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Etfimnning Eimes. Published Every Wednesday WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1922 Mrs. Oliver Plowden of Statesburg ,.yas a visitor to Manning yesterday. Misses IIounette Hirschmann and GraceNimmer spent Tuesda yin Sum ter, shopping. Mr. Ton Nimmer returned home from Charleston last Sundzy morn ing. Mr. W. B. Dickson has moved his family into the home with Mrs. M. M. David. Mrs. C. W. Barron, who has been spending seyeralh days in Manning, has returned'to her home in Columbia. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Price on ,Friday morning a 11 pound baby boy. There are several applicants for the office of game warden made vacant by the death of Mr. S. W. Barron. Dr. and Mrs. Watson B. Duncan, after spending several days in Mann ing last week, have returned to their home in Cheraw. There will be a meeting of the members of the tobacco and cotton associations of the Manning School District in the court house Saturday morning, December 16th at eleven o'clock. All members from said dis trict are urged to be present. SAUSAGE Black and Red P and Spices. Porto meat curing, etc. The Manning 4 EFIRD'S Sumter, S. ( Froni EFIRD'S SUMTER, S. C. No advance in pr ready to serve Christi BOl 85 Boys' Suits. Sih terials and regular $' mas pr'ice BOYS' 100 Boys' Overcoat Specially priced for C $3.98, S BA] Not a store can shy and materials. Men's------. Ladies' ~ . - Children's LAIDI] All styles and price quick b)uying. 98c, $: MAI Big shipment of M stores ask twice our $1.48. 5 If you want a nico up-to- e minute necktie for Christmas, go to Morris Ness. He has oil kinds and they make a fine Xmas present. In a few days the old town will be gay with college boys and - girls com ing home to enjoy Christmas eats and other festivities. We learn that Mr. Jack Metropol will move to Sumter the first of next month, where he will locate 'his bot tling plant. There will be a marriage in town right soon, but we cannot tell who now. Don't get too anxious, may be we will let you know next week. Messrs. P. B. Harvin and R. H. Belser returned to their homes near Summerton last Saturday night from a deer hunt near McClellanville. The body of Dr. Fischer of Colum bia, was caned to Summerton last Friday and interred in the ,Summer ton cemetery. Dr. Fischer was a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Fischer of Sum merton. Miss Lenora Johnson who has been on an extended visit to relatives in Fountain Inn, and Greenville, return e home last week. Riff and Ness have a complete line of useful presents for everybody. Stop in and let Miss Esther tell you about them., Their crying dolls are all the go now. The Times is loaded with Xmas ads, this week, and we ask our readers to read each adv., carefully and then go and make your Christmas purchases before the stocks are picked over. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Levy, of Bishop ville, announce the engagement of their (laughter, Hannah, to Mr. Emil R. Ackerman, of New York City. Miss Levy is a sister of Mrs. Morris Ness of Manning, and is well remem bered by the younger set. CASINGS! epper, Sage, Thyme Rico Molasses for .wrocery Go. Inc I-: the St4 The Ideal ices. The same low prices, thi nas shoppers. Shop early wh~ S'~ SUITS ~es 2 to 18. Wanted ma ~.50 values. Special Christ 4.98 IVERCOATS ~. Sizes 2 to 18. All colors. hristmas selling 4.98, $5.98 HIROBES )w as many different styles ..$4.98-$6.95 $3.98-$4.98 ---------98c and $1.48 BS' PURSES' s. A big assortment fo L.98, $3.48 4A D)OLLS ama Talking Dolls. M .t rices. 3.48, $3.98 The Clarendon County . Winthrop Daughters Chapter will meet with Mrs. J. E. Arant on Saturday after noon at four o'clock. All former -stu dents and graduates are cordially in vited. Santa Claus is here in all his glory and old time "pep." Go by and take a look in the window of the 6-10-25 cents store, and see what old Santa has deposited for the kiddies happi ness. We are told that an effort will be made to devise some means at the coming legislature to put a bridge across Santee river at Pinckney's landing. This would be a wonderful help to Clarendon, and we believe when the time comes the people will vote for it. Yesterday morning about three o'clock fire destroyed the barns of Mr. J. E. Tennant across Black Rivet ,Everything was a total loss. The barn was full of feed stuffs, and there was an automobile and Ford truck under the shed which was also destroyed. Mr. Tennant had no insurance. We call special attention to the big show window of Jos. S. Dickson. This window is one of the prettiest and most artistic windows we have ever seen. The display of Christmas ar ticles for the kids is complete. It is a dreamland of toyland which will make the hearts of the old as well as the young throb with joy. We are told that Jack Flowers of Manning has been apopinted a State Constable by the Governor. On last Sunday night he captured a Ford be longing to Ed McCall and containing two quarts of moonshine. McCall was not with the car but a negro man and white woman who were us ing the car escaped. Jack took the Ford and the two quarts. Last Saturday morning passenger train No. 52 that passes Manning was run into by train No. 80 pbout twelve miles out of Charleston./ Thirty-five passengers were hurt 4nd one Mr. Edwardsrof Sumter kille . Messrs W. T. Lesesne, J. W. Wid man, Harry Curtis and Sheriff J. E Gamble were on No. 52 coming ho ie. They all escaped injury except horiff Gamble who was severely shock d and bruised. The party was takep )ack to Char leston for examination,' but allowed to proceed home on the /evening train. Sheriff Gamble suffer 'd a great deal on Sunday, but is nov much better. The Manning Cho ai Club will give its Christmas conc t in the Presby terian Church, Sun ny evening, De cember 24th. At its service "The Angel and the St r," a Christmas cantata will be st ig by a chorus of well trained voice . At the conclu sion of the musica program the Busi ness Men's Evan -elistic Club will take charge and free will offering for the poor in o %r own community of t C ristma a sam big values offered in 01 ile s fcks are complete and i BLA Wool and Cotton BL today's market price. Cotton Blankets - Wool Mixed ... Woolen Blankets - Baby Blankets SILK P Only fifteen left and than cost. They make ta $1.95, $~ BED ROO One big table Ladies sizes and colors. Speci SUI'] They make a most v used for such a great I 98c, $1.48, RUGS I Velvet and Brussels ] sizes. Special pries cl will be taken. This will be a united service. of all the Churches In to*n and the general public is also. cor dially in ted. - NOTICE OF SALE -State of South Carolina, County of Clarendon. Court of Common Pleas. Decree. Ida Levi, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Samuel, Eli Samuel, Emanuel Samuel, Leon Nathan Samuel, and Mamie Ruth Samuel the last four being infants under the age of four teen years, Defendants. Pursuant to a Decree of the Court of Common Pleas rendered in the above stated action I, J. E. Gamble, Sheriff of Clarendon County, S. C. will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, in front of the Court House Door, in Manning, S. C., on Monday ,the 1st day of January, A. D. 1923, bein gsalesday, within the legal hours for judisical. sales, the fol lowing described real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in Clar endon County, South Carolina, desig nated as Lot No. 3 on Plat of the E. R. Plowden tract, made by and dated the day of Oc tober 1918 and bounded and butting as follows, to wit: Northwest by land belonging to Estate of Moses Levi, deceased; East by public road known as the Manning and Midway road and South by lands of Eli Samuel. The said tract of land containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less." Purchaser to pay for papers. J. E. GAMBLE, Sheriff of Clarendon County. NOTICE' OF ELECTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR BURNT BRANCH DRAINAGE DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given, to all per sons owning land in Burnt Branch Drainage District that there will be held in the Town of Olanta, Florence County, S. C., on the 28th- day De cember 1922, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, a meeting of the landown ers of said district, for the purpose of electing a Board of Three Super visors, to be composed of owners of land in said district, two of whom at least shall be residents of the Coun ties in which said district is situate, or some adjoining County. Notice is further given that guar dians may represent their wards, exe cutors and administrators may rep resent estates of deceased persons, and private corporations may be rep resented by their officers or duly au thorized agents. This notice is given in accordance with Act No. 344 Section 4, of the Acts of 1920, passed by the General Assembly of South Carolina. E. M. SINGLETARY, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Florence County, S. C. Florence, S. C., Dec. 12th, 1922. 50-2t-c. he Chra is Shoppil ir Holiday stock as usual enab~ vre can give you efficient servi< NKETS inket~s selling at less than -- -....---$1.98-$2.48 - - -$4 .98-$5.98-$6.95 ----$7.95-$8.95-$9.95 ...----.-98c and $1.98 ARASOLS you can get them for less ideal Christmas presents. 2.95, $3.95 M SLIPPERS 'Bed Room Slipper's. All al 18c CASES relcome present and can be ength of time. $2.98, $10.95 tUGS RUGS tugs. Both large and small nring- the month of Dec. XMAS Frim \, 41uL10ci2$Ir We are Wholesalers and Retailer of all kinds of Select, Fruits. Mr. Merchant we can sell and de liver your Fruit cheaper than you can have it shipped in. We solicit the pat ronage of every buyer, whether small or large, in the county. The Fruit this season-is the prettiest we have seen in many years, and our prices are under all competition. It is a poor Xmas - without Fruit, and we know everybody will buy some Fruit for ilhe great holi day. So we advise that you make your purchases early. Also sweeten the kids up with our fine home-made Candy. The ManHina Caa Kilche EFIRD'S Sumter, S. C. stmas S pirit rig Center- EFIRD'S SUMTEP, S. C. ling you to save by trading at the big store. We are :e. MEN'S SUITS Big shipment of Men's Suits-Blues, Greys, Browns and Mixtures. A regular $25 Suit, only $18.50 MEN'S TIES sWhy pay mor for your tis? We sell them for 48c, 75c, 98c, AND$14 MEN'S BED ROOM SLIPPERS One lot Men's Bed Room Slippers. Felt Upper and Leather Sole. $2.50 quality, only .$1.65 LADIES' DRESSES Not a* handful to select from, but a lot of over three hundred. We have sold lots of them and the prices are much less. $5.98, $9.95, $13.95, $16.50. $19.50