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pirlrthe ofhcer discovers her mission. The reaulta ure thrilling. WANTS TO TAKE STERLING'S PLACE. HERBEUX RAWLINSON'. Mr Rawlinson if nie .nan who bought himself an* i croplune to use in the .picture productions for which he hasiloeii engnged, Ile will bc seen at the liijoil on Friday next in a three rscl drama. "On. tb? Verge of War." The tdoiy i;-- that of an officer of the U. H. Navy wlio ia preparing maps lo be used iji Mexico. Myra, the Bub jcctlof a hypnotist, is ?ont to his house as a servant to rjet possession of them. After learning to love the There ure comedians and intending comedians, and oftentimes the latter are unwittingly funnier when they are most uerloUs. This ls illustrated by the following letter, punctuation and spelling unaltered, which was re cently received by the Universal Film Manufacturing Company: Perhin, UL, March 17. 1914. Dearie Searle: 1 like ta a plye fore pishures. I now how it is dune, and a position as an actor in the Muling how there act to take good pictures. Due I hafte sine a contract work fore you a serten time of leugtli. 1 sine up for C yores. Due you have ford Sterling working fore you? I waute take his piase in th?t line. Coud you pay me $20 a week? if you have an open place fore me be glad to beare about it. if not gime ferther In furmsthen were elites. If you wish to now tether infer maten about me, rite to me. reTiiin veryeat truly I not ?xgtly now where the Uni versal Weekly are made. Nore 1 due not no were the Studueo is at. Coud you gimo adress. C001IW1N. ?T" CAMERA-MAN WITH THE CARRANZA IS j WV Ri? Goodwin, one or the threo j Universal Animated Weekly special j camera men now in Mexico, ls at pres : ont with General Carranza, and se ; curing some great pictures, at some considerable risk tu life and limb, for the Animated Weekly. Mr, Goodwyn was chosen to rep resent the Universal on account of li In lour experience aa a camera mau and training in such matters as going mt and getting pictures no matter what the difficulties were. Among the various companies he bas been with are the Kalem, The Uaumont j Weekly and the Aetna Film Company. I (il) KOOT LEAP WIVES REALISM TO W LUCILE LOVE." That intense realism ls striven for in the "Lucile Love, Girl of Mystery" uerle? now being put on by the Cul vereai company, ls evidenced by an uccldenl at San Pedro. California. A big ship had been chartered for a week for the pictures. One of the rcencs showed a sailor being thrown from tlie "crow's nest" into the sea b? lo*. Francis Ford, director and leading man of the "Lucile's series, ordered live retakes of tho scene. In ttie first four the fight between the two principals in the scei.e was not convincing enough to suit Mr. Ford Five times in succession u sailor Wa?; hulled G? feet Into the water. And the waler was ley cold. too. F. SHAN A Y STUDIO, JUST COMPLET EIL MODEL BUILDING. The new studio building that has juFt beau completed by the Essnnny Film Manufacturing Company. in Chicago, is Just about the lust word iii efficiency. The management of this world-famous motion picture company did not forget unythiug in (he way of necessary apparatus or Im provements. The new building stands on a lot adjoining Hie old studio-ia built of reinforced brick and stands three stories high. The studio floor is spacious, covering ,oVcr a hundred] feet "In length hy ninety feet in width. A hundred and twenty Copper-Hewitt mercury lights have hceu installed for the1 overhead listing Seventeen extra sized arcs supply the light for the aides and rear. ? gigantic paint frame takes up the eaat end of the building. The proper ty room irt. on thc main floor and ev erything in the way o? household goods, etc., can be located in un in st.n.t. Huge dressing monis, acconio duting twenty odd people, take up the southwest end on the second floor. The wardrobe department is also on this floor. The lighting arrangements are per fect, and every picture that is mude in the new studio will have the advan tage ot "light from the sides," that is, (here can be no dark spots in uny scenes (bat may be staged, unless the director so desires, and then the lights may be placed anywhere in or about the scene where they will do the most good. The new building will nccompdate several times as many people as the old studio does. The dressing rooms have been titted up for the comfort of those who will have to use them, .Many of the artists who are seen in Bssanay subjects ure from the regular stage and many are the tales that will be told of their experiences as Broad way stars, playing in big runs, or their tales of "one-nights" us they ?lt about waiting for their cues. The Essanny productions are shown in Anderson at the Palmetto. Robert W. Chambers' stories. "The Fighting Chance" and "On the Firing Line." have been secured Tor motion picture ' production 'by the All Sta corporation. Work on these prodm - lions will be commenced lute this sum mer. u til?n soon to bo released by tho K. y stono company, in which a horse.' rid den by Mabel Normand, falls 375 feet over a cliff, with a policeman banging to its tall. .Trick photoplay is re sponsible. Afler an absence of over a month j '.Isis popular actress appears at the Bijou on Thursday next in a t.tvorrcel Drama "The Doctor's Tcstiin/oiuy.'^ THE it Ero HT roi KTEors Occasionally a man Ima air"oppor tunity to express his real opinion about a pest and be polite and trutli ful at Hie same time. This rare ?.ham e caine to King Maggot the oth er day lu the following manner: Thc pest had been In the habit'of buttonholing the King on lils way to the luir Studio, aud getting a little tree adv.?... "Qood uiurnlug, Mr. Baggot", ex claimed the 1'eat In lila uauul oily fash ion", 1 just wanted to oak you about the llourd of Concors. They ate ao particular, you know. Du you think they would object to roy committing suicide In my next picture?" "Ou the contrary", said the King cheerily, "1 should think they would be delighted." Augustus Carney, tl'ni vernal Ike?, Is "elephant shy". Recently while performing a stunt with "Charlie", the big Universal elephaut, the nhacy derui suddenly reached over and grub bed Carney with lila trunk and de posited him In a mud puddle several feet away. Since then the portrayer of Universal Ike roles has kept hit) distance from Charlie. A HI TTF1MN. A real goat butted into a rehearsal at the Majestic studio the other day and spoiled a picture, lt wus "The Sheriff of Contention." on which John O'Brien ls so hard at work. Mr, O'Brien had been rehearsing the most critical scene of all. many times over, and only that moment bad put the cameraman on the job-when, enter Mr. Coat. Ile ran across the fore ground of the picture, and, clamber ing upon a table, let out a plaintive bleat at George Selgmann. The dra matic situation was instantly turned to burlesque. When the Intruder had been driven back to tho studio corral, the long-suffering director was obliged to put the members nf the east through their purls a dozen times be fore they could sufficiently recover their gravity lo recreate the dramatic, atmosphere. A Popular ince at tho Electric Theatre "Tho Million, .Dollar Mystery." .ts j completed anil critics pronounce "lt tho greatest serial yet issued.. Har- 1 old McGrath,""thc noted author, wrote Hie story. The most significant tea- j turo of this serial is. the famous ' group of stars Who portray the leads, James .Cruse, Lila May Chester and . \ these being Miss Marguerite Snow. . Flo LnFtadie. It soems'th?t a' prize pf . j S 10.000 is offered ot th?" person who rolves the mys tery before the compiti? j Hen of Hie serial. The' first IHslalt- : ?I mont will reach the public, .about the . ; last of June and will appear as .tt^ae- . ! rial story in The Intelligencer-watch for it. * " , ', ' J ss BIJOU THEATRE Program For Week Commencing Tomorrow: Monday Tuesday Wed|^May--? Thursday V "Ve-re. Friday 'ML Saturday- - ? i KTI?E STIBRCP BROTHER"-2 reel Eclair Drama, with J. W. John Bon and Edna Payne. A tn ri ling human-interest play from O. Henry's Blory of the same name. "UNIVERSAL IKE JR.,** in "A Battle Royal"-Universal"- -A Universal Ike Comedy. ? Fourth Reel to be Selected. . '"v.Vv "LUCILE LOVE"-8th Installment of The Girl of Mystery. Lucile leaves the Chinese town as a stowaway tn the hoid of a vessel ou which Hugo is a passenger. ?8MTZ JOINS THE FORCE"-Sterling Comedy!? $ord Sterling, with a great supporting cast, gets away with some orig lila I'.-and UilUngly funny stuff in this rapid fire comedy. li's a case of luck ilrot ;AU)1 life or death after wards. But lt takes 'Snitz's luck to g?t him out ^f?rrulny places worse th unf elt her life or death. .J. A-Ion rt h Reel to be Selected. & ?v * v ? - & J>V. .-? ? '. *STFEOE LAB^^-^A.Bcx;tbree-reel feature offering pictured in a lum 1 ber camp of tho Cr?ai Northwest with Robert L?odarA. aa a big Swede who buys the euloon ?nd falls in love with the gambler's wife. Hazel Buckham plays this latter part, leonard Ves some forc.ej|n g&ork In his presenta tation of the Swede. Fourth reel to bc selected. "THE BOCTOB'S TESTIMONY"-A 2-reel Victor Drama with Miss Flor ence Lawrence in the title role. Jealousy, lt has been'said, is the one pas sion of the human soul that causes more heart suffering, more anguish, more domestic tragedies and more brutal crimesNthan any other. Do you believe this? Do you term it a passion or an emotion? i Come and see. The first of ? certes of comedies oet in and around a motion picture stu dio. '"SOPHIE-OF THE FILMS"-Dear, simple Sophie leaves the old homestead to become a motion picture heroine. With the last ot her slender means she . graduates from the Bun Kern School of Dramatic Art. Fortified with a diplo ma from them Sophie displays her diploma to the erratic director of pro duction, and he laughs In her face and sends her home. Unfortunately for Sophie abe made a blt with tb? manager and the lead ing man. Thuu when the leading woman quita because she was not allow ed to tatto a bath during working hours, Sophie/ was called up and given the position. The mistakes that Sophie made were many and grievous.. The leading man made love to her between scenes, and the .director cursed her' in experience and discharged her.. The general manager, however, refuses to let her go, and popr Sophie ls detained, little conscious of the troubles in store for her. Fourth Beel lo be Selected. ? ?ON THE VERGE OF WAB*V-Tliis three reel . fibber, was written by James Dayton and produced by Otis Turn?r. Alina" Little and Herbert Rawlinson play tho leading roles. The story ls ono of international intrl I gita between agents of this country and Mexico. Thc girl is the supposed daughter of a hypnotist acting as a Mexican spy,vbu): later it is learned* that he was not her father. Many pt - the; situatiansV aro Very Intense. Warfihips. Mexican Soldiers, diplomtic intrigues, X H \ Fourth. Reel to be Selected. * *- ? TJKCI SAM IN MEXICO-Extraordinary scenes taken by Tho Universal ape "i , war photographer showing the operations W?.\8.- troops in and a- p . >d Vera Cruz. , ? special Western feature will be booked ,for this day in addition to the ' -.?bV? pictures-title not known yet ^ ' Igjjjj mtmmnmmmmmmmm^i nunn III wi..^^^?^^^a^^^M.wm.3 ? ?.";<"... ! ! ''.1 the n^aeh Trophy cup. that will be o?-'* ^lX7?s!?_- -A ? '?? H * ?warded to the winning .team In the I v With iil?r Advertisers AndeTn mi?? ' j?. .-. ?-""T"mmm*!T!*mmT?rmTTT!^*T?Tm&!TT*m.'!^m^^m^^^mmmmmTmmmTmJ Moore-Wilson Co., are advertising Evans' Pharmacy. .No. .1 bas .made .the,most elaborate window displays ot a now shipment of pretty, new laces a valuable addition to tts fountain, any oboe store In this section of the and Shirt Waists. byj the installatlo^of nice comfor- state. -, j?fr .:?< "'_ tabl? ptobls, making it . ' -:- " ? n rt A C? ?injn?. j. irt ^nilo drinkin* Ab' estart has ?.vans wt Co. s windows contain bean'made there wMno floobt be oth- The retirm? 8R,? ?r Osborne .& B beautiful dir play of cool .comfortable' cm to follow in tho: irtrtall?llon of Pei>rBon? which commenced last clothes. The kind so much in demand seats at various placea Of refreshment Thursday was largely attended.. The at thia season, in tbs city. . *eekthore are'aome added attractions , % . KP - that will no doubt draw IaTg? crowds. ?rW&i* ?JL r ? WeitnPH.inu win nori.n. K? T"e mid-rummer sale at Lessor & Messrs. , T. l^Gsly fi; Co., are *ad- ^f& ti^JlKS^S-??^??; Co/8" wbJch ^gan yesterday, waa ?SP* andm??? one fcff & V-Jj^r^e??ack ofS^l W^4?1 ^ cn*er huyera, as Iatestvarrlvals, buttonless pajamas. P?: aom xor si.oo^per sock of Z& lbs. the R?w,?rU?s'givon by this flrmdttr -. Va rr v~. .;. .:.-< lng their sales are very:attractive. Judging from, the window displayThe A. W. Balley 5, 10 and 25c Co, _ there will be kohle extra good values kas a very attractive window ot Pe?t The moving picture shows of the Lalie's' Monday sale. cards of all the favorite .aotprs. city aro drawing good crowds dally. , _ -, The? pictures cf Ute past week have JTtio window display of automobile '::-^Tjlbmptton's'-fnioe t?tere is adver- -been of a high order of merit and tba Uren at .the ^rat? Hdw. Co., deserves thdng about 100 p?trs of |2,50 to *3,50 bookings.for. the ensuing week are mention. From the amount of tims oxfords at fi.Oo tho pair, equally as' good. on display, there is no' excuse for mo- _ ~>-* ?/*',Vi ? fmm^??^?. QS|fe*?I^I%^ ~?r ?no ^rf .tore? Bil ?port ?ooi Mr. Ira L. Audersou. senior or the lirra, Anderson-Wilson Paper Com pany, of Richmond. Va., spent yes terday in Anderson. Mr. Anderson is making a business round.of the Caro linas in the interests of his company. * ______ Mr. S. V/. Kluttz. associate editor | of the Semi . VS'eekiy Is'ews, "bf Chester, spent yesterday" .with 'friends in An derson. Dr. nnd\.Mrs.. Frank Ferguson of Greenville, ' arrived in the city last night to spend the week-end with Miss Caroline Vance. John T. Dobbins of the-Fork sec [ tian was among thc visitors to spend I yesterday lu the city. A. W. Pickentf pf Garvin township [ I was ip the city yesterday on buuinczs. ".' Dock Bannister pf Martin township spent part of yesterday tn Anderson. Dr. P. G. Witherspoon of Rock Mill: I wa s ia the city yesterday for a few :houa. J. E. Sirfrine, a well known mill en gineer of Greenville was in the citv j yesterday. S. lt. Tims of Garvin township was among the visitors to spend yester day in the city. , J. J. Smith of Starr was in Ander son yesterday for a few hours on busi ness. L. Watkins of Belton was onions j tm? well known visitors to spend yes terday in the city. George E.-Moore, editor of the Don lee Path Chronicle, spent yesterday in Anderson. J. M. Richardson of Fair Play .was I in Ute city yesterday on business. . W. E. Giles has returned to Town Anderson. . Mercer King, candidate for treasur er of Anderson county and a well j known citizen of Martin, township. I waa in the city yesterday. Miss Pensacola Branyon of Starr Was shopping in the city yesterday. Misa Frances Hitchens of Baltimore Md., has arrived in thc city for a vls I it to Mrs. J. C. Lomax at the Bellevue hotel. Miss Leila Mosely of Lowndesvllle .Is in the city, the guest of Mrs. J. Ci i Lomax. . J. B. Stone or the Six and Twenty section spent yesterday, in the city. _____ .?? ? W. R. Harris of TownvHle ' was among the visitors to spend yesterday in the city. : Thomas Dixon of near Pelzer was In the city yesterda y /or a few hours. ti on waa among the visitors, to spend "yesterday in the city. -- ' J ? , , I William Rurris nf Mountain Creek spent a few boura in Anderson yes ._ -v .'. John T. .Milford, n progressive Mar lin township citizen, was in the city "yesterday." .E. F. Reed bf the Verreries section spnnt a few hours in the city yes terday. , ?.>,,, , - ?.. Mrs. It. L. Smith and Miss, Camille Smith of Lowndesvllle were shopping in the city yesterday. Misses Vera McPhall, Lila Slbau. Merrell Wilson and Walter Aull of Pendleton composed a shopping jwyty from Pendleton ya?terday. WALS Miss Anna Hell und Raeford Wat kins of Augusta. (Ja., have arrived In the etty to spend thc Summ?H[ jthl guests of their aunt. Mrs. .J. C.."U>ma,f at t'ic Bellevue hotel. Dr. W. W. Chisholm returned ygsj terday fron?'Greenville where he lias been attending the South Cu roi Ina Dental Association. . . ..vMBWIff ? \, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Klnp are spend ing a few days in Union cu*:nty. Ngiril Carolina, where they are guest?,.T)f MrB. King's parents. J. B. Felton and E. C. McCanta have returned from Columbia where they went in the Interest of Anderson county schools. Miss Margaret Evans left yesterday for Glenn Spring? where she will upend a fortnight. -~ . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burris spent I Friday in Columbia with friends. . I o - o .Mi; s Caroline Banks has returned I from a short visit to friends in Green ville. Frank Vance of Columbia, is spend ing the week-end in the city. '-"- . ..NV.. The I. A. C. Winner. Chicago.' June 20.-With 48 points the Illinois Athletic Club today won an easy Victory \n its Ural annual han dicap track meet. The Chicago Ath/\ let'..-: Association waa Second, NoTjthn< wectern third, University of Wiscon sin fourth and Notre Dame fifth.-.v r,\ CARRANZA IS DEFINITE^ Hu9 Forwarded Note to Niagara Fails, That War Won't Slop. Saltillo. Mex.. Juno li).-Via JL^rndfl, Texasr June 20.-Hostilities wi(i .'not be suspended between thc constitu tionalist forceo and forces of Huerta, according to the note to the Niagara "O BRAPIHNA'S I/JV^AWAUT4' < ^ ls a new release.. *poffr Mit- 1 . vf Sweeney leaves < the police. Rustic S?raphins','captured 1 by this "swell" stranger, agrees to < elope with him and toke otd Ezra Has- < kins' savings along. Sport gets the 1 money and tries for a getaway, but' < luck ls against bim?.and Seraphina re covers the money-and ber senses. ..'.> --- ?? 1 In "The Lucky Vest" the young doc- * tor has no luck until an Impecunious I patient sends bim an old vest. Then I everything comes his way. When ho < loses hiv vest bis luck changes ?gain < and be lords in in 11. The Irishman t who gets the vest is pot In the same < cell: Uti regains tho Vest, and dil goes t wen. i -.-'.* ?"? i . , ? 11 , Ct V-ii "f"""""1!"'._ --Mi PROGRAM ::e#mi Electric The^tf^ , For Week Beginning Tomorrow MONDAY. "The Swindlers" ... .. .. Majestic. "Jane the Justice". :>:?Beauty.' "Fatal Flirtation" ....,.. ?_,.....?JfrjiSjtoa*. ..Fourth Reel to he Selected. ?.? - . -?; 'X'r?" : TiE??.>AY. ...'"..A'.V.'V .">'.'. "Wharf Rata"-2-reel feature./?'?? -^ropcho.' "Algy's Alibi".-?.i Thauhaus?r. Fourth Reel to be Selected. . . . . ' \ _ , . y WEDNESDAY. "*?^t$T ' v!, " ?t*jj "The Angel of the quien" .'.. .. .. .. ..".,. .........".'.Reliance. "The Alarin""-2-reel feature . !.. ....... ..,^v s.. ?f?\ .'^fcptjitoae. Fourth Reel to be Selected. , , " vtiuy: . THURSDAY. "The Embezzler" 2-reel feature.K. B. "Bombsky and the Bomb.".- .-Fsy??. Fourth Real to be Selected. 4 ' . ..' ' V FRIDAY. ** , t "Silent Sandy" -2-reel feature.. .... P.?.-llartc>. "Beyond the City" . ^.-. .American. Fourth Reel to be'Selected. SATURDAY. "Metamorphoses"-2-reel feature. '^Mutual Girl" No. 20.;.., ...'. A^lcaji. ?ce. visers General Carranza, d?CUJ?d! to il ay that the request of the .mediators could granted. . .. ?>?,.:p.:ii"?; '>-i, . The text of .the reply, to the mediat ors wa? not made public aa it baa not yet been transmitted 'to 'thetfi^'Y^?e slus Calderon^ who have been one of the Ca ranza ~ represeatat.VflS, waB still-here today.. ., - .'? -1-r--rr^r---rrj? mediators which General Carranza will despatch to them tomorow. The mediators in their answer to tho an nouncement . by General Carranza that he was willing to send represen tatives tb the conference, insisted that an armistice bc agreed to by the constitutionalists. After a long conference with his ad sS?' - '? i - ' a__P_i^fB. iw_Rr^T^pBu~-f^MS-M8fci-UWa' RL&^-K?SJ 'ia*Mff; !'HHMBSBI ^- ? '? ' B?rw ?F5rrv 8CENE:>Wrv?" ''HHE* GP HOPE.? : ^ ':_ In "Ashes of nope" one of the John B. Iiretins?. t^t^^^ c?itii^ \ grestest ' courtroom scenes ever de - Jan, says that dressing m the costume [Meted plays the most Important role of Gie a?#??h* Romans isn't half aa ; In the Story. enjoyable as lt would seeih, "K?ip?cUt --. ly. says he, when .a'.tuan^ge^ JjOibj^ifc - "The Double Cross" Is the third story mlsnp with hornets. .VlJqrtH^sj&i^^ >f "The Man Who Disappeared." Ter- have a natural affinity.for 'Sg^Jtys/; riten finds himself In with s gang of and Brennan has bl? own :to bw^ot ! crooks. They luro a wealthy young what he states. l^seemB tbft^,Utjx jfe-, .armer Into a trap with a "matrimony" cent comedy in which Marsha! NelbVrit . idvertlsement . But the girl used for R?th noland and?-ibhn'BtennWsfga. i decoy helps her .victim to escape, and workfhe Pi enuan got o\it 'iiito' n fl?td Merriton knocks out th? leader Of tho ." ?.hornets were holding > lang when fie begin* *bcollTi<r?r H-v uuveuUon," - '? W$y *m ~7" ?? - . . ?-. ^ >? :??.?.-? C^ltl'r? "The Adventure ..f't'ift ooaieifelt Tn the va>lons"f orthcomlng every ot?*- f Money" ts the fifth story of Octavius, cr week Alice Joyce feature prod dc- : imateur detective. The department,ls lions Ailee Joyce, the much loved atar laving trouble with counterfeit money. In motion! pictures, will be aeeu'a*,* Dc tar lus, front! He'docs some shad- schoolteacher, wife of au i.nBSne, phy iwlhg that finally lands bim ?nd a sleiun, Shakespearian aCUA/JS,,amateur channing young girl in the hands of detective and lu ? few othe?SgK^ .he police. Uo then accidentally dis- "Oh. yes." sighs Mbw Ibja?-i?"^ ' covers the real culprit SmRten by few boure.she bas to berself."?a^ he girl, ho calle-and ab? introduces m a ?y stage" struck people s?V.:ui0&$ limtbhubby. " ' picture work > m?^J^-^^m miM '-it ,' i ? ' . . ? mn -i" , , ^. .^f,;, A; fe. ^