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-:- BRISSEY'S LUMBER IS GOOD LUMBER -: Brissey Lumber Co. S A H O f^E |NOfJJ__^M^ ' SAY IT IS HARD TO fE_ m_mk?lJSM -^SO&^yy^ LINLEYfi?:!^FA^'^JP?'UMLL* *?l???^ Iii lt had become customary-a!nd wc appreciate the custom-for nearly everybody to show North Anderson to people visiting An derson And do you know-visitors can hardly make themselves believe that it has all been built in a year. WV. The Best Person to 5Tc Help o f is Yourself-" We can help you to help yourself. The Citizens National Bank The only Bank in the County with "Uncle Sam" for a Partner. AIR ! The CHEAPEST and most NECESSARY thing on EARTH. * But how to get it into utomobile tires-Labor, ^?weat and cuss? No-just drive down to Petroleum Oil Company's use their apparatus. FREE to every one-you don't have to bea customer-don't be bashful, just drive up and USE iL Nice shelter and plenty of ice water_no f/ee music yet-that will come from your motor after using our pure PENNSYLVANIA oils and our high grade Gasoline. "Try Once-Use Always'9 %m FREE AIR :-: RUFFS CAUSE BOW her and lt required a.score of mounted . soldiers to hold at hay tho angry mob bent on lynching hot.? -Miss Fleming Perth. Scotland. July 10.-A mill- turned out to bo armed only with tant suffragette uttering an exultant a petition against tho forcible feed yell, sprang on to tbe footboard of an lng of Imprisoned suffragettes. A automobile In which King George and large force of troops was requisition Queen Mary were driving through the od to protect her from the populace streets of Perth today. as r.he was conveyed to the police The woman .was identified as Rho- station, da Fleming, from Glasgow, seised the Earlier In the day at Dundee an bandle of the door of the royal auto- other suffragette pitched a bundle ot mobile before the paralyzed police papers Into the motor car in which could act. Two policemen then seised the King and Queen were riding. '??.jj , r''';A'-i V?-. " -v ??yt ?{V** ..??.? . . . > , . ? .... V ^f* ^f* V ^* V ^ * ELECTRIC CIT * _ f- Items of Interest and Person * Wirelesa on the S Clerk Working On Ith* Tusk. Jtitn<;8 N. I'enrman, clerk of court, and his assistants ure struggling willi u stupendous taslc. that of indexing the county's mortgages for th?' last ! year. This work IM done once each I year and every mortgage Hied from | June .'IO of one year, to June ?10 of the next ls Indexed. Tills usually takes about three weeks and thu clerk has been engaged on thc task for some time already. Ile hopes to finish within the usual time UIIH ve ru Within tlie usual time this year. Arranging For College Lyceum. H. W. ilughson of Atlanta urrlved in the <dty yesterday and today will confer with Anderson college officials in regard to the lyceum course for the college next winter. Mr. Ilughson represents one of the best known of all tho lyceum courses and he said on yesterday that his attractions for next winter will bc better than they have over been before. Gaffney Mun To Move Here. Albert Cook of Onffnoy, has accept ed a position with Thompson's shoe store In Anderson and will move to this city on or about August 1 to take up his new duties. Mr. Cook is a splendid salesman und he will prob ably do well with this popular con cern, a? ho has had considerable ex perience in the shoe business. Slight Accident On Public Square. Au Tom McKinney rode around the corner of the public situare yesterday from Whitner street to Main street, he collided with a little boy riding a motor cycle. The boy's name could not bo learned, but he was a very small shaver, entirely too little to be riding on a machine of that kind. Mr. McKinney wus riding on a bicycle and he had hts machine knocked from un der him when the cycles collided, but j little damage was done. Neither rider suffered any injury u3 the result o.' the accident. Last Share Was Sold Yesterday. The last share of stock of the An derson Development Company theatre proposition, was sold yesterday morn ing and the work of calling in the capital stock was then begun. Splen did progress was made during the af- j ternoon nnd it ls expected that the remainder of the money will be secur- [ ed today. Mr. Bryant IB expected to return from Frisco within the next few days and then the plans will be placed In tho hands of thc bidders and the building will actually be under way within a few weeks. People Pleased With Prospects. The people of the city neem to be Immensely pleased over the fact that baseball will probably be kept here during the summer months. A week ago it teemed that the league would certainly have to go through if Ander pnn dropped out and for a time it ap peared that this step had to be tak en, but those behind the local move ment are immensely pleased with thc splendid sale of season tickets yester day which showed that Anderson peo ple really wnnt to keep the game ? here if it can bc done. It Is up to ev ery fan to shell out his ??.00 today ] and buy a season ticket when he ls ap- j proached by a member of the com mittee. This will put Anderson's team on a sound basts financially, and thero will be no more begging. Fast Finishing New Buildings. Thc ' Watson-Vand iver building, j which ls being erected on Main street, j is now nearing completion and yester day afternoon the handsome cap stone went into place across the top .of the building. This ls to be ene of the most modern and most convenient bur.lness buildings in the city and lt does a great deal to improve the ap pearance on Main street. I Governor Tc Speak at Iva. It was announced In Anderson yes terday that Governor Colo L. Please ls to apeak at Iva next Tuesday ev ening at 8 o'clock. The senatorial candideces come to Anderson on Wed nesday and en route to this city the Governor will stop at Iva. lie will speak In the public square of that town and lt ls said that a largo crowd will hear him. Important Meeting Of County Fanners. A very important meeting of the Anderson county Farmers' Union ls scheduled to be held In thia city next Tuesday, at which time the final plans for the State meeting, which is also to be held In this city, will be consid ered and disposed of. Owing to the fact that there are a number of de tails yet to be worked out in regard to the State meeting, every member of tho union IB urged to be present next Tuesday morning when the meeting ls called to order In the court house. Cfc -Y- H' H' -Y- H' H1 ?fc ?fc & & Y SPARKLETS * al Mention Caught Over the * tree ts of Anderson * Y* Cfc A? Y* -f* ^f" ^f* Cfc Cfc Cfc Cfc Cfc Cfc Florida Tourists V IM It Anderson. Mr. und .Mr.j. VV. I', li II rat. of Galnes vllle ,F!a., aci-om^nied hy their chll dren. pnascd throng Anderson Friday en route to lloiidorsonvillo, N. C., where they will, spend a month. Mr. Hurst is a prominent business man of "tile land of flowers." and spent the night before last in Anderson, having come through the Klectrlc City, fol lowing the national highway. Ile ex pressed himself as delighted with the evidences of prosperity he saw on ev ery hand, and is well pleased with the roads in this section. Deep Creek be ing swollen on account of the recent heavy rains caused a short detour hut no other, mishap occurred to nur the pleasure of his trip through this county. Young Men Stood Two Examinations. The court house was crowded all day long yesterday with young men from various, sections of the county and from the ci:/. standing the en trance examinations for Clemson col lege. There is u vacant scholarship from Anderson county this year for the one year term and Walter Fant appeared and stood this examination. The competitive examination for thc vacant scholarship from Anderson to the Univerplty of South Carolina was ulso held yesterday and the following three young men appeared for that: Clyde McCants. Julian Brice and Koll ert Uowen. The examinations \y,cre conducted by J. 15. Kelton, county su perintendent of education. .... o Mrs. .Mc La in Is' Now Improving Anderson people will learn with a great deal of regret that Mrs. D. W. Me Lain has been very ill for some time. Mrs. McLnin came to Ander son as a bride only a few weeks ago, and shortly after her arrival in An derson .. she suffered an attack of something rim ila r to ptomaine poison ing. A trained,narre has been in at tendance tor tim past two weeks and, for a time .lt waa feared that her con dition was serious.' The ne WK that she is now much better will be received with pleasure. So' fast ls she recov ering that lt is hoped rhe can leave for her home In Lafayette, Ala., with in the next day or two, to recuperate there. --o Mrs. Il ol lem an .Was Moving Yesterday. Mrs! J. C. liol lemon began the work yesterday of moving her splendid es tablishment from its old place to the new quarters in - the Chlquola hotel building formerly occupied by the Fouche dtug store. This building has been renovated and repainted and a new front is now being put in and when all improvements are complet ed, lt will be one of tbe nicest store rooms in the city. Mrs. Hollcman has already begun transferring her ttock and the moving operations will doubt less be concluded today. Increase Al The Local rostnfficc* Inquiry at the Anderson postofflce yesterday elicited the fact that there was a very satisfactory increase of re ceipts for the last quarter, ending June SO. The increase ls considerable over the same quarter for the last year and Postmaster. Cochran said that it was very satisfactory and very pleasing, although not quite so large as he had hoped. -Or Mr. Hale Married -. Sn Detroit, Mien. W. It. Hale of Greenville, one of the bes*, known Jewelers in the State, was married on July 4 in Detroit, Mich., to Miss Settle Mae Ulmen. Announce ment!' of tho affair were recoived by a number ot Anderson people yester day. Mr. Halo hit* visited the city a number of times..and nc has-many friends here. Woman Carried, To Insane Asylum. . W. P. Drennan and W. A. Clamp ! left yesterday morning for Columbia, for the purpose of carrying two An derson county negro women to the State Hospital for tho Insane. Neith er of the women manifested any vio lence before leaving the city and it was not expected ' that the officers would have any trouble with them on the trip. . . jj d ? Mr. Tolly Is In the North. v G. M. Tolly, ot the.well known Tol ly house, ls In Grand Rapids, Mich., where he ls attending the national convention of retail furniture dealers of the United States. Mr. Tolly ex pects to remain in Grand Rapids un til the association concludes Its ses sion, following which he will visit several other Northern cities before returning to Anderson. .' Notice to Members of Hall Club. All members of Hall club are urged to be at Carswell's .Institute Saturday, July ll, at 3:30, o'clock to enroll un der the new rules. If you do not reg ister lt will be impossible for you to voto on election day. Only about one /. PALMETTO THEATRE :. TODAY'S PROGRAM BRONCHO BILLY IN FOUR THRILLING REELS This is the first time Broncho Billy (G. M. Anderson) has ben releas ed in a 4 reel production. It is the most absorbing thing you ever wit nessed. THE WOOING OF SOPHIE.Essanay Another one of those ludicrous Snakeville Comedies. ILM AVORITE* IN "Across the Atlantic" tba prospect ot an overseas tllgbt from England to Amuica plays an Important part. Gustave Hamel, who recently lost bia lire, and Claude Grabanae Whlte, the famous English air men, appear tn leading roles, and the pro duction la filled with thrills. "In the Days of Slavery" ts a story ot the sooth, by Richard R. Rlflgely Oolonel Fairfax loses several thousand dollars to Carter, who Insista upon pay ment. Then he offers to cancel the debt if the colonel's daughter, Virginia, will marry bim. The girl bas a terri? ble dream, tn which Carter's real na ture ls shown, and. awakes, with a scream, to Qn? that her lover bas come to her father'B assistance. . - "Brought to justice" ts the latest re? leese featuring Mona Darkfeatber tn her famous presentations of Indian life. Art Ortega plays opposite her. In "A Modern Samson," by J. Ed ward Hungerford, Algernon Leiter, a human mosquito, is scorned by gigan tic Mr. Strong and bis statuesque daughter because of his puny weak ness, so Algy goes Into s violent course of training, and fortune In the shape of six busky woodsmen smiles upon him wben "ie Strong auto is stalled In the mud. "When Dreams Come True" ls the story of a broken doll, mostly^for the children, but carrying a strong human note that appeals to every heart. Soe, a deaf mute, becomes acquaint ed with a wireless operator ot Cliff Is land and learns to use the apparatus In "The Voice of Silence." Three crooks of International notoriety overpower the operator and communicate with the yacht on which they plan to escape, but Sue warne nearby, ships, they are captured, and Sue gets a reward. ALICE HOLLISTER. Alice Hollister ls rust becoming one of the best liked young indies in the motion picture world. 8be ts excep tionally versatile and cnn carry almost any sort of role to success. In "The Tango In Tuckervllte" the opening of the New York Lady Mani curists' parlor sturts a rumpus. The New Yorkers are far too good looking to suit the native wives, who open a tango pallor, from which their hus bands are excluded. The Mew Yorkers open a rival V-tempie," and thea the factions.peacefully unite. ? A fanciful films production which ought to prove interesting, to young and old ?like ts "Tho War of the Lil liputians." fourth of thc ino members hnvo en- >oonooononoonooooooo rolled so far. After Saturday you wi.- o o find the roll at C. H. nady's. o MT. TABOR AND ZION. o W. P. Dell, Pres. o o - ? . ^^^*!ym^?^ OOOOOOOOOOOOAOOOOOO BW ?/^if T Mt. Tabor, July 10.-Rev. Mr. Peeler A?Jv^^U preached at Zion Sunday to a large _____^ _ congregation. . 1H1LA&H.E , ?oyt Moore und Sam Oambrell went to Central Sunday to call on some fair . belles of that burg. TADAVQ PRflPPAV/ Henry Bowling, of Crossarkana, I UL? A Y ?> FKUtjKARi- Tex |g fiting friends an relatives TnE SIIA2NT WITNESS- in this section. Ho is an ol2 South Victor. This ls a two part western Carolina boy and sayB there ls ?io drama featuring J. Warren Kerrigan place like homo. and Vera Sisson. Kerrigan photo-} "Everybody in this community ia graphs thc foreman and his changing taking politics very sanely. You can the cattle brands. Some new things hear men saying that this is one time are shown in this snappy drama. that they wtyl vote for tho best man THE FLIRT- for the office rogardlosB or former Sterling. A fascinating juvenile prejudices. This wc commend to ev cometly. * ery voter in the state. We often think THE CHINESE LAUNDRY- of what we heard Mr. J.-W. Balley say Frontier. A screaming comedy, and two years ago-that he thought more some of Hy Myers whimsical car- or his friends and neighbors than he toons. did ot all the politicians. Coming Monday "Tho Day ol Days** Just think for only one miuute, my 4 reel Famous Players with Cerlli friend, and you, too will bo one that Scott. doesn't wish any after, effect that Coming Tuesday ''Lucille Love" se- would make yon feel badly. So let's rles No. ll. all vote for the man of our choice and Coming Thursday "TheMillion Dol- not make any odds about it. Then af lar Mystery,* series No. 1. ter the primary is over we will not ?SSS mm-mmmmmm^mmmmmmm-umwmm^Bwm haVO any neighbors to hunt Up and E_ i i ?[??ii m> apologize to for "breaks." I HB TRIP By a11 nieanfl R? to B- c- Cromer's ??Li\y BL ?VfllV>^ Qn(i ?ct your, full name on tho club /MIW A roll and do lt now, as you can't vote . oe M. ?MRS?JT?K M ?tUSO? ,f you don't enroll. Put it on yourself if you. can. If you can't, make your . , mark. . ' TftnAVQ PDHPRARI ' ' ' When the sun shines a few days and i WAI o rrujijiAttW?, our people get to their cropH OUR MUTUAL OIRL- that- tno naH struck we will let you Reliance. Tho world's greatest de- hea,rA *Bam" , ,8(>toe **? ithat 1 theT* tectlve Interests hirapolf In tLo where- be. made at a?l wtha abouta of our mutual girl fleid8 of young cotton where the hall ELECTRIC WBS worst are almost, bare. One can't BLUE KNOT, KINO OF POLO- 880 ""^ vegetation unless very near. American. Elmer BoeBeke with his ~" famoua polo pony, appear with a J ? 0W2W?, pV-V,^ ? ? 2 splendid cast ot flying "f" leads w news mug ?..'RU O headed by Ed Coxon and Wlnnfred o o o o o o o o o o o o o Greenwood. Stnrr. June 10.-Mis. Gus -Bowie, THE BANGE WAR- of Hartwell, Ga., and her daughter. Warner feature. Ono of the most Miss Mari?, are,visiting at the.home thrilling and exciting 8 reel features of Mrs. Clyde Bowie, ever filmed. Action In every scene. | Another vis ! ?or from Hartwell, ls Idelle, the attractive little daughter of Mr. O'Burr, formerly of this place. Mrs. Will Carlisle and Miss Mildred Hodges, have gone" to Shelby, N. C., to visit Mrs. Clyde Cobb, a sister of Mrr.. Carlisle. "*'' Mrs. Eliza Gross with her cousin, Mrs. Ellen Jordan of Nashville, Tenn., has gone to Pelzer to visit relatives for a few days. Messrs Frank Hawkins and T. B. Jones of Townyille are here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. W. B. Coleman from' Thomson, Nevada, is here visiting hts daughter, Mrs. W. G. Hodges. It is very prob able that Mr. Coleman will make this his permanent home. During the last few days we have had good seasons with no hail, and little wind, for which the farmers are grateful and much encouraged. Ryanize Your Floors, Furniture, in fact all your wood worjr. The only varnish stain # with a guarantee. Anderson Paint & Color Company? Bleckte? Bldg. ' Phone 647