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Today! Today! ;; AT THE BIJOU THEATRE :: Today! Today! THE HOME OF POLITE ENTERTAINMENT. THE NORENE ST. CLAIRE STOCK COMPANY WILL PRESENT FOR THE FIRST TIME "SLAVES OP THE ORIENT" THE BIG FEATURE PLAY OF THEIR REPERTOIRE BEAUTIFULLY COSTUMED AND GORGEOUSLY GOWNED. SPECIAL SCENERY AND ELECTRICAL EFFECTS- A play fer alL Replete with Clean, Wholesome comedy situations and witty dialogue. PRICES FOR THIS PLAY SHALL REMAIN T iE SAME-AFTERNOON 5 cents TO ALL-NIGHT SHOWS 5 and 10 cents TO ALL. A SPECIAL PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN at the Matinee, also at the night shows. Beautiful SILVER SETS, GOLD WATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC. :-: SPECIAL NOTICE-On account of the opening episode of the great picture serial "THE TREY O' HEARTS" being shown here on Thursday, the doors will open on that day at 11.30 a. m. t:< give every one an opportunity of witnessing the opening scries of this masterpiece of film makers' art ,in action to the episode of the "MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY" and the ST. CLAIR STOCK CO- Prices the same. GO WHERE THE CROWDS GO riiiiirrr"ii-".III mii\ i ii nwt ?rurn T-ani?iiii)Bi?ili^mfrir~fTrffii PALMETTO THEATRE TODAY'S PROGRAM THE CORBETT MUSICAL COMEY CO., Presents "THE HOME BREAKERS" Featuring the Clam Peddler IN MOVIES CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR.Lubin 2 Reel Special THE OPAL'S CURSE ,.Essanay Drama THE SQUIRE'S REVENGE.Kalem Drama THE BEST SHOW IN ANDERS sa The Trey CTHearts ...By... Louis Joseph Vance The photo-drama corresponding to within night of tho eovca of a cliff- over a hlg mahogany desk: a little] tho Installments of ?The Trey O' and precisely then the hillside seemed man of big affuirs. sole steward of IleartM** may now be seen at the lead- to slip from under him.' ?one of America's most formidable for far moving picture theaters. By this He wa8 instantaneously aware of tu"es- , , unique arrangement with the Uniter. tlie a niult, n b"u wheeling madlv in Precisely at eleven minutes pa?t sal Film Mfg:. Ce. ? ls therefore not the' BUp of tho turuuoue sky. Then noon (?ur ?* tho identical Instant only possible to rend ?The Trey O' dark wa(ers cl0Bed ovt,r "ira chosen by Alan Law to catapult over Hearts" In this paper, but also to seo " WaterS , CU "Ntr , , the edge of a cliff in northern Maine) each iDHtnllmeut of lt nt the moving i e came up struggling and gasping tho Illulod B|gna, o? the ,?ule mun-8 Picture theatres. B struck out for something dark desk telephone clicked and. eagerlv 1 _ ! that rode the waters near at hand-, utting receiver to ear. he nodded with 1. .', . .. something vuguely resembling a ca-ja smile and said In accepts of some The Dhoto.dramn corresponding to noo . relief: "Ask her to come in at once, I ?Th? Thev O'HearU*? may now ho Withln " strokc ^ an outstrcached ! please." w>cn at the lending monng ?Ictun" pau,uPi na tUxnK up a hand ami went Jumping up.h e placed a chair In n..nt i e*. liv this online urrangemeut down again. Intimate Juxtaposition with his own; with the I'ulvemal Film Mfg. Co. lt instantly one occupant o? the cn- and tho door opened, and a young wo I* therefore not only possible to read noe, a young and very beautiful wo- utan entered. ?The Thev OWearts* '? I h I? paper,! m?n in a man's hunttcng clothes. The mouse-brown man bowed, hat also to nee each installment of It spoke a sharp word of command and. "Miss ?cse Trine?" he murmured at Ihn moving picture .theater*. as her guido steadied the vessel with with u crt-'Rt deal of deference SYNCi'SIS-The 3 ?>' H-srts is thc his paddle, rose tn her place so surely , The >???K worn:-.:, returned his ?den*!! ?!?rsn UBed by Seneca Trine lo that she scarcely disturbed the nice ??w With a show of perplexity: "Mr. th?? nrlvatc war of vengeance which, balance of the little craft, and curved ,?:?v" , . . throuah bi? daughter. Judith, a wo- ber little body over thc bow. head- an; k,ml ,? como "? response man of vioiont and criminal temper foremost into thc pool. ^n^^^^o^ and IncstionnbtQ sanltv. he wages - _ . . fl"wrii" against Alan Law, whose father (now .. II-THE HAUNTING WOMAN sL Sd "Thank you" gravely and dead) Trine held responsible for the He experiencedItjtttt. ?vergilt- tooPtffeha^ norident which made him a helpless tie delirium, then blank slumbers o! ^ wlth an Bdmtrat|on ho ma(le erlerle. Law loves Rose, but miner exhaustion . Ino eifort to conceal, examined thc nratnatic circumstances saves the life "? awoke n dark of night, wholly, , d candldly to of Judith, her twin sister, and unwil- unaware tliat thlrly.slx hours had ^/ lingly gains her love also. P**?*?1 ^f*". Thia ,ast; Jl'H "lt Is quito comprehensible." ho I-THE HUNTED MAN. ?ver, and oven s that had gone before. ^ uirndcntly _.if you wtn permJt (Copyright, 1914. by Louis Jaseph ho, "failed With tolerable clearness- me to ro..Ilow thut one 8(H,S you; Vance.) ellowta? for the sluggishness Of ? Mi?s Trine, it ls quite comprehensible That day waa hot and windless with ,lroWHy n>ind. Other memories, morely cmployer-ah-feels toward an unclouded sky-a day of brass and V7"" ?' 7""? S?"!?J?^ ??????lyou ?3 ho doc2" burning hv turns an angel s. a flower sj Tin; girl flushed. "Mr. Law has told Long beiorc any sound audible to* f^i's and a dear, womaa aJyour human ears disturbed the noonday Rubied him ^1? "I have the honor to be his nearest hush a bobc-it sunning on a loe in Hea He WttS ?lr*,udy SUU! e,u,uKh to friend, this side the water, as well as a ilad?tO^wW oUow ,,e had probahly h??n a h',t ?.Ut W* Tn of business." raia? os8 ?nM^s^lSSJS^ ? T TtZ* and" carea^for h. , "? BK1 j*1 nn emba,rra8Sed a snarl and-of a sodden was no more haA beeQ havcd anA tn. , . ' ture- So 1 ,mvc ventured to request a.snarl and-of a sudden was no more found nQ roason tf) <|Uarrel WUn pre8. thi8_ah_.BurreptuloU8 appointment VLV?i??o ",."",". ,"?"- . J,,? ent circumstances. in order to-oh-take the further lib Perhops two minutes later a sue- stl" h(> wou|d ,,ave been Brat,.f"i t f , , wUethcr vou have re cession of remote cravings began to for smue PxplttIlnUon of certBln phe- cJily sent A1nn a message?" be heard, a cumul?t vo volume of llomonona wWcn .till haunted him- Her look of surprise was answer Round made by some- heavy body fore- HUch ^ a fa|nli (?hisive scent ot roses enough, but she confirmed it with lng by main strength through thc un- witn I VRCm, but importunate sense vigorous denial: "I have net comnvu derhrush. and ceased ?inly when a of a woman's presence In that dark- nicated with Mr. Law in more than a man broke into tho loaring, pulled up. ?.ned room-things manifestly absurd, year!" stood for an Instant swaying, then with some difficulty, from n dry "Precisely as I thought," Mr. Digby reeled to a seat on tho log. pillowing throat, he apoke, or rather whisper- nodded. "None the lesB, Mr. Law not his head on arms folded across his od: "Water!" long since received what purported kneen and shuddering uncontrollably in response he heard someone mOVo to bo & message from you; in fact-a In all his Umba. over a creaking floor. A sulphur rose." And as M??Q THn?? sat forward nut even as he strove to calm him- match spluttered infamously. A can- th a start of dismay, he added?" "I self and rest, the feeling that some- die fire, silhouetting -illusion, of have the Infoi -muon over Mr. Law's thing was peering at him from behind course!-thef iguro of a woman in signature-a letter received ten days a mask of undergrowth grew lntolera- hunting shirt and skirt. Water splash- ago-from Quebec." bly siento. ed noisily. Alan l>ecame aware of "Alan in America!" tho girl cried At length he jumped up, glared SOrateon? wno stood at his Bide, ono fn ori?sisru'se;! distress, wildly ot the spot where that som-- hand offering a glass to hts lips, the "He came in response to-ah-the thing no ionger was; flung hlmse.f other gcntlly raising his head that he message of the rose." frantically through the brush In pur- might drink with ease. "But I did not ?end it!" suit pf lt, and-found nothing. Draining the glass, he breathed hts "1 felt sure of that, because," said With a great effort he pulled him- thanks and sank. back, retaining his Mr. Digby, watching her narrowly seit together, clamped hts teeth uoon grasp on the wrist of that unreal "because of something that accompa the promise not nenin to give way to nanu- It suffered him without resist- nied the hose, a svmbol of another hallucinations, and turned back to tho Tth? ?>"?o" even went so significance altogether-a playing dearin? far as to say. in a woman'? soft ac- card, a Trey of Hearts." ThPr? anon the los on whlh he had ceota: Her eyes were blank. He pursued re2^e^*!J2t n?t??Sc<o bS "You are better. Alan?" with openly sincere reluctance. "I Kl h. JSlXavtn- ard a Trev Ho 9,ghe<1 ?ncredulously: "Rose!" must tell you. I see. thst a Trey of ?rHe?rt-TeT^D tn the ?un-alare Tnev olce "Yes-" Then Hearts invariably foreslgnaled an at ' ? P i wLT?? tne Perfume of roses grew still more tompt by your father on the life of With a gesture of horror. Alan Law fltrong geeralnR to fon hl8 cheek ,lke M^.B t??^T ? . w,J.le ?Jace- . . .... ..... ._" a woman's breath. And a miracle ' With a stricken cry the girl crouch While ;the sounds of bis flight were to oagg. for Mf ^ who M|. ^ ," ^ cna|j. ftnd covered her still loud, a jgrlnning half-breed guide ,xcd poignantly that RU thia waa taco with her hands. ?tole like a shadow to the log. laughed 8heer> downright nonsense, distinctly "That ls why I sent for you," Mr. derisively after the fugitive, picked felt npg Mke velvot caro8B h!B fore. Digby pursued hastily, as ir In hope up and pocketed tho card, snd set out head. of getting quickly over a .most un? In tireless, cat-tooted pursuit. He closed his oyes, tightened his happy business. "Alana lotter, writ An hour tater, topping a Huge of grasp on that hand of phantasy, and ten and posted on the steamer, reach rising ground, Alan caught from tho muttered rather inarticulately. ed me within twenty-four hours of his hollow on Its farther side the music Thev otee asked: "What ia lt, arrival in Quebec, and detailed his of clashing waters. Tortured by thirst, doar?" schema to enter the Untied States so ho began at once to descend lu reek. He responded: "Delirium . . . But cretly-as be puts lt, 'by the back less haste. I like it. . . . Let me rave!" door,' by way of northern Maine-and The shelving moss-beds afforded | Then again he slept, promised advice by telegraph as soon treacherous footing: Alan was glad - an be reached Mooseheed Lake. He now and then of the support of . a( III-DISCLOSURES. should have wired me ere tbis. I am cr ?ar, but. these grew ever smaller. ' In a little corner office, soberly fur- told by those who know the coventry rad more widely spaced and were not nlshed, on the topmost floor ot one ot j he was to cross. Frankly, I am anx always convenient to his hand. He lower Manhattan's loftiest off tec-tow- tous shout the boy!" cam0 abruptly and at headlong paeo ers, a HUI? mouse-brown man sat I "And I-" the girl exclaimed plti fully. "To thin!- that ho should be' brought Into? u< h peril through me!" "You can tell me nothing?" "Nothing-as vet. 1 <Ud not drca ? of thia-much I' that tue niessage of the roso wa. !:nowu to any bet Alan and my.. I i ? anno: under stand!" "Then I may tell yon this much more, that your father niftintainB a very etf.clent corlis of oe rxet agents." "You think li?' i pie 1 upon inev" the siri flamed willi indignation. "I know he did." Mr. Digby permit ted himself a quiet smile, "lt has ' seemed my business, in *ho serviee of my employer, to employ agents of my own. There is no doubt but that voui father sent you to Europe for thc sole purpo?:-> of having you meet Alan." "Oh!" sh?' protested. "But v.'hat earthly motive?" "That Alanm ic; h * be won back to America through sou-and so-" There was no need to finish out his sentence. The tiri was silent, pale I anl staring with wide eyes, visibly mustering her wits to cope with this emergency. < "I may depend on you." Mr. Digby \ suggested, "to advise me if you find out anything?" "For even mon-." The girl rose and I extended a hand whose grasp was firm and vital on his fingers. A fine 1 spirit of resolve set her countenance aglow. "You may count on me for ac tion on my own part, if I find circum stances warrant it. I promised not to marry Alan because of the feud be tween our fathers-but not to stand by and see him sacrificed. Tell me how I may communicate secretly with you-and let mc go as aoon as possi ble!" IV-THE MUTINEER. Within the hour Rose Trine stood before her father in that somber room wherein he wore out his crippled days, in that place of silence and shadows whose sinister color scheme of crim son and black wan the true livery of his monomania'-- hts passion for ven geance that alone kept- warm the em bers of life In that wasted and move less frame.' An impish malice glimmered In his sunken eyes ar, he kept her waiting upon lils pleasure. And when at length he decided to speak, it was with a ring of hateful irony in that etrangely sonorous voice'bf his. "Rose," he said slowly-"my daugh ter!-I am told yon have today baen guilty of an act of disloyalty to me." She said BO?lly: "You had me spied upon." "Naturally, with every reason to question ycur loyalty, I had you watched." She waited a significant moment, then dropped an impassive monosyl lable into the silence: "Well?" "You have visited the man Digby, servant and friend of the man I bate end you love." She said, without expression: "Yes." "Repeat what passed between you." "I shall not, but on one condition." " "And that is?" ' "Tell me first whether lt was you who sent the rose to Alan I^w-and more, where Judith has been.during the last fortnight?" ''Shall tell you nothing, my child. Repeat"-the resonant voice rang with Inflexible purpose-"repeatw hat the man Digby told you-" Thejrlrl was silent. He endured her stare for a long minute, a spark of rage kindling to flame the evil old eyes. Then his one living member that had power to serve bis iron will, a band like the claw of a bird of prey, moved toward a row of buttons sunk in the writing-bed of his desk. "I warn you I have ways to make you speak-" With a quick movement the girl bent over and prisoned the bony Wrist In.her strong fingers., With her other hand, at the .?ame time, she whipped open an upper drawer of the desk and too* from it a revolver which she placed at s safe distance. "To the contravy," she said quietly, "you w!!! remember that thc tfes? bas passed when you could have me pun ished for disobedience. You will cal! nobody; I*: interrupted, I shan't hesi tate to defend myself. And now"-lay ing hold of the back: of hts chair, she moved it. some distance from the desk -"you mav as well h* quiet while ! find for myself what I wish to know.'' Hw* moment he watched In silence as she bent over the dedie, rummaging its diawers. Then with sn infuriated gesture of his loft hand, he began to curs? her. She shuddered a little as the black oatt? b?stered bf* thin old lips, ded icating her and all abe loved to sin, Infamy and sorrow; but nothing could stay ber In her purpose. He was breathless and exhausted when she straightened upw Ith an exclamation of satisfaction, studied intently for a moment a sheaf of papers, and thrust them hastily into.her handbag, to gether with the revolver. Then touching the push-button which released a secret and little-used loor, without a backward glance abe slipped from the room and, closing the Soor securely, within another minute had madeb er way unseen from . the house. Vr-THE INCREDIBLE THING. Broad daylight, the top of a morn lng are rare aa ever broke upon th north country: Alan Law opening be wildered eyes to realize the substance of a dream come true. Then it proved Itself, at least, in part. He lay between blankets upon a couch of balsam fans, in a corner of somebody's camp-a log structure. woather?proof, rudely but adequately furnished. His clothing, dough-dried but neatly mended, lay upon a chair at hl3 side. He rose and dressed in haste, at once exulting in his sense of complete rest and renewed well-being, a prey toh ints of an extraordinary appetite, and provoked by signs that Boomed to bear out the weirdest Mights of his ('elirious fuueies. There was no other living thing in ilght but a loon that sported far up the river and ruluted him with a ihriek of mocking laughter. The place was a cleft in the hills, a table o' level laud some few acres in, area, bounded on one bund, beneath the cliff from which he had dropped, by a rushing fiver fat with recent rains; on the other by a second cliff af equal height. Upstream the water curved round the shoulder of a tow ering bill, downrtrram tho cliffs clos sd upon it until it roared through a narrow gorge. Near the camp, upon a strip of shelving beach that bordered the river where it widened Into a deep, dark pool, two canoes were drawn up, bot toms to the sun. Denser thickets of pines, oaks, and balsam hedged in the clearing. He was, it seemed, to be le"', severe ly to himself, that day; when he had cooked and made way with an enor mous breakfast. Alan found nothing better to do till time for luncheon than to explore this pocket domain. He feasted famously again at noon; whiled away several hours vainl> whipping the pools with rod ant tackle fourd in the camp, for trou that he really didn't hope would rls, beneath that blazing sun; and towan three o'clock lounged back to his aro matte couch fer a nap. Thowes lorinna un had thrown i deep, cool shadow across the cov< when he was awakened by importo natejiands and a voice of magic. Rose Trine was kneeling beside him dutching his shoulders, calling on hin by name-distracted by an inexpllca ble anxiety. He wasted no time dlecriminatlni between dream and reality, but gath sred both into his arms. And for i moment she rested there unresisting If sobbing quietly. "What is it? What is lt. dearest? de questioned, kissing her tears awa> "To find you all right. ... I wes o lfraid!" she cried brokenly. "Of what? Wasn't I allr ight whe pou left me here this mornlo;;?" She disengaged with an effort, rosi ind looked down strangely at him. "I did not leave you hero this mon mg, Alan. 1 wasn't here-" That brought him to bis own fet in a Jiffy. "You were not!" bc stan mered. "Then who-?T" "Judith." she statedw Uh with coi victlon. "Impossible! You don't understand The g.?*. shook her head. "Yet 'enow: Judith war. here until th morning. I tell you I know-I.saw hi >nly a few h du rs ago. She passed i n a canoe with one of her guide whll*> we watched in biding CP tl lanka. Not that alone, but another < 1er guides told mine she was ne) vi th 'ou. She had sent bim to Soul Portage for quinine. He stopped the o get drunk-and, that's how n jul Je managed to worm 'the inform :ion from him." Alan passed a hand across his eye 'I don't understand," be said dull 'lt doesn't seem possible she could A shot interrupted bim, the repo )f a rifle from a considerable distan ipstream, echoed and reechoed by tl cliffs. And at this,' clutching fran tl illy at his arm. the girl drew bl brough thc ?oor and down toward t .iver. "Oh. come, come!" she cried wild: 'There's no time-'1. IV-MANY WATERS. Overhead, through a rift in the 1 inge, a sky was visible whose eboi larkness called to mind a thunda ?loud. The heat was nearly Intolerable: t oice of the fire wan Very Innri. J Two minutes had passed of the U lomething waa digging unc?mfortar nto Alan's right hip . The autom? "istol in his bip pocket, of which Jae ad neglected to relievo him. Then . harp, spiteful crackling brought h uddenly to a sitting position, to fl hat the Indian . had thoughtfu ouched a match to the pyre before c artlng. At Alan'* feet the twigs wc lacing merrily. It would have boen easy er ougu a ng on instinct, to snatch Vs lux way, but he did not movo more th s strain his feet as far aa r?ieir bon ermittod. Conscious of scorching hi ven, through his hunting boots, uffered that torture until a tongue lame licked np. wrapped Itself aron ks .thick hempen cord and sta ti rough. Immediately Alan kicked his f ree. lifted to a ?heeling position, a rswled from the py?e. As for his hands-Alan'* buntti nlfe was still in Its sheath belted lie small of bis back. Tearing st ell with hts hampered fingers, Several young men are already very much interested in our new plan for owning a home in North Anderson? AND Ita a plan that might well in. tereat any yoong man. J contrived to shift it around until the ! sheath knife stuck at the belt loop over his left hip. Withdrawing and | conveying the blade to hlB mouth, he gripped lt firmly between his teeth, and sawed the cords around Ina wrist against the razor sharp blade. Before Alan could turn and run, he saw a vanguard of flames bridge fif ty yards at a bound start a dead pine blazing like a torch. And then he was pelting like a mad man across tho smoke-filled clearing, and in less than two minutes brokc from the fore?t to the pebbly shore of a wide-bosomed lake, and within a few hundred yards of /a substantial dam, through whose . spillway a heavy vol-1 ame of water cascaded with a roar, ri- [ valing that of the forest fire itself. Two quick glances toward Alan showed two things: that his only way bf escapo was via the dam ; tutt there bearing swiftly to the far her shore was .a solitary cxnoe at mid-lake, Judith Trine and the Indian-the lat ter wielding the paddle. In thc act of turning toward the dam, he saw Jacob drop tho paddle. The next Instant a bullet from a Win hies only a few feet in advance of Al ?los only a few feet inadvance of Al sn. , out his. pistol ! He quickened his pace but the next huHel felt closer, whilfc the third ac tually hit the earth beneath his run nb>x feet as he gained the dam. Exasperated, he pulled up, whipped out his pistol and fired without aim. At the same time he noted that the distan?a between the das and th; ca noe had lessened perceptibly, thanks to the strong current sucking through the spillway. ? His shot flew wild, but almost In stinctively hi* finger closed again up on the trigger and he saw the paddle ?nan In twain, ita blade fa) lt nar nver. board. And then the Indian fired igain, his bullet droning past Alan's Bar:. As he fired in response Jacob start ed, dropping his rifle and,crumpled up in the bow of the canoe. ' Simultaneously earth and heavens ocked wi tl) a terrific clap of thunder. He turned again and 'ran swiftly ?tong the dam* toward two heavy tim Sers that bridged the t/m*nt of the spillway. Then a glance aside brought bim e? - ill-, a thrill o?. tcr~**' that such of he overflow had d'awn the canoe with n a hunderd yards of the spillway, fae dead Indian tn its bow, the living roman helpless in Its stern, it swept iwfftly towards destruction. His next few actions were wholly in premed i ta ted. He was conscious >nly of her white, staring face, her itrange likeness to tho woman that he oved. \ He ran ont upon tho bridge, threw ilmsclf down upon the innermost ttrn >er. turned and let his body fail back ward, arma c?Unded ??? length, Sod swung, braced by hie feet beneath tho cuter timber. With a swiftness that passed con scious thought; he was aware of the canoe hurtling onward with the speed of the wind, Its sharp prow apparently aimed directly for his head. Then hands closed around his wrists like clamps; a tremendous weight tore at his arms and with an effort, of incon ceivable difficulty he hogar to lifo, to drag the woman up out of the foaming Jaws of death. _. (To Be Continued.) oooooooooooooo o o o "Trey 'O Hearts" ' o P o o First Installment o o o o -at- o o o o The Bijou Theatre o o o o THURSDAY o o o O St;piei?sl>ef ?7th o o o o Read the story o o In this paper. o o o o Then o o o o See it on the screen o o . o ooooooooo" rr o .CK. "MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY" "The Trev O' Hearts" -ATTHE B! JOUr Thursday, Sept. 17 - AND SAYl Only ONE ADMISSION Matinee ..... 5c Night . . . Sand 10c