University of South Carolina Libraries
VOLUME 1. .NUMBER 178 Weekly, Estnbiieucd 1860; Dany, Jan. 18, lilt . ANDERSON. S. C., SUNDAY MO.INING, AUGUST 16, 1914. . ? a g j PRICE FIVE CENTS $5 00 PER ANNUM BAILEY MILITARY INSTITUTE COL. F. N, K. BAILEY, Superintendent ) Greenwood. South Carolina Buildings modern in every appointment? Faculty composed of ten capable and experi enced educators. United States Army officer in charge Mili tary Department. Expenses moderate. A MILITARY INSTITUTE with the experience and prestige of twenty three years. The Institute has splendid- new brick ,-buildings with modern equip ment-equal, if not - any boys' school in the South-including steam - beat, ' unproved electric lights, ample -toilet facilities and shower bath's and hot and cold running water In every room: Tho location is beau tiful,' being, an elevated tract of ten acr^B just inside the city limits and overlooking the city . and surround ing country. The ' campus and drill grounds are:; ex op Ci? na Hy-fine and well adapted , to the uaea or .the school. . The arrangement ot, the buildings,' the courses cf study, abd the plan of the work are the outgrowth of years of successful experience of the man . agement The constant aim has been the health, comfort, tralnlag and instruc tion of boyr and young men.. The school produces manly men-physic, ally, mentally, morally and spiritu ally. We believe that the best product of tho most advanced civilization 1B an educated Christian gentleman. The personnel of tho faculty doter mines the quality of a school. There must be strong, manly. Christian character, thorough education and successful experience in managing and teaching boys. Wo bellevue that these terms describe thc faculty of Bailey Military Institute, which is composed of ten competent men. DISCIPLINE. We make a careful studjr of every cadet's . health, deposition, character, tendencies and then apply the meth ods that will develop him along the most desirable lines. The develop ment of the student In the Institute. He is trained, and taught a? a son in an envirooment that ia conducive to the m?st desirable results, and free from distracting and neutralizing in fluences. The superintendent, his family, two other members of tho faculty and their families, and five unmar ried professors live In thc dormlto ' rles. We endeavor to place around the cadets the maximum amount of home, like Influences. The school is select, the cadets be ing limited to the number that may receive individually the care of the faculty and officers. Education baa been defined as: "A debt due from parent j to child." Of course you Intend to pay this debt. The_only point' that is worrying yo?"iB~ths a?e?iuin't? be u?ed.'Let ?s advise you here) for we have loved and taught abd trained many boya. You want your boy to grow into a strong, manly man, a man trained to overcome obstacles, and to make the most of the talents entrusted to him. We know this io be your wish; and we have developed a-system of train ing that, under normal conditions, guarantees the fulfillment of your desire.* .This' 'system'-' has as Its foun dation the military system in use at West Point! O? this .foundation has been erected, by mea?ia of many years 'experience' ?."wi'th Southern boys, a system which makes for suc cess in tho after life of your boy. Discipline ls the cornerstone of thc shtructure. There are, we know, vary ing ideas of "discipline." The word as we uss it means., simply THE HABIT OP OBEDIENCE to consti tute authority. Not:merely obedience but thc cheerful abd unquestioning HABIT of obedience. This discipline when backed by tho military spirit which permeates our ever/ depart ment accomplishes almost miracles. And over 'and .above all, we assure you that you will not baye to DRIVE your boy. A few months with UB will make him want to stay. THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT. The military feature is invaluable In the training of boys It teaches readiness, promptness, obedience, self-control.' It induces erect ness of body', correct carriage, neatness, self, respect. This ls Its object, and not militarism. The Military Department of ? the school is conducted as nearly aa pos sible after the methods In usu - ut West Point, . without partaking of their more., rigid and unsympathetic features. There uro dally drills, fre quent Inspections, parades and all duties and ceremonies that go to make up the routine work of a mili tary post. ? . . During the whole of the year tho quarters of tho cadets ere under spe cial and frequont inspection each day, and there'ia weekly a full dress inspection,, at which time both the quarters of the cadets and the cadets thcmselvca are carefully Inspected by the Commandant, Maj. W. D. Work man. At the frequent formations each day the "clothing, shoes, etc., of the cadets are inspected, so that lt is next to Impossible for a cadet to present other thnn a neat personal appear ance. Tho Institute ls recognized by United States Government and ls supplied by the War Department with full Military Equipment aimilur to that Issued to the best Military Col lager and Schools bf the South. Spe cial recognition by the War Dcpart men ls shown by Ute detail of an "Ac tive Officer" of 1tte, Regular Army, Lieutenant Geo. C. Bowen, 20th In fantry. ?*. S. A. THE LOCATION. No bette? location- for a school for boys could be found- than' the city of Greenwood. The city ts noted for its healthfulness. It ls remarkably free from contaminating Influences. It has never licensed tho sale of intoxi cants, and the laws ore enforced. It has many largo churches and able preachers, lt hus eminent physicians and specialists. It ?ias unsurpassed railroad connections. The people1 are' noted for their high moral; social and spiritual tope, and .ikey possess enterprise and enthusiasm fol' vhlgh ideals that aro contagious. o- \? The expenses are moderate. . We invite your consideration of the merits of the school. ' ' * .The enrollment during the session lust closed was 192 cadets, tho largest in tho history of the/ Institution. Fifty-one others who were 4ate;, in forwarding their applications were unable to be entered; and were com pelled to go elsewhere. '. '?' lt you contemplai* .patronising the Bailey Military instituter it" Ts is?ar' tant that appjlcatlon be carly a date as prac ti cabio. . ' Thc twenty-fourth session will be gin September 24. Tho handsome Illustrated catalogue will be mailed to any, one who ls in terested. . . r xi i 4 _ For Illustrated Pamphlet and Elaborately Illustrated Catalogue, Address I r Bailey Military Institute Greenwood, South Carolina . ? . . ..._ Afternoon Reception. 1 A lovely summer . reception , was given Friday afternoon when Mrs. Waller Nardin issued invitations to ? number or her friends, to call be tween the hour? of five and seven. ' The .callers . were greeted at tba door by Mrs. C. S. Minor and Mrs. Dave Vundivor - abd invited into tho living room whero the hostess, as sisted by'Mrs. William Muldrow and Mrs. Frank Watkins, received. Oth er a assisting 'were firs. Louise Hill house, Mrs. J. H, Casey, M ra. Ernest Dugan, and Mrs. George Townsend. During the. afternoon Mrs. G. W. Chambers, afra. James Craig and Mrs William Muldtow, gave a num ber of musical selections. In an attractive corner of the porch -.Misses Mary. Stark Watkins and' 'Nell Finlay served nectar, and sr n>. wleheir. Cnnmb?cotfcGregor. A marriage around which a great deal of.Interest centered waa that of Miss Miriam Chambloo and Mr, Graeme Taylor McGregor.. The t; ceremony was performed Wedn oed ay morning at seven o'clock In the presence of only the Immediate family, at the reeldenco of RCA D. Witherspoon Dodge, In North Ander son. . The brido Was married in an at tractive blue traveling suit? and they left just after the ceremony for Co lumbia to visit Mr.* McGregor's re?a Uves and from ibero they went' to Wrlghtavllie beach for a short Blay, Miss Chambloo. IS a sister of Mr. John Untas Chambloo and hag made her home with him for several years. Sho attended Chioora Collage and has a number of ?chool ' friends who will be i ate rested In. this announcement. Mr. McGregor ls formerly of Colum bia, but ha* made hia homo for tho past few yoare in Anderson, holding tho poscltlon .of--bookkeeper at , tho Brogan Mill. '"?-*M9 Mr. and Mrs:. McGregor will be at home after the twenty-seventh of ' Ao?ust. . . ETY Duckett-Whlte. . A number of Anderson people re ceived announcements vcading as follows this week. . Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Duckett J announce tho marriage of their || daughter Myrtle Reed . to Mr. Hampton Cheney White on Monday, Augurt the third, nineteen hundred and fourteen, Columbia, South Carolina. At Home After August the twentieth, Two thousand and seven Oreen street, - Columbia, South Carolina. Mr White is well known iii Ander son, Vhavlng been here a number of times^n the interest' of the South Carolina rating' bureau. ? Heart Dice Party, Misa Martha Acker, who is the at tractive little guest of her stater, Mrs. Keith Provost, "on Calhoun! street,' was- the guest of honor Tues day afternoon at a heart dice party. Tables were placed In the living room for the players and at the conclusion of a delightful afternoon'.-the follow, lng guests were served ;5,j: delicious sweet course. Misses Martha Lump kin, Charles Townsend, Dorothy and Louise Norri?; Ann?o Wallace, Vir ginia, Marie and france*?; Marshall Lucile ' Provost, Delma and Beverly Ballesj Avery Laughlin, Mary and Elizabeth Ramsey. ? Be*sm&'Ruckor, Frances Llgon. Martha Bu'cdlne, Mar garet Tri bble, Helen Walker, Eula Mae Dllllngham, Ruth V Cann ' and Georgia Harris. "-? . :[-^, Birthaa7"p?^r.f Miss : Dorothy Provost enterta?nec about sixty of her little : playmatet Wednesday afternoon In honor of be! birthday : 'The llttl* folks spont UM afternoon on the lawn pinyin* gamea. Here they were served creak., cake and punch.. Misses Lydia Mc Cully and Virginia Marshall assisted in entertaining the guests, little Miss Ashmore. I A lovoly party waa given Tueadaj = ? .y ? . ;':.. ' ? ' ^ = afternoon when little MIBS Thelma Ashmore celebrated her elgnth birth day ai the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Ashmore, on West Whit ncr street. As the guest arrived the * hostess was presented with au attractive littlo. gift from each. In the dining room a pink and whito color scheme was used. A large whlto cake with Its' eight pink candles made the central table decoration. At each place ' was a paper napkin tied with pink ribbon and filled with pink and white candy. Cream and cake were served the: guests. The following little folks enjoyed this delightful party: Margaret Mc Cully, -Dorothy Pr?vost, Cessandre Cnson, Dorothy Brown, Sara Cray ton, Georgia Lee. , Muldrow. Elizabeth Webb;. Annie ; Earle Farmer, Eliza beth Mounce, Daisy Curtis, Thomas Curtis. Miss Harden.Honored. Miss Elizabeth Barb?t. entertained a few congenial friends Thursday af ternoon at her home in North Ander, ison inhonorofMiBs Elorldo Harden, of Columbia:'.Flinch was played and. after many delightful games the hos tess served ' tempting ; refreshments. Spend-the-?my Party. ''Another pretty compliment to Miss Florido Harden, who is being so de lightfully., entertained during, her visit td. her uncle/ Mr. S. G.\Harden, in North. Anderson, w?s the spend t h e -d ay party given Friday by Miss Kathleen Burriss at her 'country home. AV number of the hostess* friends were invited to share the pleasuros1 of .the day. House Party. . John abd 'Bennett Townsend are entertaining a .congenial group of girls and boys this week at their at tractive new hpmo on North Mc Du I?e street i.< Their . guests are Misses Evelyn Hoke," of Birmingham, and- Frances Earle; of Columbia; Spates.? Jacobs, Jr.,' of ' Houston; Tex., Thomas Jacobs and John Holland Hunter, of Clinton. \ Sewing Party. The members of the River' Street Club were Informally but delightfully entertained. Wednesday . afternoon when they met with Mrs. Ernest Du gan. Each guest brought a blt of hand work and the afternoon was spent . embroidering. Mrs. Dugan served the ',follow'-g guests a dainty sweet course: Mrs. J. H. Casey, Mr?. Waller Nardin. Mrs. Marleston Bar ton, Mrs. L. A. Harper, of Elberton, 6a.; Mrs. G. C. Gribble, Mrs. C. S. Minor, Mrs. 0. W. Chambers. MTB. Louis HillhooBe, Mrs. G. H. Geiger, and .Mrs. A. L. Smothers. 0 CHICK SPRINGS, o Chick Sprihgt, August 14.-Chick Springs hotel; while only opened to the public since July 1st, has leaped to the front as ose of the most popular places In the south.' The hotel is full of charming guests, representing ev ery state in the south? The Chick Springs orchestra is an unusually fine one. Madame Caroline Lumsden is soloist She is a sister ot Reed Miller, the famous tenor, both natives of An derson. A partial lift of hist week's register. Mrs. G. W. Hein lt sh, Spartanhurg; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Durham, Green ville; D. H. Montgomery, Charleston ; H. H. SpringB, Greenville; J. G. Hughe Union; Charles Newton, Jr., - Green ville; T. C. Durham, Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Crawford,' Spartanburg; Mrs. Rivers Stone,' Spartanburg; J. P Fielder, Bpartanbnrg; Joe. Crawford Spartanburg; Mrs. B. .H. Williamson 8ue VvHliiamsqn, Memphis; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hitler, Miss Rebecca Hayner, Chester; A. H. French, Char leston; E. P.-Derrick and Wife Colum bia ; Mrc Chas, E. Dowman, Binning 1 am, Ala.; A.'C. Matthews, Atlanta; H. W. Barr, Clemson College; Mist Alice ? W. Dargan, Darlington ; Mrs. F R. Bell; Atlanta; Miss Rcbie Harwell Atlanta; J.'^t French, Hones Path; ,W. B.'girton and wife and childron I Shelby, N. C. ; 'Hrs. W. 8. Robinson Greenville; 4F. ,D. Ross, wife and tw< children, ^partanburg; Mrs. B. R Hiera, three, children, Hampton, Va. Mrs. W. A. . Jerrlgan, Port'Royal, Va. Mrs. M. M. Mcdaniel. Augusta. Ga. |W. A- M^Ds^l^i^lampton, Va,; Mrs Ci ?. lTnjrts.-Co^ Mrs. W. G Watson, Anderf on ; Miss Elene Mc Casi ene, Clinton; P E. Thomason an( wtfe?tiaa?lotte, N. C.; E. J. Stacy am wife, Charlotte, N. C.; Jas. D. Mathis J. P. Rettin, J. L. Long. Trenton; Mr. and MrB. A. J. C. Miller and fam ily, Miss julia. Wiso, Miss Maud Bat tis, Miss Dollie Bettie, Trenton; Mrs. J. L. Irby,9 Miss Harriet Irby, Miss BeBS Trippe tt, Doy kin; Mrs. Charlotte R. Smith, Greenville; Margaret Wrig ley, Macon; Misa. Daily Yeadon, Sum ter; Mr.'and Mrs. W. H. Hand'and family, Columbia; Giimer Craddock, Lynchburg, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. JonoB, Richmond; A. J. Mobley, Jr,, Johnson; Miss Bettie Beacham, Greer; E. A. Harris, Spartanburg; L. M. Hooper and family, Selma, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. John' B. Hardy, Charlotte; Miss Louise Vincent, Athens, Ga.; E. N. Wood and wife, Birmingham; Mrs. T/R. Hagood and daughters, Spartaaburg; Miss Blanche Simmons, Greenwood; R. B. Crenshaw, Birming ham, Ala.; R. S. Bailey, Anderson; MU s Margaret Barrett, Anderson. . J. HACK KING'S BIRTHDAY Belton Journal.- . J, Mack King, the efficient super visor of Anderson county who lives near Belton celebrated his 44th birth day last Sunday and tho following gentlemen, of Relton were invited: Will Deck, J. G. Harria, Magistrate C. P. Kay, J. R. Harris, R. D R. D. Smith, W. O. % Kay, ROBS Mitchell, A. P. Pant. G. W. Pant, Josh Pruitt and A. S. Fant. These gentlemen claim that J. Mack King knows Just what it takes to m uko a good dinner'. ? NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET? INO I The stockholders of the Anderson Development Company will meet at the Chamber .of Commerce In Ander son, 8. C., on Wednesday, Sept 8th. 1914 nt 5 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of authorising a mortgage of the prop, cry of the company to the Old Domin ion Trust-Company In an amount net . to exceed 26,500.00. J. S. FOWLER, President.' !? ; lt a wk 4wks. . - Who Paid the Rent for Rip Van Winkle? ?KM \ If I iE 1 ' . .. . . ? .. . . 1 If you don't know, better get G.0lU^i|^^|;'';j ' Ord No' 1532 and see if you can find out: Go^ lumbfa Records are recorded perfectly aha* j are the best records for ?isc machines, G?n\1t? used on any standard disc talking machine.; | Ask for the new Columbia record. catalogue; It's free. : : ':\A?\ m ? C. A. Reed Piano and Organ; Co., li?.117 .NORTH MAIN STREET THOMPSON Cuts the Price! Ladles' 94.00 Patent Colonial Pumpa now . i i . $3.00 the pair One lot Ladles* Pumps--and'-Oxfc ia worth $2.50 to f 2.50 to clooo out ot $1.00 the pair TW)MPSQ? THE ONE-pBICE SHOE WE SELL FOB CASH.