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?Bf RIDER AGENTS WANTED %? x^efc Bl? mfklrSo-Kin^Kft WrUefor/Mporticiaan andavtcial off tr at ont* /?WS ?7^?\ NO MON KYRK<rU1MO until you itwl wwd WTOTB row tlcyele. Iii m mk. H fAlM ?bichUmefouinar^^ IVE ftHl 9 MAH K rou a r* Ui*> n nol r* rf edi y r*tUflod or do uotwUttto keep tac bl |\jfP9uHn| HgWn^UrictofSaffihavefitunsnnf?ntcrer^^ rtHtf r^RjMWHJfljBHbicy de. DO HOT BUY a bier cl? pra pair of Ure? from anyone at i^lS&^mB?&VUlMaKV Prie* until ron reoelre our caulocue? *nd leam our ouh?ard of 9 il VH\ BSHM ll tm fart "ry prieta and remarkable rpectal af en. wi |^P-^--r'>'^ml^-@^ ?J^r T** r*" "Tr"0"* (^fOi?x?ji)? II ?Mi ? IO MOKE TBOBBLE FROM PIHCTBSE8 fl NillttTutatratMwUlM? ?.?. tJM ?ir ?Kit. WH A buudxed thousand pal? aold fut yaar. ?JJ BESO RiPTtOMl jSfiS BS riding:, very durable and lined inside with WJJ HB7 a special quality ot robber, which never be- mV^^^^^?w3Ei comes porous and which clones up wrtl- Bal no^^ ?r?^^^^^ recelred. Wewin ship C. O.Ii, cn approval You do BA^Stt^ilMfc ?Saf.^ _j_ - - . . ?_j_ . " i_ . u li.,' 'JLL-._ IM 1 ,-1 1 ?-1 . "B-CON-O-MY: Strict husbanding of FERT? LI?^B/R. resources; regulation with respect to production and consumption of goods 17 A ?OT^C "\F f\ * \i\ and wealth; as, use of adulterants Is jTlWj 1 l3 il Ue HF poor Economy." I -Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. ECONOMY Previous Fertilizer Facls have treated with CO-OPERATION, EDUCATION, GREATER PROFITS. And now comes that gubjeet which is the basis of all lasting wealth as defined above- -ECONOMY. Practically applied, what does Economy; mean? Is it in buying cheap cotton seed, corn and. grain that gives you only hatf a stand? Is it in you making a pair of shoes out of materials that cost $1.50 that will wt ar out in sixty days when a pair that costs you $2.00 will wear a year? Is it in spending fifty cents for a.medicine which you think you need when a $2.00 visit, frpm a physician will put you op your feet in a few days? Is lt mixing your Own fertilizer unevenly so that some plants get all the nitrogen and rim to stalk ; others all the potash and hear heavy fruit with no body ; or is it buying Commer cial Fertilizers where only the most carefully selected mat?- ' rials, thoroughly analyzed, chemically tested ?nd accurately balanced are mixed under careful an? watchful supervision by the most modern machine: y, which INSURES a unifor mity in the goods offered ? At the outside there is only about 30 cents an acre diff?rence in the cost of the two fertilizes mentioned abovs, asi'l 30 cents is dirt cheap for.the insurance on your crop certified to through the analysis en every bag of goods you buy. The opposite or ECONOMY is EXTRAVAGANCE, which is j" Oftentimes caused by being "Penny wise and pound foolish." Remember, "strict husbanding of resources and regulation With respect to production*' is the accepted definition of Economy. The time to make money on your crop is when you are producing it. The way to make money on your crop is to keep down ' he cost. Bulletins on Cotton and Corn sent free. SOIL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE V Southern Fertilizer Association Atlanta, Ga., U. S. A. v? Urban and interurban men find the Ford a faithful friend. Por the quick trip into town for the leisurely ride through cou?try-side for business-for pleas ure-any where - every where-the Ford serves best. And ifs light, right, dependable and economical. Five hundred doll* rs ia the price of Or? Ford runabouts; the touring enr is Ate fifty; thc town car aerea fifty-f. o. h. Detroit, complete w Ith equipment. Oat ca,talog wad partien lara frota Archie L Todd, tocal deafer. Anderson, 8. a IA Melodiousl Voic? 67 F. A. MITOv?L I awoke, or, rather, came to eoa> actonaness, with a so rec ea? all over my body and a burning thirst. I was lying on tb? ground looking op gc the stern. For a moment 1 did not Snow why I waa' there Then suddenly lt all came hack to me-a long brown Una along the edge of a wood, the order to ad? rance, a volley of clicks aa tba Con federates cocked their muskets, then g cloud cf smoko and a storm of bul lets. 1 waa one who fell, and for awhile map tramped to and fro brer me.. After that 1 knew nothing. Now/ it was dark. 1 managed U? change my position by turning on my alda. I could see lights moving about, Then I.heard the words: "Bring a stretcher." They were not spoken tn a man's voice, but a woman's. Moreover, the topea were soft and melodious. Waa lt the contrast with what might be ex pected on a battlefield that moved rae. or waa the voice really sweet? I listen ed and beard it again: "Poor fellow: Gently. boya. There. Now carry him over there to tbs sur geon." - Sorely lt was sympathetic. But 1. waa more-lt waa a voice that i felt sure I would never fo.?ge?? If 1 anent* hear lt among a hundred others 1 would recogn?? IL r?,... ?We were near enough to Richmond for bur cannon to be beard there all doy. Doubtless this waa some wa rnen from there, who bad come out to minister to the wounded- Sba waa. however, giving us. her enemies, ber attention, for the ?ohfeder?te* bad not been in tbis exact part or the field. 8he went from me, speaking lu that sante melodious voice, drat encouraging tba wounded man being carried on the stretcher. Then 1 knew by ber words that abe waa kneeling over soma ethel unfortunate. "Poor boy! Tou should be with youl mother Instead of here." Those Were the inst words I bear? her speak. I bad boned that she wodli stay by me. but we were lying very thick, and only a few could be favored I never forgot the volco i heard 01 that battlefield. 1 thought of it al through the period when t Waa recov erlng from my wound and wondered I I should eyer meet Ita poaseesor. waa sent north by aaa and after rs gaining my strength joined my rpg! ment shortly before the battle of ?ft tyuburg. I was with oar army befo* Petersburg and when Richmond wa evacuated, waa one of those who en tered the etty. % While in the Confederare capital went to a hospital to see an officer wh Sean UL ,. I wa? sitting by bis cot to 1 ward coburg' ' l**hepB a benfre invalida, Near by was n screen nae to protect a mun who vva? ^lng,'; beard a voice any; "I Will gjve your message If I bav to take lt myself;" It waa the voice X bad hes rd cn th cait?eneid. I was anxious to get a glimpse of it owner, but at the moment the man waa with was endeavoring \o lmpree upon me somethlrg be wished me -1 ?ir io'i ??ui. As noon us i c?nld g< away from bimi went for a look Jb; hind luv Bcr^vn. i saw only a corpse That was the disappointment .of m life. 1 mais inquiries for the wbina I wished to see. bot could o?ly dtscyti ber of a woman ' with n a wes t vol? lt waa not enough. There Were a uah ber of ladles there with sweet volca Besides, I was a soldier with otb, things to occupy mb thea looking t< a woman 1 bud never seep.' - At wi rote. J . left Richmond without eeali br again hearing ber. , The war. having closed, ate regnet with others was sent north and afb the grund review at Washington wi mustered out I had studied a prof? sion before entering, the military oar Ice and on returning, to civil life 0? pied myself with my profession, continued to be haunted by that Q lodious voice. I met women WI were attractive to toe; but ?enjebo lt I especially liked one of them' al waa sure to repel me by a harsh to in speaking. Several years posai and though I was domestic in t tastes add would bave liked to ba tai ried 1 remained ningle. Being culled to Washington on bc ness with the government, I was the. treasury department one mo ml amid a number of women clerke wh I naked one et them where I shot apply for certain Information wished. "Go to the ;i?lrt auditor's office toe next floor above." I had found her. "Were you not on the Said." I ai efl, garter one of the battles w Richmond la 1862, succoring 1 "And when we northern tuan copsed Richmond die: yon n?i y?? d m a hospital take e mtiiH^Wl dying man?" ; ?rt. "i lay near where yon were on tl battlefield end waa near you wt yoe ?rc?tTv? unit tuessugw."' "Hara yeo ?var seen me before ? ' -No.*" ' "Then bow have yon reeognii "By your volee.*". K?ir voie*, t turar? ?WM*. Wpa 1 noticeably so. lt wan the surre? Inga a m i? which I bad beard ft s th? cendVsrneos called forth by pity. And this ta bow I. e northern m came te aaa try s sou ttern woman. A Great Big Beautiful Doll and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy in These 3 lies are tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out anti stuff. They HOW TO OBTAIN ANNA BELLE BOLLS Bring or send to this office $1.25 whiph will pay for a three months' subscription, and we will give or mail you the above beautiful dolls absolutely fr??tcost. This offer is good on new or renewal subscriptions to The Daily IptcfUigericer only. FillHcnit the blank below and bring or mail it to this office With jil.25, and the doll will be sent you immediately. Remember we have only a lim ited number of these dolls and you must act promptly. r (LWM??? THE ANDERSON DAILY VS Anderson, S. C. Gentlemen: Please find Enclosed $1.25 tp pay for a three months subscription tootie Daily Intelligencer for.;_Qf ..;.s. C. P* ; send Anna Belle i and her two dolls to r ???.. Name Address ;3J '5 f WITH GREAT POMP. (Werhig ef Berr*tta Ups? TWtriern !??w -Cia****** (By Associated Press) ie. Hay 2?.-~The peJro coaelst at tlu> Vatican, at which the I hat aros essi???ii ?a those now ?t?e'fc? the O?lrte-h DC? eardt nals created ?aa?fry, ; waa held (oday and was attended by a?rerai thourand perrons, moat of whom were Americans and. other foreigners. A special m if ?lon will be '.tent to takd the Berrettaa to the absent cardinal*, aa waa dona ta UM case pt Cardinal Gibbons. The ceremony attracted much atten tion, even outside the Vatican, the vttbrio boIaVsn??raetcd i?~ tap de parture of each cardinal from ala residenceto go" ts the ap?stol lc pal The capel precession and the cere mony wldffifnMwnaf M>$0\r&i 4 ucted dlgnttarief, both going to an J re turning frota the conaiatory, waa m?at imyresatve. Alter the consistory the cardinals gathered tn the Slrtin0 chapel,h? rt* turn thanks aou iheu met. praaunu brer the pop. ls the consistorial ball. Where Plu? X.. W?iorwi th* cardinals ring, grauted them the privileges of their poeltion and named their titles to their churches. ' coLo?ADo^rrrAti?x Jadge IJnasay Hay? teat He Considers ' the State ef Affairs Yery Serian*. New Ypj*. May M.-Therf. waa a? interesting session of the commisston Investigating the Colorado mining strike mattart. Juaga Ben 8. Lindsay ?aid that tho condition there is bigger i han a strike it ? tue-symptom ot - a wider disorder. He said that 500 c?T? ?Iren baa been made orphans because the mine owners had ?ot installed propr sMetr appliances. Betas, Is Be-td. Annapolis, Mil., ^*Ssy .j?,~Vn??h;Bi R. LiOntuts Ut? Si. J?nUn sanitary v.oi lege cadet shot when upper clanmea attempted to base freshmen "Monday night, died today. The live freshmen in the room from which (ho bulletW& Wft?'wef? ordered re-arrested. "Jaw: had be^n released on bond?.