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EAGLE"MIKADO" enci No.174 For Sate at your Dealer ade in five grades ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY NEW YORK NATIONAL M~- AA MALE QUARTET All-star organization of notable singers and entertainers. Their audiences are always thorough ly pleased and delighted. Third Day REDPATH CHAUTAUQUA, 12 Big Atitractions! Great Popular Programs SEASON TICKETS ONLY $3.00 Chautauqua here May 26th to 31st BINDER TWINE 2 tons of it. Prices are the lowest THOMAS LIVE STOCK Co., MANNING, S. C. tine writin' One beautiful summer's clay a Grasshopper was hopping mer rily about, singing with joy as if he had not a care in the world. Soon an Ant passed that way, dragging along with great ef fort a large crumb of bread he had found by the wayside. *"My friend, wait awhile," said the Grasshopper, "stop and chat with me. What is the use of working all the time when you * might be enjoying yourself in the sun ?" "I am storing up food for the winter," replied the thrifty Ant. "You had better be doing the same." "Oh, I'll worry about winter when it comes," laughed the 'foolish Giasshopper, "there is an abundance of food here at pre sent." But the Ant continued on its way to the nest. After a while winter came and the thoughtless Grasshopper soon began to suffer tho pangs of hunger. He recalled that the ants had accumulated great stores of food and called upon them to share their stores with him, but they would not listen. MAKE THIS YOUR BANK H ome Bank & T rust Co. CHJARILTON DuRANT, President T. M. WELLS, Cashier. 6Tired. "I was weak and run-down," relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, of Daltop, Ga. "I was thin and E Just felt tired, all the time. I didn't rout well. I wasn't ever hungry. I knew, by this, I needed a tonio, and B as there is none better than CARDUIl The Woman's Tonic I began using Cardul," M continues Mrs. Burnett. "After my first bottle, I slept better and ate better. I tools four bottles. Now I'm well, feel Just fine, eat and sleep, my skin is clear and I have gained and sure feel that P Oardui is the best tonic ever made." Thousands of other women have found Cardul Sust as Mrs. Burnett did. It sheuld help you. At all druggists. FORMER GOVERNOR CATTS WINS CASE Charges of Accepting Bribe Is Ois Missed-Political Persecution-Is Tern Applied to Affair by Ex Chief Executive of Florida. Lake Butler, Fla., May 15. Charges of accepting a bribe during his term of office against former Governor Sidney J. Catts, of Flor ida, contained in a grand jury indict ment returned more than a year ago, were dismissed here today when Cir cuit Judge Long sustained a defense motion that the indictment be quash ed. Today's action cleared the former executive of any malfeasance in of fice growing out of his alleged ac ceptance of money to influence his vote.for the pardon of a life term con vict, J. J. Coleman, while governor he was ex-offlico chairman of the pardon board. Still pending against him is a fed eral indictment charging peonage in that he is alleged to have held two negroes on his farm in West Florida to work out a debt. The former Governor apepared here today for the second time to stand trial on the acceptance of a bribe charge. Once before when the case was called up a continuance was granted on motion of the prosecution. Indictment Returned The indictment was returned at Starke, seat of Bradford County, wvherein is located the State peni tentiary, in the spring of 1921. It charged specifically that the former governor had accepted $700 in the matter of Coleman's pardon. At this time the Governor's offigial actions were the subject of a legislative in vestigation. Subsequently, the legis lative committee made public its re port which, however, contained only a resume of the testimony of witness es heard. At the time the indictment was returned the Governor was out of the State, andl Bradford County of ficials charged with serving the warrant for his arrest; professed not to know of his whereabouts. Within a few clays the federal indict ment charging peonage was retur-ned at Pensacola and on this indictment Mr. Catts was arrested at Albany, Ga. Hie came back to the State under bond on that charge and then went to Starke to give bond on the State charge. He had not heard of his in dictment there, ho said. Subsequently a division of Bradford county was created which necessitated the transferring of the case to this place. The former governor was highly elated at today's result, and asserted that the federal charge would re sult in his acquittal. He termed the entire affair as political persecution. HARDING IS INVITED) Rock Hill, May 15.--Pressing invi tations have been forwarded to Pre sident Harding to come to Rock Hill Thursday for the ceremonial of Hejaz Temple. A telephone message from Potentate Ouzts today stated he had written the President and alsqo wired him and that the chances for getting him to come seemed fine. 666 Cures Malaria, Chills, Fever, Bilious Fever, Cllds and La Grinne. FERTILIZER HELPS TO . BEAT THE BOLL WEEVIL, "If you are going to fight the boll weevil for the cotton crop, have a crop worth fighting for." In certain sections where the use of commercial fertilizer is necessary to produce a full crop, many farmers are disposed to figure that if they poison they cannot afford the addition al cost of fertilizer. But, say the boll weevil specialists, "if you are going to poison, you can't afford not to fer tilize. "If you fertilize, you can't afford not to poison." One is an in surance policy to protect the other. ,At least, that is the Government view of the matter, based on years of ex perimentation by specialists of the Department of Agriculture at the Delta Laborartory, Tallulah, La., and observations covering the entire cot ton belt. "There is a tendency," says B. R. Coad, director of the laboratory, "to expect the impossible of poisoning with calcium arsenate. Now, calcium arsenate dust is the one thing, as far as anybody knows, that will control the boll weevil, but that is it does. It will not produce any more cotton than the ground would produce if there were no boll weevils. A' great many farmers, however, get the idea that if they must bear the expense of poisoning they can not afford to buy fertilizer. Others get the idea if they buy fertilizer they can't afford the expense of poisoning. Both class es of farmers throw money away. Highly fertilized ground will, of course, grow more cotton sometimes than the weevils can destroy. If it is exceptionally good ground, it may grow so much that the owner does not notice the boll weevil injury and probably thinks he is making a full crop. The management of one of the biggest plantations in the delta "THE WOOD THA7 4L1 If repai the Hc C:'v "THE was not i Cheer in pair with of costly ai But be sure variety identi below on ev the high-cla Association. you superior Then, -"Buy Why pay for That kind o: another real e Your nearest advice. So wi Write us for list of FREE and no substitutes" fr( 15 YOUR LOCAL DEALER WILL A year ago almost unknown Today - a leader A sweeping verd which means one of the biggest in the world-thought just that until we persuaded them to try poisoning as a check. They use calcium arsen ate over the entire plantation now, and it has increased the yields a great deal. "But all the increase in cotton that can be got by poisoning on poor land does not pay the cost of the opera tion. Liberal use of fertilizer and good cultivation are essential to real success with poisoning on that kind of land. Otherwise, you are likely to ITS USERS PRIZE, THE WISE Il rs are neede >me Place MIE WkAT PRE WOOD ETE ased at first the the fact that Cypress you stc nd annoying rei you get the genuin< fied by the arrow tra< ery board or bundle ss mills that are m, Responsible manufa< money's-worth. r the Grade That a higher grade than t intelligent buying aving. It's worth wi lumber dealer will g 11 we. PLANS for farm buildings-but in the meant mn your local lumber dealer-no matter fo Address )UTHERN CYPR Lnufacturers' Associa 7 Graham Bldg., Jacksonvilk SUPPLY YOU. IP l:E IIASNhT RNhinir reun C1 arettes. 10' [ict for QUALITY save a crop from the weevil that is not worth saving. If the farmers of the cotton belt will realize that fact, poisoning will save next season sev eral times more money than it ever has saved before. The Delta Laboratory, Tallulah, La., will furnish specific information along this line to farmers who write for it. 666 quickly relieves Colds, Constipation, B i I i o usness and Headaches. A Fine Tonic. VESTOR SAFELY BUYS." d around because RNAL7 re is Good if you re p the cycle >lacements. "tide water" ke-mark shown produced by embers of the :turing assures Fits the Job." he work needs? gives you still iile. ive you honest ime insist on "CYPRESS r what purpose you buy. ESS Insist on "tide , you can identify it by this mark:I , Fla. L ..n..,s.., ~EA LET US KNOW AT ONE.