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Th«r«*iy. J«It II, 1M0 THE riJ?<TON CHRONICLE Item* of Interest From... West Clinton 4 MRS. CLIFTON HEATON, Correspondent .v. and Representative PHONE I7U pu&K M rentuQy invited by the rstxn on Lake ('.rrenwood Monday. I rated to all abut ins paatar Rev Luther L. rook July 25 at 7 10 p m RF.VIVkl. CALVARY BROTHl.nHIM»D RADIO PROGRAM There is to he a revival at the GATIN G All men and their wtves of Broth erhood and R. A. are invited to at tend a supper at Fred Tumbiin * The Elizabeth Street Church of Elizabeth Street Church of God God is broadcasting a program over starting July . 17 through the 24 WRIT’ on Sunday mornings from Rev Lanco Ard will bring the mea- S:00 to I 30 The program is dedi- i sages There will be special singing and music each evening TV pah Leopard and h» granddaughter, j lie i* medially invited Miss Emma Lee Griffith BIRTHDAY DINNER Those present were Mr and Mrs A birthday dinner was enjoyed Albert Griffith and daughter. Em Friday, July S at Green wood State ma Lee of Chappells. Airs M V* Park. Dinner was serxed picnic Butler and children, Everette. style It was held hon«>nnii George ty^re Brenda and Und.) Mr and Mrs Walter Leopard and ana. Lar ry, Mf”'and Mrs George leopard, al^of Ninety also Mr and Mrs Hubert leopard and laughters. Elizabeth and Naney. Miss Sue Mc Lendon Mr and Mrs Clifton Heat on, all of Clinton Mrs. Loretta Hanks and daugh ter, Honda, Mrs. Henry Caughman and children. Tommy and Dianne, and Mra. Robert Adams visited Mrs. Bud Carr in Aiken Saturday. They .also visited Mr. Carr at St. Joseph Hospital in Augusta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Leopard and daughters, Nancy and Elizabeth and Sue MlcLendon spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Leopard near Saluda. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tinsley and son. Richard, visited Mr. and Mrs. (%de Fortner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fortner in Greenwood Sunday. Juanita Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leopard and daughter, San dy, spent last week at Daytona Beach, Fla. Stan Foster is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bud Carr in Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Heaton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Griffith and daughter, Emma Lee, near Saluda. Mrs. C. C. Heaton spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Earnest Eskew in Greenville. Jeannette and Mary Ann Heaton *pent a few days last week at Day tona Beach, Fla. Mrs. Jeannette Starnes and chil dren spent a few days with Mr and Mrs David Coker in Greenville dur ing the pest week. They also en joyed sightseeing while there .Mrs. Jeannette Starnes and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Grover Starnes in Crons Anch or Mr and Mrs Starnes also had as guests Mias Carolyn Benjamin, of Laurens, Mr. and Mrs. Jack May apd Don Starnes, of Spartsa buff mi aw *■*»• " ■ «• Mr and Mrs Boyd Wilkes and Grrr ® rt, * r »P rn Blng a Ire and Georgia during the past week “ r ““ 1 Mias Gowaa Wilkes rsmsMiid far a' week's VMM with Mias Data Mae If*' KJ *:. T"* ‘ihuuirr a r«mtua« Ga Geneva taker a Mr and Mrs Harry Enckaea and * tW week with he* pareaT MrTad **** Mr sad Mrs OB I (Tarawa. IB Md arv Mr and Mrs L L Rw* Mr and Mn D C and Tim. «4> a the i^asssa. ti Mr and Mrs. L. C. Heaton, Bob by Jean and Freddie, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Heaton and son, Marty, visited Mrs. Elizabeth Floyd in An derson, also Mr. and Mrs. Claude Floyd in Royston, Ga., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Comer Webb and children, of Davenport, Fla., spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dessie Webb, coming specially to bring Mr. Webb’s mother, Mrs. Evelyn Webb, home. Mr. and Mrs. James McCary, of Saluda, visited Mrs. N. A. Adams on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Coley Campbell spent several days vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Coley Campbell spent Satur day at Lake Murray. Shirley Hedspath and Mike, Mrs. John Hedspath, Leon Hedspath, Mrs. Vera Foster, Gale and Toni visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Carr in Aiken Wednesday. Johnny Carr, of Aiken, returned for a few days visit with his grandmother.' Mr and Mrs. A. R. Ivester, Gale and Danny spent last week sight seeing in Chattanooga. Tenn. Mr and Mrs. A. R. Ivester, Dan ny and Gale and granddaughter. Christie Ivester. visited Mr and Mrs. Deri Watson in New Ellentoo Saturday Gale and Danny remained for a visit Fourth of July week-end visitors of Mr and Mrs Walter Adams were W G. Darby. Jr., of Greenwood Mr. and Mn. F, D. Torbert and mo. Frank, of Orlando. Fla. Mr and Mrs W. E Jones, of day* Mrs Harold ftrwd Realm I«e«Uv tpn w«fe Mr and Mr* Jok Rock Hill Mr and Mrs Marco* Barker and ton. Carol, and David Spur lock af CWteotm spent the week at Myrtle Beech Mr and Mrs Lewis Boiler and family spent a few days at Felly Beech the past week V Mr and Mrs Themm Smith and family spent Monday at Lake Greenwood State Park Mr. and Mrs Janies Craine, Billy Joe Oesweil, Blanche CreswoO. Grace Owens and Essie Simmons enjoyed shopping in Greenville last Thursday Misses Nancy and Elizabeth Leopard and Sue McLendon spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs Jim Griffith and daughter, Emma Lee, near Saluda. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tinsley and son, Richard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Manville Reed in Lyman and Cam- pobello Friday. Miss Emma Lee Griffith and Ed Clark visited Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Leopard and family Sunday. Carolyn Anderson, of Sumter, and Vickie Wooten, of Duncan, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Wooten. IF YOU DONT READ * THE CHRONICLE YOU DON’T GET THE NEWS WE PAY % msets 18,750.000.00 Nerth ( MutiM. Mrs •r an* father Mr awl Mrs MiUrr J near Big Slam Gap Ve . last TWt day and Fndey. Mrs L«*a Warren «f Satan Range La M (pending a few month* with her daughter. Mrs Ott Mrs Mary McCay ►pent last week with her ton. Mr sad Mrs Cacti ' McCoy ta Laurens ('baric* Johnson of Jacksonville. Fla . visited his mother. Mrs Mary Johnson, last week BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDLNG ANNIVERSARIES Miss Priscilla Williamson will ob serve her 14th birthday July 15 Mrs. Lillie Brazil] observes her birthday today. Those celebrating birthdays July 15 are Kay Satterfield, Charlene Evans and Jan Meadors. Roy Holtzclaw will observe his birthday July 19. Dorothy Jewel Brewington will celebr0te, her birthday July 18 Peggy Jo Hughes, Mrs. C. L. Revels, Lance Frier, Jane Rollins, Sandra Meadors and Mrs. C. W. Windsor have birthdays July 16. Ashmore Dunaway celebrated his birthday today. Gail Foster will celebrate her birthday July 18. Mrs. J. E. Braswell, Sr., observes her birthday July 17. Matthew King 'md Kathy Daven port will celebrate their birthday July 18. D. E. Roberts will observe his birthday July 17. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Butler ob served their wedding anniversary July 6. Darrell Whitsel celebrated his 8th birthday July 7. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clevis Wilkes an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mona Carol, on Friday, July 8 at Blalock Chair Mrs Wdkes is the former Miss Mary Jane McLendon. REVIVAL The Church of God of Prophecy on North Sloan Street began a re vival Monday Bight, July U at 7:J8 The Rev Perry Barrett la bringing the message* rock evening The Rights Reserved to Limit Qwpntitios Tave X?* W-D "Branded" Famous Fresh GROUND BEEF 3 M.39 .. - 39< MILD CHEESE Sliced Skinless ^odstoJ^ BoWntine Sliced BOLOGNA BEEF LIVER 43 '£• 39 Bolsntirw Skinless FRANKS.? 39‘ LEAN Spare Ribs »39^ BEST BUY OF THE WEEK! W-D BRANDED YOUNG HEN Turkeys BEST BUY OF THE WEEK! , .m.i | o* yCM* cHxe - • 15 00 gr moep ^KCttOX ^POkP Wesson Oil Quart Battle Aster Oil White Arrow Astor All Purpose Shortening Thrifty Mo»d Self Rising Flour 251.29 d <0* sod $** r L«bby s Refreshing Pmeoppte JUICE... 46-oz Con & Tasty Chum BLEACH ss-. Limit 2 Pimm 19 SALMON 25 49 APPLE SAUCE JS Can w”F CORN : 2k Can TVehy-Mod O GOLDEN CORN £ Can PORK & BEANS SSCon 4 e? 49' TIDI or WHITI ARROW 1 at your «nu<* .!» . *6 00 or —’or. o-<hr. Com Detergent Large Package DUKE'S or DIXIE DARLING Limit 1 of your ehoiee wth o $5 00 or more order pleae# Show Boot Pork & Beans 5 Mayonnaise BEST BUY OF THE WEEK! U S. No. 1 WHITE otatoes NEW DAY Drip or Regular Coffee 1-Lb Bag 39t Jewell, Beef, Chicken, or Turkey Multi Pack Pies 69; Shrimp Ahoy SHRIMP ; 2 99‘ Astor French Fried POTATOES 2 £ 49‘ Dix>e Thrifty Orange JUICE. 6 £ 99‘ Morton All Flavors Cream South Watermelons Each 49c • # «