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Ebe .5nnng Enmes. Published Every Wednesday WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1922 LOCAL PEAWVNG{ Mrs. A. Abrams of Wilmington visited in Manning last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. 11. Newman last Thursday afternoon a baby girl. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Chalmers last Sunday a baby girl. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slater in Manning last. Monday morning a baby girl. Mr. F. M. Shope left Monday for North Carolina, where he went in the interest of The Times job department. Mr. George Wililams who is now lo cated in Columbia, spent Sunday in Manning with his family. Mrs. B. D. Stalnaker who has been on a visit to her mother in Kershaw, has returned hon. Mr. C. R. lar''in left last Saturday to visit his daighter, Mrs. J. W. Odiorne in Williston. Mt. and Mrs. Ben Fulton of Flor ence, are visiting Mr. F'ulton's sisters Mesdames T. L. Bagnal and J. F. Dickson in Manning. Mrs. Pendergrass of Florence, is in Manning visiting her sisters, Mes dames J. F. Dickson and T. L. Bag nal. Mother's Day will be observed at Bethlehem Church, Davis Stationj, on next Sunday, May 21st. The public is invited to attend. Manning High School team defeated Lynchbturg jIigh School here last Friday 22 to 10. Manning made 13 runs in the first ining, Miss Jessye May Mahaffey of Co lumbia, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Rosa Mahaffey in Mann ing. Dr. Ceo. Allen Huggins of New York, is in Manning visiting his sis ters, Mesdames, lHattie Bradham and Idla Cole. The medicine store of 1)r. 1lutto was broken into and robbed Saturday nigit, and on Sunday Sheriff Gamble arrested Lucius Hayes, colored, and lodgeA1M hin in jail. The pistol that was stolen was on Hlayes. Mrs. .J. W. IlIeriott and Mr. Joe Wells left this morning for Greenville, where they will attend the mnarriage of their brother, Mfir. C. W. Wells to mocrrow. The (1Chrendon delegates to the State Convention left this morning for Columbia, where the convention is in session. The following are the d0ele gates: Mrs. T. M. Mouzon, Miss Corinne ihrfield and l.essrs. .J. W. Wideman, J1. G. D)inkcins, J. E. Gam ble, Fred I esesne, It. 1. Belser, J. H1. Scarborough. Hail In TIhe lHail Seas Insure You ln t HOME INSUJRAT~ F. N. Wilson lIt P'hone 81 #HAIL INS Insure your Grn Ibacco in the Ha Underwriters. on tobacco, lim: DOG INS I can insure yoi fourths their va each. Registrati Policy covers cause, any whe conditions, app S. W. BARR( A severe hail storm visited this community about mid-day last Sun day. The hail and rain killed about four hundred little chicks for Mr. Charles Bradham and totally destroy ed the oat crop of Messrs. I. V. and Hugh Plowden. Mr. I. V. Plowden lost about two hundred frying size chickens also. Mr. Leon C. Palmer, the General Superintendent of the South Carolina Sunday School Association, will lec ture at The Manning Baptist Church on Wednesday, May 17, at 4 and 8 P. M. Mr. Palmer is a speaker of ability and an authority on all Sunday School Problems. The public is cor dially invited to attend these lectures. The Manning National Farm Loan Association is now receiving applica tions for farm loans. Only actual harmers are eligible for membership am all applicants who will not need their loans until November or Decem ber are requested to wait for the next allotment. The Federal Land Bank expects to make these alotments every three months and close all oans that are accepted within three months from time application is filed. Applicants participating in this al lotment must file their applications with the Secretary and Treasurer on or before May 30th. % S. W. Barron, Secty-Treas. JUNIOt-SENIORI RECEPTION One of the most enjoyable events of the year was the Junior-Senior Re ception held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Dickson, Friday night, May 12th. The spacious rooms were decorated with purple and gold crepe paper, the streamers being hung from the electric lights to the sides of the walls, thus carrying out the color scehme of the Senior class. Pur ple and gold flowers were used in pro fusion, also Ivy twined with purple and gold. The automobile idea was carried out and as the guests arrived which numbered about 60, they saw large signs in purple and gold as, "Speed ahead to College-Speed lim it 60 miles exceed the limit," "When you get to College use your Spot light," "Park your chewing gum out Sidle," and many others which caused a great de'al of merrhnent. In the yard was a booth decorated in pur ple adn gold, marked "Filling Sta tion," where delicious fruit punch was served. On a tree nearby was (he sign, "Don't Park Here." The guest were then matched off and given auto contests which proved very ex citing. Miss Isabella Plowden and Mr. Bennett larvin came out first in this, receiving a beautiful bouquet of lillies tied with purple and gold rib bon. While having progressive con versation, little Leila O'Bryan pass ed around a silver basket marked, "Extra Tires," which proved to be life saver mints. After these she next passed a basket of chewing irum marked, "Patch your tires," Then re freshments were served which con sisted of purple and gold block cream with pound cake. A fter which sev eral toasts were given. ir. William Richardson gave an especially good toast to the faculty. Next each guest was given a "tongue twister" andl made to read them aloud at sight. The souvenirs were then passed :around which were little cards with .a yellow and purple spotted dog sit ting on a lawn with a tin can by him wh ich had a cigarette stuck in it also a purple and gold pencil attached to each one. When the cigarette was taken out and unrolled it proved to e a contest which was very enter taining. Miss Lula Rigby won first SUrance OH is nOW On r Tobacco he WCE CO)MPANY alllOunlt $15.00O( per' acre surance Agency Mlanning, S. C. IURANCE!i tin, Cotton or To-. artford or Globe Rate 6 per cent Lt $150 per acre. SURANCE ir dogs to three lue up to $2,000 on not required. loss from any re. For rates and ly to )N, MANNING, S. C. -E U .-.~Ii~ I "~. ii Children. Sh--oes* ECONOMY ! STY LE ! COMFORT ! AL Exuberant youth lives on its feet and must be well shod-not only to protect and strengthen the feet but to look good as well. Bring your critical sons and daughters to Morris Ness and hear their joyous cries of delight. Parents will-also be gratified by the extremelyoprcsnouhihqatyfeig. Blacks. Tans, Patent Leathers. Sizes 5 years to 12 years. Special Leathers--Sizes 6 years to10ya. 1yer.MORRIS NESS f Weinberg Co.'s Oldl'Stand Manning, South Carolina. TR STROen SYe Master Stroke of Merchandising Euerbigtaigt othles ont-Te a Evnt e cadiing, yeourciiclng s and Ates" ori prie andhearxceiroyous valuesodligt.os Prens wrthaofod te rtfirst dys e extreml lowpe~reaeston ortguity offte ntire hand.kWe ans, cicatn Lethr sieon 5billr Itorache year.-. Slepriesi Lethrs-Wizedow years to 10l years M energCo's solideade MaWorkSuh aol Mastern Sroer of Myberhab- $.0nisLng Soe!i s bright sligtsely gante ounvety-rowhen Stack Evnt afsin, chanisangr Remvingl hIF cand AnD sh illas oserades Whit g ods, thew f irs Oxfos of Blckupai o hieSprngatyesjt oparrivdity tof th ca.Kieknihru So otet oe, sen usewrd heens $2.5 ll 109c Sale Price ya...-.....-..---*-l Sale Price p---..-..---19 D D ME' WOR SHE ME' LWSHE prize in this which was a beautiful bunch of purple sweet peas tied with a gold ribbon. We were honored by the presence of three of the teachers, Mrs. lHeln)s, Miss Dunlap and Mr. Helms. As the clock had struck the mid-night quite a while and the man in the moon said to go home because he wanted to shine some, a group of Caroliria's fairest lads and lassies got their wraps to the tune of "home sweet home," and after a yell fo" the Seniors by the Juniors and the Jun iors by the Seniors a merry party broke up, the evening having been voted a success by all present. Mr. H. R. Rembert spent Sunday in Sumter with relatives. A Civil Service Examination will be held at Manning on June 10th for Postmaster at Alcolu, S. C., and oth er vacaheies. A STATEMENT - ' Editor. Manning Times: Two weeks ago Mr. C. R. Sprott published an article in The Times on the Warehouse System and Co-opera tive .Marketing. Last week one was published by Mr. R. D. Cothran on the same subject. As hard things were said in these articles, some of the good citizens of the town inter ested themselves in getting the mat ter adjusted and as a result each of the gentlemen signed a statement of which the following is a copy: "At the solicitation of mutual friends whose friendship and advice we respect and appreciate and further because we wish to live peaceably and on good terms with all men, we hereby withdraw all personal reflections and adverse insinuations against each oth er that may be in the articles either of us has written or spoken. We also agree to let the entire per sonal controversy drop where it is and not to renew same by written or spoken words." We are glad that this disposition has been made of the personal ele ment of the controversy and con. gratulate the gentlemen who interest ed themselves on this outcome. Citizens. U. D. C. MEETING The U. D. C. will meet at the Court House at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. This will be a business meeting and matters of great importance will come up before the Chapter. Ladies please be there, and have with you your papers properly filled out. These papers must be sent to headquarters before we can get down to real busi ness in our local Chapter. Mrs. A. T. Helms, Secretary. CHIROPRACTIC Mapming office next to -Bank of Manning and Western Union Tele graph Office, Phone 83. Hours 3:00 to 5:30, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. DR. A. D. PLOWDEN, 601-2 City National Bank Building Phone No. 65 Sumter, S. C. A Nis And a It is one of th< Mer That low ands of d< Sale, but: Sale is at and if yoi. see that o See the Value Men's 240 IDenim El; Overalls, plenty of thel can buy as many as yc want, Sale Price Millinery - Think ( beautiful hats at th large assortment to se values to $5.00, Sale Price- ---- Ladies' Hose and iM in black, brown and v Sale Price-- ..... Children's Hose -. H.