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~r~> 7 12 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Thursday, March 10, I960 LYDIA MILLS MRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL. Correspondent. Representative TELEPHONE 1085 Mr .uui Mo-s. David K Coker and Sunda> afternoon uhen he returned Vliirvin spent a recent Sunday with to Furman University her parents, Mr. amt Mrs. M L S Sgt. Charles Harvey left Mon- Smith near C.reer day morning to go to California. Mr. and Mrs Charles Dalton and thence he will leave to go to Alaska family, ot Calhoun Falls, and Mrs. ^ <>r * wo years tour of duty with the Miary Martin and Joyce Ott. of Clin- C. S. Army. Mr.s Harvey accom- ton. were .Sunday guests of Mr. and P^ied him to Atlanta. t,a.. where Mrs H H Dalton sh e was the overnight guest of her Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kelly and ch.l-' ^ rentS ' ^ J Wilson ilrcn ami Miss Connie Burts, of . METHODIST WOMEN TO Caffney. were visitors ot Mr, and MEET MONDAY Mrs. Ike Jones on Sunday. "Di® W. S. C. S. of the Lydia Mr and Mrs Jerald Davis and, ^hodist Church wiU meet Mon- children and Ml's. MSaggie Lomi- i nack. of Camden, visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ralph Blackwell. I Mrs. Sloan Southerlin, Miss Joan j Southerlin, Mr and Mrs. G. Bowen | .ind Miss Caroline Bowen, of Green- J ville visited the former's mother, hoI " e - Mrs J H. Seayr Sunday afternoon. t harlt>s 1 oker has re J i urned M> and Mrs Gary Brissie and ,'' vork an Ration illness and daughters were Sunday supix , r recuperating for the past ten weeks. quests,of Mrs Seav : ^' s J “ hn Smi ' h ,s 1,1 w,th nu Mlrs Clayton Brown is a patient at Hays Hospital day evening at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs Mark Windsor. All ladies of the church arc urg ed to attend WITH THE SICK Roy Owens continues ill at his Mrs 1 S. Parker, of Charlotte, i N C. spent the week-end With Mr. ;.nd Mrs C. F. Spradley. Mr and Mrs. W E. Staggs, of Laurens, spent the week-end with Rhonda Phipps, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs Bud Phipps, was j admitted to Hays Hospital Monday. Little Jimmy Miller, son of Mr. im- former's daughter. Mrs Glenn ^ Mrs Izil0 MiUer has ^ G-askins and Mr. Gaskins. S. Sgt. and Mrs. Charles Harvey \ isited his sister and brother-in-law, Mir. and Mrs. J. W. Turner in Greenwood Friday C 0. Parrish and Rev M. J Candors were business visitors in ' Greenx ille Monday. Mr. and Mrs Tommy Moore vis ited with Mr and Mrs H F Tumb- lin rn I>aurcns Sunday Mliss Joyce Cook, of Newberry, spimt the week-etKl "with Miss Carol Frankhn On^unday Misses Cook n^bs Cmcle and f rankhn and Mrs W J Frank lin \ isited Mr and Mrs G C. Thompson in Anderson. Miss Tom Harvey spent the week end with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Horace Gunter in New berry Mrs J H Walleiizine. of Little Rj\er-Pommick community, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs Lillie Belle Mills. Sunday guests of Mrs Miller were Mr. and at Hays Hospital several days. Little Patsy Phipps is improving after a serious illness at Blalock Clinic. She is expected to return home this week LYDIA BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Thursday evening Uonight > the W. M S. of the Baptist Church will enjoy a covered dish supper in- the Social Hall of the church after which one ot the Home Mission pro grams, Bring Good Tidings ’niru Building.'' will b - presented by the All \\ M. S. members are urged to attend R. A.'s Tf) ATTEND R. A. CONGRESS The R A.’s will leave from the church Friday aiternoon at 5:30 p m. to go to Spartanburg where they will attend the R A. Congress' at the First Baptist Church there. “Reaching Rural Churches,” a Home Mission book, will be taught „ , ,, , by Miss Mary Johnson on Monday Mrs Jones and Mr and ^ a{ . ' m (0 the Brother . Mrs red Bragg. Sr of Joanna. ^ Qf ^ ^ j an< ^ 'T* eS ’ 0 e Plans are in progress at the Lydia Rner-Domunc Baptist Church for the Spring Re- Mr. and Mrs Luther Medlock and family, of Joanna, were Sunday vis itors of his sister. Mrs Alma Har- vey Mrs Kate Johnson, of Bradford. Pa is visitirtg her daughter. Mrs. M J Sanders and the Rev. Sanders She has been visiting relatives in Fort Woith, Texas, and came from thea-e on a jet airliner to Atlanta. C.a Saturday evening, where she was met by Rev and Mrs Sanders. vival to be held the first week of April. Dr T S Boehm, pastor of Hill Baptist Church in Augusta, Ga.. will be guest speaker. BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVER SARIES Little “Cookie" Johnson was one year old March 9. Miss Brenda Joyce Cooper cele brated her 17th birthday March 6. Susie Vanderford celebrated her Nir. a,xl Mrs .1. B Neal and Jim- bulMa) . Mmk y ... .. „ i Mr. and Mrs Adgfrf Crawford dav for^ tlie oay wi h . r - 63 ® 1 0 5 <ervec i their wedding anniversary March 6 Happy birthday to Helen Black , . , . . Flo Emery. Mrs George Howell, laomse \\Insnant. of Cross Anchor, BiUy 0akley and Mack Gaffney visited then sister Mrs. Franc** j A Black Sr observed his Mi^eks am. tamily on Sunday^ birthday M&rch 2 Mr and Mrs Bill FenneU and Rit . hard NtarUn will observe his Steve were week-end guests ot Mrs. birthday March 14 Fennell s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Orin Davis in Green- 1 my motored to Tryon, N. C., Sun for the day with Mr Neal’s sister, Mrs Clifton Holbrook and Mr Holbrook Miss Mary Sue Holmes and Mis. omse Wlusnant. of Cr visited then sister. Mrs. Frances ville Tommy Howell will have a birth day March 11. Mrs. R G. Johnson will observe Mr. and Mrs Clyde Trammell her birthday March 12 w'ere in Greenville Saturday after noon for the Fifrman spring intra squad football game Kenneth Tram- Harold Sanders will celebrate his birthday March 11 Mrs. Marvin Harvey will cele- mell accompanied them home until brate her birthday March 14 Lindy Barkiwe will observe a birthday March 15. _ Mr and* Mrs Reubin Overstreet will observe their 29th wedding an niversary March 9 Kathy Moore will be 11 years old March 17 Rossie Hanna will have a birth day March 15 " Miss Nellie Osborne and Miss Beverly Webb will celebrate birth days. March 15 Rickie Campbell will celebrate his birthday March 13. Gary’ Sprouse will observe his birthday March 13 Pepsi OfUomsUui Office Hours 9-5:30 200 South Broad St. PHONE 658 DR. FRED E. HOLCOMBE WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES FOR EXPERIENCED PLUMBING AND HEATING CALL BENJAMIN PHONE 117 or 596 Community Cash sparkling clean, pleasant to shop food stores SWIFTS PREMIUM-ReadyToEat Cooked SWIFTS PREMIUM Breakfast BACON Lb. 39c FRESH GROUND Lb 49t COMMUNITY CASH’S FRESH MAID PIMENTO CHEESE . .. 8 Oz. 33c FRUIT SALAD 12 Oz. 27c SWIFT’S PREMIUM SLICED BOILED HAM ... 6 Oz. 59c or SUNNY DAY DETERGENT Large Box Limit Choice of 1 With $5.00 or More Order WESSON L Vi Gallon Limit 1 With $5.00 or More Order MORRELL’S LUNCHEON MEAT SNACK 3 12 oz Cans $f # 00 CARROTS Bag 5 Yellow ONIONS Lb. 5 Golden Ripe BANANAS u 10 Green BEANS Lb 19 Turnip GREENS 2 ^ 29 LIBBY’S CORNED 303 CAN BEEF HASH u»c~33< JFG SUNNY DAY Limit of 1 With $5.00 or More Order VEGETOLE SHORTENING Lb. Ctn Limit 1 At This Price, Please JIM DANDY GRITS Lb. Bag SUNNY DAY OLEO FOX DELUXE FRESH FROZEN * 11 OZ. Ham & Yam Dinners FOX DELUXE FRESH FROZEN 4 Vi -OZ., PKG. Ham & Raisin Sauce 4 For DUPLEX CREAM CRACKERS 2 rn, 49, MARCAL COLORED 3 Roiis 29c WE GIVE TOP VALUE STAMPS .0 Z'