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A FEW DAYS L<5F?GER ! TO GET THAT HAT OR RAIN GOAT FREE, We were very busy, and we wish to sincerely thank the people of Anderson for their royal weteoroe# to us, and in view of this fact we are going to give everyone a chance to get in on this special .ofter. Ask some of your friends that bought of us Satur day, if better values have ever been offered in An derson. A $5.00 English Rain Coat or Straw Hat Absolutely Free With Each^Suit. No More $15 9fl W ill No Lesc M i \ I Nearby Stores: Greenville, Charleston, Columbia, Sbtntef. ?NtlfcD Si Al ES WOOLEN MiLL CO. "The Red Front Store." 108 N. M?tn Street Anderson, S. C. TH* NKUKO SCHUOLK , M. fi. Gastnway. principle of thc n? ftro cchnal3 of the city announces the closing exercises of the Reed street high school department as follows: ' On Sunday. Mny 24th. the Educa? lionel pcromn will be preached at Thompson'? Centennial M E. vhurcn, by Hov. 11. E. Romans, of Belton. , . Thr work of the industrial depart ment will be on exhibition, beginning Monday, May 25th. and lasting -ni? Ml Frldny. Ail friends and patrons, white and .colored, are. cordially In vited tb come and inspect the work. Tho temperance oratorical contest will" take'place on Monday afternoon. May 25th, at 4.00 p .m. Af. this ex ercise there will be two gold medals awarded to the students giving die beat temperance recitation. The ladlee of tho W. C. T. U give these medals every year as a means for pro moting thc temperance cause among our people, and we' regret Mrs. S. Bleckley, who has done so much for rn- vL-jn r>ot ht> with ua this vear. All friends, both white and colored, aro CofjttaiJyf 3?tif*d--to: :be. present-. On Tuesday, evening. May 27th, tho ninth and tenth years will have atrprd Ing of certificates will take place. Admission to the two evening con certs will be 16 cents. All the concerts will be in the chapel of the Reed street school. - All are cordially invited U> be pres ent and we think the ?concerts will he enjoyed We aleo hope that the pa trons and the inbiic generally will | come out to hear the sermon- on .Sun day afternoon at Thompson Cent?n nial M. E. church. Ol DAY AT III A. M. Sig Demonstration Starts of the IDEAL FIRELESS COOKER" A LADY EXPERT Will Demonstrate the merits and many advantages of the IDEAL FIRELESS COOKER fro o li a. m. to 5 p rn; every day this week, commencing Monday. Nfl Bring Your Cook With You Cooking of every description will be done, and we want every housekeeper in Anderson and and vicinity to attend every day. ?. Wfi?tner St. Anderson, S. C. ? ? CI .? 1 1 ? 1J SOCIAL ftlBE OF THE RKI'XION Social circles ire taking an interest n the great social, military and sen iinomul 'annual meeting that bringa ogether a crowd ot from 1.S00 tb l.dOd people to <lo honor to the ex-1 Jonf ad?rate soldier-the Reunion- bil he survivors of the State Confederate ir my. This is the first time that the ox ?onfederates have selected Anderson m the reunion city and uncommon nlorosf, attaches to the meeting bere md throughout the state Owing tefl .he comparatively early date of the re union, the divisons, brigades and camp? made their appolntmenta of iponeora and maids early, and* these ladles compose the social side of tho reunion. They are known as the offi cial ladies of nie meeting, entertained is such, and courted by tho ehtlr?" social fabric of the state. Tim origin of the sponsors and maids custom at Confederate reunions la familiar. Twenty odd years ago a Mississippi camp of Confederate Ve.t 'iun:i appointed Miss Winnie Davis, laughter or jefferson "Davis, sponsor .it a reunion. . Miss Davis, in. turn sppointedr a couple of her young 'rienda tobe her maids of honor. This Incident, intended at the time as tem porary honor for the family of Jeffer son Davis, became a custom and now cVer'y organ 1 rut lon in the United Con fed?rale- Veterans Association, ap points rpanBOrs and. maids of honor, rho young ladles have an older fe male bead along with them, and each organization appoints a chaperon and matron of honor. The Sons- of Confederate Veterans following in the footsteps of their albara, maintain organisation in every Son thorn state, and hold their rc unions .on Jtpe same dates, They ap point sponsors and maids .bf honor, rhe two organizations, cloresly allied, therefore, e nd to each Confederate Reunion several hundred official ladles lelectod f,?em the best families, qi rho louth .that stand high. In the social itaJe jn their communities. No meet ing ai ? y whore in tuc world brings to gether at one time so large a number af handsome and ncconiulished ladles in be entertained by the city in which tire reunion is hold. The entertainment af these ladles is one o' the difficult mit pleasant dut,ios of a reunion city, (V committee ls apointed by every, re. union city io trn?ti ?a?ji tho maida r.r.d sponsors sud . upon this committee rails tbe dutv pt seeing that the ladles ire provided with .things necessary io their pleasure, apd comfort. Mopping out a social program, therefore, for a Confederate, reunion ls a task .that., demands thc best o' talent ph 'thc entertainment line. There roust be dinners, receptions, balls, trips ' to points of interest around the reunion cities, and any thing else In the line of social enter tainment the committee may devise. The crowning event of. the week tn soclcty.-bowevcr. .is the annual ball for maids. and sponsors. : If the.. re union is held-in a city where a hall large enough to accommodate several hundred dancing couples at once can not he Eocured, a dancing pavilion i,s constructed, ?or. the, occasion. Thia pavilion consists of a large canvas tost, welt floored and flighted; lt ls mlsn iuppljed.. ?. ?-h comfortable seats on .tba grandstand, orden-, whore nev? eral thousand spectators may witness thc ball. If a. reader has, not Boon one of these anouarballs at' a Confederate reunion he has but limited idea of its sise and brilliancy., Nothing to equal lt ' In splendor can bc seen in the United .states, unies,* it bo theJnaug. uration bail at thc national capital, now fallen Into social desuetude.'- H the inauguration..ball at the national capital, ls put out o?,the. contest, lhe annual ball of the Confederate, re union, at whicb the -maids and apon? r-ors hold sway, is, the greatest ao olal. function of the United States. vJThe ladles an?*1 gentlemen who par ticipate In t?- jae halla .are descendants nf . men aud women of - that splendid civilization of the south,. Which before the ; war.; waa known and applauded around the world No section of any country know better how to entertain than tho ?outh in those days It was a-proud: people,"Jealous, of. its reputa tion . arid knightly., .courtesy" ; '.But, being.,supported\by slavery, lt went down in the flamea of war and suffer ed as no other social system ^as: ever suffered In the. history of .the- world Ont of tho wreck of that system, tho eolith has emerged with a new, order, but the same id?ala. The south glories In the past, and:-ls proud of the pres ent. It ia. proud of Its . women and baa no rear to enter, them In. ?ny beauty .contest on earth. The Cou fed erate reunion, tn one .sense, ls thc annual beauty show, of the state. Anderson will do, as much for thr ioclal side of Hie reunion as any .-thor reunion city, has done, and'will try tc improve cn the .best programs that nave been enjoyed. by the ?' Veterans and their families, The vieltlhg ladies Will be . ntcrtained by a large commit (pw. of which urn. Bi. 'L*. . ?wonnin,"'" chairman. This vv^viuititi^,, ?j?. ready al werk on the program. . will consist ot the. usual; round entertainments and every ihinrc wi be, done to. make tbe .vieit of the r? union crowd as delightful as-pos sible, A great number of maida and spon sora have al read y; ?fogn? i .a ppci c ted. Many'Of the ladies who are known throughout the state as, social, lead ers- at . Confederate reunions. .. a r?> coming to Anderson. '''"^^afga^er...oi yoong .fod^ejsjM&n^ ad before in official capacity, at a re naiom have.-.hean splated to Ftu tlotiR of honor Tbc^ come, frorq.. the state's best fami); >e*tder" 't1 th? social .circle* of th*!/' < respect Wi union. They are girand-oaughters and great-grand-daughteni of the 'Con federate leaders, In the Civil War. t? tractive and . ?rteompllj*-*-?^ ?-'Mir?* ladies whom Anderson wil delight tc Tmrsrtsin >. ,< < ni in ^ ' 1 1 HW 1 Mit ARO MRS. P ARK KR Thursday evening Mr. and MT*. Rhett Parker entertained at their home ou Weet Whltaer 'street ?Uh a course dinner. Covers were laid for ton end the following guests enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Parker's hospitality: Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Evans, Mr. and Airs. Blair Cray? ton. Mr. end Mrs. Jim Shumate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank /Watkins. AMIEK8?N rOl'im .HOSPITAL You are cordially: Invited to attenu the Graduating Exercise? and slereptloii ol tho Training School.for, Nurses Anderson County Hospital Friday evening, June thc fifth nineteen hundred fourteen eight ?dock St. John's Methodist Church Anderson. ; South Carolina j GRADUATES Misa Janie Napier. Langley Miss Sura Dobbins .Dickson Miss Emma ?Elizabeth Cllnkscales. PALMETTO VMiJ^H Tho Palmetto Chapter held its reg ular monthly meeting Tuesday after noon with'Mrs.-Hay plo? d Fretwell on Franklin street. . JM After the business pf tho. afternoon had been disposed of ^delightful mun leal program was given. Instrumental Duet-j-Mrs. .C., ,tt Earle and Mts. Chas. Spearman. ; Wf'B Rekdlhg^Mra. Frank Todd. Vocal solo-Mrs William Muldrow. Historian*, paper-Mrs. Wa'icr Dix on. Vocal Solo-Misa Martha Bonhara. Each member responded lt tho roll calt with ..some interesting current event. . Besides the members there were . a .number ?pf-, visitors pr?sent ' The hostess nerved a lelle'.iiiH ?alai! courre. {-".il ???KTK?fAY PARTY . Miss Helen Anderson-was a charm lng little - hostess Monda v afternoon when she invited t? number of ner Ht? tie playmates .to celebrate, her illili birthday with lier ut the home ot .bet parents, Mr. and. Mrs. O. D. Anderson on Calhoun street. Thc lie tie bostes* a.?.?. - l.t. ?*!?..,-*. - ??..???. ?j? y?? 7?^l, fnflV>'K. |ia ^./,i:,J t r from'all tho guests., . Garnen were played and lain in th? afternoon delicious cream jud. esk? ' was served. HONK HILL CLUB Tuesday evening several enjoyed t dance at Rose Hill Club. | Thea? dances are-always delightfully Infor mal and thoroughly enjoyed by al who attend. REEMO* BALL ? ".'?fl You are invited to the . . , Confederate Reunion.Ball On the evening of May twenty-eight! Mapie Hall Anderson, S. C. Nlne-thirtj o'clock. , Br^EB-LKBOT^ V Mrs. J. li. Butler Announces marriage of her daughtei Carlotta. Lynn Butler Mr. Francis LeRoy j at nine-thirty o'clock: May nineteenth, nineteen liundret fourteen ,j.i.j.kM.'ai.?i. n_ ri?," ? AHULl I.UII, Vt*, v.. ..... IlHOWAn?- ?iKi'ELEV [ The following announcers nt will b Interesting to a.number of Andersoi add.WiUluu.&ton .peopJe who met thi bride when she .visited heire as th? guest nf Mrs. William Bankvand Mlsi tVirro Belt Copley..In; WlUbunuton: Mrs. Napoleon Bonaparte -Briward announces, majr?^^.her f?gala osepm.. . ? Mr. Francis I^ri^/Bechjey on Monday, tho .enghteonth of Muy nineteen hundred and fourteen Jacksonville. Florida. . At Home J , Fort Pierce. Florida \ j WE WEST ALC?NAB Mrs. Irvine Brwaloe hvas hostess U the Due West Alumnae, Thursday af tpraoon. at Ser > home phi Sooth McDuf fie atreet. : Mrs. .Bro>vnI ie natertalnei her guests ,on the , po?^h . which wa niade unusually attractive witta fenn Mrs. L. M. Banper! of Due West college for thirty-five yvaro nnd Mrs R. C. Brownlee of ,wi?s West, wcre thi honorees.' at Jha delightful party. . . The hostess ' aar;rerf^.a ..t-cmptlni Sweet'course. SEWING PARTY- . . Mrs,; Ernest Cochran entertained i dosen congenial friends with a sewtni party, w .Thutsstfay afternoon at he h?tae on South McDume street- J delicious salad .course wale served itt JrollPirin^g^tsJ; ; r,r. :.?\ J . Mrs. Robert ?.i,Lfeou,\Mrs/ Rich crd .S. L?gon. Mrs. George Tollej Mrs. A. L. Smetheis, Mis. Charil j Sullivan,. ,Mrs. .Ni^ SuUfyan. i Mrs ?P?fuc,. Ci.rkp?aio?,y>.Mi art. yycar vAnv?cr ?rB. J.j K. ?artpn. Mrs-, Cal noun Harris, MrsH J. J,. Triable. Mn R. D iwpwnl?e and Airs. Dava Gray, J LAMBER -i . *'. The Lander - Alumnae ,; aarociatloi l will bo the guests;' of ,-?ho Sand, '{Springs association Friday afteteJOi ! when they will ??tertain i;lth a pk AFTERNOON PjfjiWr-- \ , A delightful party WHS given Fri .'day afternoon /when eli*'* Thompson celebrated her ii ' I btrthday at bery, home on . Duffie ??re?t. A?ront jitty o?;her >.| h lsadi worn , l-.ivltcd . and' ?uver: ?jE?ijStii had H.thJHHBnmB ilma. - -. ?_ .>_^4.i__ w_? i....^_.* tr**** [ ' color "scheme' was e?r?W o?t.'^ln i ti table. This with quantities of white flower? nod all the dainty little rjueita Jd thelt- white trocha and colored'rib:. A ft souvenir of th* afternoon each child waa ttvcn ah attractive kodak picture of. the,hoares. ,... ~?-. DAISY PAH?Y One of the prettiest parties of the week waa elven on Thursday after noon .when little Mia? Daisy Curtis celebrated her/sixth .birthday at the . hjome.ot heir patenta sir, and Mrs. T. B. Curtis on West Wlillnor street. As the little hostess' nonie suKgest ad the' daisy everything was beauti fully decorated with this flower, in the. dining,,rooro0 x?l^w *?d wl>lte crean: sad cake were, served. On th? dining table was ? beautiful birthday cake with six yellow candles tb mark Miss kurtis years, Each of the twen^' ty-iour guest* l^rougfit th? little hosr , tess an Interesting package, which added a'great" deal to h?r pleasure for : tbe afternoon. . .ia .J ' ,i IlefAMP-J*088ABIAN~ Tbe following Invitation?* have been, received In the. city- The bride ls the daughter of Mr. Ed. H. Decamp., vice-president of the State Press as-. socbUlon. , Mrs. and Mrs. E. H. De-Camp !' request the .honor of your presence at the mai-nage ot their daughter, .Will Parka Ito Mr. Fr.ank, Wilmore Sossamon .on the evening of 'Wednesday, the third of June, nineteen hundred ? and fourteen at half-past ! eight o'clock Flrat -Presbyterian Church , Gaff ney.' South Carolina GHABTATING EXKRC?8E8 The i Eleventh Orada of . the Ander son High School;.has..issued Invite ?""fe of the ; Anderson High School . invite you to their I Graduating, .Exercises at the > Market Street School ' May the ts ?nt y-n Int ii. I nineteen hundred and fourteen at ten' o'clock nineteen, b und red fourteen Motto: N'unquain Deflce . flan* Officer* Mary Reid Riley President i Una Cann, Sect, and Treas. Ijorenii DtyuiriB?' Pick*.!!, Prophet. George Guy Cromer? Historian. \ ^ ... ?Tjiss_RolI. > v>corg? vj^uy ?. I'VIMS~I una Cann, s Char 1 es Er ra Dan leis. ? Theresen l<eoha Faster, Sadie Wilwes Gary. Mary Euacnla Maxwell. Leona Douglas Plckell, i Mary Reid Riley. I Robert William Webb. Ruth. Wells, i .. -.Cfkars. Sam Jonea, , St. Clair Minor. ' J B. Hall. pavid Rast. t^uls.King. Robert Bown. ' ('OL&EMK RECEPTION A general reception will be give: In the college parlors to the public 01 Monday afternoon ?from 3:30 to 6:3 ; tn honor ot the .'graduating class. ' c " THOMPSON -MARETT Mr.,and Mrs. Lawrence Thompson - .inv'te vo?? to bs. **rsssst al tbV marriage-of.- their daughter, - I . " . Nettle Louise to j , Mr.. Chester .Daniel. Marett Ga Wednesday uorning. May ' th twentyaeventh . nineteen hundred and fourteen, e , at, halt after eleven o'clock i at their' residence B Anderson, South Carolina. ?. SPONSORS KQfi REUNION For the Division of Miss , Corin* Hampton ot Columbia. IB the ai ' P<^r1?eneral Teague'-* Brigade as luisa Florence Ella. Croft. Miss Lin Doboy and Miss Cleo Rothrock, ai - Mra. Walter E. Duncan, of Aiken. The First Brigade. Gen, Brooks, < (^lumbla wlll .be: Miss. Mary , Matt Miss Nelle Pearson and Miss Errie tina Johnson pf Columbia., , The Second Brigade, Gen. C. , . Reed...will bo represented by Mil 5 Martha Bonham, \Mbis Louise Ltgc J and Mr?, lt. 8. Llgon and Mrs.; I _ S. Llgon aa matron of honor, ".1 j? Miss .Lucy Llgon ot Spartanburg. > . " For the, dons, commanded by Co i Arthur L. Easton of Chester, will b Miss Mild cd Patterson, M)s? KIU ' James Chester: Miss Annie Rot 0 rock, Aiken; Mrs. H. R. Ebuhan Aiken. r For the Camp " W. W, Humph rsi local organtzatlori, Miss Ruth Wi 1 kins and Miss Anna Triable will ) sponsors. m. TAHimtTTEE F?IBVEI'EPT?OX r, The . Daughters of the Confedera ? are ' going to give a reception . 0 Thursday, complimentary to the vi 1 orana at the Chiquoln hoteh The So . of Veterans, sad the Sponsors will A tile "invited guests. This receptl ? will be from 6 until ll o'clock a ; there wilt be no Invitation* issued < ii ront nt tho "Big tent." The orb ilde?tr. v ice-p^esiaeats, sad aecrev s . les br the three chapters will be , line with the officers of the Dtvlsi j K. c. vs: 1 Other committee* are as fol lo wi n\ Chairman-Mrs. Lissie ?u?tvani ?1 The offlcera tn line fl om the chi V ?vrt are: Mrs C. S. Sullivan. M j ??a Cooley. Mrs. H. H. Russc??, s Mra'. j. o. Sanders from the R. MYas Neille Cochran. Mr*., r. M J i Patrick. Mra, O. tr. A-rt - . aad * L J. *E\ Barton frt.m thc Dtxte, H -Jilts* Martha Bonham, Mrs. Willi Muldrdw. Mra. Arthur Holman t - mV&Jf&Qa Major ffoia th? P?im? 2 ?ereption . ?1*?mtniii<rr-Mn). 8 m, nd Beaty Miss Krz~z *r al&tttdi^Mra; . B'. IB i Harton, "*t rs SIP .Wl?n. Mrs. M. L. BOnnam. M 2 D. .S. Vandlvcr, Mrs. Pot Major " Mrs-.J.. M. PayUe tor the B.'B.. ?j chapter, t?- *-."..;-! ial^ \i iCoatlauad .aav tfeaa^inve) . We ate clearing thousands of dollars' worth of Men's* *. Boy's, Women's, Misses^d^Chil dren's Wearables, at Sensational Prices, But you must be . Quick! "Look at this fine Waist for 9Sc-It . certainly it e - bar ri ?in." Yes, indeed ii ; was, because it tva? a regular $2 value eut' .to 8Sc ? OUR MAY SALE. We h*ve heard many such I remark?-throughout the ?torc j during the i past! tew day? proving beyond a doubt that* thi?. U the. Greatest Bargain Event of the Entire Year. This great bargain can he bad in - any department in the store-there are "doz ens" of them but they are Sn?Tnig ? vue mi m uVv?jr fim?v because of the quick, action pdces. PerhmM yovt. tsve li-TS. here, if you have, you got some wonderful valussj if you haven't been here yet, fuel read owe? ? few ot tho real big saving* wc offer: These Waists formerly priced at $1 SQ and $2, the greatest number were $2 values. Strikingly . pretty % j tyler in all: sises. Separate ^SJurts are far more rxpuiar now than for several reasons past, there Fore Otese .$5 Skirts .are. ( ridiculously low at ..>. . \ ?? Some Great Vagues in this Sale of " r^>et rr Wuth . Dresses-.valuesup to $1.00 for .., : SPECIAL-12 l-2c Cot-J ton Hosiery fe* Men and -, Women at Boya* 75c Wash Snits excellent material?, ul a good assortment of colors, special et Some of the very latest all wool Navy ^ Blue Serge aod Foncy Wefted* during thia Sate fer fl 3SS? Us I (V.IVM11F.lllHS