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Vl THB CBRONICLB SteiTM To Be a Qeaa Newo* pop«r, Coaplete, Newey, mmA lUHmMa ^ht (EUntnn If Too Don't Read THE CBRONICLB Ton Don’t Get VOLUME xxxvin CLINTON, S. C., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1938 NUMBER 30 CIO ISSUE UP IN SENATE RACE Senator Smith Welcomes Inva sion of Oliver From Washing ton and Says Lewis Crowd Fights Him Because He Will Not Take Dictation. r Wage Fight !Bearing On 1940 On Unification Seen In Kentucky Sco^s &t^p L. B. BlackweU MADRID FORCES To Be Perfected: Dies At Laurens Laymen Gather In State Meet I Barkley Has Been Mentioned As To Form Group To Fight Union of Methodists. Presidential Candidate. Gover- Chandler Has Hopes Too. Columbia, July 24.—A South Caro-' Louisville, Ky., July 23. — Ken City Will Be Canvassed Friday To Secure Funds To Assist Boys With Program. Under the lea<iership of E. D. Craig lina division of the La3rmen’s Qrgani- tucky’s vote August 6 may have a de- enthusiastic group of citizens zation for the Preservation of the^cided influence on the 1940 presiden- j section of the county, plans Laurens, July 26. Legare B. Black j;.., t;.-: 1 V l*;-i ' I are being perfected so that every boy’^’ Well Known Newspaper Man and Native of Clinton, Passes At Home. Interment Here Yesterday. DRIVING DEEP Loyalists Make 12-Mile W'edge Into Insurgenl Line and Take 10 Villages. Planes,In Action. \yith the Spanish Govemment Army oil, 63, prohlinent Laurehs citizen,’on the Ebro River Front, July 26.- A • • raco- j ve»rs of a^e mav have the Tuestlay afternoon at his homeiThe government offensive in north- Appeanng in thisiwas formed here Sunday at a meeting Senator Alben Barkley, New DeaJl®^ ® ^ Ufter a critical illness of two weeks !eastern Snain to«lav drove a wedire of approximately 300 pe^ns who ex n^ajority leader in the senate, who'be a Boy Scout. AB m^i-:aft^a pressed opposition to unification " ~ Aiken, July 25 thickly populated region the three candidates for the office of United States senator today spoke to an au-1 the Methodist Episcopal church dience that packed the Aiken county Methodist Protestant church courthouse. They continued verbal pj. g j Summeya, of_Cameron, was I primary, has been prominently men- blasts at each other i . Senator E. D. ^mith, the first 1 ^ - n u *P^’^***^**^Les of each member of the,become manager of the I^aurens Ad-^^*^'*^ headling flight, government 'elected divi-sion preiident. B. H. Boyd, tioned as the partys standard bearei> , • i . j- , • . , u- • i . a i forces struck from thri*p sides inwnrH ♦/xt e • 1 A recently oi'ganizeii Clinton district, veitiser s c^vmposing department. sirucK irom inrte sines towara irst tO|of Clinton, 'W’as named vice-president, in the next presidential contest. * Unin u r i • u a s u- u Gandesa on a 16-itiile front n n D.i,. ^ A R committce. 1910 he formini a job printery’which! ^ « 1 b-mik Iront. speak, began his Address by reading and G. G. Pike, of Columbia, secre-' His opponent. Governor A. B « A A A RR 1 1 • .A 1 A A** X «« « « • a (Happy) Chandler, also has presiden tial hopes. Chandler’s friends say a a prepared statement, “declaring that tary-treasurer. both he and Senator James F. Byrnes Adopted for submission to “every each had an average of 75 per cent in I congregation in our state that pre-j victory over Barkley will inject him voting on administration mea8ures.'''l than to become a part of the pro- Senator Smith praised Byrnes for his stand taken against some administra tion measures. The fact that the Committee for Industrial (Organization \»'as sending a speaker (a Mr. Oliver by name) into South Carolina to try and tell the electorate to vote against him. Smith stated that he considered it an honor, because the Democrats would not t|ike dictation from a group dominated by Negroes. Referring to Governor Olin D. Johnston, Senator Smith stated “that the office of governor w’as an exalted - R. L. Plaxico, chairman of the fi-f'continucni to operate until 19251 Their advance guard tonight passed nance committee, outlintHi plans to en] I ^is interests with'that to^m, insurgent military head- roll a number of adults as sponsws iAdvertiser Printing company, j quarters ^ in the region, without at- fers to in «.id chnroh rather imo"itK-7o«front"«f ni;tion'.;rpoiit!ca! fot tho movoment. Tr^ama comp«...<i'''“[''“I’''''' A<lvrrtiaer,|tomptinrt<. .arcopy the city. The Barkley-Chandler contest tooki'^f nien will select a list of ten|Ah>'On l^ee, tnlitor. He became busi-j Insurgent forces unleashe<l a sav- posed merger church” were resolu-jon a more pronounced national inter-* and will give them an op. tions expressing “determination to re- est when Was^hington authorities or-! I^ortunity to make a financial invest main in and be a part of t)ie Metho-jdered a doubJe-barreled investigation 1 movement. Under Mr. dist Episcop^ Chuch, South” callinglinto charge.s that federal and state! dirwtions, these men will upon “all our preachers ... to join funds have been misuseii in the Ken-!h”^<^ ® meeting Friday morning at us in the maintenance” of the church; tucky campaigns. |8:30 at I). E. Tribble company's of- refusing to “assume any financial ob- The senate campaign funds com-i^*^^* They plan that from ‘‘dawn to i church, st^cretary of the I^auren.s Re mittee vote<l to delve into what is go-l^u**^*” secure a sufficient I tary club and a former city councH- ing on in the state. Previously the iof sponsors to insure the pro- man. 'In all of these relations he was ness manager, secretary and treasurer | age aerial counter attack against the of the company, continuing in this oai>acity until his death. In the chui^h and civic life of the city, he was ^n elder and clerk of the st>ssion of the First Presbyterian ligations other than for the support and continuation of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South” after the close of the church year; and refus ing to “pay any part of the $75,000 proposed to be raised by Southern government’.s gicund forces in an ef fort to block the offensive, but failed to break the movement. The campaign settled down to a conflict between government infantry and insurgent planes with government troops holding the yipper hand so far. The troops crouchtnl in trenche.s .social security board ordered a probe STraoi of Boy Scouts being carried' faithful and efficient, and withal an and umier treo.s as insurgent raiders after Senator Barkley had accused I out for the ensuing year. 'unfailing friend and uniformly cour- state social security agents of play- At the opening of school in the fall.iteou.x ing politics wth pension chocks to t'he|® survey will be con<iucte<l by R. E 'Ferguson, chairman of the organiza- .Methodism to defray the expenses of aged. office, but its occupant was not an j holding the unifying Conference.” ) There is a Republican primary thejtion committee, to ascertain what exalted officer. As to Edgar Brown,! It was also recommended “that the ^ same day but the heated campaigns j ^>oys would like to be Scouts and the senator declared that Brown was i members of each congregation where i of Barkley and Chandler for Demo- where they live. U hen this is done, trying to ride two horses at the same'the title to church proi>erty contains | cratic approval have far overshadow- Ferguson will interview various time in being a 100 per cent New[tbe usual trust clause, take steps to ed the Republicans. Although little ih j organizations in those communities Dealer and advocating his (Smith’s)! have the title transferrtd to three or heanl from the Republican camp, assist in the organization of new platform. Brown followed Smith to the stand and announced that his friends in Ai- five members of said congregation, to'servers say the race is between John'.units, be held in tr\^s,t by them for the useiP Haswell, former United States com- and benefit of the present and future,missioner here, and three other candi- ken and Barnwell counties had justiurtPiRbership.” 'dates, given him twelve bales of cotton I T. Hicks Fort, Columbus, Ga., at- ■which he said he would sell and usejtoniey, told the laymen that “the the proceeds to beat Smith in the j Southern church has stood more lit- election and that he is the “bad medi- erally to its idealisms than our friends north of the Mason and Dixon line. “All of the communism, socialism, originated north of the Mason and cine” who will send Smith and John ston back to their homes. Brown accused Smith of ducking out of the committee rooms w-hen the agricultural bill was written and aaid that be J^tnyd tha farmers when be wrote into the bill the low subsidy and loans. Brown referred only brief ly to Johnston, by calling him “Ma chine Gun Olin” and stated that if New Dormitory For Mr. Blackwell was a native of Clin ton, a son of the late J. W. and Janie ('oju-laml Blackwell. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Annie Harmoni Blackwell; thr^u* daughtei>** Mrs. came overhead and then ivsumed the push. All towns in the path of the of fensive on the west bank of the river, including Asco, Mora de Ebro and Benisanet were occujdiMl. In the triangular area covered by James Robins. Jr., Durham, N. i:.;' government lines, staff officers .said Mrs. Huln-rt T. McElveen, Florence; j 5,000 and 0,000 prisoners, all Mrs. L. (’. Padgett, Jr, (rreenpon<l,| were tak<*n. .About 2,000 (’olleton county; one son, J. W. Black-j insurgents wandered in the hills. One of the greatest need.s of the well, I<aurens; two grandchil<lren,(from the main foix’e. community is to have men traine<I for James Robins, third, and Anne Pad-' niain road west of Mora de leadership in the various phases of|jf,.tt; a brother, E. Copeland Black Scouting, scout officials state. W. R.jwell, Clinton; one sister, Mrs. Re- Andersdn, chairman of the training (h-ccu Moore, t'ramerton, N. C. committee, is making plans to have Funei-al services were held from the as many men as irossible atten<l an j r(«.sidence at 4:30 yestenlay afternoon, conducte<l by his ixastor, the Rev. E. TfSIIIIIII^ Sc1i001| adult training course at <'amp Old - -♦ ' j Indian in September.' Training cours- A WPA appropriation of $30,441'uq will also be held in the (Hinton D. Patton, the Rev. W. D. Spinx and ^J)ro, the jumping off place of the offensive, to Gandesa, the immediate objiftive, was litterinl with material left by insurgents in their flight. To<lay the government forces con tinued to move up amidst'a wreck age of broken trucks, abandoned am- Dixon line. In the South we have thel^®*- « dbnrntory purest strain of Anglo-Saxon blood. jf‘ Training school near We are pmctically 100 per cent real,^;«» ™ announced Monday^ by the He urged Methtnlists to withhold'9, fumis for the proposetl unification, j the Rev. C. T. Squires of Greenville. »«unition, discardwl clothing and per- district to which all men over 18 Burial followwl in the Pre.sbyterian' effi*cts years of age will be invited. Now that the district committee has been charteretl, it is no longer neces- I sary for boys of this district to travel The building, w'hich will be of brick! Jong distances to attend boards of re- .. .. B.^*W. Crouch, of Saluda, onecost approximately j view and courts of honor, as the new Johnston’s war recort had been as bad the xSouth Carolina leaders opposing, "Irtten, the su ms his state rewrd the country would (unification.' assorted that “we who! y<^'<erday. ()f . . « 1 an. Via.*-.. tAwInv ara rpqniv.wl that this amount $15,830 is tO be fumishcd be in a sorry mess. Brown also cnti-i®rt here to<lay are resoiMHi that this • a-. .• . • -i i r cized Smith on his vote against the church .shall not die. We believe it 1’^ mstituDon and is proyide<l for wages and hour bill. cemetery in Clinton. Active pallbearers were Charles Fleming, L. S. McMillan, James Todd, W, P. Shealey, James Davis, P'rank Caine, Cecil Roper and RolaTt Ii w'in. F’or five hours I I'Otle with the gov ernment troops acro.sH the Ebro and along the road to with in surgent aerial bombings 'and* machine gunnings making u thunderous roar. As many a.s 42 planes came over at one''time launching up to 300 boml>s Governor Johnston, w'ho was the last speaker, “declare<l that his state The honorary esctrrt consisted of: chairman of the advancement com-'u. p. Fhmiing, J. W. Dnld, .M. H.,, niirtw, is making arrangements so'nupter, M. CiK'hran, S, R. Dorroh,''” ‘’**‘* uiost of the explo- that all boys who want to advance in' b, p, S’oung, Fleming "lones, Alex | <*‘'11 harmles.sly into the .sandy j their Scouting re<iuirenients will have! Bjumley, M. L. Copeland, Dr. C, I>,|vaith. Veteran tiXH>ps described the can and will be saved We are told by s«mie if we do not' J’**".'* in a construction item cai rietl in their'«n opportunity in their own neighbor-1 Vincent Dr. J. h! Teague, C, M. | severe like the course our church is takingi building is expended h<K><l, without the necessity of going, Wolff, K. f'. Watson, 1). K. Sini|)son, of war. elsewhere. Ip, p. Bobo, Allie Lee and L. G. Roff.l ‘‘ut I saw only one man wounded Others attemling the nleeting were: Commissioner, Hugh L. EichellMTger;' ment from Waohington spoke for it- to ‘itet out.’ We will not Ret out. l’" f ' “I once «mce the i,ro- •elf in telling who was the a.lminis-i “No power on earth can force ua'J"' u f'''" ><.mm.»»ioner iiugn i,. : Crua-Jal Qaa.v:..aa tration favorite." into the unite.1 church if we do not I’"*'’”'- *■'' “,nation .lor- Camping, n. C. Ileuste*.; Health an.l DpeCial OCrVICeS He took the crclit for the removal I w'ant to go into it, and no power oni*^'""*^ eating for fioni 70 to 80 per-,,Safety, Hr. H. O. Khame, .Jr.; A. 1* of the five mUI .tate levy on prope-r-learth can force u. out of the M. K.'*'’"' »"•' archit.eture .Shepard, I. M. A.lair and C. W. An- tv. when he vetoed the bill a, p..»ed|fhunth. South, if we make up our -‘’''".fl "-w bu, d.nga ,|ereo„. ■ .... erected on the .sch(M»l s campus during | o - . - j Hunter Announces r and was 8ustaine<l by the house, mind.s to stay in it. t f - . Johnston declared that “the anti-' Leaders of the unification move-r"‘‘ lynching bill was not an administra-I ment were criticizfsl in a .Htatement tion bill, and that Smith could not presented by the recommendations truthfully say that he you'd against .committee. this bill because he was absent when I “Whether intentionally or uninten- the test vote was taken. jtionally,” the statement said, “it is a Johnston added that “xSmith was fact that little or no effort was made dead politically and did not know it” by the leaders of the unification Clinton Battery Scores Direct Hit Revival services will begin at Little River-Dominick Presbyterian church, , near heTc, on next “Sunday afternoon For Commissioner if'" i"! 'the evening and each night the fol-j .1. Hen Hunter Z the Ora.Unford|!'™'"‘' "t’ck at 8;30, and each m..rn.| section, one of the lust candiflates to <> c oc . by a lM>nib, and two others limping buck from th»* front lines. Virtually n<* casualties were eaust*«l by insur- A V • I gent infantry resistant*. Little IxlVCF i ^ offensive on the long dormant front a[)|H*ared alrea<ly to have gain ed its fir.>;t goal. Flood Crests Pass, Except In Texas Battery G, 263rd Artillery I qualify before the deadline on July‘20, j The gue.xt preacher for the week j Abating fliMnis in the east last eiore tne ueaoiirie on .JUiy aju. Move of lAaurens iLMonday) night j)ermitte<l victims to ... of Clinton, now undergoing an annual' announces his candidacy in tfnlay s • “ ; * •'' u ’' ri.tiirn th.-ir divine I-mds Imt in and that “Satchel Edgar was still sick movement to inform the membeishipi weeks’ training periral at Fort' paper for county commissioner in this'*’ seveia lesiytnant 'Up ,r i amniirinir Coloiido rivt*r over the fact that he, Johnston, re-, of the church of what wa.- involved vioultrie near Charleston, i.s making I summer’s primary. ‘ • > “'^M'agmg ( oKm ado .yn ^poved Highway Commissioner John;in the plan. P Stevens from office. an excellent record in target practice. •Many of the conference organs} On .Monday the ten-inch disappear- Visiting Group were closed to any discussion of the rifles of Battery Jasper were, he was defeated in the second race . . Rov f’ I Mntthfvk'x of menaced tfu* state capital and left bc- Mr. Hunter made the race for this V* -'latthiw.w o .N(W homeless o at W'hich timeC^'*^*^y All resi-.‘ anu luo nonu it ss. office two y<*ars ago dents of the community and other! As .New Englanders^Jug out f>oni plan esp^iaHy to articles in oPim*'*-; fir^d by the local battei7 commanded j He is a native of this county and bas j attend the anxious ^eyes sky*^ _ _ itjon to unification. .Some pastors even <'aptain Walter A. Johnson, and j had considerable experience in road I AgagM ^bc use of their churches to px Greenville, commanded by Cap-! building, he states. He has also served their own members in order that in- Clifton Singleton. Both batteries,as a sdhool trustee in his district for „ . A au r- ♦ D • I regaixling the plan of ur»i- reported to have made excellent! the past twenty-two years, and for^ Services at the First Pre-TOyterian fication might be obtained ■ i. • i a’ av a i 'au .a . --- - ■ *'vi*Liun iiiigni ut: uuittiiicu. ; showings. In Commenting on the rec- two years served without pay as ai member of the state constabulary. .Mr.! Hunter stated that by experience and : I ivcr.s, [ward, hojiing the weatherman was j wrong in bis predi<'tions that rain I may resume today. O 1 1. D 1. ' "^b‘‘ seven-day stoi ni damaged Con- lO 1 filStOF. neclicut’s rich tolxacco lands causing » 'a Ifis.s of .$1,000,(KM). Rhode Lland and Committee Named cfcuroh Su^y morning will be in "H has been the policy of the' charge of the young peoples ^"["'church leaders heretofore to take the regimental commander, said, «... ^ V, M* iL- V ot Pros j'P^n’bert into their confidence, give (;ap^in Johnson’s battery had scored .training he i.s qualifiwl for the <»fL<'e,|Aj . Sundav of the First also siifcn-d th« state being held this week at Pres-lthem information on all important airwt hit on the target a feat sel- and promises a faithful and efficient; n^i ‘ ‘ . , ’ » i * oo.» byterian college for the second time., matters touching the welfare of the . ® ^ y I, • V'• i f Presbyterian church, a 12-member those states reaching at least $1,000,- .Mrs. P. D. Snipe.s, returned hnis-'-hurch ' accomplished in finng 13,.>00^service if electe<l._ | committee was named to select an<l OtJO by estimates. yards at a tiny pyramidal target. \ ^ * « .recommend a successor to the Rev.j Still out of its banks was the nor- Laun-ns, July 21.— Ai a congrega- Massachusetts, field and factory alike, losses in each of sionary from Africa, will deliver an| “Yet w'hen it came to the most mo- «ddress at this hour. Music for the mentous question that has ever con- service will be furnished by the con front^ Southern Methodism, the'pol- ference choir. The public is invited to j j<.y one of silence and avoidance.” Watts Announces Church Group In E. I). Patton, who had resigned a.s mally peaceful Conconl river, which attend the service. a. E. R. Aycock. The committee, of which Summers] and Boyd were members, said “it is not our purpose to set up a ‘new For Game Warden Session Here pastor .‘sometime ago, effrt'tive .Sep- sent two to four feet of water cours tember 1. i 'Subsequently the committee ing through t^trt'cts of the historic or- Revolutionary town in .New Ilanip- The foimal announcement of J, D. I church’ and ’ expressed belief “that ^W. Watts for game warden appears ^^10^ alOHOSVlllC ^ ® ■widespread desire among in the candidates’ column of today’s ^ lege The annual young people’s confer-Tlt^nized by electing John Wells Todd shire and potato fields in the vicinity, ence for the Christian church in South’chairman, and Robert .M. Erwin, .sec-' The Texas flocwl dosed the high Carolina opene<l at Pres<byterian col-|retary. Monday and w'ill continue ' ' menrbers of the Methodist Episcopal paper. ^ . . _ . . i ■through ne*t Sunday. The conference News was recei^ in the city yes-j f'^^urch, South, in South Carolina and xMr. Watts, a farmer of the Trinity is headed by Rev. E. B. Quick of At- terday of the death of E. R. Aycock . other Southern states ... for the con- Ridge section, is widely known lanU, director of religious education j way from .''an .Antonio to .Austin, the icajiital, where the Cjilorado ha.l p:\ss- •t his home in Jonesville Tuesday tinuation and perpetuation of the' throughout the county. He formerly of the southeast for this denomina- nirht following a period of declining *®jd church, rather than to be merged served the county as supervisor and tion. The delegates are housed in two health Mr Aycock for a number of *" the proposed unified church.” .. {sheriff, and recently has held the po- of the dormitories and meals are be- vears was sunerintendent of the Clin- “Are the will and wishes of over sition of WPA bridge superintendent, ing served in the dining hall under ton schoofl a^ with his family is’two and a half millions of the mem- One plank of Mr, Watts’ platform, * the supervision of Mrs Henry M. pleas!mtJy remembered here by a’bers to be entirely ignored?” the com-; tie sUtes, will be the maintaining of, Young of this city. number of friends. The Aycocks leftimittee aUtement asked. «" information office on game where n aimfh ahiton 23 years ago. I “Had a fair test of their will and,the people may inform ^emselves asj BODY NEVER CLAIMED ■ —-I. I wishes in regard to unification been to game laws and other interesting, a. T. lAambert, one of two men ITbiij (obtained and a majority had indicated,^®cts about wild life. XAXy Esiuroiiineili Ithat they favored the plan of Unifi Stands At 1,376^’^"Service Enrollment of the Clinton Demo cratic club reaahed 1,376 before the books closed Tuesday aT 6 p.m.. Sec retary L. B. Dillard states. This is ^ about the same city enrollment aa two years ago at which' thne 992 votes were cast in the first prinMury. x John Spratt, Jf., it iqwodinif wedi in llo)^(traat» N. C. for anyone to oppose the merging of the three branches of Methodism, as proposed. * At Presbyterian killed in an automobile turn-over at the end of North Broad street on the ^ night lof July lOth^ was buried here on the 15th in Rosemont cemetery. No word from his relatives in Detroit,. Mich., was ever received. Sheriff C.. Thj city union service next Sunday j^* *^ted. j evening will be held at the Fiijrt SEES OVER 400,000 ON ROLLS Lane L. Bonner, of Columbia, sec-' Presb)rterian church at which time the retary of the state" Democratic execu tive committee, believes the enroll ment for the primaiy elections this pulpit will be occupied by Dr. J, C Roper, pastor of North Broad Street Methodist church. A cordial invitation year in South Carolina ■will run above is extended aU oongregatioos <U> unite 1400,000. in the aerviee. MITCHELL AT HOME George P, Mitchell, proprietor of the Clipton cafe, has returned to his home. here after an operation and stay of Oireeamc^s at a Columbia hospital. .\ i: DRIVE CAREFULLY SAVE A LIFE! 6 DEATHS from AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS in LAURENS COUNTY 1938 Let’s Strive To Make This a Safe Year On the Highways. This date last year, 2. c<i a level of 32 feet arrJ' was still rising. j $2,000,000 Damage Done San Saba, Texa.s, July 25. — The .oouthwe.>it Texas floo<i-swept area to night cleaned away debri.s and pro- 'vi(le<l for the homeless as the muddy, waters, which caused damage esti- piated at $2,000,000 and claimed two lives, raced into the Colorado river to cause apprehension at Austin, the state Capitol, and lower river reaches. I The towns of San Saba, Menard, ! Brady and Llano, s^w normally small streams return to'their banks after 'five days of widespread rampaging. I At Austin, however, the situation 'grew darker as the Colorado passed ■the 32-foot stage and threatene<l to I go on its worst rampage since the [disastrous flood of 1935, when a stage of 41.8 feet was reached. Already many small business estabu lishments and residences in a low area were flooded. 'Do San Antonio high way was closed. .18 . .