University of South Carolina Libraries
1861 SECTION ONE Special Reunion Nunift^ to the V. C. V. PAGES 1 to 8 1914 VOL. 1, NO. 111. Weekly, EwUbllshed I860; PaJlr,Jaa. 18, 191?. ANDERSON. S. C, DAY MOANING, MAY 26, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS $5.00 PER ANNUM REUNION ENDS; ALL WERE HAPPY THERE WAS A GREAT DEM ONSTRATION YESTERDAY AFTERNOON MEMORABLE SCENE j Several Hundred Survivors In the Parade Behind the Battle Flag of the 4th Regiment Tue lill 4 Confederate Reunion came to a close In And arson tills morning shortly after midnight, when the an nual reunion ball was concluded, with tho strains of "Home Sweet Home." al though the businers session of the veterans had been ended early n the afternoon. The mammoth parade at ~> o'clock waB followed by a reception at thc Hotel Chiquola and then the ball brought the reunion to a close - a re union said to have been the most suc cessful although not the largest, in the organization's history. YV icu the meeting was opened yes terday morning a motion was aiade that the commission from the veterans to- urge a more sufficient pension sum from the State he increased from three to F,even. Mr. MoLaurln suggested that the committee consists of one wan from each congressional district and after some discussion it was adopt ed. Thean men have not yet been ap pointed but will be decided upon by Gen. Teague at a later date. < Columbia was chosen as the next meeting place for the reunion, the in vitation being extended on beb?lf of that city by WI A. Clark. The veter ans were all anxious to go to Colum bia and they appreciated the Invitation sb ably presented hy Mr. Clark. The election of pincers waa pot such an interesting part of the day's pro gram, us might have been-expected. So well pleased are the veterans with the able discharge of the duties by the various officers that every one of the old officers was- re-elected,.these being: ! Dtviston Commhi?d?'f;.0ahr-?^H- Tea? gue ot Aiken; Commander of the First Brigade. Gen. C. ft. Brooks Ot Colum bio; Commander Ot thsBtecond Brigade Gen. C. A. Reed of Aftderedn. The division recommends to the gen eral assembly for appointment the members of th? state board of pen sions. The old) board was. re-elected, aa follows: Comptroller General Jone? chairman'ex officio, Capt. D. R. Fle--Jiln of Columbia. Dr. William Weston of Columpie; Cot. W. H. Ed wards of Chester ?nd Col. R. J. Mor r?3 af "hash^tba... Mrs. J. L. Mc Who rtcr, who had .1.... I....... ^ J ?... XVI.a A lin- Charla of Columbia, president of the state U. D. C. to convey greetings from mem bers of the division, waa. detained and Mrs. C. McC. Patrick of Anderson was presented lh her stead. Mrs. Pat rick made a ringing, good speech, which was greatly appreciated by the old veterans, who frequently applaud ed. The following resolution proposed hy Col. F. O. 8. Curtls.^?haplain of thc division, was adopted: That the thanks of this dlvlaon be returned to the Gettysburg Peace Mamorial com mittee for the courtesies and atten tions extended to al) Confederate vet erans and especially to those of South Carolina who attended that great nat ional gathering. The following resolution offered by Adjutant S. E. Welch, Waa unanimous ly adapted: That the thanks of our division be returned to the legisla ture of South Carolina, to the Co lumbia State, to tho governor ?nd Gen. Teague and to Col. Clark, presi dent of the Carolina National, bank and to the citizens who contributed to the fund, which enabled so many of the survivor? of the b*ttle*of Get tysburg to attend the Peace reunion, July 1-4, 1913. on the battlefield of Gettysburg. ResolaJten* et Thanks. Just before adjournment waa reach ed Col. W. A. Clark proposed the fol lowing resolution, which waa mnal Resolved. that the grateful thanks of the South Carolina division, ll. C. V.. be returned to the chamber bf commerce and the citizens of Ander sen for the generous hospitality und d aShftaSlameige* si delightful entertainment extended to the old soldiers; to the committees for the ample provision mada for our HMinfnri and pleasure; to the newspa pers for courtesies and reports of tho proceeding's; to the ladles of thc city and the boy scouts; tb the rail road com pan lea for low rates and ac commodations; to Mr. Porter' A. Whaler, secretary of the chamber of commerce, ai d to Mayor Holleman and ?i: ?^c< ??iv." with ulm lr? tho at tentons and courtesies ali of which ba?-,? ceatrlbuted so much to the suc cess .?ac pleasure of our. reunion. ; o.icwtr.g thc ccaciusich cf all busi ness to com? before thc Veterans Geo. J?. H. Teague made a few remarks to which he reiterated h.s satiafactoo ov (Coutinaed on Page Eight.) SO PRESIDENT WILSON TELLS DELEGATES TO NATIONAL TRADE CONVENTTION FOR EXPORT TRADE Completion of Panama Canal and Tariff Laws Opens the Door Outward (By AsKC/ciated Press) Washington. May. 28.-President Wilson told 'Jelegates to the national foreign trad > convention, who called at the white hoi fe today, that one of the chief needo of the United States was a mrechant marine. "There ls nothing in which I am more interested than the fullest devel opment nf. the trade ir this country and Ita righteous conquest of foreign market;;," he said. "I think you will re&"ze from what Secretary Redfiled bas said to you that ll ls one of the things that we hold netti est to our herats, 'hat the government and you should cooperate In the moBt Intimate manner in ac complishing our common object. "I am sure that I speak with the conviction of all of you when I say that one pf our chief needs is to have a merchant marine, because if we have to deliver our gooda In other people's delivery wagons their, goods are de livered first and our dei'.vered incident ally on their route?. This ls a matter I have near by own aear for s gr?at many years." WEATHER UNFAVORABLE. the Effect Was Shown en New Orleans Tottan Market. - (By Associated Press.) New Orleans, La.. May 28.-Liqui dation of long contracts weighed agalnrt thc cot'.on market today, ni? though weather news was unfavora ble and private reports on condition stimulated sentiment. "'. Sol Ung out of long cotton was In evidence as soon as the market ' opened and at times waa heavy. At the highest, prices wero 8 to 12 p?h?*s over yesterdays last .Quotations. - The ciose was 1 to 5 points up. Thc heavy rains again reported In Texas overnight brought in many buying orders. Thc continued drouth in the eastern, belt and a condi tion report of 73.8 per cent locrea'joo the d?sire to buy. Around the mid dle of the morning the market made a snow of strength, but ihv riso brought out more offerings than ever. Late in the day liquidation was heavy enough to force the market down un 'll the more active months were un changed to S points off. compared with the close of yesterday. Cotton futures closed ct? "dy. May 1357; July 1861;?A- .ut 1831; Oct 1271; Dec. 1271; Jan .2 . -Spot coton steady 1-8 ... Middl ing 13 3-4. Sales on the tpot 780; to arrive 565. ?THE OIJKNOBTII STATE" The Anthor of the M?sle for (Jr?nd ?id Song Ried Yesterday. Raleigh, N. C., May 28.-Miss LOUIRO Kora ? ay?or, wno gave to North Caro lins the music for the state byran, "The old North state," died today ht her home in this city at the age of Mi When a girl of thirteen years Miss TaylO.* heard the music at a concert and won' playing the tune the next morning when her uncle, Judge Wil liam Gaston conceived the idea or a state byrou. He composed the words. THEY MAY "UNIONIZE" United States Circuit Cenrt of Appeal Makes a Rec I? ie a. Richmond, Va, Msy 28.-The United SUtes circuit court of appeals today sustained the right of the United Mine Work'rs of America "to unionise" in the cuse of John Mitchell individually and others against th? Nitchmand Coal and Coke Company oh appeal from the district court at Phillipp!. W. Va Intercollegiate Events. Boston, May 28.-Athletes from more than a seor? of eastern colleges snd delegates from? the universities cr California and Michigan began to as semble today for the 13th annual gath ering Of the intercollegiate associa tion of America. The sports will beg ju with elimination evor-ts. The finals will be held Saturday ooooooooooooooooooo o TWELVE THOUSAND STRIKE o o Charleston. W. Va.. May ^n^j^r? o Vweive thousand coal miners o o will go on strike Saturday o o . night. The mine owners agreed , o o tb the deaseads of the mea tor o more pay, bat refused to coiect o the dues for the unions through o .< the St Ices of the company. a . m> ooooononnnooooooooo DOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooo o o o o o o o o o o ? 1 ; ? o GOODBYE, GOOD GRAY MEN o o - j . o o The reunion of the Confederate Veterans o o of the State which ended yesterday was in. o o many ways the happiest gathering of these' ? o good men since Appomatox. o o There were many joyful scenes of com- o o rades meeting; after a separation of many i o o years. ? lo The climax was the parade during which o o the old soldiers, some 300 in number o o marched between ranks of wildly cheering o o children waving Confederate flags. o o There were 798 bona fide veterans reg?s- o o tered at the information bureau, and thqre o je were many who did not register. o jo The city was filled with friends frdm o . o the country yesterday, there being more o 'o buggies and other vehicles on the strelts o o than ?t any other time snce circus day 6 o And in all of this crowd there was no dis- o o order. The police had but four arrests all o o week, and these were not for disorderly o o conduct, and no old soldier was disorderly, o -o It was the soberest, happiest reunion in o o the history of the state. o o Anderson has done herself proud and the o o old soldiers were given many pleasures and G o evry comfort and many attentions withqut c o anything to mar the beautful and hap|>y o o gathering c o . c BUSY FELL OVER 20 il fi FEET ?0 THE GROUND ALMOST MIRACULOUS ES CAPE PF. j?rTTLE BOY [FELL FROM WINDOW I Suffered a Number of Braises ano Scratch?? But No Bones Were Broken-Now Recovered "LED ONE 0F1E1W8 W. R. MUNDAY CIEDJLAST NIGHT IN THIS CO?KTY WAS SEIZED HERE! End Casse '-a;i Night As Veteran Was Bring Carried To Abbe ville In An Automobile . Whl?s the streets were thronged with people about 3 o'clock yesterday ! afternoon those psif'fig the Tow*?'?end Apartment on Main street what proved to be aitu??t A m?renle. Joe Cox Keller, the little two and one half year old soc r?f F. A. Keller, fell from the second floor of the apartment j house to the ground below, a distance of about 20 feet. Every person seeing the child fall from the .window waa al most paralyzed with - fear for anstaut j and then dozens rushed to hun. only to fled that he had sustained bu: a few bruises and scratches and was not seriously injured. Mrs. Keller had lett the little boy in Icharge of a nurse and bao stepped across the Btroet to the Carnegie Li brary. She had just come f*vn the building and was standing on the steps oT the library talking to another lady when she saw her baby falling. She waa frantic with fright and could hardly get across the street to lift up the baby and carry him np stairs. A physician was hurriedly summoned and complete examination made to de termine the extent ot the little boy's injuries and then lt was found that he had .escaped hurt. This can not te described exactly as a miracle, the distance from the window to the ground ls fully 20 feet and it does seem that. the child would at least have sustained several broken bones and it might have been killed. The only death among the Confed erate veterans here for, thc reunion occurred last nlsrht at S o'clock when W. R. Mundy of Abbeville succumbed to a stroke of paralysis as he was be ing carried home in an automobile. He was seised with the attack when in front of the home of Wade Drake, about four miles from Anuderspn and he was hurriedly rushed into the ?muse but died within less than 10 minutes He was 73 years of age. . Mr. Munday came to Anderson yes terday from Abbeville and shortly af ter he alighted from the train he be came ill and lt was necessary that he be assisted to the Cbiquola hotel, where he was put lo bed. Physicians were summoned and everything posssl ble done to relieve him, message? meanwhile being sent to Abbeville to relatives. Last night his son-in-law, W, A. Stevenson, county supervisor of Abbeville county and Dr J. E. Pressly of Abbeville arrived In the etty and lt was. determined best that Mr. Mun dy be carried back bosse. The party lett here at 8:45 in J. E. Stevenson's automobile but when Mr. ; Drake's place waa reached it was seen that Mr. Mundy was in a serious condition and it was deemed best to stop. Mr.. Mundy was a member of Capt. Miller's Abbeville company through out the war and served with honor. He waa a retired planter and for the THE DUPONT POWDER COMPANY BLOWN UP-IN THE D.S. SENATE V (By Associated Press.) Washington, May M.-Increase in the capacity of tbs government powder' factory at. Indian Head. Md., so that all smokeless powder used by the na vy In times of peace may. be manufac i tured there, would bo provided in an amendment to the naval appropriation {bill adopted, by the sedate In 'the debate a general attack was msde .On Wi? y?pese rbwder Company, j Members of the caral committee ad vocating the amendment, which would appropriate $6O0l00a, ex ? l's hied the government Std. dot intend to man ti - ? facture all Its powder, but lt needed a plant big enough to mah? it independ I ??j? jjf ?K_ rVitt?&* (flran.nv Connln. ! 1 Tughes contended thai the amendment meant the driving from business of private capital. Senator La Follette read from a pub lished article which charged that after a superior powder had been develop ed through the sid of government of ficer?, the "trust" then ?old lt to fore ign governments. Senator WJarren, of Wyoming, de clared the Dupont Company deserved commendation for many acts; that lt voluntarily submitted to ?ecretary Daniels its contracta for powder in Mexico and cancelled .them on the soc rcu|ry's "merest suggestion." Sen a tor Reed suggested thai': "any man who sells powder to si foreign nation } with whom we are at -war is. likely to * ba execuvd for treason.'' ACTION OF THE NORTHERN PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY THURSDAY AS TQ PROHIBITION The Southern Assembly Placed Itself on Record As Favoring a Law By Congress (Hy Associated Prcas.) Chicago, Muy 28.-.Members of the 126th general assembly of the Presby terian Church IT. S. A. tNorthern) to day went on record as favorng a Fed eral law on divorce In Hie folow|ng . resolution. "We are all aware ur distress ing situation which has resulted from the existing inadequate divorce laws of the different states. I bei>vc the only soli'lion of the problem is u federal law. This great church should go on record tcday on this important sub ject." i The resolution WUB adopted. Another resolution E dopt cd called on the pastors and churches to take steps to revive family worship. ! The report of the special committee on white slave traine was adopted without discussion. Doubt was expressed in the report of the advisability of teaching seflt hygiene in the public schools and ps- ' rents were urged to Inform their chil-1 dren personally of the truths of life. An overture seeking to allow women ' to serve as ruling elders was discour aged by the assembly, which sustained the committee on bills and overtures . in ile recommendation that no action betaken. t A recommendation that where min isters of the Presbyterian Church are sutd for divorce the local presbytery should investigate the case and spreed its report on the records of the Pres bytery, was approved and sent to the various Presbyteries for a referendum vote. J The goothera Assembly. I Kansas City.'May ?8.-The General assembly Of the Presbyterian Church In the l-nlted States (Southern) at its )7hal ' seesion today voted to raise the standard of its coll?ges *n the South. Tho assembly adjourned to meet May 20, at Newport News, Va-. It was decided that hereafter each school must have an endowment of at leant 4100,000 and an annual income of 812.000. The commissioners em phasised their desire te strengthen the ' church schools. During discussion thai preceded the adoption of a resolution favoring nat tions! prohibition a Lumber of rome?is-, aoners declared the assembly should avoid such an endorsement as politi cal. Dr. J. S. Lyons, of Louisville, Ky., rotirisg moderator, said the Presbyter ian church voa historically against taking part in bpeelfi; political ac tion After the resolution had bee/ adopted, a communication signed by 20 commissioners was Hied, protesting against the action. The assembly adopted the resolution presented to it for action by the Wom ens. Temperance Union as follows: I "Resolvej, that we are in favor of national prohibition and we will do all in our power to Secure the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution, forever prohibiting the skle, manufac- j ture for sale, transportation > for sale, j importation for sale, and exportation ? for sale, or sale of Intoxicating liquors for beverages purposes and in the United States," j BENNETT YOUNG FOR THE SENATE Commander-inChtef United Con federate Veterana Wishes To Succeed Bradley (By Associated Presa) . Louisville. Ky.. May 28,-Generat Bennet H. Young, of Louisville, com- . mander in chief of the United Con federate Veterans, today announced ? bia .candidacy before the August prl- I maries for the democratic nomination for the United States senate from Kentucky, to 'fill out the unexpired term of the late Senator W. O. Bradley. Governor McCre?rf ls expected to appoint a successor to Senator Bradley to serve until the November election, when a senator will be elec ted to serve until March. 1P15( the date, ot the expiration of senator Bra^BeyjsJgjrm. ? ^.^,...^ last year had been making bia home with his son-in-law He is survived by ons daughter, Mrs. W. A. Steven son of Abbeville and two SOBS.- one of Abbeville and the other of Columbia. The body was taken from Mr. Drake's to Abbeville last night and* the funeral services will be held in AbbeVllle either this afternoon or to morrow. MODERATELY IS THE WAY PREST. WILSON WOULD HANDLE BUSINESS CONDITIONS SERVE, NOT HINDER That b His Attitude But He Dc clares that Big Business Mutt Be Purified (Hy Associated Press.) Washington. May 28.-Prcrldent Wilson, through a statement issued ut the White House today, again as sured the business world that the ad ministration would proceed "moder ately and soberly" in its program of business reform legislation. The statement was occasioned by the visit of a delegation of Illinois ' nosiness men, who asked the president that all legislation affecting business except tho trade commission b? withheld until a trade commislon could lok thorough roughly Into thc business situation. "The president said in reply to the Illinois delegation" rays the state ment, "that in hts judgment nothing was more dangerous for business than uncertainty; that lt had become evident through u long serieB of years that a policy ruch as-the democratic party war now pursuing was absolute ly necessary to satisfy the conscienco of the country, and Its perception of the prevailing conditions of busi ness; and that it was a gi eat deal better to do the thing mode- *ely; and soberly now, than to we ; more radical forces had acc. n u jd and lt was necesary to go muco further. "The president also raid that while he was aware of the present depres sion of buslners, there was abundant evidence that lt wac merely psycho logical that here is no material con dition or substantial teason why the business of the country should not he In the most prosperous and expanding condition. He urged upon his visi tors the necessary of patriotic coop eration on the part of the business men of. the country, in order to sup port rather than oppose the moderate processes reform, and lb help guide them by their own .intimate knowledge of business conditions and processes. "Told to his visitors thst it was hlr earnest desire to serve and not to hinder or injure the nu?lncss or the country in any way, and that he believed that upon reflection they would see that tho course he waa urging would in the long run not only but in the short run also, be the wise and serviceable coureo." WOMAN JAILED COURT CONTEMPT Violated Injunction Issued By a Judge Against the Striking Minera (By Associated Press.) Fairmont, W. V., May 28.-Miss Fan nie Sellins serving a six months sen tence In the county jail here for viola tion of Judge Dayton's injunction against the striking miners at Col liers, W. Va., today through her coun sel, filed a motion for a new trial with the United States district court st Philippi, WI Va., If the motion ls gran 'ed the case will, be ! heard at Richmond. Va. The United Mine Workers, o? Amer ica, lt was ststed today, had pledged aucb a bond ad the 'court might ask if Miss Sellins ls admitted tb bail. Wheeling, W. Va.. May 28.-A move ment was'started today to induce President Wilson, to Intervene for Miss Fannie Sellins. Twenty five thousand postcards were sent to ?inion labor men by the Ohio Valley Trace? sembly asking them to urge the pres ident to order Miss Sellins release. Official Golf Ladles. Orange. N. J..-Miss Lillian B. Hyde of South Shore. L. I., and Miss Georgianna M. Bishop of Orooklawn. ('min.. will meet tomorrow as final ists for tbe Metropolitan golf cham pionship title and trophy. Each or these players has won the honor pre viously. ooooooooooooooooo o MAKING PEACE; o o 35 EXECUTED o o -- o o ?By Associated Press) o o Nogales, Ariz., May o o 28.-Thirty-five Federal o o officers captured by the o o constitutionalists at Tepic n o were executed May 24 ac- o o cording to a message re- o? o ceived^here today from o o General Alvaro Obregon o o the constitutionalist com- o o mander. o o o ooooooooooooooooo PLANS FOR PEACE PRACTI CALLY COMPLETED BY THE CONFERENCE i - COMMISSION FORM Is the Plan of Government Prop? osed Until Elections Can Be Held Later On ?I (My A. . lat? ! Press.! Niagara Fa UH, Ont.. May 2K.-Plana for the pacification of Mexico through mediation virtually have "men com pleted. The 'major Issues are before Presi dent Wilson and (?enerr.? Huerta for approval and when this is obtained secondary questions w.ll be taken up, A protocol covering the basic princi ples will be signed, the mediation con ference will close, delegates will re turn to their homes and the mediators will complete detall? of the undertak ing. It ls (understood that the plan Calls for a commission government of a president and four cabinet officers un* til an election can be/held. Women Killed in Hattie. AmarcoB, Coahulla, Moy 23.-By Courier via El Paso May 28.---Thliiy five women camp followers lost their lives with 300 federal soldiers in the - battle of Pared?n, it was learned to? day.- Fifty seven federal officers were executed after the battle. Reporta of the execution of General Munoz, Nephew of Ex-President Porfi rio Di ax. General Orzono. and nine colonels seem well established. Tba men shot, it waa said, relter* ated their loyalty to the Huerta gov ernment and gave their liven rather than violate the oath of allegiance. Twelve members of a Federal mil itary band were shot by constitution alists soldiers without sa-nctio" of their officers. Tills was the only In crease In the enlisted men who were executd. General Al tearer, onfe nf the Federal commanders,, met.hs death, lp au-un? usual manner. After dereat had b? er tank Of the train. Ho was killed come certain, he crawled Into a wat-, er tank of the train. He was killed when two hundred grenades / were thrown into the tank. - Keep Ont of T J mp leo. Washington', May 28.-urgent ree- . emendations (hst Americans should not return is Tantpicc y?t were trass. mitted to the navy department tonight by Rear Admiral Mayor through Rear Admiral Badger. >'o Merry shown. Nog a ie a Afin, M?y 2p.-Rear Aduar al Howard. American naval command er on the Pacific coast, telegraphed . to the German consul at Teplc to In- ' tercedc for the lives ot the federals "for the sake of humanity." General Obregons reply to the.'of fer of Intercession said: "When the assassin, Huerta, murr dered Madero the nations hastened to recognize his government and human ity was forgotten. Now that punish ment ls about to overtake Huerta and his millions lt ls no tim? to cry Mht> inanity." HOW VIRGINIA HANDLES TOUTS Race Track Gamblers Pleaded Guilty and Were Finad $B0O Each. With Jail Sentence (By Associated Press.) Norfolk. Va., Mny ' . -At the tr al today of the men charged with makin? books at the Jamestown Jockey Club track all agreed to plead guilty and to pay e fine of $500. each, with a sit was stated.willrcmltthe was stated, will remit the Jail term with the understanding that no books br made In Virginia. ST KA MK II LOBT AT BEA Floating Wreckage May Be Hers, It f* Believed. (By Associated Press) New York. May 28.-The steamahlp Luckenbach. a vessel of nearly 9.000 tons and carrying a crew of 29. hsO been lost at sea,' according to the belief expressed today by her owners in thia city. Wreckage sighted today of the Sooth) Carolina coast gare evidence of a dis aster and while the agents here could not Identify the drifting materia) ss from their boat, they were Incitants to, think it was. Fer Oovernor sf Tcaaesaee. Nashville, May 28. J-Thomas C. Rye. of Paris, was today nominated by ythe democratic state convention aa the party*.? candidate for governor ot Tennessee. ,