University of South Carolina Libraries
?Just Fl 1. Pria? ?rc at low aa find anywhere and you fa] added advantage of seeir you limy. 2. The stocka in ail lineal ehandVe are as complete {cd as you will find elscwh 3. The Anderson Merci tn a position to do and rei ter service than you can g thc, city. 4. i .> ' . .rprises ajj bu . : . city. By buy! local I'.oroa you help builj ??..-. ? S:.t' 8. I'ht more money pt cu la t?os i the more protpc city will ?ie. Keep your ? home by patronizing hot? _ Your Dol '?1?K -Iii!?.! JU li'HY." FASTS ROOK STOKE. I;<K.>!;H und Stationery. (?MSIIK'tU HHOS. SHOK CO. Inder Masonic Temple, where ure p?jtlnff in new irani; EVANS* MkAltMACV. . Three Starer." VW lifo: ill ve?*]*.'? vj ?>.)<> o O O O O (i O ? O o 0 o <; o o fe h P?f LE BAYr? LETTER o . - .w;..-\.j.,? <> O O O O o o o o> o o o o o o tf o ?I Mqiur's Day. BBHMBtn who doi?iu't believe hf hui motlier that over Uv ni" Isl m for all tho ^<ttvsit*jsiaft and tells" and Itupiom things that' is ?aid to lie Within tho breast of V im v/ho haa no. '?'his is toe nacond Suaday in May, the tl:.-1; se> apart us? "Motlier'? Day,* Jn the mcd ;m calendar of rea ?ts. To day yon arr expected to'.; waar a wn'fto (lower in hotiLr of your motlror, bo ahn dead or alive, if olio la dead, nay lier tho tributo of t-mdfer memory; ii She ls llvln;: give her r.o*mo tangible proof ot your love ?nd gratitude for all uer. loni: years, of goodness and Mbs?i?ahueB? wnt?i?ae ovar . you. l< tfrptty the love shu han-so i.-rodbuil given you ulitce you wirrz fir-*? laid. bolptcKS, HUb^cpUHCtous bundle -?r i?k humanity"in* her "'outstretched ms, fte gib today, but do not stop today; i lt grow into a fixed habit that your ?thar In to jiiare your thought? and ur aent?o consideradlos. "Moth?.r'H iy" ls not thinking ai motlier on y !.) Mu-, year ?nd forguttliiB her tn her ltd*. Ou tho contrary it ls In hqed sn a fresh starling point encl' She n?vcr iorgo ts you ; is aevot ?>w to helpfulness or sacrifice fe, >u; nmtd ull thc storms and vieleal dva of life. Shu ls your safest cona lur. your ono mire "harbor of love.' Je?ui m di IrlttiAl riv id ?Ives h ve Reaso you will iMVt the if what of mer and yar ara. ?nts are ider bet et out of SEV] S P We do i before ; .e what ?wff from 1 AnttW it in ?if. iioua the nooey at ie store*. ~~~m II ? 11 o-n--nm II i ii II i .I lar Is On tl hey Ladles' Ready.lo E. W. J J. M I" ll': li?* RO?RK.Y ..KverjiWaip ?i soire that that Mother, yours arni mine: whether oho is over thflto l>u?-^ lng herself; ta, mt Mother love with her; Christ tir preparing one of those heavenly mansions for us. her chil dren; or whether abo ia still on this) earth of oursr and still praying for J hrtr hay omi ?tri n>0r~!2g ?Xd CVCZ- j lng-that this Mother, whose-life hart bees a life consistent esre an?! Sacrifice--aball not have HvoJ In vuin. .ao tar as w> are concerned; that lt shall bo our' Moth or's Doy resolve to Justify'thc sacrifices of that Mother: > hood, that wo still isliull acknowledge | thu ?way of her sceptre and i'i ?ur love bo ohadient unto tho I niluan co of her Christtun example, | j * And lt will ho worth our while to j remember that whottv?r abo be here or {there, howoVer, r?r'wirmay hare gotten from her apron string, wo sMl}. [everyone of na, neei Mottnrlag; nml Moihor. youm and.mine, cun ? ?tili ininlutcr unto us .from her rftih j nf hor Biw?clul memory, to a booh i which :itlll may ho op-^n to some of ?A. ' Discovering that tho cares of this world were Retting the better of him. land that hi?-'wau losing something ?f thc.'freshness and'sweetnesa of life, he left to care for Isolf? rmi true to an instinct of his'heart Jour neyed to where, his dear old. Mother atlll I iv-Ml. and aakod. her to rock and soothe him. ?ir? * to him once .r.,r,r? ?H ot jf?ro, with her oi?rtiro? nong and love. Aud ho Minmi what his heart need ed, and received the ministry bc weht after; far it doea seem that the Chrittt wini spoke tho. words. ''Behold thy Mother!* hath greatly shared with her the sobpiy of his grac3 and bath lier and con? nissioned her ?Ith her own children \o say T.? rult?' ? for him tho promise o? nts love; como until me afp ye that labor and yis heavy isden, and. I will give you rest. -Uncle Dave. GEX. MK'KI.KH Fl-S KR A Li Washington, May ??.-War honor-? wara paid the late Major (louerai Daniel R. Bickies, buried in Arlington National Cemetary today. The body waa oaTrlc?'.from Vu ton Station, fol. lowed ?!? tho general's riderless horse. tl? DR. W. IS. WOODS ' SPECIALIST . [ ? DISK AHL? ?? the Cf?, Rar, HAS? ? - j * and Titi oat triasse* rttted ? j u Hour-: * ni .? a w. ta I a. au 8 p. nu ?a 6 p. te. * - ? '-. ? . . :.? . TfcLfcFUONR L'ONKXCTtOrt ?ns Why Ttierc* A.r? ERAL times a year e?cripwons of merci anied by the afores; not tell you to desti you send your orde: U ISN'T IT POSS thc same or less 2. AFTER I H A V charges on my j i EVEN ?F I GE saving pry for t getting satisfact lie Winfif 1 Ti . li weir um) Millinery. ?AHTfcttN, libber. ?lit CO. Ucrv timi Tailor?. hiMi CO. r Ml4 WUttipn,': ?i-0 rt oonoo 0<o ooo;) a ? :> u ri ? o TOLSTOY'S WilliK o o o ? o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o Gt. Petersburg. Muv 0.-The gove rn - . i_* j.._1 ,i~A * __-? . ? . Hertha und Andromeda ?nd tho motor ihip Tatcj'le ' to Fie?Peh for th? Arctic ox ?Ir. ror Lieutenant Sedoff, who start. cJ fror tho Nor?i Pole two years ug?\ ?u?^36*'y utl?urptlng th? use of ? u ?iir beam as draught animals. Tho rellpf exp?dition will be ro::: aiu'Ji! d by <-'jiiitnil Issliaucff. lt will tiret proceed to Pnnkratloff Islunds on .st of Nova? 7.?mblu and li Hep* toiuun ScJoff should not be there tito Hertha will take the storos from tho 'l'album and r>0 Siberian dogs and gu ?o >'rtn> Joficfiarid w.hfl-? the Andro. meda cruises northward along the coas* ?it Nova ?eino?a to Capo Galunia, tho 'i'atliuiu meanwhile i Huming to arch Otificl. Ja cane of need u> . Hertha ?.*in wlfttbr at Frans Josoflfl!: euuk :-.ii:iujis hy ?lousi; undhydro ) li those-nf Coria pro? frnitle'Vi. tt ?tor? AvJIl be. erei?tod and the Hor. ill rotur.i in ihn fall ot U'lA to i th V Kariseho coast io hearer :or tho j Captain Orussiloff and ' j a ?unr?off, j whb are also missing. I M. HUlgahoff. formeriy . f t'etaryof Count Tplstoy, who'has1 b"-- .. lec-tnrinir on tho contents of tiio ; it writetia [library. sbyA !t numhen lO.Oilb rpi In :'li iBRcuagoM. Tao Russian Ir.ietiau comprised ;i,r?c .work?: tho |rh>?|l?h 3.4I.A; . the Fr. .ah 1.041". and it'rn? uerman cu*. I Atnong the, mantises'-us found after I Count Tolstoy's deal t was tho scen ario of a play entitle 1 'Peter Martyr.!' ?The chMf character li a man who had .devoted hta life solely to th? acQul tuition of woolah; ile had .performed j ob good works. He falls seriously Ul J hrh! ono night In a dream s?es bim {self fc dbg weighed in Cae nciles <?n ??he Ut - cNJndsnu-ut. The scales; a? ii lays tn feftyi* thr rid of lill?. Piter awaken; om .Yerai Ho becomes a? open hendo# elose fisted nefore, gl 'Kh hhs AV If*''.?ad-others try to per him tn^^ ?KJS^ genero?1t: r US?IJJ? m?vrtutj? Jt'Hiuitsiv recipients. Eventually he nllovr; self tob? sold la servitude. "> ?v.?rs his whereabouts and . the: iS awnr Or dissi years."\ The scientific world In n for.some time been occiipl-rc ?Inking of the Ccsplan S fiurfnrc of th? Caipiun. wilt YouShoi Northern' Mail Ordc landise and quote i aid ''glowing' doscrip :oy these catalogs ai r out of the city, yo J?BLE for mc to secure price from one o? ('io. m EGONE TO THE U iftrchase, di J I save ar.yi T"the sanie v j -n'.lv (nt ti he risk of Qi in??s?ac? iori? rou .wu i A TAIMHUM; co. Iliirh.riuss, Popular Prirc Pilfer* COX KTATlON'EltV ( 0. Everything in tho Sis.ii;-: s-rj Mn*. y., .lio?u- SI.-'?irv,. I:-."... T.UWPHOX'S ??K Stil ll li. ---has considerably dis.'.?wi-jiusu. H 1ar ! t'icrefore poaalblo that thc river waler , I flowing Into tho sea ls uc.1 ? Jihe! nt to j make the loas good hy iv.'fepbratton. { ! Dr. starckQ?tzky whb li?s- boon lo--- ! turinjr b????r?? -t'; ?. n*<' M> r-* fe-cR'iy ':- ? j ningoventchensk on t?io spread of C....:j /not-phla hablt-ln thu Amur territory. I ???ii that children v. ?-rv i adicted to it before reaching tl.eii ic-oa. . lr) brs? 1 l.or?on statistics showoJ Hut of < ? rj LOG prisoners about ?tiO were morphia victims. Tho same proportion was ?found among1 thc hospital patients, A largs number of morphia cju'i:. cxiRt.. ..d at Blagovostchcnsk,. and lt w i-. .'tf*ecmmbn sight to see thorp ? t-'rhim'.aco ?nmkng l.nleetlonn In thc"o vm fctrcV.'.. ^THK HOLY Sn.R^?" (?ttttsow n ?.ot of nisei i-sci! as id if ; .. uni..ii't-tt J. llerlin. May Or~>'i nu display ol tho Holy sin mn] at Turin during lauster i ha? iignin brought np thc niirtatlou of jiu: authenticity, "Tw;> mott, on \;i sou it nust and.ll^.H^ai^^Ajjirii^ havn ar ! Hoh caused hy vapors fi on lng noon the slufr imp oils arid aloca. air Wyke Bayliss, president or tue D?yal Intitule of nrillfeh artists, Ss convinced that the, portrait of Cl.rlst in thc Catacombs of San Callisto? hero waa mado by a contemporary artist, that Jo, ono who had seen his subject, and as the faces of the Shroud,abd >he catacombs are the same, lt nilgie be i i concluded that the Holy-Bhrond ?eoHy J enclosed thc body if finial. It wee ? .taken from tiyprus to ''n i ihanv it?.?b i r, part of Italy) In 1452 and baa since . b3?h in Tarin. I "Them seems to Ivy lil lidoubt that M. Vlgnon h. that thc cntUn,?? of til. *o ihe^manatious of vapor l?i,\\y sesma ti hgvo yr^vsd^, tjjiu ffmieriaiVqiust have been . bf a crucified person aaa oneNg&cp doryvont -scouring -ind the other compartiment* of death, which both the scriptures and tradition ?hr m,"1 jr. nid Trad? nfl ?VI?PC ?r Houses send out yriees which seem \ >tion" of; the merely 5 soon as you recei\ u kindly ask yoursel the same or better qua!i er-chan ts listed below? ? -\ ' SPENSE of ordering at hin jr;? fe w cents less from a ma U ry purchase and the it AN ?Kit NON I! A Hil * Everything. I? li > ':'/; ; . B. EIJHN?XAN'.je Hepurtmrn f<> Jool Oui lilt er* 'tai! f'i'iifllTll, tvo.-o j o o '<> o' <t o o o o b ojS/o o "KINDNESS" </.| a . o .X i o o o ?.ri o a o o o o o o o o o : Kindness la thc? preatest thing yet Wo should all hf? hindTo ovory one t?nfl do u kind deed when We etin-. : " ? . ?v^Sii?j -?? J i -itis?saVaJ I :? v ?vii? it ??\"-~i. > ?I wo b.nlv realized what a kind'het will t?o. i Tin-: - wt.?ld he IC.SK heartaches. Ki? ':ii ' olW.'fPalbt?rW'Iess sel fleh i And try ttv.hy moro true. . ! Without kindno33, lifo wouldn't liq p .'- Worth while. Hut when-a Hind word is .-.speien to ono, ?'.'.. Wo nintlcr how downcast, they drei They arc cheerful and live to have Ulenia higher. -"AuonvinoiiH." ? .c-..uvi:%\ X. CJ" May '.. !!'!!. OPEN UH r.wi-MI On tho 1'aTod 8tr?etB of Atlanta Oar. hu;- Bhrlnrr's M^ctlag? Atlaata, May ft.-Part of Five Point?. and all that oxpanae ot Man ending toward th * Grady mouuutcnt ^^liretir ^nnoZi'vii' B?ino othir'/Btreets, r?poa WU! ho stretched td "provest tho ingression of other vehicles,taawduot and corn meal will be fitrenwn on tH? carefully I swept streets and thou swept off, in 1 ! order to give a clean; smooth Surface {to d?nco on. ? Tlirc? brass bands, centra j te d will play hesitation wall } key/ trots and: 'tanguea and ciao on eartn aside for a few rad devoting h^r nest limo, all icrgy and brailia toward the en 111 bo open to lal ?rrinM guests ;tt5 Nati* Hale? HiHHaSHiiiiH masam ; In Anderson catalogs containing glowing ery-attractive when alcorn mdise. e them but w ? do ask that f the following questions: lies of Merchandise at ul paiil transportation ii order howe, Will Hiat worry and trouble of Out of Anderson .WARU TO. i ardu-are. & BROS. ?re., lira tl H. 0. EVANS & CO. -The stare mtu a C?aW?etfre?" ll Vi. TRtBBLF.. For l;n-lo*Pnto Clothing ami Shoes. . -.?.? ..- ;, ??"..',,. ?";., . . ,., Oifii-MfAY Vii ?V feater. SlIJ.l VA'S li A Rf* WA HE CO. Lugosi IMshiHuiors ,of - Burri wu?? in w^&^Z.j*4 sfaafglrogs. '? ?' wv* coming in almost every doy tb? latest shipment being a car of -COLUMBUS .? - . ' . . . . ' Come ?ii a?u let us feb ow them. They ara ?9?4 Models. H I HAUNTS;- SEVEN FINGER jCRADLES--the tightest, strongest and best Cradles on the marke*; Each Snath is warranted natura* Crook. All Ful gers are hand-cut arid will not strai^rhten when V?l Blades or Scythes aithe best manufactured; they are ground and sharpened, ready for use. COUNTS;has been for a number of years, No one knows so well jujgj .v to make and "set" Cradles to suit the me.nt? of pur farmers, Any farmer who h: i ^111 I