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A? Your ?Wp?/ Tailor ? k. f???k ' Almost any* kind of a ^fo|[ \H ' w^ we^ *n j-, *^~Jr the show window and after you try it on. But when it begins to 'settle', the original shape leaves and you realize /that it takes workmanship like that of % v . . i Ed V. Price & Co. .7 ) fr ic not a hot iron, to give lasting shape liness. i j 'Tis much better to have US send ^jrour measure to these famous tailors feiend get real satisfaction. $20 to $45 PRACTICAL TALKS BY GOVERNMENT FARMJXPERTS Mo. III. - Hog Cholera-Potato i Disease-Poultry Raising. United States Soils. (Official Now? Summary of Up to Dato Matters Compiled by th? United State? Department of Agricllture.) THE United States deportment of agriculture ia engaged in ex perimenta looking to the con trol and eradication of bog cholera. During the past twelve months the disease caused a loss among swine of over $00.000.000. While this was slightly larger than in previous years, the less bas ruc into many million? of dollars each year for a decade or more. The Sixty-second congress appropriated: $75,000 for the department to begin Work against the ravages of the disease. Tbs'work ls DOW going on In Indiana. Missouri and Iowa tend ls meeting with some en C?"~*"SrS-="it. slthO?gu ti v;;::: Uli ?y DO gnn lu July. 1013. Hog cholera usually makes its ap pearance In the spring and then spreads with increasing rapidity until autumn. Therefore the department met in the beginning a handicap, as the appropriation was not invalluhlf, untl' July 1. The plan or tho work which ls being done In Montgomery county. Ind.; Pettis county. Mo., and Dallas county. Ia.. 1? for the depart ment to place In each county In those states three or moro' Inspectors, who will have c-nurge of thc work and who will couti?! the administration or the department's bogs. The agricultural colleges of the j states will gather btutlatic* and In f?rai the farmers ol the ways In which they can aid in the campaign, while me au ty of "tue state veterinarian will be to control the movement of Ure stock and require the disinfection of 'Stock cara, loading chutes and penn in such a way that the chances for dis seminating, the disease- will be less ened. iVuuiers nut only ?we millions of dollars iiunuully as the result, of hog choiera, but they ure undoubtedly de terred In many cases from raising bogs on account or thc fear nf cholera. It is evident that loss to flip funner ls loss to the cc-nsumor. for lt Is not con ceivable thnt a large reduction lu the nnmlier of ?r^gs. such ?rt Is caused mi i;*g cholera, can have any ?ther'erTect^han ti> torease the price of "hork andAeonaequcntly, the cost of ?ving. _ . ' Pc?ato Disease Quarantine. j The federal horticultural board of the, department of agriculture ha? tnnde--* decision of *otis[de_rabJe tm ponpinee to pb tntn growers! it ls~lhe continuation Indefinitely of'-the ?petate quarantine that h.'s been maintained during tlic past year against certain countries from which our main Impor t?t ioss o? potaioe? come. The coun tries against which quarantine Ia to be continued are the British Isles. Ger many. Austria-Hungary. Newfound land and two Islands ' belonging to France In the St Lawrence river call ed St Pierre and Miquelon. The object of the quarantine ta to prevent the Introduction loto the Unit ed States of a dangerous potato dis ease, now unknown lc thia country. This disease la known as the potato wart, the potato canker br blsck scab. Tbs decision of tbs department not only insures the potato crops from tba ravagea of this disease, but will prob ably affect the pnro of them. The quarantine shuts off prsctka'.iy Ml! ??inply from 0ttba??. though lt dues nt|^^|<^--r.,p6i^toas-from Bermuda or Canada ano *r??an? that we shall bare to produce practically alt the potatoes wo consume for no indefinite length of time, le 1911. the year before the quarantine was Issued. 38.000:000 bush fla cf foreign potatoes were Imported ?sto the United States. Although the Ixmdon bureau of. agri culture Uss asked the State ^.depart ment, through the British emlwsay. that thc quarantine against poo*to*? be raised or modified the federal hor ticultural board ha*, ruled that the risk Cf introducing nsw disease* Into the United Btstesla toe ?rent ta Justify - change. tetter Pow ?rv fUi?ie:a. "Ueep the ne*t chun arri prorlde one nert for every four nvns." is the ad- ; vice to farmers rilli* ifcimtrymea. hy thc department nt ocrh-uittfri' ."thu tier tba mffCH i-fp them In a cool, dry room or ?-?-liar rind market tSKS ?St VGA rn* mi>m. Sail. IOU j or couuau oil male birds as soon RS tbe ba tc bl rm sea HOD I* over. "Begiu murketlDj; tb? cockerels SH KOO? as th y weigh on? ami ouw?hult pounds or ohuitn a marketable weight and." continue? ttie advice, u?M?fkei white abetl and brown abell ?ggn HI separate psckuges. Small or dirty eggs should be used ut borne. When taking eggs to market they should be protect ed from the sun's rays. Infertile egg* tri!! TtiSwStnSu ?wr?ufciug coudiuons much better tbuu fertile ?'ggs. "The hen's greatest profit producing perlo<l is the first and gerund years, nud unless n hen ls un exceptionally good breeder she should lie dlsftosod ol at the end of her second laying season snd before starting t<? mott. "l ow eggs ead bc pxiaWtied until tho pullets ate matured. "Pure brod poultry mwux Hulform! ty of products, ar.'l ;!?;*! wmis inoieas eel prouts if th? produep? uro, n|rolierb; marketed. Civi'ii tl..- julinu ?-.wv ami food, pure bivi! fo.v-- M ill ibuUe a greater profit tlt.:ii moi (ir?is.' ,-IH order to ot:.;!:: -. ^?s u is SnWr to ll:ive hi-altli.v. vlgjiN?U* Stock properly fell; A -; :<? . :?tl i.i: : .iv for laying lieus ls oa,,a,i injir?x vit ? i. ? i corn, wheat amt oats, iyhli-li should IK> scattered iu Utter. Plenty of cvurh'* Increases the og;,' yield. Cabbages, mantels. potatoes and sprouted oats tunke excellent green food, ami when wer mashes ?re fed be nure they ure crumbly mid not sticky. For Hie tir ?* three days chicks limy be fed ti mix ture of equal parts of hard boiled eg-i and stall? bread or the hitter, swiged in milk. Trota the third or fourth day until the chicks eau eat wheat anil cracked corn comtnerciul chick fund ls a good ration. Plenty nf pure fresh water, grit, shell und green food should be available from tbe brat day. There is very little dunder of over feeding young stock. Keed your chick ens about Ave times a day.''* Soilt of the United Stat??. "Solls of the United States" is the title of a bulletin just issued hy the department of agriculture which cu? tains .a comprehensive study of. the solis pf the country, showing the iocn tint?n of the 1.050 di (Te re ni types or soil? ?iir?eyed s::*i :?i;;?;^-d- uyw# de partment and tbeir ?np adaptation. The department has mode soil surveys In every state, embracing un aroa or over 000.000 square miles. The most important group of solis on which the majority or tho trucking crops or the country are produced Ile? in the Atlantic mid gulf coastal plain? province, accordlug to the rejKjrt. com prising about 3uT?.OO0 square miles, ex tendlng from the northern end of Long Island to the sont beru extremity, of the Florida peninsula mid along tbe coast of the gulf of Mexico to the mouth or the Plo (Jrai:do. These soils are pre eminently early trin k soils, and their most . economic URO f?? In "-?ie; production of high priced criipV for Hie early local' nm! distant markets acces sible to rapid transportation,"'. TJirfBae sands hre Undoubtedly the nio^'.vaf?n-Jj tu? ?..'..y trtit.L- uu. -;; ;- -J?.?^*^,"';?? they Include the whole range of vege table crops. Norfolk fine sand'Ja sn Photo'? Ky A'mci lean T'rcss'ATls?ci?tldD. S* SltET.VUY Ot* AOltlCUt.?fltK HbUSTClfc. :"v*?' .' ? /* v ' ' ,?'?;. important member:, of the group as areli a? being tho moat extensively de veloped, ii is irm best early track soil of tbe section. On the soils of the* glacial and toes Blal soil province bi grown thu bulk of the great Staple crops of tba country. Tho silt loams have by rar tbe largest areal development of any .of tb? groups. They ' furnish tho greater por tion of the. cereals directly produced Tor local consumption and export the bay and grain used In tbe production t>f meat and other meat supplies. Dai rying ls also an Important Industry, The Marshall silt foam is the principal co.n soil of tbe country and Ut only, slightly lesa Important for the produc tion of wheat and ls nico an excellent loll Xor tbe production of oats, alfalfa, tob?ceo and sugar beeta. r?imple Canning Methods. It?rent ly II western Pennsylvania 'armer, illmnttrfhrit.nt selling bia peas it ii very low price, decided to caa beni according to the method advo ?ted lu ballet In .( Vi. agricultural de inrtment. ?>n the "Oumlmr of Vegeta tes In the ?Home." He used tbe ot?-* Unary fruit Jar us a container. ?Io Usponed of some to n treal store, ?hieb anon took ail be bad and aureed ? take all ba could furnish in the ru are. He ls preparing to ' put up u nucb larger amount next year. English Cattle ts Be admitted. rue secretary of agriculture, at tba I . "eqne*t or tho British nm tut ?out dor. an- j " louti'-es that, the foot nod mouth dis- |.; ?ase itOctlng ? ntl!??, aheep amt ?wine j if Kurland. Ireland and Scotland lei? ' ?een eradicated and that prohibitimi ow, I ri st toe importation nf tiio.-%> soi- ! Mata baa bess raafeVed. Dr. Kelly of Baltimore Adds His Support to the Theory. Washing):!, Jan. J( - Lr mu. ?vas ascribed toi'ay to ibo hom? wraa.ti too cn ai -.< K na tba only t uro the tee on mini?, as UM\ cur?: tin? medical world baa discovered Cor rancor-the disease which, exports before the committee labcll?? a re bel against all the lav.* that govern humait llsbue. Four men who hav ; devoted years to ike study ot cancer appearcd'ai the n (vest of the commiUeSi lp which have been referred resolution* to the President to withdraw from entry public land: known to contain radium beuHg Opes. Th.v wet.- Hr. HoWSfd V Kelly, cf i.W.tlmoic: Dr. Hebert th* study ol Malignant Q?seaces. und Aube, of New Vor:;. Diro^or Ralorrt cf the New Vorl. Statf miftitt?lon, ttrJ Dr. C. P. Duri:.m. pf Jo1 n's Hopkins i'tUyereity. All the doctors agreed that the cryicj need ol their work wfta more radium, ci whto'.i t'ioro ki eas than two drams In reduced form now in the I'nited States. .Discussing the eise of roprescntatlv Ilromner, of Now Jersey wiio is under going radium treatcmnt In 'Baltimore, )r. KUy declared be felt certain a ?ure could be effected if more radium were available, as it was said the palien* showed encouraging symmons. . Dr. KUy added tint he and his associates wore working to discover a process for the reduction of radium from thc ores of Colorado. But ono concern now furnished radium to the medical profession, he said, and lt's orr'ubs for reducion tt hold Beeret. Tho committee will meet again CK'nesday. represo tall v Taylor of Colorado announced that men . who held much of the radium lands In Colorado would be asked to be heard. - BY GAS PRESIDENT W. W. Hess of Phiiaaelphia Wall Pleased With Progress Made Here. "Ph?nom?nal growth properly do crlbed the condition of the Anderson Gea Company, according to the Investigation made Monday by W. .W. j Hess of Philadelphia and other : officers and directors of the concern. Mr. Hess, who la presido nt of the coraSsTTi arrived In Anderson Sunday and/, .spent Monday In the city. He will 4eave today for Asheville And ?ther '??orth Carolina points. '-"?Mr. 'TOcait ?aid that ho waa ho-a merely for an examin?t lon of the ' beat' business and to aee how the ar tel r s Of tho company were being j conducted. He was more than pleas-1 ed with the result of his Inspection and marveled greatly at the rapid, increase of the business. The gae compan^'c fcuchv-ss here hsn teerest" ed from 65 users of one year ago to over 400 now nnd officials of the ' company say that thoy expect to add at least 2&0 to the number during tho ensuing year. The other offlcern of the company, aside froru^r. HOBS re' Francia? I. Jones secretary and treasurer am? Adelbert Kohn, vi?<> presider*. Mr. W. lt. Woones ls lesa: manager. The s;jtiuont was mails yesterday y t?? company that the receipts per meter for Anderson were a.'.rly doubio that of the rccelpta frem, aliallar crae:; in th? mirth. - - Tho ";rtii them capital;*.: made a humber"p! pleating referOnces?io Au - derson's*'d growth ?ala ttni e waa really surprised to tee ?ow tuch tbe-jO?W had progressed; slnco his farmer visit here. 25c POCKET COTTON sc ... MANUAL. :. Containing Acetate Tables Showing the aiwe of cot ton at any prl?e only 25c. F A TM r * S BOCKS i RR t\s Jus. Like This WK... ~~ -^-J -lasses ~cu ~si~r- ? il!? ?acT "the" beat* and aVl ""ring ' ?rice. Right herc ta where yon get loth, aa well as the services of s rrafluste Optometrist with twenty-' Wo rears - e*par?euee. Examination ; entirely free. ! DR. M cr lt KA H Y (1LTXTH , Eje-Stght Speclallst, Ovar S rasa Pharmacy Ha? I. Progressive Bankers Invite Your Patronage uti We urge tho e who have not yet started a bank account with us to START 'ohe. Those who are already our customers know the value of always keeping their bank balance growing. M ney put into our bank right here at home stays in our own community/ and thia helos develop it and helps prosper. Why send money away when we can increase the value of OUR OWN property by building up our own town? IMake OUR lld** YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent inter ?si ijtarteriy. PEOPLES BANK, - - - - - * Aiid*r*e-v& Cw Tlh? Ot?sem?s N&t?oim&l Baris llZIZII ..?yM^rr??!? ipi.II?IIWIMMMBM^I has made a Remarkable increase in its business dur ing the past year. , .*" There is a reason f pr this, try us with a por tion of your business now-?ate? you will give us all. ... We Pay/In ter Cst on Savings''.... J. H. Anderson, rr**. J. F. Shumate, Caste I Thus Faimnmors Loauni ?unid! Tm?isft Co. , Y/lhoae- cccr-?binc^ .raff?wrceo ?re' ? ?itttlo t?ie. ri? of C n s fr^uc-Ti IDcuiz^a bra .. on anare new account* .?- . ery ?iaty e-'*^] ?.^J^??. ;\ .% ' .*. .\ ,*. % . MUSTS EE-A ifcEASON Sr~?- S .'.-..^cfta OFT! esr:-.-.:! laquas are especial!? desired * ?.. . . fi p&z?L? '? e. Sd acid '. receive, -, especial t:ai^ilzki? 'asteria r. v.;-2 |Sa^atj|?"." ", I *;_.^,1^ . .. - ;^r;v.:.: m ' .-~f-:-:-i. . . -1 a \> .? .." v- ? ? . ; . ; ~ ?" j JJ TS:^'F"ai2^era B?tale ?l Iva.N?W R?ady !OF The Farmers Bank Of Iva is now ready to receive depos ts and transact a general bank ing business. Taxes wit be collected for Corner and Hall and Savannah Townships, and remitted to County Tr?surer Trefe; of charge. The new bank building will be erected on the Wharton lot at $fe corner of Broad and East Front Streets, ?#l work on same will begin in the near futurejiThe stock of this bank has been placed larghly with-the farmers around [va, and every jeasonable favor and aecom modation will ht-.shown" its customers. B. F. MAULDIN, Pr*9. Capital Stock $25,000. W. R. MUU.?NIX, Cashier. Old Fussily Scents U^sJ-7/il? ?? strnct your servent or cod them at your home, Newatorlr imsnrburba. Por Information telephone*!** Anny Phillips. Greeley B7?0-Vojue If Emperor WlUtam "i^lly sai. | that a "real man wears* matta-; che" lt ts order t?! j t*jj him to the Pr?sident ot the Unitaj States. 1 i thuga* ~ . . Canadian ?be rai s are talking about reciprocity with the United States just as If to kiss and mako -up ware the easiest thine tn the world. . Various dlacuaslon* istiltonmnii* eire- the viow recently expressed tka> there ls decidedly a human nature ?side to the banking ?usines?.