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THOMPSON'S SHOES FOR WOMEN Shoes like hats must be not only becoming and styl ish, but comfortable. Your foot troubles go off when Thompson's Shoes go on. We have a pair here espec ially for you. New Colonial Pumps and Oxfords to fit any foot. $1.00 to $4.00 THOMPSON'S THE ONE PRICK SHOE STORE WE SK EL FOR CASH ONLY 1 ? Wi: BUT VoiTii find ii nice and cool in the North Anderson Park. il you can't come yourself bring the children, it will do them good. 'Town & Country" Paint ?gl i? the most durable and ecouo mical paint. A little higher per gallon but cheaper by tho job. Anderson Paint and Color Co. Bleckley Bldg. Phone 647 mons, former worlds champion heavy weight pugilist, wu8 sued for divorce today in the circuit court by Mrs, Ju lia Fitxslmmons, who alleges that her husband threatened to kill her when ?he left him tn July 1910, and says she fears that unless restrained by tba court he will carry out his threat. CHRYSANTHEMUMS our selection ^ fie each, 25c per 6 ' NINEO VARIETIES 10c each, 28c per 3 ANDERSON FLORAL CB. ?ai Mrnraan ?veaae, Phos* SM!? Akobers et? Herwt? Telegraph BsSrery. AUGUSTUS CARNEY (Universal Ike) Bijou Monday In I til versal Ike Al most a Hero." BOB'S WEPJB WAJ<TS DIVORCE Chicago, May ?3.-Robert Fitsalm J. W. JOHNSON BUet Monday ta ?Wae? Oed Hstk Jemes." . mit-'-. ****** * * * * * * * * ELECTRIC CIT * _ * Items of Interest ?nd Parson * Wireless on the S * * * * * * * * * * * * Nu nierons Features For JOxt Trad** Hay. Secretary Whaley of the Chamber .I Commerce ha*> arranged for a num< !)?r of features to take place in Ander don on tho third Tuesday in June, the 16th., when Ute monthly Trades l>ay ror tl?e fariner? of the county will take place. Mr. Whalcy saya that the day will he known as Livestock and Dreamery Pay and he expects a large) attendance from all parts of the coun ty. One of the features of the day will )e the serving of ice cream. Tree of charge, to all those who call. The ? 'bamber of Commerce I? enabled to rio this through the generosity of the Hill Ice Cream Company of Columbia. | This company recently erected a mag nificent plant in Columbia and it is said to be contemplating a factory for | \nderson. If the present plans are carried out the day will be one of the most enjoyable ever held here. Aaderso" Boy Lent** Hotel. Theo. King, for some time night i clerk at the Chhjuola hotel in this pity and Mr. Livingston o? Belton havo leased tiie Colonial Inn a Williamston. according to announcements coming Trom there yesterday, and will shortly open the plsce to the traveling public. The new managers of this well known hotel aro to assume charge Monday and they hope to have the place ready Tor the reception of visitors by June 1 :>r certainly within the the first week of June. Mr. King and Mr. Livings ton have both had experience in thc hotel business and there is no reason why they should not make a success af the Williamston venture. -o- 1 ?. M. C. A. Team Plannl"* Trip. The Anderson Y. M. C. A. teat?. j composed of professionals, near-pro- j fe8sionaIs and hopping-to-be profes sionals, will probably start on a trip within the next tow weeks. The man ager of the team is now conducting noaroHstisS? with the ie. ?ia of Green ville Spartanburg and Asheville and lt Is probable that two or three oth er games will be plavcd whil*> tho team ls on the road. Thc aggregation put up an excellent exhibition yes terday end with a little practice could play a formidable game of basoball, Finance Committee Is Highly Pleased. The finance committee of the local lodge of Elks said yesterday morning, that they were well pleased witb the sum of money- in hand for thc purpose of entertaining tho State Convention. A session of the lodge took place Fri-, day night, at which time a buffet sup per waa served, and at this time al most all the rooney necessary to take car? of the large number of visitors was subscribed. It is probable that as much more will be realized from the committee's canvass of the mem bers not present Friday night and all told the local lodge will, spend about $1,000 in entertaining the visitors. This will he the biggest fraternal ovent An derson has ever enjoyed. Church 'Worker. To mat lw Columbia. The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of South Carolina will meet in Columbia May 27. 28 and 29. at which time sevdral of .Anderson's church work?rs will probably be present. The committee in charge of the program for the meetlna plans to maue several changes In different places and it is probable that Instructive addresses from some of thc county's best known ministers and Btudonts will be heard. Colombia ls preparing to take care of tbe body in the very best possible manner. . ( Visitors ArrlvluK For Th? Commencements. Visitera f'om a!', parts of Kie stete o:e arriving In tl.?.*. ?-tty for Vi?; various commoncem mts. A majori./ v*. ibe visitors are h ?re for t'*? Anderson Col lege commencement whll-* others have con e for the hlg'i school, the Frazer Academy and the hospital training ?.'col commo?'w.-maut. Others are i P'.i both fir ''te commencements and ?V- Oonfedar \*> reunion and indlca tic.r.a are that Andi-?-?! wi. . have all tile visitors In the city tor the next week that she can well care for. -o White Way Was ?hen a Test? For the first time in Anderson th" city yesterday saw what a white way really ls and what sort of light It makes. The juice was thrown on by the Southern Pu bl i ; Utilities Company and the long lino* of pretty --oats sprang Into light. Tbe public seems to be well pleased witb the lights, al though the usual number of "doubt ing Thomases'* wj.*e heard to say that the lights would not he sufficient and "never did believe tbuv wore any good anyhow.'* Thc Water and Light people aald that they were well pleased with the showing made by tb? system and they believe the public will also he pleased whin the pretty frosted shades arrivo and are placed. Visitors Ceaissdnt Oa The Bandings. A number of visitors in th0 c?ty within the last few days have com mented time and time agata upon the tact that there seems to ba mire building going on in Anderson right now than tn any other town io the StaU. They say that Vnderson sur passes all other South Carolina town? in bustle and progreas. One visitor was In the city yesterday from Spar tan burg and admitted that there was quit? a contrast between the building operations in that etty and An derson. ****** * ****** Y SPARKLETS * _: * al Mention Caught Ovar Iba * treats of Anderson * Mrs, Stockley Ja Kot I in pro tint;. Anderson people and people in all parta of the State will regret to learn that Mrs. S. Bleckiey is not improving and her condition is most serious in deed. Members of the fami.y said yes terday that so far as could be seen there was little change, although the patitcnt seems to be slightly weaker. Little hope is now entertained for Mrs. Bleckley's recovery. Faxt Teams for The Mill League. Some fast teams v> ill bc put '?ut by the various mills or the city lu tho mill league, according to the ofllcers of thc organization. The recently el ected officers of the new league are. F. M. Burnett, president; C. H. Strick land of Belton, vice-president and D. H. .Minis, secretary. Four mills will constitute tbe league, these bclnu Gluek, Rlversldc-Toxaway. Brogon1 and Belton. Each team will at once bc required to put up a forfeit of $50 to assure their compliance with all rules and regulations of the league and play will begin within the fea- days. Sixteen games will be played and tho penant awarded at thc conclusion of the season. Veterana Will Kee?ive AttenUor. The Butler Guards of Oreenvll'.e, numbering all told ubout 25 or o0 vet erans, will be well cared for while they are in Anderson attending the reunion. All members of this famous organization are to be the guests of Dr. R. F? Divver and Dr. Dlvyer has secured the services of a corps of ser vants for tbe event and every one of his guests will receive' every possible attention and consideration, r ?? ? o ? ? President Robinson Watt Here Yesterday. R. L. Robinson, president of Ute Cal iese for Women at Due West, spent yesterday In Anderson on business connected with bis instiution. While here Dr. Robinson took occsslon to thank ali the Anderson people for their kindness to the Due West col lege and he was especialy apprecia tive of what the Chamber of Commerce did toward making the day pleasant for the yoong ladles when they visited thia city for a day. The president said that every one of tho students enjoyed their stay in Anderson and they are all expecting to como back liei e next year for a day. In Monthly Report, Brough Mentioned In his monthly report, which he is now compiling and and forwarding to headquarters. 4- W. Rothrock, the farm demonstrator- for Anderson county, mentions the fact that' it baa been six weeks since some sections of the county bad any rain at ali and folly that time since any section bad a real "season." ' ' Mr. Rothrock says that farmers In an parts of the county are complaining of the dry weather and be says that props in all sections show tho need of a genuine good rain. Weather prognosticators around tewu say that rain will-fall within the next two days but i?'py have said that be fore.and the ralB/L-n't her? yat. --p-. Plenty j>f Arms . Bat i ii if ona s. The Intelligenoer yeatorday receive ed a letter from 'Alden Smith of Bel ton In which that, gentleman requests tho statement that ho will not have on exhibition here tho uniforms of thc infantryman the ZOUUVB, etc.. du ring his clay bare. Mr. Smith has no unforms although he will have a complete display of arms. . i . . . ???"O Lebanon School Closes Friday. The Lebanon High ('shoot, one of the beet schools in Anderson county, and In the State, is to close next Fri day with appropriate exercises. Prof. C. I). Coleman, tho principal of tbe school, was In Anderson yesterday, and said that the school year Just closing bad been very successful In every respect at his school and he is well pleased with the work done. The i patrons and pupila of the school are . also delighted with the work done (during tho last year and with what j bas been accomplished. The exercls ' es next Friday will doubtless attract a number of Anderson people ?O' '?? Baltimore KAU Visited Anderea* Meyer L. Rosenblatt, one of the owners of tho Columbia Tailoring Co.. of Baltimore, spent yesterday in An-' derson inspecting the local store of this well known concern. Mr. Roe senblatt said that he was well pleas ed, with the conditions as he found them In Anderson. He considers An derson a progressive city and he says that he is glad that he has a store hore. While here he devised a num ber of new plans to be followed by bis company dad will shortly inaug urate an advertising campaign for the Anderson store. Mr. Rosenblatt left laBt night for Baltimore. . 0 I nique Sight ea Passenger Train.. Anderson people loitering around tho Blue Ridge railway station yester day afternoon saw a unique sight. The passenger train coming from Belton rolled into the yards here with a freight car hitched on to the rear, .the car being consigned tc the Chero Cola Bottling Works. The sight ex cited consid?rable interest and en quiries were heard as to why the pas senger train should be hauling freight . cars. It was found that the Charo Cola people hora had ran out ot bot tled and when their oar toad of emp ty bottles reached Belton yesterday afternoon and missed the freight trata Manager Spence wired the Blue Ridge to bring tbe oar over on the passen ger train. THE ?TA IUI SCHOOLS Closing KxrrrUe? Friday Evening Metallen Sullivan ?poke. The Tim rod Society of the Starr High School gave a celebration Friday evening which wa? attended by a large concourse of friends. . The addresses of thc evening waa made by Mr. G. Cullen Sullivan of Anderson. Miss Bessie Pruitt won the medal for the best reading. This medal was given by th? board cf trustees, Mi. Romeo Dean won declaimer'o medal given by the Rev. J. L Singleton. The presentation was made by the Rev. Mr. Hood of Iva. The folowing pupila were awarded prizes for perfect attendance. Edna Herron, Eva Herron, Marie Herron, Lela Bannister Eric Pruitt, Sara Smith. The prizes were presented by Supt.. R. A. AbrauiK. Following Is the program Friday ev ening: Claas Motto: "Cape Diem" 1. Chorus: "Keep on the Sunny Side" High Sc'uool 2. "For a Warning". .Miss M. Herron "On the Other Train", Miss Carrie Bowie "White Azaleas". .Miss Bessie Pruitt "A True Woman's Love," Miss Lila Bannister "Nobody's Child" Miss Floride Pruitt ::. Duef.Mlsbes Jones and Pruitt. 4. "Henry W. Grady". .Mr. G. Simpson "Appomattox"-MT. Romeo Dean "The American Flag," Mr. Hugh Smith "The National Union" , Mr. Wilton Brown "Our National Flag." Mr. Wilton Hall. . The New South." Mr. Thomas Clinkscalcs i>. Duet.Misses' Bowie and Pruitt . The Behool this year bas been con ducted by Mr. R. A. Abrams and an efficient corps of teachers, and this ycar'E work is the best that the school has done. TWO MORE AVIATORS KILLED Total Casualties In German Contest Ut Date Now Seven. Osnabueck, Germany, May 23.- I* wo more German army aviators, Lieuten ant Otto Boeder and Lieutenant Sieg fried reinhardt, were killed today in the Prince Henry flying competition, bringing the total since thu etan ot the contest on Sunday last up to seven. B?JU? ...THEATRE _ y .: . ( MONDAY'S PROGRAM WHOM GOD HATH ?OINEO Eclair. A thrilling and. powerful 2 reel Mexican drama, showing the ways of that wonderful country. Fea turing. J. W. Johnson and Edna Payne. You remember that Mr. Johnson was the star In the CABALLERO'S WAY shown here sometime ago. UNIVERSAL IKE ALMOST A HERO Universal ike. One of Mr. Augustus Carneys many funny corned ya. THE MISSIONARY BOX Rex drama featuring Margaret Fish er and Bob Leonard. Coming Tuesday 'Lucille Love, the Girl of Mystery." Series No. 4. Coming Wednesday "Anfora of the North 2 ree i Rex also "Sergeant. Ho li mey er," a Ford Sterling comedy. corning Thursday "A Girl ot the Sane; South" 4 reel special war drums.. laming Friday "The Nation's Peril" 12 reel 10' Bison with .Wm. Clifford. ELECTRIC ... THEATRE MONDAY'S PROGRAM. CAUGHT AT THE CABARET Keystone. A special two reel com edy featuring Mabel Normand and Charles Chaplin In the funniest ever. QUICK SANDS Majestic. Courtney Foote and Lil lian Gish In thia western with a dia bolical plot. Coming Tuesday "Ont of Ike Night" 2 reel Broncho. Coming Wednesday "The Fall of Constantinople." 4 REELS-10c. Mutua] Moria? Make Time Fly. :. PAW mt mt MOND, THE KLONDIKE BUD Special ts WHEN DOOLEY PASS THE POWERS OF THE Drama. As1 With a drunken giant s sends a wireless for help, it and the light is out. er "CAROLI?" off the r 4 BIG RE] ?8X JM^jK Summer Home. nr"| BREEZY little house designed 1^'and built by architects who have made a life's *3tudy of light cool structures- >?.?<. Yours for $15.00. The Keep=Gool M?hair is Man's logi cal abode for these Blistery^Sun Bake a days-the man who o whs one will tell you so. A Keep-Kool Mohair suit will bring you the breezes and shut out the heat. Our 1914 Mohair purchase is the largest on record. Laid out in lots of all sizes-it offers a diversity of shade and pattern which will make your choice easy and interesting. Palm Beach Suits $7.50. PARKER & BOLT The One-Price Clothier?; Walter Eaton of Iva wau among too visitors to -.pend yesterday in tba city. Sidney Strickland or the Bethany section was in the city yesterday on business. Clemson college, spent yesterday tn the city. Miss Marian Higgins of thc .Ham mond school 8penjj,4^(e.w hours,in the city yesterday. . , ' 'Feeve? Chamblee ot Starr waa among the visitors to spend yesterday In Anderson. Westley Ashley of Martin township was in tibe city yesterday for a few hours. ' E. L. Keaton of Iva ?pent purl of yesterday tn the city uti 'business. R. O. Bagwell of Belton was among tho'visitors to spend yosterdav in tile city. ... - J. H. Hall of Iva spent yesterday in Anderson on business. .v W. H. Hanks of Iva was lu the city yesterday for a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Donald of Starr, route 1, were shopping in the city yes terday. L. M. Hall of Shelby, ti. C . has bees spending a few days tn the'city, stop ping at the Cbtquola hotel. Dr. W. K. Lewis, who ia connected with the tick eradication work of Prof. R. A- Abrams of Starr spent a few boure In tho city yesterday on business. v " Misa Joe Miller Orr of Charlotte la spending a few days ta the city with Mrs. Irwin Brownle?i % Miss Ruth Brownlee baa - retunu from Davidson collego where abe been attending commencement. - Capt, W. A. Hndgena bas returae from Hones Path Whete he has be**; spending a few days. . Mrs. J. T. Werner Ja upending a tay* day in Pehter, where alie is the guea? of friends and realtlvefc. ! W. W. Adams of Starr waa in the city yesterday for part of the day. ? ? ?WI H. Dobbins of TownvUfp was tn the city yesterday for a few hours oh business. J. H. Kay. a well known. Anderson county planter, was among the visitors to spend yesterday in the elly. Pror. CD. Coleman ot the Lebanon school spent a fear hours in the city yesterday. PROGR AM - - m ' m . . .Vitagraph NO reel feature of the far northwest. ED AWAY.. . .. .Lubing AIR ,. Edison^ tory of the Wireless. mashing down the door pf the light house, Alice'-' The man was sent ashore for oil but d$c| not get ; holding him off with a re /olver, she warns the lin- | ock by wireless. " ? ELS EVERY DAY--10c. ^ rH AT POT TBK "MOVE" O* MOVIES.