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PART ONE VOL. 1. NO. 1. Weekljr, K t WUhe4 1860;Doily, Jan. 18, 1914. ANDERSON, S. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JAN. 13, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. $5.00 PEF ANNUM. ?5 Wh/ You Show Id Patronze Us ?ovvti and let us prove it to you; That vital question of "WHAT CAN I SAVE?" is fully answered #by | the prices oncmr line of f Don't put it off! Call in to see us at an early qu'il not regret it, as you will find thatMwe are| headquarters for many nlceXthings besides Grocer ?es. A A 'IH w ...I DILAMATlc' L'ETT?K. New YorkV" htatob* Ifc^There were no firstnights? et Hie theatres this weoky but eutftclent novelty has been provided in the announcement that-the Hippodrome engagement of America *!n cio?o two .weep*- from tonight, when, the MetropO?tauW?ii nui Tare-rs? to the diving automobile, the armv of Indians, clowaa,-circus acts and glrhs. It mill mark the earlleut closing of the Hippodrome since the huge institutton was opened. Following "America" the Klppadromo will put on 'Pinafore' the scenery of which is being arranged* by- %Vrthur . Voe'gtlin, self-delegated Can ta Claus of illusion to old and young: Toe . great expanse of stage will be used In Its entirety and the fa mous Hip?H?dreme tank Wil? - hfeve ? conspicuous part. This will-mark the first attempt at the Hippodrome to In troduce ft so-called "summershow." Ann Swinburne completes a success fui ?n?agpment ai. the Grand Opera House tonight, having appeared there this week In. ^The Madcap ?uchees," wbjcb made a hit at the Globe, thea tre earlier in the season. Misa Sw?n? jf? - itw-^Hewlav|esv,Wpf'? a Boott Fouehe Drug Co,, Anderson. 8. C. W. H. Harrison. Anderson,, S. C. Anderson Cash tJroce. Anderson, s. M. W. Hunter, Pendleton, S C. 3303 w b?rue Is ode of the young prima don-, uns-who. paB made wonderful pro- , gress In -bpr short career on the stage/ ' Miss Maude Adams has entered upon1 her third month in "The Legend of Ignora,"* at ther Empire Theatre. Crowds are witnessing the perforier ancc weekly, and there is no doubt that [the play could-remain all summer. Av?re k not for other engagements that have to be .filled in' other cities before [the close of Miss Adames' season i. Wi>n^ ^ p??y wrigg? rasa us w'?4.b a optoone Is jhown bj August's Merl ugh I In'his new .play or New York lift "What Would You Dot" now runuinj at the Hudson. The piece Is full .o the most amusing eituatiomt and will idrsw crowds fdra long time to come. It has been decid?d to keep "Tho Things That Count," at the Playhouse for the remainder of the season. The play has been one of the notable suc cesses on Broadway this year. Tho? nloMs e. nrtnd 'nubatantlal on? and the acting; Is or atf Unusually high order. ihe taar performance or "Th Laughing Husband" will bo giveo'at Knickerbocker Theatre/ tbitigtlt? tho play wilt go to the road. It | vedethousands of husbands wives and sweethearts laugh duringj its New York run, and will no doubt j this performance in other One of *h* odd features about Frank { -'?^f ?at?edy, "Tod MahVi . fl?the ?ttf street Thoatre,^&* not?- of surprise It' has Aw?keood t nofjfedy *tor- thought * of tfi? ,uic before. So many misguided als hare'gone the troubled way of ? country home builder that it real In difficult to a'coudt for the long Guidance of tho topic by constantly groping dramatists. That Mr. CrtatjBu: has tcuchca great numbor? of porso^? bright Where they live,*'is apparent io all frequenters of the lobby betweon acts, wh?r? bomo roaring remiataed?rj oeil suggested by comic ?pisodes, vju*t wtthesscQ" upon the stage are related" with tho utnaSa^**'Vivacity. "Kelp Wanted" at tho MaxuSe BllloSr holds tisrtsr indefinitely. Thcpieco has litiffitltWfx-the solid impressions of Francos; Starr continues her ?.^-, rvjfous wa* at the Betasco whera "*Theu . vp,? soon attain its tooth per-' furiuBni.oj t Guy' Bates Post eb?eivd up?di the tiiird ftior.ib of bis New York run ax ^Ghidr, the Tent maker/* Marigny. atop trse'VMrtJ? fourth Street Theatre, is earnbsg its phme among the attractive after-thea tre rejort* or the ^gutter d*?*sf Lruretto; Taylor will enter wbe? (be GBtK consecutive'we*k of nsr t wen* in "Peg 0*My Heart.'' at the Cot oh Wfcad?y night. Margaret Angltn will begin her Kew bYeff? season at the Hudson Tneatre on Monday.. The nrit'tVb woes* of th?>! esfagement will be devoted to CAPTURES CITY! l^'ltt^%bifir%d6S0r'Mfe?e Than Any] Other ' ^"Kfltaher . In ilftuifj {Uy ine Heinous ?iamnier. j The eight weeks' ceinpalgu of R?v, *>r- ..-?^!^8* *?*', J*, PKtsburgj ends today-.( Sunday^ and with[..effects] so vxtraoxdlaaoj a* to make the story One of cat loa-wide int?r?t Some 30, t?XJ pe^pa^njeo, ?M>%_tnj|_ ffllli dtda-kave? fftfl.l *? COU t Hut In* f: hy ip^anal^i^?^atra ni^inary faf? sjtbu? -the ^etinga?held by the ?clebrat?d os-baseball player and his asociales. There was trepidation la the breasts some of "Billy" Sunday's admirers he adcoht?red a city of th? ake b ttf. Hitherto hla campaigns hatef ftlwhys been' in small places. It was freely prophesied that he would wet make a dent on tbe Iron city Really, though, fiusburg la far more religious than New York, which has oylortari, strfctrimnsxHod from thej community's scotch-Irish ioroboars, la stiH foudd- tpM-lafyrypj; To come-in jfo?raaoe/to the most' notable fact a**** the s?h?ay h*i*efr inge it 1ft that the' evahgelist baa stir red this- unemQttimkr cfty frbifi center to circumference?from-top to'tiottoin. Inr fashionable downtown harroome; in- the newspaper offl everywhere "RUIy" and his rjt* arr-the common theme of talk, daily heifsHfBftpe>-lh -?e *Ry hah'iwre llahed the scrims to foil every da; "Btify-* Bnndsy ht Bttfl?fsatre- Bed .- \ Reguiariy three times a dafl(t.. evangelist preaches. Often ho sa Wiehes In two or three addlthonftl ad dresses. At. night and every ad noon he spcalts lu the big tabsrnaotel especially h?llt for huh, which Faotdsl accuse What than-??.fltM? p5?rpl?. . ?Cn noon ho speaks in a downtown church. | 't aevu were: ee*weva j^w amr -t.?w business mea'jammed into the First Presbytcrtea ciweb at the ndo> eer-| vice I attended, . 1 m the monslngB 'the pi?s?*h#;4iaajj been TO?rinreras pmr??r wom?n In some most aristocratic I iKMbee 'ia f< -?Wlfsr Siaday; U\ not comnar^^Oght of'as an ?raa> ment to amlttl?haWs parlor, but ho meMtoo 'mmimiklre's parlor, but he genlal^ahd- be prt?t*fcs Me. earn* straight. Suadayesdaemessage* -that nave: made him famous. rittsb?rr baa" >taken <?p?v Sunday; und' the biggest business' add pMbtld men of the cRy,h>??^^^^^eiix taborndole^' fSom? hevb" dtfst vtratt;" A weok ago ten men. detailed to tb'j, tabernacle forward in a body, l^?rtr -i aid they .were going later when thtyj codld take" their faHsdlie* with them?* perhaps thf-mhsj seaaattonai M??t of co??ts^e?^ hy w? ?vaa?V Bat. Att persona who go forward arej enrolled add their names sent to the pastors of the churchos. Hear the Crowds Are ?et. There are very few persons in Greater Pltsburg who have not board Sunday at least ones,- Admission baft been practically by tickot, so over whelming has been the demand/' The: huge audlM>?rlUftt Is flltad usually an hour before tbe.^^ache^leMtme-c^ bjc^' ginning,.: T^rtraa iS sp^nt to king rag aax h?^&>pi?^~^-~.' ' ^P^P^, tlons from nearly art *he big busltWef? concerns m'tfttf cityhwe ettehdedSin body. One newgph,f?r atefte sent 800 of its employ?e and as they stood up and sshg ?etr*^av?\4tt hymn" th^ crowds cheered. The tabernacle; choir hrid l.soo trraibed^oices present nightly. ' I heard several persons try lu g to get tickets to the Sunday meetings by "pull." as for ? great -pVTritieal con vention. These ticket? are "npnotium. ed: in various ways. One for.m of ticket Is good for two persons, one* of whom must be a non^ChristiBli".' success of th?'orgahlkst'.'Wi in ing tb?. rocetings^from being a * ing- of chureh folk lias-been *i fuE Ifpwtings to elBht>r districts for-djo eu ishm - s?d Bible sttldy havo been he d by ^he- teb pfersotre who^ake op th? Sundbyv1W?'>tA?<1?te include wo mi a woTkers,ft?**^thvts for the "down anfr sf?f^N^Me teaefcers,^ orgaolaer* No dspslrthwt^r^ke campaign Is more sAccessfet- 4?hjt^?tfe -tfoon ewbt fngs for wora^SA Mi VsSSi .Masks kt Brief. Bat'tmore Nowsi to ?o'ltet? ?sAss: pat vor -Ai?xkft.< Tbir' n?vi - ntttaaye^X.tfes', in oonimemor^Jbn ol tnr a biiwatuit w.ssT' '&&??9f?l* of Inter abstaining' retbrerla/Swe - mue* l?- ek 1?I0 i H out a bockohiog hand1 to was. ' production in 181? Was ' s two aotal i y in the l'ai-'. ;-?^B^Htet?>?"-?dff '? rbad ?wi? I m-aos. to be ttf loiiritsd 'ah. to connect ehe or more of tti? 'Open Pacl?e ocos? bs>borw on the imtkbefm < ofcAissga; #*b the ?avtgarsW >%v t^'?fetior of Alaato. aha with a coal Add or fields r s^lB?e?ri? ^ttfy^atfir ftftvaf?Ufte', ?eh is to-hest aid ?I tttfe valopneat df tbe agricaltnrsl and min- j 1 or other resources in Alaska, THIS his m Patronage Effl"' YOUNG MAN BANKED AND BECAME A PARTNER w /N THE BU&NES& Such a tiling 4^jf f P^'K/a chance" is all BpSH. Every man has a chance if he win only TAlCEth? chance. Older men wrjrjfe^ts of MOflEY are looking for! younger men with a fettle money;^wB?he^ wo?lil like to take into HARTNERSHIP. Nothing can h?id^pwn a man with CHARACTER and money. Banking your rrroiey \^li-build your character. ( Do it and have BOTH. M \ MUeJDiJR Bank YOUR bank ' _ We pay quarterly, j The Fanners & Merchants Bank and the Farmers Loan and Trust Company, both ?f I Anderson, S. % gica$ -deal of pleas* ure in lending money to prompt paying cus tomers and at this season^of the year take an especial pleasure in lending jmoney to their farmep fwe?tf Wc would iH^ptcueert^? extend our iu;qbal?tauce with the faVui !',ra or this Rood couhty by lending them money. Farmers & Merchants Bank I j keep corajgr ,n every day. description arness, Whips and Robes is the finest ,:.$$fer.,... We al?o Ifeaye scpre,?xfara Good ^?u?es and orses on hand,/come aivdl see them. ?H ?4RQI4NA J??M m Ott! OUI. OU! KAYH THK !AY?LE when ?lie catcites aigri? of odr, C5S d thin newest sorts you may p^kagfea afford a* w mother?well, nbe 'it say It All the feet ions?alt fresh our counters, Sndows. Pound *s at 80 cents, etc., aa to .choice aafi 01ymph$ Candy Co. " & Ic? DOUBLE is not ne?essati1 r*? yntt' etoptoy my expert eye service,, 1 have leai^ ?ifif* etrt*-hh"ja?Kf'ltdP ?*ery i of vision. Don't disfigure yet '?1t?- lW4ebTfkMr giees?, cause and. Ret those that will fclvo even bet ter aervtec and t*?> -ytfur 1fcp^a^|g% In th? least. *???-rt eye cxamlac tioua. Pri?es reasonable * 3.00 . f? aft and, upward. Repairs on f-raaaee and Wi l^ R. Camoi? 118 W. Wittlaer ?t. ?#8re Itwiw w<KJ. ?es.