University of South Carolina Libraries
STATE'S (By Ur? tato (.ol. Ja?. A. Hoyt.) Tho unveiling ?n i dedication bf the monument ir. t.h^ CbielCflmanjs'a battle field, which South Carotins IH erect lng to her HOIIB who und who died on tlmt historic spot will tuite place slay ii, li><n. The da?- waa arranged sb that ttl? veterans, son? and others geing tp the Memphis re union, could easily stop- over (ind take part. The ('hickamaugu commission extend through tito press of tho Slate a cordial Invitation to all the c-iti zens of South Carolina to Join In the most Impressive utid Interesting car ?rnenles. For the convenience of Veterans Sous, the State volunteer troops und all citizens attending Die Southern railway hus made Special arrange Wents and thia route will he tlx- of flclal rou) '. They will announce th dates of leaving vuriotia points' urn! rates. Thc oflieial traill wjll lie run do WO to Lytle station, uear the huttlclleld and about a half Pille from the sit cf the South euroli nu timmi nient, a nd tho distance can ho easily walked, hut arrangement? will he matte for lit hacks to curry over auch visitors UK prater riding und pay lpg. At the station the profession will be joined by (lou. J. W.; Cornish, Chief Maranui. li Band 2. South , Carolina volunteers, atato troops, under th? command of an officer to he designated by "Adjutant General Floyd. 3. Buns of" Confederate Veterans, nuder command o? Walter H. Hunt. 4. VoteratiB"bf South Carolina Di vision U. C.V. ? 5. Visiting Veterans. 6.. Distinguished guests in carria ges. 7. Visitors. The columna will will march by thc road skirting along the southern base of Snodgrass Fange As they strike thc Vlteloo hou?Bili?y will a large mnrk .r * whaiu .i.A.- HIMVI -J 17th C* ~ 1 Carolina regtrpeutr fought for tyree hours on Snodgrass runge above this pout. Gathered finder and around tho hattie scarred flag cf the loth South Carolina regiment, which led thom to victory on tho heights above, willi bc the visiting veterans of that com mand. The procession will salute and uncover as it passes tho group of he rpes. Further ou ls a similar marker, where the 24th South Carolina regi ment and Cvlpcpper'a Batterv fought about one mlle tb the northeast of thia point, and dear it tne flags and men of thoso gallant commands. Again, the processlou 'aalutm Further on. es titubad to tho Sbuth Carolina monument" leaves tito muln road, will be found another marker to the Immortal'men of Kershaw'? j?ri ?ade, 2d, 3d, "th, 8th and lath South Carolina regiments and .lunion' Squib Carolina bataillon fought for .live hours on Snodihfc?d?Asngo above the Fungs. Tfet bAttieOiag and heroes of j Kershaw will be auiqted. The procession ?j>w arrives on the ground Bacrpd to the valor and tho til by Patriot Publishing company. UNITED STATES TIN CLAD GUN* il CHICA worth of South Carolina's sous, for li wa? that over which Kershaw | swept, as ho drove tho enemy hac-U to their laat stand oti the ridge. . Arriving at the monument the vet erans will past*, to tlio front, the State Vol H m i i Hoop., saluting. The Park J'oiumlBstonars will havel tweeted a large st UKO nnd sufficient 'scating capacity for Hie veterans and visitors. Gov. McSweoncy. governor | \it the State und chairman of the oom. mission, win pr?side. The meeting will be opened with prayer by the Hov. Ur. J. H. Thorn well, Chaplain General South Carolina | Division C. C. V. Cen. C. I. Walker who won distlnc-l lion on thin and other hattlcficld:i,| now tho beloved commander of the .?oiitli Carolina Division ll. C. V.. anil .vin IIHK taken a deep interest and taatorlaUy aided in itu- aeroinpllsh-l mi'iitxif tliomemorial about to be ded icated, and a leading member of the Comtnlitaloh will deliver tho historical I address. Addresses will Ito delivered by tie Hon. D. S. Henderson of Hie Senate. | and Col. .1. Harvey Wilson of Ibo House of Representatives, through I tho liberality of whteh tswlios, South Curollna hus done this Justice to lier I heroic sons. An" address will then be made by | the General, now the beloved Bishop. Kllisun Capers, who served on (bel battlefield with his well known gal-.] lantry. Hlshoji Cnprrs' address will, lead up to thc unveiling which will be done by four young ladles, represent ing ?ach ouc- of the South Carolina commands engaged in tho battle Misa Elberta Bland, a grandaughter of the distinguished Elbert Bland, who gave up his life fighting ?villi Kershaw on Snodgrass Bange. For the 10th and HUh South Caro lina regiments-.Miss Ada Orle Walk er, a granddaughter of Gen. C. I. Walker. For the 24th South^ Carolina regl ^cr.?-??T?no mai io Dillie, grau? niece cf Cdf. H. C. Stevoas, who BO gallantly led tho 24th South Carolina regiment in the battle, and also the grand niece of Col. Ellison Cap rs. who suceedod Col. Stevens In command of the reg iment. For Culpepper'a Battery, Miss - As tho ribbons are pulled the cover | j will fall and show ono of the hand somest monumento in the Park. It ls built cf South Carolina granite, and a Qt emblem of tho heroic stand made by the South Carolinians on the ifield | -on either aldo is a bronze statue, or iginal, and made especially for thia work, an Infantryman on ono ?ide, and an,artilleryman on the other. South Carolina had no cavalry in tho' bat tle. Crowning the whole ls a bronze pal motto of exquisite workmanship, sur passing in truthfulness to nature tho] wonderful brouse palmetto ot th'! State House. On tho front of the upper stone. I*.| I the slvelld or South Carolina I bronte. The Inscriptions are as foUoys: On the front composed by Btshop IE OF THE UNRTED STI r BOAT CRICKET, CLOSE BANGE J The Flagship in 1884 Capers, with grand simplicity: To her faithful sons ut Chickauiuuga South Carolina Krects this Monument tu Om?nenlo rute tba valor they proved and the lives thev gav?? on thia battlefield. On tV? back: Kerjjliaw'H brigade,. Second Sout!' Carolina r?giment, 8th South Caroli na regiment. 16th South Curolinu reg* im ut. Jam?s' 3rd South Curolinu Ila talllon: Killed 65; wounded 438; miss Inn 1. Manigault's brigade, nub Souti Carolina regiment, consolidated; kill ed -'(!; mortally wounded 10; woundet 170. Gist's brigade. 21th South Carolin; roglment, kilt .j ?:.; wounded li l III?8H?IIK 12, CulnepiMir'H buttery, wounded l-l. i Tho total height of the tuooumoui ls :'.:( fen. rh? work was done by th* Stewart Mom Co., Columbia, s. c.. um rellcctu the highest credit on tbeb urllstic taste ?md skill. Around Ibu monument is u 12 foo', circular pavement of cement? facey! with Granitoid, Aa soon us the monument is un veiled Governor Mcsweeney will turi j ii OM I- to the Pbrk Commission um |it will hu received by Oeueral Hean V. Roulton, chuirman. Thc ceremonies having ended, tin rrpwd will dispcrao over the batt I* t.i.l.l io univ mid admire 1 li? III. Thc olficlal trains will return tr i liatti.nocsa in the afternoon, und af tex rime for supper, otc., the veteran for Memphis will speed on their way reaching that point early ou the morn lng of ?he 28th of May. The marker? for South Carolin, troops will be placed on the battiefiel. as fol low? : Kershaw's brigude-On tho slope o Snodgrass Range, one for each of th? regiments. For tho 10th and 19th South Caro Una regiments the position in genera during tue afternoon lu shown oy tu guns cf Dent's battery on the erect o the ridge. Advancing from this polo they made repeated charges on th? enemy,, and thc point of furthest ad vnnop la shown iw the South Carolin: marker. For the 24th South Carolina regl ment the market ls placed on Kelly'i Farm near the "Bloody Angle," an< near the shell monument to their bri gade commander, Colqultt. For Culpepper'B battery in the Po? field, near the Georgia monument, Tho battlefiag around which the vet crans or the 10th and 10th South Car ol ina regiments will assemble ie th worn and tattered flag of the li't South Carolina regiment, lt was sav od from the surrender most providen tinily. At the battle of Bcntonvilli the 10th South Carolina regiment, the. commanded by Capt. It. Z. Murilee penetrated the enemy's lines, but ne Inforcementa coming up tho. Upe ..wa re for mod and Capt. Marilee. Sergpau Albert A. Myers, Dearing the "flag am about twenty men, half of the regi iceni, so jredncad was lt, were cut of! and they took off to the Swamp am VTES NAVY - -M- i,-1,, m . ? '".*-.:::? "!".:_ .y'7,7- . . . ".!"'-? "ARGET OF TWENTY CANNON. ng-Qration and | Other Arrange ? by the Review of Reviews company. OENEHAL A I. r II ED MOI TON, C. 8. A.. DE ' 1 I'M OF LOUISIANA. lld until night, Sergeant Myers then brow away thu utan* and put Mn- Hag I Inder lil? ?.ont. The party made their] vay through tho Hwamp und ?ut hack o tho I 'onfedorate line?. Tho rotn lants of tho lt'th aud luth South Car lina regiments! wore subsequently ?nsolldaied Into Walker's brigade, nd sp surrendered. When Col. Walk, ^r returned iroin wounded furlough; ie could learu nothing of the 10th ieglmoht's flag, that ot the 10th South; karolina being used, at the Bataillon :olor? and at the surrender properly urrendcred it aa thc flac of die bat all?n. As Col. Walker rqd? . out of the amp oin the way home Capt. Marilee anded him a package, giving it with lie express stipulation thru lt should mt bc opened until he reached his tome. When he reached home, he op ened it and found it was thc flag of lie 10th South Carolina regiment. He as treasured it most sacredly ever Ince. The upper half of the flag staff s a pleca of the flagg staff of Fort ? uniter which was used by Maj. An io r son during the attack on tho Port, ..-?I 10C1 1? ?mni> atku. I... <'~i ? .p... .wu.. .v ....... B,.uu t?j vw,. v*r eph Walker, the father of Col. C. I. Volker, by Gen. Beauregard. Alto- { {ether the flag staff ia a most histori al ly valuable memento. It was proposed to first lay the cor ters tone . of the m'hument before' he dedication thereof, but the; ?lab?rate Masonic ceremonies would ave taken too much time for tho Uni ted time available, so this function tod to. reluctantly ??e dispensed with}: Th* monument-has a-corn?rstonc?and'i ,n lt will be deposited: -"'"^ Is Col. Dickert'? valuable sketch of Cershaw'a brigade. 2. Col. C.' I. Walker's valuable ?ketch of the 10th South Carolina r?s inent, typewritten manuscript 3. Sketch of tho 10th and t?lm louth Carolina regiments hy Gen. Elli-, on Walker for Adjutant General oF louth VCarolina. 4. Sketch of the; 15th and 24th South Carolina regiments, by Qen. Eli! ison Capera. m 5. Sketch of Culp^pper'a battery. e. ?o?s of 19th and -'-?th South '-arollna regiments and Culpepper'o lattery-the roils of Kershaw'a brt :ade being in Capt. Dichert'a book and <t the 10th South rn roi ina regiment in Toi. Walker'a .book. IkerlSff?u A VA Ll t^KEEPSAKB ' I Com miss lon of Captain,of Artillery Issued te a Boy of Thirteen ? ??j?awbcrry Observer. 1 j Mr. P. G. Gaillard of this city hes ? ?ommiBsion issued, to him by- QO^ lampton in 1878 that he prizes very .ighly. When the Democratic cami ?sign party went to Anderson in th? .nomorable campaign in . 183*. Ahof? rere met by thousands, br U?dsb.lrta Ad many military companies, and by i company of artillery, from Pendle 1 on composed of boys 12 or 13 years f age. They had.- a small cannon 'loutitcd nu {.Wp WftnelS; HIH! drawn hy bree small donkeys Hi tandem. Mr. Jalllurd. who wan then 13P> was the: ! aptaln of tiic'compuny. In appr?cia?* ' Ion of th bi murk of, respect by thc >oys. Govs KSBaptou teaiu? * comniis ion to the young captain which reads STATE, OI?. SOUTH Gs?fiONA, tf ?Y THE GRACE OP GOD * FREE AND INDEPENDENT. m VOLUNTEER TROOPS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. V. To Peter Cord*? Gaillard, Greeting: L ..'wfe, reposing special trust and con .e as wen In your patriotism, cpn Y^P* ?PFAlty, aa in. your integrity ^--^sse to dp us*ood and f Ottil ies, have appointed and couBtl uted, and by these presents do ap point and constitute you tho said Peter hordes Gaillard captain of tho Yoong Vrtillery Company, Eleventh, brigade, fhlrd dlvtslou. Volunteer State troops >f South Carolina, ranking as captain rom March 27, 1*78. You are therefore to observe and allow auch orders and directions as \\ ou Ghali from time to time receive rom our commander-in-chief of -the nllita^y forces of our -jtsto or any ?Iber yr ur superior officer, according ?the rules and discipline, of war, and told c*ld office In the manner speclfed u and hy the constitution and laws 1 o?ir said atate. tn pursuance of the rust reposed tn you, and.Jor so doing bia ahall be your commission. 1 Witness Wade Hampton. , governor >i our said '?tat?, couim??erui-ca?ci >f the military and naval forces of the -ante, at our city of Columbia, thia had day of April, ope thouaaud eight tundrsd and Beveuty-ctghi. E. W. Mntsr. A?jniu?t mid l?ipsc? r.r j -iencrai. Wgde eHssipotn. Cut Glase A very cY??lce assortment of Cut Glass awaits yow inspection here. Ice Cream Trays, Bowls, Sherbet Glasses, Water Sets, m fact, everything that makes a complete stock. Many beautiful designs are showii in Engraved Vases-the glass is clear as crystal. One dollar's worth for every hundred cents. j* if "Ifc'M-v. y: ll g$?f Clocks and Watches Westminster Chimes in Mahogany Cases. Mantel . Clocks and Novelty j Clocks of ali description. The time is correct and prices are right. We carry all the high grade watches, such as the Hamilton. South Bend, Howard, Etc., over 50 per cent, of tlie watches car ried by rairload men, where inspection is en forced are Hamilton watches, it is probably the best American watch on the market today. If you need a dependable and ac curate timekeeper call around and let's talk it over. Jewelry For pretty designs, style, finish and general quality, i we proudly boast.: of ;. oujr Jewelry stock. A varied assortment of Set Ring?, La ' Vallieres, Brooches, Set Pins, Etc., at a moder ate price cari be found here. If you are looking for a gift suitable for any occasion we have it. ".nriM.ii. ! IIHIIMIL.. n i.>m f li 4 fi Diamonds People are not t% 1 r m mm 49 - - ? *^ gm - J di 1 WV t* j <r jUUgCU at first by their appearance. The wearing of a Dia mond lends an air of prosperity that is far-reaching in its influence. The fact that di monds* have ad vanced over 200 per cent in the last 18 years, proves that they are a good investment as well as being J valuable for ad ornment. If you are in the market for a ?tone . ??? ? j' of high quality, here" is the place to buy it. Every diamond is backed S?a guarantee a guarantee back ed by knowledge ah?, a d?puration of 40 years stand mi mimi Dinner Sets in Freney, German aijd Austrian Ch?n'?i either fancy- or white and gold patterns. A most rigid. .uMBficttaa Qf .our Fieacb: China is made before it leaves the house. No flaws or warped dishes are to be found. The greatest care is exer cised in the selection of our stock of Hand Decor ated China Cake Sets, Coffee Sets, Vases and odd pieces that are the finished product of artists; 1 Sheffield Plat?s A German Silver base heavily, plated with ster ling siWer that is durable and many times more ser viceable than a light weight of sterling silver. Some of the pieces are re productions of the old Sheffield paterns. Com potes, Bon Bon Dishes, Sandwich* Trays, Meat Platters,1 Tea Sets, Fern Dishes, Etc. Starlin? Silver The simplicity and grace ful lines of thc Colonial Patterns in S'.erlirtg Silver nat ware have won favor with the present genera tion. Our STRAT FORD pattern is purely Colonial in w?\rht and de sign and win add beauty to any dining room. JOHN M. HUBBARD ft CO. 143 N, Main St. ANDERSON, S. C. Flume 123 Novelties Vtesh Bags, Umbrellas, Vanity Gases, Fans, Pic ture Frames, Silver Pen cils, Fountain Pens, etc.