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SATURDAY, JUNE 6th .00 PAIR OF TROUSERS OR - ENGLISH RAIN-COAT WITH EVERY SUIT ORDERED REGARDLESS OF PRICE .50 TO *4QM PROM MILL TO MAN -,-j-, COLUMBA CLOTHES are by far the best. he sterling quality of workmanship, and superior grades of woolens form ; a combination it will pay you to tie to COLUMBIA TAILORING CO. j. H. BOWLING, Manager / \ I V' 122 W. WHTNER STREET ANDERSON, S; C. o o * MOUNTAIN SPRINGS . o ' i o o ooooooooooooooooooo Several ot our young people attend ed the singing at Stn and Twenty Sun day afternoon Mr. Newton Freeman attended the union meelng at George's Creek Sat urday and Sunday. The farmers are busy harvesting. They say oats, while not BO good as last year, aro better than they expect ed. The drouth ts getting serious, it be ing seven wooka with tho exception of shower Friday afternoon aluce we have had rain. Mr. and Mrs. - Edgar Murphy visited the latter's stator, Mrs. Kiley Yarn. Saturday and Sunday, they with ot Uer friends went to Chick Springs Sunday P. M. Mr. Raymond Moore went over to Chick Springs Sunday. ? Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lee accompan ied by Mrs. JIBS Adkins und M? s Ed ward King worn out motorhig Sun day P. M. Miss Lula Aiken left Monday for Augusta. Qa., she is going to uss'st i? lady, who is going to travel, In cur ing TUT her two nluldrr>u. Mr. J??ko Scaw right and wi tv visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Reid Suuduy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Murphy \lalted Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lom: Sunday ?f tren o on. Karl* SimpBoti. who has boen ??ity sick ls improving. The teachers are getting r%>ady to attend the summer school at Win throp. We are glad to see he teach ers preparing themselves for better work, it means better schools. Mrs. C. J. Murphy entertained a few ladies Thursday afternoon . In belintf of the Missionary society, af cor a busy hour sj-ent in piecing a quilt for the orphanage, refroshi^ents wore served and thc ghost* depan??! saying: they had onjoyed lt very much. - * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore visited JhS \ latter** parants, Mr. and Mrs. Jjrrlt ElUmburg Sunday. ?* j " Mrs. H. R. Jones visited Mrs.; John' McAlisier Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lee was in An ? d?rsqn I'hursdsy to mingle with tho1 V old Soldier.*. M,r. Le? being one of them Saturday and Hunduy tra' bur rcgu . lar preaching days at ?bis placo. Let'a all attend and see U we don't t?;?l better than if we had stayed at honte. . o o o o o o ? o'o ooo ooo o o ? o " ! o * SIX AND TWENTY. * O - ?! * 0 .'- o o ooo o o o a o o o o o o o o o o , Wllliapiston, . F. D., Jun* 1. ir~K?&tt**rv '?'**Oi_ !'.C?t hi" t?l'? 8?U1C . ouestto?std'?s) . that is "vVhuii la lt " gotag^to ratnT*. We> have-boon in this old world <*uite a while, but we have nevor peon a dry spell to ?. jual Ibo present one. Some who did .not pvt through planting have given up ull hopo of ever getting to finish. C. xi. murphy will crrrry his son Ansel, to Anderson Friday for un ! operation for a head and throat trou- 1 bio. Dr. Nardin will perform thu op- 1 oration and every one wishes for a Buccesiiful one. Mrs. Potor Ward, of Deaverdam, i spent Saturday nlKht with Mra. O. B. Cobb. By being misinformed we said in our . Inst article that B. F. Whittaker lust u fine hog. It was Wm. Stone who lob: one Instead of Mr. Whittaker. Lee Rlrod, Jr., has bought a nice now buggy. Lee say? he can ride three ut a time now all right. MLsses Pearl und Lizzie Murphoy, of Roberts, were visltom here last (Sunday. lOvcry member of Mill Creek Prlml- ! live Baptist church lr. requested to be at the church next Sunduy at eleven o'clock. Walter Owen and family, of Ander son, were visiting relative? herc lust Sunday. It seems that Six and Twenty's hall team 1B up a gai nut lt. as they get it la tho neck from every leam thu! they go up nguiu.u. Something like ?.OOO people attend ed the Hinging at this placo inst Sun day and listened lo motile of the best ringing that hus over been beard lu thia country. The lenders fpv the ocr casions were Profs. Hale, Harbin. Esk sw and Stevenson of Anderson, Profs. Cartee. Robinson ??U Creamer of Liberty. Pro?s. Miller. Duncan, Ma baffey. Mulllkln, and Dr. Guyton of WHUamoton, and Prof.' George I. Wlg lngton of Mt. Springs, A. 7. Bryson jnur choir .leader des erves much praise for the good work done in the getting up of (the Binging, and tho splendid manner tri which ll way conducted. f; Hump.-Hicks and family of Refuge 'were visitors to this place last Sun l ?ay.? S J Miss Mamie Massey of Mt. Springs was visiting relatives here lost Mon- j day. Will Stone has purchased a new gas oleno G-h?use power engine, i Many of our people will attend the singing at Beaverdam next Sunday. Remember preaching at this place Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and again Sunday morning at ll o'clock. W. C. B. Hit In He?d With Ball-Dead. Tompkinsvflie. Ky., June 1.-HUI Hammer, 21 years old. a school teach er, was struck yesterday on the head by a pitched ball, Which ruptured a blood vessel of the brain. He died to day. NOTICE. I Complaint having been filed in this. ofllco regarding the speed at which automobiles are being driven through ? .liv Sandy Sp^uigb V??K<KU hi a I dangerous location In the road. I li i-row i th publish Section No. MU and ' 302 crlm code 1912 Vol. II. No person shall operate a motor I vehicle on a public highway at a rate at speed greater than ls reasonable und proper at the time and place, ; having regard to the trafile and use nf the highway aud its condition or BO aa to endanger Hie life, limb, or ( property of any person, or In any ? event at a greater rate than fifteen i miles an hour. Sec. 602 provides: Upon approaching a crossing ot in tersecting public highways or a bridge j or a Hharp curve, or a steep descent and aleo In traversing such crossing bridge, curve, or descent it pfrson operating a motor vehicle Bhall have it under control and oporate it at the rate of speed not greater than six miles an hour, and In no event greater than ' 1B reasonable, and proper having re- ' gard to the traine then on such high-, way and tbe safety of the public. I Whoever shall violate the provis ions of the above sections shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be fined not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hun dred Dollars or imprisonment for not more than thirty days. J. MACK KINO. County Supervisor. Al 1-Piny Singing ut Welcome Church. There will be an all-day singing at Welcome church near Denver, Sun day, June 7. Among those who will lake part are: Jno. T. Milton, W. W. Hale. W. O. McKinney. J. H. Harvey, W. P. Stevenson, Holland. Patterson, Hombree. Holt, others will bc present All singers are invited BB well os the public, generally, tiring books and well lilied pockets. .. . J. O. Hall. Notice to Democratic flub O?lcers The enrollment hu ok a for tho va rious democratic .'clubs of Anderson County are now in possession of tho County Chairman. Each secretary is requested to call or send for a book to be used by bis club at-once. Those books rhould'be opened at the earliest possible "date In some convenient place BO that the voters may appear In person .and en roll. . . , SD. PE A RM AN. Chm. LEON L. RICE, Sec. FURTHER COMPLICATIONS' In the Matter of America* skips En tering Tawpteo. Washington, June 3.-Toe state de partment-has taken no action on the notification received today through t < . .' * American Con mi I Canada, ut Vera Cruz, tiiat the Constitutionalists at at Tampico would refuse entry to any vessels whose clearcncos wore not Is sued by Constitutionalists' consuls. It la believed the question will coon become a practical one by thc ap pearance at Tampico of on American vessel demanding entrance under clearances issued by Huerta consuls in the United States. If such s til ps havo sailed from home ports before receiving Tnrmnl notice of this new demand lt is Bald the state department will Insist tia, their right of entry. ?TOKMT CONVENTION In Which Tar Heel Democrats Select, ed o Congressman. /By Associated Press) Kal legh, N. C., June 3.-In a stormy convention at Goldsboro today, mark ed by'fist fights of delegates and ac tivities of police officers, the demo crats .of the third North Carolina eon. gresalonal district, by a vote of 204 to SI nominated George E. Hood, of Wayne county, to succeed Represen lutlve John M. Falson. . Charles IL Thomas, of Craven Hood's .leading .opponent .protests Hood's, nomination, claiming .that .lt disregarded ?the preferential primary which was ?T fIm resorted to to ef. feet a nomination.. Thomas culms all the votes nf the preferential prl* mary have never been counted bat are locked up In a bank vault In Golds, boro. PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE Discussed In the National House of Representatives. Washington, June 3.-Phillipine In dependence wat discussed by Repres entativo Wah Jopes chairman ot the house 'insular 'afiklri committee, to day with President Wilson. Mr. Jones has prepared a new bill to Introduce within the next 'few*' days, to give the Filipino a larger part in their own KO ver a meat in the Immediate future and to authorise the president to give tho incomplete Indopendece by procla mation whenever it' fa thought ad visable. CUBA 18 I11PROV1NG L"wlessn?sf ls "Being Punished In That Ri public. Havan?? June 3,-r-General Ernesto Aubert,' Vo:-Goxernor of Havana prov* Ince, ?awi\ Eugenio Arias, a former member af tho house of representatives today wro sentenced to twelve years Imprisonment for the killing in July, 1913. of General Armando Riva, chief ot the national police. / Senator Vidal Morales, who was-wlfdi the others at 'the 'time waa convicted of bring a shot in tho street and carrying, a revolver without a license. -?.* >!>- ^/F-?tv. ELECTRIC err * Items of Interest and Persona * Wireless on the St ****** * ******! (Fruin Thu rad Insurance Money Totals Thousand*. Olliicial flgurea have been printed in Tlie Insurance Press of New York, hy which it is seen that tremendous amounts were paid out in life lnsur-, ance In this state last year. Accord inti to these estimates Anderson peo- ? pie received $9fi.r?00 on policies carried hy men amounting to more than $10,- . DUO. Smaller sums were not consld- , ??red and were not mentioned in the lanie. The largest single policy in this state during the time for which thu figures were compiled was to the estate of Frederick W. Shoper of ll??unfurl, umounting to ?4 4,COO. New MugiHlrute At denison College. Dispatches from Columbia yester day ?aid that the governor had ap pointed ll. A. Sloan as magistrate at Clemson to succeed John B, Adger. Mullally, resigned. Mr. Mullally 1B now a candidate for governor and his resignation was du? io that fact. Sr. Br Issey ls Slightly IbUer. Anderson people will be glad to b urn that the condition of J. A. Bria s?>y was yesterday suid to be more satisfactory than it was Tuesday. Mr. Hrlasey was driving from Anderson lo his home at High Shoals, with two of his grandchildren in tho wagon with him, when his horse became frightened and ran away.* Mr. Brlssey WUK (brown from the wagon and sus tained a number of painful cuts and bruises, while his granddaughter. Besrle McKee, was badly bruised, al though not seriously hurt. The little boy managed to stuy In the wagon un til the horse had slowed down and then be jumped, escaping without a scratch. Attending physicians do not think that Mr. Brissey sustained any Internal injuries and they hope that he will 8oou be recovered. Br. und Mrs. Fisher Took Their Departure. Dr. and Mr? Charlea FlBher, with whom many Anderson people bave become intimately acquainted during their stay at Anderson college, havo departed from the city and are now en route to London, where Dr. FlBher will spend a year In rest and study. His eyes are very weak and the strain during the past year has been almost too much for bim. Under Dr. Fish-1 er's able Instruction the students in the conservatory of music at the col lege have done some splendid work during the past session. (?bangos Made Oil Company. * 1 Effective on June 1 .a number J bf changes went foto; elf oct' with . the Texas Oil company's branch in An derson. O. 'F. Taylor, who bas had charge of the office affairs of the com-1 pany, has been made special city1 salesman and is now engaged in his new duties, calling upon the trade in the city. S. H. McDaniel, who has become office manager In Mr. Taylor's', place has also entered upon his new ' duties. Both the-Texas men deserve! their promotion and friends of theirs are glad to see lt. Mr. McDaniel la [ a native of Bock HUI and u Clemson alumnus. Interesting Relic Of the Civil War. Robert Moorhead of Anderson, route 2, spent yesterday In the city and while here exhibited a canteen which he used while a member of Company "C" Palmetto Sharp Shooters. Thia company was mustered in at Ander son during the war and saw some hard service from the first day that it went to the held. Mr. Moorhead values the canteen very highly and says that he prizes lt for th? many recollections lt can call forth. Columbia's Mayor. Coming to Anderson. . , Among the well known visitors to come to Anderson on June 17-18 for the annual Elks Convention will be Dr. L. A. Griffith, mayor of Columbia. Dr. Or Iff) th was recently chosen for this position by the people of Columbia and it Is Bald that be ia making a fine of ficial. The Columbia mayor la a mem ber of Columbia lodge No. 1190, and will take part in the demonstrations by that lodge while in Anderson. Anderson Man On Regular Bun. H. F. Pennal has received i\n ap pointment'as mall clerk from Ander son to Augusta on the Charleston and Western Carolina railway and viii assume his new duties within the next few daya. Mr. Pennell ir. aa Ander son county man and hit friends here will be glad to know, that he has se cured the position. Candidates Are Alt Marking Hs rd. The various caud?diien foi mayor and aldermen are hard gt work and votera are being interviewed on evory aide. The city election takes place on June io and aa tho time for the election dravra nearer more and more interest ls being manifested. Many conjectures are heard aa to the win ners in the several races but public opinion aeema to be about evenly di vided -o~-i , . Baseball Question la ??lng Agitated. The question ot securing funds for the Piedmont basel ?all league,, en or ganisation which Anderson bas agreed to Join, la being agi lated tn -Anderson and. tho business men of the city ara being approached on Ute question. It is said that soma difficulty han been met with in securing funds and lt doc? set ?besi that tho Anderson team will be overburdened with cash when the ' season opens-if it does. ?i v. at at at at. at st ?. at vt v, if SPARKLETS * ! - * i J Mention Caught Over tb? .? reeta of Anderson * ! - I uy'3 Daily.) < Little Interest In thc Investigation. I There seems to he little interest in the action of Supervisor Mack King in regard to the dispensary election j ] for this county. The supervisor has j. announced his intention of canvassing i ; the lint of names on each petition | i prese ted to him praying for the elec- 1 : tion at J then will be decided the ques- 11 tion i i whether or not the election I : shall oe held. At present nothing is i heard of the matter and a majority j i of the voters seem to be indifferent ? about the entire matter. June 12 is j the date Mr. King set, upon request, ? for the work to be commenced. .Mr. Martin Preaches JL . At fiOwndesvlUe. ?1 The Intelligencer has been request ed to announce that Kev. Jumes L. ' , Martin, D. D., preaches regularly at < Lowndesvllle, on the first and second 1 Sundays of every mouth. The ser ' vices begin at ll a- m., and the public has a cordial invitation to attend. -o Mr. Oelsberg Is 111 In Atlanta. ' A message was received in Anderson ] yesterday conveying the information ! that Adolph Geisberg, well known At- ' lauta hotel man, is critically ill at his home in that city. Mr. Gesberg . has been indisposed for some time but it was not known that his condition ! was serious until yesterday. Harry Ge'sberg left at once to be al bis brother's bedside. j -? Anderson Fourth . With Automobiles. According to figures made public ' yesterday, the public roods of South 1 Carolina have been greatly improved as a result of the large number of au- 1 tomoblles purchased in this otate dur- , lng the lat* year. According to these_!_ figures Anderson Blands fourth In the Hst, having 7'u. automobiles, 37 of i which have l>een purchased since last | December. Greenville county leads the : state witt i ,038 registered autos, j while Columbia is second' with 1,037 and Spartanburg third with 802. A numbat* cf rev machines have Just recently bee*i -ironght to Anderson and these arc not Included in the of ficial figures from Columbia. Presbyterian Team I Challen*? s the Town. ! Since many of the college boys have returned to the city tho I'resbyterlan hoys of Anderson have organized a I i baseball team and challenge the city > i and all Sunday school teams iii the I'state to combat. It is understood that: the "Blue. Stockings" -will ? try to . ar- j ! range a ??me i.wlth. the "Federals!'.for , Taking it up one side well as we can gather, ther ner cent of a sta nd nt" COtt< Government report puts sections of the State may we have, and so taking it the other, our stand as we around 66 2-3 or 70 per While this is not ideal, s ton up to make a good cr feed it and nurse it and p If you will side dress from 150 to 200 pounds each time, you get all out gotten. And that is all tb You can get more out of a stand by feeding it ar pering it than you can ge stand where you don't sit dressing this crop, you wa made for this purpose. I ments, the business of thi* is'?o. time to take chances The side dressing fert derson Phosphate & Oil made. Remember th?t sit bolls and larger'bolls, std stands anything better; it stronger. Remember, tc seed cotton that has beer as heavy a baie of cotton J not been side dressed. Bu zer to do this. When you the best. Get the best, ari ANDERSON PHiSP It will pay you to por this year, lt will be pr?t sliort cotton crop, and tr .handsomelyto fertilize cc . v.- ? ?'^?i^^.m.imm frUluy afternoon and with the Y. M. ,'. A. "Champions" for Saturday af ernoon. The following in the tenta Ive line-up of the Presbyterians: J. Watkins, captain and shortstop; Sie mens, first base; Conley, catcher; rhiow, catcher; Hunter, pitcher; Ber ry, pitcher: Simpson, second base; Mayfield, third base; Mattlson, left field; Sloan, right field and Farmer, ..enter field. Freight Cars Jumped Truck. A string of freight cars on the Blue Itidge spur track to the Equiuo.^ mill lumped the truck while near the mill yesterday afternoon and did some lit tle damage. The cars were being handled hy the switch engine when the accident occurred and the wheels ran on the cross tires for some dis tance. Fortunately none of the cars turned over and but little time was necessary to repair the damage done. Change Cumin? IP The Water System. The Southern Pupblic Utilities com pany has addressed an open letter to all its subscribers in which the water are advised that a new system of.charging for the water is shortly to ge into effect. The letter says that the company is given the- right under Its new franchise ot' charging for water according to the registration of the meter instead cf on a flat rate as has been the case in some instances heretofore. The company says, in the lotter of yesterday, that the new sys tem will be put Into effect just as soon as the meters can be Installed In the houses of all water users in Anderson. t AH in: Kl, CONGRESSMAN Edward W. Pott, Served 14 Years Has Been Renominated. . Raleigh, N.e., Juno 3.-Representa tive Edward W. Pou, of Johnston, county, was nominated for the eighth consecutive time by the democrats of thc fourth congressional district In cession here today. Mr. Pou referred In a brief speech to the achievements nt the Wilson administration. He said that Representative Claude Kitchen who was nominated ycrtciday by the second district convention, would suc ceed to the chairmanship of the ways and means committee in December. SIMU LAR PROCEEDINGS Person? Accused of Murder snd Then Relear.Ied without Question. New Castle, Ind., June 1.-Ff. H. Abel, detective, who caused the arrest Saturday of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wint ers and W. H. Cooper on charges to commit u felony In connection with the disappearance more than a year ago of Catherine Winters, nine year old daughter of Dr. Winters, bite today withdrew from1 the ease. 'This action followed the failure of W. R. Myers, prosecutor, to file:. affidavits ,today. In the circuit court charging Coo net ?nd Mrs.. Winters, the ? child's'^? to prim t herr. with\n^t;degrea; murder; ^ | ._ _ .?? ?_ ,'_ _; -L*.'*! ._ . and down the other,; as e is around 66 2-3 or 70 Qti in this section. The it 72 per cent. Some have better stands than up one side and down ll as we cah gather, is cent of a perfect stand, till there is enough cot op of cotton if you will lomper it. it once or twice, putting of fertilizer to the-acre, of your crop that can be lat you can do. of .this 66 2-3 per cent id nursing it arid pom t out of an ordinary ie dress it. But in side nt the very est goods t is no time for experi s crop requireth haste, it ; you want ? sure thing, ilizer. made by the An ?ompany is the best ie dressing makes more mds drought better, is better fed and is >o, that 1300 pounds of i side dressed, will make as l Soo pounds tnat has it it takes the best fertili t buy side dressing get id forget the rest, i, E ? OIL GO rtper your corn, crop too ty rough to make a fen buy corn. It pays