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Tfeunulay. September 22, I960 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE 0 000+mm *++*++++++++++++++>+++***+++++++++++■+<++++>+++*+++++*+++++++++++ Personal and Social .News of Joanna MRS. HOMER JACKS, Correspondent and Representative TrleptMse 4M1 Jmbu Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gunter spent several days recently with the for mer's mother. Mrs J. S. Todd, in Winter Haven, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. L R Thompson and Randy attended the Thompson fam ily reunion on Sunday at Rainbow Lake in Spartanburg Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper and Mrs. J. S. Sprouse of Wane Shoals, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith. SA Wayne Couch of Norfolk. Va., * spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Crouch. Mr and Mrs. Homer Jacks were Saturday visitors of the latter’s brother, Burlan W. Matthews, at the Veteran’s hospital in Columbia, where he is a surgical patient Mrs. Ollie Abrams was a Tues day visitor in Greenville Mr and Mrs. Algie Abrams and children. Martha Ellen and Algie, were Sunday visitors in Walhalla with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Graham, where they at tended the birthday dinner given for her mother. Mr. and Mrs H M Elliott were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cheek in Royston, Ga En- route home they visited Mr and Mrs. Clarence Elliott in Anderson. Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Waits and daughter, Linda, of Belton, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W K. Waits Mrs. Guy Prater and daughter, Cindy, Mrs. Carson Nabors and dau ghter. Dale, were Sunday visitors of their brother and sister-m-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willingham in Rock Hill. Mr. and Mrs George Melts and family were Saturday visitors in Chapin with Mr and Mrs Charles Metis. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Willingham ! were Friday visitors of their son ! and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willingham, in Rock Hill * Mr and Mrs. L. E. Prater,* Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Prater and Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roebuck and family. Mr. and Mrs Ellison Prater and family, Snow Prater and Mrs Caicte Brown attended the birthday dinner of Mrs. Esther Prater in Bateeburg Sunday. Mrs. Prater was 96 years old September 18 She is the mother of L. E. Prater Mr. and Mrs. Gene Craven were Saturday visitors in Greenville and Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Corley cele brated their wedding anniversary on September 21. Members of the Joanna Teen-Age Club attended the Abbeville-Clinton football game in Abbeville Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willingham and family of Travelers Rest, spent the weekend with the former’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willing ham. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Tinsley of New berry, spent' Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. C. D. Bowers, and Mr. Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crolley and Mrs Sallie Bridges attended the birthday dinner of E K. Rucker on Sunday of last week in Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bedenbaugh and family were Sunday visitors in one hundred members of the family attended A bountiful picnic dinner was served. Mrs. Brown was presented many nice gifts ATTEND MEETING Mr. and Mrs.-W. K. Waits attend ed a meteing of the tuberculosis as sociation in Charleston several days last week. PTA MEETING The first PTA meeting of the Jo anna Elementary School for the! 1960-6 session will be held on Mon day, Sept 26, at 7:00 p m in the lunch room at the school The presi dent, Cecil Bishop, invites all par ents to attend. Dues are fifty cents per person for the yar BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN One of the loveliest parties given recently for the small fry was held at the home of Mrs. Bobie Bridges honoring her little daughter. Jan, on her fourth birthday, Seut 8. with 72 of her friends attending. Mrs. Bridges entertained t h e youngsters on the lawn with out door game sand contests Party favors were miniature mats The birthday cake with attractive red and white decorations formed Batesburg with Mr and Mrs John th « center piece for the table with Bedenbaugh red and wh,te tab,e cover Miss Sandra Salters has returned . Tbe bostess served the group re- to Columbia from a ten days visit ,res hments of ice crea, cake and soft drinks. Copeland-Davidson Post No. 56 American Legion ELVIN HOLTZCLAW Commander THURSTON GILES TED PREVATTE Finance Officer Adjutant Sick Room Equipment Campaign The Post has for loan to residents of Laurens, Lower Abbeville and Newberry Counties WHEEL CHAIRS. INVALID WALKERS] CRUTCHES and other necessary equipment. This money is Iteing raised by selling Farm & Ram h (new or renewal) and other publications. Even- resident is urged to cooperate. Delivery guar anteed. . t The Workers Are: Ralph Foster, manager: Mrs. Ralph Foster, Okey Adkins. Guy Pearman. Mrs. Guv Pearman, Charles Nash. Residents, when called on, should request to >ee In troductory Letters, signed by Commander El via Hn| tr i-law. No donatioitM are solicited or accepted. FOR USE OF ANY OF THIS EQUIPMENT. CON TACT COPELAND-DAVIDSON POST NO. 56. AMER ICAN LEGION. OK ANY OF THK ABOVR Offl- CERS. LAURENS DRIVE IN THEATRE LAURENS. S. C. PHONE 2-.T50I Nothing Is An> Finer In The State of Carolina Than Going To The l^iurens Drive In Theatre — Wed.-Thurs. Sept. 21-22 2 FIRST RUN PICTURES t “UTTLEST HOBO” and — u i SNOWFIRE” CARTOONS CARTOONS Friday Sept. 23 ‘TOY TIGER — Jeff Chandler — ALSO CASH NIGHT and CARTOONS 4 Days - Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Sept 24- 25 - 26-27 SCORCHING AS AN ASSAULT LANDING! TO Jgzmwirv Starring JEFFREY HUNTER DAVID JANSSEN vm DAMONE PATRICIA OWENS FREE — FREE — FREE — This C oupon Will Admit * 1 Person Free Per Car — (Jood Only Wednesday. Thursdai and Friday. September 21. 22 and 23. with her parents. Mr and Mrs Cur tis Sahers. Mr. and Mrs Cecil O’Dell, Sue and Jeff, visited Mr. and Mrs J. H. Craft in Silverstreet Sudday Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lowman. Sr., Mr and Mrs. Dannie Bouslay spent ! the week-end in Columbia and , White Rock with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Low man and Mrs. J J. Lowman Mr and Mrs. Cecil Fanner visit ed Jimmie Farmer at Enkine Col lege in Due West Sunday. ■ROB PH UWI THI . UFfTA-a « e. •«.- to AllUlIIC rviom MtOD-.. I o* to AUICB aailSIS WUASt FIRST AREA SHOWING ADMISSION — Adults 50c — Children Under 12 Free SAM SAYS... YOU CAN GET $106 is CASH AND PAY ONLY $13 MONTHLY ... OR In mo payments $16 $21 j $2* Jan was the recipient of many attractive gifts that were opened FOOTBALL SUPPER On Saturday evening at 5 o’clock, the last years midget football team enjoyed a delayed, earned supper. The barbeque chicken plate was served at the picnic shelter Julian ilunnicutt and Alvin Marshall as- >isted by a group of Boy Scouts pre pared the food. John I. Moore, recreation director of the Joanna Mr and Mrs. Charlie Nabors. Jr, Foundation is in charge of the foot and son. ’•Chucky." of Clinton, were hall activities week-end guests of Mrs J. D. WITH THE SICK 0 Dell Friends will be glad to know Mr and Mrs S L Hair of Co- Mrs W L Ni* has returned home lumbia, were Sunday visitors of John Ross and Mrs W W. Hair Attending the fall seminar of the Woman s Society of Chnatian Ser vice at O'Neal Street Methodist Church in Newberry Saturday ware Mrs J D O Dell. Mrs Pearl Wil hams. Mrs James Simpson and Mrs Lavima Cooley SURPRISE P%RTY GIVEN On Wedm-ada) of la»t week Mr> Swanme Wicker was pleasantly sur prised when a group of fnends gath ered at her home to help celebrate her birthday As the rvciug pfngre«.ed party games contests and refreshments j were enjoyed Mrs Wicker was pre sented many nice and useful gifts that were opened and passed HOMECOMING PLANNED FOR I PVtOK Til CHURCH Plans are being made for home coming at Kpworth Methodist Church on October 9 All former pastors thru families and members 4 the church are invited to attend The guest speaker for the raor rung worship service will be the Rev Perry W Turner of Anderson EVER READY CLASS HAS MEETING The Ladies' Ever Ready Sunday school class of Epworth Methodist Church met on Tuesday evening at i the home of Mn James Simpson Mrs H G Murrah Jr., gave the devotional for the evening During the business session it was discussed and voted to hold the class meeting once each quarter and to continu to hold them in the | homes of members It was also discuaeed as to what reject the lathes c "Id use to raise .onds for class expenses The laiii s of t .c da > were asked t > help wi i the w vmg of dinner for tv > cccTtirvg. also to see that the eider people have seat, at the table At the dose of the meeting the hostss invited the ladies into the dining room and served a light supper GILLARD PEON1E REUNION AT PICNIC SHELTER On Sunday. Sept. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Caldwell wer hosts to the Gil- lard-Peonie family reunion at the picnic shelter. Those from out of ; town attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. P.. Pyler of Florence; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gillard and family. Mr. and Mrs Carl Compton, M.r and Mrs. Joe Farrell, Mr and Mrs. Bob Gillard, Mrs. O. H. Blackwell. 1 Mrs. Jessie Compton and Mrs. Louise Roach of Greenville; Mrs. Margaret Bright and daughter, Sheryl, and Ronnie Clark of Lau rens from General Hospital in Green ville, following two weeks treat ment. • Little Wayne Jacks is confined to his home due to injuries received I while playinf John Burnett Sr. continues ill at his home on Pickens Street Mrs Stella Bishop has been dis charged from Joanna Hospital, fol lowing surgery. Mrs. Olene Murphy is recuperat ing at home following treatment at the local hospital. Mrs. Mary Leaman is a surgical patient at Joanna Hospital, Mrs. Gwinn Clark has been dis missed from the local hospital, following surgery. Mrs Helen Rowe has been dis charged from Joanna Hospital where she received treatment. Tommy Willingham continues ill at Joanna Hospital, where he is! undergoing treatment Friends of Mrs. Evie Tinsley will be interested to know she is a 1 punnet at Columbia Hospital for surgery. Jack Holsonback is a patient at Joanna Hospital, undergoing treat ment. Mrs. Bertha btrowd continues ill and has been moved from Self Memorial Hospital, Greenwood to the Baptist Hospital in Columbia BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr and Mrs. Robert Taylor an nounce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Dianne on September 19 Mrs. Taylor is the former Mix Barbara Medlock TUESDAY Milk peanut buttter and raisin sandwiches, sliced tomatoes, car rot -kicks, cak with chocolate ic ing. butter, applesauce. WEDNESDAY Milk, meat loaf, steamed cab bage. whipped potatoes, com bread or biscuit, butter, fruit jello THURSDAY Milk, navy WKfflV'>«ao<i beef cas serole. summer daw, turnig greens, com bread, butter, applesauce FRIDAY Milk, fried fish fillet, grated cab- bage and carrot slaiw w ; th dressing green beans, corn bread, butter, diced peaches. Mrs. Rhodes Gray Court—Mrs Mary Stroude Rhodes, 72. of Rt 2, Gray Court, died at a l^aurens hospital at 10 30 p m Tuesday after an illness of nine weeks and several months of declining health She was the widow of the late Arthur Rhodes and a daughter of the late Benjamin and Sabra Whit mire Stroude She was a member of Cedar Shoals Baptist Church Surviving are two daughters. Mrs Cennie Malone of Rt 1. Fountain Inn ;and Mrs Gertrude Beck of Rt 2, Gray Court, two sons, M Sgt Miles Rhodes of Fort Jackson, Co lumbia; and Queenie Rhodes of Joanna: three sisters, Mrs Electa children Waddell of Croas Anchor: Mrs Etta Funeral services were "inducted Simmon^ and Mrs Cora McDaniel, Thursday <*r 3 00 p m at Antioch both of Spartanburg, two brothers. Uapt.4 Church by tfw- Rev Tom Lee Stroude of Enoree, and Berkie White Burial va* in the church Stroude of Clinton; and 16 grand cemetery IF YOU DON’T READ THE CHRONICLE YOU DON’T GET THE NEWS PHONE 74 School Lunch Menu Week of Sept 26-M MONDAY Malk. sliced cheese, tiled lunch eon meat, baki-d mashed tweet potatoes with marsh mallows, green peas, plain muffin*, butter fresh grapes J. R. Crawford SURVEYING CLINTON, ft. C Phone 349S Joanna NOTICE CHANGE OF STORE HOURS The following i> eur present opening md chewing -i ><*hediile: ' ( r Monday 7:45 Tuesday 7:45 Wednesday 7:45 Thursday 7:45 Friday Saturday 7:45 We are opening earlier to ^erve school children and other customer* before thev go to work. We are closing earlier fir«»! four dav- of the week in order not to lengthen our emplovee-* work week. Lydia Mills Store (>pen ( l« »e 7:45 1 5:45 7:45 5:45 7:45 12:30 7:45 5:45 7:45 6:00 7:45 6:00 4 \SH TO YOI $191.15 • M $35 VI* See the Patented SIEGLER now at H. D. Payne & Co, rhnne 5Tb DKAI.FR ( I INTON, S Let us show you how you can Subject Oulv To Our Uoual liberal Credit l*olic» !!• W PHI* ftt. s c. SAM ft RAW RIGHT. Mgr Telephone Talk r T. M. YOUNGBLOOD Y’our Telephone Manager MANY OF YOU probably remember watching some of the Bell Telephone Hour shows on TV' last fall and spring So, I thought you’d like to know thrt^sefw»of musicals was recently given the George Foster Peabody Award for the best “Television Musical Entertainment” in 1959 The Peabody Awards are given annually to recognize distin guished community service in television and radio by the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism of the University of Georgia and a national Advisory Board headed by Bennett Cerf. You'll be interested to know. too. that the Bell Telephone Hour will be back on the air the latter part of this month with a wonderful new fall series. So watch vour newspaper for program information. MISS O’DELL HONORED Complimenting Mis Brenda Jane O'Dell, young bride-elect, Mesdames Hade Prater and James Simpson entertained on Friday evening at the I home of the former on Sims street. The delightful occasion was a lin gerie shower . Mrs Simpson directed the guests in several games of the bridal jjiotif. I The honoree wore a polished toast flowered cotton dress with brown and white accessories Her corsage. 1 a gift from the hostess, was a night cap of net and lilies of the valley, j Little Julie Prater, dressed as a miniature bride with train and veil caught to a headdress of white flow ers. presented Mis O'Dell wjth many lovely items for her touseau A salad plate with party dainties, petit four sand tea was served. Mrs Claire Daniel Jitts of Clin ton. was an out of town guest for the party. BIRTHDAY DINNER AT PICNIC SHELTER Mr and Mrs W. C. Brown. Mr. and Mrs Leroy Brown were hosts o tvSundav. September 18, at the picnic shelter at a birthday dinner for the former • mother. Mrs Alice Brown of Greenwood, who was ode brat mg her 74th birthday. Around FALL SOUNDS at your house ’ More footsteps, more chatter, more coming and going? 1 guess fall brings a new spurt of energy in every body’s family. With all this increased activity »at home, plus meetings of all sorts, pity poor Mom! Now wouldn't an extension phone be a whale of a help at thi* point? One in the kitchen right where Mom works, or one in the bedroom so she can prop her feet up (once in a while) and relax while chatting. Extension phones aren't expen sive, and they come in such lovely colors, too Why not call our business office for more information about ex tensions in your home. SECURITY AND SAFETY. 1 heard recently about a telephone operator who received a signal on her board at 2.30 a.m. Answering, she heard crying and groans. Quickly, she found out whose line it was, called the police who went the,home and found a lady who had become ill and fallen to the floor. She had knocked over a small table and her telephone was found lying nearby. Prompt action on the operator’s part quickly sent an ambulance to rush the lady to a hospital for treatment. Around the clock, your telephone serves you and your family—with peace of mind and often in expected emergencies. Afe#/ SYNCHRONIZED AIR-OIL CONTROL GIVES at the turn of a dial! Imagine! Turn just one dial to the hent you want and your new Siegler delivers it automatically. Turning the dial feeds the exact amen nt of oil into the burner, feeds the flame the exact amount of air then regulates the blower sp»><l to give you perfect SUPER Floor Heat! And the exclusive Heat-Line control is right up front for real convenience. The new synchronized Sieglermatic control sys tem means even greater fuel savings by assuring the most economical tire pos sible on all settings. Don't go through another Winter with ' cold floors and high fuel bills. Buy a beautiful New Siegler that gives you g amazing SUPER Floor Heat as it pays w for itself with the fuel it saves! MONEY BACK' GUARANTEE * V-*-, fiieqietim. home heaters *PATSNUD • AUTOMATIC • FORCCD-AIR THERE’S A MODEL FOR ANY SIZE HOME