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. 1 I* ‘•v— C le JH. THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Th«ra4tjr f IHt LYDIA MILLS MRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL, Correspondent. Representative TELEPHONE IMS ILL IN HOSPITAI. Frieads will regret to Mrs. Mary (Xant Sts) Smith is very Ul la th» Andersoa Memorial Hospital. "Aant Sis." mother of Horace and James Smith of Clin ton, lived at Lydia for many years. . Mr and Mrs J. M. King and Mrs. J. T MicKibben of Lane as- Mrs Roy Snider and Donald. Miss. Nell Mills, Mr. and ^rt. Leroy Mc Crary were Sunday visieors of Mr. and Mrs Joshua Seay in Spartan burg , Mr and Mrs. David Word, Misses Sue Word and Marie Weir attended the auto show in Greenville Satur day evening Mr and Mrs. Lewis Stone and children visited Mr and Mrs. James Burkett in Woodruff recent;' ly. Mr and -Mrs. I^enry Lee and Cathy "M' Laurens, spent Sunday with Mrs J. W. Fuller Kenneth Trammell returned to Furman ^University. Greenville, Tuesday after spending several days with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Trammell Mr and Mrs. Gradj Edge and daughters. Misses Helen and Car oline Edge, were called to Green ville on Monday of last week due to the serious' illness and death of Mrs Edge's mother, Mrs: S. D. Black, in a convalescent home Fun eral services and burial were con ducted in Greer where Mrs. Black her 83rd birthday’ had resided for 35 years. . pf CHARLOTTE SUNDAY Mr and Mrs E. 0 Burdette visit-j Mr .and Mrs. J. B. Boyce ac- t d their daughter. Mrs Hilda 1 companied Mr. and Mr». Grover Campbell and family in Charlotte. Mclnvaille to Charlotte, N. C., H. C., Sunday. Sunday to visiC the latter son, CWrieo Mclnvnflle, tad Mrs. Me Nnvaille. Mr and Mrs. Frank Goss and fam ily Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hall in Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Let tie Payton of Greenwood, mother of Mrs. Inez Payton and »+++++■ Buck Payton, died Sunday in Green wood. know \- Mrs. Kite Johnson left Atlanta, Ga . by jet airline for Fort Worth, Texas, Saturday evening, following a visit of several weeks- with her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Sanders and Rev. Saiders. Rev. and Mrs. San ders and sons accompanied M!rs. Johnson to Atlanta on Saturday. other party dainties. Favors were given each <me. Jackie, was 6 years old January 23, was remembered with gifts from her little classmates. Miss Nellie Osborne, Kindergar ten teachers, assisted Mrs. Hughey. OBSERVANCE OF LORD’S SUPPER SUNDAY On Sunday evening at the 7:30 p. m. worship service the ord’s Sup per will be observed at the Lydia Baptist Church. BROTHERHOOD AND RA’s , ATTEND MEETING Frank (Joss, Claude Parrish, John Tucker and Rev. M. J. Saiders of the Lydia Baptist Church Brother- family and S.M King of Greenville. Mrs James WilUams and Mn. | were'Saturday supper guests of David WMrd were in Laurens Mon- Ks Mrs King's sister and brother-in- day afternoon for a zone meeting of in ! serve J»er birthday January 2» law. Mr and Mr*. Bd* Wilted. «■* WSCS which w« Md a. the R „„ r p,„ ’ JZL, Any woman in the community who have not been contacted to as sist in the march please contact Mrs. Ralph Riddle or Miss Nellie Osborne if you would like to help. Please have your contributions and information cards that bave< previously been distributed, ready when the mothers knock at your door. r V Following the march the mothers will return to the Community Build ing for refreshments and then go to the Presbyterian College dining liall where the money will be count ed. BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Mrs. Sherman Cooper will First Methodist Church. on Friday. . The boys enjoyed supper at Mor ter. is at the home of her daugh- Mrs. Rosa Colets ill at her home rison s ter, Mrs David H -Roberts, and MRS. SNIDER ENTERTAINS. ( VOUNG DAUGHTER HONORED Mr. Roberts to recuperate from a FOR SISTER Saturday afternoon Mis. Nellie broken hip she received in a fall, p Mrs. Callie Poole of Spartanburg, g a y e a txftthday party for her was recently given a birthday din-. daughter. Talitha, at their home ner by her sister, Mrs Roy Snider, Eleven children were present to at her home here. ( * - enjoy an afternoon of fun. Enjoying the occasion were the They were invited into the "dining Roger Patterson celebrated 16th birthday January 27. Aaron Howell will observe ob- his his birthday January M- Perry Parrish will celebrate • birthday January )0. Terry Prather will be 9 year* old January 29. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pearson will observe their wedding anniversary January M. Mrs. W. E. Ellis observed her birthday January 27. Robert Patterson has a birthday today. , Lynn McGee will be 8 years old January 31. Mrs. Joe Proffitt wiH observe her birthday January 30. Capers Gregory will celebrate his birthday January 29. Mrs. J. W. Fuller will celebrate a birthday January 81. Today is the birthday of Mias Helen Edge. Ellis Huffstetler will observe his birthday January 29. Billy Walker wfll celebrate his birthday February 1. Mrs. Ira Bailey will observe her birthday February 9. Rev. and Mrs. James cel ebrated their 9th wedding anniver sary January 25. MrsT Bryan cel ebrated her birthday Jan. M. Jane Cooper is raUhrMIng bar fh birthday today .and Cynthln Coop* will be U years old January 99. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cooper. DAN YARBOROUGH PHOTOGRAPHER Portrait — Commercial — Weddings tv ACCURACY IS OUR WATCHWORD > our registered pharmacist fliN even prescription with pro fessional precision. She returned here from the General hsopital in Greenville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brissey and daughter of \Vinsboro. were Sunday visitors of Mrs J A Seay. following relatives and friends: Mr. | room where, after singing the birth Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLendon, and Mrs. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. W. L day song to Talitha, the birthday Miss Cecilia McLendon. Mr. and Poole, Mi. and Mrs 1 . Robert Coxe cake, which was white with green Mrs B F. Hajcyey. Dianne, and and children, and Norman Costello and pink decorations, was cut and John B Bagwell attended a birth- of Spartanburg; Mrs. Junior Couch served with other party foods, day dinner-on Sunday at the Com- and children of Greenville; Everett Misses Paula and Linda Gail Shel- munity Center in Simp, onville hon- Pruitt of Union: Mr. and Mrs No- nut assisted the hostess. Many nice oring Mr. Bagwell's mother. Mrs. lan McCravy and family. Evonj gifts were presented to the young T S. Bagwell, who was celebrating Templeton, Mrs Nell Mills and lady. Donald Snider. WOMAN'S CLUB JANUARY BIRTHDAY SUPPER FOR ^ MEETING SISTER The Lydia W r oman’s Club met Rev. and Mrs. Roscoo Bryan were Thursday everting for the regular, hosts Saturday evening when they monthly session, with Mrs. Ralph entertained with a birthday supper Riddle, president, presiding, for Miss Lucy Belle Johnson of The devotional was given by Mrs. Hodges, sister of Mrs Bryan Enjoying the occasion were Mr. and Mrs R P. Johnson. Mrs. Betty Hulsey and Miss Leslie Jo Hulsey of Hodges; Mr and Mrs Pete Ed wards of Troy. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS STONE Mr. and Mrs. William Stone of YSOH • Stop in at your Mercury dealer’s and you’ll see why fast. For where else can you get so much car for so little money? For example, the Monterey 4-door costs only $36* more than top models of low-price cars. Where else can you get a car so beautifully clean and trim_and, for that matter, so superbly built 1_ with every car road-tested, not just spot checked. *M*«d on m*Mif*ctur«'s vuuttM ttUil d*kvw«d Rite* lor 19(0 Morcorir Montoroy 4-4oor Sodtn ». compafoMo roodtet of (oa-prica mim can. Ae/ uv fcjeaiMft WHEN YOi K CONCERNED . HEALTH GET WHAT YOU NEED HERE!~ At Your Serv^e At All Times! McGee's Drug Store David Word. During the business session plans were discussed for the Mother's March for the Marc hof Dimes to be held Friday night from 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. 0 Plans were also discussed for the box supper in February. The program topic was “Health,” Anderson, announce the birth of a and a film concerning tuberculosis son. Ronald Eugene, on January 18 Was shown and comments made by at. the .Anderson Memorial hospital Lt Col W. W. Barnett.-Jr., of Clin- Mrs. Stone is the former Miss tno.- Ruth Trammell, daughter of Mr. A film on polio was shown by El and Mrs Clyde Trammell of Lydia. lis Huffstetler and a talk on this Mr. Stone Is the son of Murphy was made by Vei Stone of Lydia, and Mrs. Stine of Clinton. ,’ernon Powell of • Telephone No. 1 Florida WEBB M r and Mrs Steve Webb of a anna, announce the birth of a dau ghter at the Wallace Thompson hos piatl in Union on January 23. Mrs. Webb is the former Miss Dianne ^ r ood of Union. Mr Webb’s mother, Mrs Lois Webb, resides at Lydia. BIRTHDAY PARTY AT KINDERGARTEN On Friday morning Mrs* H. N. Hughey honored her daughter, ■ Jackie, with a birthday party at thei Kindergarten The usual Kindergarten activities with extra games and songs were enjoyed by the group The lovely yellow and green birth-, day cake was cut and served with The hostesses, Mrs. Riddle; Mrs. Bill Fennell, Mrs. B. P. Lark, and Mrs R E. Whitmire, served am brosia, cake, nuts and coffee. The club welcomed five new members and several visitors. MOTHER’S MARCH FRIDAY NIGHT /- -J The bell of the First Baptist Church will ring Friday night at 7:30 to start the Mother’s March > for the March of Dimes. THE BEST $36 YOU’VE EVER SPENT. This price dilference over the low-price car buys Mercury’s more beautiful styling. It buys a quieter ride (23% more insulation , greater stability (T longer wheel base), and extra quality. See and try 24 more advantages at your Mercury dealer’s showroom. 60fMERCURY LINCOLN MERCURY DIVISION OFFICE SUPPLIES At CHRONICLE PUB. CO. Phon* 74 BALDWIN MOTOR CO. ., , North Broad St. — Clinton, S. WHY TAKE LESS? ,-V o PER ANNUM NEW ANTICIPATED RATE ON SAVINGS AND INVESTMENTS Place Your Funds With Us Now / Laurens Federal Savings AND LOAN A990CIATI0N 201 West !Vlain St. ^ Phone 25012 let’s Churth Sunday This Series Of Messages Is Published Each Week By the Following Clinton Firms In the Interest Of Increasing Church Attendance Start the NEW YEAR HAPPY with old.. Johnson Bros. Super Market South Broad St. DEES OIL CO. S. Broad St. > GASTLEY’S GIFT SHOP Columbia Hwy. GULF OIL CORP. J. Addison, Distributor COOPER MOTOR CO. E. Carolina Are. 1 NEWBERRY COUNTY BANK Joanna YARBOROUGH OIL CO. 415 W. Mai* St. D.E: TRIBBLE COMPANY 115 Gary St. . Austin-Jones Furniture Co. 105 South Broad St. IRBY’S MARKET 207 Musctotc St. JOANNA STORES JMM.S.C. WILSON'S CURB MARKET Telephone 9375 NEXT TO GODLINESS (J6 _ • \ s s mm i: H f J| v : IN i i. M . M: • - Mi ' • -V - • :• •: >Xv: :»x«v v/ • VWA • w • - f • Soap became a part of his daily life long before he understood its use. He’s still more concerned with its bubbles than its cleansing properties—but he knows soap is mighty im- „ portant. And no one ever thought of postponing his bath until he was old enough to make decisions for himself! Wise parents never postpone a child’s religious training. Long before he is able to reason, he needs the character-building and guidance of the Church. Christianity should become important to him in his daily experience before its truths can be fully grasped by his mind. We are fortunate that our churches are equipped to instill a vital Christian faith in the youngest child. Fortunate is the boy or girl whose parents begin his religious training itf their church’s Nursery or Beginners’ Department. Cafer/lffc IHt. KtUItt Ait. ttrtUr. V*. THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ' ALL FOR TH« CHURCH Tkt Chutch I* tk« cnatMt factor on tank for th* baUdln# of character and •ood citucnahlp. It La atorchouac of tpiifcual value*. Without a Krone Church, nefcher dertux racy nor chdltaa- tloo can narete*. There are four round reaaoos why every perron thou Id at tend aendcee regularly and aupporr the Church. They are: (1) For hit own aak*. 0) For hh children • take. O) Foe th* take of hi* cownanky and nation. (4) For thtaak* of the Chuichkaalf. which neada hi* aotal and ■awrial wpgort Finn W so to church ragularly and rand HiiJ* gkltw - your didic omY* Day Mark I BEACON DRIVE-IN Whitmire Hwy. McGEE’S DRUG STORE IM W. Mala St. YOUNG’S Gulf Service 212 N. Broad St. CITIZENS FED. SAV. & LOAN 220 W. Main St. - COMMUNITY CASH E. Florida St. Clinton Realty & Insurance Co. Mrs. B. Hubert Boyd, Agt. 104 W. Pitts St. C. & L CONCRETE CO. 205 W. Carolina Ave. T. E. JONES & Sons Furniture 20# W. Main 81. WILSON’S CURB MKT. Telephone 9375 ' 'LARK’S Esso Station 811 S. Broad St CHRONICLE PUB. CO. 1M Gary St US N.