University of South Carolina Libraries
E 73 AND SOUTH-CAROLINA sta __ ? TJ^ ? . 4-*--L 1 V/ V A. M.M. . VU J-X^ XI. KJ I. XI. X JUi ?F K/ U J\ilil.JJ? [.'["JI.I I-1 "II ir'i?Ilir.kiulwi ti'Ti 1 i T |? iii if.iUi I Jini lpw HF. 'jjflK COLUMBIA, (S. C.) FRIDAY E?ENINO. SEPTEB V Kl$* ' i y j ? H SEPTEMBER S . ' . .. . .1^.-. ? , > ? . , ? J J. ^. 0 I * SSBS ?Ce?WwM>ur rwm? a ww afiiMnit ? ?vnm?f BV SIVE&JYYLf SIMS. " y Mi /four* ?/ RfjtrtHHlaitpft of rCRMSi-TflMR <n or Fottk Dot.t^h p?yabtu m the ?odAflh.yr.r. AovftftTUBMBirrt. ?-> miertwl it III* rati of ??r<mty-flr? <wnt? for ?wjr tw?tMy lia?#, or h i:, Im* Btimbtr, forUm ir*ittMttion,?nd forty o?nla for ?aeh ?ooti?n?aM. -Th?>?? from ?oo. ?okaarittaVM* b? *?c?mp?nl*<l by thi rn?h, (ittAnw* or tiny will rer.?ivn |1 MK. JEFFEKSON. fae following Letterfrom Mr. Ji kjkh ??*/*? William a. Giles*??q. notv (Sever nor of nrelnla, .Arm clearly hit cxfircta tiont of the ftrobable retult of the /ireacnt go .. vcrnmenlol flrqfcedlnge. The ditchtu t en of J- Q- .Mams probably relate to the ne goUathm betmeen the Smew Junto and the | Xfiettngulerthat ) toon * qflcr the disclosure. Mr. Jqfereon'e Letter frtthbagrnt AT*Henry. It 1*lingular tha the virulence q/Timothy Pickering, again* the Adant family, should breik oitJ to too qftar the disclosure. Mr. JeJTenon'e Lette fully corroborate* all the viewe taken by Dr. Coofkr, in " Consolidationand in hit -fyoayt.'* 1 ' i Montxucllo,Drc. 26, 182 j. Dkah 8m: **I sce a* you do and with the deepest af fliction, the rapi'l stride* 'with which the federal branch of our government is advanc ing toward* the usurpation of all the rights reserved to the states, and the consolidation :n itself* of all powers foreign and domestic, and that'too by constructions, which if legit imate, leave no limits to their power. Take ti||iptfytf,the decisions of the federal court, the doctrines of the President and the mis constructions of the constitutional compact acted ort' by the legislature of the fwlerul br.tnehsandit is hot too evident that the three ruling branches of that department, nre in combination, to strip their colleagues. In: state authorities, of the powers reset- by thttm,andtf>excrciscthciluclvcs all functions foreign and domestic. Under the power to re gulate commercc, they assume indefinitely, that also over agriculture and manufacture and pall it regulation too, to take the cam* ings of one of these, branches of industry, and that too, tne most depressed, and p!u them into the pocket* of the other, the most flourishing of all. Under the authority to es tablish post roads, they claim that of cutting flown mountains, for ttye contraction of roods, of digging canals; aided by a little sophistry on the words " general welfare," u right to do, not only tho acts, to. cffcct that, which are specifically enumerated and permitted; but whatsoever they shall think, or pretend, will he for the general welfare. And what is oar resource for the preservation > ( tlif constitution? Rcas*on and argument. You might aa well reason and argue with the marble columns encircling them, 'l'he re presentativ es chc.scn by ourselves?they arc joined in tbe combination, tome from incor rect views of government, sonic from cor mpt ones, sufficient voting together to out number the sound parts, and with majorities ofonlv 1, S or 3; bold enough to go forward in dcfiancc. Art tot then to aland at arm*? ? V few word are here omitted, relating merely to an individual.l ?*4Ko! that must be the last resource, not t0 be thought of until much longer, and greater sufferings. If every infraction of a compact of ao many parties, is to be resist ed at once as a dissolution of it, none can ever be formed which would last one year. Wo must have patience and long endurance then, with ?mr brethren. while undcf delusion.? Give them, time for reflection mid experi ence Of consequences; keep ourselves in a stuatiou to profit by the chaptcr of accidents; and separate from our companions, only when tne sole alternatives left, are the dis solution of our union with them, or submis sion to a government without limitation of povcr*. Between these two evils, when we must make choice, there can he no hesita tion} but in the meanwhile, the states should be watchful to note every material usurpa tion on their rights?to denounce them as they occur Hi the most peremtory ii-rms. to protest against them; as wrongs to which our present submmission shall lie considered, not as acknowledgments or precedents of right, but, ai? a temporary yielding to the lesser evil?until their accumulation shall ovcrweigh that of separation. 1 would go Still further, and give to the federal member, by regular amendment of the constitution, ? right to make roads and canals of inter communication between the states?provt u" against corrupt practices in rolling, &c.) by declaring proportion of each state of the monies so employed, shall lie in work s within the state or elsewhere with its con sent, and with a due salvo of jnri?di< tion.? This is the cotrse, which I think, safest and best as yet. You ask my opinion of the propriety of giving publicity to what is stated in your let ter, as having passed between John Q. Ad ams and yourself. Of this no one can judg? but yourself. It is one of these questions which belong to the forum of feeling. This alone, ceo decide on the degree of confidencc implied in the disclosure.?Whether under no circumstances it wan to lie communicable to others. It docs not seem to |?c of that ehe+aeter, or at all to meet that aspect. They are historical fact#, which belong to the present, as well as future time. I dntbt whether a single fact known to the world, will carry as clear a conviction to It, of the -oar^tness of our knowledge cf the trra sonablc view* of the fedml pot*f of tb?? day?as Hut discloacd by thk ?t nefarious mul daring attempt to dissevor the union, of Which the Hart fort' convention wtt a subse* quent chanter, and both of thine having fill ed, consolidation becomes the first book of their history.?But this opens with a vast : accession ot strength from their younger re cruits, who having nothing in them of the feelings or principles of 76, now look to a single and splendid government of an Aris tocracy, founded on banking Institutions and monied Incorporations, under the guise and cloak of their fiivored branches of manufac tures, commerce rfnd navigation, riding and ruling over the'plundered ploughman and beggared yeomanry. This will oe to them a next best blessing to the monarchy of fheir $rst aim?and, perhaps, the sores' stepping ?tone to it." | [Tho foregoing Includes tho wbula of tlie po 'lltfcal part of tiia letter. TH?? follow* mint In formation mid rauiOrl(?f purely pilvata, and it Hum conclude*:) ... "Our university has been most fortunate in tho five.professors, procured from Eng land, a finer selection could uut have been made, besides there being of'a grade of j$i~ ence/wliiuhhas icftlittk superior boil1,.,., the correctness of their moral cnaractcr, their accommodating dlspooit^omi, and seal for the prosperity of the institution, leaves us nothing more to wish. I verily believe, that as high a degree of education can nop be obtuiucd here, a* in the country they left ?ami a'finer set of youths 1 never saw as sembled fur instruction; they committed home irregularities at first, until they learnt the length of their tether, hincc vjhich it has never been transgressed in the w^allest de gree. A great proportion of tfcem are se verely dif-ed to study, and 1 fear not to say, that within 12 or 15 years frtm this time, a majority of the rulers of our state will have been educated here. They shall car ry hence the correct principles of our day; and wc may count assuredly that they will | exhibit their country in a degree of sound ? respectability it has never known, either in our days, or those of our forefathers. I can not live to see it?my Joy must only be that of anticipation, but that you muy sec it in full fruition, is the probable cooscfpienee of the 20 years I am ahead of yr.u in time, and is the sincere prayer of your aflcctionate and cinstant friend, THOS. JllFFEkSON. i JACKSON MINTING. J I'hlladr!fihia, Auuuti 17, IM27.?At a |numerous meeting oi the citizen* of the 1st, !2d, and 3d Congressional district*, friend* ot ! (Jen. Jackson, held this c\ citing. Alexander 'Cook, E*<|. was cnllcd to the Chair, and Richard Pointer and Peter Hay appointed Secretaries. Thu cull of the meeting having been made known by the Chuirman, tlie following resolu tions were presented to the meeting, wtiich were unanimously adopted: Whereas, it ha* been announced in the public prints, that Henry Clay intends short ly to visit Philadelphia; and it has been re presented to this meeting, that the partizans of the present administration of the general government have within a few day*, held one or more secret meeting for the purpose ?>f making arrangements for a dinner, which they propose to give him, with a view to produce an impression in other states, that the citizens of the inetrojiolis of Pennsylva nia approve of the conduct of Mr. Clay and Mr. Adams, both in relation to the means by which they attained their present elevation and the policy they have since pursued; and whereas this meeting think it proper that such an erroneous impression, should not be suffered to go abroad uncontradicted; there fore, Neioh'td, That a Committee be appoint ed, whose duty it shall be to ascertain whe ther any attempt to misrepresent the fee lidgs and opinions of the citizens of this dis trict by a publir entertainment to Mr. I" ? ?? be contemplated: with full power, at their discretion, to take such measures as may afford the people an opportunity, in a signal manner, to countcract the ditigned effect of any such movement, and with liberty to call a meeting of the friends o! Andrkw Jack son for that purpose, whenever they may deem it expedient. The following named citizens were ap pointed to carry the said resolution into ef fect, viz: [He r?- follow If.r iinm<" ot about 110 |*r<nns/] Hr?oi: r<{, That this meeting view with | equal disgust and apprehension, the election 1 eering ioiirniesof the heads of department I with dingust that ".hey should v> far forget the respect due to the people and the dignity of their high stations **s personally to solicit a continuance in office?And with appre hension*. that failing in this schcme to con tinue themselves in office, their ambition >vill incite them to more open and fatal at tacks ?>n the right of suffrage and the sov ereignty of the people. From the .Wi:? York Afornin" Courier. NKVV VOKK In th* rnlenlMion iw?d? li> ik riot ftjgo, iHnliV? to ?irfiitfh of th? t?vu rmnliiiati** lor On- pf^idfiic-y, wi? lh? v?l?> of this Mate, |m i?m! W, not w i?'iii?i? In or*rr*ta die (irotpcet* nf ?.?? r? Jnck?>n Al Ihi* ?"?ii??* timr, wi* p.tye it a? imr opinion,hiiiI llixl <>|>iiiinit mh> not h-oiity form ril. tlwl (Kmi Jmktoii would n-rmve nMvaM 'J) vot??. fiiiti'i-nnpnl fttwlvnliitii mid ronver?ation? hml \\ I'll man) rt?|wf1nMe mid i?if>iioi?tU*l p#r?on?, from Miri'iin [??"? of Itto ?tat?, linve ronjirmtd u* in Die opinion iIumi ?,?l?rr*K>?| Indrvil, it it th* grin-mi li'lirt Krrio(?4 the r#|ttiMicau?, both in the Shy ninl nniiitrv. that Mr. Aduni* will not ivceiv* d Vo'e# out nl We v old*1 not, lio?*r s it, tiotwiilutandinz the*, flattering |tr?>?|iecl?# n>c?MIMMl to ow 7rlend? "ltd a?eoi i?t*? in tli?- food cauw, to |Hirm? an in Mllv* Miorw, Hupintntt* would be lb* meant of I otitic many rnin. Artirtty *%A rlgihntt will rotur* mdfe (ban ?>!?** frwirtba of IhoVale ?n?<r T? I, ATT A & M'LAUCHLIN, mktti ww ra?M rau*?Kivai*? jtJkwfiaekafMqfttorFkUSufitUvif' DRY GQODS, AMONO Wllictt ARC THIS FOIAOWINO: SUPfiHTIME blue Mid black Broad Cloths, 2d quality do. do. do. dv. Sopor Mao and oilil SaHlnvt*. toll nrkito Piano*)*, OaaUaaMo'a CaniUlct Clock* wi'k for OolUrt, ?? , do. 'do. dfc LadU* Tartan Plaid and CW*aari*n Cloak*, rtupot Mink I*. s?Hk VaaHngt, plain and floored I Cm 4.4 lri*b Umm. 1 do. BUk af?d Cotton U?tratttt, Lndiot Umbrellas aad Parntoli, An oIck?iM KMortaMlut o4 wkfco Cotton Friiifa, very cheap, .jW ? ? '2 Oh* Shela?erdine'? *upcr Mock Hat*, I Brown and blenched Cotton Sblrtinp ond Sbc*t-, ln*? ot dtServiil width*, 3-4, 7 B nod 4-4 Domestic Plaids mil Strip**, (warranted Indigo MoeJ 9upei Cotton and Linen Apron Check*, lfta' do. ' do. KuroHAre, do. Cotton Bod Ticking, Hnatfet Birds F.yo and Damask Dtaperi, Afonl ftos*ta Sheeting*, Imitation do. do. Ladies Irfeck and white SUk Bow, (hrnwV Dm, do. du. Cotton do. !>.?.. black Worried - do. U?n(ltm?n'i blurk and white Silk How, Do. , white j. do. 4 ?lo. l??. coloured and wkMf Cotton A do. I Do. ' Vi^onU and L wool 4 Lndle* colomvd and Mack Horskln Ulovrs, Do. do and Whit* KM ' do. f.N.U.'t black and *> hlte 3l'k fflofw, Black India Sattin I.orantlne, Black and white French ttattln*, | Plain blank nnd itripml Barsne.t#, i Sopor black Sinchew*, Plain and figured black Cm. d? Map. ?ilk?, Super black Mode, Blnrk nnd white Crape f^Une, Sn|?erblnek ftukln and Canton Crape*, Do Italinn and llat Cmpe. Do. ItEuradliul Mandarin lliln'v 4-4 and 6-4 blaek Lavaiiliii* Htitiilk-rthl'f*, Plain and figured black LrtMrlnj; Ilnnclkereicf f<.r Cravat*. W!i?lf and half Oaeli (near, Pn>| n?t and iw ni.iug: ba<t*. > S|u?>ii?h Tocaiiiar null omy i.ihrr article* too trdmui to enumerate. ?tt I ??i**li wlib tiic luriner ?toek th-_y offer low Ir t c ? rn. Colombia, Sept 7. Hfl tf To Kent. rilHRMOCSK AND r.?| recently occupied Wrt Sarah T. Smith, iltonli'd on tJ?r ilnti opposite Mr. Herbemoiit** fat-den. The houre has Ive rooms lieitilci the silting und drawing room*, ami lourut which Lave fire olace* in ihcio. 'lite onl housi-s cli as kitchen, store and smoke bouif, Itublit and Mrtiigc h?us? with the {itrdcn end lnrloMire, nn nil in good order?and in short, it.- Improvement, are such its i<> rentier it a tied ruble situation, either fora private fajnily or hoard iug botit' ?Will he rented verv In*- Apply lo U. T. SNOWOKN. Sopteinber 14 ;u n ?20 Reward. (lAKAWAY from the snbsc.ti ber living in Orangehugh district So. C? a negro fellow natmnJ BEX, about si* feet high, Ave nod twen ty years of age, large built, with white eyes, with a considerable more white in Ihemtlian i? usual to find in the tyei of negrtuis. Urn ia ?^\iell looking negro and nujily intimidat ed, and If JjiOtctfii to nastily, will stutter considera bly. Ilo -n la?t in the upper part of Lex ington district Adjoining Newberry, In company with another fellow wlm wa* detected and confin ed in the Islington jail. I hnvi? good rontons to believe thut Br* hut shaped his course to Virginia as they were heard to say, they were going there. Any person apprehending said negro, aim confin ing h iiii in anv jail so tlmt I can pet him e<atn sha" receive the reward with all charges paid. STKP11EN ilROWNlNt) (U* The Kditorsof the Italeich Star, and filch mond Knquirer, will pleasn five the above three Insertions and forward their accounts to the sub scriber for payment. September 7 3d 3 For Sale, IIOU.'jK AND I.OT at present occupied 1. by Ihe Mibscrihf r, opposite the <!ollefe square. The house i? roomy hiiJ convenient, well calculated for the at cmntlalion of a ht'tfe family, hating seventeen iijutrtineiit*. must ol which lt.iv* fire places. On the premises are m ler*e ulf?e* building, kitchens, wash house, ers vant's house. >?ore ami poultry house, besides, ?taldes, carria -e house, kr 'I he lot inr.ln .in acre; thr?-? fourths of w hieli are out in ? _-?tdeii, nfored will, many u?efiil plants, vegetables in iilMiudnndaiiee, and a great .vniietv of fruit trees It is one >f the hr*| Ritrdxn snot* in ColnrpUia, yielding plentifully even in Irte ilryests?a? ins K m<?re at,reeahle situation is not to he fnnnd in f'oluinbia, for health it is remarkable, as the sub scriber's family, which i? large, run testify, hav ing resided (here rummer and winter tor the la i ?even years. The hotise Istnrrotinded with trees, which render it very eool in summer. For terms apply .?? the suWritier HOBKRT Mll.f.*. April Itt Ift t( L.ight wood-knot Springs. 'I1HK al>ove eitablishment sli miles fr??in the I. town of Colnmhia, is now open and in Com plete readings for the reception of visitors Ihe proprietor has erected a fir-t rate HILMAPD T VBf.K, for the amusemrnt ol such as mey ne disposed to engage in this innocent recreation. At-tHl# place Is a hold and Inexhaustible spring of w?ler, supplied with the means of bethlng, and oronounced to be Inferior to none in ll?e slate The etpenee which the proprietor has inrorred in providing every necessary scc<?mmodalion,ihe pleasant and healthy situation of the establishment end its vlcinHy to Columbia, he hopes win Instil him a generous petr<m*t* r Jone SO. ?? tf FEMALE TUITION. JWtW. SUfX M. JWCUff, TIVFORMS her friend* that the ha*opened et l?e* X baMr. fuppodta the College Manr*,) ? BOARDINts SCHOOL for the reception of n Uml ted anmber of young ladW, la who* elementary, Clio and ornamental education, particular?Hen-1 I Will ba paid. A profwr Wfard to tbo lienlth an J eomforta of Um yoneg Udk? ?hatt !w obterved; tbrlr habit*,! moral* and deportment Mrictly attended to; and Mr* Mill l?n?l( to inrtnli Mtd nntnlliiBi. that no cam nor asaiduily ?ball b* wantad oh lirrj Mtt to render satlafiictinn In tho i!'u?W;a of tbr tapoitant dutic* ?lie has undertaken. The young ladle* rhnll Im instructed hy |hrlr Mvml lonelier* (tt h? rokm prtMnrt, and Mn Mill* faeta confident that ti? pnnulne tho plan of edu cation ?he lin* adoptril, ?ni?t?d t?y competent and mperirnced instructor*, the will'udvarice tli* ln terrat* of all her pnpil*, nromota tho improvement mid Merit n claim on nunlir nrnmiin" A TERMS OF TUITION. Spelling, Reading,and Wrilliu, pr.qr. ? $5 00 The above, with Arithmetic, l-n^l^li diem rear and plain mwinjr, ? ? 8 00 HUory, Geography, no* of the globe*, As tronomy, Composition,.Mora} nnil Nuturel 1'hilospihv, be. fco. 10 00 O^illwintutfiidliWoili, ? - 10 00 Freneb, 10 00 Music, ... I * 00 l-'.ntrxnce to Musi*. ? ? ? ? ft 00 Drawing And FWintiriR, * 10 00 BOARDING Dlir.tR TMENT. Board prr nnnutn, .... f 160 00 do. p*.r nunrW, - - . . 00 00 Day Boarders per ijuartcr. ? 12 00 Payments required in .tdvencc. N B. Mr>. Mill* Is determined to give to her young Indict nil the advantages (tint can tie ac quired in any similar institution in the state; the hattherefoie been particular In the te'ertlon of her tcaehers. and in making s'ich arrangements m will ndvnnrn hr.r pupil* and merit the approbation ot her friend* Awgnst 10 3*2 tf ______ Female Academy. September Ut, I 4'a7 LTlllltMII Ihe Tru<tee? of thi? institution '? bav. , in ci?mninti willi the community, Rrtat can** to InOH'ni the unUme'y rea'.li,and 'o deplore ?he loea, of Mr* M?rv, whose exertion* and Ir.lanla I ave iniiiributrd, in mi eminent decree, to tlie advancement ??f fennde rritiMtlmi. They have now tin: ciinmirttimi and ?niisfnciion to "ir nounce to lilt- public lim( Mn.Sn ft, relict of the Inte I'rufeaaor ^niiih, hn* c'liimnteU to lake charge if tli? Boarding Depart ineni; thriftily enabling l>r. Marks with hi* ns*i*tnnt*, lit devote hi.* mitire nil on'ion to Hint Instnirtion for ?liich h? issond mirnlily ipinlifled. I'h rents, wliotu daughter* are placed ut this iu*t\tutioi', may ho assured of their loud fortune in having ? Ihdy of Mrs. Smith'.* manner*, character, btnievolencc inud exemplary piety to direct their coursti and superintend their conduct. J GItKUU, Chairman. September 7. For bale, A FINK high-spirited JACK ASS, sit year* old. Imported from South America, fet.iarkuhlc tor vigour nnd the i)iuditie* of hi* stork. He will be mild Sor ca*h, on rtimounble terms. if applied for witiiiu two weeks?or will he exchanged for n thorough hrtil rwtrr und ro/f.oryonngfilly, orhoese, thoroiii'h breil The mare mn<t b? of good sl*o nudI'lcnr pe'li-.ree?not mor > tlmn ten years old, nnd either if not now in foul, or if ' i foal, by n iborouKli hred horse. All other particular* nmy ho had by n letter addreased !?> J. ft SKINNKR, Esq Baltimore. I*. ft. It Is not the object of the owner of the Jack <o p:t an animal for the luif, hut to get the blond to the vulgr.r thick wounded stock in the country. July 27. 10,500 Pair Negro Shoes, FOR SALE IIY J. S. JENKINS &. CO. II of Southern Manufacture. Planter* era invited to call nud examine for themselves. ? w s<?? A FULL A8SOKTMF.NT OF Gentlemen's, Lnd?r.?. liny* nnd PRUJraZJUB 6c LB AT II BR SHOOS, Fir*t and Second Quaiitir*. 7^'nthn of oveiy doi-rtptiuu on rens>iinhl< tereis. SejifemlH-r |4 ^7 if .Notice. \I.L persons nre forw^riicd not lo r.reilit nny person <?n inv nr.r.ouiit Mules* an order lie I'fi.iiucccl *i/ned eiiiier l?y myself or wife. THOMAS ItftlOKft. Jninmrv? 2 if Valuable Property for Sale. IN the Villapff of Oran^ehnr^li, five lots of land, oil wldch llmru i< a vnlunble ami commodinn* dwellinK hOUMi, |wo store liotl*e* nnd other out liuildlnKt, very convenient for n puMir home or for mrnraniile t?u*ine**, situate on the main sirer', and on ?h? strvet lendim |?n*t end nenr thn new court-hon*r A niori. desirable ?ilMniiou roold not be wished. To nil approved pnrclia?er Hie pri?i< will lie low nut! the terms of pnvmenl accomino dMting. If not wld by the Ar<l Mondny iu (>eto< l-er next, it will on that day lie sold ut pilldir mic tion. For term* apply In Pmmld IJ. Jone?, on Hull ftwNMp. or to Sender* Qlover, or Samuel P. Joue* In Omn*ebiir<h. Si ptember 7 SO 4 Final Notice. \f.f. persons Indebted to the iub?criher, are Rfpdri tarntrily called on to mike pnymenl Thoee who ?U?rrgard this notice, ?re, narr/er ?II. informal, their note* and aerounts will be lodfttd In thn handa irf an attorney for collection, unless satisfactory arran^iwenti are enterel Into pratri on* to neat return day. MflEtHII. aRTMOR. i February ? ? ^ . II ill JT Hie MiUiii th<? aloe It at coat, M'\ utrtu *mr will b9 telling on Mil* left r*c*l?d In her cUrge, tjr lo aettle the nm. September? tffl to or own a"Eg-* will i3mi ALL ptrtoaa to whoatho Kvana, dweiiod, quested to render i thoM who may bo opootomakepeyi ELI ?foBERT Columbia, 10th July, 1807. Final Notice. THE sobeariber wlthe? to IrAmi |R Indebted to him by not* Or ON* M that wit due on Iho l?t off January ?uit cooui fotward and aotf* day of October, or they i the Innd* of aa attorney for respect lo neryon or namee: aUo, to m* aaelgned by D. L. Wakaly, If ?ettled by the time aforesaid, they ? And them In thi hand* of attornlra diMrlet*. JOHN Ajigatl 31 To Rent THREE STORES in the Brick llaogi, alao. tbo upper part of the bouae. The part that ?. A. Taylor occupies ha* five roooaa; tho paittkl nb scriber occupies hea nioa room*. ?al?o? ? ? r- htfyjk The House aad Store oecopied lately fc) Louis Levin. 'TSL ?also ? A House and Lot occupied at preaent by Dr. John Myers, this houao la neatly ftnlabed with all nrrntatj nut buildings. PuvMrwinn can be given on tho 1st of October. The snbscriherhea aeveral other honeaathOt will be |. t at the nme time?far farther partleetare aa piy to somi ?lackT AURII?131 - M 9 For Sale or Rebt. Col. Cuioh'i two Urea trick Slotflfc l*?JUL *,,h commodloee dwelMn*epwlmeiii? to each, it Um corner of RidwAoi MM Will# Mrreti. Apply to J_ November 2t) .x Notice. i'tf/jh. \I.L pnioni indehltd to tba Mlltetl tha lalo WILLIAM YOUNG, of tblapiaao, ftmwi ?rt requested lo nuke payment?ud Hiom par sons having demand* against Iba nM estate, will please render attested statement* of tba satoo to the subscriber, wbo U authorised to arraaf* tbf? same. ROBERT PURVIS, ^7> .Wormy for Duncan Ltiitk, ?hn>. June 22 ? Cfl tit G-4 Bolting Cloths , kan avar ?* u ?? .1;. - Tor sain by the subscriber*, cbaaper than avar OS f'-rrcd in this market. LATTA L M'LAU N. B. Punctual cuitnmeri can bo easli prico. May IH 20 ifr Notice. THE ropitrtntrtbip of GREGO L WINTER ii dis*ol*?d. - GREGG &. HUDSON / will pnrtlra LAW jointly In Iko court* far Fair field tiiiirirf, and will retain tha oflea formerly of On*** L Hunter at Winnsbdrougb, wkata lino ?on will rrild* March I ^ Notice. THE subscribers taka this nfetbod of I Iba citticns of Columbia and Mil the y iiave again commenced th business, and will use every eiertioa 10 supply of the best of natr Vc. and bop* by I assiduity and attention to botlaOM to narH aaboro of tbc public patronage. 9 HARRISON, jr. X* HARRISON. M September 7 ?8 3 Sugars for Sale, A PLANTER in Louisiana ha* eoRrffaed to W t*.twe*n 800 and 400 barrela of 8urar,of tWa very l?e?t quality, with instructions to ?Ml It Mtl0 1 fir rum nl marktl price, all application* wilt W duly attended to. R.kJ.voRvie. Columbia, 28th Juna, IMHf. M tf ? 1 11 ? 11 ? J J aincs A lexanaeV'v i'ormkr rRornttoR orm MADISON SPRINGS, who kk?v* now a ' '4 Ilonsc of EnterUinmt&t, ; In H'uthlngttn, ffilktt cetmfy O?rgl* BECfl leave to inform tho cHlscni of South Carolina, and other states, that, on Iba flflrt of January, he will -Minora from hi* pr?eat rial* denre to a lnrR?j and commodlou* boosa, !>#>? dimly on tha puhlla square, on Main tflteat, calculated, in all respects, for every *" ^ ' lion that travellers can deslra. From l??rirnre in hi* Una, he deem* H a# dffcll on his capacity to render Jurtlea to w ho m?y rail on liim. lie ktiep* n directory Iff bl* hnuM^Ot Iba M| vmianea of traveller*, who can a*e#UWl by l) tha coum? and distance from tbl* town lolWfy part oftbo slate, and of Sooth Carolina al?0. *'V Washington, Wllka* Co.Oa. Oat fid aotrly "iYNUM'S oration, nr.t.tvRRKD itroui TM Franklin Debating Club. 1 J?y*bll?had and f?r kU altbtssdU*. ^