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Published Every Wednesday ' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. Mrs. T. M. Mouzon spent yesterday in Suniter. Mr. L. H. Harvin was a business visitor to Charleston yesterday. . Mrs. I. I. Appelt was a visitor to Columbia last week. Dr. L. W. Nettles of Camden is spending a few days in Manning. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Nettles of Cam den are visiting Mrs. E. C. Alsbrook. Miss Addie Weinberg is visiting Mrs. Abe Weinberg in Sumter. Born to Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Stalnaker last night, a baby girl. The Jewish stores are closed to day. This being Yom Kippon or fast 'day. Don't miss seeing "Huckleberry Finn" at the Pastime Theatre tomor row afternoon 1and night. * Mrs. Gertrude Sistrunk of Sumter, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. I. D. Peak, Thursday last. Mr. J. Hf. Rigby has returned from a business trip to the Northern mar kets. Mr. an( Mrs. S. Marcus of King stree, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hirschmann here on Sunday. Mr. H. J. Bomar has been appointed clerk on the Highway Conimission -Board. Mr. Jno. D. Gerald has bought the house of Mr. I. D. Cothran, now oc cupied by Mrs. Sue MeLeod. The family of Mr. S. Oliver O'Bryan after spending the summer in the mountains returned home last Friday. Mr. G. M. Smith left last Thursday for Baltimore to have his eye operated on. Miss Lucy Wilson has accepted a position in the Sumter high school this year. Misses Mildred Brcwn, Maude Sprott and Fannie James Davis left for Converse College on Tuesday. Mr. Moses Levi returned to Wash ington and Lee on Friday to resume his studies. Mr. and Mrs. Will Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg of Sumter and Miss Schremack of Augusta were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ness Sunday. The Pa RE Thursde. Under nevw Twain's irr IJUCKI Showsl Every one who Don't miss this Other F Friday--" S mammuiimmmmf Messrs. Joe Bragdon, Glenn anc Allen Harvin have returned to the Citadel. Mr. D. L. and D. I. Reardon of Sum, ter motored over to spend a few houri Sunday with relatives. in Manning. Bradham Duroce Farm have (5) sows left for sale that will farrow ix October that they are offering at bargains. Miss Germaine Sandifer has resign. ed her position with Weinberg Co. and returned to her home in Black ville. Mrs. Sue Harvin has resigned hex position in the store of J. H. Rigby, and after the first of October will be found in the store of Weinberg Co. Mr. H. C. Curtis attended the Wild cat re-union in Columbia this week. Mr. Curtis was an officer of the 323rd InfantrS. After a pleasant visit to Mrs. W. C. Davis Misses Clara Haynesworth and Taylor returned to Florence on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thomas, Miss Jessie Ford and Mr. Henry Thomas of Georgetown, were week-end guests of Mrs. Leon Weinberg. The new street sweeper made its appearance on the streets Monday morning for the first time, and it seems to be working fine. Died in Montgomery, Ala., on Sep. tember 10th, Mrs. Mabel Courtney. The acceased was daughter of Mr. John Bell of Manning. The' office of auditor being an ap pomtive office, there will be no special election held to fill the unexpired term of A. P. Burgess deceased. Mrs. Johnson and daughter Miss Hattie went to Columbia last Thurs (lay to attend the funeral of Mrs. Johnson's brother, Mr. Isaac B. Bag nal. Mrs. Wynne Wright of Jacksonville, returned to her home last Wednesday after a pleasant visit to her sisters-in law, Mrs. A. C. Bradham and Mrs. G. W. Williams. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church, will mew at the church Friday 24th, 5 P. M. The presence of every lady in the church is earnestly desired, as business of im portance will be discussed at this meeting. The Synodical of South Carolina will meet with the Manning Auxiliary at the Presbyterian church, October 6, 7, this is the largest body of Pres byterian women in South Carolina, therefore a meeting of importance to the entire church. Signed, Mrs. M. S. Brown, Secretary. .stime T -OPEl y, Septer management, mortal Freckle 1 ~egin at 4, 8 and 9:34 loves a boy should s >pportunlity to see H Prices, 25 and 15c. eatures of th4 ~E T HIRD KISS' aturdau-- "ST E The Pastime Theatre will re-open omorrow night under the management of Mr. Charles Sprott. The Theatre has been given a thorough cleaning and it is Mr. Sprott's aim to play nothing but the very best pictures at popular prices. The opening bill will be Mark Twain's immortal "Huckle berry Finn" and as it is an Arteraft production our people can depend up on seeing a great picture. Messrs. A. E. Schillettes and George Hoffman from Clemson College were here Monday demonstrating how to harvest and keep sweet potatoes at a profit. They had a car of exhibits in cluding harvesb implements, potato graders, chart showing methods- of preventing diseases and a crate of po tatoes that have been kept in storage for 11 months in perfect condition. Died last Saturday Mr. Andrew P Burgess, aged about 56 years. The deceased had been county auditor for the past thirteen years. He was a life-long member of the Presbyterian church. - Mr. Burgess was a good man, and he will be missed both in the church as well as in business circles The funeral was held in the Manning cemetery Sunday afternoon. The County Board of Registration will meet on Friday the 23rd instant for the purpose of issuig registration certificates. This meeting is for the especial purpose of permitting the women of the County to register. Mr. R. D. Clark returned yesterday from a trip through Virginia and North Carolina. Mr. Clark was ac companied to Danville, Va., by his daughter, Miss Alice, who has enter ed the R. M. I. College there. We call the attention of our, people to the page adv. of the Efird Chain of Stores. This enterprising firm who have thirty-two stores in North and South Carolina cities announce the opening of a new store at Sumter in the very near future. It is with regret that The 'I'nies learns that Mr. A. M. Musser, County Demonstration Agent is to leave Man ning. Mr. Musser who has been stationed in Manning for the past eighteen months, has been promoted to Assistant Extension Horticulturist of Clemson College and will assume his new duties October 1st. His terri tory will be the eastern part of South Carolina and he will make his head quarters at Clemsoun. Mr. Musser by his courtesy and untiring energy has made many warm friends in Clarendon and The Times joins them in wishing both Mr. and Mrs. Musser the great est of success. MAKE YOUR SICK SKIN WELL If you suffer from eczema, itch, pim pies, etc., give Zemerine a trial. It stops the itching, allays the irrita tion, and soon your skin is restored to a healthy condition. For sale by Dickson Drug Store. heatre Lber 23 i Nith Mark Face Boy, >)P.M. ee this picture. eklebherry Finn. a Week:. 'PPING OUT" [We Are Tal N N U * Friends, about C N Money; matters N *N we know you ar N * It's easy to select the right g N no other Clothing and Gent's I N N lina which approaches in sige c that carried by us, and we are j Whhen there's "something I store ;that's our business, and N hobby with us, and has made UN household. N N N Chandler Service means full particular; that is what cour N N Our stock is complete and wE make your selection- most p N sides, if you buy now you'll be U N comes. N N N Did you get your boy ready f N in" and a little later will have t, N him warm? Better bring him i N The Largest Stocl The D. J. Chand The Home of Hart Scl 14 N. Main Street A CARD Col1eg To the Voters of Clarendon County: I can not find words sufficient to ex press to you my appreciation for the large vote you gave me in the recent primary election. I shall ever appre iate what you did for me, and I pro- Fifteen stan mise you that I shall always be proud history, science Af my friends who stood by rme so Students for W raithful and give me the large vote Thorough groun they did. I shall always, God being year than otherm my helper do nothing to cause any one Commercial who voted for me to regret it. When- ant for this depai ver I can do a favor for you, call on Course, also shoi me. English, arithme Yours sincerely, september 20. J. Edward Gamble. - -0-- - - - - CA RD OF TH ANKS tttn We desire to thank our many friends md( neighbors for their kindness and rift~s (during the recent illness of Mr. ?lowvden. M~r. andl Mrs. Ruthven Plowden CARD OF THANKs you brei ditor The Manning Times: Please allow us space in your paper o thank the good1 people of Manning md community for their nmany houghtful offers of sympathy and Lcts of kindness to us in our recent ereavemien t. Jennie Burgess, James Burgess, Joe Burgess, Leon Burgess. tiittttttt mnummuunum~:mmmmmntmmmmmanmmml On Saturday, August mob i1 Des troye inM Can you afford to run your autoni Let us insure it for you. DON'T DELAY-SEE US TODAY. WE INSURE ANYTI Manning Realty S. W. BARRON Manni mmrumu:mnttu*UnmttttUtutttttU kiny'to you 7othes, and Values, and Df vital importance, and interested. arment from our stock. There is 1 Turnishing Store in Eastern Caro f stock and variety of selection, U ustly proud of our leadership. ieter" to be had, you'll find it at our attending to our business is a o4r name a familiar word in every / values and satisfaction in every I ts--not price. advise you to come in now and 0 eople like to have first pick; and be ready when that first cold snap M 0r school or did you "just start him D hurry to get something to keep lown now and let us fit him up. k in Eastern barolina N U ' ler Clothing Co. taffner & Marx Clothes. SUMTER, S. C. ,e Preparatory School Mrs. E. C. Nettles Alabrook, Principal MANNING, SOUTH CAROLINA clard units high school English, French, Latin, mathematics, and penmanship. Thorough preparation for any college. inthrop and Clemson win honors. Individual instruction. ling. Rapid progress. Students agcomplish more in one ,ise in two. Course: An efficient gentleman has been secured as assist tment which covers a three or six month's complete Business thand, bookkeeping, and typewriting courses. High school tic and spelling essential. Enroll today. Session begins-. I F, tk a Lens save the pieces. You can have it duplicated by A RA N T,; HE OPTOMETRIST hmmmmmmmmmuumwmummmmmmmmm t, 21, 1920, Two Auto ~s were 'd by Fire! aznning. iobile without Insurance? s -TOMORROW MAY BE TrOO LATE IING AGAINST EVERYTHING & Insurance Co. >NE 214 JOHN C. BAGNAL ng, S. C. hvammun anan snnananmtmn ....