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SOCIETY (From 8?""*??'t' Daily.j winding stairs, leading from the sec BHB'lfiHSMi ? ? . j TI?i;*i.sViI ?"(! rioor- Th,,-V ?.?".?. '? ??.? following Miss vutiii??cr. order: First, the ribbon hearers. Vlo Mr. and Mr3. R, B, Holroyd, who >.* ,,ruUt- and Elizabeth Hurriss, ""ni. dressed In dainty white, making an wfre recently married In Greenville, aMQ |Q tho extrcm(1 end of tneBnalI. wero tho guests of honor ot a lovely Soxt (:am,, Miss Mettle Jackson with, dinner Wednesday evening when Miss Mr. Toni Witherspoon. MIHH Mary. Rhoda Vandivor oofnrtalned at her Poole with Dr. Harrlaon Pruitt, Miss homo op South McDufflo street, Eileen Herron with Mr. Harry Jack Mrs. C. B. Earle greeted the guests son. The bridesmaids all wore dainty at the door and invited them in to the white lingerie dresses with pink glr llvlng room, whero MIHH Vandiver and iles, and carried arms-full of pink, Mf, and Mrs. Holroyd received. asters. Next, the dame of honor. Mrs. In tho dining room at a beautifully Darwin Held, came alone, gowned in) appointed 'table covers were laid for rose crop.- meteor, and carried white fourteen. Dainty place cards marked asters. Miss lisetta Pruitt, the maid of the places for the following guests honor, was lovely In a gown of pea who were served n delightful courao green crepe de chine and her flowers dinner. Mr. anti Mrs. Holroyd. Mr. and were while asters. Mrs. Louis Horton, Miases Murtha Then came the pretty brunette E .In h am, Alberta Brock, Florido Har- bride on the arm of her father, wear rls, Caroline Vaneo and Miss Vandi- lng an exquisite gown of white satin, vcr. Hex Hice, Hob Sullivan, Hob modishly draped. Her veil was caught Cathcart, E. H. Murray and Mr. Welch, up with orange blossoms and bride's Aftor dinner a number of vocal and roses formed her bouquet. The groom instrumental musical pieces wore with his best man, Mr. George Evans, given hy thu guests present, of Anderson, carno through tho south - parlor, nnd met the bride In tho ball. Hlribling-Fustcr. where, under a large wedding bell f r.-ried-Wednesday evening.' Ken- ?/ evergreen, their pastor. Hov. J. L. tomber tho nth, In Pendleton, at the y?*3- norformed n short tvt.d Impress hom- cf . - \.:-.:V. parent*, Mr. and '?? & oweet ceremony. Miss Margaret Mia. moir daughter, Williams, of Abbeville, kept tho rogls Llezc and Millcge F. Foster. lryr ,boolV , " . , . _, Directly after the congratulations n-ii wm'n?.<,.,... !hft bride laid asido tho wedding n, BVSS! 2 ,,IttmH|0! ' , gown and donned a beautiful traveling nf Pa yt0ZT nndJT?n, Wit of green. Mr. and Mrs. Wofford of September tho 2f?th, tho Piedmont ,""_" """,, ","",. "",_ ," ""_," .?.M . r, .?, , ... -, . ., , were sped away by niuo, to parts N?rlhern Hallway will glvo a ball in ,."","" ' ," . .t. until _ . ,,, i known only to themselves. the Willlnmston pavilion. Mr. and "",, "_" ?..".,. ,,,"" """"",, T? ? ii? - ..?./, ,t ot. ? Mr, and Mrs. Pruitt then served to Mrs.-R. L. Fox, of the Castle School ",, ,.,"," """"?" "_ .,..."," i. uti. M. i . ^. i i all their guests an elaborate turkey lu Now York will be present and In- .,,"""" ,",7K .1,01, i".," ""i,"" "",, ,"", ? # _ .w #i_ . , .i, . dinner, with delicious cokes and Ice.i. Refreshing punch was served In the &&?p^^ill* ? T?-Tao- roar hall Mr. and Mrs. Wofford will niakc their homo at Starr. In an at rj&fSF?i? tractive Utile bungalow, the wedding ?ni LQL?- il$!?3& t^???fSS ?llt of the bride's parants. Numerous ??h?fmn^ handsome presents were received by ?ni? .i S!?/ !SSf ? ?" tm? couple for their new home, ance to get supper- at the hotel. A large crowd from Anderson will go -_ over. ' Mis? Ada C. Bell. - A number of Anderson people; cs li.'rtbday Party. nodally Daptist, will be interested to A numbor of little Mhm Katherine Know that Mle3 Alla P- Bel1 haB ta,<pn McClure's plnymotoB wero delightfully un foreign mission work anti will entertained Monday afternoon at her 00 located In Tengchow, China. Miss homo on Webb'street, when she cele- Bell IB o daughter of Dr. Z P. Bell, orated hor ninth birthday. who was pastor of the Barilst church Gamea woro played for an hour ?r Anderson from 1880-1886, and a tnttfWrsTMcClure, assisted by Misses n! ?f E- A- nel?- of thiB c,{y- The Eta and Mnttle Mayflold, served the following clipping is taken from the gttcBtB cream; cake and cnndioB? Foreign Mission Journal: Among those invited to thia porty Ada ?- Be,l was born In Richmond, w'ffl-o^yirfefhla Frank. Margarot Mc- Va- ,n 18fi9' wllil? her father was as CullyTAlIce Copper, Felicia Tolly, Ma- Butant secretary of the foreign mis mlo and Thelma Ashmore, Thoa. Mc- stonary board. She waa educated In Clute*,Clifton McClure, Chas. McClure. ,ho Public schools of AtlanUi. Ga., and Mary-McGlurc. John Calhoun Coch- Holline College, Virginia. Two yean, ran. Jr., Leo Tate, Margaret Lewis. of ?Pedal kindergarten work was Ruth\KfJ?sb. and Elizabeth Strickland. done In Louisville, Ky. During these ?_. two years she waa in the training " _ . . school doing the city mlBBlon and ^?BHI M^f i * ?* c,otheB* other work required of the students. At a meeting of th? executive board She cannot remember the time when of tho City Federation of Women's abo did not love JOBUS, being taught' cltftg^UrWrs. Walter ,Allon ,yester- of him In thc homo, whero sho also day^ftermronflt waa" decided to call learned to love1 the foreign mission a . general meeting of the federation work. At eleven years of age there for 4:3a'^rt9ay afternoon lc the diam- uss a crisla in her religious lifo, when ber of commerce rr oma, the hour hav- .thora came tho quentlon of surrender vjn'g h^epi changed from 5, aa was first ci will and ?l?e io Joans for service. Hinted. At thin m.ieting several lmpor- Hbo united then with the Capitol Ave tant matters will bp taken np. among nue church, Atlanta; whero aho work, thom tho plans for a movement to cd in thc Y. W. A., B. Y. P. U.. 8. S.. wear cotton goods manufactured In especially delighting In the begtnncr? th? IftmeVf Btatea. At thin meeting all department, where God abo wed her members of the Kennedy Library As- that her. work WOB to he among the sedation, The Tcacupn, Kato Barry children. While at Hollins she became and Cowpens chapters of the Haugh- n volunteer. From father and mother t?ra o^f AM Revolution, Womaa'a Music both carno influences that lcd to thlB Of^li?4Floropco Crlttendon Circle, decision. In her home missions was Health League and Y. M. C. A. aux- and Is onsidered tho greatest thing tn Ular y aro expected to bo present.. Mrs. the world. She was appointed by the Allon.urged especially that club Wo- board on June 16, 1914, for Tengchow, mon remember that they aro members China. of th?4 federation aa well an their own _ Bpseial tlubr, ^ ' T Vlsllnrs Several Interesting ideas were icxas visitors, brought but in discussion with va- MIBBCB Ka-:aorlnq and Nancy McCall, rlona club members. Ono woman re. of Texan, who oro the attractive called tho remark of a former mill guests"of Mrs. K. P. Smith, have been president pt Spartanburg, who said the honorees at several Informal eve ? that a great deal of the cotton goods nina" Picnics during the past week. I manufactured' In Sparlanburg county -r j was nold In China, and that "honey Belightfal Party. tho Chinese took a notion to lengthen """... -.^_' - their 9hlrt-ui?3 even ona Inch, lt ";n, SWfi&S num?or,JS ; meant millions to Spartanburg coun- his young friends Friday^ evening ty. "and what,"' sh?%m m io 6*1. te entertain^ afc hie home inst \ "would ft mean, If tho.women would fyond thc city. Punch was served on! decide to wear two petticoats, or oven "le DO?"h ntml raony '"^oor ?ames en* . ono substantial cotton Affair*" f; ^y?a by ^JgnntB. A sweet course I WSW, pertinent remark waa lo T Mr^'\ th0|? Prefis!it- Tic^ j tho effect that the national he?ltb M,8,Ble8"Elel,tyn ST*"6',,, ^nn,? J?0T" leagtio was looking after tho pure food ^ro11.' Ci?50,llnclJ[lank8' X,ct0,r,?. EftrJe interests of tho country, and why ^milc Earle. Farmer. Hazel Murphy should not there bo a movement for T*!lor of Chartotte, Edna, sanitary clothing, which would mean Thompson. Grace Pe-arman, Iourte tho wearfhg.of wash white clothes to %SLW^ cfro^n ,Mc a much greater extoht than is done ^?1' ?'/d,& "c.CuUy' L?ur,le,D1r?w,VnB n0^'1 . ? .? . . . Eula Mao Billingham, Mabel Dilling So'vcral women showed their enthu- ?iamv r,ittr!i"? T,ewn8end'' Mareil* ! alasm by wearing dresses of Spartan- i;ne8*l V1L?l? ? a"*6/.*^ T* burg made matorlal. Tho movement D,orothy",SuU^a1n' t??&*& %Z Isl however.'not so much to boost <fe2?"4??0fi ?a?eB. <*1 DHarr,s'i Spsrtanburg mRls, os to encouraice Mc? C?UC? ?r,?7^ Z?" the waring of A^erlcen-mede goods Ba^ori, CJaTw* Cobb. Harold Erskine , in preference to foreign-made goods. fraostCochran. Bartram McCown -SnarUnburg Journal; John Thompson. Eugene Eb^ore An. Starr.' 8. C., Sept. 12.-(Special.)- drow Hodd, . Julius and Fred Ander 04Vwob^rl^rTOVth^hahd M?n* .' . ' home -of.WK9 and Mrs: John C. Pruitt - ?w4s.Xjveene of unusual beaaty Wed. \ PlcMlf for Ladles of Charca, nei?s^, when the miirrlage of^th^T . Instead ot having social meetings daughter, Margie Marlo, " to John fii. a uumber cf different hornes ihr ^Vo???r?. Jn, was sOIethnlsed: On ac- ladles, who compose the circles of the count of tho popularity of this couple, First Fr^sbytcrlan church, spent Mon^ . ?- 'doysafternoon nt the V?rlha Brown rraiit woffnrii park in North Ahderson. Well tilled %M tntn JJ^^ w?????^A "-n^ ''W?? V-skotS were tek?n out and fl f^???? thoUhly good time enjoyed by al, was'high noon. the.parlora and wide T.,_. parchen wero thronged-with relativos ?. apwona l?Cagaa, aWfriends. Tho house throughout following ls tho program of the was. artistically decorated vMth forna, Epworth League Monday evening 8:30 DaYmaVarid'vaBca-tif rt?u*ik? Tb? fitoir; ?t St. John's Methodist Church. L?l .chs?V':w?l ..sp?clons'.: hail' oh' !t?e/flrst t hy Miss ' Ne1l..Ilndlef.-- . * ; floor,; w'nere .tho ceremony waa. per-1 2??n n? ?ont. 10*. ' formed, were carpeted in whlto, and i Pr?y?r by Misa Ireno Prince, tho railing?, and pillara wero twined - Song, 117. with grRcefnl strands ot Ivy. To the Sem pre reading. Matthew 10th At?^a,oi:the Wdl?g marcK played chapter, 16.4S. responsively. Miss Floride Pniftt^ at the plano, Dhett by tho M.ascs Bewley. . ?^moanI?a,1??r ?^ranlr; Hawkins with . Sentence prayer, beginning with Mr. the violto,, announced tho arrival ot McElbenney, ?nd ending with Mr th> bridal party uWhV fended the . Owens. fmim ' ..: - i . . Instrumental selection, by the Messrs. Neely. ?' l'a)h hy Mr. Speak. Solu by Miss Daniela. Collection of ?lue?. Members will please remember how much the league is indebted, and bring your dues Song, 140. I.-cuguc b acdiction. So leach us to number our days that we may apply our heart? unto wis dom. (AU lor Christ.) Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a iight unto my path. lt. G. McELHENNY. First Vice Pres. Committee: Miss Lou lue bigbee, Miss Sarah Prince. Hutting Championship, ly operated on at thc Anderson Hos pital and appreciated tho kindnesses* of the nurses entertained them with a lovely supper party Monday even ing. .Mr. Chapman's mother and sisters Mrs. John Crawford of Sallabury and Miss Anule Chapman assisted In en tertaining thu guests, ('overs were luid for Misses Marshall, Seay, Dick son, Clinkscalcs, Hunter, Rogers, Duncan, Strlbliug, Thompson, Mr. Chapman, Mrs. Chapman, Mr.!. Craw ford and Miss Chapman. Palmetto Chapter. Tho Palmetto Chapter U. D. C. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 with MisB Ewbank Taylor. College Association. The College Association will meet Monday afternoon at four o'clock at thc public library. Due Weat Alumnae. The Duo WoBt' Alumnae Division will meet next Friday afternoon at 4:30 with Mr3. E. W. Masters at her home on North Main street. This will be a business meeting and the j members are urged tp be present as j it is tho time for tho olection of new ofllers. I Announcement of Engagement. .?ir. and Mrs. Basil Be rr: en Allen, announce thc engagement of their dnughter, Meta to Mr. William bunn Turner of Ellenton, S. C., tho cere mony to take place thia fall. AN OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT (Continued From Page One) disorder, tho French armies further io tlic east have been strongly engaged with tho German center, which had pushed forward aa far BB Vltry-Le Francoia. Between September 8 and 10, our allies were unable to make I much Impression west of Vitry. On j tho 11th, however, this-portion of tho German army began to give way, and I eventually abandoned Vltry-LeFran- ? cote. "Between the Upper Marne and thc Mouse, tho French troops oro toitow. inf up the enemy and driving a por tion of his forces northward toward the Argonne forest country, today that lt has captured the entire artillery ot a hostile army corps, a about 160 guns. The enemy, thus In! retreat along the whole fine weat of the Mouse, has suffered gravely in morale, besides encountering heavy losses1 in personnel and material." I GERMANY TO CONSIDER DISCUSSION OF PEACE Continued From Page One.) ?glum bo fully compens?t ed for her tonnes. Tills information was confer red to Secretary Bryan by the Bri tish ambassador. , Thursday, September 10.-Tho '.'renell ambassador called on Secre tary Bryan, and lt is understood, dis cussed tho French point of view. Am bassador Herrick coincidentally re ported the earnest v*'?h of Franco, that there.might bo r.euc?; but pointed lout that until the French had driven the invaders from their territory and Belgium had been componsatod terms t peace could not. bo regotiat ed. During the afternor i, Ambassador Pages report of hip r .versatlon with slr Bcd ward Grey :;tso reahed the white house. Grce Britain, accord ng io Ambaasador '.'age, was deter mined to mako rr yeaco until Ger .nan militarism hr 1 been crushed be cause of its dar r to the world's dvlllzati?i. On i.-.e same day came ooraoual mcaaar. - : from Emperor Wil liam and Pro-aid t Polnaro, bf France, .oncoming thc i.Je of dum dum bul lets. ' ? - Friday,' Se lerabor ll.-President .VtIson and S . rotary Bryan conferred m the geneial situation and It is un '?ratnod dp^rmtned to await th?'re J ply of the German emperor to the Iri uiry scut ?" the previous Monday, before acknowledging the two "person tl ' messagoo from Emperor 'William md President Polncaro. Should the imyorors reply bo favorable, the pres. lent may take advantage of the mea ages add re-sed- to him to express a tope that atr ocities complained of may 'le ended through tko making of peace. *' I'-HTWlW " Among diplomatists friendly to the liles, the view was expressed tonight j; hat while r^o efforts to make peace j flamingly had failed, a sudden turn j ot events, might change tho s'iuatlon. ? t waa pointed out that fr the German jotrcat continued so that lt were breed to tho borders of France, and t Austria's 'reverses were prolonged, .??resident Wilson's personal tnflu nco tn Great Brittan and France night bo brought, to boar to obtain \ x definite statement ot peace terms: We Ho Labu 1 PLANS ARE COMPLETE FOR LIVESTOCK DAY . . . . . ry <?. ? ALL FARMERS EVINCE A LIVE LY INTEREST A DONKEY CLASS Letter From Little Girl and Little Boy, Coupled With the Intelli gencer Got Desired Results "Everything I? Kolng along nicely and we expect to have a splendid day on tho 3Uih; inver before have the farmers shown more Interest in live stock than now. and also in the rais ing of horses and hom. and the 7& we expect to give away are an Inducement rot to be passed aside" said Jno. M. Davis, Chairman of the Committee, of Arrangements of the Agricultural Committee of the Cham ber of Commerce; under whose aus pices th? Exhibit Celebration day is to bc held here on thc 30th inst., when it ?3 expected rome of the finest ntock horsc3. mules, hogs and stallions ever seen In Anderson County will be ex hibited. Inquiry at tho quarters of the Chamber of Commerce today brought out thc fact that nothing will bo spared to make tho day a success, aluce it is realized that immediate stops must be taken to vastly Increase the production of'"vc3tneks, horner*, mules and BW.UO in Anderson and adlnlnine r?<\m' ". li* <i ii#*i?'-cd . i | a big day like this, with various priz es, horse races, speaking, etc., will iruarantoo nrrner |ntero<?t In tho mat tor, and do A great deal toward se. curing larger results henceforth. Not to bo unfriendly *.? tho bnvs and giris in Anderson County who have donkeys, but to see that they have a chance to win a prize here on' horse, mule, hog and livestock Coin, bration Exhibit day. on the 30th, the Trades Extension Committee of thc Chamber of Commerce yesterday ad ded one more prize to thc official prize list, to be knowr as Class "P," Donkeys.- This prize will be open to any boy or gh-i in Anderson Coun ty exhibiting tho best donkey on Ex hibit Celebration Day. Yesterday tho Chamber of Com merce, through its Trades Extension Committee, .received , a jotter from Master Frank Dunn, Jr., of Anderson ? number three, askiug why th? boys | and girls with donkeys would not be given a"pr!2o-on Exhibit Celebration Day. And after thinking the "why" over the official.J of tho Chamber of Commerce could answer it but one way and that was to< give a prize. So tap Owl DruR Co., who had heard through Tho Intelligencer about the mattor, volunteered to give a prize of - one pound of Nunn al ly Fine Box Can. ; dies to the" boy or girl who, ?xhiblta ( the beat'1 donkey on Exhibit 'Ce'ebra tion Day. ^5; ul : ~ FLOWERS ARE TO ?E PLENTIFUL Bulbs. From Across Water Hare Arrived and is Said That There Is No I ere a Be in Prices While the price of everything clso to soaring sky* high, it is a fino thng to discover one article st thc same old price and in' aa much j profusion aa ovor. That applies .to tho bulba which tho florists import from I lal land, and when naked yesterday as to' the ex planation of thIat/Mrs. W.W? Chisholm said : ' "There will bo 'nb scarcity of, bulbs ' this year on . account of the war and that' is due to the fact that when the Hollanders discovered war , was sure to come, they began to put every available kind ot vehicle to work ' carrying tho: ; bulbs to. the seaport. '( Automobiles, ox carts and wagons . were pressed into earyico and as many bulbs as possible, were rushed , from the interior to the'coast. We',| .today received notice that our stock . from Holland la now . in New York-, and will be rushed out aa soon . ae , possible" ' 1. 'This means that Anderson people, will have their bulb gardens this.., spring as usual, and the flower 1 JV irs', of the city are 'jubilant over the tact that there, will be np Increase In. prion and thi?t the bulbs will come at' tho eamc prices ns heretofore. j' DOGS It F PL A C i ' LOCOMOTIVES, j Canine railroad In'Alaska Dne to High Price of Coal. New York Times: 1 A Locomotives and tho.' ordinary, freight passenger, havo been re tired in favor,of doga, on the Seward ; Peninsular railroad, the "farthest, i North" railroad ,of the world. Th? ; road runs, from -Nome to Kaugarok, ': SO miles, ' . .? The chief reason for the adoption of 1 dog power, waa' the govern m enc tax of I $100 a milo per annum.. Tho officers I of the road found .that it wai Impos- i albie to earn enough to pay the very ,1 high price for coal for the locomotives, < and the government ta* as welt; and. : therefore, decided tb discontinuo the < trains. This waa found to work such. I a hardship on tho minors in the Koo-j garok region, as malls and , freight 1 were greatly delayed, that t?ey1 agreed ] io accept the proposition >or Pete Yea- t gbr, the government ? mill- contractor, 1 who offered tq lease th> line... - " ! Yeagor constructed light -cars that ran on four'Whec?a .'with dog* power. * and said that be tin* boen mak- 1 lng faster f imo than the' trains used't to. These cars can carry several tona ?j of freight .and' mall, and with from I 10 to IS dogs, make the round trip In. 1 a week. . '.'.'-P ? Advertise In The Best Advertising Medium in Upper Carolin The Following is One of the Many Testimonials Received From Advertisers in The Intelligencer: Anderson Real Estate and Investment Company CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 < Real Estate, Stock, Renting Anderson, S. C., August 27, 1914. Advertising Manager, Anderson Intelligencer, **' Anderson, S. C. Dear Sir x ' . J I think it is only right that I tell you of (wo incidents that have occurred recently by our advertising in your paper. Yes terday a man walked into the office and said that he wanted to look at the Chamblee farm that we were cutting up West of the city. ! showed it to him and sold him one of them, hefore 1 got back to the office, I asked him where he saw the advertiser. and he said in The Intelligencer. Recently we had an inquiry from Columbia about a farm and when the man came up we sold him thc place- He also said he saw the advertisement in The Intelligencer. Yours very truly, L. S. HORTON, First Vice President. MORAL IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" * " -- H "I. want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re- ?? FOR 5NSU&ir*0 THE COTTON A ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes . ! *. . OR0p" ..- s .St' Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. M "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, ,bad colds, Jj S liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe l^rack-Draught 5 ? F IMPORTANCE S saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, ?f , they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Insurance Coinmiationer Writes 3 ?Black-Dra?ght made them break out, and sile bas had no . " rw.,., -j. r 2 nrore trouble. I shall never be without Here Concerning Things Mu- Eg! A tua. Mu., Do ^ THEDFORD'S _flg8 F. II. McMastcr, Insurance coin- EB^AB B?&km ffli G?illOlMB IwErattfl H ml?Hloncr for South karolina. ,ms ' If Wfti*%8?^Us? El P i taken up tho cotton Insurance ques-'"*"r^^^^ . m* T ? ' ?* ll^w >WH ,B ?? lng them to make provisions for this- ?g? ness, malaria,, chills and fever, bili oust, ess, and. alli similar 5?. paThereaa/dai?rmutuai are insurance' # foments, ThedfordV Black-Draught ha? proved itself a safe, A companies doing business in the foi.- A reliable, gentle and valuable reinedv : ? dm" lowing counties of this stale: Oco- ?W- .? . . . : . . . j?? nee, Anderson. Abbbviiie-G reen wood. W If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- A Elp?^rfla?I: ?8?^ ? is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five # borry. partington, and Maribaro. JgJ years of splendid success, proves its value, Oood for "fe Theso companies insure farm dwell- BB . . . " . . ^ . A inge, tenant houses and household ? ^ ,you"g and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. p ?Sj '"commissioner McMaater J8 urging ?tj||ft?fi * 9?? & ft ?. #<B#ftO0??ft@ them, either separately pr by union or > .- ? ? . . ' i. ' .-. ?. ? .. ?- . their forces to pr?vido for tho Insur-I . . 1 " . . ! " . ^ . . . - -. - - j Injr cotton. circular lotter issued by the commis- ATtirtR1 RQOIM fk/VE*IVY '* TO observo the equities, he says, nioner to go over their policy regis- ?*^*"-?*?3V/ll IVtHlN cotton should be put in ? n special tera and ascertain whether they aro \?/FRF PARO? ?*V% class and made subject to special carrying any overinsurance. Mr. Mc-/ TVS-SXSZ* sr ?i\.V/J_iiZ.L/ ratea.. Furthermore the companies Master writes aa follows: __. . _ _ .-T _ " should require that it be stored In a'| '?The'financial d?pression duo to the W. J. Polferd &nd J. E. Derrick particular manner. In order that the war ls sure to work despondency and t>??u D..?L.J fi . . ?. oquiiles ?monk the valona policy- possibly carelessness to many p?o4 aotn ?ccerved Clemency at holders may bo observed. 'plo. in such times fires are likely to HpJ ac Qcv-r .Bleare These mutual companies have been occur. It therefore, behooves you"to *" Insuring farm, property heretofore at ga-over'your''{foils? register and de- -'?- . rat 03 varying'from about 25. cents to termine whether they are carrying Charged with violating tho dispen BO' cents per $100.' These rates aro any over-Insurance. Give/ particular sary law. and convicted on.that charge . very much; lesa than those charged attention to depleted stockB. Use. ev- at. tho Mayterm ot court of this year, by tho stock companies and tho com- ery efTort! to prevent Area during tiua'W. J. Pollard has received n narolo missioner feels, ho saya, that if those financial d?pression." >*. from Governor Ulease. '.Pollard waa rof?pasies, -sr?h?d organisa io insure. -if.-^.T-- \ son'thncea'to servis slit months on tho the coltan Vdt'their .policy-holders. COBR RUNNING CLOSE W ?haipg?ng-pr to pay.a fino pf $100. they^would b?''orgreat benefit to the, mtw UV?^uaE ^ .j; B. Derrick, likewise charged> tarmers. ^ * . M - ' _ , . ._ 1 . :Z With Violating the dlsponoary law and *he question haa bee^ ppt up tp th? OWJ ?Wf Z?Int?.^8**, ^.^ei .Wi' .s.entenced to servo six montha or to Insuranco c?mpi;?8?to?e> as, to whether Batting tnamplonshl. pay a fine of $200. haa also besn pa or h?t tho acceptance vtf cottoh.'on a Chicago, S?pt 12.-^TyiCobb ia wltn-|rolod. 10-c?nt basis In fpajrment bf nfehil?ms fivo/pomta of a tie for tho batting Newspaper dtsputches a. fow days ar pr?mlum/notes would be in viola- leadership of the,AmBrican league. but|Sgo said that Ooveraor Dleaab mado a :lon of the law. ' thre? hard hitter? are ao<md of him, atatomont to the effect that ho had The opinion of ttie' insurance com- and it will take a Mlak Spurt by tho Pardoned or. paroled dna man "each missioner is that tho Insurance com- IVitn>lt star to regain tho chvunpfin- day Slnca.tho. first primary ?nd co'? Whles and InsuranCs'.?g?ts ?rffTds* ship. Av?ragoa publlabed hore lodsy t'nei. "There la no telling what I will tlfieu-in accepUng eoW?n pn a. 10-ceht ?how that three hundred hitters ot do oh Thanksgiving." t>a?I?: In payment of ; insurance prsm- the league'include rKoHitsel,'Boston; . ' " ^-r i?ms OT premium notes, ^56; (3ollins.rPWlsdOlpfcla, .35?I; Jack- KRtl V AM WAR IN, ^Tbla la baaed.'? Mr.'McMaster saya. soo. Cleveland, .358; Cobb. Introit. . " KORE THA5 ONE WAV 'both upon the public welfare an* al-'.351: Philadelphia, with .269, leads In Berlin, Sept. ll. via Copenhagen io ?,.upon-tn?:laet-tlMit''the.s^eral 'cot?- 'blob- batting... j^ndon. 0 p. m.-AmcAtg pnbacHbc-s s?nsus of-opinion ls that at least IO Tox Erwin, Brooklyn, loads the Na- to the Gernian war loan arc the Krupp ?enta should be paid for cotton. Cer- tknial batters with .848. Dalton,!firm and trinity; who.have hikon $7;, alnly lt ha? that much value tb the Brooklyn? 033, Ia next, and. Becker/l60^),00p of the bonds: Further larne farmers:" . ' Philadelphia. 324. UtlW. ii ream h!tT Insurance agents are warned tn a ting Brooklyn, with .270 leads. ! calved by tho ReicbSbank,