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r / Thursday, September 22, I960 JT' \ / / % 4 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE 11 LYDIA MILLS sfRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL, Correspondent, Representative TELEPHONE 1«M Misses Betty and Shirtey Ott and Miss Era Hames were Monday visi tors of Mrs. Georgia Gallman. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glenn and Ueidre of Greenville, visited Mrs. J. H. Seay, Mr .and Mrs. Clyde Trammell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Smith of near Laurens, were also (guests of Mrs. Seay. Mrs Jessie Hairston and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barnes and Jimmy spent Sunday with their daughter- and sister, Mrs. D. E. Lawton, and Mr Lawton in Orangeburg. "Rock’' Bailey, freshman at Clem- son College, spent (he weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, Miss Frances Allen, Glenn and Billy Al len of Pelzer, and Mrs. Hazel San ders of Greenville, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Verner Dees and Mjr. and Mrs. Billy Willard Mr and Mrs. Clyde Trammell, Mrs. J. H. Seay and Miss Feroline Seay were in Greenville Friday eve ning for the wedding* of Miss Caro lyn Bowen to Joel Southerlin at the San Souci Baptist Church. Mr. Southerlin is the grandson of Mrs. Seay and nephew of Mrs Trammell and Miss Seay. Mr and Mrs. Andy Hames and daughters, Misses Era and Gail Hames. and Mrs Florence Splawn were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Peace in Taylors. .4 Mrs Barbara Smith of Whitmire, spent Monday and Monday night uith her aunt, Mrs. Homer Fuller, Mr Fuller and her grandfather, S J Todd Mr and Mrs Lindy Bariowe and daughters, Debbie and Cindy, visit ed Mr. and Mrs Joe Lawson in Spartanburg Sunday Mr and Mrs. David Coker and Marvin visited her parents. Mr and Mrs M. L.' Smith near Greer on Sunday W L. Boozer of Greensboro, N. C.. spent a few days the past week with Mrs Boozer and children Little Bobby Fuller of Charleston, is spending a few weeks with his grantk>arents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fuller. Mr and Mrs D E Roberts and children visited his father. J. B Roberts, in Lyman, and their <*au ghter. Mrs. Fred Burnett, and Mr Burnett in Arcadia Sunday Mr* Charlie Birchmore is spend mg several days with her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Richard Miller in Batesburg. ^ Miss Toni Harvey wa sthe Friday night guest of her cousin. Miss Gail Gunter, in Newberry Miss Harvey went especially to attend a party given for Miss Gunter on Friday evening Mrs B C. Arnold is a patient m the Laurens County hospital Mr and Mrs W L Abercrombie aid Eddie were Sunday visitors of their daughter and sister. Mrs. Har old Clardy, and Mr Clardy in | Greenville Mr and Mrs Fred Bodic. Mr and Mrs Jack Pitts and Donnie, and Bfrs. Mary Patterson visited Mr. and Vfes Charles Patterson in In man Sunday, then all motored to Tryon, N. C., for a picnic dinner They were joined in Tryon by Mr. and Mrs Jimmy Berry and children of Fork Shoals, Mr. and Mrs Albert Patterson of GreenviUe. Mrs W. H. Patrick. Mr and Mrs George Patrick of Kingsport, Tcim., were week-end visitors of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Quinton Jones, and Mr. Jones. On Sunday the Patricks and Jones’ vis ited another daughter of Mrs. Pat rick, Mrs. Bill Dickson, and Mr. 0. Dickson in Greenville M!rs Watson Nash of Inman, and Mrs .Nellie Cooley of Los Angeles, Calif., have been spending a few days with their sister, Mrs. L. W. Abercrombie, and Mr. Abercrom bie. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH NEWS Revival services are in progress at the Lydia Pentecostal Holiness Crurch this week, with services each evening at 7:00 p. m. of bronze mums were used else where in the home. For her wedding the bride, the former Mrs. Kathleen Dees Vin- sign, wore a white ballerina length Guest speaker is Miss Greta Campbell of Taylors. Her co-worker is Miss Patsy Welch. "" The public is cordially invited to attend the services. Sunday is homecoming day at the Pentecostal Holiness Church, with all former members, pastors and friends invited. The speaker for the worship ser vices will be Miss Greta Campbell. An afternoon song service will be held beginning at 2:00 p m Everyone is asked to bring well! filled picnic baskets. Rev. Rosooe Bryan is pastor of the church. He extends a cordial welcome to the church services and dinner at 12:30 p. m BAILEYS GIVE BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Bailey hon ored the former’s mother, Mrs. Lena Bailey, Mrs. John Gallman. and Miss Judy Bcdenbaugh with a birthday__dinner at their borne on Sunday. Others present were Miss Faye Bailey, Melvin and Skeet Bailey and j Teresa Gallman. LYDIA BAPTLST CHURCH NEWS Sunday. Sept 25, will be promo tion day for the Lydia Baptist Church Sunday school During this week the church. Sunday school and Training Union officers and teachers have been studying the book, "Out [ reach For The Unreached,” and discussing ways for and needs to ward a better Sunday school. BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES L. W Abercrombie will observe, a birthday Sept. 26 “Happy Birthday" today to Wells Goss, Kenneth TrammeM. David Martin, Johnny Oakley and Mrs B. R. Boozer. Becky Stone w ill celebrate her birthday September 26. Mrs. Prue Waters will observe her birthday September 23. Elaine Morgan will be 5 years old September 25 j Judy Hughey will be 10 years old Sept 23. Ann Coleman will celebrate a bnthday September 25 Mrs. Mildred Snow will observe a birthday September 23 Mrs. W I. Bailey, Sr, will ob serve her birthday September 26 Miss Dianne Templeton will cele brate her birthday September 23 Mrs. Ruth Mack will observe a birthday September 26 Miss Ann Davis will be L5 years old September 23 H W Williams observed a birth day September 19. BIRTHDAY PARTY AT KINDERGARTEN Little Miss Saidra Patterson, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Patter son was honored with a party on Sept. 9 in celebration of her 5th birthday The children present gathered around the serving table and sang Happy Birthday" before Mrs Pat terson. assisted by Miss Nellie Os- 1 borne, kindergarten teacher, cut and served the lovely white and pink birth birthday cake, with ice cream. Sandra wias presented lots of gifts from her little classmates BAPTIST INTERMEDIATE DEPT. TO HAVE WEINER ROAST The intermediate deoartment of Lydia Baptist Church will have a weiner roast at Laurens Baptist Assembly grounds Saturday night. The group will assemble at the church at 7 o’clock. Everyone asked to bring buns, weiners and drinks for jelf and guests. Transporttatoin will be provided COUPLE HAVE HOME WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Willard 1 have returned from their honey moon in Gatlinburg. Tenn., and are now a: home on Pine street fol lowing their wedding on Sept. 4. The double ring cermeony was performed by the Rev. M. J. San ders. the couple’s pastor, in the liv ing room of their recently purchased home, in the presence of a number of relatives and friends White 'glads and mums decorated the living room, while arrangements ' Q % ACCURACY < IS OUR WATCH WORD Your Registered Pharmacist Fills Every Prescription With Professional Precision W’hen Your Health Is Concerned Uet What You Need Here Were At Your Service At All Times CALL YOUR NO. 1 DRUG STORE McGee's Drug Store Telephone No. 1 divss .with a lace bodice with a orchid, gathered net over taffeta skirt Her headdress was a white feather hat. She carried a white Bible, a gift of the groom, topped with a pwrpl^ bride She was dressed m a blue the home I S-Sgt L A Willard of Sumter, dress, identical to the bride’s and served as h»s brother’s best man w «r«* a corsage of pink carnations Jhe matron of honor was Mrs. | Following the ceremony a re cep James McElhannon. cousin of the lion was held in the dining area of Mrs WUiard. daughter of Mrs. Verner Dees of-Clinton and Tracy Dees. Sr , of Pmeville, N. C., la a nurse in the office of Dr James L Walker and Dr James Moedon- atd Mr WiUard. son of Mr and Mrs Claude Willard, is owner of Wil lard’s Grocery T* VE aT Bacon PINKY PIG SLICED- ^OodjTO^ Rights Reserved To Limit Quantities Palmetto Farm Ham Salad c£ 49‘ Govt. Inspected - 4 - 6 lb. Avg. - Heavy Breed Chicken Hens.. * W-D "Branded" Famous Fresh Ground Imported Hafnio - 2 lb. Sizes Canned Hams...* $<189 $*39 Superbrand Cottage Cheese W CL0VERLEAF Hams Whole or Full Half Tenderized, Smoked Serve with Pineapple Slices £3 10- 14 Lb, >> WE GIVE CREEN .STAMPS Blue Boy Chunk Style Wesson Oil Limit one of your choice with o $5 00 or more order, pleose, WESSON or ASTOR COOKING Tuna ... 3 bVi-oz Cons 46-ox • • • Con 29- • • • • . u 59< Qt. Bot. Hi-C Orange Ade Winn-Dixie !4-lb Prints Real Butter Thrifty Maid Halves or Slicec . . „ Y. C. Peaches Tender, Sweet Green Giant Peas cti9/ Thrifty Maid Limit 6 ot thu price with $6 00 or more order Evap. Milk .. 10 < No 2 Vi Com CRACKIN' GOOD VANITY FAIR WHITE SLICK DRY Saltines £ 19' Tissue - 39' Dog Food 25 L’l St WHITE ARROW or Limit one of Your Choice with o $5 00 or more order, please Detergent Large Package Heads Produce and Frozen Foods Large, Firm . Lettuce... 2 Flame Tokay Grapes... 2 Superbrand Ice Cream Morton's Apple, Peach, Cherry or Cocoanut Fruit Pies 3 ,1 coffee 25' e * • V ACUUM PACKED HALF GAL. Limit ore ct \our che ce y> ith o $5 00 or more order Coffee 22 ox. PIES $*00 MAXWELL HOUSE Aster Jewell Multi-Pak Beef, Chicken or Turkey Meat Pies Pkg. Of 4 PIES