The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 28, 1947, Image 5

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THl CAMDKtl CHWOllWtt, eAMDlW, tOUTH CAWOttHA, PWIPAY, mKUARY M, tM7 MM i-- S 0 e I (, 1 V J Ur« C P. Vincent nre Lowndes of Wilraington. DeL, and' *twh weeks in Flprtda. Charlotte, N. C., were gnests of jpendln* two „„*-rtalned at **>*• “d Mrs. Arden Lowndes over the o“ Snnday. Washington birthday weekend. cockuUs Hartford Mrs. Dan McCaakUl (Beth WIl- ***■* u Visiting Mr. and •o“) left last Friday to join her county, Md, Is vis tmg husband In (Quebec. Canada. Mr. ^bTum^ot Washlngton^^epent Ji^eek^nd at Mulberry tlon. , nnvkin. of Phila* turned work at Laval university, there. Jane Fowler Bassett has Camden society is agog with an* ticipation over the promised en- tertalnment menu that is to fMture iv Irvine M. Boykin, of Phila- turned to her home in Monkton. Shamrock ball, to be given at ^ U;,. arrived on Thursday for a Man^l^d, after a two weeks visit! the Sarsfleld club on the evening ^tait with relatives. He is at “Car- wlA Mr^a^^ Mrs. Dion Kerr, and of Wednesday, March 12. hours be- HUl" Shamrock Ball To Climax All Camden Social Activities Committees Working Hard To Make This the Biggest Dance Attraction Of Season Woman’s Auxiliary Of Grace Church To Meet Tuesday The fegnlar monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of Grace church will be held at the home of Mrs. John deLoach on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Mrs. A. K. Blakeney. Ck>lonel Ansel Bateman, of San ilr and Mrs. Burwell Capeh^ , ^ Mary,i>f GfloraetOW^^AntonlOr-TMas. -left 4»y -plaae-tnr'-®^-^ Woman's-Auxthary of thsr:®*-^ meeting te order week end with Mr. and . Thursday after a visit —**•- •-*- • j.j ..i tk* Ing announced as from 9 until 1. The Shamrock ball is sponsored Midway Group Hblds Gathering The Midway Home Demonstra* tion club met Friday afternoon, February 21, at Midway school. During the absence of the presi dent and vice president. Miss Pew- ell, home 'demonstration agent, call- D.A.R. Meeting Held At The Home Of Mrs. Marvin W B Capehart, Boykin. j mother, Mrs. Janie N. urs H. B. Holley, of'Atlan^ta, who is a patient at the Camden the week-end guest of her hospital, muhter, Mrs. Max Wagoner aiMj m,. lo,^ Watkins of „ Vl'agoner. ^^y^leton street J ^ ^ Hr. and Mrs. Warren Smith camden for the rest of the sea- turned from two weeks returned from . Fla. Mr. Smith la now , Ireland where they spent five weeks with his Bateman, Camden hospital and is regarded as j devotional was conducted by being the finest and most suceeaa- l ♦B** Fewell and the Lord's Prayer ful of the social events of the sea son here. Mrs. Robert Taller is the gen- iBesch Heath went to 8L ^ew York. Mrs B. IV. Petersburg. Fla., by plane Monday »nd Is spending the week with her husband there - "rs. _ j<j „ guests last weekend, Mr. eral chairman of the ball and her committees are as follows: Decorations—Mrs. John Whit- repeated. Nine members answered the roll call and the minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. Miss Fewell gave for her demon stration, “Does My Dress Fit?” She hunting. Mrs. .Dan B. Mackey and chlld- ^n, Dannie, Oliver and "Gee Gee” lof Marietta, Oa., arrived on Sat- Mbana inerp. urdav for an ATtendAd viaif with or eniertamment. Ir. and Mrs. J^^-^Tmekers *■ charge of Mrs. Wll- ™ ® ’.r^ street, ^ supervised by Mrs. John Devine. Thw ball will feature attractive aker, Mrs. Warren Smith, Mrs. Cy. Stressed thg effect It makes pn our ril Harrison and Mrs. John Ville- plgue. Mrs. Kennedy Blakeney Is in charge of the tickets and Mrs. Ar- (Jen Lowndes of entertainment. and Mrs. Garnett Kltrell drews. Mrs, Lewis Martin, of An- of health to buy correctly clothing. Refreshments were served ' by the hostess. Mrs. Erlie Ander son. Court Inn News Mrs. Florence B. Hay, Pair street, had as her guests over Washing- derson Is spending the week at j ton birthday week-end her sister, home of her parent* In Cam-1 Mrs. E. Dudley Sanders and daugh- „ ■ ters, Margaret and Helen, of Char-^ Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mmer~of lotto. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Granger Into pur- and Mrs. Kent ulsvllle. Ky., have moved 1 Springs, their newly used plantation.. Mrs. Marlon duPont Scott has turned to Montpelier, Va., after indlng a week at Holly Hedge, winter home In Camden. Mr and Mrs. W. R. Bonsai are lUtertalning for Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Small of Hartford county, -Md., . Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Potter enter- led after the horse show for irs Van Allen of New Yorl^and Gaither will entertain at cockuila on Sat urday for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Small of Hartford county. Md., who are guests of Mrs. Gaither’s daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dion K. Kerr, Jr. Citizenship Title^ Entries Named The annual drawing for the Good * *. • xr- I Cltlsen Pilgrim, sponsored by the jbert Young of Mlddlebn^..Va I National daR. was held last week Mrs. Van Allen o^ew York SM office of the state superln- Iken Judged the (^ildren a tendent of education In Columbia, ho,. Md on WMhlngton;. Mrth- w|„„„ „ „t,n,.u r«.lTe. ? . T - * trip to Washington, all expenses to attend theDAR National r. and Mr^ L. w. l^kln have congrggg m^y students from the itnmed to Camden from a shoo •. dagg of each high school In trip in Mexico. door prizes and there will be an auction conducted during the even ing which will be productive of much fun and merriment. The Sarsfleld management has aranged to serve a special |1 plate snpper during the evening. Reaer- vatlons for the snpper and tables are to be made at the Clothes Tree. Phone 695-W before March 10. Ad mission to the hall la 91.80, Inclnd- Ing tax. All setups are gratia. The ball will feature good music, good fun and It Is for a good causa. Music for the Shamrock ball will be provided by BUI Spivey and mnsiclana from the Forest Lake club of Colombia. This la reported ly one of the best dance oi^estraa in the state. Legion ^^ary Notes A delightful meeting of the the state chose the Good Citizen anxiliary for February was held at for pedendahility service, leader- the Sarsfleld club with 35 members ship and patriotism and her name present. After the business was 1 iPark Avenue, N. Y., are spending is sent to the state high school over. Bill Olmstead rendered sev- Mrs R M. Kennedy,. Jr., has re- nmed from a month’s visit at he home of her daughter, Mrs. IwFH “opervipor—143 were- sent this, eral selections on the Hammond ,T.’ r:;"S liT; vX HU™ i “■ jiltlmore. Md. Is visiting Mr. and! The regent draws a name from Jo^a-1 ^ t t Irs. Charles DuBose and Mr. and howl and hands the folded Oor kpeaker, Joe Jenkins, The clear crisp days of last week brought many mewcomers to the field to enJoyv(’ canter through the pine woods. Miss Mary Ruit was one of this group. She spent a week at Court Inn with her father, D. N. Rust of Leesburg, Va., her slater, Mrs. Douglas P. Phillips, and her cousin. Miss Mary Nelson Lee. The Rust party participated In many of the social activities. Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bryant entertained for D. N. Rust, Miss Rust, Mrs. PhUllps and Miss Lee. Mr. and Mre. J. C. Bossong of Wemersvllle, Pa., spent a few daya at Court Inn. Friends at Camden were glad to see Henry I. Brown and Joshua Pearson at Court' Inn. They have been visitors here for many years while en route to Yeaman’s Hall. Mr. and Mrs. N- C. Ives of Phila delphia spent the weekend at Court Inn. Mrs. Arthur Kelly Elvans, Miss Mary Wheat arid Miss Ethel Yates motored to Columbia for luncheon last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Tyng of Mrs. Harry Marvin, was hostess to the Kobklrk Hill chapter DAR February 81, and the regent, Mrs. vonTreackow, presided. The chaplain read Washington’s' prayer and the pledge to the flag ^as led by Mra. John Wall, after which all recited the American Creed. j Miss Mildred N. Getty. Mrs. George Cook’s guest and regent of Erasmum Perry chapter of Silver Springs, Md.. was ihen introduced and gave an interesting account of the jnvenile delinquency w6rk of their chapter. Mrs. William Whitaker, reals- trar,'presented Mrs. Atkinson of Hagood, who was warmly welcomed as a new member. i Announcement was made of a year’s scholarahlp to Tamassee. the 8. C. DAR school, given in honor of the regent, by Alfred D. Ken nedy of Atlanta, Ga. j Mrs. vonTreackow then Intro- duced the guest of honor and speak- I the occasion. Colonel Sumner Waite, whose special inission to In dia for several years made hit en lightening and vivid talk on that strange country delightful to his audience. He also showed some photos taken on the spot. Mrs. Reuben Pitts concluded the program with selections from a paper read on a Flag Day for the DAR by the late Dr. Maurice Clarke on America and the flag aa seen through the eyes of a Brit isher. The members and guests were served refreshments by the* hostess es, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Mobley, Mrs. Marvin, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Guy arid Mrs. Nettles from a beautifully ap pointed table presided over by Mrs. John Wall an4f^Mrs. George Cook, Attend Garden Meet The Camden Garden clnh sent two delegatee, Mrs. Allison P. Da- Bose and Misk Helen Harman, to the Regiraal meeUng of Che West Sand Hills dabs, at Colnmbla, on Saturday. Motion plctiiraa of bulb growing in Holland were shown, followed by Itinehdon at the Hold Colambla, ill Pyril R. Harrison. Mr. and Mra. Christopher i^THISI lecxaTiNO fua YOUR oiDa fOIFUTURiDaiVMr ••••••• The Hoffer Co. tiers and OptaiiMtrigtt paper to Mr. Ahderson to be open ed and announced. Alternates names are drawn In the same way. Mr. Baldwin of the Camden high school sent In the name of Miss Anne Horton of (Cassatt, the winner this year. J. H. Witherspoon, supt. of the Blaney paMle schools, aanontteed that Miss Bernice Branham had Indorsed been selected a* that school’s Good Cltiienship Pilgrim and Sherrill C. Hiott of Bethnne reported that first ^place went to Miss yirlan McLaughlin and second place to Miss WUlene Price. Arthur Stokes, supt of Kershaw county schools, was most Interested and helpful in promoting the Good Citizenship Pilgrimage. At the recent drawing Mlsa Davis Miles of the J. C. Synod high school Iras the winner. • ••••• BIRTH ANNOUNCEMINT Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevenaon^ of Plandore, L. I., New York, iui- nounce the birth of a son, Robert Blakeney Stevenson. Mrs. Stersn- son Is the former Louise Blakeney daughter of Mrs. A. K. Blakeney and the late Mr. Blakeney. • s • • • • birth announcement Major and Mrs. J. M. Chapbt, of Langley Field, Va., have named their son, bom Feb. 81. John Mc Donald Chapin. Mrs. Chapin (Mary Zemp) is the daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. B. C. Zemp. gave a most interesting and In structive talk on Legion legisla tion. a subject we were glad to have brought before us. Mrs. Leon - Schlosburg, chairman on “Americanism”* explained a project underway, of a five day training course In “Self Govern ment” for girls, which the Legion and went on record to sponsor the outstanding 'high school students. If the project ma terialises, for this summer. . Mrs. W. T. Miller gave an ex cellent talk on her “Child Welfare" work, and hopes to be able to carry through some excellent Ideas. In helping particularly the seniors get In line for something specific regardlu their future work, In stead of Just drifting on without an aim or purpose In life. Six new members were Installed and more are welcome in the anxiltory. Mrs. Grainger Koraegay has the information regarding same. 'So please contact her or another member If interested. The meeting was turned over to the six fotlowlng hosteesea, Mr*. Sam Karesh. Mr*. Jams# Gandy, Mr*. Lson Schlosburg. Mrs. Marlon Williams. Mrs. Hubert Wllaon, Mrs f. D. Ooodalsu Beautiful and de- ll^tful refeahment* were served, winding up a very enjoyable after noon. • • • FUttery la toft soap, and aoap 1* 90 per cent lya. si* 'V or* soH* Ofly 'cut eauti/^luedloui^ c::r^Hiweud Miss Madalyn Wi \ Baouty Consultant Iram riKl ^COJMITJCd ...IR BUT coiiBBlkt dBpartm«it 10 Hilp YOU wllh yow IhbliBouly eomoHoirf ® P*®**"*^ not iurt 10 trfi ccMBMto A*k htr to propor. for yo^^ ibc^cKkvHngielBnHBcbBaoiy cqrofoyoiMi^ MoobnoaHoo. Here On % fehntary ZS^Mnreh Ist a week at Court Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Moultrie Bums en tertained at a dinner party Friday night at Court Inn. Mr. and Mrs. David Dallas O’Dell of Malvern, Pa., who are spending a week at Court Inn, entertained at dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waller and their house guests and Sidney Wat ters. Miss M. Tamer and Mrs. P. H. Barbour from Harwlnton, Conn., speut Tnesday ak-Court Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chase and Capt and Mrs. Dwight Partridge were dinner guests of William Nia- het Mrs. Herman Slefke has return ed to Conrt Inn to Jolri her father. Col. Alexander Piper. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Schiller entertained friends at a cocktail party in the drawing room at Court Inn Monday afternoon They have returned to Sewlckley after two weeks spent in Camden quail shodt* Ing. Judge Louis Hall and Roy Blair have returned north after a week’s vacation at Court Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Dominick of Mlllbrook, N. Y., are spending several weeks at Court Inn. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Pool of Wal^ renton, Va., spent a night at Court Inn . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Melga have returned to their home lu Rad nor, Pa., after three weeks at Court Inn. Vice Admiral and Mrs. Wilson Brown of Waterford, Conn., motors ed from Yeaman’s Hall for a ni^t at Conrt Inn. Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Ferguson of (Thardon, Ohio, were overnight guests at (Tonrt Inn. Miss Ethel Yates entertained at dinner an<!^ cocktails Monday night for CoL and Mra. Sninnev Waite. Mr. and Mrs. WlUUm Goodale were dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. R. C. a HarUey. Friends In Camden are antidrat* Ing the visit of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Percival who are retnming to Conrt Inn for a month’s visit from B')e- ton. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Engs, who are well known In Camden, sill ; arrive at Conrt Inn March 1, ac companied by their daughter, Mrs. I Samuel Engs. A oonrse luncheon was given at ' Conrt Inn on Friday by Mrs. lames L. Guy, honoring her niece, Mias Mary Emma Powe of Cberaw, whose marriage was celebrated I Fehmary 21 The Uble was at- t ^actively decorated in pink flow- era, the bride^leetfs diosen color. I Her place at ths Uble wu mark-1 I ed by a coraags of rooehnds. At-' tending the luncheon were: Mies Powe’s twin slstera, who were to be matde of honor, Mleeee Snele and Charlotu Powe; and her brldee- uaSde, Mleeee Oery Mvane Powe, Mary Elisabeth Powe, Oladye Wel- laoe. Beetle WaddlU, Betty Mc- Cof^ Louise Etipe of KlngstroA Vlrglate Page. NeUa Coward. Mra. Scott Roblnett of OolnmhU. Mre. WnUam Wallaoe and Mra. Vernon Parham of Bennettsvina. Besld( the wedding party other gmeets were: Mra. Jamee M Powe. Mre. Pan! A. Wdllaee. Mrs. A. M. Kit truU of Tryon gnd Mr*. Bdwli Ouy. The adoption by the rallroede of a travel-oncredlt pin reasovea the lost TfMge of pny40fo«-BO tn this Thursday Bridge Club Is Entertained Mrs. Ralph Stevenson was hos tess to members of her Thursday bridge club at the Stevenson home on Fair street. Substituting for ab sent members were Mrs. R. E Stevenson, Sr., and Mrs. David Harter. High score prise was won by Mrs. Harter. A sweet course was served be fore the card game. Members of the club are: Mrs. Julian Sanders. Jr., of Hagood, Mrs. Jim Darby, Mra. Lane Wood cock, Mrs. A. H. Clarke, Mrs. M. E. Moody, Mrs. Wm. D. Nettles, Mrs. Ralph Stevenson and Miss Nancy Watts. Total catch of fish off the shores of Erie in the first eight months of 1946 was valued at over 91,900,- 000. 0 •••••• BO $#• wliot f#nfi4y*f sMsn Hr Nationai Saw and Savi Week Lovely Sprioq RAYONS „ . -1J9 Wide choke of plains and prints for yon! SuKirf Now COTTONS yA 59c - S9c Waah'fast sport and dress types! Unotual buys! \ NOTIONS Pina 4c-Sc Safely pins. ...It foT tc Soap iMianiss .......4c Hooks md Wyot......4c Elasli«,...yd. 4c t 10c Nevohy ballons, .card tc RdfAiags. orgaady, yd. 10c Tbsoad, wbko or blatk, 4C&IC SUda faslaaars. .2Sc*89B ♦ .4. J M At Last, .They’re Here AGAIN! Lovely, Cotton Print •» “Happy Home House Dresses ' A ProiUict ol • **lUlianoo** For the first time in Six Years we can. now offer a plentiful supply of these outstanding values in beautifully designed, attractively trimmed, long wearing cotton prints— MOST STYLES . ONLY « SOBM CHAMBRAYS nmd Nmitj WEAVES nk $3JSS we also feature ‘^y Whitney” Dresses oboIImf BoHaiiro Pradfoct America’s Greatest Value in Outstanding Street and Party Dresaea ■ .=/ attend boaidl V” ■■ ' ' V‘ ' '*w