere long. Real win ter weather has descended upon New England, said MT. Newell, and ice skating has come Into its own again. ? ' o - Snflering From Injured Foot. C. M. Elgin, who ls connected with the Townsend Lumber Mills, is suf fering from erysipelas as a result of injuries sustained in one of his feet some days ago. It ls understood that Mr. Elgin stuck a splinter In his foot or scratched lt tn soma way. Ho has been confined to. his home on Arling ton avenue for tho past , few days. Little Doing With Recorder. Bot two cases occupied the atten tion ot Recorder Russel when court was convened yesterday at noon. Per cy Hutchinson, of -colored denomin ation, was hauled up on charges of loud swearing and general disorder ly conduct He was assessed the sum Of $5. Law ronce Walker, also colored, was also presented to the court on similar charges, but they were dis-, missed. Tuesday afternoon Recorder j Russell presided over the case . of Clarence Williams, colored , charged Wita Sellins; whiskey. The defendant was convicts and fined $100. Williams waa tried some days ago, hui case resulting In a mistrial. -?-??o Cely Cai re new plate glass was yes ?laced in one of the show win tha T. L. Cely Company, re placing a glass which was broken some time ago. Hel^rderV win be np session pt the re court today, the officials de ciding to observe the national holi day. Mortals so unfortanato - as to ? beeb arrested after midday yes. terday will have' to remain Tn prison UOttl tomorrow, unless they furnish bond. Indications last night were that there would be little disorder to mar the spirit ot the occasion. Andersen Shoal? Tam Streets. According to a local citizen who mingled with the warty of ft * W. G Railroad official* Who were here the first ed the week for an Inspection of the company's properties tn Anderson, they Were deeply impressed with the beauty ot tits city and ita alean, welt kept streets. Several ot the officials are said to have remarked that it was positively a shame that a cl?y oo beautiful as Anderson should not have more street paving. Y SPARKLETS * _ * ai Mention Caught Over the * br?ete of Anderson * 9ft 9ft 9ft 9ft 9ft 9fi 9f> 1f> 9ft 9f* 9f 9ft 9ft 9ft Sunday Hours At Posto Mee. Today being a national holiday, the postoffice will observe special hours. I The city carriers will make the morn ing delivery of mall only, while rural carriers will not go out. The general delivery windows will be open be tween mails. The other windows will not be open at any time during the day. Dines Members Of City Council. Members of city council were tend ered a delightful dinner party last night at the residence of Alderman Charles F. Spearman. The gathering of city fathers was purely of a social nature and was enjoyed immensely by those present. Grows Splendid Celery Here. That celery can be grown In An derson to the queen's taste has been ably demonstrated by O. M. Heard. Yetserday Mr. Heard was exhibiting several bunches of celery which woro grown in the garden of his home. The stalks were as large and finely shap ed as any Kalamazoo product evor shown here. The celery was grown from plants secured from Fur m an Smith, the well known seedsman. One CaNe Was Before Magistrate. But ene case WBB before Magistrate W. C. Broadwell yesterday for consid eration, this being Jim Weathers, white, who pleaded guilty to charges of beating a board bill. Judge Broad well sentenced the offender to pay a fine of $15 or serve 30 dayB. As the individual was without the cash, he had no other course open to him but that of choosing the days. The de ponent in the case was John Miller J ot the Anderson Mill village. Had Sustained A Broken Arm. Ben, the young son of Dr. J. B. Townsend, sustained a broken arm yesterday afternoon while cranking an automobile. The accident occured on Main street about 3 o'clock. The young man was given prompt medical assistance, and though the' arm was badly broken be was reported to be resting well last night. 'Possum Dinner For Officials A bird and 'possum dinner is what county officials will enjoy today at the home of county treasurer Dr. W. A. Tripp at bis home in Brushy Creek. Several fat 'possums snd a large num ber of fine birds have been collected ?or tbe feast, and county ufficlals yes terday were smacking their lips in j anticipation of one ot the most tempt ing dinners to which they have been -invited in many moons. Wasting Time At It has been suggested that business men who go tor their o WT mall and those who send their porters tor it in the forenoon can prevent a waste ot much time if they will bear lo mtud that the morning mall dotu not arrive here now until about three hours lat er than was formerly the case. An observant citizen stated yesterday that many business men are still In th* habit of going or sendine to the postofflee for mall almost " before it arrives In the city. The morning train that brought mail from Seneca, ar riving here at 6 o'clock, has been dis continued as generally known, and that mall does not now arrive until about 9 o'clock Nevertheless, it is stated, some still congregate In the lobby of the postofflce at the same hour as they did when the mall ar rived earlier snd thus lose much valu able time. It has been suggested that tills time can he saved if tho morning mall will be* sent for and gotten by the patrons themselves about 10 o'clock. .-o Three Held Oa Charge of Gambling. Two white men by the name of Col lins and Hammond and a negro whose name could not be learned were ar rested yesterday afternoon hy Offi cers Olin Sanders, Williams and oth er? in the vicinity ot the carnival grounds in North Anderson on charg es f gambling. The men were lodged i tn the county jail. I -o Football Game Is Caled Off. 1 The game of football scheduled to take place this morning between tennis of the Anderson High School sad Oreen wood High School at Buena | Vista pirk has been called oft. Offi cers of the Anderson team yesterday received a telegram from the manage ment of the Greenwood aggregation stating that it weald be impossible for them to play here Thanksgiving, as had been arranged. No. rca. ms I were assigned for the .ipancelling ot j the engagement. I - -JO Postmaster slatter r C^Stur?TaB^ who will be 1 ne.-.t postmaster e*^ Anderson ls just es much ta ords? as ever, according to a statement made yesterday by Con grossman Wyatt Aiken who is spend ing a few days In the city. The mat tor ot appointing s, postmaster for this city will come up at the session of congress which convene?, on De cember 7. As generally known, there are some sereu or eight applicants for the office -o> Te Settle Less In OH Mm Fica. Julian Calhoun of SpartanbUrg, an j independent Insurance adjuster, Mr. Appetite Follows Good Digestion Nearly everyone indulges ?.heir appetite and the digestive organs are abused, resulting in a conges tion of poisonous waste tbat clogs the bowels and causeB much misery and distress. Thc most effective remedy to correct this condition ls the com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known as Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. This is a n 'ural, pleabant-tastlng remedy, & tie yet positive in action, and quickly relieves indigestion, consti pation, sick headache, belching, etc. Drug stores sell Dr. Caldwell's Sy rup Pepsin at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, and in thousands of homes lt is tho Indispensable fami ly remedy. For a free trial bottlo write Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 451 Washington St, Monticello, 111. Company's plant which was recently j burned. Tho adjusters hope to reach some agreement in tho case within the near future. Ginning Receipts For the Seasons. According to Information given out yesterday, tho cotton ginning re ceipts for Anderson county prior to November 14 totaled 44,488 bales. Tho receipts for the corresponding period of last year were 51,958. -o Checked Up Militia Equipment. The work of checking up the equip ment of Co. E, better known as tho j Palmetto Rifles, National Guard of South Carolina, was completed yester day by Sergeant Henry L. Thompson, I Co. I, 16th Infantry, of Columbia, who came here some days ago for this pur pose. The sergeant, is making an' in spection of equipment of all compan ies of the National Guard In the State and will make a report on the same to the government. Doesn't Look Like Hard Times. If purchasing of automobiles ls any Indication that times are hard, then there are no hard times. Archie h. Todd, who has the Ford agency for this district, reported yesterday de livering a new car to a customer at , Autun, this being the second sale for i this month. Revenue Stamp On All Freight. Local representatives of the South ern railway have received notification from Washington that beginning De cember 1 all bills of lading must have a government revenue stamp to the value of one cent on them. Each shipper will bc required to purchase the stamps and cancel' It himself, us ing his Initials and also putting the date upon it These stamps will he sold at the postoffice and the freight agents can not accept the bill of lad-, rag without the stamp being affixed. This is a part of the new war rev enue bill, a part ct which has gone Into effect and the rest of which will become operative. After this time, a person will also have topsy one cent for ruling In a Pullman car and there will be slight taxes on trugs, cosme tics, tobaccos and all Li ads of alcohol beverages. The war tax will also ap ply to railroad tickets, it is stated. - -o Help the Carrier Wm a Watch. Are yon a-subscriber to The Intel ligencer f if not give the carrier, who delivers on your street, your subscrip tion today or telephone 321 and ask that he be given credit for lt and thereby aid him In winning one of the watches offered in The Intelligencer's carrier contest Two watches have already been awarded, the successful candidates being Jimmie Daniel and Ernest Geer. There are still five watches to be given, one of which is a 10-year gold filled case Trenton watch. Today will be a good day to help yonr carrier win a watch. Ho might be On time, too, if he had a watch In his pocket and you could ?read your paper earlier each morning. Unclaimed Letters. Following Is the list of letters re maining uncalled for In the postofflce at Anderson, 8. C., for the week end ing November 25, 1914. Persons call lag for these will please say that they were advertised, pae cent due on all advertised matter. B-Charita Halfan go. C-Mrs. Bunte Cook. D-John A. Davis. E-Frank Erskine. G-Mrs. Julie Green, Mrs; John Gordon. H-Miss S Agnes Haynes, Joan Houstln, Joe Humbert. J-Fred James, Dan Jone?. K-Fannie Koller, Jim Kelley. , ^L-Mrs. Amy Latimcr, Col. C. M. M-Walter Majors, Mrs.* Minnie Mack, Mrs. J. M. Martin, James A. Mackey, Hal se Lee Martin, Hrs. Dell Moore. N-Joe Noton. P-Bear Patterson. R-Mrs. Cora B. Reed. Estelle Rog ers. Pat H. Robinson. * 8-fl, Shapiro. Ellas Sanders. W-Mrs. James Whltner, Mrs. J. T. Wilson; Lydia Williams, Lealor Whit tier, Robert Wons. Y-Mrs. Teddie Young. tOM NOVEMBER 1ST TO NOV . JRR 3?TH, WALLACE WILL GIVE REDUCED RATES ON PHO TOGRAPHS TO AVOID CHRISTMAS RCSH^^STTJDIG 2 DOORS BELOW lTljaertlsi .fe?:attend ?umber rt Celle** Ai evearefr a* ft e'?e< lay bf the Altanent Fa oa sale at Evans Pharmacy FOLEY KIDNEY PMS T-OS BACKACHE RION! YS ASO g LAO O?a -- .-'.;....'.'* Saturday and Monday CLOTHING SALE Being OVERSTOCKED on Hen's and Boy'B Fail and Winter Clothing, we are SLAUGHTERING PRICES, t If you value your money-COME and partake of these Great Bargains. , One lot of All-Wool BlUQ Serge Suits, worth from $10 to $12.50. Sale price. ,.$&98 One lot All-wool Fine Cassimere and Kerseys, values up to $15.00. Sale .price.$&9? One lot of Worsted CasBlmeres.Tarton Plaids, Serges, Strauss Bros.' "High Art" Clothes, former prices $16, $16.60, $18 and $20.00 Sale price./.$9?98 One lot Drummers Sample Men's Pants, values up to $1.50 and $2. Sale, price. .98c One lot Drummers Sample Pants, values up to $2.25 and $3.50. Sale price....?L48 189 Sample All-wool "Nufangl" Pants, worth $3.60, $4 and $4.60, take. your pick for.$1.88 One lot Drummers Sample All-wool Boy's Suits in Plain and Norfolk Suits, regular $3.60 and $4.00. Sale price.$146 One lot of Extra Size Boys Suits in sizes ll 18, 19 and 20, regular values $3.50 and $10.00, take your pick for.$448 One lot Mens' Rain Proof Cravenneted heavy Overcoats, values $7.50. Sale price...K. ......", .....64.98 One lot Drummers Sample Boy's Overcoats, regular values up to $5.00. Sale price. . .., ,'81.98 The Lesser' Co. aoooocooooooooooooool Miss Rosa Dilworth of Westminster 9 o has been visiting the family of Mr. ? HEWS FROM SENECA o W. M. Kay on Fairplay street a . Mir. 'Hugh Holoman, the accommo o o o oooooooooooooooo dating baggage master at the Union Bppciat to Tho i-jteUifencer. Statio?, ?e?l for Cornella, Ga, whero SENECA. Nov. 25.-An unusually ho ls to be married to Mrs. Burriss of interesting meeting ot the K. of P. Walhalla. He was accompanied by lodge ot this place was held Monday his nephew, Mr. Whit Holoman. . night, when the Third degree was Mrs. A. R. N. Folger and young' conferred m long form, illustrated g0n. Douglas Merett, have been visit by sterioptican slides. The lodge pur- tng her rhoth?r, Mrs. J. H.' Reeder, lu chased a Bausch & Lomb, Baioptlcan, Westminster. ' ' Borne time ago, and its use m confer-1 ^r. and Mrs. G. C. Shepherd of ring the degrees bas greatly revived [charlotte4are In Seneca on s visit to the interest. , . ' HTH. Shepard's parents, Mr. and" Mrs. . Union Thanksgiving services will be M. A. Wood. held in tho First Baptist church. Tho ^ ?Awn of AUanta ,B vl8iUn ?t FJ3V T. M. Galphln will preach. The the nome of Mr w K livingston, offering wUl be devoted to the or- ^ thomson of Spartanburg is phanages of the 8tate. {visiting her son. Dr. D, P. Thomson, Dr. E. C. Doyle has been appointed ' on Fairplay street, committeeman for Oconee County to . Good Woman Passes Away have charge of the Belgian relief fund. Mrft ZZn?a. Tannery passed away ^ BUlr<% Tm "?LX01^8,?^!-. ?t her home in this bounty last on Thanksgiving. For awhile there Mr8. Tannery was the was some doubt as ^whether Oils of ^ ,ate Jobn Tannery> Rnd movement would go?through this year, t?e mother of Ave sons and four but the success of it was assured daughtor8> Three of her- sons are when Messrs.C. H..'^??on *?d I. K. prominent railroad men: Messrs. Ho Flncanon yielded to toe pressure and ^er A,fred of Raleigh. ^'^S^Zm^ mother ^. C.. and MT. Leard Tannery of Char it Mr. Joho,L Sn?th left last week ^aa^tv^^ sndlhVotneTis ??I^^ Mr. <)s|Car Tannery ot this county. a ve Kat zr-bat T&TTy i fMvv RIDNWPIIIS Mr. A. W. Perrett has gone to Au-1 l^f^^c^^^|J^0 BIAOOEB gusta on business._ ? Let me sen? 7011 FREE PERFUME* ... I... ....1-#,. - _ ?if.", r. ti rf? rjt w ruo today tor a towing mm no ot - mPmAUD^LILAC SSS'?T? PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUP, Department M. ED. PDMAUD BUILDING HEW YORK ? MJ .1 ,1 iii, H.I I . ."" I , ? ?Mir "" '? . 1 1 11 1 - * 1 1 ' ? An Unusual Opportunity The special departments of Anderson Col lege can enroll a few^ more pupils, attdtheCoK lege invites the ladies of Anderson and vicinity j to take advantage of this opportunity. pr Avn Prof. and Mrs.~Goode VOICE Miss Stranathan VIOLIN Misa Smith ART Miss Ramseur DOMESTIC SCIENCE Miss Murray EXPRESSION Miss Wakefield Whether yon contemplate taking up the study of any of these studies or not, we will he glad to have you visit the College and see the work tfaat is peing done, Anderson College DR. JAS. P. KINARD, President