THl CAMDKtl CHWOllWtt, eAMDlW, tOUTH CAWOttHA, PWIPAY, mKUARY M, tM7 MM i-- S 0 e I (, 1 V J Ur« C P. Vincent nre Lowndes of Wilraington. DeL, and' *twh weeks in Flprtda. Charlotte, N. C., were gnests of jpendln* two „„*-rtalned at **>*• “d Mrs. Arden Lowndes over the o“ Snnday. Washington birthday weekend. cockuUs Hartford Mrs. Dan McCaakUl (Beth WIl- ***■* u Visiting Mr. and •o“) left last Friday to join her county, Md, Is vis tmg husband In (Quebec. Canada. Mr. ^bTum^ot Washlngton^^epent Ji^eek^nd at Mulberry tlon. , nnvkin. of Phila* turned work at Laval university, there. Jane Fowler Bassett has Camden society is agog with an* ticipation over the promised en- tertalnment menu that is to fMture iv Irvine M. Boykin, of Phila- turned to her home in Monkton. Shamrock ball, to be given at ^ U;,. arrived on Thursday for a Man^l^d, after a two weeks visit! the Sarsfleld club on the evening ^tait with relatives. He is at “Car- wlA Mr^a^^ Mrs. Dion Kerr, and of Wednesday, March 12. hours be- HUl" Shamrock Ball To Climax All Camden Social Activities Committees Working Hard To Make This the Biggest Dance Attraction Of Season Woman’s Auxiliary Of Grace Church To Meet Tuesday The fegnlar monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of Grace church will be held at the home of Mrs. John deLoach on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Mrs. A. K. Blakeney. Ck>lonel Ansel Bateman, of San ilr and Mrs. Burwell Capeh^ , ^ Mary,i>f GfloraetOW^^AntonlOr-TMas. -left 4»y -plaae-tnr'-®^-^ Woman's-Auxthary of thsr:®*-^ meeting te order week end with Mr. and . Thursday after a visit —**•- •-*- • j.j ..i tk* Ing announced as from 9 until 1. The Shamrock ball is sponsored Midway Group Hblds Gathering The Midway Home Demonstra* tion club met Friday afternoon, February 21, at Midway school. During the absence of the presi dent and vice president. Miss Pew- ell, home 'demonstration agent, call- D.A.R. Meeting Held At The Home Of Mrs. Marvin W B Capehart, Boykin. j mother, Mrs. Janie N. urs H. B. Holley, of'Atlan^ta, who is a patient at the Camden the week-end guest of her hospital, muhter, Mrs. Max Wagoner aiMj m,. lo,^ Watkins of „ Vl'agoner. ^^y^leton street J ^ ^ Hr. and Mrs. Warren Smith camden for the rest of the sea- turned from two weeks returned from . Fla. Mr. Smith la now , Ireland where they spent five weeks with his Bateman, Camden hospital and is regarded as j devotional was conducted by being the finest and most suceeaa- l ♦B** Fewell and the Lord's Prayer ful of the social events of the sea son here. Mrs. Robert Taller is the gen- iBesch Heath went to 8L ^ew York. Mrs B. IV. Petersburg. Fla., by plane Monday »nd Is spending the week with her husband there - "rs. _ j