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Thursday, JuJy 21, 1JMW) THE CLINTON CHRONICLE LYDIA MILLS 4fRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL, Correspondent, Representative TELEPHONE IMS Mr and Mrs. G. C. Parrish, Sr.^ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Parrish and Tami attended the Parrish-Montjoy re union held Sunday in the Wattsville Community Building. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dickson of Statesville, N. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Moore during the week-end. On TSttnday the two families were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young and children of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carter and all enjoyed a picnic dinner on La^ke Greenwood. ^ Mrs. Lilly Belle Miller has re turned home after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. C. R .Fulmer, and Mr Fulmer in Huntsville, Ala. Mr .and Mrs. Elbert Boswell and Dan of Shannon, Ga., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Thornburg. Misses Linda and Ann Boswell returned to their home after a visit with hteir grand home after a visit with their grand parents. 'Mrs. C. M. Broome and Miss Bet ty McDonald were called to Gaffney on Friday due to the death of the former’s brother-in-law, W. E. Broome. Rev. Wj J. Lesley, Wilford Harris and Franklin Williams were in Greenville Saturday when W. F. Williams underwent surgery at St. Francis hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Seay, Mr. i.ind Mrs. Paul Glenn, Keith and i)eidre, of Greenville,31 rs. J. H. Seay and Miss FerounX Seay of Greenville, were Sunoay gw^ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ciyjfc Trammell. Keith remained for'a week's visit with his aunt and uncle. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Lesley and daughters attended the Church of God camp meeting at Mauldin re cently. A large number of the Lydia church members and friends also attended some of the sessions. Mr and Mrs Glenn Gaskins and family vacationed at Ocean Drive recently. Mrs. Fred Bodie, Mrs. C. E. Spradley, Pat Henry and David Gaskins accompanied I. S Parker to her home in Charlotte. N. C., on Wednesday of last week. Rev and Mrs. M J. Sanders and sons are spending the week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Sanders in Palatka, Fla. N. J. ney and Mrs. Sallie Puerifoy Abney. She was a member of Lydia Mill Baptist Church, Surviving are two sons, Jesse At- taway, of Rt. 5. Saluda, and Willie Attaway of Newberry; two daugh ters, Mrs. Ralph Ballard, of Foun tain Inn, and Mrs. Motte; 10 grand children and 13 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at Lyaia Mill Baptist Church by the Rev. Milford Sanders and the Rev. J. W. Spillers. Burial was in Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery in Saluda County. Grandsons served as pellbearers. HERE FOR ATTAWAY FUNERAL Among those here for the funeral services of Mrs. Bertie (Granny At taway) were her children, Mrs. Ralph Ballard of Fountain Inn; Jes sie Attaway of Saluda; and Willie Attaway of Newberry. Other rela tives and friends were: Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ballard and family. Miss Nell Ballard, Mrs. Margie Medlin and children, all of Stanley, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robin son of Greenville; Mrs. Bertha Carver, Mrs. Peggy Rumfelt, Mrs. Marvin Davis, Mrs. Howell Gray of Fountain Inn; Mr. and Mrs. George Ferris and Mrs. Bessie Ab ney of Augtfsta, Ga.; Mrs. Katie Belle Williamson and family, Mrs Minnie Attaway and family, Mr and Mrs. Carl Attaway of GrWn- wood; Mrs. Mamie Turner of Ninety-Six; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butler. Mrs. Eva Gregory and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Evans Crumley of Saluda; Mr. and Mrs. Ezell Ab ney and daughter, Mrs. Roberta Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Grif fith, Bill Attaway, Mr. and Mrs George Attaway and daughter of Newberry; Mr. and Mrs. Maxie Reeder and sons of Greenwood. LYDIA METHODIST CHURCH NEWS Rev. Hugh J. Bickley, pastor of the Lydia Methodist Church, an nounces the Lydia and Sandy Springs Church schedule as follows: Lydia .Services— 10:00 A. M —Morning Worship 11:00 A. M.—Church School Sandy Springs services— 10:0 0A. M —Church School. 11:10 A. M —Morning Worship 7:30 P M —Sunday everting wor ship. REVIVAL BE HELD AUG. S-12 Lydia Methodist Church will be Sanders had spent two weeks here ^ {or , feUowship revival August and accompanied them to his home ^ a( ^ e#ch evening Arte Joe and Malcolm Sanders Rev Bick] ^ ^ ^ ^e.^r. are expected to return home with musK , u planned for eacb ^ their parents after visiting in Palat ka. Mr and Mrs. I. J. Fair of Green ville, were week-end guests of their son-in-iaw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Claude Gilstrap. Mrs. Fair re mained here for the week. Mr and Mrs Charles PaUerson and son of Inman, spent the week end with their parents. Mrs. Mary service. The revival is planned so that everyone in the community might attend and enjoy fellowship of worship together. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our most grateful appreciation for the many kindnesses shown us during the illnes and at the death of our mother Many thanks to Dr D. O. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. F. A Bo Rhamei Dr E N 5^,^ thei r die. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Berry nurse sand o Ur friends and neigh- and children of Fork Shoals, were j or ^ serve< j floral Sunday guests of the Bodies Mrs. Bessie Abney of Augusta, Ga , Mrs. Maxie Reeder and chil dren of Greenwood, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs Miotte Mr and Mrs. Marvin Harvey and sons recently motored to the moun tains of North Carolina and Gatlin- burg, Tfenn. Mrs. Mark Windsor has returned home after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Lindy Me Cauly and Mr. McCauley near Clin- ton. Friends are glad to know that Mrs. McCauley is improving after a recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis and t family, Mr. and Mrs Tommy Moore and family attended the Dickson re union at the home of Mrs. Davis’ and Mrs. Moore’s sister, Mrs. Paul Allen, and Mr. Allen near Ches- nee. MRS. T. A. ATTAWAY PASSES Mrs. Bertie Abney Attaway. 79, widow of Thomas A. Attaway, died Friday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Motte, 230 Oak St., Lydia Mill, after several years of declining health and two months of illness. Mrs. Attaway was a native of Sa luda County but had lived in Clinton offerings land every expression of sympathy. Everyone was so good May God bless you richly. —MR AND MRS W L MOTTE AND FAMILY. MRS RALPH BALLARD. MR AND MBS JESSIE ATTAWAY. WILLIAM ATTAWAY AND FAMILY BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES “Happy Birthday" to B. R Booz er today. Junior Thomas will observe his birthday July 26 Mrs. W. L. Motte wil lobserve her birthday July 27. Mrs. R. E. Whitmire will cele brate her birthday July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt Oakley will observe their wedding anniversary July 26. Mrs. William Stone will celebrate her birthday July 23. Mrs. T. R. Nelms and Mrs. Henry Lee will observe birthdays July 27 Coker Blackwell will celebrate his birthday July 22. Sherry McGee will have a birth day July 26. Clauije Grady will observe a birthday July 23. Mrs. D. E. Roberts and Barry for the past 30 years. She was a Wyatt have birthdays July 24 ; daughter of the late Belton K. Ab- IF YOU DON'T READ THE CHRONICLE YOU DON'T GET THE NEWS PhoM 74 Mrs. Major Crawford will cele brate a birthday July 22. Little Bob Fuller will be two years old July 23. WITH THE SICK W. F. Williams is improving at St. Francis hospital in Greenville following surgery on Saturday. Your family's future it secure when you insure in the company withthe strength of Gibraltar. $— Lawrence E. Young f* , ‘" , r , ince Broker Uft Injuranct • Sickness and Accident Protection tni PWoemAi usuiuNa cohpahy or ahoka w Friends are glad to know that Wilford Harris has returned home after several weeks treatment at Duke Hospital in Durham. N. C. Mrs Bud Fuller is hoping to re turn home this week-end from the Spartanburg General hospital where she has been a patient since Mon day of last week Mrs. Ralph Riddle is a patient at Blalock Clinic. Steve Grady is confined to his home for several days due to an eye injury received Monday after noon while playing All men of the church are urged BROTHERHOOD MEET TONIGHT > to attend the session The Brotherhood of the Lydia Bap- CHURCH OF GOD NEWS tist Church will meet Thuraday Vacation Bible School commence- (tonight) at 7:00 p. m. to go to the ment will he held Sunday morning county home for a worship service at the 11:00 a. m worship hour at 7:30 I The school is bein gheld each day this week • ~ , REVIVAL SERVICES A revival will be held at the Church of God beginning Sunday evening. July 24. and running through August 7. each evening at 7:30 11 The speaker will be Evangelist ”H.«ppy’’ Tom Brooks of Hodges Special music will begiven each evening. The public. is cordially invited to attend Rev W J Lesley is pas- to rof the host church FREEZER SPECIAL Sliced And Wrc>ped Reody For Ytxjr F'ce-'c Trimmed or V'Hc'c U. S. Choice \ WE GIVE / CrREEN I Right* RoMrvod .STAMPSj To Limit Quant itio* W-D "BRANDED it Ground Beef HAFNIA COOKED, BONELESS Canned Lay's Cloverleaf Pork SAUSAGE ~ 29' BACKS 4-49' Tasty Frying Chicken Thirfty Maid Californio TOMATOES 2 No 303 OR* Cons ZO Lykes Vienna SAUSAGE 4 ^ 69* Crackin' Good SALTINES 1-Lb 1 Qt Package I Z —- Dogs Love It • Slick DOG FOOD 6 ^ 39* Selecto Sliced Crackin' Good Canned •BOLOGNA £ 49' BISCUITS. 6-39' • a Toll -on Winter Garden Apple, Cherry, Peoch Milk Palmetto Farm (14 Lb. Prints) Margarine Limit 1 of your choico with a $5.00 or more order please. Coffee Limit 6 cans at this price mem \ WE GIVE / ■ m* j o r t e n. I ■ I ^STAMPS/ 2 1-Lb. Pkgs. 25* MAXWELL HOUSE Pies 3”- *1 oo Bakerite or Astot ASTOR 59* “ 49* Limit 1 of your choice with a $5 0€ or more order, pleose 1-Lb Bag MORTON'S MEAT 3-Lb. Can 49* SILVER DUST Detergent WHITE ARROW Large, Firm, Ripe Lettuce 2 - 29< Juicy Sunkist —