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p'.-----r- -.-. IQ? Cotton -, * i * i - . . .. ' ' ?? If you wi*h to ex .... i ? change your cotton for 'i * .. -.. ' , . . anything in our line or settle your account we will, until further no tice, give you 10c lb. I If this will help any, come in-talk it over. , In |he mean time, j don't forget we are sell ing only the very best of its kind throughout j ? I ti I I prices. I . ? ? ; \ i^-y " Mum ?ri /.iX "? ? ; .... r; . , - ' , ; MftSiiWlLSON "BATTLE ?M?it?'iSf Tlfe CLOUDS" J ^ " ^iPepiA^. l9jy.round-trip ?tates from all ; N- stations to Williamston via PIEDMONT & ^?fttriiERIvJ RAILWAY. . $ We have secured at, considerable ex pense ?Prof v and Mrs. R. L. Fox, dancing . iBastersv direct ?rom, the .famous Castle ?: Mouse, New York City, who will dempn ?^??|^i]ais occasion all the newest and i ?at^t fads in dancing. ?^l^i '? : 'Pou't.-iail to see VTa, jTap", the new ;1 ll^hine?e, dance which is au the ra^ge in New j Bpi I ^ork City; . i Profr and Mrs. Foi. will also demon I sfr^^ which is the most J ; 1; t?pttfui dance since the stately "Min j -^^iSS^^I -by ; First R^gimeni V I Band^. and dancing after demonstration. | ?-"r^?-1 Zl^^r^A^?fH?1"i.--i^t?i4riiii:i?r? -{?sk 1 T?cket Agent} ?r wrif?- > I ?ff-: V . r *.\ 'V. >'?> ?: ??tsnera? P?Mse?ger Agent. WANT F CTS MADE KNOWN BELGIAN CRUELTY WAS THE CAUSE OF DESTRUCTION OF LOUVAIN LETTER EXPLAINS Communication Sent From Ger man Official Tells ci Condi tions Troops Encountered Nov/ York. Sen*. 18.-Adolph V. Urucnon, formerly secretary to tim Gorman ctn bargy at Washington, who now 1M .-it Genna, Italy, has sent to a relative here the following communi cation i rom Dr. A. F .M. Zimmerman, .orman under secretary of foreign af 'alrs, with the Information thut the leirnpti government requested that it bo glye:i (?uhlicltyj Merlin, August 30,1914. 'Ofll?inl remiinnienUoii of Hie Ger man General Staff: '.''.'he city or Lot?wen (Louvain) had l?rrendcred and was given over to UH by the Belgian authorities. On Mori .ay, ?ugubt 21. some of our troops vere shipped there, and intercourse ?vlth th- inhabitants was developing tuite friendly. "On Tnemhiy afternoon, August '25, rar troops, hearing uhnut an Immt '?ent W'glnn sor?o from Antwerp, 'crt in direction, the command tig general- ahead in motor car. luav ng behind only a colonel with nol lieT to nrotect the railroad. Aa the rest ot the commanding generara staff with the horses waa going to follow ind collected on tho market nineo, suddenly rifle fire opened rrom all the surrounding houses, alli the horses being killed mid five ofilcorK wounded, ono of them seriously ibout ten different places in town, al so on some or our troops1 just arrived nnd wnlting on the aqunre in rront or the station and on Incoming military trains, " Two priests caught handing ont ammuntlon to tho people were shot in iront or the station. "Street fight lnrted till Wednesday, tho 26th In the afternoon (21 hours), when stronger forces' arrived. In thc meantime succeeded in getting tho up per hand. Town and northern suburb wore burning at different pinces and by this time havo probably burned down altogether. "On the part of the Belgian,govern ment a general rising of the popula tion against the enemy had been or ganized- for a long -time; depots of trma TsVe'fO?^td? Where, to each' gun was attached the name or the citizen to he armed. 1 "A spontaneous rising of the peo plo has been recognized, at tho re tlueBt of the smaller Blutes nt The Hague conference, ns being within the law of nations, as far as wcapona arc carried openly and tho laws of civiliz ed warfare aro being observed, but '.*uch rising was only admitted lu, or der to fight tho attacking enemy. , "In tho- ca?e of * Loewen the town liad already surrendered, tho town be ing occupied ' by our. troops. Never theless, the population attacked ou all sides and* **lth n murderous Aro the occupying foiceg nnd newly arriving troops. "Therefore, > there ca b?n no no etiofitlon of means of defense allowed y tho law of nations, neither of a. warlike guet.apena (ambush) but only Ot a treacherous attempt of the civil population, the more to be coridemn cd, os it apparently was.planned long beforehand with simultaneous at tack from Antwerp, ns arm? were 'ntft warned openly BR wonfen and young girls'took-part. In tho fight and .blind ed! our w?unded sticking their cyoB ont. . /"Tho barbarous nttltude of Hie Bel gi?n population in all :?arts occupied b^; .our troops not only has Justified our*1 severest nioasurcii, but torpid them on us for tlio sake of self pres ervation. Tho intensity ot the resist ince of the population is shown by tho fact that In l<cawenj?4 hours y/ore l?ceiraary_to break down th'blf attack: We ourselves regret deeply that dur ing tli'eae fights tho town of Loewen Fins been destroyed to a great extent. Needless to say thos<e oro not.Inten tional on our part but cannot be avoid ed In. this infamous ' franc-tireur war ticing led against UR. J,Whoevor knows the good natured iharactcr of our troop? cannot" sori -jus?y pretend that they are inclined to needless or frivolous destruction. "The entire responsibility for these Bvnets rests1 with the Belgian govern ment who w'th criminal frivolity have given :to the Belgian people instruc Hons contrary to the law of, nations and incited their rcSiBtancoi and who'. In ?pite ot our repeated warnings, sven after tho fall, of Liege jhav? dono nothing to induce them to a pcacorol Miitudc." NOTlpE 7 All persons are hereby warned not to . harlior, hire or > give Supbrt. to Olif Mapaha, my 17 year old Sot), who left rn? homo' . without provocation. This n< ?leo -?ppliea also tb connect Ins ...on bo lb eldee. W. A. Mn g ah a, Hon ea " '.'.rS. C, . 2tsW . : i\ft*11i>, Y?TVKJ?,LK?I .. Virginian'ft?RaHroad Wreck tfa* a Gallant Toleran. GOVERNMENT BOAT GOES TO BOTTOM -*- \ Fourteen Lives Lost When Col lier Crashes Into Steamer on ,St. Lawrence Quebec, Sept. IS.-The Black Dia mond ?.olllur Llngau rammed and,sank Hie government vteamer M?ntmaghy, al fi o'clock Ibis morning during a fog ai FJeaiiJu bunk?, in tho St* ' Lawrence river, "tf miles from Quebec. Four icen persons, members of thc Mont mauny's crew and families of two light house keepers aboard the Moutmagny lost (heir lives. Second olllcor La Chanco of tho Montmagiiy, was among tho -e who perished ? He dared with two cblldreu in his arms in a heroic but unsuccess ful attempt to rescue thom. Mrs. I .a Valle, wife of the lighthouse keeper at Flower Island, and her four children were lost. Mrs. Richard?, wiro of the light house keeper at !;<? ?le Isle and her seven children were aboard the Mont niugu,. hut how many of them were saved ls unkbnwn. The vessel was on her ? way from Quebec to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the s'traits of Belle Isle, N. F., Siie had on board u cargo of coal and pro vision- for wireless stations and signal service stations along the coast. Although the Montmagny was not a passenger vessel she was utilized to transport the families of the light house keepers at Belle lalo and Flower leland ' to. their station.-. MILLING EXPERT IN COLUMBIA Wi!i Discuss the Building of Ele vator in Connection With Flour Mill - Columbia, Sept. 17. W. J. Savage, an .expert in the" mill ing industry, is expected to be lu Co lumbia next week to appear before a conference o t chamber of commerce directors and other business men on the matter of building a grain ele vator hore which'<will lead to the es tablishment of a large flour mill. Mr. Savage, it was said thbi morning at the offices of the chamber- ot com merce, knows milling thoroughly and his coming here at this time is ex pected to give an 1 added impetus to the movement, to build the , elevator and grinding mill. . Mr. Savage will be here either the 22nd or the 2;trd, according tn the present plana. .SouHi Cnrounn-, ^produced i -large, amounts ! of corni 'omi -*wnedt -last year ;.' not So large, na lt-- is honed to make the crops In "the -future,'"the -never theless both grain; figured to a con siderable \extent lu the agricultural products of the state:"There arfeforiIy U row mills In the state .that c an pro duce Hour and meal "and the output from these is limited, it ls said, so that at present South Carolina cannot lay claim to hoing an important state in tho milling industry. A flour, corn meal and grist mill is an industry that will doubUoss be gladly ' wel comed'to the manufactfuring lines In C?lumbiu, and will go n long way to ward making Columbia a corn and wheat market. Traffic Association Branch. The chamber' ol . commerce this morning received a. lotter from B. E. Slayton, manager of the New Orleans sfiSes'" of - tt?? murc?mii?H*. iTomc aqb ?lation,' stating that it-waa ono dr Its plans to Open a ^branch hero.: Mr Clayton was'open.the office hero by R. W. Holcombe, the secre tary OT the chamber of-commerce. Mr. Clayton said he had carefuly studied the statistics relative to Columbia, tarnished him by Mr.' holcombe, and lie wa-5 confident 'that 'Columbia was fneVery'sense of 'the ytor?. a real city ibid furthermore nes was so impressed that'he'most certainly vWould open a br?neh ofTice here. ' - S The association employs freight ex perts who look after claims, hold by Shippers against railroads. It is hot Improbable that th ? broom factory mentioned in the, newspapers ? few days ago will open her? abolit October 1. Thc chamber of oom inerce is again in receipt or u tetter rrbma resident ot Georgia saying tl ult lie continues to believe. tb*'t Columbia is a suitable place, fot ?ais coiitem ?lated broom fabtory, ati^Ihat'he wRl make a specialty of bm*?r? for cot ton mills and for /tast-.'fea&ra he ?1e rtres td: lochte1 hIs;fwjto'ry :ln: tue cen Wr-'of the cotton^-^ft??hduetry ^^'ihe preblom of dtstrubutlon will bo .'dm pllfled. ' ' .*.?'':\V ainerfcanW Are '?S?S?W?9^ trout Ea. ?rope pn'*vi^'fi#*<; ' (By Associtt?'Pw?.). ???w York, B?pt:,fl&U^bni 'Etiro'po today cante rhsny' : inore; Americana* passer gers On tho 1 Wh?ttf Stir liners, [ho Baltic and th?v;CtetlCj, each' from Liverpool. The Rattle 'gVft'in *lth 2,i Mfr pa?ehgers' ^A?te?Cjtetlo Isrought 27e. Karly today tho Cunar? liner titania, which' -^trrrved last night, landed 1,W>2 peases Mra;. - : Returning Americans and several filans brouttiV stories bf the ftgbting Abroad and'or the iwaV^sltu?tlon ^.en brally. Madame Tan de Vetve,>lfe ot ute" ^Belgian minster who brought ar appeal for aid fof .anfte'rera tn Belgium arrived on Yhe CrotlCi . Th? Baltic's ;- /.|?n'g?r?r.i*?.?Jtti? Chauncey M. ;IksW^y-^i^r^ii?? States 'senator from I*** York and Miks Mallfte Sh eridan, niece of '-Goner ?l 'Pitcairn CnmpbeYl, in'c^hitaknd o the sduthera division of th* homo de fense ot tfce Britisharraye. BRITAIN Al? T? JTP LAIN CRITICISMS OF SIR LIONEL CARDEN ARE RESENTED MAY LOSE POSITION Sir Lionel May Not Be Sent To Brazil As Result of Con. trovcrsy WasliingtoirrScpt. 18.-The United State? government has sent a formal note to Great Britain inquiring if the recent interview attributed to Slr?Lion el Carden, British minister, to Mexico, criticising President Wilson for .with drawing American forces from Vera Cruz was accurate in part. An indication of the displeasure of the American government over the in cident l<? understood to have been conveyed in the note. High oillcials tonight did not explain what is expected to be the outcome of the representations but. it, would oc casion no surprise here If. a complete repudiation of whatever views . Sir Lionel may have expressed would be Issued, by the British foreign oitico. Diplomatists also consider it possible that Sir Lionel mgV not be accredited to Brazil, .his new post, because of the incident. ' _ . The American government more than once lias had* occasion to int? mate to thc British government that Sir Lionel Carden was thwarting the Mexican policy of the American gov ernment. He virtually was forced to lea ve.Mexico <hy General Carranza, the diplomatic Irte, ?eation of the Uni ted States ni-wi' preventing the Con stitutionalist ?.nier form abruptly handing him h<s passnorts. ? Sir oneil SOrlnp-R'-i.e,-' Ibo British ambassador herc, nlrendy has express ed his ovn regret for the incident, apologizing personally to the state de partment . He did this without in structions from tho foreign office. President Wilson is constantly re ceiving report? of tho rapid con struction of affairs in Mexico, contra dicting the statements of disorder al leged lo have been made by Sir Lionel Carden. General Villa telegraphed the president today his thanka fpr the withdrawal of troops and spoke of his co-operation . with other subjects'of peace. Tho Constitutionalist 0agency Here received advices from Mexico City that General Zapata had repli?e io General Carranza'? invitation to attend the na tional convention of military and p?Ul leal 'tender? October 1 to choose a, pro visional "president. Zapata has. re nu?ste dthat a truco be declared and a ce:-nation of hostilities be arranged pending th? deliberations of the con vention. . ; ' ll generally l? understood!here that General Carranza .will resign as first chief and that Fernando -Iglesias "Ci i derou wil be named jprovl?lonal presi dent. The latter wlll-fconduct' a gen eral election in which Carranza ex pects to be a candidate. . AMERICANS HAVE S1*EN??S TIME Well Known Veteran '^a^N?ece Have a Few Thrilling'Ex - . periences Paris? Sept 18.-Trying experiences befell Major Edwin Jacob Stivers, U. S, A* retired, and lils "niece,- Miss 3tlvers, who wer?r-caught in the track battle at the village of /Vaumolae, about 45 miles northeast, ?t: raria, American Ambassador . Myron T. Herrick 'leaVned'yestsrdiy of the m?j ir's situation and sent t\n army offi cer attached to tho em?aasy Lo. an au tomobile tb bHng: him i with-bis niece to Paris. Major Stivers,' wtfoti th Mi? S0th tf?ar, was found brbke'n>ittjheatjth>: tie saw the Bruis? troops had boen in tba village on August 30 and 31. and the Germans from September 1 to 10. There' had been 3 godd deal of Shooting around 'his': cottage:' ..'H? painted A small American Dag on a place of board which he nailed to Ute cottage and this usually'was rospeW" ed., Mfrs Stivers, howeverVwt?s'rmaa th flo aB kinds of work for th>* man soldiers "such as seWmg ^em 'a table, making jt?a arfd w?terttlg their horses. . Major Stivers ' wasioorn ; In 'Brook lyn," Ohio, and 'distinguished, himsolf in the war between the: 'states.' .tte was mentioned by General Itbseerahs tat conspicpous gallantry in : the bat tle of Chickainaugo. -His home re cently baai ??pen in 'Itirlal'. -;,. End of Battle lSt?e^-:?bon.:.,. . London.. Sept; is.VvTh^'.Oope?hagen .orrekpondont ot tho Central News] Hgcncy has forwarded the fchawinr' dispatch receded from Berlin: "Tho situation of the German tr?ppa | ?n tho ' groat ' battle ob the western frontier Is good^espectally in the cen-1 ter, whbro tho'Germana rhave ^^ce?v-, od substantial rol?fotfcemeritev ' - The | end of the battle?'.1a expected soon." - -r~--:- ' f iJb?dofe? i?ept ' ?^The Prince . .or Wales was a^xlons^lf? go to tho front, f?covAn? to rt state^enti ?ssstod tcr i ?wr it??hmcla? prcas tmrea?. ?nd io geV'LoTd Mb?tVeheV* cc' "S'WM ^rAlnlnfir;tord;t?t?h t?nt it i? hmT?r?i\>i* thir* ^ts ?hness should proceed on nc? BROKERS WILL BE FORCED TO PAY Exchanges Being Closed . Does Not Exempt Bankers From Special Tax - f (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 18.-Stock brok ers' who have protested against a pro posed special tax of $30 a year will not escape assessment. Democrats of thc ways and means committee de termined today >o include them in the! war revenue bill waxen is now being perfected. / Arguments that brokers should not be taxed because stock exchanges are now closed were not regarded aa suf ficient to entitle brokers to exemp tion inasmuch as lt is probable the ex changes again will be operating be fore the need for war revenue has passed. - Perfection of the revenue bill was not completed today. Stamp tax rates will be taken up tomorrow. Few changes are contemplated In the stamp tax rates as levied during thc Span ?HII - American war, though tho1 matter or eliminating checks ls1 unde termined, . The committee today approved the additional tax of fifty cents-a barrel on beer, the tax of two cents a gallon on gasoline, and the special taxes on bankers, brokers and tobacco dealers. The committee decided to eliminate j tho. minimum tax contained in tho] Spanish war revenue law on bankers*. That levied n tax of $f>0 on bankers! with a capital abd surplus not exceed-j lng $25,000, and ?2 a thousand addi tional. The proposed bill will fix thu I bankers tax at the fiat rate of 82 per] 'thousand of capital and surplus. A O o o ooo 0 0 o ooo O 'O o GEORGIA NEWS. o) o - - o io O O o o O O O O O O <l o Hartwell Sun. Mr. Phillp W?hlte of Anderson. S. C., passed through our city Sunday on his way to Elberton. Mr. John A Tftompson of Anderson S. C., made a visit to our town last Sundny: Mr.. and Mrs. John H. Magill and children lety this week foi" their new home in Richland, S. C. Hartwell re grets to give them up, hut the best wishes* of tho town and county go j with them. \ ( \ Hartwell has just voted almost] unanimously for bonds to install and equip both a water plant and a 'sew \ orage> system.-Clarkesville ? Adver tiser. - i . Mr. and Mrs. Walt?i .K?ese'of Ah-.] kfirson, S,-C., spent sunday with the ? latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F* Halley. Mrs. Smlth.Brown. of Montevideo has been attending:the masting at toe Baptist church and warf the guest of ! her daughter, Mrs. C. Shi net. S. H White drove to Anderson, S. |?y last Thursday morning and was accompanied home by Mrs. Phillp E. Adam?, who will spend a few days with her parents before returning to her home in Columbia. 'S. C. Mrs. Sealer ot South CSrolink hos been the guest since last week of Mrs. T. W. Toasley. Mr.. and Mrs. James Show of An dersonv vS. C.. visited Hartwell and the 'county,last week. Missen -Myrtle arid Sara McKinney Were over from Anderson, S. C". for the day Sunday. ooooooooooo o o o, o . o' oSlXANj?WENTYol 0 , u ? op 0,00 0 00 o ooo o 0( '.Wlliiamston. Sept. 18.--We?l. well., the elections are all over and the sun, ts still rising m the east and setting in the weet, and it still shines as bril- ? Bently as ?n.' did before. Everything seetns to be moving'oh Jdst as it did before and not a single hitch as oe curred in the' march of progress.' j No. I didn't say '^at t everything / ,w?.J?ld: come. to ? tdsllll. but our | favorites were all ^teated, and we; will be ebie to stand lt maybe for twp'years. " - I On tho1 fourth Sunday and Saturday, before, in this month/ the Anderson | county rilnglng coriTehtlon. will rqe'et at this place. - This Is expected to be the biggest; Binging that the, conven- <[ tion Ima ha? itt several yetfrs and our j people are^looking forward, to it with ^ a great deal of pleasure.- I ? .-Mrs. Addlo Lin? mid "'children Of Abbeville vlstted the fafnlly of W. T: Link list' ShtbrJay and Sunday. , IW. Ac ?lrod: and wife or Frankvlllo wereVvftrtfora Mere teVS?tty. . J. BrStooV ft i? ?t?d?r-i?h thi? week attending court au a juror. GCorgo MulIlkln ta erecting a large barn on'nia plac? nd?r hete. %. . v Vernon, the little son Of A. M. Mar ifni? at presehCaotfering with fever, ITO Ts being ajte'nded;ty Br. J. E: All good bf Welker-McElmoyle. . V\ ^ Miss Bessie Moore Is visiting her cousin, Mr& Albert Link of Abboville 1 ; - MbsSsi ' Siva and Lola TUctiey attend ed services at Plsgah^Sunday night. Every one who can possibly.' do so is requested to be'at Six and ii en ty. next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock p. n*.-.. Esj?rv?nlly ' Ihwse who attended the singing school. : Misses ilattic KP? and ? Jonie Le? Shirley; of McEltnoyle; attended -. Suc day school here Suriday. < 3. B. stotre ot this section has ?se kun the erection ; oil- a large dwelling for Warren ?Mc?AIlster or Five Forks. Whm cbmfri?ted it >il be'on? ot %b ^tt'?st.' bulltllnga In tho Five Forks' section. c. ", , lr v" ?? aM?t? Protect Sick Animals From Flies ! Give yout tick animals c omi oft and a better chance to get well by driving away the s wonna cf un tating lites with Conley's Fly Knocker Spray it on the animals, about the barn, around the garbage cans and other breeding pleets of flies. It will do away with this menace to the,'] health and productiveness of your animals. . Try It 15 Days Money back ii it (ails to do the work quhkly and effectively. Guard your animals ariinst the discomforts and dangers of fly seasrn by getting a can today. i Quart 35c ? Gallon $1.00 - 5 Gallon VJ?j SOLD DY EVANS' PHARMACY, Anderson, S. Cl COUNTY SUFFERS from HEAVY STORM Do yon know, flint yon -can get from ns n TORNADO POLICY, which will protect yon from the troubles that your neighbors are now suffering. It costs rery little in premium but FAYS LARGE in results. COME to our office and let ns tell yon about lt. Walton Insurance Agency Evans Building. His Last Meal ? . Ons ca* o RAT CQRN Ia better thoo a dozen Cat?, No matter whether yon have. one/Rat or a thousand RAT CORN will do the trick. Ask your dealer foi booklet '"How to D ci troy Rtfi. Tor tale mt all Stores Frico 25c-. 50c. and ll .co o?- i t V' . ll* Bataa?eal Mfr. Ca., fae. 315 Rice St.. Phi]?., Pa. Wt, -.4;. Purify the blood; cleanse it pf all UJXic and waste. matter, and every nerve will be better, very much moro pliant and stronger. Pore, blood is essential to good health. MRS. JOE PERSON'S hu met sn unquest! on od ?UOOGSS In alt dis ci ni ors nae to poor blood. ? It cl sins ind en? riche- tho Hf? fluid a?CV thus prepares tit? I way to perfect health. Your neljtbbora have* use tl lt for forty yeats, and they testify to Ita strength-giving . Qualities. Barcales yet moat efficient for Ita purpose. "It baa rJ-enV.beriod up my sys ts m and ballt np my ?ene rmi health. I Cad lt a flan family remedy to kuep In the house for the complaints Of tbs children."-Mrs. ll. Ed Rheinhardt,Iron8t*Uoo, K.C. .. For all blood mints, tor all acmatlraUosal weaWnossM, Mri. Joe Penou'e Remtdy baa proved itself very helpful. Your 4rturg1a.' CAD supply you. If ho doetn'f. got lt for you REKEDYSALHS CORPORATION ' , Chnriette, N. C. Inclosing one dollar, and they will Mn? lt .-Uh rall dlrecuona. . . Il to-?? an d Ol f -tj^erofl nflaasd ?.rut c?sgafik; surfaces. It ts especially valuable TofSSSS^ ?Dd ahcrald ?l1?^y*b-J13*ed fox tUc^anUOBS. ' ? -v -i- -mi.,.,,-.MI,.,.M..Luaiaai,. . \ M>siaaSaMa*sa?M|a|a^^ * * ./ BRYAN 'MADE TALK - , . ,\ Ma le - Cloning >>Si?^7fefo^:SsT^; . ? , ?nee Commissioners In Asheville. : ' A?b?yiHe, xr. c., SepU l?^?u inrof- ? ^ . mal address bjr.? Secretary Eryan fea-r turM the 'closing day of^ tue forty- ? fifth annual . convention bf the Nat ional Association of Insurance '?o^-A missioners In session here. Officers V w?re -elected na follows; President. John SJThirst; "Wist Vir- ^ Kinta; vice pr?sidents, rBuytoq^Mars*-" ^ fleld^Cont?ettlcnt. and J., P.< winship- v Cur?llha: ?ecret^MVeasoiret-, F. H. McrVtaster, gbuth Caronas; re elected. ? '-.(>-?;.' . ?-. .:. .The, executive commfttee Wm ?elect- ;? the nett . place of meeting . l?t?r. .' ' - < . ' ' r-l'^/?B^' ?-???Mi?? . . whin '. the interests of thb -psople^er? kati* gusrdeo at a iblnlmum cost. fssUrks ; fVahaar?n? Wt*tt*y??, > .tandou, 'Sept. ' <1$>~e!45 p. m^bC British admiralty- annoUh*es?'u^b^^?: of tho submarine ; AE-'; vbelbn??Klffi tb iM. Austrian : tf?aV?Nb ? Xtet?iW? v Wero'gtvCn in tho CDhle'--'l^^?)?>^ Austrian govornuiMit Tepo'?in^! J^o