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/ ■ I THE CBRONICLB I StriTcs T» B« a CUaa Nawa* jHVcr, Cfpleta, N«w«j. •■if ^ V Winn If Toa Don’t Road THE CHR9NICLB You Dod’t Got The Nowi. L VOLUME XXXVIII CLINTON, S. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1938 NUMBER 22 COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM AT COLLEGE COMES TO CLOSE Delay Expected In Adjournment Vaughan Quits Senate Contest Members of Graduating Class Presented Diplomas Monday Morn* ing and Hear Address By Senator E. D. Smith. Baccalaureate and Y. M. C. A. S^nnons Sunday By Washington and Memphis Wage-Hours, Spending and De* Seeks Third District Congres- iiS.'’*?!” .’SENATE HEARS Ten BUlwn Total QF RELIEF USE ficiency Bill Three Big Items] Facing Congress. Washington, May 29. Ministers. Honors For the Year Awarded and Honorary De-:wiii begin next week the grees Conferred. Exercises Largely Attended. — Congress sixth month sional Post Now Held By Rep resentative Taylor. Congress To Spend Billion Dol lars More Than In Past Year. I Big Increase for Relief. ^ . . ,. . . ., , , the way of adjournment. Siity-nine Presbyterian c o 14 e gel having as your president one whose ^hey are the wage-hour, spending- seniors received their diplomas Mon-1 life and teachings and ideals he along'de.ficiencv appropriation day morning at commencement exer- the same high road. Dr. Jacobs. Ibihs. cises heJd in the college chapel. | Never before, in the history of The interesting closing program' America, has- this country been- Anderson, May 28.—Theo Vaughan, an announced candidate for the Unit- of its present session with three ma- e<l States senate, said today he would jor pieces of legislation standing in. run instead for the Thirtl district i congressional seat now held by John ijon dollars in excess of last year’s C. Taylor. ' s,um. “In a careful state-wide stiuly of| .\ppropriation Washington, May 28.—Present in dications are that appropriations at this session of congress will total more than $10,355,000—almost a bil-i Are Made That the Agency Is a Political Organi zation In Warm Debate. Sum Boosted By Senate To $850,- 000 For Year.' I The first two brought to a close the fifty-seventh anriual commencement season which began on Sunday morning -with th'e baccalaureate sermon by the Rev. Petar Marshall, pastor of New York Avenue Presbyterian church, Wash ington, D. €. quired to face a crisis in\-olving ev-'delay T®-1 the most trdubTe, promise to provide I.eadei's expect no in enactment of the latter, ery element of organized society. This though it will carry one ^the larg- Tnstitution, like every other in3titu-|^est deficiency appropriati^s in re- tion of learning, has to and should i cent years. They are not willing to meet responsibility and duty. Here,'pre<lict, however, when agreement! in the plastic time of youth, the fun-lean be reached on the others. ! The chapel, in which'the exercises were held, contained an overflow au- dience of Clinton friends, \isitors. 1 damental 'absorbed principles and are more readily readily incorpor- ated- more in-tho-habit—of thought—and—be come a part of the mental and spir itual character of those who go out ultimately to determine the destinies 6f the nation and country to which Ad ministration leaders were hope- trict have urged me ful that the week would Iming a start! ing the race for ... .. bills carrying the pending senatorial race. 1 have, 35r, already have biconu found Vbe battle lines -mther defi—l orare pending in the stMiate or house, nitely foi-med,” Vaughan said in an-^tTotal appropriations last year nouncing his withdrawal. “The war ] sj:<) 35(5 9^)0,o(RU will be fought under generals who are] Administration leaders contend the veteran oampaigners and pi-ofession-, n>cession is responsible al i>oliticians. j largely for the increase<l outlay. Re- “For some months, friomls from pi,i>]jeans say DomiKTats are trying various counties within the Thir^i dis-i^^, buy success at the polls in Novem- Washington, May 31.—With a shout jof angry determination, administra-. - I tion forces in the senate increased ' ^ funds for the national emergency coumdl -tmlay despite protests by Democratic critics that the were to consider mak- congress. Hofore nently necessary for the teachers themselves to be devote<l to, in fact to be living examples of the social, I>olitical, and spiritual principles upon which this, our country, is founded. School training in our country is Im tTu^”jbb of rewriting wage an<l, hour legislation. This will be under-J taken by a joint committee of 8ena-| tors and representatives, who will seek to comiHise ilifference.s’ in the bills iia.s,<o<l by the two houses. 1 The house will have little to do while waiting for its apprapriations committee to submit thi,* deficiency bill. Committee memln'rs pre<iicted the measure would not be ready f#r a week or so The hill is ex}H*cti*tl to ^ler. —Piv.sident parents and relatives from all sec-’ tions of the state and elsewhere to »ee the graduates receive their di-, plomas and to hear United States belong. It, therefore, is preemi Senator Ellison Durant Smith ad dress the class. The exercises on both Sunday and Monday were presided over by W. P. Jacobs, president of the college. The salutatory address was delivereil by Cliff Hill McUhhI of Ocala, Fla., sec- <levottHl to mental training provide some $.300,000,000 with which' ond honor man of the class. The vale- acquisition of knowledge. The .to pay exjienditures authorize<l by j dictory was made by Roy Hutchinson niental training is, of course, the pro- congress in previously enacted legis-l of Uwrencevillo, Ga. ! eminent object. To train the mind to Jation. I Honorary Degrees i think logically, timthfully; to study i presiilent Roosevelt will return to Honorary degrws were conferred! ''’bich, of course is a stuily of; Wa-hington the first of the W'wk af-f upon the following: j human development in the social, po- (e,- a brief vacation at his Hyde Park,' Gerrish H. Milliken, president of. economic phases of hurnan N. Y. home. Congressional leaders Deering, -Milliken company. New experience, are all very essential.!^ay be able to give him some defi- Vork, doctor of laws. , There has bt'en lately added and em-|nite information on adjournment Robert T. B. Stevens, former N’R.\ Pbasized, the stutly of health, which they take their weekly report official and a director of the New' i* essential part of modern to the White House upon his return. York Federal Reserve bank, doctor, advances made along 'pbe .senate had plann(‘<l to w’ork on of laws. 1been hardly short of, Memorial day, but it was agreed Sat- The Rev, Peter Marshall, doctor of i , miraculous, fulfilling the old to curb discussion on the spend- divinity. j Latin ada^. Mens sano incorporei bill. Beginning Tuesday, no senator will be i>ermittod to talk about the bill itself for more than thirty minutes, but each will have an a^lditional allowance of fifteen min utes on amendments, Ix'aders concitled that even with 1,- ■k'il**bate limited, the seriate might de- President Jacobs made a brief fare- .pinesa. Has it been ichieved. Does j^y some <lays a final vote on Che well talk to members of the graduat-^*^^ today w’ith our present, social, bjj] 'rhj, real obstacle to adjoum- class. Diplomas were presented wopomic and political situation prom-! p^^nt, tht'y .said, is the wage-hour committing my.self, I investigated' matetl that sentiment throughout the district. 11 newiiHl for relief am entering this campaign with the^starting July 1, but a.ssurance of strong and vigorous sup- ^nder consbleration Roosevelt originally esti- $1,0()0.()()0.0()0 would be* in the fi.scal year the senate has agency ! w'as actually a political organization. ■' Senator Wheeler, Democrat, Mon tana, told the .Sienate that the NEX’ set up by the presid,ent to coordinate work of all federal emergency agen cies ii\ the states, had participated chiefly in politics “in my state.” —Senator '(’lark. Democrat, .Mis.soui'i, port from people in all walks “I stand for ami w’ill work aims and purposes of the However, of for ife. the a $2,S1(),905,(HH) ftppiopnation heavy public purposes ol the New Deal. | measure would lieiTiiit I have never been and \vill!„ther fumls already on hand for work-relief works projwts. never InKMine anyone’s ‘yes man’ ‘ruUbt'r stamp,’ ” Vaughan said. and The st to Ik' or Plans Made For County Campaign Opvninjj: Date Set As August 15, ('iindidates’ Fees Fixed and Itinerary Arranged. Books Now Open. The Rev. Samuel E. Howie, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church, Memphis, Tenn., doctor of divinity. The Rev. Joseph H. Carter, pastor of Central Presbyterian church of Anderson, doctor of divinity. Aflar the diploBMU wace presented sanum,” “A sound mind in a sound' body." But more important by far! than the training of the mind and the teaching of the laws of health is the ultimate goal of all human endeavor —the teaching of the spiritual values.! What are we all striving for?—Hap-; Has mg in behalf of the board of trustees by the chairman, A. C. Todd, of Green wood. .\wards Are .Made Dean Marshall W. Brown made the foUtiwing awards for the year: General scholarship award, Roy F. Hutchinson, of Griffin, Ga.; orator’s prize, Milton M. Norton, of Marion; declaimer’s prize, John W. Weldon, of BishopvUle; minu«terial aa'ard to the outstanding candidate for the minis try, CTiff H. McLeod, of Ocala, Fla.; Fr^ Jay Hay Bible award, Mae Thel ma Taylor, Clinton; Chi Bela Phi ise either personal or national hap piness? Have we misse<l the real path to happiness by neglect of a pro-, found stmly of and a conviction of the real principles,—the fundamental principles u(>on which national and individual happiness may be achieved ? .legislation. The ({uestion of e.stahlish- jng varying wage scales for indus tries in the North and South ha.s proviiknl bitter controversy in the past, and the leaders conce<le<l it might prevent agreement in commit- ttH* for an indeterminate length of time. scientific award, John A. Wither spoon, otf Cross Hill; Kappa .Alpha,been of transcendent athletic trophy. Pi Kappa Phi frater- also of humanity. But From a recent article by Dr. Sayre,! which appeared in an April maga-- line, entitled, “The World Crisis and Christ," I quote the following: I “The one figure ■who stands out i through the ages as the supreme Mas ter of Life is Jesus Christ of Galilee. Other leaders there have power, loved the teachings Queens-Chicora President Quits The I.,auiens county DemiK'iatic ex«*cutive committee met Saturday in l.auren.s to set machinery in motion for the .August primary. The committee adoptiHl an itiner ary for the campaign, designating August 15th as the opening day at Center Point in the morning, and Clinton (’otton mills at nlgl^t. Entry assessments for oandblates are: House of representatives, $‘25; 1 clerk of court, $50; prObate judge,' superintendent of education, county supervisor, auditor, treasurer an<l' game warden, $40 each. Magistrate at laurens and Clinton, $25; all oth er magistrates $5. July 20th at ncMin was set as <leadline for filing phnlges. All county offices except state sen ator, sheriff and coroner are to be filled this summer. Books of enrollment are now open an<l will remain open until the fourth Saturday in July. The Iniok for Clin- jton city voters is at L. H. Dillanl’s I .store and all must appear in person to sign their names if they desire to I used in the adiiiinistriution’s lending-1 1 siicndiiig program. j Although the senate aiipropriatioii.s . coMiiiiittce adiiisi .$297,100,000 to the! I amount the house approves! for relief I and public works, the iiicreiLSinl total I is expevtesl officially (o carry the Works Progress aeliiiini.stration only through eight months «ef the next fi.scal year. Another appropriation j will have to be made early I next year. I The house has kept almost III the all of the major rt'gular appropriations this'*^"'^*’ year Indow the biulget bureau’.s evsti- mates, but the senate* has increa.sesl them frequently. One of the* iiicre'iises involves $212,- 000,000 aeleleMl to the s]M>neling-letieliiig i bill to proviele aeblitionaJ jiayments to wheat, corn anel ceitton fanners co- eiperating with the geivcriimeiit’s creip contiail preigrams. Heiuse and aenate* members of a jeiint conference committee ‘are deael- leK'kiHl at pre*seiit over the .senate’s adelitiein eif meire than $40,000,000 tei the $491,225,313 war de‘j)artiiie*rit ap- propriatieiri tiill. Meist eif the* irierease* is feir anti-aircraft anel scacoast ele- 'fense*s, but the* house me*mbe‘rH ,le*nel there* is no buelgct re<*e>mme*ii<la- jtion for the items and refuse to ap prove the*m. Final action ein the* bill awaits se*ttle*'ment e»f this contreivcrsy. vote., nity; best R. O. T. C. company com- of these have been restricted by time mander, Joel M, Hollis, of Atlanta; and place. Only Jesus Christ preibeel best junior R. O. T. C. officer, C. B.'deep enough to bring forth a brnly of Holcombe, of Charleston; three gold teachings which bears the stamp of “F" awards for meritorious service to perfection for all time Sjod for every j the college other than athletics. Cliff mce; Christ alone of all the greati H. McLeod, of Ocala, Fla., for editor- teachers actually put into His life the ehip of newspaper. The Blue Stock ing; Roy F. Hutchinson, of Griffin, Ga., for debating, and Allen Crews MeSween, of Chester, for Christian influence. I The alumni award to the outstand-! affords. jierfection which He taught. “The logic is irrefutable. If for a stable civilization humanity requires certain basic values of life in greater (TlMirlotte, N. C., .May 30.—The res ignation of Dr. William H. Frazer, president of Queen.s-Chk-ora college here since 1921, was announce<i Unlay by the boanl of trustei*«. Frazer resigru*<l because of the strain of the iluties of the exi*cutive office, and ufKin the n*quest of thel lK>anl agreed to continue until his* succe.s,Hor is chosen. He will remain as a “good will’’ roprosentative of the institution. Me-' Carson, chairman, .sai<l thej yet had no one in view to succeed Frazer. Parents’ Day At School Saturday Early Weevil Control Urged ‘*(']em.Hon, .May 29. — During we<*k many farmers should Ix'gin ear ly control of the boll weevil, 1). W. Watkins, dir(K*tor of the extension service, advised today. •Since many fai'mers plan to apply the lrl-1 mixture for weevil contixil. many size ' .Alister board as measure than our present civilization! Frazer was pre.sident of to attain them w'e must turn!^”^^*"^ Jackson, .Miss., years Cora. WELFARE DEPARTMENT TAKING APPLICATIONS ing alumnus of the year went to EXn- for knowledge and understanding to mett Blake^ assistant curator of the'some profound master of life; and. Field Museum of Natural History of measured by the force with w'hich He Cliicago. and member of six expedi-1 has gripped the souls of men, by the tions into the jungles of South power w'hich He has generated and America. T’ award was presented is today generating in human destiny, in absentia. by the sheer appeal of His matchless Senator SmitJi'B Address j teachings, Jesus Christ stands forth Senator E. D. Smith of this state,'today unique, without a peer. Turn delivered the literary address ini to Him we must if we are to save which he toW the graduates, “Let no'our civilization. changing policy of government con-j “It is not a question of theology. It fuse you, let no adroit propaganda. is not a matter of mysticism. It is of expediency lead you astray,” and not an issue circumscribed by churfch- the seniors to carry on the es or by ministers. It is not a prob-, made during principles upon which their letn for sentimentalists. It is a job the for red-blooded men, wrestling with life’s cold realities." before coming to Queens-Chi- j The ninth annual parent-s’ day at I the State Training schcKil will be hebl Saturday, June 4th. An interesting| Watkin.s .suggest<*4i that they ,pix>gram to begin at 11 a. rn., ha.s I molasses and calcium arsenate* I lM*(*n arrangeel for the occasion withi^t once. ja numlwr of the chiblren participat-j b ounty agents obs«*rve that ing in the The gates will are approui-hing the o|H*n at 9 a.m. and close at 5 ji.m., *'^'hen the* weevil can puncture with picnic lunch on the campus. As anel that numerous weevils are* in previous ye*ars, a large crowel of in some fields eif the coastal relatives anel frie*nels is exp<*cte*<l for,^'*’^* Director Watkins saiel. the get-te)gether event which always; 'affords much pleasure to the inmates! Bellhavenlof ^^e heime and their parents who are honor guests of the institution for the <lay. for four Lee Ferguson Dies In Texas Officers Named By Carriers At Laurens addeil that the agency’s only purpose was “political." Majority l.ieader Barkley, Demo crat, Kentucky, and a half dozen oth er administration men sharply denied this. By a resounding voti*, they and tjicii:. supporters awar<ied the agency $850,090, an of $<>00,000 over the sum vot(*d liy the house. Wheeler C(*ntere<i senate attention on the Iowa DenuK’iatic primary once more by charging that an NKU of ficial, 1. T. Jones, was trying “to stab Guy Gillette in the back.’’ Tin* Montanan said .Ion(*s, along with Harry Hopkins and other Wjiite House advisors, was supporting Kep- 11'senlative W'l'arin, Democrat, Iowa, primary opjionent of Senator Gillette, the Democratic incumbent. Wheeler said “a certain little was doing “the president a disservice, and the Denun’iatic jiarty a disservice’’ by trying to influence state puliLical affairs. “It ought to be stoppinl or the Demixratic jiarty is going to be <le- I feattnl,’’ the IVIontanan warned his I colleagues. He said that if “some of these pseudo politicians have their w’ay in Iowa and Gilletti* is ilefeated by W’earin “you can lM*t all the tea in China that Jowa will go Kepiriilican." President Roosevelt, at his press conferi*nee, d(*cliru*d to comment on Hopkins’ upiiarent baeking of Wearin in till* lo.wa race, saying any answ(*r woubi b(* misinterpreteil. H(* added that in the future he would refuse to answer similar (luestions either from camiidates or the press. .Senator Clark, calling attention to treliling by the senate committee of NEC fumls' provnil'll in the house, challenged any .senator to .show where Hie agency had done any actual co ordinating. The husky .Missourian charg(*d that this! when Presiiient Roosevelt once held a drought conferenci* in D(*.s .Moines the NEC held a “[lolitical conference at the same jilace and same time.’’ The barrage of eriticism finally brought a defense of NEC’s activi ties as a coordinating and infonnation agency from SenaUirs Hayden, Demo crat, Arizona, Russell, Dennx’iat, Ck'orgia, .Minton, Democrat, Indiana, and Pepper, Democrat, Fl^irida, w'ho it*cently won in the Floriila prima- theni!*''‘'S after receiving ailrninislration pres-1 -suppoi't. 1 Pejiper said the .NEC was the only ^ place when* he was able to get any I information on a certain Floriila county. Clark brok(* in to ask “How did the senator run in that county?” “Fairly well," Pepjier said goml na- tureilly. con- urged the seniors to csrry spiritual principles upon which country was founded. He traced history of freedom, liberty and indi viduality in America, interpreted it in! terms of spiritual values such as those tauerht in church colleges, and urged it upon the graduates ^ their heritage ai^ trust. —; I Senator Smith's address in full,' The county welfare department^ it is stated, has abi^orbed certification of relief work formerly done by the WPA and that was to have been done by the WPA until July 1. 1 The department is now engaged in | taking applications in conn^tion with' the $150,000 emergency relief appro-' the recent ses sion of the legislature. Several hun dred applications are expected to be made through this board, officials J This powerfully expresses the mes-j**^* sage I am bringing you today, name ly, the buildfng of character on the foundations that will bring personal and collective contentment and hap piness, and I should like to discuss follows: {now some of the things that, in my I am peculiarly delighted to be at opinion, are the bedrocks of such, a this particular institution at this par- system. ticular time, to speak to boys and Let me remind you of some of the girls educated in a church college. I, historical principles for which the myself, was educated in a similar breed to which we belong has fought, college — WoffowL Such an institu- has watered the soil of the old wdrld tion’s first duty is to emphasize the and the new with their blood, unself spiritual values of life, which values, ishly to attain. Through all the his-, through all the history of humanity tory of our struggles in the evolu- have been proven to be the only foun- tion of civilization these principles dation for real happiness. The presi-.have been predominant, inspite of the dent of my institutior., at the time I was a student there, was Dr. H. Carlisle, whose influence upon the there was i congenital undying student body was profound. He was ^yearning for individual freedom, indi- one w>ho lived and exemplified in his'yidual action, and individual respon- teachhgt Hie vital necessity of spir- sibility. Tracing the most recent itual education. You are fortonate ini (Continued on page seven) , interminable y^rs of monarchies, em- James' perors, dictators, and feudaj lords New.s was received here during the | week of the death <xf Lee Ferguson, 1 71, which occurred at his home ini Carthage, Texas, on last Wednesday.' Mr, Ferguson was a former dent of Clinton and is pleasantly re-! j membere<l here by the community’s ; oldest citizens. He was the son of the j late Charles Madison Ferguson and I Frances Abrams Ferguson of this! place. He moved to Texas in 1899 j where he had since made his home. I He is survived by his widow, Mrs. I Ruby Coward Ferguson, of Carthage, I one brother, Charles Ferguson of^ Richmond, Va., and a sister. Miss * May Ferguson of Atlanta. | I.aurens, May 2fi.—At ite annual i The Floridian went on to praise meeting here Tuesilay afternoon, the * the “effective work" of NEt! in hi? Laurens (k)unty Rural Letter Car-' state. riers’ a.ssociation elected S. B. Good-j “I>oes he mean political effective- man, president; Niles C. Clark, vice-' ?’’ taunted .Senator Holt, Demo- pr^id^t; and H. I). Rantin, secre tary-treasurer. Delegates were also named to tht* state convention in Greenville July 5-7; J. M. Bryson of Dwings, B. F. Yeargin of Ware Shoals, H. D. Rantin of Clinton; al ternates, Henry Harlan of I^anford, J. -W. Leake of Clinton, and W. M. Bolt of Laurens. to frown and DEMOCRATIC RACE BEGINS JUNE 14 coTTovs -iroir Ck)Iumbia, May 25.—The campaign {for Democratic nomination for the ' Unites] States senate in South Caro lina will open June 14 at Sumter, and that for state offices will liegin the, same date at Lexington, I^ne L. Bon-' ner, party secretary, has announced. The itinei^aries have .been approved by ji .sub-committee of the state ex-! ecutive committee appointed by State ! (Chairman Taylor H. Stukes, Bonner said. Time for entries in all races ex pires at noon June 13 under party rules adopted at the state conven tion. I DRIVE CAREFULLY SAVE A LIFE! 3 DEATHS from AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS in LAURENS CX)UNTY 1938 Let’s Strive To .Make This a Safe Year On the Hifirhways. ri* This date last year, 2^ crat, Virginia. Thi.s caused Pepper reply: “It all (lepend.s ufKin whose ox is being gore<l. People who are not friendly to the administration have not hesitated to use their influence everywhere.’’ Barkley joined in praising the NEX^, Referring to protests that adminis tration officials should keep out of state politics, he said ironically that ajijiarently “No one should be allowed to express his political views unless he is a United States .senator." Adams, Democrat, Colo- leader for the relief bill. Senator rado, floor said the $850,000 provided by the sen ate committee was “$242,000 less than I expendinl last year by the agency and I it plans to reopen 12 state offices." 'MAKES HIGH RATING I AT TULANE UNIVERSITY i The friends of'^^illiam H. Moor head, of Goldville, who will receive I his M. I), degree at Tulane university, {New Orlean.s, on June 8th, will be in- tere.sted to learn of the outstanding record he has made at tHe institu tion. .Mr. Moorhead was informed last week by the dean that he had been excu.sed of all comprehensive exami nations in recognition of his excel lence in scholarship during his col lege course. \ 1 i*- i'- s