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LAMB and LAMB Ift a High CkSS Novelty ?Ct LAMB and LAMB Monday, Tuesday M Wednesday at the Bijou HFHIS act is clean, and refined. There is no advance in price and with it goes our usual program of high class pictures. The BIJOU will always give you mor? for less money. Therefore boy from our complet Guest Paint ?6 Phone 48; ?es e?Sj?iug in almost every day tho latest shilp?ss?st ' bains - B ''gsjf- ?H\ -COLUMBUS Com? tn and let. us show them. They are 1914 Modela. We have a nice line of Pony buggies. .?..?j aol J S. FOWLER They see the light . Heaviness in automobile construction^' 'was thqught^o be: th? right thing until Model T. That Fords nov out. number any other car, Wee to one,; jjrovcs That ; Henry, Ford ls fight/. , And so now! they're all ad. . vettising lightness. / Place your ; .order to?ay. Ford,runabouts; trs ls tba pries ot th?. f fifty;, the town oar ho touring ear ia five Detroit, complote wseven - Atty-f. 0. b. catalog and plurtit??flt-, a?ttlpaentrcK ?? Todd, local dealer, lars from Archie L. Five hundred .don.* Anderson., a C. ?'ir/. i.i,i.r..^, .'j^yf 'nt,,' .?i m '<?MI.TTaar^n', ??S. totVgjM-: ftutufsitial and rellabis old Une Fire, insurance Companies call ' on os when hs the market * W. Earle St. . - ? ? - tm ' PLENTY OF WHEAT FOR EXPORT TRADE Government 'Viii Have To Fro-j vide LAW to Register Foreign -Ships in Order to Move Crop .'?i ?tl ,03y ? An?oclatcd PreBs) ^Chicago, August l.'^-?ows that Ger limrr had declared war on Russia was ] 'by leaqyiTB ou the Chicago heard ?f j trade, but in no case with any show of excitement. It was virtually the unanimous opinion that the conse quence so far as tho wheat market was . concerned bad been to a groat extent discounted in advance. / Beyond a possible temporary con vulsion in the wheat pit, the'effect- on prices was generally expected to be much more restrained than in the .case of'Austria's declaration against Servia, Fifty million bushels of wheat were said to bo already under contract for Bhipment to Europe and ' unable to get away from the United States ports. Even,. with immediate amendment of navigation laws. lt was declared that an adequate outlet still would be lack ing as, shipments would have to be confined, as far as possible to neutral ports such as Amsterdam: and Rotter dam, .or run the risk ot delay , and loss by blockades. ; George E. Marcy, president fo the Armoo r Grain '-. Company, said : /"The declaration of war between Germany and Russia will not In my 'opinion bave a great effects, on the WHoat Itfadrkdt though possibly at the ohenfag thore may be some flurry one .way?p^?K?'l6thbr. - ?"A?''pVes?nt war between those two countries' "la1- not a . bullish argument because there are large quantities of Wheat at the seaboard, or. moving to the- seaboard' from country elevators and farms, abd nuder pr?sent condi tions-very little orthl?fwh??t .catf be safety. loaded! Therefore,, .our export feusin??a will be at a stands till tem porarily t?ntil th in ge are moro "set fyti'? ls to- 'b?.'hoited that; the" United States' government will move as promptly aa possible to provide laws under which some of the foreign ves sels may bo .registered a? /United .8M4~bbt^tnsL The < United States ha? this', year Upwards of 300.000.000 bushels of wheat which can be apared for export," >.-' v trident C. "BV Conby, ot tho Chl .^Im^s*'^ war it absolutely imperativa for CJoh'itress Immediately to amend the navigation laws so as to allow foreign vessels to register find sall under the American flag.", . Ipo TRUCE BROKEN Iles Do Kot let Fer?loBfl SR ,.;!??*?eh?r?d?ro Effort* 3W Asi?c*i^ted!:3preas.l i .^fastiiAtta^-i^'^ffraglst tbj?ay disobeyed tho order of the Women's Focl?l and Political .Union to refrain af mflltabt act? 4n?>lnirItno Internat LBI ; criais and .TiaOe no attempt to k?ioy tho ancient cathedral at Lia .I . womep placed a qoaetlty jarolto' ben ?n tb * & window V-Of WITH THi Autobiography of J. TYnrrcn Kerrigan* Lons before J became identified wit!? them, ray Interest in morion pictures amounted almoBl to a fascination. It is now a aourcOjCf keen amusement to me to recall tboso days when I used to stand on tho curb and fight against the call of the ' five-cent show. . I was "up-stago'* i with regard to mo tion pictures in thone day, and, some how,' I thought lt cheap med n man to be seen entering a five cent house. Out I bad to go. . Tho call wan too powerful so I wonild survey tho street ear/cfully*-tn both directions and then when the coast.'waa clear I would ?od&e in. Long before an opportunity to outer the -.notion picture field presented lt Self to me,' I had. it all figured out, to my own satisfaction, that this was the most promising field in Bight for a man of my (purely Imaginary) tal ents. Ono day in Brooklyn a man in the employ-of ; the VI ta g ra ph accos ed mc and, after excusing himself for Inls abruptness,', he declared I was the finest type of man for motion pic ture wprk'h?.'-h?d ever Boen. Finally hojSuggeated that I try tho work for a short time. ,". .1 was doing well on the legitimate stage at that time, and tho1 matter .wsjttf dropped.. However, during the newt two years that con versation .fermented '.in my-mind. I was playing l?,Chicago In "The Road |tto Yesterday" wh*n a number of Es I sanay '-people.'; saw my performance. After speaking of. tho matter with .my manager they, mud? :uo ti. flatte ri HR of rer to Joib'v their- company.. How? over I was i BUlL^up-stage." In fpct, 1 it took mo Borne t imo to overcome the prejudice of stago. folk and to real iz? ??sst 'th? fire-??ati theatre was the greatest <a?tlttili?n-1er tho entertain ment of ail the .people in tho' world. However, my mind was open and I via i ted tho Ks Ban ay .plant. Before I left I bad . signed j a. cont rac t for two ye>r3. Tho principal inducement which moved mo to take this decisivo stop" was tho fact that my mother waa lb ill health, and that I could bo near her and personally caro for her all the time/ i J-took to motion picture work like- a duck to water. ' I star ldc by drawing a big salary, and lt has been In creased .- from time io time over since. After a month's work before the cam era decided that I had found my vo I cation. New matters of interest ar?BO each day, and I enjoy the work how just as thoroughly as I did then. It took aboat a week fbr my/'Up-stagO" opinions .to tide atfayiand fhe realiza tfon to dawn' upon !ine thuc a great, new school. Of acting,' compronendlng unlimited.posslbllifles for tho sincere careful actor, had - Originated in - mo tton pictures.' thlrlng the period worked with thc Rsaanay company 1 enjoy?d ah" mtimatr'friendship with GeorgeK. Sober, and I Will always look upon'my ?s??oi?tfotf - with him With-the keenest pleasure. : Upon' Ute' orgeniatlompf -tbe Ame> -ican company I waa tho flret member to be engaged and alf ? salary that I could 'not . well r?fo>?v.-, For a period of three years" I played lead in every picture-at tho rate, ot two a week ' which that compaay produced. .'. drawn to tho Universal com ?n "aeconht of bigger I?dnceV -J -in.; evett, direction. , Tho Uni versal'offers th? brou?cst field in the b?Blne?a Ipr.- sn actor. ;.: They furnish better stoyles; open, an opportunity for greater ve rsatl 1 i t y and produ c o p i c - 'u>c3 v. ott a greater 'Scale', tnan any ot{ier company engaged jn ? the .busl? ness o$ prodncing nt?tion- pictures, During my .engagement withthis Com pany I hivolmt: t&mm n?e;grsat e?: vehicles thr?ugh^k?h to practice ?rt than ever before and es a con (Tit?rti Im?pTtoVs* &??S ixotdr . field, "ire .production of _n.and f^Tiian,K'ia which 'I'was _ bred with td'e role x& Paulson, ls the biggest and,. most t^ectaculnr .motion "The AfpM*fP*' opprtr o^a^ ^; bective ve not had.prolonged ex - ?. "with ubL_ melin, no line "ftery;,.had;/>* . . . deHro&l^ani (ho eighth'ana thv row$^vmv>%<i EMOVIES I me picked for a prize fighter. How ever, a number of yearn previous to this I had decided that I should be an actor. This decision weighed heavily upon my mind that I was becoming UGCICBS as a worker. My fathor waa superintendent o? a wholesale ware house. Inplcad of doing the work which wa.- allotted to me I used to build Cens and tunnels anions tho ?>mpty drygoodo boxes, whero no one could find me. I have always liked solitude. During fine weather I of ten went into the woods and neted and declaimed to my heart's content, thinking all along what a shame it wns there was no one ?round to hear and appreciate my talent.- It was not for .some time that I learned the woods were full of such- embryonic Wonthirs.' I have always gone in for spcrta and can run .swim and ride horseback with thc next person. Although I don't rc. member over having picked a quarrel, I had my hands full In attending to tho<-o which my twin brother, Wallace, picked. My first stage experience was with Clay Glemont, my brother-in-law, in his production cf "Scni Houston." I played thc juvenile lead. I played 8 like part In "Brown of Harvard" ?nd "Tho Master Key." Following thoso engagements I was featured In "The Road to Yesterday." I liked the work on the I have nevor sowed my wild oats, principally boceuso thc diz zy life has nover and. does not ap peal to me. Time is too valuable and accomplishments too difficult. ... l ilke a .country"life^-dogs? chlckpns, horses,' green fields' and sunshine. Al. though my tartes run that way I can't gratify thom on account;of my work. We depend upon thc sunshine for tak ing plctursia in nallferaia and as long aa-the sub is shining I'm working, I have tho rainy days to myself nnd those days I spond at home-I dare say thc happiest home in Hollywood, because my mother, my .sister Kath leen, mr brother Wallace and myself -all of US bosom -pals-llvo together in oar bungalow. New Lasky Plctnre Stars. What promises to bo one of the greatest conclaves of stars in the his tory of the motion picture industry will be that which will moot the pub lic at the exhibition booths of tho Jes se L. Lasky Feature Flay Company at the exposition convention at j Dayton, Ohio; in July. Among those who win i be pr?sent as guests of Mr. Lasky arc: Max Figman and Lolita Robinson, who will appear In "The Man on tho Box;" Robert EJdeaoU, who. will m?kp his; first screen appearance In;.'tho. fllmleatlon of Stewart Edward Willie's thrilling story "of. tho north west;. "The Call j of the North';" Ed mund Breese, who has recently com?, ploted, the'."Master Mind" in pictures, wad Thomas Rosr, who plays in "The Oqly. Sort " and H, B. Warner, who ls p.ow appearing Itt the "Ghost Break er", fnr the La?kv people; ; c in addition' to the abovp.montloned celebrities, Edward Aboled and Jesse Li. Xtasky4: wir make a pilgrimage to Dayton for. the convention, as. will Mr. Goldfish and -Cecil B. De Mille. Ifi Lolita Robinson,, who In private life Js.ijlrs. Max Figman, will make her ap pearance In the "Man on the Box" with Mr.'Figman and wlR probably become' tho; permanent leading woman for the jesfcc Lasky company. V Mr,''Br??Be's first aereen e?Tort the "M?st?r Mird," will roach tho public bu Ma3rll ana . th? "Only Son," with Thfinali . w.: Rosa, w.m follow- imme^ dtateiy after, after vrhlch Will coma ^??^rgtnlan," wiih Dustin Furtum, to?i'Thfe Call cf the .North/' with Mr. Mr.' Goldfish, executive head of the L??kv organization, lett for Dos An-. 6ei?B last Monday for a two weeks' visit to the Lasky studios -st Holly-, wo?d, Calif. ,. . The appearance of Mr. Figman and W isa Robinson oh (he, screen wll be awaited with somO anticipation. Mr. Figmim; ta ,a toaster o?: dramatic ex pression} attd Misa Robinson has many Subs proved a true foil, "Tho Call, the Northam a powerful : subject, and should prove ? s?leb?ld^v?hl/ae; fb'rlbi* /? t^uctib? ? tb; motion^ijlpSra? audiences. .Tho, Lasky ?bices ^?> >? materially strengthened by U?tf afc qui ?lt lon andr the subject': ls certatt tb bi. Interes ting. V -iWilfred Buckland, artistic director with tnt Lasky company, constructed a stockade at Hollywood which Stuart Bd^^:mito,;anttbr of .'ITho.CaU of thettfbrth,* sai? is ev?h more natural thab.tho, original, .which formerly Blood at Big Laico Tap, Carada, far nprth.of tho.bthtoh tr?flsAfi Fischer were. nearly turned but of e fwa^nmheHsma* ?a-H?- actor? hVe ond.rnU^lovoUQ' MargarUft ?ftll^ at tont lon and bot Harry bo would repeat tho action in tbe picture several times. This sot them to giggling and Harry Boon Btarted to ?hake, with laughter, when an usher came swooping down upon them and Haid severely, "Say, if you don't like this picture, remem ber there's othera who do, and ir you Want to guy it you can go and get your money back." Harry tried to smoth er his laughter but could not and they beat a hasty retreat whilst tho audi ence glared, at them, not guessing who they were. The Brooklyn Times is tremendous ly interested in the mysterious mur der ot Mrs. Balley In the office of Dr. Carman nt'Fredport. Also Tho Times has a very succinct idea of the value of t lie hey G tone police force and an equally' grnid angle on thc loree of Freeport. For on Tuly 3, it said: "."When tho Freeport police get through wi Vu tho Carman-Bailey caso they wlil he In line for tho uniformed force of ibo'Keystone Film Company.' In tue course of her "little jour neys" to ibo homes and offices of not ed men anti women, "Our Mutual Girl" IP m<>st<r.g everybody in tho "Who's Who" and "The Blue Book." Her most recent introduction was to Pen rhyn Stanlaws, the famous artist, who ) signalized the occasion by sketching Miss Phillips. "Our Mutual Girl" as they chatted. Incidentally, Our Mutual . Girl' Weekly, devoted to tho doings of the heroine of the series and the things. feminine is meeting with' gratifying I success. . As the only paper In the world which confines itself to one ! woman as Ifs cubjoci lt ! occupies a unique position. Exhibltoru every where are using lt with immediato results and winning thu commenda tion, of their, patrons for its contents and appearance. Max Figmnn and'Lolita Kohnsen are cu fvute Saat with the negativo ot j ".rho Mon cn. .tho. Box.' .. Tho .first showing of thia feature, the latest from the Lasky studio, took placo at tho | convention hall, Dayton. . !Tbn,current release of-Tba.Mutual] Weekly, No.-75)1 contains'? stand', won-1 dcrful motion pictures ai Mount Las sen'in eruption. Mount Lassen Is thq ! only activo crater in tho United States 1 and the. films.-. wdrer .'.vscu?eu under-! many difficulties and at great risk ot | life; tho Mutual cumorman wau com pelled to nco-tho poisonous vapors several timos. The new four-story building au 'ad dition td tho already ci.iouaivo Vita,; graph plants- Is now in corad pf. con struction-, ut Brooklyn; N. Vi" Thia building ls Intended to?' ibo mechani cal departments.^ '. ; : V* ! Riding all alone in ?he tonneau or a giant 1915 model Fiat, automobile, Mis3 Margaret Gibson; tito charming leading lady'.bf tho Vltagraph. West? prn? studio, wob firstvpHao; ir? iho an nual bathing' girls' automobile parado held Saturday. Juno 2-J, at Ocean' Park, Calif. ?Th? first plSco Carried with It an award of $50 in cash and d largo gold and sHycr cup. The William';'?. ; $rady \ P?cture Plays corpojraUdri now J;i:cup:pi? :ts. newly completed studioat Fort."Loo, J. ?At' the openffag bf September re leases will be begun at tho raf o ot one In each month. This number will he trio Organization gets in-' vo perfect" runnfpg; order..? t * r .:'.; It reaulVcd only, on : i-.-.y tqrr tao Edison carpenters and property inca jtd construct'a village within tho wsllft of Fort "Schuyler "where Scs?^?t were taken Tor "The Viking Que?h?r With' Mary Fuller and about 300 others in the cast ' ' . .---;-.{":,,;v.- ? 1T/VLY PREPARED, iras ?OOi?O?1 Sol d fer H "Un d er A rm* ' and AIT Strategie .Points Garrisoned, t. ; . (By Associated Press.? : Rome,, August'- ll-A' strict1 censor* ship has been established In Italy over dispatches tn placea abroad. ' ";'.'. ' King Victor Emanuel iii keeping In close touch with oven te and ls said to be" In frequaht direct communication with other European nllera, especially thc ?erman emperor. ! TJio queen ts greatly affected by the fact that ?er relatives in Servia and Mont?n?gro aro, again .implicated in war. .The pope is said to have made great efforts tc prey^ht the war, as since the Recent, cdnce?dat ? between * the vati can nud Sorvia-bis feelings ard very frYt?dly t/<ward that country: Thd slgV t?mo qua>t?Y?-$ have.heen dueef tho caus?s ot AuetV?/V" ? regiment against Servia; Speakbjg oh the subject to th? Austrian; ambassador the pontiff informed hm that lie. cobBld;ered.,tne A'uiitrlsu attitude toward the Servian' concordat' unfair ano; added, that he ; > !\: ? ? . . ?.. .?? .. . : t , : . , ' -, ... au Repairing A Special Feature in our Jewelry Department is our repairing. Our work must* bo done right and to do lt right roqu?n-a special experience and equipment and- . WE HAVE mn Your watch left with our pert will re?oive SPECIAL TENTION. O? ?T - His long exp?rience: in timing and adjusting high-grade watches to precision insures you a roliabl? Ume-ploco. . We do nil kinds of;Jewelry Re pairing and Engraving.";' The Cask jeweler. _ ?j im Fiye Lot* N?.a*,|h? ?w',' ?Glenn StreetSch?ol. j rvrr,4 : ... w ! OUT OP T>|B ' vT^Tx-rFOUR, )\ GLENN LrMt?/ WEJUVE ONLY ! FIVE Li^"jf,:. s WE I - I WHJ/SELLiAT-^Nj^;'.' . '/ ? ?'.:.. ;'.-']. -..WIVK I-V ' I n^VO? WAKT ?NE OF THESE il ? ' COTfrE it?DW.1 Wk ?R13 SELL- ' . ING - THB?E IX^^.?N , EASY M \ TERMS AND THBYu WON'T >', C. .LAST'LONG. :? '^M ' /! . . -\. . ?!./.?'.!?. ..' , irt .. : . . .- . iL ?Ui&Uvt ' \ 'j-'^.W -?-r " . .. ytt*#. ' jr.1,' |f fc&??? . > ! fj ?$ TH08; F. CASTWRiGHT, Mgr4 ." fienufie^ licpU - J Roan Mountain Inn , ,Sll?nted S? milos from Johnson tU?y,- > PRU. On tho head waters of the D?o ? Itcr, 3,00? feet-above thc sea leveL'.' *?4erir of ,TJt'wi,, beauty und 'gran-''V LOMBARD? fRON WORKS mast "protect hia children wher^?Mi thar; are."' , ...,?.' . .';'" '; Many in florae aro $lthdra*?ra if i v: th?l? raonoy from th?.b^ks b?wtng- io ; fe*J*?of a gener?l,European' coiinicj. j The Dauan government? te to niect any event?&iity. \ AWtit :&?5&?-.:; OOO BoU'.ors aro under anns, inched, ; lng tboso who ca? t^;^tJidrk]irjrwB?& Tripoli and other placps- Just beforo,,' . tho. Au8tro-BorvIan;^bu?b"r& reservists hajij been caller! ( to tho coi pra. .; . - All^e'lorttecatl^ erp; frontier have be^?utinfo nW&.r ?? bf w?r .whi?a tho 'Various squadron^ ct the fleet'have aswmbled at their naval ' .. ' ' ''