University of South Carolina Libraries
FQB SALE JOB BALE- Ht?Urc furniture, bureau Md, tabica? chairs ano icniiivr in*!. Alto International oiio-iulnute pout Xand tui type machino and ?up? brand hew. All very cheap. Apply 828 Ella St. G-10-Up foll BALE-Trio of white indian Bunner Ducks foi- $3. Phone 396. r,-io-:;i foi RALE-Tv o milch cowa. H. M. denison, Sandy Springs. 5-10-12 j# Aile-White Indian Runner ?tick bags at fl.fco per thirteen. Patten Htraln. Wunara at Madison ?quare uardcu . Oak Qrovo Kami. Pori man Uuad, f>3l 't Anderson, B. C. fW day old chicks 12 1-2 to 10 cents each} coming of! Ttiesday and Saturday; Buff and ?torrad Plyraouib Bocka; Buff and Brown Leghorns; natches Off every week., D,, C./Holland, Phone Coon tie opWor3303, WANTS WAK TED-r-Bablca at the chamber J commerce room, Friday afternoon, llgy 16th, ol B o'clock. Seo n?w? columns. eecond hand typewriters for quick ante, cheap. AU makes. Price sheet ob reqneat J. Kt. Crayton % Ca:, Charlotte. N. f '.r-fc-tf WA??EB-To do tho tile and cement your homes. Gunter Cement. Tile ' Co., Oppo?ito ! Townsend Lum ber V.o. S*S9t _^_ . CAl^' at W>,?ellablo ?bon" No. Ill \ ?Karen street and hare your ma J enfoery and autos repaired and painted by experienced mechanics. ? ?MMtgy.y "f. ??. , , ~*---. Tko MMa^Trla! %M~4 yean old. The fastest horse you ever bad tt* I enanco to breed to will bc tha.e&L .^a^^rto.Bff^,,Stable. mm-m?? M , H willi n wwi ??I?IWMW?^^ Under tbU??a?d Will hi Y II II LBSUII?I announcements O? candidates. The! rates for tbMjt-ar? aa follows; Fcc munt* ?MUMI? Aa hAlh dally RUd Bcsal-wetkly. tijl, election $7.50; In either alone;; Ib.oo, cask in advance etrictly. ?ter; -city oWCes: in daily vuly: Mayor, $?.00? *;4^*-53?vw? E?S3!AY()B I hmm?r announce myself a candi da^-tpr ^yof - ?? Aade0""???, ?njbjact ta^tJm. rules of tho Democratic pri ma^ .1 ? .'. ^J11M|/?*VU1 !"' ?.'-" ;:;?L;-% Rlmorc is be?|l|?^(i??MWunced ? aa candidate for mayor, subject to| tb? rules of 4bo city v democratic MU roary election. Dr. W.Asbniore ls hereby an nounced' BB a : candidate tor mayor, j subject t.. i tl ?-1 ilea of tho city domo- j craUc prlmary ulectlon. 'OMMISS?OXKB l hereby announce myself , a candi- j dato for county commiBatoner for tho i Tbitm ? Section,. constating of Garvin. Brtj^,(h-eek^ryUltaAi&t&o and Hope- j Well townships, subject to thc action J OtAtB^, ISSMiliJ ?MiL-gfrnii^ H.fjL FOSTgU ,?mnm? OMI ikable groper-1 aeran A? M.. and AB, vot?is must ration cerUdcat* and ord*r Coon aiton or Anderson upt. ot Education. tko' jkftae.qrhfcah ttaaa.' 1 ?' ? " . >J?'*%A'' J. if KKNIOU PH I LATH EA-' The Senior PhlUthea Class of the i First Presbyterian church received at ihn ?mir..- of Mr*. T, A. Archer on North Main street. Thursday afternoon between the hours of four-thirty and six o'clock in honor ot thc Junior Phil; at boas. V?MY -. The. reception was one of tbe1 most delightful of the season. Quantities of sweet peas were banked on mantels and tables and the ladies receiving, held a shower bouquet of tba chosen flowers. At tho door. Miss Margaret Ar cher, Nan Forney and Ewbank Tay lor welcomed the guests and Invited them tnto the living room where the officers of tho senior class. Mrs. An drew Speer, Mrs. Qua Hudgene, Mri. T. E. Howard. Mrs. McCully and Miss Myrtle Crumloy received arith ibo following Juniors, Mrs. Bett Town ntffcttrir Raymond Fretwell, Misses Kathleen Nbrryce-, Wesse tijlmcty, An* nib Anderson. E. H. Templeton, Flor ide and Gene Harri?, Lola Bell Ram sey, Evie Harrison, Minnie Russell, Rosa Simpson, Jeiisju Browuo ima Caroline Vance. Mrs. Jesa Blrib)lig aod> Mfa. Titeo. Watson asked, tho callers into th- din ing room. In the center of the table cn a lovely cluny lac* piece waa a idSte basket filled with pink sweet ? peas. Pink shaded caadlas added to I lae'beauty of the room. Here Mm. S. It. Byron. Mm. P^n Dowling and Mrs. Neely e?>rve? a delicious. naiad course. tXIN aKTALEf^HUTtUINS The marriage of Miss Alma Lucile ? j|iUi.t.?oia. asd JSdssfd Lee Hutchins was a pretty" event taking place on Ta.?oday muming at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mm. /?twtrr? irr. ?vax un vjiureij wrt'ci. . Sweet peas and ferns decorated the bouse. To tba stratas of MeodeltsohnV wedding march played hy Miss ttejsial Imrrts". - Miss Cllakscnla* and Mr? Hutchins entered' th?' living coonil Tl- I..!... L\ *n.*t..m..*,^A ". "~- . .<?. . T*-*--?'.TT -;?.-w '- "'-7, thc ceremony: The bride wau lovely In bar trrvol ing suit of tan. lier hat was a smart spring model to match and abe ear* ried * abower bouquet of. whitey weet peea. Immediately alter the ceremony tho ?fAjpet Were invited into the dining rrx>tn^wher#; a tempting sale i ?lurse Washington, .i?ow YerJt and lather 4' aWouaeeehthe .marriage of Iber 4 daughter Lena May M?MtoSss*?ksMsMB^ Thursday moralag. May the eeronth. Richmond, Va -Tl?s above ?n?<iiiiifi?iMBni iv ill be in. tereatlng to a number of . friends who Miss Spindle when sho visited here aa the guest of her aunt, Mrs. G. r. Ero^rt. HROCK-MCM?AS3~ Mrs. Franklin Pierce Brock, ?* La fayette, Ala, announces the engage ment ot her daughter. Marie, ito Wii? ?WM. de Roy McLean, pf Aadsrton, 9. ???4ho marriage to take place June at bama'; . CCWIS-CiiOP?i^" Thc following lon clipping from tho Charleston Poet; The bride la a sister er T, B; Curtis: Saturday worulng at li'AO, o'clock, tlvs wedding of Jifas Catharine Harles, tin* Curtis, daughter Of Mr. Thomas odo o 0000 ooo o ? oe o' %/ MILL WEWS Af O Fromthe Soulhern Teatile Bu o o o 0 0 O O O O C O O o oe A. B. tthoppard l??f reigned ?.*? loon, fixer Eon Mill Mtg. Ce. H. ?. Taylor baa returned to hit tajtttloii aa loom-llxcr at the'Auder KOO Mill:'-. . il. W. Hersey has resigned ?vi o>?r se?jf' of'??p|ilulhE at the Marlon Mig. \jamK band l?* cardiaWjUi^^Ark .%?jfd-V IBlIs, tb, btj come overseer ot psigHftg^t, tbe'Oowpin? ? ? &m^fy?s Canttbb has .been trana tarred tnmrtik btaee' or the Caaaon Mills. CoocbrdV^. C., "to i?i? ??P of the. company" ?ir?*kvil|e. ?Kw* A. OrkMs Gturtt, CpaJtaerefpl t\Kmi r.'J lh-i,-lieparlm?rir'4t'^'Cbm . : : . j. Waites->clark. Bi ??tel?k. M. < a second foreign tour, on whi^h he [mum -abacial lav<*ti?*k?aA Into the ceudittba* ot the coUcft gooda trade. ?i. If. }*-?4e-h^s be?*>S?-om^teo to second hand tn No. I: apia mag et ta? Felton Beg and Cotton Mille. Asienta, J?. A. Jolly er Lancaster, baa ac cepted the pcattkm rt orara** of weavtag at th? Lanett Cotton Kilts. Waat Point, ^ W. Mt Rc^^ mrmtrly el Hamer, a. .C.. has aeaspta* ta*- posit*** of ovar?*** et ?t4ejrta? l? th? Wir'? Mid. Ce. . . - ? . A. Bffc?Botcbaa resignad ac v. - tuttis, at Uga SW.?i 55*3. Co., Cotaumoe* Ga?> toaeeepi s> aStb?&v po slt?oo at tts iwaook* i&Ue O??V Roa noke Rapids, . ' A... P-. WOu?ii how bas a position In the flalshlng aspar tawst at tb? Bvog Milla. And?raoo. nount?e? through error tn nur issue of ET Y ?%?*m rr rrr-Jt ... , ^ ; ri B Curtie. 8r" to Mr. Francia Wblle ford Cooper took place in the Church I ?f the Holy Communion, the Rev. Pre J I Aurrttm de fl?sset, rector of the I chdrch officiating. ID spite ot the earl) I hour, ou** a-concourse of Wie friends I Of the bude ?nd groom assembled to I witness Ihc soleron cerOlnoBy. The I only, Intendants were Miss Ell? Cur tis, ft sister of the bride, as maid of I honor, and Mr. Sumter lawton, tbe I best man. Thc bride wore a beautiful I traveling suit of Alica blue; and the liisld of licuor waa attired in a.cream colored walking suit. The wedding mo llie Vse exquisitely rendered by Mist lithely Webb, church organist. Mr. I tutd Mrs? Cooper left immediately af ter . tito ebromony for a wedding trip after which iliuy wm bc at home to ? their friends at No. 96 Brose street. BtiiTHbAY vxim friday urtcrnoon Warren Thompson looHwated hlii ninth birthday and invited forty of hts friends tu ?uh?* ?tao afternoon with him. Misse*..Plos slc Hu ward*, ( tara Durdluc and Ed ?ah TahWheon assisted lb entertaining tile g???U and many delightful gamea ^Hfau^ IIU&?A I ?HU* HO?OItEll ?tHk Eula UMloghem .and Mrs. ,R. ?noon W't.i a lowel shower in honor of ?Mrs.^ W1?!^? J^WW^^?j^ d whore I i?e hostrvi and honoree? re i.'lvoi. After all had arrived. Mrs.. IQMA,' J{o,t|b n a ba.! ? ii? **?ieSia in*<* ihr. 1 laundry room to dry tho towels with ?hot air. . Uer?? on a U?e were numer QU8 beautiful towels for Mrs. Laugh. I Mrs? Jack Sadler and Mrs. Jun Sul ?llvsn served a tempting salad coure. WE8LFY PHftATHEt HE?BPTIOK I : Tuenduy. afternoon Vvg lovely .reeep^ " Ity'and Mr?. i. Al. Evan? e?te'rt?tnc'd ?tba members, and a few friands of the ' ?Wesley Phllathea Class of St John's ?Methodist church. ! ? .Mrs. . Evana' hobie waa a bower of. ?loveliness; bowls and 3ardebelr* be ?lag, filled with roses and sweet ness J ?^kasMlpg ? enter^^b^^^^^ j ?sin?d" with ^lutlpa^at Ptoso ^Ktti J Sweet peas? ead rose* wecelased to J give the club fa mere honiejtk? ?ap- ] psarasco ss?- sis; ?sb?ss ofpliers. enjoyed the . afternoon. At the con- j elusion of the\ game, the prises, two ] beautiful pot plants ware awarded to { iqSra, io. ai. Ox* niiu ?xiH5. ?^>'??:v i;r. . . A delicious salad course was served i ?the. following guests: Mrs. Ernest ?cbearpn/Mrs. C; Pbs*, Mrs; Chas. ?O?vsey, Mrs. B, Wv Taylor. Mrs. H. ?tf^Orr, Mrs. S. G?l^s?. ?rs. Christie DeCan?. Mr?. H. H: Wai Was. Mrs. T. E. Howard. Mrs. ?Ralph Hom<HY Mn?. 3. M- Orr. Mrs. Marshall 1Qrr,. Mr?. J.D. Hammett. Mrs. JtKikSadler, Mra. S. Vf. Parker, Mrs. D. A. Ledhetter. Mrh. J. H. Godfrey, Mi*. ^ A. -S^" Farmer< lira., BenaettrValentine. Mr?. J. ?. Ander, sba..-Mrs. Altee 8y>kes\yMterlfergaret pvan^.. NB sa Ly din Orr and Misa Graco I O O 0 )? ? O O O O ? O ? O Xfi^? ??????:"??:?' p .. I O p O O O.QOO. p p O P P y ht ' ovencar of ;'cgfja|agj ?r . of. .carding: aJKt 1 ?Umberion. N; C. bas roHig^aKaj^Mp af thc Fulton Hay and lantk. Qa.,' aojt?wpetH Ula, na l?qii *-boaiti ?tlbi?irdenv ? tue Htcnraonw ^ ajatin, ? Laure) Hllk.8. C. ' A. Ht mWltsan, of the Jennings Mills, LumaeHcb. Kv Ci., bag accepted < Ute positln* r?S ?varaeer bf ?atente? ! at the i.umoecton a.:us. or UJ?U p?act-. ^ep?^r^BehhoU p^has^?l^aa4. auntlav ??sliiHto? at ?ne of tho ?Uta at toted tho carding GREAT PARADE OF WOMEN ASK FOR RIGHTS OF THE BALLOT ?f. *. - * *. rt\*. ru? *r: ?. ?-r - * tri SING AS THEY GO I i _ ?j i Marty Prominent Women From fl All Parts of th? Nation Take I Part in Program fl Washington. M47 '.>.-With banners fl flying, ton rrjaso; playing* sad tba ? women singing a ciar cb lng song, 'eev* fl erat thousand BUffragista from various fl] Sections of tho country today paraded fl along Pennsylvania, avenue from ka* ? fajntte Syuare to tho t?upltol. There fl ant of them, representing overy stat?; fl In the union, anfi assigned ono to ?fl each Senator a?d representa tl vc. pre. { ? tontea to the nvtubbprs of Congrega.fl enfrsttchLln^woiben.a * T - (fl immense crowds vlowod tho procos, ?fl ama atong the route, Wh*n the Cap- fl Itol was reached the bands were men*~'fl cd on the pJsaa}?dfof? tb4 lias* fr?*** M where they played th? "March of tba fl Women" composed hy. Dr. Ethel Smyth 9 \riiite. with green Stoles and fillets ed flj t?r<on on their hoads. il . Th? itart^/la f f?lIAKC.) J> mom mmllfta HBJ 1? a downtown theater presided over j9 by Mrs. William'Kent, wife of Htepi--{| fehentatlYo Kent of California,, and at jl wiiicb ?lirrijig - ?i?rran nViV- iaim? ''' l^Bj Miss Caroline Lexow, ileld eocretarylfl of the Woman's Political Union of'fl Ner Yofk; Mrs:; Donald Hooker, o?:l Baltimore, and Mian Lucy- Barns;- esAfl Brooklyn, vic* ckaJr-m*u< of the Ooo- fl undur tho uusuieea of which the dem-'fl castration wa* held. Among those t fl occupying hosea at the mestufe were flj Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont of New Yorfc J M^ra^ J fl Th aro Were many nova) features in j Un; prado sud - the marching women' -M ? wore choered loudly by the th rofe gs J that' lined Pennsylvania avena* a? 1 Thirst and foremost was- berne^?oS^lJ ? bannar, twenty feet wide, bearlng'^aP: -J hu-.crtption: - "Wo demand the..p*sg?^a? M Then came the first sect?o?, the page-11 ? ant' divlRtou.. typtfylbaifiaiisiteiW fl and Hone, which had^h<*p atl^iVd 4 ? andar,tho direction of Mts. Ellphaiet n Anfi'r?ws,- ? WoM-know? .artist-' Thou?. Pl nada of. garlando of . flowers were car-k ? rtod by the yo?Bg women and children, ( ? thoahades of thc blossoms, haying i>eon- d : lev?ed with au eye to . harmonising . with the Union's colors- purple, white end gold. . in this division-also .marched tho j ? chorus cf ?.OOO led by Mrs. Apgllisc ?Til:-.Blair,;' i.robldent ot the Rubinstein* ' ? Muh of this city. fl, Attractive ae was thia ..part af--tue ? paric'.o. lt dbl not evoke" any more on fl tfeusisem. or intoroBt from the onlook- : ? era than .the -Cavalry Beet ion which1 j carno, next and was commanded by , ? Mea, Jullot Barrett Rubie?, o? Wash- ? ? ittgtun, waof siso wa? jb*; ?aoujted ? ? grand marshal of, tho procession. ! , fa advance..of- the cavalry coat lu I gob* ' Warb' eeven- cblorM?ekrbra''/?a * boracback each, carrying' a purplo. -, ?>rttUe and gold Hag. At their heed flTpde; Miss Stale Hill, daughter of for. ? ^kt:Dn^iwi,uilv;. uti; cf ?f?2; ? put;. -Anning: - tho . pfosatBOKt ca va jr y- ? fl^MOcu ' were. Mes. BWOTW-'W Wt?pt? ?.wslf? of ?niMpr^HBKmk - .. Rep-' rcrtnlat?*??- .?Miga Mary.i,MiK|?'H?? ?'.??? iWwsatttgtOB?? niobe ot. (Clifford Wn- < clint, ?former elliot- foreidJeb: - Slit?' Alberta Bli), feSmie>^^. 4aV -| ! the. foot^htarihale bf 4J* HstokAwpjofe waa s/tft ilob. Vs*. sttediyided: t'iibws.- Tb* sictfpas a meat. ia-taresl wetb s^wn .writers and th i rafe* Was - orfiab^eft 'l : ww* Mrs* Zaps Gale, ; Martin-, Mrs. Adot&lde : mons, .daughter nf identTairbenks. and [bat nnaonn, i C'niide Derra? Margit Qarry of Mew York ; A ??re. Mary Maali cna#bicu6us. graehersr occialworked B*?, arti**, pbvnle? iee. lawj-orS, brgsa! >ty V wiley til Wi An mtefestfag dela?atioa of w (sa stalesu.wher? see are litowod * to Walking ?the ' ?etti twa? Dr, Oetttts, Wasbia J 122 _W?st \ "'*!'' 'I ?I'. ? SS re??.- hundreds of romen^ ttfldkr^h? The words of. the sotifcaj BK^tAreM ?jfi?jjHp* walch y^J0^^ I to, tUs*', oal?,' Ami glad, is their ?Hider,and :> longer it ewel! thunder and freedom,' Ina "Voice of the Lord. 'Long, lons-we In the past Cowered tn dread from tpe tights of heaven, Krong, strong-stand we at issi, 'Fearless lp faith and with, fight ) ow-given. Strength with lia beauty. ??ra; with its 'v dat?t? . /Hear thu voie*, oh ??sr au'd obey; t'heee, these-beckon us on; 5pea your eyes to the blas? of day. 'f'ojurad?s--fju^?BSj?b?vo dared - -First in Ut? battle t? strive, and Bor row; taorned. .spurned-no ?ht have ye cared, liaising your eyes tv.-a wider mor , row.. ?Tay? thai are v-eacy. days ' that are ? &.V-c. . dreary. Toil abb vain by faith yo-bare-borne; lall, bail-vic tore vc stand. 'Weering..the.wreath that the bravo 'Life. stri%- these two ar Naugbi*^;.raywin but,J Ja. on-that, ye -have clon 'But for the work of looa ?ir iu la reliance. ; laugh ? . (Laugh in hopis far ?uro lurch, ttiafch^-nH?y .as < ^tf?t? HOS F ror Good Values The exceptional values o? Colum bia Suits, will for the next few days be greatly enhanced, on account of a big lot of tyill Ends that have just been received from the Factory, Which means t h e best values you*y? ever seen, will be of fered especially in our Suits ranging in pric^rom $1630 to $25cOO j* i'??, ,11 ' MIHI II ' "1 ? Look thq^SRejci^ ^a)|ies Over -You il Like tfeiiL m 'iii^ii i i ii ii "i itu llii Vhitner Street fgp?|gp' .Mumu n\tmmtm?tm?mm*mmmBar '*mmvaB*mn&mw>m? tuuaun MNMMJ BON'T BUY THAT an4!j:tcid , 1 ;i???S??^i?Lt Until you have s^eti the c#es;1 'Haye for sa^e; If .WV*?*?' *T?.?\JtI. rv J*, A?*^ v. Ja..* V ff W?OV>im |N. Mc^uiS? St, ~ Anderson,. /- j j ^TTIS? GLASSES 18 XOT "?f tuc work, bc properly di ne. To fa Y/^???4*?*?2K\ i^*? wiia correct icnaefc, it is ncc WI ivCyVl ? v esaary to examine each eye aepartcly. ^Jmf<^>r.;L:,^>^i^'. as not one in a million has two ogre* jilli ?l i ^i^iiiiT'l ? iust Rllk*. Remembering this i ~^^B?Bf?U?j?B^ be evident to xou that over the counter WSSMS??B^^ ' J Sl&ssczr cannot possibly ?nit bot! ^Wy%rtg;- J??? eyes. > Come herc whore they will bo K. _tl?ir"; JR "?**""' brices reasonable ?:i.00 lo ? _j??lH^^Bp?aP^^.?.'??I .'; **%w an'l upward. Repairs'on rrrunu? iSfiBSHl??fe: /jjjBH ' aad parts :0 centi; and upward. i Dr, Campbell JsB f.v .-IBE^B^^H ?12 Whiffler H!. <Jr?na<? Flin,. ^-...tliMiMy , s. WV)HWWii' !.>.?. W? "1'bone 4tt\l ?gi. JiLimM^Lg-ay* .1*, n ,n?\ i ? ?' _ _' -^"jj, .'"i i. '". \ . ! 1?3?;M: .W???????k-.i wayJoward entabl?la* sanitary con- rt0o.-s und wlniowa. Tho extension d? ?: : : .., ....... ?nd aneav ^J?I.^? college w?l Irnich , Fait screening; ^ = tatr,p Hr;s" rt*?"iT^Cea^St .. ^lAom ?Kecke P?opl? who ? ii? Tr. t^ra? llit? ott olean nrcmifecH RR|1? .'veatrouiUBt Files," . whlchl ..... _ . ' ^H^Rbaa<pr^ rajjucst. Any county [ For the serons tin?? within ? VB offers a larger nvob- J tyjtjOlght iniaty to har rt**? r. ^??"0 Vi* t*** "*^u??.iat*aed ii in JJ_ r??-?wS* *U U,c * * * a ? e * ? * i, * 'I aa^A^ep dewv. mu*<tuHeea and there- * ?, .' ^tT"^ '.? loee, malaria, which can b^ oauted ? OTQwn Ornee Bu?kl?ae. * only by the mosviulio J* Second Floor, rhones 2ri<i *