University of South Carolina Libraries
CHARLES Ai SMITH LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF SOUTH CAROLINA AND candidate for governor MR. SMITH IS? 1. A clean, high toned Christian gentleman, known throughout the Slate as a moral and religious leader. 2. A successful business man, one who haB capably managed his own affaira and is capable of managing the affairs of the Stato. 3. A statesman rather than a politician. As mayor of his home town, us a member of the legislature and as Licutenant-Governor has met with the approval of the people. - 4. Worthy .of your support and will appreciate your BUffragc. { MR. SMITH FAVOHS 1. Economy in government,' no extravagance' ao appropriations ba yond the State's income. 2. A flat two-cent passenger fare on all our great railroads. 3. The submission to the voters of the State, of the question of out- * lawing the sale of intoxicants. 4. Any reasonable legislation for the improvement of sys tem and believes in placing adequate facilities within the rcacli of the ris ing generation does not believe that South Carolina at this time, can en force a compulsory educutiou law, BUT PROMISES TO VETO NO ACT which tends to improve our educational system. 5. Giving earnest consideration to the.demands of the farmers for ru ral credits and agricultural and industrial education. 6. The enforcement of the law., He is the Logical Candidate for Governor i WE HAVE and houses and lots.-for^sale in and near To^'hvi?le^X Roads arid ?afcw?y. prices rigftty -v. v .>, , ^ -:?:?? E. C. ASBELL. SC That Preserving and Jam Titne is on the way <' And . That Man Austin is better prepared tha^ ever to supply your wants in this line. : ' ' . < i ,. . -V: Jelly 0lasses , PorreLiln Top Frnit Jars. Glass Top Fruit-Jart: - Cherry Red Fruit Jar Rubber?Best 10c rubber made. . ; - ' Apple ?loHsom Fruit Jar rubber ?the j best 5e rubber made. - Graduated Measures , \ Colander*' . , , Dish Pans ' Isastlug Spoons ! I-' E Dippers Preserving Kettle, etc. 11 ? ? ? ? _ ?vii Tu;* p?rs??r ! Bleckley Building.. Anderson,,S. C. Make Your De ' ' ; '::,:;"S;;- And Then e Lend Xqu M?ne Interest f aid on,Deppsite - HELD BUSY SESSION CALLED BY SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY ? PUBLIC REPORT Anderson People Learn of What Conference on Banking, Snip ing etc. Accomplished The Anderson chamber of : com merce and the business industries of tho city have been notified of the work accomplished at tho recent confer ence In Washington? held by tho Na tional Foreign Trade - Council, at which the conference considered ques tions relative to shipping, grain and other industries. Tho National .Foreign Trade Council was represented at this conf?re* " by a committee consisting of Jamet Fur roll, chairman; Samuel D. Capcn, of St. Louis; J A. C. Carson,.of Sa vannah; E. A. S. Clarke, of New York; Robert Dollar, of San Francisco; . P. A. S Franklin, of New York; James j. Hill, of St. Paul; Edward N. Hur ley, of Chicago; Barton Myers, /of Norfolk, Va.; Welding Ring, of . Now York; John D. Ryan, of New York; W D. 31mmons, of Philadelphia, and E. P. Thomas, of New York. . Efforts -were made by the chairman to have the members of the- council who reside in Gal veston and Mobile, who were unable to attend, represent ed by substitutes, but tho Galvcston Cotton Exchange and the Mobile chamber of commerce, were unable .to arrange this. Senator J. E. Ransdell of Louisiana, was designated by the New Orleans Association of Com merce, to act for that city Be*olutions. The business men attending the conference adopted the following "Resolved, That this conference, representing the business Interests of all sections of the country, expresses its high appreciatioa of the prompt and effective action of the president and congress and the secretary of the treasury in affording a prompt solu tion of tho currency difficulties cre sted by the outbreak of war in Eu rope on a coIobsb.1 scale, and that this conference -arges upon the govern ment, the secretary of the treasury and federal reserve board to continue its co-operation by the adoption of such measures and rendering such prompt aid as may be necessary to enable, this country to cope with th? difficultly created Jijr! the unprece dented disarranges >nt of foreign trade now existing, and, recommends especially that Immediate, assistance be provided to j permit the negotiation of bills of exchange add the. shipment of produ-ts to foreign markets so that the . congestion already prevailing may be at once relieved and thrt the financial balance of trade may be como in our favor. War Bisk Insurance. "Resolved. That this conference urges the United States government to establish a bureau of war "risk in surance to be administered under the direction of a suitable government de partment by a board of three or five members,- which shall assume the risks of war on American vessels end A norican cargoes shipped or to bo shipped .thereon,; when in. the judg ment of the board it shall 'appear that American vessels or shippers on American vessels are unable in any particular . trade* to compete - on the water . with the vessels or ships ;:'*of other nationalities by reason of the protection afforded such other car riers or shippers by arrangements for war indemnity through-their j*ov crnmeiits, and' that such board have nnvaf tn ttir ?"atOS C? prS??ii?i??l SUbjCCt to change to each country-or'for oach class of cargo. Merchant MrvrJnr, . "Resolved,' That tho present oppor tunity to extend American trade and th? opportunity now to begin' the ere-' atlon of a mercantile marine under the United States, flag is bo great that this conference appeals to congress by lmmedi?.ts sn^ effective chatige* In our navigation laws io make It possi ble for our citizens without ?R?crimi nation to buy and operate ships un der American "registry in for lego trade'on equal competitive terms . with all other maritime nations. Co-operative Effort; . "Resolved, That- this conference deeply. appreciates aad earnestly and sympathetically responds to the sug gestion of the secretary of the treat:-. y ry In bis - opening address .that - th? .-?-Operation '.of ;jho buBtnefifl^interests of t the co.uhtry with the government and its various . department should prevail, and in order that each, may be effectively and most promptly accom plished be It ' Standing Committee. "Resolved, : That .it Is the sense ot this conf?rence that a' standing, com mittee ehoultl be appointed, composed of recognised' experts in foreign ox lems and in ocean 'transportation problems,, in order that if desired, in co-operation with, th? appropri?t! committee of congress, bills may be framed tor consid?ration, designed to p.omote tho accomplishment of these greatly to be desired ends." . In accordance with the, last of the I mlttee.7 wuh Mi*- Seth, LoV,; e)f New7 York, aa chsimmn, was .appointed further to confer, with the represen tatives O? iho gotcrunicui ?uj ili? fw ! lief of the: existing emergency : . f, .War. -JEUsl: Instn*anc?r^Hondon I Cmubb,. of NeW York; J. Pa^ir Kir im, of New York; E. H. Outerbvidgo, WAE 18 HELL In One Sense of '.bo Word; But ft] Gets Good BcMulta. London, August 21.?St.. Paul's ca thedra!. In the heart of London, wasl crowded all day and tonight by sor-j rowful worshippers, downcast because of the war. Generally recognized ab the nation's church, it was filled to capacity by citizens praying for the soldiers and sailors who are engagea in the conflict. Services begun at ? o'clock thin] morning. Signs bearing the wordB.' "Church full" were ported early andl thousands of pcrsonB gathered in the streets waiting an opportunity to| enter. Many soldiers in uniform wcrel among the worshippers. Tonight the Lord Mayor of London attended the services with a largo detuenment otj soldiers. VOTE FOR JAS. A. SUMM, *SETT FOR COMPTROLLER GENERAL GOVEBNMENT TRYING TG DE? VELOP DRAFT HOUSES. In the current Issue of Farm and Fireside tho national farm paper pub lished at Springfield. O., the state ment is made that it is rather odd that J after two centuries of teaming in the United States we have no typical American draft horse One of tho best horses of bis inches is an American breed?the Morgan; and. the Amerl :an trotter surpasses all other horses for his special purpose. We oclll im port our drafters from. Europe, bow. ever. In the following extract from the j editorial on the subject facts are brought out. with relation to experi ments now going on., to. relieve this situation:- ' j "It Is scarcely to be exported that the ] will bo xoupd exactly adapted, to American conditions 'and the state ment is made that.^bey^d.o 'run -flut'-y iuui, so iliai L?iu ?i?iSu IT.V.ct be ZZT. sts?tly maintained by imported horses. Whatever the truth may be as to this-, the United States government has thought it worth while'.to enter upon the task of establishing an American j breed. - The Werk is In progress at Ames, la., under tho management of j George M Bommel, of . the United ; States bureau of animal industry, and De?n C. F. Curtiss, of the'IOwn Agri cultural College. At the Bamfe time the! government'is doing similar work on carriage horses at Fort Collins, Col.; 1 on Morgans; in Vermont; .their old home; and on sheep at Luramle, Wy oming." . rr?-??.?. ;?-----?t] (Vote for Trlpp for County Treasurer. ., ' r ; m ,. . H of New York; F G. CroweH, of Kan sas City, Mo. ; . Transportation?J. A. 'Farrell,' of New ork; P. A. S. Franklin, of New Work; Robert Dollar, of San Fran- \ cisco; Bornard D. Barker.1 of Balti more. Foreign Exchange?A. Jl .'Hemphill. of New York; Festus- J.Wade, of/Bt. Louis; Henry R. Ickelhefmef!J'of New York; John J Arnold) of Chfcago.. ... Secretary, McAdoo - appointed "A. C. Miller, of .the federal reserve board, as the representative of the treasury department to confer with tho com mittee dealing with be subject of war riBk; F. Ai Delano, of the federal re serve board to confer With the mem bers of the conference committee deal ing with transportation, and Paul M. Warburg, of. the federal reserve board, to confer with, the committee'dealing with. foreign, exchanges. The members of .the foreign trade council on the above committee are Messrs . Far roll, Franklin and Dollar. Further Recommendations, | ' This committee has made the fol lowing recommendations for the im-1 modiste relief of the situation: : j "1- That the treasury department deposit funds In the leading financial exporting centres to bo .exclusively used for the. facilitation of exports. "2. The release of. funds held in foreign r countries resulting .from the sale of ' shipments which have been diverted from their original deatina tlons or co'mmandored. This .question will be taken up .with the state de partment. . ' 5 ThrU tho federal rcurve board take up th? question of establishing an internation clearing hnuso for the selling or debits and credits,of the na tions. "4. Tbc establishment of a govern ment bureau of war risk Insurance to bo administered by p director ? and employebfj which Bhall assume .the risks, of'waron American vessels and on cargoes shipped or to be shipped therein whenever in the judgment of the bureau it shall appear that the American veasbls or ahlppres aro un. able la r?? trsds to s^cutv ??equsie I watf risk? Insurance bn equal terras with vessels, or shippers of other na tionalities by reason of tho protection afforded, such other vessels or anlp^J j pers by arrangements for war in demnity through their governments.? I Thartitjrs fe ta??? ^fe wnie- ; ; diateiy by cot gros s such ameadmeat-* I to navig^?ir taws or tW Hotted : >. States,1 eaTl^II Serve to create i pe^ 5 manept foreign-trade Americas mer.j , cahtlle marine practicable in qbarac. ! 'ter." ' . *^*%&k8&m : The suMommltte?. oaWhljfWS^ I hopes to ^submit, a complete report ; of Its ftrlewn on Wednesday,:.August " I ,M.Il 'y. I* I Uli??? , I . I II I ' .. '. V?TE FOR JAS. A. SUMMERSETT FOR COMPTROLLER GENERAL EXPOSITION NOT TO BE DELAYED Panama Exposition Will Be Held In San Francisco On Dates As At First Planned (From Saturday's Daily.) For a time it was fearod that thu war in the foreign countries would in terfere with the Panama exposition, which is to bo held in San Francisco and some even feared that the expo sition might never be held, but it seem?, that all theuc fears arc ground less, Judging from a telegram recclv. ed in Anderson yesterday. CharleB C. Moore of San Francisco, general sec retary of tlio exposition^ yesterday telegraphed to W. B. Sullivan of Co lumbia, . manager of the South Caro lina exposition committee, in whicn the San Francisco man arsured Mr. Sullivan that the exposition 1b to be held and that there will be no post ponement of dales. He makes thu positive statement that the exposition will opon in February, t915. Mr. Mnorn *.iys in his telegram that the E'.ropean var, Instead of hurting the exposition will help It, because of thy fact that the thousands of Amer icans to be found at all seasons of ev ery year traveling in Europepn coun tries, will be unable to make the trip in 1915 and will therefore remain at homo und attend the exposition, insur ing a much larger attendance. The telegram also pays that only five of the 37 foreign countries- to be represented ?t the exposition are now at war and that probably three of these and possibly all five, w'iil send their exhibits anyway. ' Mr. Moore Bays that this is a splen did opportunity for American manu I .facturcre to impress the foreign countries with the worth of the artl Icles they manufacture and that the I displays to bo sent to tho exposition should bo twice as elaborate on that account. ! Vote for Trlpp for County Treasurer. BRITISH SHIPS SIGHTED WHhIn the Three Hlie Lirait OS the Virginia Coast Nowport Nows, Aug. 21.?That an unidontlOed British Warship was off the Virginia capos late tnls afternoon and well within the .three mile limit was the statement, bf Captain W. w. Scott, of the Virginia Pilot's Associ ation, who tonight piloted the British steamer Mavis Brook into Hampton Roads. The warship was In plain eight of the pilots stationed at Capo Henry. The Hot says the Mavis Brook and warship conversed In code signals after the freighter bad been stopped by order of the man of war '. The master of the Marvls Brook claimed not to know the name of the warship. He likewise volunteered no informa tion as to his conversation /..with th? vessel. FIGHTING FOR LOWER PRICES Anderson Folks Are Told Of Ad vice Given to Housewives In If ew York State , Within the last few weeks there i h s3 been more cry of "the high cost I or living" than this part of the coun try ever experienced before. There fore the advice given tbe housewives In New York state may prove Inter esting here: Commissioners of Weights and Measure Hartlgan's don't for houso wives who want to keep down the cost of living: Don't be afraid of the shopkeeper. Don't let him weigh the pajier, twine, tray or any other container and charge you for it. It la aga'inst law. " Don't accept a put-up .package un less It Is labeled with its weight Don't be mystified by the figures of a, compounding d?s?. Learn to read them. Don't let tbe butcher rest his fin. ger on a projecting bone and fton't let him press his body - agaihr.c the scale. . Don't let . the tradesman engage you In gossip whllo he Is weighing your purchase. . Don't forget to rewoigh everything at homo. Don't let a fancy package fascinate you , j #,> ?, Don't miat?ko cheapness fcr econ omy, and don't buy at "war prices" without pricing elsewhere. Don't be afraid to carry a bundle. Don't be too proud or too lazy to , do your own buying. Don't buy in small quantities if you can help it ' Don't ask for "a nickel's worth.", Specify weight or quant It : Dont forget there are a let of cheap and good foodstuffs. Don't depend altogether on the looks of a shop. Don't send children to the stores If you can help It . Don't forget that wholesale prices! are published in the newspapers,' and I dent ; believe everything your 'trades-1 man' teils' you ?bout their being j. --? ;' '; "? ? motu. - ! - :i>a-f .v. .1,'. I I I ..M_ Vot? for Trfpp for County Treasurer. GOOD FANS Members of ike Hesse Enjoy Base? ball to Fullest Extent Washington. Aug. 21?Warrants were Issued by Speaker . Clark today for forty-three members of the house before a quorum could be assembled to continue consideration of'a war claim bill. Deputy Serjeants-at arms rounded up the absentees. Ten were located at the American League baseball park. WANTS TAYLOR PLAN TRIED IN ANDERSON WILMINGTON PEOPLE ARE AT WORK COTTON SITUATION Chamber of Commerce of That City Says That Taylor Ha? Solved Problem of South The Anderson chamber of commerce received an official communication | yesterday from M. J. Corbett, presi dent of the Wilmington chamber of commerce at Wilmington, N. C, In which 1b cacloBod a detailed copy of tbo D. A. Taylor cotton plan, which provides for the holding of cottou and shows how it may bo done. This letter also outlined tbo meeting of Augut-t 8 at which tlmo tlths plan was recommended to the farmers of North j Carolina for their consideration and ! adoption. Tho Taylor plan has been j endorsed by tho bankers and busl- ! nens men. as well as farmerb. in alt parts of North Carolina and tho pres ident of the Wilmington chamber of commerce eoemr to believe tnat It will bo equally successful if tried in this Stato. The plan is tc store the cotton In bonded warehouses and in rural ware houses wherever possible. Where there Is no rural warehouse tho cot ton Is to be placed In the bonded warehouses In the city. Through the government action tho secretary will then extend tbo currency law to tho Stato banks tiud trust companies through tho l?*go city National banks and then in turn tho stato br.uks will lend direct to tho fe rner. ' . The plan- provides for a wide dis tribution of the rural warehouse, "vnd in those rural warehouses tho plan advises that one-half " of tho crop ho stored and the other half bo mar keted. "The p??Di ai au provides that whero the. warehouses aro covered with wobH, that this covering bo re placed with metal and If there la a rural section without a warehouse tho plan provides for planters getting to gether and borrowing monoy from tho local banks with which, to erect sdeh a building. The Wilmington .people say that they have given the plan very careful consideration and can flrt'd no flawe in It and do not believe thit the farmers of South Carolina can try any better method of meeting tho situation face to face. 'm ' * URGE~SOUTH TO GRASP CHANCE South Carolina Textile Manufac b tarera Hove Great Opportunity New f? C??&db I .. ? 1 . " Th?. Anderson club of. tho Associ?t . ed Advertising Clubs br America yes terday received a letter from * the I Toronto club. With which the national I convention was recently heloV in which that char- takes a vory roseate . view of the business outlook, and -says that the business dono with tho United States and Canada muet in crease becaustf of the European war. The letter gays that ?11 tho cotton manufacturers of - tho United State? , will nave to do will be to mnko a bid for tho Canadian ^buslncsH and that they, will then have it forever. Tho letter says tliat tho war has* made it possible for the textile manufacturers , of tho United States io enter Canada under far more favorable conditions than over' bofon* Tho Toronto club concludes Its loi ter by ssyisg that the Toronto adver tising club lias decided to open a sta tion for tho purpose of supplying the manufacturers of ihe United ' States with all available - information and extends this offer to the cotton mills of Andereon. FINE STOCK IS SEING IMPORTED ' - r~ !?" Donalds People Have Recced That It W21 rmy to Breed 'fiM er Herses and Better Cattle $ For the first time in t?c'n?story oi the state fine'brood marcs have been Imported to South .Carolina In soroa quantity. Tho live stock experts havo been teaching for yiears that the people ot this: sec. Ion must im prove their brood stock If they <rlsti to secure remilta from nlRlne nnran? and It. seems that their Work Is about to tsar ff-ult. Tho ' pcopi? lit ing In Donalds township of Abbeville coun ty and Just a mile or so on tho other side of. tbe Anderson county lino, havo purchased and; had delivered two car load of fine Percheron brood mares. Th? mares1 were brought to this city from Virginia and thfev- have ex c!t3d much admlratlpn. Many live stock dealers have .been to seo thorn and. these dealers are., predicting that j Abbeville county wlli soon have more [live stock and .better live stock than [It ever bad before. Peoplo coming to Anderson from Abbe villa'.'said yesterday that. the mares fiave been tested out and that without, exception every oue of them pulled a bigger load than could two muleaj < This ts convincing proof, ac coPding to the vAbbevlile people, that tho farmers of this section have been wasting money la buying mules. " ' 1 ! " .:? ?- '?.?' Vote for TrJpp for County Treasurer. Blood is the Life Purify tiio bloou, cleanse it of all toxic anil waato matter, and every nervo will be better, vorv much more pliant and stronger. Pure blood la caBcnttal to good health. MRS. JOE PERSON'S SEMES? baa met an unquestioned success la all dis ordetadue to poor blooil. Hcle&uscnd cn rlcbea the Ufa fluid and thus prepares the war to ported health. Your neighbors hivv; used It for forty years, and they testify to IIa Mrengtb-glvlng qualities. Harmless rit most elllclont for lln pursue. "It bas strengthened up my system and built up my general health. I Bad It a fins family remodr to keep la tb? bouse for the complaints of tho children."?Mrs. H, Ed Khelnbardt, Iron Station, It. C. For all blood taints, for alt oouUtuUonal weakoeasae, Mrs. Jon rerson'a Uemody has proved lueU very helpful.. Your druggist can supply you. If be doesn't set it for rob write tho REMEDY CfttJ?ta COHPORATJOM ' Charlotte, U.C. inclosing one dollar." knd they will send" It w!l'> full directions. . connection with tb* Kornedy for tho cure of sorea a n d tb o rol tef of inflamed and congealed surfaces. U tseapeclallr valuable for frorasn, and should always bo used for ulcereUous. Fruit Powder^ By tho Uno of ibis powder . Penches, 1'cnrs, Plums. Berries, of auj hind, Fruit Juices ana .4oeh vegetables as Toumto**. Urans, etc., can be preserved nil I.nut Hie mhc of air tight rans. Sufliclent quantity to preserve 40 lbs. fruit for sec At nil our Stolen. Evans' Pharmacy: Til BEE 8T0BE8 , COUNTY SUFFERS from HEAVY STORM Bo you knoTr that you eau get from us ? Tornado policy, which will protect yen from th? troubles that your neighbors are now suffering. It costs very' little in premium but " PAYS fl LABOE In r?sulte. COME; to onr % ' office nnd let na tell you about it, 1 Evan?uuding,: 1 YOM V *d b% doing yO??S?ii a good turn by instal 1 ing $ GAS RANGE?. We wH them under the ?trongest guarantee. v V $ . Easy termiiT-^ domina ^^r month. Anderson Gas Co* Could YoUr- s \;'. ' Use * little extra money to good advantage just now? Haven't you something to sell? I Do you own enmcioing you no ?r-?ger ose! bu . nich if offeree! at n bargain price would ap peal at once ta> some one who does need it? . ' ' ' An INTELLIGF^CER Went Ad Witt turn the trick* ' " ' ' 7 ; , .-?'V.M.* f .. ' I? > "W?'>V.- 1 PHOK2 321