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INTELLIGENCER WANT ADS. GET RESULTS i WANTS _ Wanted--Poshion aa stenographer and ? office assistant. Expert? need. Ap ply to P. O, ?ox 306, Anderson. 8. , 8. r,-29-3t * j j fvsated- To buy 14 feathor bede at once. Will pay highest cash price or exchange new cotton mattress for same. Address H. L. Hurrlsw. care General Delivery. G-27-tf Wanted-To call special attention lp ! our Galvanized 8leel Watering Troughs for Horse?, Cows, and Hogs. Best., itrnngoHl. cleanest and most durable trough made. Div ver Roofing Co., "The Shop With \ ' a Reputation." IL?ST Lost-Between Reulon tent and my of fice pair eye glasses. Gold none piece fastened with silver whirl, un the whirl is engraved old English letter "B". Finder return to my office and receive reward. M. L. Bon ham._ 6-30-l?t ; TSE MIDGET-Trial 2:16-7 years - old. The fastest and best bred t horse you ever had a chance to J breed to. Will be in the stud at S Davis Bros Stables. Fee 15.00, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS t Under this head will be run short - announcements of candidates. The Tralee for these are as follows: For' : sounty offices In both dally and i semi-weekly, till election $7.50; lo j ' either alone, $5.00, cash in advanco .Strictly. For city offices: in dally; ,'Oflly: Mayor, $6.00; aldermen $8.00. j FOB MAYOR. i I her any announce myself a canal late for Mayor of Anderson, subject J ita the rales ot the Democratic pri 4s-ar**f. J. M. PAYNE. . BL H. Elmore is hereby announced aa candidate for mayor, subject to . the rates of the city democratic prl t,cry election. 1 Dr. WI F. Ashmore U hereby an nounced aa a candidate for mayor, ' subject to the rules of the city demo- j ? eratic primary election. F J. H. Godfrey ia hereby announce aa candidate tor Mayor, subject to the ' rules of the City Democratic Pri mary election. FGS ??iffEn??? HA ?u> ONE Jr B. Jones ls hereby announced se a candidate for alderman from Ward 1, subject to the rules ot the city democratic primary elections. B. H. Ballantine ts hereby an nounced BB a candidate for Alderman I from Ward 1, subject to the rules ot the city democratic primary election. FOB AI.DEMAN WABD TWO Voters of Ward 2 announce Walter j Dobbins aa a candidate for Alderman j frons* that ward. FOB ALDERMAN WA BO THREE The blends ot J. I. Brownies an nounce bin as a candidate tor alder roan from Ward 3. B. F. Johnson ls hereby announced a candidate for Alderman from Ward subject to the rules ot the demo cratic primary. X hereby announce myself s candi Werd s, subject to the rules of the date for re-election as alderman from democratic party. Chas. F. Spearman. * FOR A LUE BMA I WARD FIVE 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate tor alderman from ward 5, sub ject to the rulen of the democratic primary. BOB KING. *i.?EIIMA1f WAR? SIX R. L. Carter is hereby announced as candidate tor re-electlo-i aa nlder ' ?au Cor Ward 9. subject o the rules of ? awocratlc primary. ooo o oeo o o o oo oo o Candidates For o o County Office? o '00000000000 000 FOB PROBATE JUDGE I hereby announce myself a candi dato tor the office of probate Judge of Anderson county, subject to the rales and to the result of the Democratic primary. VICTOR B. CHESHIRE. FOB AtTBfttft* I hereby announce mypttf a candi date tor County Auditor, subject to the rutea of tbs deniecraiic primary. _R. A. Abraas. H*avy S*?teste*. First Caddie- -That old gent is a, judge in the Igh ?eurl. . " Second Caddto-^rhen all I csa sar is that 4f Ste's a Judge *e gives 'isself a UK of sra: UvbCi-i-i-wdon Tatler; nifiuiiu pwrrii mri itAiLHAi oibicm nno CHANGED MANAGEMENT LOCAL COMP AY ASSUMES | CHARGE OF CITY LINES j BUT FEW CHANGES Some Few Improvements Con templaled And It Is Believed City Will Profit by Move Effective ut midnight laut night tin Southern Public I'tilltloii Company of Anderdon annumcd the management ol thc street railway Hms in thin city, and hereafter the system will he under the direct management of the South ern Public Punition oihViaiH. Ander son people for the most purl believe that lils ls u splendid step and they ox pu t that thu change will renult in the local nyul em being improved. "i'llh- natter bas bceu contemplated for tjome time but tho details have J mt been worked out sufficiently to allow tho formal absorption of the city lines. lt semn to be the general policy ol the Southern Public Utilities Co., to own and operate all of the city trac tion lines that have boen the proper ly o? the Piedmont & Northern Rail way in Charlotte, N. C., C.reenvllle. S. C., and Andel rou. It ls understood that the formal taking over in all three towns will oc cur at the same time. Tho Southern Public Utilities Co.. have bought outright all of the prop erty necessary to the city lines and are consolidating them with their oth er property herc in Anderson, and will operate the street car service as one of thc departments of this company. The local manager, H. A. orr, w' . have charge of all thc property and T. F. Hill will be superintendent ol the Street Railway Department. Mr. Hill's omeo will bc over the Southern Public Utilities Co's, office, and the operation of tho road will be from tho offices of thc Southern Pub lic Utilitier Co. It is understood that cevoral Im provements In the service and equip ment are contemplated, but no definite Information could be given as to their plans at this time. . lt will be vqry much to the advan tage of the city to have theo? lines under local management, as lt will enable closer supervision and the of fices will be lc closer touch with the requirements of the city. With the recent new work that has been done, the whole system ls now in first chus shape. THOS. N. KAY OUT FOR SUPERVISOR Prominent Farmer From Whit field Section Announces Can didacy-For a Clean Race Thomas N. Kay. of Belton, route 3, announced himself in this issue as a candidate for county supervisor. Mr. Kay lr a prosperous farmer ot the Whitefield rcition, and this Is the first timo he has eve* offered .for any |nsilllCt?l UHlCr. ?.G I'IM jr" 'uni In friends and admirers in hin communi ty and over the county who have been urging him to make the race, and he feels sure he will make it interesting for his competitors. Mr. Kay state? that he ls making the race 'on his own merits, and that he ht no coat tail swinger,' and that be will be supervisor for the entire county if elected, and not of any sec tion only. He ls an advocate of good roads, but believes the roads already in existence be worked in preference to making new on?' H. The office of county supervisor will ba warmly contested, and there will bo several aspirants. In addition to Mr. Kay, thc present supervisor, J. Mack King, will stand for election and it ls reported that T. M. Vandiver and Claude Martin will also be can didates. ATTENDANCE WAS SPLENDID HERE Report of City Schools Made Pub lic Yesterday Shows a Total Off 3,888 Children Anderson ls prouder of her schools than any other Institution she pos sesses and Anderson people will he 5ratified to see the splendid report ot is attendance during the asaltos) which closed Friday. This report waa made public yesterday by Prof HL C felcCants, superintendent of schools, and shows that ?hiring the session a grand total of 3,588 pupils attended the city schools of Anderson. ? Figures for tho bgys show that there were ?.080 boyd? In the school daring tho yoo.r and ther were l.l?2 giri*., making a total of 3,242 ror the white 'school. In tho negro schools there i were 1,346 enrolled. Of this number 541 were boys and SPS were girls. Mr. McCants says that the record made for the last term kia good one but that he expects this number to be largely increased, both In the negro schools sad the white . schools next year. BEUN10K COMMITTED NOT. : . < I All persons having bills against the central or any other committee ac count the reunion, will please present tho same to the undersigned aa soon M wt- ihio. Promet motion is re quested. All hills will first be audit ed and then paid. ? AU persons holding room tickota wiH.present the same at the Chu. of Commerce for payment Tuesday god Wednesday, June 2d and 3d. ?. W?r tV WhS^r Cfc?MBWi . nui rp niumnrrrp RULCO linilUIUHICO Will HAVE TO OBEY IN APPROACHING MUNICIPAL ELECTION -HERE THE REGULATIONS .Strict Requirements For Candid dates For Offices of Alderman and Mayor oi Anderson Much Interest ls being manifested In Anderson over thc approaching mu nicipal election and both candldntea and voters arr much exercised over tho clooc approach of June 16. Thc election iv lo he lu l-l uti thut day and after that time there will be acvcral new facet ween at the city hall and on tuc clly'it-various "board?. tn order that piospeetive candi dates may refresh ilie:r memories on the requirements fox qualification, section B< vi II ol tho ruleB adopted hy thc committee is bete presented: "All candidates for any of said of ficer r bn.ll. on or before 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday. June 2, 1914, file a written pledge with the chairman of 3aid executive committee to thc ef fect that he will abide by tbe results of auld election and also pay his as aoocmont nu fixed by said committee; and only such persona ac comply here V7itb -hali bc permitted to be candi dater ii: sahl primary. Provided, that after thc time lor filing said pledges and bef?te the cloue of either of such elections, should any candidate die, it rhall be the duty oftbe city ex ecutive committee to afford opportun ity for tho entry of other candidates for tho office involved, and should death occur moro than ten days before a primary election, then raid commit tee chai! make dates entering the race, but if said death occur after ten days, then the balloting for said of fice shall not bo at the succeeding primary election, but a?, such time may be fixed by Bald committee, and said committee rhall provide for the filing of pledges." Voters Must Qualify. In order to bc ablo to vote in the primary elections it 1B necessary that the would-be voter have hts name en rolled on the club roll'of his ward at least Ave days before the day of the primary. The voter must be a resident of South Carolina for at leaat two years and of the city of An derson fOr at least four months before the date oi the municipal general el ection, which will be held sometime in July. The city council has ubt set a date for the geueral election. Section eight of tho mles ls here with presented as Information to the voters so that, they might qualify: "No person shall be allowed to vote st raid primary elections who is not a member of said democratic club of the ?ward in which he resides, and whore name has not been enrolled un said club five days bofore the first el ection and who has not been a res ident of South Carolina two years, and the city of Anderson four montbi immediately preceding the next gen eral municipal election. The various lista of the clubs shall be close J five e..i.vr-, lu-"un: tue first yjt mild ?deC? lowl and after being inspected and certi fied to by the president and secretary of each c?ub, shall be delivered to tho chairman of the city executive com mittee, where they shall remain open to public Inspection until th? hr..? el ection; and lt shall be too duty of said committee to Inspect said lists before the first election, to erase therefrom the uame or names of any person or persons not entitled to vote therein, and said lists, as corrected hy the committee and certliicd to by the chairman and secretary thereof, shall be turned over to tho manager-i cf elections of the respectivo wards be fore tbe opening of in* polls at the first election and shalt constitute the polling lists for said floe-ions; provid ed, that no person -?hall bo allowed lo vote at said elections, even though his came appears on ono ot the club lists, unless such person he otherwise qualified under tho law and these rulo?. The managers of ?lections ehall require the following oath be fore permitting any to vote, namely. v "I do solemnly swear that I have been a resident of this state for two yeara and of the city of Anderson for four months and am otherwise quali fied to vote at this election, and pledge myself to aupport the nominee of the primary." - Persons desiring to get their names on the club rolls should nee the sec retary of the olub of their ward. The secretary* of the six wards are as follows: Ward I-C. Eugene Trlbble. Ward g.-Postor Pant. Ward 3.-J. S. Acker. Ward e<-~D. O. Brow no. Ward 5.-R. R. King. Ward ..-P. J. White. SOME SECTIONS HAD LITTLE RAIN *n4sri6? Visited by Stt?l* Driggle For . Few Minutes get Sttat ation Is Not Yet Renewed ^ve^al visitors in the city yesterday j i various parta of the county re , . ted that a slight rain fail about i; dnigfat but that it did not continuo for long ?nough to do any real good. Anderson was visited by a suggestion ot a rain bet It was a suggestion with, out any. materialisation. The few drope feit in a imir-heartea rasnion and then ceased and the public felt worse tana before the raia started. One man was heard to remark that the cul H smalled so sweet be stood out I ru lt as long as it continued and would have been willing to get thor oughly wet it the rain had continued. EVERYTHING READY FOR COWING "HELLO BILLS" A BIG BARBECUE AU Sessions Will Be Held at Beuna Vista Park ?nd 600 Elks Will Be Entertained Here All plans are complete for the big gest gathering of Elks ever eeen South Carolina and on June 17 and 18, only about two weeks off. Ander son will have tho pleasure of enter taining "'The Best People on Earth," tho State Association of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. All told there will be about 600 Elks in the city from points all over Sooth Carolina I and various other states and the affair j will be the moat important fraternal event of the year in this portion of the State. The Anderson lodge hae been busily arranging for the association for the I last month and yesterday the oom-1 mittee in charge announced the full and complete program for the two days. The following shows in what ..oyal fashion Anderson will entertain her guests: June 17. 1914. (Buena Vista Park. 4:00 p. m. Business Session: Meeting called to order by Presi dent-Geo. D. Levy. Invocation by State Chaplain-Rev. K. G. Finlay. Calling roll of oQIcers. Calling roll of Lodges and responso j by Delegates. Address of Welcome ky Gen. M.' L. Bonham. Response behalf State Asscciatiou !.. il. Cary, District Deputy, Grand Exalted Ruler for South Carolina. Appointment committee on creden tials. Adjournment. 6:00 p. m. Automobile or Street Car Ride over | City. 8:30 p. m. Informal Smoker at Buena Vista [ Park. June 18.1914. Buena Vista Park. 10:30 a. m. Business Session: Invocation by Chaplain-Rev. K.i.!. Finlay. Report of Committee on credentials. Reading minute? of last session. Report of Secretary-Treasurer. Report of Executive Committee. Reading Communications. Unfinished business. New business. Election of officers. Good of the Association. Selection of next meeting place. Induction of officers. Adjournment 12.00 Noon. Parade. 2:00 p. m. Barbecue and Picnic at Beuna Vista j Park, with Orr Mill Band in attend-] DEMOCRATS ARE CALLED TO MEET S. D. Pearman Wffl Presido Over Meeting of County Executive Committee At Noon The Democratic evecutlve commit [ iso of Anderson county will meet at 12 o'clock Monday in the court house, to answer to a call lashed by S. Dean Pearman, county chalrtnaa. The] rules of the Democratic party set forth that thia meeting must be held. The new rules for the party as adop ted at the Columbia convention hare] arrived and they will be discussed at tomorrow's meeting. The to) lewtag fati-the call for the meting, lent out by Mr. Pearman: j "The state democratic convention, held In Colombia on the 20th Inst., has ordered a uew and complete en rollment of .the voters ot the state and adopted rules governing the sam? and has directed that each county's committee meet at the reaper! ive county seats on thc first Monday in June and make provisions in accord ance with said rules and. provide aa enrollment committee for each club. It tr. importna* that every tnmaher nf Anderson county ah on! i bc present at this meeting. You ate therefore requested to meet with the other mem bers of said committee at it o'clock iMouday, Juue 1st, 1*14, at the court I house. A4 lenton. 8. C. v"S. D. Pearman. "County Chairman." ^^KSjKB^^B^^HHgflBg^BHnag^B^gaHflwj-. CfllUL COURT HIS CONCLUDED SESSION LAST JURY CASES COMPLET ED YESTERDAY NO COURT MONDAY Judge Prince WAI Tuesday Take] Up Hearing of Large Number Of Appeal Cases Fol lowing a three week'? session of tho criminal court for Anderson County, Judge Prince yesterday an nounced at noon that the court would adjourn. Ile Instructed Clerk of! Court James ft, Pcarman to formally open court Monday morning at 10 o'clock and then adjourn. as the Judge will not be in the city. He will return to Anderson In timo to take the bench TueBday morning and will begin hearing the many appeal cases on tbe docket. Yesterday's busings in the court I consisted entirely o? hearing pleas of guilty and imposing sentences and no j Jury cases were heard. Tbe follow ing is a record of the day's proceed ings: Jim Derrick was found guilty of i el ling liquor and was fined 1200 or a sentence of six mon thc Upon the payment of $100 of this fine the defen dant will be releared and the sentence suspended until the tlrct day of thc | next term of court. Berry Carter waa found guilty of j Kelling liquor and he was 'unfenced by Judge Prince to pay a /.ne of $100 or servo a term of six months in Jail. Frank Williams tried for murder, and found guilty of manslaughter waa sentenced to tbree years of hard la bor. Ryon Cox, found guilty of assault and battery with intent to kill, was fined $100 and given a term of six months at hard labor. Upon the pay ment of his fine, the defendant's term j in jail will be suspended during good behavior. ANDERSON DIRT SOLD YESTERDAY Mrs. Marlin SeUgman Acquired] Business Property on Main St. For Sum of $8,000 Deals in dirt in Anderson involving] large sums are becoming an every' day affair here. Friday a deal waa consum?t ed for some Main street property ot a very considerable fig ure, and yesterday G. H. Bailes sold to Mrs. Martin Seilgman a lot on South Main street facing SI feet and runnl back 94 feet. The consideration said to have been $8,560 and the deal i was put through by the Anderson Real | Estate and Investment Company. This was the piece of property pur chased Friday from P. E. Cllnkscaies and B F. Mauldiu by Mr. Belies. The latter had already? owned an interest in the site for nonce time. yesterday was to the effect that Mrs. Seilgman is to make improvements on ! the place, erecting a handsome busi ness building thereon and having it I completed not later than january 1 of | 1915. MANY EXCURSIONS BEING PLANNED Piedmont & Northern WB1 Hun) Special Train? for Several Tf?p? Through mountain? People living in this section of the country will be interested in learning that the Piedmont ? Northern Linea will shortly bigin operating excursion trains for one day and for week-end tripe to.the mountains- -and other points. One excursion has already been run thia season from Anderson to Alta Pass and the public teek to the idea with a right good will, a fargo number making the trip. The other excursions will likewise draw well. The ooupany ls planning an excur sion to Jobaooa City. Tenn., Juno 25. when exceptionally kiar rates are to be offered. In Joly another excursion IS being planned to Atlanta and lt 1= likely this trip will attract large num bers also. There will be a number of small ex cursions, confinad tc the Interurban linee. Next Tuesday the Methodist Sunday school of Anderson will go to Willlamaton. It ls believed that at least KOO passengers will be cared for upon this trip. Tho Bsptist Sunday school of Spsrtanburg will ge to r.'hick Springs some time asst week, the ex act date not having been given cst ss yet Next Thursday nicht the road ls ax pec Ung to handle large crowds to Chick Springs when the U. .T. C. dance occurs at that piece. There will be several extra oars pressed Into service at this time. No special summer retes to Chick Springs, Wliltanwtod and other points hare been announced as yet; though H h?WtWjr likely that low rates witt be ghren Oct bfer. No ide* as to what reductions in the round-trip fares has been given, though the linea will make the rates sufflcJectty ?ttrnetive to keep the passenger trafile or the road high during the bot weather. -' 'J* ??-!" Yea Caa H?M#u> Hiss. Anderson turned ?a ber white ?"ay lighting system In h-j/mr ot tho Coo led?rvt< ttJtcr?iis. m? they wtjre de lighted, Indeed, If we are to believe Colonel Banks' aiswspaper.-Sparton burp Herald, . fire it. ?ow? I* Those Palin Beach Suits at $7.50 and $10.00. White Flannel Trousers at $3.50 and $5.00 With Belts to Match. i T. L. Cely Co. The first new house in North An derson was started the 26th day of last May Aad lance that day a new house has beer, started on an average of evry 18 days. y DON'T BJJY THAT BUGGY or WAGON and. HORSE or MULE fntil you have seen the ones I have for sale. If you want the best, say Piedmont Buggy or Mil burn wagon. Theo P. Watson ...Sales Stables... R. WcliCFFIE ?MEET AN BERSOS, fl. C. ? -J.JJ JIHUIS" GREAT MEETING AT ORR VILLE CHURCH ferie*. Sc? vice? Are Accom plhbjng throat Good In Anderson i fha aeetiag at UM Orrritt? Methodist church, is we? en its (eel Br i* her >lcCord, of. iha^rjfi*. is doing B > LC'j preaching. He 1* re* :h. .ig some of the hard cases pf the commun ity. Each night there are many fte re main at the' sitar le?e after the con gregation ls dismissed. Several briant young men. have given their henrys to tho Lord. There will he titras servie es today. The Sunday school viii ?seht at usual hour.. The afternoon "Men's .class" will meet with thv morning school. Rey. McCord will preach at 11:15 tn tho morning, and at X:36 aha 9:0* o'clock tn the afternoon and ev ening. Bong services will begin thirty min utes earner. . Everybody is invited. Come early lt you desire a seat. We expect every peat to be nlled bef?te the preaching hour arrives. We ask the earnest prayers of every servant of the true and living God. There will also bc s arrices, at tba Toxaway Methodist church both morning and evening, at th? usual hours. Sunday school in the ai lei noon. The pastor will not be at Toxaway, on account of the Orrvllle pasting, but will have a different man to hold each service. These men nra God's servants mad will pro"? * Mesa, lng te^fcJy one who attends these ser vicer. They are ?sea hom the city, not preachers, br.t men who can and do of ten preach both by procett and sam ple. They will be able to tell you and also show yon what a "Layman" ?sn and should do. Everybody ts cordl-.:iy Invited to meet with as In these kffip* ices. This (s a part ot oar procrfthfttn hare services lp every Tillage or. the Orvlli? charge every Sunday. Wb ar? Sins trying to nat oat of competition with our Baptist brethren. Wa wor ship with them on their preaching days and levtt? chem to warship with a* on ours. Services at OrrvUle, Tox away, and Gluck every Sabbath. From now on. W. T. 8. Pastor. ftetlse ef ?easfe*. The fe)towing eenacsitte* is re*r?eet~ ?.sd tn meet ut AadAnuwn iMaUtxn nnxi J. McGowan. Mrs. t. M. Paget, Mrs. Newt Campbell. Mr?. W. T .Tate. Miss Anna Watson. Mrs. Rufus Fant. Chairman, Committee, *'