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INTELLIGENCER WANT ADS. GET RESULTS WANTS Want eil- I'ohllloii an stenographer and Officio nrrtstanl. Experienced. Ap ply lo V. O. Box 306, Anderson, S 8. G-2?-3t Wu?tctl -Td buy 14 feather beds at ohed. Will pay highest cash price <>:. exchange new cotton mattress for came. Address Hy L. Ilurrlss. eure General Delivery. G-27-tf tVuiitcil To call special at .entlon to our Galvanized Steel Watering Troughs Tor Horses, Cows, and lings, liest, strongest, cleanest and must durable trough made. Dw yer Hoofing Go., . "Tho Shop With a Deputation." rona A vm Estrajed-From my residence 280 Blockloy street, a red cow weighing hclwc'?ii? GOO and COO pounds, short "horns and skinned place on right! M.* hip. Finder please notify W: Z. Mc .Ono! 5-29-Jt| THE MI1KJKT-Trial 2:16-7 years ., old. The fastest aud best bred ; horne you . ever had a chance to breed to. Will he in the stud at Davis Bros. Stables. Feo 15 00. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Under this head will be mn short | ?iutouncements of candidates. Thi nae j for these are as follows: Foi vounty offices in both daily and semi-weekly, till election $7.50; in uither alone, $5.00, cash in advanct strictly. For. city offices: in dally oaly: .Mayor, $5,00; aldermen $3.00. v FOB MAYOR. 1 hcreoy announce myself a candi-1 late Tor. Mayor of Anderson, subject | tn tho rules of the Democratic pri mary , 1 " ,* J: M. PAYNE,,,, . .-T . ?-? ? .,' v-rr-?.? E. E. . Elmore la hereby, announced -hu candidate for mayor, .subject to lije rules of the city democratic pri mary election. \ -. . ?. . : - ? i J 1 " Dc. W. F. Ashmore ut hereby ah-1 nonneed as a candidate for mayor, isnbidctf to'.thc rules-ot thpclty demo-j .K.tfe primary election. . ?a-\-"-; j. it. nmifrny t5 hereby ur.r.cur.cci gil candidate for Mayor, subject to thc rulen of tho City Democratic Pri mary, election. FOR ALDERMAN WARD ONE E. H.. Ballenttnn IR hereby an-1 uoiinced as a candidate for Alderman! from Ward 1. subject to the rules of J the city democratic primary election.' J D. E. Jones is hereby announced I as n candidate for alderman from! Ward 1. subject to the rules o? the| city democratic primary elections, FOR ALDEMAR WARD TWO, Votern ni Ward 2 announce Walter | Dobbins as a candidate for Alderman noni that word. - J-:-?----rr\ . . FOR AEBKBMAN WARD THRKi: The- friendB of J. I. Brownlee an-1 neimen bini aa a-candidate for alder-1 > .v-man from Word.8. .r_- , . . ,, ., . L .. .i 111, i r ':/ B. F. Johnson Ia hornby announced a ! candidato for Alderman from Ward] fv ', 3, nubject to tho rulen of the demo eratic-'prlntary. " I hereby announce myself a candi Ward 'A, subject to the rules ot thc dsln for re-election as alderman from democratic party. Chas, F. Spearman. -_--V-- '." FOR Af.BERKAN WARD StX Tho friends ot W. F. Garrison here by- announce him a candidate for (Uhf dcrnian from ward C. ' ii un. sin? nwiis . . i* SPECIALIST . . e - BISEAKEN ot the Eye, Ear, If ose . ? and Threat ?fasses Fitted . .*.-.-. . .. ? . .. ' .- ', - f . J! ? Boors J ' y&A . 9 a M. te l e. m. 8 p. mu t* I p. afc . ttfflf?! ??S-10 BTWSICJ BaiWiag . mn <nminti* wf ASyfrBBfi IW? . TELEPHONE CONNECTION . ANOERSON, 8. C '.. . a . 9 o .........?.A*' * SAYRE ? BALDWIN * * ARCHITECTS * * Bleckley Bldg. Anderson, S. C. * * .,.-, ", - ? . e * Citizens National Bank BM?. . * Rajetea, N, C. * * e ?***.*?*?*.>* STATUS PLATrOKH Mr. Uullentine OM of th? Candidates | fur Alderman UM os Views. Editor The Intelligencer: Having decided to enter the race for AM. i man from Ward One in the coming city primary, I deslio to let thc voters know where I stand on iiu; issues 01 the approaching primary election! 1. I am in favor of a clean city. ! thc moral tone of our town should be thc bert of any city, and I favor putting good moral men in the va I rlous places to be filled by the mcom- 1 lng city council.' and everthying ?rhculd be done that would promoto j mould bu done that would promote' tho highest standard of morals that i lt ls possible to attain. 2. While I um in favor of an econo mical udmlnisratloa, I um also in fav or of a /progressiva administration. I am In favor of ONE MAN for a ONT MAN'S job. and I am opbeed to any one Man's popitlon, being filled by more than one maa al the expense pl th? taxpayers. 3. I am in fuvor of a cleon city, j and to obtuin this it will be necessary to extend the sewer system, and this should be done in preference to work of a.tess important suture, and the whole city should bo sowered us soon I oe practical. 3. I am in favor of Municipal Own cruhip for thc abbat loir, and the in spection of all foods, and the city I rhould continue tb heep an inspector j ?that will at all timer halo yuuid me city and" its citizens from us nig meats or other provisions that aro anwhole .jmo and dungerous to the* health of I the people. 4. I am in favor of efficient fire apd police departments, and both of these I department?- should bc maintained in keeping with thc city's pro?resst 5. Doubtless you all know the po-| ilion I have lauen on thc irancuisc. i am now, and have always been op posed to a forty year lrsnchise' pf I any kind, and especially of water br I :ighl franchise;* to any individual or! corpoiation. 1 believe thc Franchise granted to The Southern Public Util ities Company, was irregularly U'e j gally paBsed by a majority of thc| present City Council; anu over in? t-roiert of thc minority members o: I laid council. And if 1 am elected I shall favor having thc present Fran-] cuise t et m?de, or annulled. And then the f utui c management nf | tho water and /light questions should be left for tho voters ot the city to determine fer themselves. And in cloring will say that I am in favor of govern ment by j tho peo ple, and for the people; and a square deal, to all. - . E. W. HALLENTTNE. W. H. Yeldel. clark of court or ?reenwopd county, was among the V?B ?tor5 to spend yesterday in the city. .DeWiU. Black.well ot Due West ?pent part ol yesterday.In the city. ,, ,S. C. , Cc-un o? tirocnwjod'spe'nt a J few hours in tho city yesterday on bus iness. ... FIOHT ff 'fflElIOtSE lh?"r Thc Trading of thc Clayton Anti Tr=?i Hill. Washington, May 28.-Provisions aimed against discrimination and in clusiv^ agency contracts were perfect, cd by vi o house today fn the consid eration of the QUyton bill to supple ment'the anti trust' laws. Stores of. amendments' designed to alter thc TnejBure os framed hy the judiciary committee were voted down. Three of the twenty " twp sections of the bill wore, agreed to'd'iring the day's de bate. The fit'Bt section'of the.bill, dealing with terms and definitions, was pass ed without objection. The section making lt unlawful for persons controlling mines or mine pro ducts to ^refuse to hell to responsible persons after being amended so as to apply to oil and gas wells, was passed over to allow the Judiciary committee to perfect tho now provi sion. , Thc principal contest of the day waa over the fourth Bcction, making lt un lawful for wholesalers tb lease or sell goods with a condition that the purchasers shall not deal in the/goods of p. Competitor. Representative McCoy, of New Jer sey, tried unsuccessfully to limit tho prohibition to such understandings as are made "with the latent of establish lng a monopoly or destroying the bus! ness of a competitor." BAXTEft CONVICTED His Insanity Dodge Wonjil Not !>?' eelve The Jnry. Momphls, Tenn.. May 28.-.1. (Sd. Max ter,, charged with the mordor of the father, mother and bro'her, of his wife, and who since his arrest in Ken tucky, several months dgo has been feigning Insanity, today was convict ed and sentenced to Ole Imprisonment The jory, reported the verdict without leaving th? box. j Imnidlately after the verdict w?i' announced Baxter dropper his role of Insanity and. laughed over tho way he "put ono over" aa he.expressed, orr tho commission which passed on hts, san ity. Ho, said he did not want lo ba [> the electric chair, tere victims J. A, Smith and hi? : and son Oscar, the later aged 16, were shot down in cold blood when* Smith refused to admit Baxter to his home, whore the UUor bsd gone to his wife, from whom he waa separat ed. Mrs. n=.^tsr. cchins - dqsr, v-?t nessed the murders. She secured a di vorce after hts arrest; ATTENTION IAN DER CLCB. Do not let the delightful Kennion ? .our thought* os to make you forget inf- in nm .-?on ni tresco. 3. D. McElroy has tn store foi uo et Sandy Springs this afternoon (Friday. Any one who has s vacant i;, her car ot > has not yet found a way lb go. please report to Mrs. George E. Prince, ?5L., soon as porsible. Greensboro. N. C.. Thursday rain, the first in five weeks. Th? ?her : egtstered 99 there. SCENE FROM "THE GOOD-FOR-NOTHING." VERY few performers in the mov ie* have us tunny friend? RB lit tle Jane Wolfe. She han a sun ny disposition and a cheery smile, which accounts for n great tunny of them. Bnt. then, her ability before the camera has caught many more. "The Oood-For-Nothing" features "Broncho Billy" Anderson in a splen did four reel feuture. Anderson ap pears at his nest in this Ulm, mid that's "going some." In '^The Estrangement" n lazy roan deserts his family, but eventually comes to himself and returns to home responsibilities in time to save his chil dren from disgrace. "The .Father's Bcapegont" is one of the best of thu new releases. (.'aught In a trap, the father, believ ing he would IM? able to readjust the wron?, hinnml MK scapegrace son for a crime he Itfnwlf.had committed. lt resulted In spiirrinj; the son on Into n successful life. With lt came the return of his good name. Andy ploys cupid in the sixth ad venture of "Andy." by Mark Swan. . Andy doesn't want beautiful Flslo Worth to ronrry the count to whom she hs engaged. -lop. Parker ls Andy'? Idea of the kind or a', husband for El sie. 80 our hero gets busy and turns the count's well laid "matrimonial plans very much inside out. A tramp, evidently weary of wnlk Ing, discovers n messenger buy'* bicy cle und laUes possession of it In .'ills Fired l?de ." He theil starts; around the i own ami runs an)tick against various. People. Hi-eoniplishlnc bllui'liiiiN rennin with more varieties of funny fails than one usually experiences in s pair of slap stick comedies. "Simp Simpson and ?he Spirits" is a new feature which lins Just, been re leased... . Cowboy simpson ls not much on looks, but ls nome shooter, ?nd handy fighter and never sidesteps trouble. Professor Mahatma, oriental mystic, opeus up n dirty curtained shop of oe ctlit power In Rattlesnake Glitch*. "Simp." being very curious about him self, learns, for the price of $25. tluit he hus wonderful ewart power. Ile fulls luto n mumbling mood ami ?very? body around town takes advantage of his hypnotic state by playing tricks upon him. handful of men made a nation to be afraid Of, in all the world they haw uo rup', lor. we are foremost, the sun ny ?outli IP God's own country, und only a step below the streets of gold and me gate of pearls, where sooner or later we will find that home not ?made with hands eternal in thc beav ens. The home that two-thirds of the brave old soldiers have enter ed In; sud to every one bore today wo feel like taking'your hand in ours and ? prepping it tn our heart while we ask j dod to bc with you lill we meet again. I Yea, too ti tie is this the taft meeting with many of us. rhir ls to be the last reunion with many of the veterans, this thought brings a nadner.s, but then our hearts grow sad when wc think of the past and realize we are so very nearly alone. In my recent happy talki- with many of the old velctanr. uone have brought home my childhood dayr so much as Mr. Thom as Webb'and Mr. John Cochran* Sr. These two dear old men have told me ro much of my much loved father and saintly mother. They knew them (kith HO well-knew my mother, knew j ?her to bc so gentle and patient, and | ! how nhc would open ber eyes with ! wonder when father and her own brother. David Oeer. would have one of their heated conversations, there was never buy dispute with them, for it was sahl by tho neighbor*-, that Samuel Brown and David Geer al way ^ thought alike. Hut no so with David Geer nbd John Cochran.' Mr. Coch ran -said he and Uncle David wero Gie bert of friends, but they would fuss some time. Said they would get along fine until shout midday and then they would begin a dispute or sotuu kind. Uncle David would come Into town early tn the morning and bun: up Mr. Cochran and they would bc bosom friends till toward evening then they would fall out about their views. Hat the neat day it waa hall fellow well met again. They were big minded men and were willing lo disagree. Mr. Webb can tell you all about that big snake we raw one day over to ward tho village, we thought it was the Yankees burning up our little town, and father wa? soon astride old Charlle*r back and going at a brisk trot to eoe where thc lire was. He didn't go far. till he saw thc cars at UroyleB crossing on (Ire. It had passed home but a few minutes tie lore but tho raiders were at Broyles' crossing wattiiig (or the car, and when thc train reached there they stopped lt and set lt on lire. Of courte Mr-" Webb won't say anything about how roared he wa?' when - he heard guns firing like a battle was at hand. Ile won't say anything about jumping behind the money safe and lighting On top of Mr. Samuel Cray ton. who-had also sought refuge there, bat they couldn't stay behind the safe. Times wero getting hot and ti??y crawled out of the burning car- and surrendered, while' tbb-<crew from the Greenville trate who had met the same fate* near WUUatnston were standing down at thc foot of the hill having a good laugh over Mr. Webb and Mr. Cmylon's nervousness. Ye>. Mr. Webb can toll you all about it and have a big laugh over it. for bis memory is woaderful for a maa Of his age and he in Interesting. . 'Yc<a. I can tntrhtnlly say I hnvrfe found all1 the old veterans very interesting, and so long, aa I live } the visit I made in many of their homer has beeb very pleasant and t reel r ad indeed that lt ir to bo my last | for I will uover' undertake the-work of seeing them all again. The task 3&a tx ju;.:ni ont, hut my in'.;;;? MO them-'ali; will always' bring a thought Cf B&u&??i?. vitia ali my heart I waa so anxious to see cve"y veteran in Anderson county and I .could have d?ne it had my health not failed. While I am not as old ar the veterans, 'I have (-?tarted down the ehady aide and will bo near when they cross over. Xoxt that they are to leave us here for a while I hope God will be with them ev ery day and every hour tilt W-^flttiseC] again. Commercial .... i itt. ?.? KNew York Cotton New York, May 28.-Thc cotto-i arket was very active again Thurs day and showed continued strength with all positions -making new high ground for th. movement. Realising caused reactions during the afternoon but the Gnni tone of the market 'was steady with old crop dell verlas show ing net gains of from 22 to 30 points, while Ute now crop was net four high er to three points lower. The detailed weather reports for tim weetara belt also contributed to tho bullishness of sentiment and the old crop positions sold 24 to 34 pointe net higher during the afternoon, while tho crop at one time showed net gains of from 10 to 12 points. Reacting became more active later, while buying seemed to be checked to some estent by reports of showers in Louisiana and Mississippi. New crop position a sold u?? several pointe In consequence. Futures closed steady. \ Opened Closed May ..*.14*8 14.35 July.13.0* 13.12 .ugnst.^..12.88 12 72 October ......12.78 12.72 December .12.87 12.81 lanuary .. . .. 12.68 12.87 8pot steady: . middling uplands 14.50; ault 14.75.. Nb sales. Cott?Slle?dOO New York. May M.-Colton seed oil waa actedy early today, with-cotton, but sagged oft later unter pr or tender? tomorrow, lack nf on: ?:.:. ?n. mahd helping. ttm The merket closed steady. Chicago Orala. , Chicago. May 28.-Discovery ot black rust in Oklahoma carried wheat today up to $1 a bushel; May delivery, the highest price of the crop year. There waa a nervous feeling at the :lose, which wis 1-1 to 5-8 above last alght. Corn finished l-s off to tnt up.oats a anode co l 8-s deem end urovialons at 7 1-2 to 22 ).? decline. ANNOUNCING THE New Royal Model 10 Price $100 The Matter Machine that takes the*grind* out of typewriting ! 'THlE rapid-fire action X of the new Royal ?ts tremendous ndvan tage, o,(jEuperior conven ience-ita all-day speed without tiring the opera tor-its new Adjustable Touch - make it ca*y for 4tfFstenographer to turn out MQRR letters in the same working day. Cef thc Fact at Scud for the * RoyeS r.lan " in vrur lowe *nd Oak for n DEMONSTRATION. rVr?fe?irecf for our new brochur?\."R?7* TER SERVICE,'*en* * becc tiful Color-Photograph of the , ntw Royal Mettler Mrdcl J O. "Write now-right rou V* Cecil's Business Caliese. $10 Cash No Taxes onth No Interest est! ?n? Lof? These lots are going faster then we expected and we may not get to see you unless you phone 474, see or write H. Harton, 5?, Horton W. F. Marshafe t . ?-.' ArV "?H?V'? F. E. Alexandel The?. F. Cartwright t ..... ; -'. fl* Condensed Passenger -Schedule GREENVILLE, SPABTANBUBG * A MiE.StKON RAILWAY ?0. Erferttre May Sttb, 1914 '.il..... * .1 . ... '. , ; < ".'j .'*?.V .'.if - ? Anderson, .: :: i: KV. ?Arrhals* .Repartures* No. 31 7:35 AM No. 30 6:30 AM No. :n ?:35 AM No.32 8:25 AM No. 36 11:40 AM No. 34 10:30 AM No. 37 1:20 PM No, 36 1 2:20 PM No. 39 3:25 PM No.38 2:15 PM No. 41 4:40 PM NoJ 40 3.35 PM No. 43 5: SO-PM1 No. 42 4:50 PM rio. 46 Y:10-PM No. 44 5:50 PM No. 47 10:60 PM Np-*" 9:46 PM C. S. ALLEN. General Passenger Agent. "-?jfci* ?t.4?;tct? ii--.a? p.-*# m m s ? ? ? **i ? ? * ? ? ? R. Bleekley Phone 671 O. M. Heard Phoae t7. BLEGKLEY ft' ?? Undertaker* , 117 E. Wkttarr BL Answers all calls doy or'night. .Phone ?SSS. ? *ii ifi jji)? *? si *JB S? ? ? M a a > ? ? . a A . * w js ...jd CASEY & FANT * * . i-r * * ARCHITECTS * Andmon, S. C * e. -T .--rT aj * Brown 10ffice Building . % Second Floor.; Phone 369 * a . ., ?. ?a****? ****? Uncle Sam's righting Men "On the Job" at Vera Cruz * Photo* copyright, 19U, by American Press Association. .Sjp'TTNCLE SAM'S ncbtlng men ar? following active careers In Mexico, '?9 I and they like thc work, as a Welcome change from the dall routine m-J of times of peace. In the lil astra tion appear two typical scenes of ?f^J?^' affairs in eastern Mexico. One shows a machine gun with its cow hurryintr westward from Vent Crus to guard the waterworks, five miles ats tant. The other shows a squad ?f Infantrymen firing at Mexican sharp shooters (or snipers, as they are termed) In the outskirts of Vera Croa. SPORTS . At Iriff?lp 7; Brooklyn 2. At Baltimore 2; Pittsburgh No others scheduled. NATIONAL At. Pittsburgh 0; PhlUdeipitta a At Chicano 4; St. IJoula 6. (ld in nings.) No others scheduled. AMER!:C: AN ? j ? -? At Washington 5; Detroit. 8. (8 in ntngs called allow teams catch train. At Nev York'$; Culcago i. At Boston. 2; Cleveland 6. Ai Fliil?dt-lphlit 3; Si. IAJU?.I d, American Association At Columbus 1; St. Paul ::. (ll in nings.) At Indianapolis C; Kaunas Olly 2. At louisville 9; Minneapolis Ai cleveland ?; MHwadkoe 6. (15 .lab ii* ! a.a.....CU.; f South Atlantic At Albany 6; Augusta 1. At Colnn?I .is 3; ^olnrubla 1. At Jacksonville 8; Savarnish C. At Mactn 1; Oharlostno 10. Internationa! League 'At ilochestcr 6; Toronto f>. At Buff Mo 6; Montreal 5. At ProViidcnco et Baltimore 7. < ;At' Jersey (Tty-Newark game to bo played Sunday as part of doable head er v. SOUTHERN LEAGUE ' At Birmingham <; Atlanta 4. AL- Chattanooga 2; Montgomery 12. A-*. Naabvllto 5; M?.nkio st. Memphis A; NOW Orleans I.. FROM AN OLD COUNTRY LADY "Goo' bu wUu you lill wc racct again." TIIIB week lr one long to be remem- j bered. A week ot Joy to the old and a week _of devotion from the young. It can be truthfully said of dear old Anderson that she hath done what she could for the survivor*' In the beginning Anderson's citizens | realized thc situation, realized they ', were to bavc among them men. who j along with their steter rtates of the Confederacy bad struggled together In a great war. In this war were the men whom we honor today. Indeed wc can well afford to honor i these grand old heroes. In them there ' lr no need for a single tear, nor fail ures of duly done, nor ls there' occa- : sion Tor any blush of shanie for deeds that would stain tho pages ot history. Nay none. No regrets to sadden the old day:-, nor chume to fall upon the sons and daughters, for thc men who tought in the sixties were men that wre brave and true and history w?l give it down to generation after gener ation that the southern men who fought for their rlghtB, have proven te the World that ??vef before or since have men made euch a struggle to gain their own. The struggle could bc well compared to a man with his hands tied behind him, and hud io fight hts enemy with the weight of his body, or better still aa' one ola warrlot expro-.-ed lt. "with the throb bing of his heart, and the might of his soul." Our men fought for a liberty that has taken years and years to es tablish, their defeat was little less a blessing in disguise, the war proved to men their powor, and today tho wot ld if full of its proof. The Southern states with their i I Financial and WILSON'S ADDRESS Put a Little ?lager Into the Stork Market Yesterday. ft By Associated Press) New York. May 28.-The stock mar ket drifted along In Idle and futile fashion again today. The Mexican situation , the outcome of . Missouri Pacific entanglements and forejgln eond i ( ion H fatied to exercise more than passing Influence. Late In the ncr alon President Wil son's, address to the Illinois Manufac turers avowing his Intention to carry out b's anti-trust program, caused .onie slight reaction but net changes In the more Important issues. United States steel excepted, were hardly noteworthy. Sn the r pedal group the movement* was distinctly irregular. General motors lost much of Its recent gnlh, while Wells Pargo gained five points. London Was u seller of out sjourl *?O? Advices from Paris pointed to a dessication of financial conditions. Time money for the larger maturi ties stiffened, but the shorter dates and call oana were unchanged. The only feature of. tho bond dlvl aloh was the strnegth of ' the Gould Issues. Total sales of - bonds, par value. ?1,505,000 Liverpool Cotton Liverpool. May 28.-Spot firm;-good middling 8.8?; middling 7.76; low mid dling 7.25. Sales 5.000. Futures steady. Money On CalL New York. May 28.-Mercantile | paper ? s-4 a f. Sterling exchange easy; sixty days 4.85.S0; demand 4.88.45. Commercial bills 4.86 3-8. Bar silver 57. Mexican dollars 44. Government bonds steady, railroad bonds firm. Call money steady 1 7-8 a 2; ruling rate 1 7-8 closing 1 7-8 a 2. Time loans, stronger sixty and nice ty days 2 1-2 sig nontbs 5 1-4.