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PECIAL REUNION PROGRAM WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY the PALMETTO THEATRE as Follows: At WEDNESDAY CONFEDERATE Vb ! BRANS REUWQ&-Special feature ol the recent Reunion at Jac ksonville. I ! II: BATTLE Or VERA CRUZ -Offlhtf the latest Mexican War pictures. ..JURYING THE DEAD MARINES--Showing the burying oi the dead marines killed in the Battle of Vera Cruz. I HE INDIANA HONOR-Kalem-Drama. This program should appeal to all Veterans. See the difference in warfare now and what it was in the Sixties. THURSDAY THE BA?TLE OF SHiLOVV- IN FOUR BIG REELS. This is one of the Gieatesl War Dramas ever shown on the screen. Depicting in the most realistic manner, one ot thc Great Battles of the Civil War. THE WINNER WINS. Vita-raph. Drama. THE BATTLE OF SHILOH is one o? historic fame, and has been enacted into movies. As near as possible, taking standard history for the scenes as they appear. I 'ONT MINN IT. IO? EVEKYBODY THE MAN THAT PUT THE MO VU I IV MOVIES GEIS BE ? O'S SHOES FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS Confider thu fact thu! wu nell uh OOH and shoot- only-every minute of our tlmu la given to thia One Hue. In selecting our lines we strain ovory point to get just exactly what will be tho best and appeal most to our good people. Being in touch with those host manufacturers we are In a position at all tlmoa to glvo you what ts beat. 1 ANOTHER POINT-in our store you will lind men who will flt you and lake paine in soiling you the shoes aa will best suit you. The shoe for tho nnrftuinn ls our "Hobby." WK APPRECIATE YOUR BUSI NESS whether large or small and try to reciprocate by a fair ano squera deal to all. SHOE COMPANY UNDER MASONIC TEMPL? Shoes That Satisf V jw ff >^k_HOME or v?^?Rl^^^m ?>^;ewN is A HOKE ?Ndfcgp JV^ DON'T FORGET ABOUT J??^.. .... i?j?? THOSE WATSON AVE- 'f'SS' NUE LOTS ^ Br You'd ?et all the br?ese that blew, if yon lived on Watson Awe. li's righi et the perk, end then there's special price on th* 1st four lois sold on this street. last Appeal hy Prank. Ai lauta, pray 35.?-An appeal to thc 'i0 cvsri or ueorgt? for a new triut for Leo M. Prank on the fchnrgo nf hBwinjr murdered icurtcsn year old Mary PhagaU is expected to be mace ? hero tomorrow. It will be the last day on which the action/ basau upon the supervisor courts recent denial of the extraordinary motion for a new hoar :mii err. be taken. Kossuth's tffS Is Dead. Budapest, May 2&.~Francis Kossuth, son or the great Hungarian patriot, died here today at the age cf 72 He had been aa invalid for many months. Immediately after^Kppsuthe death hia widow attempted to commit aul clde by taking poiaop. . -Ker condition is considered sr rio??. y. * * * * * * ****** * ELECTRIC err * Item? of Interest And Person ? * Wireless on the Si ****** * ****** Urin, Walker 3 ut To Be Present. General regret 1B felt und expressed ull over Anderson because of thc fact that Gen. Irvine C. Walker of Sum merville cannot be present for the days of the reunion. There ts no more distinguished veteran in the [ olaio mau wu. ii amci uuu had hoped that he would be hero. The Chamber of Commerce wired him on yesterday morning, asking that he try and comp and that much disap pointment was occasioned last night. Gan. Walker8In which he said that lt was a regret of bis life that ho could not be present and that he was deeply sricvc?? boc??oc he couid not accept thc flattering invitation. ? o Andersen People Poad of Iee Tea. Evidently Anderson people aro very fond of Ice tea and if that Is rot the case they don't know what they want to buy. Walter H. Reese, toe Jeweler, advertised In'Thc Intel ligencer several days ago and one or two more papers that he would offer ?rr sale on Monday. 100 dozen. Ice tea spoons at. a remarkably low rate. Yesterday Mr. Reese started the sale at 9 o'clock and long before night he had sold the entire shipment of'the spoons and had orders he could not QU. There were 24 mall orders for the spoon?. ..jldc from Ute purchas er's coming In person. Mr. Keese j Bays that this should be sufficient to j convince anyone that it does pay lo advertise. Wonderful Work Dane In School Wonderful work hus been done by i tba negro schools of Andorson during the past year and if thore ts any one skeptical concerning this matter the proof ta easy to be had. An inspec tion of the Reed street public school (colored) yesterday afternoon show- ? ed that the Industrial department" of that school did well. Tho exhibits ot plain and fancy sewing, pillow making, qullt-maklng, etc.. were all ex tremely good and tho broom factory I for tho boys of the school was a reva- ? laUon. There aro few people ac quainted with Ute splendid work j that Ute school is doing, and it would pay many of the white peo ple'to take a trip to this school and see what is being done. Interesting closing exercises were held in thia school yesterday afternoon. Windows Arc Pretty Slgat. Andorson merchants heve taken ad vantage of tho Confederate reunion to stage some splendid advertlce menta. Tho windows of the various stores are aglow with things dealing] with the Confederate and somfe uni que and Interesting sights are to bo soon in several of the show windows. Worthy of special mention ls Ute win- I dow of Evans' Pharmacy No. 1. and thc Olympia leo Cream parlor has also j arranged * moat attractive display for the Week. Gaffney Lodge t'aoe*e? Delegates At a recent meeting of thc Gaffney I Lodge No, 1305 B. P. O. Elks an el ection war held to decide upon dele gates to represent Ute Gaffney lodge j at the Stato convention of the order, j which I* to* take place thia year In Andoraon^June 17 and 18. The Gaff ney Ledge elected Ute following d?le ! gates:.Bd. H. Decamp. C. C. Rob bins, W. George Hays, William Bell, 'and Watson Bell. Aside from these j i five delegete* Uta Gaffney Lodge will cend probably 25 or Sd other repre sentatives of lae "Hello Bill" organ!- ? I satten to take part tn Ute delibera-i ; tiona of Ute State association. Gan- i ney will come fully attired In their j white and purple uniforms; Choir Will Hast Tsafgld. Notice bas bann issued by those who aro to compose thc choir for Ute Veterans' Concert that a ty carnal I will be held tonight at ? u'ctock at {Beuna Vieta Park and every member ls urged to be present ar. th Ur will be the final rehearsal and all plana for be rendition of tbs music will be con cluded tonight. i * * * * * * * ****** Y SPARKLETS * _ * ? Mention Caught Over the * treets of Anderson * ****** * ****** Three Theatres To Open Earlier. There will be no luck of amuse ment during the two days of thu Confederate reunion If the three mo tion pict urn shows of thc city can pre vent lt. The shows are all adver tising that they will open at 1:80 in tUt> aftornnnn nn knth Woilnomloj? Thursday and a continuous perform ance will bo given from that time un til midnight. Splendid war pictures have been recured by all the shows and thrilling scenes will be witness ed by hunrirpriw nf v??nr?n?. War Relies Are Now Here. Th? ahipsueni or relics from .Belton which was sent to Anderson for the reunion by Alden, Smith, arrived in the city .yesterday and thia morning they will be" carefully unpacked and placed in the windows of the . Moore Wilson Company. This is by fdr thc most interesting collection or arms1 ever seen in Anderson and tho people I | of'thc. city willful! vista the- place to view them while, they are hero. i "JteaeefolnV Are~^~~ Arriving Delly. Every train coming into Anderson yesterday brought a number of "home folks" a:itl ?almost air ?e traveling men making Anderson their beau quarters have arranged to spend Wednesday and Thursday herc. They aro herc for the reunion and each and every one of them will do ev erything possible to msko the reun ion a success and to make cvory cit izen reel, before be ?orives ILs city, j that Anderson Is "His Town'* as well las oura.' An L'urlalng of All the Negroes, It seemed yesterday that there waa an uprising of the negroes in Ander son county. People passing along Main street Baw swarms of negroes In every direction sud for a time lt was feared that a race riot or something of the kind waa in progress. This waa a mistake. It Was found upon investigation that the Anderson, negro basoball team and the Greenville team were scheduled for. a set-to and the r.warm arising on Main street was nothing more nor less tbst the "root ers" accompanying the tewlr. to Green vu lr. Andersen Men Go to Chester. Anderaon'a delegates from tho lodgo [of Knights of Pythias to the Grand Lodge. Iii session today and tomor row at ?heater, will leave this morn ing for the meeting to take part. The following aro Ute delegates from Obquola Lodge: C. E. Tribble. T. 8. Ci ayton. J. H. Craig. J. B. Marshall sad ?. M. Wolfe. Anderson Boy In a Battle. Rutledge Osborne formerly of An derson, and Houston Manning of Lat e. son of Senator J. H. Manning of Ilion county, were beset by some rowdies 'on their way to their rooms ?at Wofford College Saturday night, and one of tho Spartanburg boya was knifed severely. The-college boya have been complaining for sometime j of hoing rocked In the dark places by [tho town boys. Tenant House ?' . Wan Destroyed* A tenant house on the plantation et ; Julina Dean was entirely destroyed by i first yesterday morning. The planta tion fa located just beside the railroad track and *_hc most plausible theory bi that the house caught from a spark from a passing engine. Before any help could be summoned the hortse was burned .to the ground, together with practically all the furniture. -o 7h*t Hame Old Straying Cow; A. L Welch is a well known An win mail he lives os East Orr str So far. %0 good, but now comes rub. Mr. Welch alto owns an black cow and that Jersey ts the big gest fool ever seen tn Anderson about wandering from the paternal hearth. She won't stay st homo lt there- I* any chalice to est away and long ago :. PALMETTO THEATRE :. - - PROGRAM - - TODAY'S PROGRAM "OLD RELIABLE"T Vitagraph (Two reel Drama) Featuring, VAN DYKE BROOKE, LEO DELANEY and NORMA TAL MADGE. Old Reliable suffered ten years in prison for a crirrik of which his employer's son is guilty. His sentence ended, the real culprMt is discovered, and "OLD RELIABLE' is reinstated tn his old position in thc confi dence of his employer. "The Girl, the Cop, the Burglar^-Essanay Comedy. "Romance of the Northwest" . and "Taming Terrible Ted,"-Lubin Split Reel. 4 BIG REELS EVERY DAY--- 10c. i THE MAN THAT POT THE "MOVE" IN MOVIES. Mr. Welch, to his sorrow hoc beconin acquainted with this fact. Not long ago Mr. Welch advertise i in The In telligencer: "Strayer. That earne old black cow." Now last night she again telligencer in frantic haste Mr.'AVclcU telephoned to thc Intelligencer, '"That d*?*#*d 0],j ??mck cow <s gope again." If any body in Anderson Bess her they. will confer a favor upo? Mr. Welch by throwing her down and holding her until he can Set t?tere. Mr. Sullivan ilroke HIH Ann. Anderson peoi-'le will regret to learn that X. B. Sullivan, Jr., tell front a tree at his home ir. Anderson Sunday afternoon and broke one ot bis wrists. Medical assistance was summoned and the bone set and yesterday it wa* said that he was doiug .nicely. Harley-Davidson 5 horse power, witt* step starter. Only $210.OO. L. L. Harris, Agent, BELTON, S. C We Want You to Try face look;; better end weare longer than the "jost aa good" paints. Anderson Paint Color Co. Bleckley Bldg. Phone 647 I CHRYSANTHEMUMS ?er selection 5c each, 25c per 6 MW TIES 10c each, 25c per 3 ANDERSON FLORAL CO. Itt Barattai! Af ease Phone ?31*. Two Chllitren Killet! in Ant?. Burlington. Iowa. May ir?.--T?rt htldren of Fred Luetger ware- klliot ?ere tonight, when a hors? struck Oj be automobile lo which tbey ?\r< Iding was thrown into th? tanner... B UOU ...TH??TRE TODAY'S PROGRAM. LUCILE LOVE THE ?IKL OF MVS -TRI. GOLD SEAL-Serle? 'No. 4 or this thrilling serial Btory tbat has set the whole world lo wondering what will happen next Great lions play a part in this picture. The most thrilling scene is where she plunges headlong into a large pit white dashing through thc Jungle on on her hone. Featuring Grace Cunard and Francis Ford. BOLL YOUR, PEANUT, JOKER-Comedy. CROSS PURPOSES, POWERS-Comedy with Wallace Reid. Coming tomorrow "Authora of the North" 2 reel Rex with Bob Lenard and Hazel Bucham. Coming Thursday "The Girl af the Munay South" 4, rel special war fea ture. Coming Friday ?The SMlen'a P?ril?? 2 reel 101 Bison with Win. Clifford and Marie Walcamp. Coming Saturday "1? feared of the Spider Gang" a thrilling detective atar*.' CLECTR?C Ei... THEATRE TOBA Y'S PKG G KA Sf *H?UT OF THE SIGHT'-Helaine Spoclal Two Real Drama. ?A FLURRY IV HATS*-Beauty, comedy Drama, featuring Harry Pollard and Marguerite Fischer. ?FRIDAY, THE THUOT&?ITH? Prlnoes? Drama. -ticaslag Tomorrow- . 1-THK FALL 0? UO!?t?A*l'?HOPLEw Special 3 part (laumont j^ooturc. 4 REELS-10c. Mawk. Male? Tim? Fly. ? -? -- - ? ;? - ? i Weary Fit?paftlckj and 30 groom? aro handling the ponies that are being used, in the practise gamea at Lake vroo? for the International polo match es In lunn. The Polo Association hag ra*u???i< ? remarkable string of hora* ox With one or two exception? every ene of the mounts that played tn Vast year's matchee are again available tor practise matches, and macy o! them are expeoted to take part tu the cahm piobshlp gamea. ?3